THE DAILY CAPITAL JOTTt?vT qt-m op SATURDAY, JWE 29, 1913. FIVE o to Church Sunday ects of Sermons and Where Yhe Will Be Delivered in Salem Houses of Worship, Tomorrow Every pastor ia 8alem is asked to make the following announcement to his conjugation Sunday; TO LOYAL AMERICAN WOMEN- Most Urgent Need for Workers at Post Office All patriotic American women and girls are urged to devote some time each week to the making of surgical crossings. This is sot vacatijn time for the soldiers in France. The boys in the treachs can't quit "hen thofweainer is fct or the fighting gets strenuous. Ev ..y atlded duy of fighting makes a de mand for more sponges, compresses, pads, etc It is your duty to help Wil lamette Chapter fill its obligaJion to the nation. Night workers on Monday of each week only for those employed during day. Kindergarten, 9:30-10 and 1:30-2 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday every day except Saturday. Flint Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday services are held at 440 Che- mekcta street at 11 -a. m. and 8 p. m Subject Bible lesson, "Christian Bcien ee". Sunday school at 9:15 a. m. Wed- aesday evening testimonial meeting at 8.' Beading room in Masonic temple suite ZU is open every day except 8uuua and holidays from 11:45 a. m. to 5 p. m. au are cordially invited to our ser vices and to visit the reading room. State Insuiutiomi. Services at the State Institutions Sun- tiny will b.o held as follows: 9 a. m State Hospital by Q. F. Booth. 3 p. m. iirl s Training school by A. F. Lacy. 3:15 p. m: Tuberculosis Hospital by Captain Jesse Miller Central Congregational Church Corner South 19th and Ferry streets. R. C. Stover, minister. Sunday Bchool at 10 a. m. Mrs. Burten Edwards, sup , erintondont. Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. Evening service at 8 o'clock. ' Christian Church. Center and High streets. Bible school assembly 9:45, superintendent, Dr. H. C. Epley. . A live school, special music by orchestra. .Preaching servico 11 sub ject "Blind Guides." Chorus in charge of Miss Vic Cave. Special Music. C. K t J p, in, At 8 thure will bo a patrio tic serviae consisting of music, chorus es,, quartots, solos and orchestra num bers aud closing with stereopticon pic tures of some of our boys in the service, presented by Mrs. Jr. T. Porter. Visi tors and friends cordially invited toall services. Highland Friends Church. At North Church street nd Highland venue, mute school at lu a. in. Is. v. Hwabb, superintendent. Preaching ser vice at 11 a. m. C. E. at 6.45, Ellis Mc Millan president. Meeting for worship 8 o 'clocck by pastor. Mid-week meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. All ar,e welcome. Josephine Hockett, pastor. Telephone 1465, First Presbyterian Church. Bev. Walace Hiwe Lee, president of Albany College, will occupy the pulpit, Mornyig service at 11, evening nervie'e at 8. At the morning service Miss Ada JMiller will sing " The Mighty Uod llatn flpoken," by Case, and Mis3 Miller and Miss Magors will sing "O Divine Ue- deemer," by Gounod. Miss Miller and Hiss Magflrg will also render a duet at teh evening service. Sunday school at :45. Classes for all agos. Everybody welcome. Christian Endeavor society meets at 7 p. m. Midweek prayer ser vice Thursday at 8 p. m. First M. E. Church Stato and Church streets. 9:15 a. m. Olas meeting 8:45 a. m.; Sunday school Mr. John W, Todd, superintendent. 11 &. nv sermon. 'The Church in the Home' in recognition of the Home Department of the Sunday school. 3 p. in. The gos pel in song at the Old People's Home. 7 p. in. The Epworth Leagues. Pir.t, Patriotic Service with special music and on address by Mr. W. C. Wiuslow.; sec cud, Mr. Ralph Barnes, will lead. The work of the league for the summor will lie up for consideration. Juuior, Miss Louise Findley will be leaded. 8 p. m. special musical program and an ad dress on "The Greatest Conqueror." by frof. John O. Hall. B. N. Avison, pastor. Leslie Methodist Church Corner South Commercial and Meyers Streets. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. 9:45 a,, m. Sunday school. E. A. Bhoten, su perintendent. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. pub lic worship with sermon by the pastor. 1 p. m. devotional meeting of the Ep worth League, under the direction of Will Wood. First Baptist Church Bev. G. F. Holt, D. D., pastor, In the absence of the pastor the pulpit will lo supplied af both services tomorrow Iy Rev. J. C. Tibbits, of Gresham, Ore., who will preach in the morning upon the theme "Holding the Faith," and in the craning upon "The Beconstruction of a Life." The Bible school meets at 10 a. m. First Congregational Church. ' Bev. W. C. Kantner, minister. Lib erty and Center streets. 10 a. m. Sun flay school with classes for all. Prof. W. I. Staley, superintendent. 11 a. m. "The Good Cheer of Jesus Christ." 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 8 p. m. "Some Signs of th.9 fl'iincs." United Evangelical Cottage and Center streets. G. L. Lov ell, pnstor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Iivine worship and preaching service t 11 a. m. "Old Wells to be Beop?n vi." Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Evening worship and sermon at 8 p. m. First United Brethren Yew Pork, Sunday school at 10 a. m. preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. Oliver auhject "Patriotism." C. W. Borby, pastor. . South Salem Friends. lorner of South Commercial and Washington, n. E. Pemuerton, minis ter Bible school at 10 a. m. Classes for an. Aioert Miller, superintendent Meet ing for worship and preaching. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Christian Endeavor. Meeting -at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting. Thursday 8 p. m. in chargo of Mrs. Sid ley. . Court Street Church 17th and Court street. Frank E. Jones paBtor. Bible school af 10 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. T. P. 8. C. E. at 7 p. m. Junior at 11:20 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. N ax arena Chorea. Nineteenth and Marion. Services Sun day school at ten o'clock. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Midweek nravrr- meeting at 8 p. m. on Wednesday. We invite the public to all those services. Every one of them will b Wells, pastor. Swedish Tabernacle M. E. Church Corner South 15th and Mill streets. John Ovall, minister. Sunday school at 2 p. m Gust Anderson, superintend ent. Miss Hannah Christenaen, assit ant Sermon at 3 p. m. All are most cordially invited to attend.' Evangelical Association 17th and Chemeketa street. Jacob I Stocker, pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school C.V. Williams, superintendent 11 a. m. Dvin- worship and sermon. 7:15 p. m. Young People's Aliance, led by Mrs. C. F. Williams, 8 p. m. sermoi by the pas tor. Independence News (Capital Journal Spocial Service) Independence, Or., Juno 29. Grazer Mattison is hero from Camas, Wash. Miss Buth Simpson has enrolled as a student in the O. A. C. Robert Craven visited the Capital uity tnis ween. Miss Mrissie Miller of Olympia is vis iting her home folks here Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Maey of Safcjni wore week end visitors in the city. Mrs. Js'iua Whitman is hore from Klamath Falls visiting her aunt, Mrs, Kutch. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thomas spent Sun day with Mr. Thomas' pareitg at Jnf ferson. Mrs. Alpha Bascuo, Mrs. J. J. Feuton and Miss Ora Fenton spent last Sunday in rortiana. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Park returned Wednesday from a visit to their sous in Portland. K. C. Eldridge went to San Francisco Sunday night to visit his son Shalor who is in the navy at Goat Island. Boss Nelson and Clark Hembreb went to Southern California this weok to look after business interests. Mrs. Harold Youngman is hero from Bisbee, Ariz., visiting her mother, Mis. Jennie Miller. Mrs. Aliae Curry of Heppnor is visit ing hor mothor, Mrs. Mollie Bullock. Mrs. SuBan Jones and aughters, Grace and Jiatheryn of Corvallis Suudayed with Mr. and Mrs. J. N, Jones. Cleve Bobinson of Lebanon and Miss Henrietta Hayser of Salom spent Sun day at the home of Mrs. M. A. Bobinson. Will Mattison returned to his homo in Astoria this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hibbs returned Monday from a visit in Portland. They were accompanied by their crandson. Jack Harding. Miss Mary Williams, a graduate of Columbia University has been chosen to succeed Miss Grace . Williams as teacher in the Independence Training school. Mrs. Sherman Havs left Tuesday for Seaside. She will join her daughtor in law, Mis. Roy M. Fadden, who is com fortably located in her summer cottage. AL. .Baldwin spent tlie week-end here with his mother, Mrs. L. E. Bald win. Mr. Baldwin is bookkeeper for the Spaidding Logging Company at the ter minus of the v. & S. in the Siletz country. Loren Jorden and Miss Clara Tice, well known young people of this city were married in Dallas last Monday. . Misa mm Jiemhle presided ovor a delightful diner party last Monday .even ing. The Junction was a parting honor tor Miss Gladys iroino, who leaves soon for Astoria to make her home. The table was beautifully appointed. Unique place cards marked covers for the Misses Gladys Iroine, Vivian Whitcaker, Bessie Swoope, Hazel Portcrfield, Lucile Cra ven, Marietta Shinn, Emma Homblo and Mrs. Hattie Hemble. Mrs. Clyde Ecker entertained last Monday afternoon for Mrs. Lucindia Baldwin, who has been a "shut in iur several months.' Vases and bowls of roses made the reception rooms cheerful, and the ladies of the "younger set" emjoyed a regular talk-fest. A perplex ing menu of Beveral eourses, which cre ated much merriment was served, the dear old ladies joining heartily in the amusement. Later they were seated around the luncheon table which was centered with red, white and bluo sweet peas, with ting flags peeping her,3 and there. War cake and Hoover nectar were served. The hostess was assisted during tho afternoon by Mrs. Sara Claggett Young. Those present included: Mrs. Lu cindia Baldwin, Mrs. L. E. Baldwin, Mrs. I. Claggett, Mrs. J. W. Kirkland, Mrs. V. A. Heath, Mrs. M. A. Bobinson, Mrs. Abo Nelson, Mrs. Sara Skinner, f If J J: A r rk i V V .J S Iff J : FACTS ' I FACTS M FACK FACTS 'FACD1 Vhrvz ? 4 A4 FACTS ; FACTS ; FACTS is '' ' - III I , -Ji 1 """ t n wa iiiiiBmiirt nil in hhm 'imwi wt7f J FACTS : "FACTS-! facts: i facts: FACtS : n-rrrw DIRECT FROM THE LIBERTY THEATRE IN PORTLAND AND THE GREATEST SUCCESS THAT ANY PICTURE HAS EVER HAD Starts Tomorrow at 2 P. M. General Admission 25C LIVE WITH GERARD THE FOUR TRYING YEARS IN THE HOHENZOLLERN HELL OF EMPIRE ---GRABBING INTRIGUE ' -Same as Portland 10 Monster Reds 10-New York is paving $1.50 to see it.riglt now-HERE FOR ONLY 3 DAYS THEA1 Why America Is at War Shovel m Feature Produc tion from Ambassador The Germans before the war, sj ev ery one knows today, made of espion age a great national understanding. To be successful in this branch of the service, it is unnecessary to go very minutely into details of psychology, and we must al. admit that the tier mans have thoroughly and scientifical ly organized their entire system. With what success this was attended tho allius can testify. Spying is a very essential ingredient of Prussian character, and this natural tendency has been carefully cultivated so that no influence of personal honor or fooling shall bo considered if it be for the national advantage to disre gard it Their military spying is as porfect as such work can t be, marred occasionally by tho contempt they feel for other nations in military masses. It is the German boast, and we be lieve a legitimate one, that they know America better than do Americans but their error is in bclioving that in know ing America they know the Americans themselves. America's entry into, the war proves this fact. "My Four Years in Germany" at the Liberty theater starting tomorrow for three days. GEBVAIS NEWS. they ate while in pasture. This plant 'fl quite raro in this Bection but s said to be very poisonous. The horses were Bick about threo days aud everything pos sible was done by the veterinary to save them. Loganberry picking began Tuesday in o. u. ilrown's largo vineyards. About 21)0 pickers are working and things are real lively about Gervais just now. Many aro living in tents and some ara in rented houses for the seuson. The ag gregation of grade school teachers from Portland who are occupying the City Hall are very comfortably situated, hav ing plenty of good cloan straw in their i bunks, electricity aud good water. Mr. Drown has done about everything pos sible for tl)oir convenience, even to an improvised shower bath whore they can "dust off" after coming from tho ber ry yard. The ladies who aro "bossed" by Miss McGregor, ara quite docilo (be ing school tenehers) and express them selves as being wcli received by tho people of Gervais, and expect to spend their time hero very pleasantly and pat riotically. Star. NO PLACE LIKE IT. Mab1 Johnson, 15, and Edna John son 13, of Gervais school, will crowd the boys at the coming state fair when it comes to raising pigs. They are rais ing puro bred Durocs, and from all ac counts tho pigs are not suffering for lack of attention, husban' came in an' saw you (hie) en tertaining a stranger he wouldn't (hie) like it." And he walked unstoadily to Ilia front ioor and went out again nnd walked around this block six times. Half au hour later, his wife aguiu heard the sound of his key pursuing the keyhole, and again ho entered. This time, in a black and red fury, she de scended on him with tho rolling piu and gnvo him a thorough drubbing. "Home at last," he murmured sleep ily, and, stretching himself out on the seat of the hatrack, he went peacefully Marion County Road Work for Month of May Tho following is a report of the road work done in Marion comity during the month of May, 1!18, as shown by the records iu tho office of tho county clerk: Macadamizing , $ 4098.D0 Graveling 8102.09 Bridges 7423.30 Gen. repairs and niisc 1151334 Now tools and machinery 700-71 riving . ., Patrolmen's sa'ary Payment to cities .. lSl'M? 2838.73 8401.03 Total M987.4S No. yards gravel hauled 5371, jNo. yards raok hauled 1902 Xo. yards rack crushed 03. Volunteer work: wen 51 3-4; teams 121. Have the Journal Job Dept. fKimate on your printing 4 needs yon get the benefit of cash buying. Phone 81. It was three o'elock in the morning, and Eonmer Bibbles had not yet come home. Mrs. Bibbles resolutely put aside the rolling pin. "No," she decided. 'I won't use it on fiim this time. Of course, it Is very wrong of him to come home in such a state and at such an hour every night, hut perhaps if I try kindness instead of force, he will se the error of his ways" ' At that moment she heard the sound of a key searching for a keyhole, and five minutes later her husband opened tho front door. Sba threw her arms about his neck aud kissed him on the right eyebrow. "It's such a eomfort to have you home again!" she cried happily. "Come back in the dining room and I'll make you a nice sandwich!" Koamer Bibbles followed her dazed ly. She helped him find a' chair, kissed him on in tiad fpot, and made him a Mrs. Parl Stevens entertained the Mrs. Xancv AVhitesker. Mrs. N. L. But-! Hcrmosa club last week, that being the ler, Mrs. M. O. Fluke, Mrs. J. H. Pat-lat indoor meeting till fall. Tlv! ladies terson. I worked hard and finished their layettes which will ly) sent to some Belgium ba- ,...."" , 'bies. Mrs. Stevens surprised the club Ufa sandwich of two slices of whcaM hMIKNaI Vi AN i MllN NrJ.I 'witl a mo,,t delightful Hoover luncheon. j i,rad with a slic of rye bread between JlU-Uimj wini i nuij; E 8hUW hsJ the faisfortune otltm. But suddenly be staggered to bis . - losing two of his best horsc the first feet, TATAIVM! DACrDATI CrADCC tl'- wcek from being Poi0cd 'yi "Xot" ho cried. "S very nias of IviMl MSAOtuALL ..If r " what is called Water Hemlock, whieh;you, ma'am, but maybe if you (hie) SUNDAY lMtrr-T -i i "I -ii- -nf-rii-w,-.-.- "-"rf---- UMIMI T VIRGINIA HAYDEN i f . lsn f mt The Dainty Sln. 1 T"V ,. jltti uj, uic nufc family BERTIE FOWLER An Interesting Woman Comedy Weekly Scenic vim The Dashing Star of 'Come Through" in The Flash of the Fate" An Extraordinary 5 Reel Feature c 7'u'lQ'fT lax THEATRE )