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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1918)
fj ait i CHABLE3 H. FISHEE Editor ml Publicker auonai rage or i ne vapvcai journal FRIDAY EVEX1X0 June 8, 1918 I aMaaatf PUBLISHED EVERT EVENINO EXCEPT BUNDAT, BALEM, OREGON, BI Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. K B. BARNES, President CHAS. H. FISrtER. VIoe-l'rMldent DOHA C. ANDRESEN, Bc. and Treaa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dan? bj carrier, pr year 5.00 Prr Month DaUf by gull, per year .tM) Per Moultl .4V .Sue FULL LEASED WIRE TELEABAI'II KEPOKT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES D. Ward, New Tork, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. Btorkwoll, Peaple'a Uaa Building f he Capital Journal carrier boji are Instructed to put the papera on the porch. If tee carrier doea not do tbla. nieaea jou, or seglecta retting the paper to jroa o time, kind!? pbone tbe clrculatlnn manager, as tbla la the only way we can determine whether r not the carrlera are following Inatructiona Phone Main 81 befure T :30 o'clock and a piper will be aeut jou bj special messenger If tbe carrier baa mlased you. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL la tbo only newspaper In Salem vbiw circulation la guaranteed by til Audit Bureau of Circulations A WISE MAN- FROM THE EAST Professor Matthews is having trouble working out a plan under which the people of Oregon may be allowed to govern themselves. Like the Filipinos and Porto Eicans it seems that we need outside direction and ex pert advise, or at least somebody seems to think so and has brought the distinguished gentleman from the east to solve the problem, issue some sort of a chart by which we may steer our course in the future. It may be that this idea that Oregonians were not capable of self govern ment had its inception in the incapacity of our governor to handle the problems which come particularly under his personal supervision and if so we cannot altogether re sent the reflection upon the intelligence of our voters. We have nrobflblv pot it eominp to us although it hurts to have to own up to it. Still we might reasonably ask for another trial, considering the government that some other States maintain without suffering interference of . . aa . l l 1 rr Ml 1 J.1 expert assistance irom tne ouisme. mere wm De anoiner election next fall and there is growing hope of a return to reason on part of a majority of the voters that will restore our claim to the right of self-government by show ing our ability to select capable executives. . Candidly speaking, we are not enthusiastic over ex perts in the art, or trade, or profession (which ever it is) of government. Next to being ruled by the kaiser we should hate to be governed by a cold-blooded expert who . would fix things so that the most sacred perogative of the American people, that- of making fools of themselves occasionally, might never be exercised. NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE PASSING ' SITUATION IN GERMANY The much discussed non-partisan league seems to have practically run its course. Just as the Capital Journal said some time ago there was nothing to worry about in the movement and it could be left to the farmers them selves to take care of it when it had outlived its useful ness. There were many reasons for the people revolting against the corporation politicians who controlled North Dakota and some of the reforms hoped for were worked out through the league. Naturally radical lead ers went too far and Townley himself is undoubtedly a sharp scoundrel who is insincere in his pretended efforts to help the common people and was merely using them to advance his own selfish interests. The farmers realize no doubt that th league can no longer be of benefit to them and will desert it rapidly just as -they have other movements of similar nature when they found they were not wcrth while, if not positively harmful. In the North Dakota primaries Governor Frazier is having a hard tus fle for re-nomination and may be beaten, and Congress man Baer is badly snowed under. The league will dis integrate rapidly now and soon exist only in memory alone with many similar political organizations of the past. It has served the purpose of arousing the old political parties of several states to a realization of the Tact that it is unsafe to ignore always the demand of the people for reasonable reforms. Efforts to sacrifice Foreign Minister Von Kuehlmann for the failure of Von Hindenburg to win the war for Germany cannot restore to the German people confidence in the conquering invincibility of the kaiser's army, in the opinion of those best versed in European affairs. If Von Kuehlmann is forced to resign for telling the reichstag that "peace cannot be won on the battlefield," all Germany will know Hindenburg's frantic ruthlessness is used even to terrorize cabinet ministers at home. The growth of that realization will make Hindenburg's posi tion increasingly precarious. Von Kuehlmann's phrase sounds the death knell of German militarism, no matter what happens to Von Kuehlmann. Now that the secret is out, the more Hinden burg tries to prove the effectiveness of the . military machine, the greater will be the final smash. There is a certain mystery about Von Kuehlmann's ac tion. Whether he chose his words alone or whether he consulted with the kaiser, Chancellor Hertling and the military leaders, cannot be positively known. It is prob able, however that there was a preliminary consultation. It is a noteworthy fact, however, that the chancellor was forced to follow with an address which was designed to restore public confidence when effect of Von Kuehlmann's words were fully apparent. This indicates that the Ger man people are in a frame of mind wrhich is giving their ruler the gravest concern. The Oregonian is writing able and convincing editorials daily in an effort to sustain its position that nobody but republicans have a right to work politics durng the con tinuance of the war. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it f ails. 25c ; . By JANE PHELPS 1 T ; The Woman Who Changed t Siberia has not so much on Oregon after all. is only $150 a barrel there. White GERMANXONTROL (Cotitinuoil from page one) mutineers had been condemned lo death. Tho government attaches great im portance to tliPM report?, it i learned from reliable sources. It was further reported Unit fHiaiens liave. staged violent demonstrations iu various Austrian and Hungarian townB. Peace Moire Tails. London, Juno "8, Another Austrian attempt to throw nut peace feelers via Hwitzcrlniul has failed, it was reported intra today in prea dispatches from' Zurich. llieso dispatches state that Austria Hungary, through an unofficial repre acntutive in Switzerland during tho past 11 w davs had attempted to discover th, lillitrt standpoint regarding "important: questions". The emissary failed , com-l lleiely and returned to Vienna, Strike at Budapest. Copenhagen, June 28. Thousands of pei.vuiH tiro participating in the gouoral s' nke nt Hudnpost, according to dis patches from that city today. Socialist lenders have formed B work ers' council and have demanded disso lution of parliament and adoption of the tVetornl bill. The strikers continue their demand M nt the government do its utmost to obtain peace soon. Work BtonA In Factories. Amsterdam, June 28. Premier Kak erte has admitted to tho Hungarian chamber that work is stopped in most of (lie factories anil that even newspa pers arc not appearing, according to a dispatch from Hudapest today. Demands War on Greece. Amsterdam, June 28. Bulgaria is de manding that Germany and Austria Hungary declare war on Greece, the AiVut Zcitung states. LADD & BUSH, Bankers ALL THE THIRD LIBERTY BONDS ARE NOW HERE. THOSE INTERESTED PLEASE CALL AT THE BANK Rippling Rhymes by Walt Mason THE ONE INTEREST I. went last night to see the show, a play I've long adored; but little Eva's tale of woe just l-Ti. ri: u i t . ttm: it. 1 rlV I ka.y' k"' no Peasant thrill; for I was r ( i I thinking of some wav to can old Kaiser Rill. And Marks the lawyer hewed his gags, and failed to make me grin; my thoughts were al of battle flags and swords and martial din. I went to see the baseball game, with cronies three or four: the pastime's nrettv 1 much the same as in the days of yore. But mere was mue wnuopiiig juone, aiuiougn the play was fine, for we were thinking of the Hun, of war across the brine. I knew not which team won or lost, and didn't seem to care; for everything on earth's a frost, save doings "over there." 1 do not care tor printed books, for music or for art; there's nothing now but war gadzooks, that stirs my weary heart. I do not care for politics, for statesmen and their spiels, for all their spiels, for all their foolish bag ef tricks I wouldn't give two wheels. I do not yearn for county fairs, for picnics in the woods; all mortal things are fakes and snares, save war, and it's the goods. And it alone is worth our while, until our cause is won, until we've canned that thing of guile, the autocratic Hun. v Old Basd Leader Charged With Disloyalty San Antonio, Texas, June 8. Band Lender Hiermnnn, a eoJdier in tho United Btates oi-my for 18 years and leader of the Nineteenth infantry band, crack musical organization of the southern department, was under ar rest here today on charges of disloyal ty. ' Biermann. faces aevdntecn specific charges of violation of the articles of war, among them collecting money to bo sent to Germany and claiming the kaiser has a divino right to rulo. llicnnaun was naturalized in 1901. "THAVE used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and find it a most effective and pleasant laxative one that is worth recom mending to one's friends. I know that my health has been greatly improved since using it." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written hj Miss Alice Lombard, 22 Boylston St., I Springfield, Mass. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere , . 50 cts. QZ) $1.00 A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. Brings relief without griping or other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing ton Street, Monticello, Illinois. MAKING OVER ONESELF A THANK LESS JOB. CHAPTEB CXVI. We all know how hard it is to get j goed results when we try to make over an ola garment. I found it infinitely harder to get good results in my attempt to make mvself over aecordinir to the l pattern I thought my husband approv-l I had days when it seemed that I iMirely had made progress, other days wren .1 felt that not only had I made i.o progress, but that I had slipped back ward. bemfltimes I used to think that if I could make George over a little too it vould make things easier. It was all very well for me to try to make my sdf over to suit his ideas, or' what '.bmiirlit to ha his ideas; but how in f!uitcly easier it would bo if be, too, could have been altered in some ways. Ilia (iuiet taking for granted that I did the wrong thine befora he even knew my version often angered me as well as discouraged me. For days I would not try to please him particular ly, then I would pull myself together and begin again. Marriage is difficult I believe. But marriage with a handicap such as mine ws nearly impossible. It was such an up and down affair my hopes up one day, depressed the next. It wore upon me too. I was not as strong'as I was. T worried too much I suppose. Once when George had corected me abruptly and I thought unnecessarily, I said: "You knew that I was like this be fore you married me." "1 trusted your common sense as you grow older would teach you something," lit bad replied. It was such little speeches as that, nothing really in them, that hurt, and rankled constantly. Dignity Can Be Acquired. I alked often to Mrs. Sexton. Since I had confided in her she had seemed very near to me. One day I had done something to displease George, Bomo- xi : i. ii .1 .11 1 j?: .1 x i .1 .1 n ( luiuir uu ctwiuu uiiuiKUij-icu. x iuiu miDi Boston, and o agreed with him. "Dignity can be acquired, my dear," she said when I declared I hadn't any. But is it worth while T All I seem to do is to try to acquire something I hadn't when he married me," I said half humorously, half tearfully. "Pear, anything that makes life be tween husband and wife the happy thing it should be is worth while. Noth ing should be too small, nothing too hard or too big to attempt if by so do ing your lives can be made to run hap pily and smoothly. Tou must be more patient dear. You are vastly improved in many ways. Bomo wasn't built in a day, you know. Then, too, dear Mrs. Howard, you must not n building up your character to ploase your husband make the mistake of tearipg down what was sweet and noble in it before you attempted this reconstructing process. I am beginning to be afraid that will result if you are not careful." "I don't think there ever was any thing in me worth saving," I replied. "At least I haven't heard George men tion any single attribute he admired. Yet ho must or he wouldn't have ask ed nie to marry him," I finished, more to myself than to her. "You have many lovcablo traits many I should hate to seo you lose. That you Btill lack djiity is not to be perhaps wondered .at. But there are certain things that you must break yourself of doing. Do not gossip with your servants. Bo kind but firm with litem. They will respect you far more. Speak of your husband, his affairs, to no one, not even to Evelyn Reeves no matter how intimate you are with her. it is so easy to give a wrong impres sion, so hard to correct it. Come to ms whenever you will;. talk as freely aB you like. I will help you all I can. But with everyone else remember ' not to tell either your own or your husband's affairs. This has been a real lecture, hasn't it 7 Now tell of your music, how you are'getting on." Helen Is Enthusiastic Oyer Her Music "Oo, wonderfully I And I liked your lecture. George spares no expense, noth ing that will help jie. The professor mivj I am equal to m'any professionals in my technique, and in my understand ing of the soul of music. I love it so that it is no credit to me; always have loved music ever since I Was old enough to know what the word meant, perhaps before. Mother says that when I was a tiny little girl I would practice until she lifted me off the piano stool, and forbade me to do any more that day. And it was the one thing in which I never obeyed. That most of tho pun ishments I had when small were due ta my disobedience on that scoro. 8he (iad her back wouldn't be turned before I would be back on the stool, using the soff pedal so she wouldn 't hear me. ' ' "No wonder you play so delightfully if yon were as keen as that." "I used to sing too until I think the neighbors must have been annoyed. I Mug as easily as a bird sings, when I was little, before I became self-conscious. Sometimes I think it is wrong to train a child's singing voice. I know now I am often thinking of how I am singing. Then I just sang." ' Vou are a rarity in that yon sense the roul of your music. Few do. It adds io four own pleasure, as well as to that ef others." 'Tomorrow The Christening) iiiillijii.t"iiiiiijr' nyy "i" f.'ti:-.... , Ji r ft. . a U As.- 13' Helpful Hints on Banking JOINT FAMILY DEPOSITS Husband and wife, including other mem bers of the family if desired, may open a "joint" bank accountsubject to withdrawal by each, and (or) the remaining funds going to the survivor or survivors, without legal formality, in case of the death of any of the others. We suggest this type of account as a war time measure for any who are going "over there." II 1 "5 I KattonallTaak Salem Oregon, W. S. KTOEE BUSTED. Dallas, June 28. Funeral were conducted in Independence yester day by Rev. Dunsmore ever the body of W. S. Eurre, who committed suicide Tuesday morning in his home in that city. Air. Kurre had been bookkeeper in the National Bank of Independence for a number of years and no reason has been found for his rash act. He had apparent ly been in good health ana good spirits. Upon arising Tuesday morning he went into the bathroom and in a few min utes a pistol shot was heard by his wifo, who rushed into the room, find ing Her husband dying. That the act was premeditated was vident, as he left a note asking that Ilcv. Dunsmore take charge of the fun eral services and that the body lie sent services L portiand for cremation. Thc&o requests were followed and the body was shipped to the Portland Cre matorium. He is survived by a widow, who is prostratod with grief. COMMODOEE" HARDY BETTEB. Portland, Or., June 28,-" Commo dore" W. H. Hardy, Bole survivor of the Commodore Perry expedition to Jap an, has regained his mental poise ani will recover from his self-inflicted wound, it was announced today at the county hospital. Hardy, 'who is 83, went temporarily insane and shot himself in the head. REMOVES ONLY BEAUTY DEFECT A Denver society inaitron, who i much eought after to pose for artist when she goes east ealch year, kas overleome the only defect in the abundant beauty bewtowed upon her by generous nature. For years she was greatly distressed because her hair w streaked, yet she persistently refused to use dyes of any description. Finally he wae induced by a New York artist to try Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer. After a few weik' treatment tin gray sftreaks disappeared en tirely, and her hair took on a uniform dark.natural color. "It is perfectly wonderful," she declared "and I advise all of my friends, to use Q-Ban." YOUR HEALTH By ANDREW F. CURRIER. M. D. Asthma No. 1. Asthma, though present at all seasons of the year, is more prev alent In tbe late summer than at other seasons. It consists essentially in great difficulty in getting enough air In to the lungs to supply" the blood with oxygen. It comes in spasms which may last a few minutes, or several hours. It means that the muscular fib ers in the bronchial tubes (which are the air tubes of the lungs) con tract in a spasm or cramp, and close the tubes more or less com pletely. With this there ia also more or less spasm of tbe muscles of the chest and the diaphragm. Thi mucous membrane lining the bronchial tubes becomes swoll en, Its blood vessels engorged and, when the tubes close down, the patient gasps for breath and feels as if each gasp were going to be his last As a matter of fact, very few people die from asthma; they may have attacks of it from infancy to old age, and then die of some other disease. A quarter of those who bars this disease, are under ten years; males oftener than females; and the well-to-do have it more fre quently than the poor. There are some advantages, after all, in be ing poor. Adults are often attacked at night .or in the early morning, children usually in the daytime. Attacks often come without warn ing when one is feeling first rate, with pallor, discomfort in the chest, sneezing, Indigestion, and copious flow, ot urine; or they may be pre ceded by depression, irritability, drowsiness, and headache. One may be awakened from sleep with a sense of constriction in the chest and suffocation, and every at tempt at breathing is a wheeze. The victim jumps out of bed and runs for the open window, the ves sels in his neck standing out, his lips being bluo and his skin cold and clammy. While the attack lasts, the suf fering is worse than haring a baby 4hat is, worse than what most women suffer. It is worse in weather that is hot and damp than when it Is dry and cold. It is one of the distressing fea tures in-many of the cases of hay fever. Questions and Answers. B. C. for a month 1 have Seen frott6Jcd with an annoying itching over my entire body, though there is nothing apparent upon the skin. Alter icratching, the skin becomes red and remains so for a short time. Do you think this condition is con tagioust Answer: I cannot tell accurate ly, of course, merely from your statement, but I beg to say that such conditions are common, par ticularly In winter, In connection with indigestion the skin not be ing able to carry out the proper function of illlntination. I would advise you, also, to be careful about your diet. Honorable Mother. Why are my feet cold during the day, while -1 am in the warm kitchen, and hot after I get through with my work at night! Answer It is due to some pecu liarity in your circulation. I do not think there is anything about it that need disturb you; and if you would massage the feet and legs every night before going to bed, it would have a tendency to equalize the circulation. ' Fl- Am told 6y a physician, whom J consulted, that after one it fifteen years old, an operation for adenoid is not necessary. Is thit sol 1 Would eod-Her oil le of 8ee fit to Te? J have a good position and hate to give it up but toork in a poor atmosphere. ... Answer: 1. I should not ffalte agree with the statement that adenoids are harmless after one is fifteen years of age. They may ba troublesome when one is any age, but they are more troublesome In early age. J- If Ton work In a poor atmos phere, I should advise you to giv3 up your position. A worker'a health is his most valuable Bosses sion and should be his first con-sideration.