PROM WEDNESDAY'S FIVE O'CLOCK EDITION THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. THURSDAY-TUXF. 27. 1" FIVE I NEW TODAY! 4 MM HMlMMMv JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING HEDIUMIN IIARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESETS BLASSHTED ADVERTISING BATES Sato per word Now Today: aoa insertion , je One week (8 insertions) 5c Ose month (26 insertions) .. , l"e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for, more than one insertion, it errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately llinimum charge 15c FOR S ALB 'Hogs. Phone 33F14. 6 29 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 694 N. Com'l. Phone 2454 W. 7-3 TOR SALE 6 weeks old Duroe pigs. 1353 south 12th St. E. K. Shank. 6-29 ... . FOR SALE Eight Duroc pigs, 6 weeks oiu. r. w. uison, Maeieay, Or. . 6-27 MAY DUKf! cherries 4c per lb on the trees. Phone 14F15. 6-28 WOOD for sale for to and up, per cord. Phone 254 or 622. 6-23 GOOD, heavy, young mare, 3 or 4 years old. P. O. Box 158, Salem. 6-2U VACUUM eloaning 50c per rug. Phone 1022. L. I. Buckner. 6-29 FOR SAuB Team, wagon ness, $150. 1256 State St. and har- 6-27 FOR RENT Five house. Phono 1979. furnished tf FOR SALE Farm wagon, boxand flat rack. Phone 1119. . 6-27 FOR SALE 1119. Man 's bicycle. Phone 6-27 HORSE to trade for ow. 21. Thone 71F 6 27 WANTED Strained honey in bulk. Cherry City Bakery Co. tf HATS you -wood sawing f Call -phone 7. tf OOL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer " Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf g - WANTED Ten cords good ash wood, August r September delivery. D. Webster, -phones 22 and 1891M. 7-1 NEAT trusty woman, past middle age, wishes light housework, can eook well. Phone 1501. 6-27 HAY in the field for sale, to be re moved at once. State Fair Board. Phone 489. ' 6-29 W& SALE Mare and yearling coltj also fine 3 year old driving horse. Phone 7F31. 6-29 FOR SALE 1916 Ford touring car; call after 5 p. m. 705 south 19th St. 6-29 FOR SALE 'A nice driving mare and rubber tired buggy. Phone 12F23. 6-29 FOR RENT Nicely furnished house at Newport. Call at 330 N. High St, or phono 4. 6-27 LOST Dark bay horse, with halter, on Wallace road. Finder notify 362 N. Church. tf FOR SALE A hay rade in good con dition, also some Kentish or pie cherries. Phone 45F14. 6-27 WANTED Man and team, can make from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone 4X51 Turner. tf WANTED Boy 16, to work about two hours each afternoon at Journal of fice. . tf FOR RENT Furnished house, strictly modern, hot water heat. Address Box 373 Salem, Or. tf BAVE your old carpets and clothing, have them, made into rugs. Salem Fluff Rug Co., 2075 Mill St. 6-28 WANTED Cherries, , Royal Anno, Bing, Lambert. Salem Fruit Union. Phono. 380. 6-29 WANTED A farm to rent, of seventy tive or more acres. A. E. Cameron, ftoecberg, Or-, Rt- 1, box 167. 7-2 FOR SALE One single-horse wagon and harness, will sell cheap. Phone 734, 271 N. Coml. tf HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street. tf TWO and three room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tf WANTED Mohair at . East Salem Tannery, 25th and Oak St. Phone S160M. tf FOB 8AXJ4 Some fresh milch cows and farm horses, also want to buy a second hand binder. Geo. Swegle. tf IXKJANBERRY pickers should eorae Monday morning, fine picking. East D street near Powers dryer. N. E. Getter. 6-27 PARTIES picking up ladies, driving gloves at J. C. Warren's feed barn return same to his office if they wish to avoid trouble. , 6 27 FOB SALE Five sows, 1 weighs 200 lbs.,' has 8 pigs; 1 will farrow1 2Sth; 3 not with pig. Phone 50F4. E. M. Young, Independence. 6-27 15 A. all in cultivation and crop, on , Pacific highway, close to O. E. and fi P. stations, bargain at $90 per acre. Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst, 275 State 8t tf FOR RENT Room on Commercial, suit able for office or small business. In quire 146 N. Commercial. 6-28 WANTED Rooms, kalsomining, walls neatly tinted, 2.50 and up. plaster repairing. Phone 833. 6 28 tuB BAXiXi atuoeDaxer i spring wagon, wxu aeu eaeap. moos JJ4, 271 N. ComX tf FOR RENT--Building for garage, good wtatuuu, ai ouveriou, 2'eier jierr. phone Green 1557. , 7-: LOST Traveling bag on Silverton road. Return to Iiloyd Bamsden bi eyele shop and receive reward. 6-26 WANTED By a widower, a house keeper not over 35. Addiess W. W, care Journal. 6-28 FOR SALE Fine five year old Jer sey fresh eow, or will trade for fat tow. 710 S. 12th St. 6-27 STKAVVHtiikKiES nek them your self, your cwn crates or pails, mi east of Claxtcr on Pacific highway Andrew Vender- 6-27 FOUND Purse containing bill and check. Owner can get same by call ing at Journal and paying for this ad. tf FOP. SALE I have several mortgages ir saie, irom swu to fijuuo, first e'ass farm security. H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic bldg. tf FOR SALE 40 acre farm, some of fcest land in Oregon, stock and crop mciuuea. must oe sola. a. a: u. i, box 42. Scio, Or. 7-21 WANT single lady or gentleman, with 400, will give good position and so curity for your money. Boa: 333, Sa lem. 6-2!) WANTED Capable woman as cham bermaid, salary $35 and meals, while on duty. Apply at onwe to manager Hotel Marion. tf WANTED Girl for general housework good wages, small family going to Portland to live about July 1st. In quire mornings , Room 10, Opera uouse. 6-29 PRUNE orchard, close in, sacrifice sale, crop goes, trees loaded with prunes; investigate this. Terms. Prie ed right. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. tf WANTED Loganberry pickers, wood ana camp eloae m, Salem Heights, end of car line S. Com. St. M. F. Woodward, Rt. 3, box 111. Phone 112 Fi. tf WANTED Cool, airy room with sleep ing porch if possible, and board with private fomilv for coudIo with child, close- in. Address Box 63 care Journal. 0-27 LOST On Sunday afternoon, lady's nana oag containing Hiole and mon ey. Finder please notify Mrs. T. E. Nunnemaker, Salem, Or. Phone 61F 11 and receive reward. 6-27 FOR RENT July 1st, modern, five room flat, furnished or unfurnished r 256 N. Cottage- street. Inquire at Capital National bank, Phone 71. 6-29 FOR SALE cheap, or will trade for car, my $50 equity m 5 room bun- galow, 335 S. 15th. See R. R. Nichol son at Valley Motor Co. Phone 442. 6-28 ncur ivAarau Jatne Jiand, increas ing machine shop crew. Strike on West Linn nulls. Wages 65c for eight hours. Can work ten hours it desired. Address B. T. MvBain, West Linn. Advancement assured right man. - 7-2 BERRY PICKERS WANTED Larg est yard in the valley. Good -camp- ing, good water, provisions on the ground. We move you out to yard end back to town. Picking begins about June 25th. Register now, we pay one cent with cent bonus per pound. L. H. Roberts. Rt. 7, Sa lem, Or., Phone 41F24. tf OLD FALSE TEETH wanted; doesn't matter it Broken, we pay you actual value. We pay cash for old gold, silver and platinum. Send to us and receive cash by return mail. If price is not satisfactory, we will return teeth promptly upon request. Inter national Teeth Co., 305 West 42nd St., New York. tf YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. PAID WHILE LEARNING. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. 170 NORTH LIBERTY tf NOTICE Notice is hereby eiven that T hava impounded the, following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404 towit: Two Collie dons, weizh 70 pounds each. One dark Shepherd dog weighs 65 pounds. Two Spitz dogs, weigh 40 pounds each. The above de scribed dogs will be killed if not re deemed by owners-, on or before July 1, 1918, as provided in aaid ordinance. June 25, 1918. W. 8. LOW, 6-29 Street Commissioner. GERMAN AIRMEN KILIIIMPAIIEITS Bombs Were Deliberately Dropped Upon Large Red Cross Hospital Aa Atlantic Port, June 27. How several German airmen attacked and destroyed a British hospital, killing thirty-seven defenseless persons, in cluding three nurses and injured thrice that number, was told today br Colonel G. H. Andrews, of Vancouver, B. C. The colonel who went to France as a chaplain with the first Canadian ex peditionary force arrived here on a Canadian steamer with a score of other Canadian and British officers. "I was convalescing at a hospital in a little French town called Boulesnes,"' said Andrews. "This place handled about 30,000 patients a month. Every night the Red Cross markings were brilliantly illuminated with search lights, so there would be no possibility of mistaking the building's identity. "On the night of May 29 several of us who were lounging outside heard tne unmistakable drone of German aero motors. . Suddenly a bomb struck squarely on the roof of the main building. It tore through the upper stories, over turning several cots, and exploded squarely in an operating room, where two or three doctors, two nurses and several orderlies were at work. All those in the room, including the patient were Blown to atoms. "'Other bombs were dropped and. tne building caught fire. Most of the stairways were destroyed so that we had great difficulty in removing the helpless patients. "As we struggled to save these rjoor fellows from being burned to deatd. two of the German machines swooped low and began to hammer away at us wnn ineir macmne guns." Court House News Grant Jiurphy as administrator of the estate of S. H. Benson was allowed by the eircuit court his claim of $225, and $50 attorney's fees In his case against O. L. Burson and Fannie Bur- son and a decree was issued for the sale of land. The ease is one in which Stayton parties are interested. As appraisers of the estate of Bar bara Frey, the court appointed J. F. Wehrum, Bernard Wold and Sevier ue. In the matter of the estate of Isabell R. Loony, the administrator of G. G. Looney, was given his discharge, the court finding that he had faithfully performed all his duties. The heirs at law were found to be James A. Looney, 7U, l. u. Looney, 45, a. W. Loonev 38, and Iris O. Vanclcar, 29. A final decree in the matter of the estate of Peter Reischman was issued by the county court and the adminis trators, William Reischman, and Adam Reischman discharged, their duties having been faithfully done. A marriage license was issued this morning to Harry Vivian Carson, 20, druggist of Silverton, and Vada Ellen SeQuire, 18 of Silverton. OPERATED ON IN SALEM. W. H. Coats, of Ten Mile, who was operated on at Salem, recently, for a growth in the nose, is still in a serious condition, although slightly improved at the present time. His son, Gerald, who has been with him, returned to this city tliis morning, and left today for Ten Mile, where he will look after the harvesting of the crop on Ins father's farm. Dr. Findley, of Salem, specialist in head diseases, it attending Mr. Coats. Roseburg News. SHORT ON WORKMEN. . Washington, Juno 27. War Indus trios jn this country are short between 300,000 and 400,000 laborers and the lack of workers in tho coal mining in dustries is imperilling all war produc tion, the department of labor announc- d late todav. MAJOR GENERAL TURNED DOWN Washington, June 27. The house to day voted down a provision in the na val appropriation bill, giving five presi- aent power to raise Major General Georgd Barnett, marine corps command er, to rank of lieutenant general. WANTED 2d hand bicycle, must be cueaip.. 944 Cottage St. between 7 and 9 p. m. 6-27 HELP WANTED Government needs 20,000 iclorks at Washington. Exam inations everywhere in July. Exper ience unnecessary. Men and women desiring government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard, (former civil service examiner,) 1059 Kenois Bldg., Washington. 7-3 A SACRIFICE SALE Strictly mod ern, five room bungalow, gas, elce triedty, half cement basement, sta tionary tabs, roomy leit, paved street, all paid, and garage. Ope block from street car Kiite. Price 1600; $800 will handle it. Square Deal Realty . Co., U. S. Nat. Bank bldg. Phone 470. YOUR property will sell quicker or trade easier through our non-commission system of placing buyer and diet together. Listings for our July booklet will be reeeived up to June 30th. Prompt action, effective ser vice, marimum results. Investigate Oregon Realty Exchange Investment Co., Inc., 28 Breyman Mdr.. Salem. Or., Eugene, Portland, San Francis co. 6 FOREST SERVICE SDNS OUT APPEAL Are Urging Greatest Possible Mort Be Blade to Prevent fires This Year State Forester F. A. Elliott is in re ceipt of aa appeal which is being sent out Iby the federal forest service, urg ing on patriotic grounds that the great est -precautions be taken to avoid for est fire this year, when so much de pends upon the amount of timber that can be gotten out for war purposes The bulletin savs: "Tliree fourths of the forest fires in the United States are caused by man. "Every forest fire which destroys timoer or takes men away from pro ductive work help the hun. '"For the first time in the history of wars, timoer 4s recognized, as an es sential war munition, Don t let for est fireg destroy it. "Railway ties and trench timbers from the hand planted French forests helped save Pans from the Hun. ' Forest fires destroyed nearly two hundred million 'board feet of timber on the national forests of Oregon in 1917 enough to build three canton ments as large as Camp Lewis. "The sawmills of Oregon cut two and one half billion- board feet of lum ber in 1917. valued at $44,000,000. "Oregon's forests are supplying ma terial for ships, airplanes and other war uses. Help keep out forest fires. "One hundred eighty six fires on the national forests of Oregon in 1917 started from fires left burning by care less campers. Be sure your campfire is out. Fighting 1197-fires in Oregon cost the federal forest service $133,017.12 in 1918. Help prevent foTest fires and save this expense. "Oregon's forests will supply four billion board feet of saw timber an nually forever if properly managed. Proper management implies efficient proteicuch, conservative logjriiig and effective restocking." Prominent Club Worker Indicted for Fraud New -York, June 27. Mrs. William Cumming Story, former head of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and nationally prominent club woman, was indicted today on charges growing out of the investigation of the Nation al Emergency Relief Society. " In one count Mrs. Story is accused of petit larceny in obtaining a .$30 con tribution for the society on the repre sentation that it would all go for the society, although one half was paid to William Garland Brow: o as a commis sion. It is also, charged ,that she ob tained $1162 from the Hero Land Basaar by falsely certifying that no commissions were being paid. i )c )(c ifc sjc sc sc sc sfc ic jjt )c )c State House News Secretory of State Olcott has mailed certificates of nomination to the nomi nees of the 'republican and democratic parties for the various state and dis trict offices. The certificates were pre pared by the secretary of state's of fice and then were mailed to Governor Withycomiie at Latirande for his t nature before they could be sent to the nominees. The law requires each nominee to file' a written ac"eptance of the nomination before his name can be certified! to go on tho ballot for the general election. For th conven ience of the candidates, the secretary of state also sent earn one a blank form of acceptance. These acceptances cannot be filed earlier than July 29 nor later than September 10. The puWie, service commission has is sued an order directing tne i'oruanu & Oreson Citv Railroad company to adhere to its train schedule on its run between Portland and Carver, and to provide aKcommodatflons for passen iters at the various stations. The com pany is also ordered to discontinue the dangerous practice of filling the ,tann of the gasoline engine- while passengers are in the car. Ine poor service of tne company was iirought to the attention of the commission on complaint or cit izens of Milwaukee. In another order, ' the commission grants the Portland & Oregon City Railroad company authority to con struct one overhead and four gTade crossings ia Clackamas county. Articles of incorporation were filed todav bv the Oregon Baking company ofi Astoria, which has a capital of 1 2.000. The incorporators are vi tor Lathe, John Muhlhauser, Irving Jeffers and Victor Hermann. BAVE ON SMALL ARMS. Washington, June 27. The small arms section of the ordnance department, has aaved (8,750,000 in the last two months on the salvage ana oi uis carded materials, the war department announced today. Manufacturing costs of the army rifle have been reduead from 37 to 22, it was stated. Similar savings were made in the machine gun and ammunition branches of the depart ment. . AVIATOR KILLED BY FALL. Davton, Ohio, June 27. Archie Free man, of iiayton, was muea ai wngni field today when tine airplane he was testing fell 150 feet. CREDIT TO BELGIUM. Washineton. June 27. Th) United States todav advanced a credit for 9,- 000,000 to Belgium, bringing their total up to (131,800,000 and the total credit to the allies to S,9U,S9U,UUO. Ik PPMSSORflAIMWS STCIS MANY SNAGS Constitution Bothers Him In Showing Oregomans How to Rule Themselves Another snag has been struck by Professor J. M. Matthews, consolida tion expert, in connection with the tentative plan to abolish all the elect ve offices, except tho offices of gov ernor, secretary of state and state treasurer, and make them appointive by the governor. Undor the terms of the state consti tution, noiessor Matthews was advis ed .today in a written opinion from the offiea of the attorney general, a law making the office of superintendent of pubho instruction appointive instead of elective would tie unconstitutional Two queries were presented to the attorney general y Professor Mat thews as follows. Ml. Would it constitutional for the legislature to provide hy law that tne superintendent of public instruc tion should be appointed bv the irov ernor, with the consent of the senate? "2. If it he lcB'stetirre merely reiieal ed the- present law providing for the election of the superintendent by pop ular vote, would the governor then be come superintendent of public instruc tion, and if eo, eould he then, on his own authority, appoint a deputy to per form the duties of the office? " The state constitution provides that the governor shall he superintendent of public instruction; but says the legis lature is competent to enact a law providing foT the election of a super intendent. The legislature did this many years ago. ' Assistant Attorney General Van Winkle makes a negative reply to the first question propounded by Professor Mattnews. "I is clear either the governor is to ac as superintendent of publie in struction, or that the people are to elect such superintendent, when so pro vided by law," says the opinion. "I therefore must answer your first ques tion in the negative." Discussing the second question, As sistant Attorney Genernl VanWinkle says: "If the legislature should repeal the statute making the office of the superintendenit - of public instruction separate from that of the governor, the law remaining being the section of the- constitution above quoted, it would lollww that the governor would be -the superintendent of public instrue tion, according to the terms of said sec tion. "The legislature could not, abolish the office but could abolish it as an office separate and distinct from that of'the governor, the office beting cre ated by the constitution and vested in the go vernor when not otherwise pro vided bv law." . Mr. Van Winkle then- takes up tho question ofi the governor appointing a deputy to run the office, and quotes various authorities on the subject, lie then says: "From the principles laid down by these authorities it is clear that a dcp- uty could not be appointed by the gov ernor in the absence of statutory au thority for such appointment, who could exercise the discretion required by the superintendent of public in struction iby the statutes providing for the duties of that office. The duties The Grown Prince said to his pa-pa: "If yon don't take up the sword, And pa-pa smiled, and the big bugs, whose very lives depended on the militarism, applauded and Germany became the land of the Bloody-Hun. That's one of the many lnciients u Hi FOUR STARTS SUNDAY JUNE 30 "IWHEEB i l ear in Mind Ou E-M0DELI1MG SAL1 TOTJ CAN ALWAYS OO0 i of the superintendent of publie in struction call for the exercise of his official discretion and are only minis terial in minor Tespecs." Some time ago the consolidation commission encountered a constitution al snag when they asked for en opin ion of tho attorney general as to tho authority or the legislature to create the office of state auditor. The consti tution provides that the secretary of state shall be state auditor. . ' TODAH BASEBALL SCORES National R. H. E. New York 10 13 1 Boston ;. 4 9 3 Causey, Bos Anderson and Eari- den: Fillingim and Henrf. Brooklyn 5 11 0 Philadelphia 2 3 2 Grimes and Miller; Watson' and Adams. Chicago : 7 10 2 Cincinnati 1 6 1 Douglas Carter and Killifcr O'Far- rell; Regan and Wingo. American Boston 5 17 5 New York 7 9 1 ' Bush and Agnew; Mogridge and Hannah. SUFFRAGE POSTPONED Washington, Juno 27. Suffrage for ties today abandoned their attempt to get a vote from the senate on the suf frage resolution at this time. In the face of a filibuster, Senator Jones, New Mexico, withdrew the suffrage resolu tion with the announcement that when the army bill had passed the suffrage question will again be brought before the senate and kept ther all summer if necessary. JENNINGS SUSPENDED, Detroit, Mich., June 27. Manager Hughie Jennings of the Tigers today was suspended indefinitely by Presi dent Ban Johnson of the American lea gue for his quarrel with Umpire Nallin in yesterday's game. Jennings was benched yesterday, with Donovan and Bush, for protesting the umpire's do- cision on a strike against Bush. ' ii a In the great dramatic show piece of the O rv &1 ('HA vsp -a r YEARS ill O LIBERTY THE BIG PLAYS AEE SHOWN IN r DO BETTER AT Washington RepuhGcans Divided On War Support Tacoma, Wash., June 27. Whether tho .republican state platform is to be eonfined wholly to support of the national administration in winning the wr, or whether state politics is to be injected, loomed as the foremost igrue floor of the Btate convention, to be fought out late today on Iho At the close of the morning session tho question was still hanging fire and the exclusively win-the-war platform was meeting strong opposition. Clark V. Savidge, selected chairman of the committee, delivered a -patriotic address, saying 'our platform is al ready written. It was written before we ever Bet foot in Tacoma. It was written at the firesides of millions of AmericaiJ homes where mothers sit thinking of their boys over there who are fighting our battles to save the world. It is this: "Win the war! Then tare for bim that has done battle fov tis.'- A few minutes later however, when Delegate Hamtehey of Bellingham, of fered a resolution to instruct the plat form committee to confine the plat form strictly to measures in support of tho adminsirtation, opposition arose. The reslution was expected to come up later in the day. Limited Service Men Called to Colors Washington, June 27. A call for 683 general and limited speoial service men for the draft was issued by Provost Marshal Gonoral Crowdor late todayy. Now York furnishes 100 general service men to report to Lehigh Uni versity, Pennsylvania, ly July 15, and 185 limited service men -to report to the Oswego Board of Education on the same date. Texas Is to furnish 100 limited men for entrainment to the University of Texas, July 18 and Iowa k to send 300 general service mon to the University of Texas, July 18 and Iowa is to send 300 gonoral service men to the XTni versitjr of Texas, entraining July 25. I will." existence of antocTMy gnd screen. THREE DAYS ONLY SALEM fT" T 29 TRY JOURNAL TOT ADS