THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. THURSDAY JUNE 27. 1918. MAKE HIS DREAMS COME TRUE-BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Last night American soldiers, sleeping in the desolation of France, dreamed of victory of America safe, free and. happy. ' They have left the comforts of life to fight the Huns. To help stamp out of the minds of the Huns forever their ideas of world dominion. You must back them up. Loan your dollars to the government Bay War Savings Stamps $4.17 during June. ROUSING BARGAINS AT THE BIG CLOSING OUT SALE 4P I V ST 0 m at OH Prices Buttons at Gosing Oat Prices Dress Goods at Closing Out Prices Silks at Closing Out Prices Silk Gloves at Old Prices Splendid Qualities Gotnes Brushes Hair Brashes and Combs at Closing Out Prices Women's Silk and Lingerie Waists at Reduced Prices Women's Purses and Umbrellas at Reduced Prices Women's Muslin Underwear at Reduced Prices Embroideries, Laces and Collars at Reduced Prices ONE ASSORTMENT OF PURSES $9.50 Purses $2.50 $8.00 Purses $2.00 $6.00 Purses $1.50 $4.00 Purses $1.25 $2.75 Purses ...... 75c Comer Court and Com! Street, Salem I FIGHTING UNDER TWO FLAGS This is the second lnnuuumt of Pg ler'i story of the heroic American Lo fton of the Canadian army, with par ticular reference to two leading spirits of the legion, Lieut Col, stichard H, Grimtbs and Maj. Alexander Batumii en. TM third Instalment will appear Friday. By W. J. Pegler (United Prose staff correspondent) The crowning disgrace awaited the oldier of the American Canadian Le gion in England, Soon after they ar rived in & finishing camp their colonel formerly an American officer, was ar rested on charges of embezzlement. Then the legion was pooled in a big mil Itary reservoir and thereby lost alt chance over to fight in the lino as nn American unit. Drafts went out to re inforce the Trineer Patricia's, the 38th 'battalion and the K. ('. lt.'s Hassmussen und other brave men GIRL'S STATEMENT WILL HELP SALEM Here la tho girl's own story: "For years I had dyspepsia, sour stomach and comsUimtion. 1 drank hot water and olive oil toy tho gallon, Nothing helped until I tried buckthorn Imrk, glycerine, eti"., as mixed in Adler-S-ka. ONE SrOOiNl'UL, helped me INSTANT LY." Bnmiise Adler-i-ka flushes the KNTTRK alimentary tract it relieves ANY tIASB eoiintipnf.oti, sour Btom-, Brh or pfs and prevents appendicitis, it hse QimKKXT action of anything we ever sold. J. C. l'erry, who have since been killed wore will ing to stake anything on tho honor of the accused colonel. Ho was their friend they believed in him, respected him and were sure that his fall was ituo -to the political jobbery and jeal ousy of another American Canadian of ficer of high rank who had left the American army many years before. A Dugout Officer . To this day that other officer novsr has been to the front except for an oc casional "Cook's Tour" of inspection. Hassmussen wag bitter when I told him innocently ono day last winter tli at tho other was still safe Sn his dugout in London but claiming be had been wouuded. "Wounded hell!" exploded Rass. "Do you know where he got that wound? Tho old linrt "I'll tell you. Ho was wounded in the Battle of London showing off his toy pistol to another ombusque. " His Chaplin mustache bristled out like a brunette tooth Ibrush. Hassmussen finally got out to France as a niachinegun officer in the Cana dians. Tho "American legisn was only a memory. Even the- name had gone into the discard because President Wilson hud muile quiet intimations to the Ca nadian authorities regarding our Am erican neutrality. All the Yank re tained to distinguish them from other Canadians was their modified Ameri can legion cnpsliiwld with George Wash ington's coat of arms worked imto a design with the Nfcnrs and Ht.ipes, and the .motto, in Latin,' eeds,Nit Words' They dropped tho words "American uegtion" from their insignia and the old badges are extremely rare and com mand a high price from souvenir hunt era today. Heroic Action Within a few weeks Rnssmussen jumped into notice on a dark night when ho personally led a raiding hand ful of American Canadians against a German advanced post. His party was discovered by the jloche sentries in the front lane but they scurried back un der a sprinkling of machine gun bul lets, bringing the outpost gnrrison as souvenirs. When they counted noses one American was discovered to bo' missing. Refusing volunteers, Rass muBson crawled (back through the wire alone and found him wounded. Just as he picked up the fallen lad a Gorman hand grenade plunked in his sliollliole. In a flash Rass seized it and throw it back, dropping flat in the same instant, to escape somo of the fragments if it should go off too close by. The grenade blew up in midair, tho explosion, burning one or his ear drums and a fragment wounded him in tho arm. Then ho picked up the wounded boy again and carried him b'aiek to the Canadian lines. The young ster died just as the willing hands of his comrades reached out to take him from the nie.jor. SOCIETY . This afternoon Mrs. Blanche How ard, first anirtaat at the Salem pub m irKrttrv wjlt ... i "trip in the- central states. Mrs. How- recent acUA at Corydoa,.. Iowa. As corydon is the former home of Mrs. Howard, she has many relatives and friends whoa tin will visit whila ther ifrs. Howard will be accompanied as rar as uune, .Montana, by her daugh ter, Mrs. Frances King, who has beta visiting in Salem for seme time. Aa- tnougn Mrs. Howard plans to m di rectly to Iowa, oa her return trip she win iop in uenver and Butte to visit inenos. ITrs. Gerald Volk" i entertaining, as Kuesw i or tne summer, aer niece, Mrs. Kreikenbaura, and the BUter's little naugnter, Martha Louise, from Wichita Kansas. Mrs. H- B. Allen, a sisrtor of Mrs. Volk, also from the east is spend ing ma summer in saiem. H. W. Dezallom from New York tne guest Wednesday everun of Mr. and Mrs. John Manrer of 317 North liberty street. Mr. Dezallom has trav eled a great deal over the world, but ha always spend a part of his vaca tion on the McKenzie river. He says ne enjoys nis vacation taere more than in any other place. Dr. and Mrs. B. It Steeves have as their guests for the week, Mrs Robert Fowler and her son. Clinton. Fowler, Both are relatives of Mr. Steeves and are from Bakersfild. California. Mr. lowler is a dentist there. - Tomorrow afternoon at two thirty, the Woman's Alliance will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Steiner and Mrs. Walter Denton on 148 North Twelfth street. Mrs. James Elvin has -hist returned from a ten days visit in Seattle. Rev, Elvin was pastor of the Plymouth Con gregational church there several years ago, so Mrs. Elvin enjoyed meeting and visiting many former friends again. She spent Sunday at Camp .low is, iacoma. Yesterday afternoon the Willing Hands Ked Cross auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. A. J. Basey at 691 South Capitol street. Mrs. Frank Needham and Mrs. Usher, who has recently mov ed to Salem from Seattle, were special guest for the afternoon. "I am writing you to ask if you will send me a white graduating dress and ribbon as soon as possible." A postal card posted on the bulletin board at the....postoffice gives this interesting in formation and is posted In th,s hope that possibly the writer might notice it and not feel aggrieved that her graduating dross did not come. The trouble was that the card was addressed 'Miss Gladys Salem, Oregon," and that was too much for tho "nixie" man. Mis Prudence Goodhue lias been the guest of Miss Emma Godfrey, 405 North Liberty street for a week.. Dur ing Miss uoocinutrs visit here, Aliss Godfrey took her' on many delightful motoring trips. Miss Goodhue loft yes terday for Portland where she is em ployed in stenographic work for th government.' AP0U0CLUB (Continued jfrotn jiage one). Oregon is once moro well on her way "over tho top." o I if . j, Ihich is easier To spend hours on wash day, boiling and rubbing dirt out of clothes? Or to let Fels-Naptha wash them in water of comfortable temper ature, while you attend to some thing else? No boiling, no hard rubbing is necessary. Wash the Fels-Naptha way. It's sensible. At your owl trocar's in tna rod and tree wrapper. Faifr-Naptaa Imps whit cloth whit. applause and insistent calls for an en core indicated that the Apollo chib was singinjr to an audience that not only appreciated their efforts, but was more than willing to snow their appreciation. "The Kilties' March" another mili tary rousing chorus touched the spirit of the large audience, and for tome thing in the way of a novelty "The Spectre" was most pleasing. Lulu JJahl Auller. the rortland solo ist, received an ovation and besides her encores to which she graciously re sponded, was called before the foot lights several times in response to con tinued applause. Justmce George 11. Burnett, honorary president, spoke briefly of the inten tions of the Apollo club, stating that it was hoped that within a short time tho membership would be at least 40 and that the club was to become one of Salom's permanent Institutions, not only in the musical but in the social world and that all the club asked was the cooperation of the music loving people of Salem. As an aid to the. careful Directing of John W. Todd, iliss Beruice Clark as piano accompanist did good work, as sisted by Miss Lillian Stege on the violin and Miss Ecatrico Shelton at, the organ. Tho members of the chorus of the lApollo club for its first appearance be fore a Salem aiwien.'e was as follows. First tenors: John V. Todd, J. Frank Hughes, Framk K. DeAVitt, Howard C. Stover, John D. Humphrey. First Dan Langenbcrg, Al bert H. Gille, Ralph K. Jones. Second 'tenors: Albert R. Miller, Hor ace N. AldrU-h, Hiram W. Bross, Wal ter T. Jenks, Ivan O. Martin. . . Second bassos: Claude H. Stevenson, Edward Boas, Fiank U. Deckabach. FURTHER ITALIAN GAINS (Continned from page one) lillMiiillilliii; lillllllJi!iill.lilllll,lll!iyiijl. llliirtiiiffi ONE BOTTLE WORKED WONDERS Nujol receives this tribute from a Doctor In bottles only.bear ing Nujol trademark r in bulk. In this case constipation had continued for years, when Dr. E. Z. Page prescribed the use of Nujol with most pleasing results. His letter follows: NUJOL LABORATORIES, STANDARD OIL CO. (New Jersey), . BAYONNE, N. J. Dear Sirs: I gave Nujol to a' patient who had been troubled for years with intestinal trouble and constipation. The one bottle worked wonders, and she now keeps Nujol on hand and uses it at the least feeling of unrest. I have recom mended Nujol many tunes and results are always most pleasing. Queens, L I., Sincerely, Dec.24, 1916. E. Z. Page, M. D. IT makes no difference how long you have suffered from constipation, Nujol relieves stubborn as well as occasional cases with equally sure and pleasant results. Start now to use this safe and effective remedy which Dr. Page and other eminent physicians so highly recommend and prescribe. Nujol restores healthy bowel habits in a gentle, natural way, without the least griping or dangerous reaction. That's be cause Nujol contains no drug, and so causes no artificial stimulation. Avoid harmful pills and salts that sap bowel strength with weakening reaction. Nujol is a pure, unmixed remedy; and pleasant to take. Perfectly safe for all. Be "regular as clockwork " use Nujol. ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS There arc no substitutes there is only Nujol At retry Jrug star. Send SOo. and wa will ship ms kit size to soldiers and tailors anywhara. Nllj Ol for constipation FRANK LENNART (vouunued from page one) oiurs, wag reported by the French war office today. Vienna Official Report Vienna, via London. Jiine 27. "The hotly fontpjrted Col Del Rosso, held by ua giiK-e June 13, wag again attas'k eil, rotily hut vninly, yt-oterdBy morniint," the war office announced toilav. 'Near Pont 1M Piave, the Italians attempted to reach our bank but were shot to piecea." Expect New Move Loudon, Juue 27. "Important events ar developine- on the west front," the Chronicle declared today. "ticrman reserves are cunningly maneuverinR into position for a re sumption of the offensive. It i"impo sibls to say, however, in which set'tor the blow will be etrnck." at headquarters in an ancient farm yard,, early this morning following a long motor trip. After he was intro duced to the officers, he said: "I admire very nnvch tne work of this unit. 1 icame especially to felici tate it. "The French general tells me these operations were peculiarly American in conception, planning and execution; that they have been extremely success ful and that they resulted in import ant gains, with only slight losses." Tu American general remarked on Clemeneau's sympathy and knowl edge of America. " J(es, I haver long admired United States institutions,'' the premier re plied. "I entered Richmond five min utes alter Uenerat Urant dad, in 18j5. Tne Americans showed great fighting qualities in that war," The, total number of prisoners in I'avu aj ii-'iit is uuw oftiicial iy placed at 809. Tea heavy and five -Hi., liuwmiie nUU4 wie captured, ttne many others were destroyed. (Continued from page one) Von Hertling's speech explaining that of Foreign Secretary Von Euchlmann, was the result of orders from the kais er, it was reported here today. The kais er is said to be furious at Von Kuehl-mann. Kuehlmann Must Quit. Copenhagen, June 27. The general opinion prevails among the members of the German reichstag that Foieign Minister Kuehlmann will be compelled to resign, according to advices receiv- is attacking mm violently and asking his removal. Chancellor Von Hertling's speech is received by the press with satisfaction. fensive is barren of gains, and that America's war effort has surprised Rnd dismayed Germany, Great Naval Barracks Will Be Constructed Washington, June 27. Barracks to accommodate. 12,000 additional men at the Great Lakes naval training station, 10,000 more at Norfolk and 10,000 at Nowport, R. I., will be constructed, ed hero today. The conservative prcjsi Secretary Daniels announced today, to UKe care ot tne autnomca increase of the nuval enlisted personnttf. Construction of additional barracks at Pelhiim Bay HtRtion is now under way. The cost of the improvements at the Great Lakes station will be about $1,000,000, including an extension of the water supply system. When com pleted !ho big naval station near Chi- Hughes' Opinion. London, June 27. W. M, Ilughes, pre mier of Australia, speaking before tho chamber of commerce today, declared that Von Kuehlmann 's speech is a clear jtago will have facilities for training admission that tlw vaunted German of-pearly 10,000 men. nificanco of Von Kuehlmann 's declara tion. Their attention doubtless was cen tered upon enticing the allies into peace conference, with the cards stack ed. Like most conspirators, they used the most plausible argument for their purpose .forgetting the reserve conse quences of inadvertantly blurting out the truth. This is probably tlw explana tiou of Von Kuehlmann 'a revelation. Fighting is Normal Rome- June 27. fighting was nor mal oa the whole freat yesterday, the war ofifiee said today.' ' Wo extended Snir bridgehead at Cposile and took 509 prisoners." Herr Naumann Agreon Amsterdam, June 27. Speaking in the reichstag Tuesday regarding For eign Minister Von Kuehlmann 's asser tion that peace is militarily impossible, Herr Naumann said that "thousands of soldiers think the same," according to a Berlin dispatch. . "An absolute victory over the hordes of Xorth and South Americans and Chi nese is not completely attaiuable," continued Naumann, "even if we sac rifice our last man." Hertling Obeyed Orders. Amsterdam, June 27 Chancellor Standard Food V (GffipeNuts! I has always . been a' E333I -wheat The Standard Oil for Motor Cars ttSEm The Popular Motor Oil More ZEROLENE ia used for au tomobiles on the Pacific Coast than all other oils combined. Leading motor car distributors praise ZEROLENE, correctly re lined from selected California asphalt-base crude, because it main tains its lubricating body at cylin der heat and gives perfect lubrica tion with less wear and less carbon deposit. Get our lubrication chart showing the correct consistency for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) En (inn irt cither water cooled or air-cooled. This, the air-cooled type, like all intmrnalcombuatian endnee, requirea an oil that holde ita full lubricating qoalhiea at cylinder beat, burnt clean in the combustion chamber! and iroet out with exhauat ZEROLENE fiila thee requirements per fectly. Senanae it ia correct If reSnerf from eefecfeo' Call fonum phmM-bmm crude. R. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agt, Standard Oil Co.. Salem Your Summer Outing Tor health resort and mountain outings; Brcitenbush Hot Springs,' jdt. Jefferson, Marion and Pamelia Lakes. We have now established a daily pack train ana saddle horses. Also have a mountain outfitting and general merchandise store, at Detroit, Oregon. ' For further Information, Roy Newport, S. P. Lunch Counter. Albany, Oregon; or Detroit, Oregon. j JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL