Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 25, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Bate" per word New Today: P- 99 Cottage St. between 7
insertion lc nd 9 p. m. 6-.6
One -week (8 insertions; . 5e T
One month (26 insertion) 17e WANTED Rooms, kelsonuning, walls
TU Capital Journal will not be re- t&B 'S !t Hh Tzl
sponsible for more thaa on, insertion, reyunng. Phone 938. 6-28
for jmr, ia Classified Advertisement. TOmf0 degi itioa
Bead your advertisement the first day rlferen(!es furnished. Ad
it appear, and nokfy ua immediately. Q Hjem 'journal. 8 25
Minimum charge 15e.
' " FOB SALE Stndebaker 1 spring
If ULTIG BAPHING Phon 310. ,8-28 wagon, will sell eheap. Phone 734,
271 N. CoxaX tf
FOB SALE Gooil steel 12-foot hay
rake. Phone 1486. 6-23 FOB RENT-Building for garage, good
1 1 location, at Silverton. Peter Herr.
FOR SALE About 300 fruit jars and ' phono Green 1557. 7-1
taps. Phone 1144J. 6 25
1 1 LOST Traveling bag on Silverton
GOOD, heavy, young mare, 3 or 4 road. Beturn to Lloyd Ea-nisden bi-
yesrn old. P. O, Box 158, Salcia. 6-29 cycle shop and receive reward- 6-26
TEAM for sale. Bt. 4, box 120, on Prin- FOB SALE No. 1 old growth fir
gVti road. 6 26 wood. G. C. Bolter, 2016 Trade St.
1 - Phono 2206W. 6-25
VACUUM cleaning 50c per rug- Phone
1022. L. I. Buckner. 6-29 FOUND Purse containing bill and
1 check. Owner can get same by call-
FOB SAliE Team, wagon and har- ing a(, Journal and paying for this
nees, $150. 1256 State St. . 6-27 ad. tf
FOB BENT Five room furnished YOUNG man 18, superior high school
hoii.e. Phone 1979. tf education, good typist, desires em-
ployment with regular hours, city
FOB SALE Farm wagon, box and flat preferred. Address B. 47 care Jonr-
rack. Phone 1119. 6-27 na, 6-24
FOE SALE Man 's bicycle. Phone poB SALE I have several mortgages
1119. 6-27 for sale, from $600 to $3000, first
111 class farm security. H. M. Hawkins,
HORSE to trade far tow. Phone "IF 314 Masonic bldg. tf
22. 6 27
7 . . STB A WiBEBEI E Pic them your-
WANTED - Strained ioney in bulk. owa crate9 or pa11g mL
Cherry City Baktry Co. tf east of ciaxter, on Pacific highway.
, , Andrew Yercler.. 6-25
EAYE you wood sawing! Call phono
7- FOB SALE 40 acre . farm, some of
. .. ibest land in Oregon, stock and crop
COL. W. F. WEIGHT, the auctioneer indu(,ed mu8t b ,old B. y D.
Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf boJ 42.-Scjo, Or. . 7-21
LOST-Bcbween Bickrcnll and McCoy for SALE White Angora rabbits,
a pair of reading glasses. Reward. Wanted Ncw. Z(Maai Eed doC8. Mrs.
Return to Journal oftice. 6-26 p Bft, h DuRette) Kt. 3 Gervais,
" Or 6-26
FOB SALE Mare. and yearling colt;
also fine 3 year old driving horse. PRTJNE orchard, close in, sacrifice
Phono (F31. 6-29 cr(jp goeg trees ioaded with
1 prunes; investigate this. Terms. Pric-
FOE BENT 5 room house, furnished. ed right. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
cheap. Phone 2017J, or call 1549 275 State St. tf
Broadway. 6-26
. WANTED Loganberry pickers, wood
LAST CALL We need 4 or 5 more d """P close in Salem Heights,
" Loganberry piukcrs. Phone 100F32. end of car line S. Com. St. M. F.
.2(j Woodward, Bt. 3, box 111-Phone 112,
: , F4. tf
FOB BENT Nicely furnished house
at Newport. Call at 336 N. High St. WANTED Cool, airy room with slecp-
or phone-4. 6-27 ii'S porch if possible, and board
with private family for couple with
LOST Dark bay horse, with halter, on child, close in. Address Box 63 care
Wallace road. Kinder notify 3C2 N. -Journal. 6-i7
FOB SALE A hay rade in good con
dition, also same Kentish or pie
cherries. Phone 45F14. 6-27
FOB SALE or trade for stock cattle,
2 16-mont'hs old Holstein bulls- Phone
WANTE1 Man and team, can make
from $8 to $9.50 per day. Call phone
4X51 Turner. tf
WANTED Boy 16, to work about twe
hours each afternoon at Journal of
fice, tf
FOB BENT Furnished house, strictly
modern, hot water heat. Address Box
373 Salem, Or. tf
FOB BENT A new, modern six room
house with garage, close in. Call at
740 S. Com '1 St. 6-25
SAVE your old carpets and clothing,
have thorn made linto rugs. Salem
Fluff Buig Co., 2075 Mill St. 6-28
WANTED Cherries, Boyal Anne,
Bing, Lambert. Salem Fruit Union.
Phone 380. 6-29
WANTED A farm to rent, of seventy
five or more acres. A. E. Cameron,
rtoeeberg, Or-, Bt- 1, box 167. 7-2
FOB SALE-rOno single-horse wagoi
and harness, will sell cheap. Phone
734, 271 N. Com! tf
LOGANBEEBY pickero wanted. In
quire 540 State. Drager Fruit Co;
HOUSEKEEPING apartments nd
single rooms, nicely furnished, at
633 Ferry atreet. tf
TWO and three room furnished apart
ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203-
WANTED Mohair kt East Salem
rannery, CSta and Oak ttt Phone
I160M. tf
FOB 8 ALB Some freak milch tow
and faran horses, also wast to boy a
seeowl hoad Under. Geo. Swogta. tf
FOB SALE Beautiful 4 room bunga
low for almost half the coat of Sit
' house. Terms. H. E. Bolinger, Hub
bard bldg. tf
FOB SALE Five sows, 1 weighs 200
lbs., has 8 pigs; 1 will farrow 28th;
3 not With pig. Phone 50F4. E. M.
Touag, Independence. 6-27
FOB SAL19 Modern, house, 6 room.
grage, small garden, block from
car line and paved street. Price
$1500. (500 down, terms on balance.
Gall Modera Bakery. 6 26
15 A all in cultivation and crop, on
Pasif'ia highway, loo to O. E. and
8. P. stations, a bargain at $90 per
acre. Terms. W. H. Grabenhorrt, 275
Stato 8t -. . - tf
FOB SALE Crescent
wood working machine, 5 h. p. motor,
veneer press, gander, grinder, grind
stone and many other shop tools;
must sell, am leaving town, terms if
desired. -Call at 1435 Hines St. t
HELP WANTED Lathe hand, increas
ing machine shop crew. Strike on
. West Linn mills. Wages 65c for
eight hours. Can work ten hours if
desired. Address B. T. Mit-Bain, West
Linn. Advancement assured right
man. 7-2
LOGANBEBRY pickers' wanted; 30
acres, two miles twt; cf Brooks, good
camp grounds, wood and water; we
move you out to yard and back to
town; picking will last about five
weeks. Jlangis Bros-, Salem, Or.
Phone 717. tf
est yard in the valley. Good camp
ing, good water, provisions on the
ground. We move you out to yard
and back to town. Picking begins
about June 25th. Begister now, we
pay one cent with cent bonus
per pound. L. H. Roberta, Bt. 7, Sa
lem, Or., Phone 41F24. tf
OLD FALSE TEETH wanted; doesn't
matter if broken. We pay you actual
value. We pay cash for old gold,
' silver and platinum. Send to us and
receive cash by return mail. If price
is not satisfactory, we will return
teeth promptly upon request. Inter
national Teetij Co., 305 West 42nd
St., New York. tf
Notics is hereby given that I have
impounded the following described
dogs in compliance wiUr ordinance No
1404 towit: Two Collie dogs, weigh
70 pounds each. One dark Shepherd
dog weighs 65 pourds. Two Spitx dogs,
weigh 40 pounds each. The above- de
scribed dogs will be killed if not re
deemed by owners, on or before July.
1, 1918, as provided in said ordinance.
Juno 25, 1918.
W. S. LOW,
6-29 Street Commissioner.
Have the Journal Job Dept. .
4c estimate on your printing
needs you get the benefit of
4c easa buying. Phone 81.
Mrs. Stabler, Defraaded by
Lawyer, Gets Serious Cut
Cct In Judgment
By ail opiuion banded down today
by the supremo court Mrs. Matilda S.
Stabler, a widow 65 years old, lost
nearly one half of the amount of the
judgment which had been awarded her
in the circuit court for Multnomah
county against F. E. Melvin, an attor
ney, who is charged with having de
frauded the old woman in connection
with- two real estate deals.
Tho case was tried before a jury in
Circuit Judge McGinn's court and a
verdict for $1411.69 was returned in
favor of Mrs. Stabler. Tho supreme
court, in an opinion written by Justice
Johns, modifies this judgment by de
ducting 650, which is the amount of
a promissory note Melvin induced Mrs.
Stabler to give him but which she has
iot been required to pay. Melvin dis
posed of tho note to a third party, j
Mrs. Stabler owned two city lots in
Portland, which were mortgaged. Mel
Tin agreed to trade tho lots for un
encumbered property. He arranged a
deal with Bruc Wolvcrton, who was
willing to trade 45 acres oif land in
Washington. Melvin represented to the
widow that in order to make the deal
it would be necessary for her to take
two lots he said he owjie4 in the San
tiam Hunting and filing club grounds
He had her give him a note for- $750
for tho lots and his attorney's fees.
It developed, according to the evi
dence, that the lots convoyed by Mel
vin were fictitious and the woman had
been defrauded-
Later he negotiated another . deal
with Mrs. Stabler and induced her to
give him a note for $650, which he
sold and assigned to a third party.
But as this note has not been paid by
her, tho supreme court deducts it
frran the amount of the judgment.
The supreme court reversed Circuit
Judge Gantenbein of Multnomah coun
ty in the case of J. W. Dryden vs Will
H. Daly, as commisioner cd? public utik
ities of the city of Portland, and oth
ers, appellants, and ordered dismissed
a writ of mandamus which had been
issued azainst tho defendants. The
suit involved tho procedure of Commis
sioner Daly and the heads of the Port
land city water department under civ
il service rules,
In the case of tho First National
bank of Albany, appellamt vs. John
Macneill, the supreme court affirms
the decision of Circuit Judge Kolly.
This was a emit to collect on a prom
issory note. The opinion was per cur
iam. Action on Motions
A rehearing on the fotion to dismiss
the appeal in the Chewaucan rivir ad
judication case was granted tortay by
the supremo cour,
The litigation over tho water rights
in the Chewaucan river has been of
mare than usual interest because in
volved is the question of whether the
Portland Irrigation company is to be
granted enough water to complete the
Paisley irrigation project, in Lake
Tho state water board adjudicated
the water rights and found that the ir
rigatiom company was entitled to
enough water for the project, but the
Chewaucan Land & Cattle company,
which has immense land holdings m
that part of the state, appealed to the
circuit court and Judge Bernard Daly
reversed; tho water board and gave the
cattle company such a large amount
of water that tho irrigation company
was squeezed out. -
Appeal was then made by the Port
land Irrigation . company to tha su
premo court. Ths cattle company filed
a motion to dismiss this appeal on the
grounds that all the interested parties
had not been served with notice of appeal-
The eourt ordered1 the appeal dis
missed, but on the petition of the irri
gation company today granted a re
hearing on the motion.
A rehearing was granted in the
case of Mlalloy vs Marshall Wells Hard
ware company and Howe vs Freeman.
Behearings were denied in Frederick
vs Sherman, Davidson vs. Madden and
Wagoner, et al, vs City of LaOrande.
Court House News
In the case of Myrtle Goebel against
Frank Goebel for support of their min
or child, the circuit court decreed that
ho should pay 15 a month for the
support of the child. Gocibel is work
ing in Portland in a ship yad.
In tho matter of the guardianship
of three minor children, Nellie, Cecil
and Leona. Strohaker, the court ordered
them to appear with Nellie Miller,
their next of kin and others interest
ed, to show why the guardian, Fred
Uphoff, should not sell about eight
acres in section 21, township 6 south of
range 1, west. Ths date set for their
appearance is July 8.'
in wisrrv was issued Juno
24 to Gerald Patrick Connor, 21, of St.
Paul and Miss Maria Beatrice Kirk,
20, of St. Paul. Both were bom at St.
Paul. They will ibe married tomorrow.
a w Yin Ammtv ountr fruit in
spector is home from a general tour of
tha rnimtv. IIb MLva that in the up
loads the prunes aro needing rain bad
ly but tnat with cool weatner iney
will pull through all riglit In the low
lands the prune crop is looking fine
and will make a good erop under any
conditions. .
Amsterdam, June 23. Foreign Minis
tcr Knehlmaiitt declared lit the rekh
tag that Germany cannot bind herself
to pledges regarding Belgium, according
to advices received hcie today.
Many OMTke Residents of
: City Send Ford They Arc
Ccssg Saturday . .
The homecoming for the old timers
and for natives of Oregon to be cele
brated in Salem aext Saturday is as
suming large proportions and from the
number of tiiose interested, tad tha
invitations sent oat the day will b
one when tha old timers from all parts
of the state will meet to talk over ths
days of 50- years ago or more. At the
meeting- held last evening, Justice
George H. Burnett was elected chair
man in charge of the arrangements for
the day.
The progTara includes special recep
tion committees to meet the visitors
and a dinner ia Willson park, besides
automobile rides about the eity. For
mer Governor T- T. Geer has accepted
the invitation to speak and other old
timers will be called on for short talks.
Mrs. G. W. Belt of Spokane, has writ
ton that she will attend and sing sev
eral of the songs most loved by the
Oregon pioneers. Mrs. Hallie Parrish
Durdbll will also sing, and Miss Bea
trice Shelton will furnish, instrumental
Word has been received by the com
mittee from former Saleruites from all
parts of the Pacific northwest that
they will .be here, many oeing expected
from, as far away as Spokane and Se
attle. Large Crowd is Expected
Efforts will be made to arrange for
a special train from Portland so that
the" visitors may arrive here in a body.
Members of the committee declare
that every returning Saleniite will be
accorded a hearty reception upon his
arrival here, and tha members hope to
mlakethe welcome a rousing one to
all of tlie " home-eomers. "
Because of tho many hundreds of
former residents of this city scattered
about the Pacifie northwest, it was
deemed impracticable to send out per
sonal invitations, and tho committee
is depending largely upon the press to
notify former residents of the city of
the good time in store for them next
Saturday, and urge upon them that the
notice through the press may be con
sidered as a personal invitation to
The Gardiner Boom company -has
filed with tho public service commis
sion its schedule of rates for boomine
or catching, sorting,1' rafting, storing
logs and timber products In Smith
river and Mill creek, in Douglas coun
ty. This is tho first company which has
been granted a log boom franchise to
file its schedule of rates with the com
mission. Insurance Commissioner Harvey
Wells, who was elected commander of
tho Spanish-American War Veterans
at the state encampment held in Pot
tend last week, has appointed Lester
B. Davis adjutant and Robert E- Kum
row lassistant quartermaster general.
Both are Salem men.
Statistical information for the 1
cnnial report of Labor Commission
O. P. Hoff is now being compiled 1,
Prdfessor J. O. Hall, who recently i
signed his position in the faculty
Willamette university to go to Was
ington to serve the government as
expert statistician. He will lefive i
Washington in September.
The work of the state industrial a
cident commission is growing so rspi
ly that another strip is being taken 0
the hallway on the third floor of t'
state house to- give the commissi!
more room, fceveral montlis ago 0
third of tho hallway was petitioned 0
for the commission and now anoth
third is being enclosed.
Captain -Glenn Boss of Company '
Twentieth infantry, is here on a .'
days furlough visiting his brother,
Ed Boss, secretary of ths state big
way commission- Captain Boss is no
stationed at tho t-antonnient near. Ne.
Yonk and expects to leave with h
company for France soon after his r
turn to his post.
J. A. Churchill, superintendent '
public instruction, will leave today f
Pittsburg to attend the annual meetii
of the National Education associatio
He has a pla-ce on the general assei
blyi program and also on the progra
for the library department.
The subject of his address befo;
the general assembly will be ' The el
mentary schools in the next -viow
life," while the topic for his discu
aion .before the library section is "TL
relation of the high sohool library -.
modern educational aims."
Ho expects to return' July 15.
The work of adapting war servir
material to the needs, of the schoo
of the state is to.be performed by
committee appointed by J. A. Churcl
ill, superintendent of public instru-'
tion, which will work with the con
mittee on public information at Wasl
imgton, D. C. Mr. Churchill, who 8)
pointed the committee at the requet
of the educational branch of the eon
mittee on public information, wi
serve as chairman.
The chief purpose of this committe
as stated by J. W. Seerson, editorii
advise of the committee on public ii
fontation, in a letter to Mr. Churchil
will be "to constitute a standing
visory group to be consulted as t
means for adapting war service mater
ial to school neeils and promoting tb
harmony of national with local pn
grams of procedure--"
Superintendent Churchill hat appoic
ed on this eoimr.Utee A. P. McKinla.'
ft member of tho faculty of Lineol
high school, Portland; Miss Jessie 1
McGregor, fresident of the Portlan
Grade Teachers association; J- F. E
State House News i
German Food Supply
at Lowest Ebb Now
Washington, June 25. The food sit
uation ia Germany to date has over
shadowed the Austrian crisis, assuming
alarming proportions, Zurich cables to
day stan. Stuttgart, Cologne and
Dnsseldorff reports have reached Zu
rich of measures taken by ths city
councils to prevent the government
from further reducing the rations. In
many localities potatoes form the only
articl of food.
Morrow County District
First to Report Over Top
Portland, Or., June 53. Cecil school
district, Morrow county, is ths first
Oregon district officially to report
"over ths top" in tha war savings
stamp drive.
C. E. Woodson, Heppner county chair
man, wired State Director C. 8. Jackson
late Monday that Cecil district hal
more thaa doubled its quota, having sub
scribed $43 for every man, woman and
child ia the district. Sixty per cent of
the sales were in cash.
Washington, June 25. Declariug that
official representatives of the govern
ment should 'not attack newspapers,
Secretary of War Baker today diseussed
briefly the resignation of Dr. James A
Sc-herer, field agent of the national de
fense council. Scherer in an open let
ter to Baker said lie was leaving the
service because the administration '.ip-
ton, principal of the Astoria high
school and) E. T. Beed, professor at 0.
A. C.
This committee also will contribute
to the Teachers National Sarviee Bul
municttting trench while getting gas
III , v v l - "
vif . I ? jJr X x - ' "A. i
Bear in Mind Oar
pared to be shielding. William Randolph 1
"I do not think any official repre
sentative of the government ought to
be out attacking any paper," was the
sole comment of Baker, upon which he
would authorize quotation.
Young sagehens will soon be rijw in
Lake county, the Lakeview Examiner
says, and reports from outlying districts
are to the effect that they will be un
usually numerous this aeason. Weather
conditions have been very favorable for
large hatches.
GAS MASK DRILLS The line of army nurses are passing through a conv
instructions at Camp Kearney California. ... Tnfnr, V- """
The Mail-Tribune reports active busi
ness at the Medford public market. Buy
ers come early and buy liberally. Meat
products, as well as fruits and veget
ables are on sale.
SftVg .rftL3 WO REE, f
nTnt-- 1 ff'nh-iirlMlistti siii-I KHHHHIFIHHM1I.SWH