Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 25, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    : Sl,
' XX tor and Puiliske
uoYiai rase or
June 23, 1913
I tie vapitau
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
h. . Barnes,
8k. ud Tress.
tStllj by carrier, per Jr fS.OO Per Month 4Se
Daiii by Ball, per fear ' 1.00 fer Month Sit
D. Ward, New lork. Tribune Building.
Cuti-ago, W. H. 8tockwell, Peeple'i Gas Building
tin Capital Journal currier boys are Instructed to pnt the' pa pen on tbe porch. If
Cat carrier does nut do tula, misses you, or arglects getting the paper to you on time,
fcladii phone tbe circulation manxger, aa tbla la Hie only way 't can determine whether
r But tbe carrier are following Instruction Phon, Main 81 before 7 :3o o'clock and a
paper will be aent yon by ipeclal messenger It tbe carrier baa aliased yea.
to tbe only newspaper In Salem whose circulation la guaranteed by the
. Audit Bureau of Circulations.
Samuel G. Blythe, the star writer of the Saturday
Evening Post, pays a glowing tribute to the work of the
Salvation tjrmy in France. He has visited the war zone
and speaks from personal observation.
Mr. Blythe takes occasion to score severely many high
toned workers sent to the front by prominent organiza
tions in this country. He says they make nuisances of
themselves, get in the way and eat food that ought to be
consumed by soldiers or real workers.
The Salvation Army, however, is always where it is
most needed, poorly equipped, travelling without show or
noise, but ready with comfort and assistance where it is
required. This will be news to many in this country,
since the Salvation Army has made no drives for large
amounts of money and evidently has employed no press
agents to exploit its war work abroad.
The Salvation Army seems to hae small overhead ex
penses, no well-dressed idlers in its organization, living
well and really doing nothing. Its members are workers
in the ranks who have learned to know where there is
poverty, suffering and sin, and how to best alleviate con
ditions without lavish expenditun of money.
Service in the army of the Lord seems the one require
ment of the Salvation Army soldiers and there are few
skulkers from duty in its ranks. Their uniforms are
seldom disgraced. .
Mr. Blythe's article is timely. It will remind the Amer
ican people that while they are giving their dollars freely
to the more prominent war work organizations they
should not' forget to save some of their dimes and nickles
for the humble Salvation Army when it passes the hat
around. They need not worry about an accounting for
not a penny of it will ever go astray.
When Christ was on earth he did not select the scribes
?nd Pharisees to expound his gospel but choose his
desciples from among the poor and lowly; He carried his
message personally into the homes where' sin and afflic
tion and poverty were housed and that message was
heard around the world and is more potent today than it
was two thousand years ago.
The Salvation Army is only obeying His command to
go into all the worldnot so essentially where the lights
are brightest and happiness and contentment reign, but
into the dark places where there are sin and degradation
to be banished and suffering and sorrow to be assauged.
The "blood-soaked fields of France are now being thor
oughly campaigned by these valiant soldiers of peace
and mercy. 1
TTin VJnrntn WTtn friorirTorl
4 auv iivuiau ii uu viiuuiu
How the Oregonian hates to support the government
because there happens to be a democratic president in
powec Sometimes it would appear that it would almost
welcome the kaiser in order to defeat the efforts of a
democratic administration to successfully conduct a war
against a foreign foe. It has been so vindictively and un
fairly partisan that even the danger of foes from with
out cannot restrain it from criticising and villifying
public officials and seeking to hamper them in their ef
forts to meet an emergency that confronts the nation
and threatens its very existence as a free eovernment.
The Oregonian's distrust, is shown in untruthful and
uncalled for articles- appearing as press dispatches but
marked "special." They are not Associated Press dis
patches, but the reading public generally takes them to be
genuine. Most of them are manufactured and sent out by
Al.T.. .11" i . . - - "
uie itepuDiican national press bureau or some Kindred or
ganization of conspirators banded together to embarrass
tne government and hamper war activities. One of these
"dispatches" dated New York in todav's Oreeonian tells
about how some disgruntled member of the National
feel that it was wonderful that
Defense Council wrote a letter to Secretary Baker, resign-' tStXSZ
uig ma juu utxause tne nearst newspapers were not com
pelled to suspend publication. It is a fair sample of this
"special" grapevine news printed by the Oregonian and
other partisan sheets which are doing good work for the
kaiser over here by lying about our own government and
the work it is doing.
George Palmer Putnum, former secretary to Governor
Withycombe, has written a book entitled "The Smiting of
tne Kock." it has just been issued from the press of G.
P. Putnam's Sons. Mr. Putnam- who was a renublican
Here, is said now to be connected with the department of
justice m the east. Whether he has changed his politics
again, or holds his job because the democratic national
administration is more liberal in its views than the nar
row guaged partisan who runs the Oregbn state house
we are not informed. Anyway, George has a job and will
probably need it if he essays to make a living writing
novels. '
Italy's success in hurling back the Austrian invaders
yrill have a far reaching effect on the European military
situation, in the opinion of American officers at the
national capital, so the dispatches state. The moral
value, so far, is greater than the military gain, but there
is a wide expectation among American officers that as
the Austrian defense cracks the way will be open to strike
the Teuton alliance in a most vital spot. It will take time
to reach that point. Austria has sufficient man power to
keep up a strong defensive for many months because the
cllies have not the reserves to immediately follow up the
opportunity now presented. But a gradual weakening of
Austria's power is inevitable. The internal unrest in the
dual monarchy, it is held here, is certain to be aggravated
by the futile offensive. Reports to the state department
indicate the dire straits' of the half starved people. All
these factors lead to the belief that a rapid dissolution of
the Teuton alliance will come when the allies are strong
enough to undertake an offensive on all fronts.
The Italians stood theirground and fought this time,
whipping the-Austrians to death. As a matter of fact, in
this entire war, neither the Germans nor Austrians have
won a victory where their opponents- if anywhere equal
numerically; stood up and fought back. , Most of their
victories against Russia, Italy and Rumania were won by
treachery in the ranks of the opposing army.
. The Oregon state prison is out of money and if the
convicts continue to walk away from it it will before long
be out of inmates. As long as Withycombe is governor,
however, the institution will never be out of politics.
- -
Rippling Rhymes I
by Walt Mason
I scarcely spoke again that evening.
and George did not except when I asked
a question. I was discouraged, depressed.
I knew I had not been tactful. I had
impulsively, arraigned him instead of
telling him quietly how I suffered from
his non-appreciation of my efforts to
pleas? him. The reaction of the day s
excitement was telling on me. I felt a
morbid pleasure' in assuring myself I
had lost them both; that I had dis
missed Merton and had sot won any.
thing by doing it.
"What was the use trying to be good
and do right!" I said to mysulf as
after an hour I bado George good night
and went up stairs. I wanted to be
alone. The regular turning of the leaves
of the magazine had irritated in.?. My
nerves were on edge. As I look baek I
I could
reason with
ight be
fore and of tho interview with Mer
ton. But then I could not reason; I could
only suffer.
I went immediately to bed, and in
stantly fell asleep.
The next morning George said
"What had you beta eating? You
suorcd lik.9 a pirate last night. I woke
you several times, rather tried to, but
you went right on snoring."
"Oh, I hope I didn't disturb you,"
I said, mortified, and blushing hotly.
"Who'se got a better right! " he re
turned tweaking my .oar.
If She Could Only Understand
I was fraukly surprised at Uis good
nature. I must have kept him awake;
ho had been cross with me the night
before. Would I ever kuow him, ever
understand his different modes!
At breakfast he was very pleasant; al
PmiJtnl American Steu&ftr TMrifl
An excel
lent example
o f patriotic
and construc
tive thrift it
found in the
of the Amer
ican peanut
industry. In
the South
many organ
izations are
working t o
encourage tbe
more exten
sive cultivation of this product
An impression exists that the
peanut is without substantial value
in a large way in contributing
to the nation's food supply or as a
means of additional revenue to agri
cultural communities. However, it
is capable of holding a large olace in
the nation's food supply. It js used
in making compound lards and oleo
margarine, besides a very good qual
ity of cooking oil. Peanuts contain
glycerine in large quantities, which
is used in making ammunition. The
peanut tops make a good hay, and
in some parts of the South yield as
high as three-fourths f a ton of hay
to the acre. Peanut flour is rapidly
gaining popularity for a variety of
uses, and peanut butter is a desirable
and wholesome article of food. Pea
nut cake makes excellent feed for
It is said that not a single portion
of the peanut plant goes to waste,
and it can be grown to advantage in
portions oi the South and West
where the amount of moisture is
smalL In the South it is said the
peanut kills Johnson grass, which in
itself makes it a desirable oroduct
The peanut will yield about 60 per!
will prove of great value to the na-J
tion, lor, as uie war progresses,
there will be an ever increasing need
for the vegetable oils, both for food
and in the manufacture of ammuni
tion. I he roasted peanut contains
46i per cent of fats and 29J per
cent protein.
The leading state in the production
of the peanut is Texas, which last
year had a crop valued at sjo.UWV
000 from approximately 800,000,
acres. This year the indications are,
that the acreage in this state will be
about 1,500.000 acres. In most of
the Southern states there is a large,
increase in acreage this year which;
means a corresponding increase in
food and war supplies. Through the
South peanut mills are rapidly being
erected. In many places the farmer
raised the peanut merely as food for
his hogs which he allowed to feed on
the vines. With the recent introduc
tion of the Spanish peanut and ths
erection of the mills, the industry has
changed in character.
The development of the peaaut in
dustry is alluded to here as an illusJ
tration of the value of constructive!
thrift. J
if you don't mind, kindly,
Mrs. Hattie Dangerslow.
"Not-a-tal!, on the contrary" Sheer
smiled voraciously.
And he led,hv?r to a $300 self-crank-
nig, non-skid talking machine, pusuing
a chair gently against the back of her
most jolly. He teased me unmercifully knees until Bhe sat down, and handed
One cherry grower near this city telephoned this
morning that pickers were running all over his place and
that he did not know what to do with them. This gentle
man advertised in the Capital Journal and this overcome
the prevailing shortage of labor a method getting what
you want that is especially efficient in this day and age.
The man who tries to do business with the public without
using printers' ink generally winds up in the bankruptcy
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
The task I used to like, alas, to me no longer
make appeal; I do not care to mow the
grass, with seven feet of flashing steel. The
weeds are growing on my lawn, which once
was handsome as a park; for I begin to talk
at dawn ot war, and keep it up till dark.
1 o cockleburs are growing dense where
once the scarlet rambler grew; decay has
marked my picket fence, and all the other
things in view. For I must talk with
Neighbor Jones that's what my leather
lungs are tor explaining, in heroic tones,
what we should do to win the war. I do
not care to swat the flies, although that
sport once hit the spot, and early in the day I'd rise, with
noble zeal, and swat, and swat. Each fly in safety now
may soar, ana multiply to beat the band; I'm busy at the
Blue Front store, where allied strategy is planned. There
I'm considered sane and wise, and people harken to my
rede; 1 have no time to swat the flies, which on the na
tion's substance feed. I do not care to boil the germs,
although our lives may be at" stake, for I must tell, in
ringing terms, where Kronprinz Willyum made his break.
I used to read the. bulletins the health board issued once
a week, and I would stir mv ancient shins, and makp mv
slats and hinges creak; none better knew to swat the flies,
or boil the germs, or bat the rats; but now I meet with
graybeard guys, and we all gossip through our hats.
I am patriotic,
As every boy should be,
But I lute to see the bakeries
Put it over me.
They get ALL the wheat flour,
a you already know,
While ,ve flout get enough
To maiio some biscuit dough.
So we must buy from them,
And let them profiteer,
While Ajer sits in his chair
With pencil on his ear.
Why should we have to do without
The kind Ma used to make!
Would he use more whoat flour
Than thi baker for a cakef
We eat just as muck wheat flour,
As we ever did before,
The only difference is
We pay a heap-sight more.
So give us just a little,
That wo have our share,
And we will leave a plenty
For tha Boys "over there."
A newspaper man friend sugeests that
the two greatest shortstops the world
about snoring; said he was. going to
bring homo a pincaer for my nose, and
a lot of other nonsense. When he was
ready to go he said
' ' Come down town and havol uneheon
with me if you like. I nhnll not be very
busy today."
' ' That will be a treat," I Baid quietly.
Just in time I remembered Mrs. Sex
ton's advice anant being meek, too
meek. L sunlly 1 had gushed over such
an invitation; and thauked him ful
somely as if it wore no pleasure at all
tor him; that the iov was all mine.
"It will bo for m.9 also," he had said
then kisied me as carelessly as U3ual.
I danced arbout the house all tho
morning. I laughed and talked with Ce
leste while sh.o helped mo dress; tell
ing her to make mo lovely.
I was a little earlj an to restaurant,
so waited in the lobby for George. While
I waited, Mr. Carpenter, whom I had
met tho first time I lunched there, came
in, and seeing mo alono came directly
up to me.
Are you lunching hero!" he asked,
Yes. I am waiting for Mr. How
"Just my IK- Every attractive
woman I know is always waiting for
some other man," he returned. The
words meant nothing, but the tone, and
the look that accompanied tli.ora made
be. blush. Ho had just left me when
Oeorge came in,
"What are you blushing for!" he
' ' That Mr. Carpenttr was just talking
with niu," and I repeated what he had
George Shows a Flash of Jealousy.
"The fool!" George said under his
breath, then "he better not poach on
my p....reserv.2s," ho took my arm and
we went in to tne table he had resorv'
ed by telephone.
I was so happy I could have laughed
aloud, ueorg,') hud really shown a lit
tlo jealousy. Ho was not really angry;
it was more tho petulant ' expression
of a jealous lover. I waB sure now that
I would have a pleasant lunch hour;
and strang.9 as it may seem the little
incident helped mo to feel I had dono
exactly right in dismissing Merton
Gray. That such a momentous action
should even in my thoughts hang upon
such a trivial incident was ridiculous
of course; but in my mood at that time
nothing aoemed too small to be of con
sequence as it affected Georg0 and me.
After luncheon, which had passed off
almost gayly, George had another sur
prise for uue.
"I have to go over to Leonard Park"
a town very near us "1 thought
perhaps you would enjoy the ride; ao
told Jnmes to meet us here with th,a
touring ear."
Again I thought of Mrs. Sexton. I
would not show too much enthusiasm.
Yot knowing how he disliked a long
ride in an open car I knew he had or
dered tho touring ear to please me
"I shall enjoy the ride. It will do
yon good also. Tou looked a bit fagged
wuen you came in to rancneon."
80 you noticed it! I was tireA out.
One of the men in the office is sick.
He didn't, show up today, and things
were a bit snarled in consequence. But
I feel bully now. I guess I was hun
gry," he then raotioiwd Mr. Carpenter
to come and have coffte with us, "He
mustn't think I miuded his Bpeaking
to you, so confirming my suspicions.
(.lomorrow -AnLupleasant Bide)
. luunucr
her tht record catalogue,
" ! " ho asked politely.
Mrs. Dangerslow went through the
catnlogue perusively.
"I think I'd like to hear No. 80,999,-743-AA
first," she Baid at length,
"Certainly!" brisked Imber Shter
and rubbed his hands delightedly, for
it was "That Bagjjedy Barman Bag"
sung by Caruso, Melba and Tetrazzini
an eleven dollar' record.
"Pevf'ly perfect!" Bighed Mrs. Dan
gtrslow, and for two hours she SAT
there picking the most costly records
from tho catalogue, al of which Imber
Sheer played for her, obligingly keep
ing the store open an hour past the
usual closing time.
"And now if you'll just tell me
which ones have motith your approv
al?" he said at length.
"Oh, I like 'em all, I've enjoyed
each and every one," she assured him,
"and I cert'n'y intond to talk the mat
ter over with the family and n.ayb
some day we'll get a talking machine."
And she thauked him again and went'
out, and Imber Sheer savagely ate 4
fourteen dolar record.
Latonia Derby Will
Have l$20,000 Added Value
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 25. John
Hachimeitor, general manager of the
Latona Jockey lub, announced that
next year's Latonia derby, to be run
in the Spring, will have an added val
ue of $20.1)00 and will be barred to
goldinc This year's derby has 10,'
000 added.
Johren, winner of Saturday's drly,
had such weak opposition, the decision
was made to double the value of ths
race so as to attract the- best horses
anil nrnnri.itnr Af &hnn ' n j r-t . ,
has ever known am Hans Wa.ner and 1- ' """" nlrai
thu r t front drive. uVi Uke to u Mm
some records, please
X. 7. Z. Please write an article
On Rickets. My baby eleven months
old cannot sit up, and seems to have
no power in her back. What kind
of food Is suitable and how long does
the disease astt
Perhaps your child is not affected
with rickets, but with some other
disease. Rickets, or rhachitis, Is tha
tetiult of bad nutrition, affects all the
tissues of the body, and chiefly
loaves its mark on the bones
Which it softens and then deforms.
It usually occurs boforo tbe third
year, but the bone deformities ap
pear later.
It Is caused by food which Is not
assimilated, but also by neglect ot
the skin, bad air, insufficient sleep,
The children of the poor have it,
tut so do those of tha rich. In this
country it is commonly among ne
groes and Italians, but not among
Irish or Germans.
In the great European cities one
Bees it everywhere. The urine of
rhachitlc children contains phos
phates in abundance and the bones,
being deficient in lime, bend and
break easily.
Rhachttio children have soft spots
in the bones of the skull; and the
membranous portions of the skull,
where you notice throbbing and pul
sation In an infant, and which ought
to harden during the first few
months of life, remain soft
All the bones of the skull. Instead
of being firmly united, are
and easily moved.
The face of a rhachitlc baby Is
small, and the head seems dispro
portionately large.
1 The liver, spleen and lymphatic
glands are enlarged, the muscles
oft, and the ligaments weak.
1 The child's appetite may be good,
ha may even seem voraciously hun
gry, but his food doesnt appear to
nourish him, he becomes fretful,
gets diarrhoea and this alternates
with constipation.
He is sensitive, cries when touched,
bis diarrhoea is offensive, the ap
pearance of his teeth Is delayed, and
when they break out they are irregu
lar and of poor quality.
When ha begins to walk, the weak
ness of the bones of the legs becomes
apparent and they bend or break
easily; the joints are weak and he
falls frequently.
When he tries to move himself
with his arms, the arm bones beni
or break and there may be an out
ward hump on the spine.
On the ends of the ribs there are
knobs or bead-like structures, tha
breast bone projects and the child
becomes pigeon breasted.
The pelvis may become deformed
and, in females, this has a very Im
portant bearing upon the successful
delivery of offspring, If impregna
tion Bhould ever occur.
Rhachitlc children are frequently,
bow-legged, knock-kneed or flat
footed; they are also sensitive to
bronchitis and croup, and die from
these diseases mora frequently than
children who have better physical
If they reach maturity, they are
short and poorly formed and their
limbs often reveal the marks ot early
Rhachitlc children should be taken
to the mountains or sea-shore, If pos
sible, and should have abundance of
good plain food which they can as
similate which will be indicated
by the change in their stools and in
their general nutrition.
Fats in the form of cod-liver olL
or olive oil, should be given them;
also as much of eggs, milk, and
cereals as they can dispose ot
Treatment with mechanical appara
tus is Important to prevent de
formities, and thev should have all
loose- possible benefit from public parks,
sea-baths, sleep, fresh air, and lift
in the country when this can be pro
Questions and Answers.
X. 1 Can water on the brain ot
curedt The patient in question is a
child two years and nine months.
2 Do you advise on X-ray e
ray examination t
Answer It is sometimes possible:;
to tap the skull and draw off soma
fluid in this condition which ia
known as "Hydrocephalus." But
unless skilfully done, this is likely
to do harm and even when skilfully -done,
it Is by no means always u
cessful. The condition is usually
hopeless one.
2 There would be no harm la
having an X-ray examination.
knil sJdflT! T 1 only. BSW witobls, i;med letters soeompsnied with stampad
SI " . 1, ,'"L";' ,mr' be 00 which sra ot (rMKrl inter.!. Tha
TthvBi"in rn. - "w raiuur sad nni 10 luxe me I'll. -
r cirrist M ?'ff'0M8 h" eription. J-u sKraM consult yoar family nhy-ielaa.
vr. vurnei may bp si'.dre;-rd m cars ot this newsnaper.