TODAY c 4,0 W SUBSCRIBERS lll,000 EEAXEBS) daily Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau ef Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL TraXAMETTlfY AL LEY KEWS SEE VICE Oregon: Tonight and Wednesday fair; warmer Wed ' aesday,- gentle . winds, mostly r .northerly. (1 vJUN'E J FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 148 ATTACK Drive Strong Offensive Against Austrian Lines From Mountains to Sea Indications That Operations WLH Be Oa Extensive Scale -Everywhere Invaders Are ein Hurled Back In Dis order wi!h Heavy Losses of Men and War Materials London, June 25. The Italians hay started a oounter offensive in the mountain region, it wag learned from an authoritative source this afternoon. The Austrians are making a strong re sistance but the Italians have gained ground. . The above dispatch does not show , vv extent or toe Italian counter of fensive. bUt British fnriM uliaorio hava in do &n s.ppreeiable gain un the Asiago piaijoau, w conjunction with Italian gains along the Fiave. It is possible that General Diaz, knowing the Austrians contemplated a tf.mewal of their drive southward from the mountains, "beat them to the punch." With the Italian Armies in the Field June 24 (Night)-r-Th Austrian re treat continues. The importance . and ecope of the iraiiian success grows hourly. It ig now reported that the troops of Arehduke Joseph and General' Von Wurin must surrender pr be annihilat ed. The Piave is choked with enemy dead and the dehdis of their equip uuent. The attempt of the Austrian war office to represent the retirement as voluntary i false. In only a few .scattered! -places could the river be forded and were under constant jwunding by the Italian artillery and ullied airmen. The handful of bridges alsoi was pelted with shells and air is positively established that the enemy's losses are even greater in the retreat than as a direct rsult of the Italian counter offensive. Allid air forces Were particularly active in harassing the -Austrian re treat across- the river at Falsco after the enemy had been swept from Mjn tello. American, aviators played a prominent role- in this work. Thousands of Austrian have been, 'aptured- Other thousands have beou wiped out by artillery, machine gun and rifle fire, by air bombs and by (drowning. - Italian cava'.ry i .pursuing the ene my far beyond the Piave. The horse men are pushing forward toward the line 'between Conoglinno and Oderzs. (Continued nn page three) Abe Martin 4i "Wheri I doa t want t' ferffifc mm'-liin - - - . v w ivr ijuvrrur. thin I lay my t 'backer by it," said Ez Notices were posted in the town Sat Fash, t'day. Even with a war on an' a urday ordering all members of the Non thousan' other thi nm t' talk flluiiit Partisnn f-Aam.a : k. . .. . i. - 1 some women find time t' tell how ther husbands mix salad dressin. SiNETY-SEVEN NAMES ON PERSHING'S LIST OF CASUALTIES TODAY Fifty-Seven American Soldiers Were Killed In Action On French Front Washington, June 25. General Per shing today reported 97 casualties in th.e A. E. P., divided as follows: Killed in action, 54; died of wounds i ; died of . disease 5; died from air plane accident 1: died omer causes a; severely wounded 26; wounded, degree undsterntined 2. ine tot includes: Killed In Action Lieutenants P. V folk, Va. M. C. Druuim, Bigolow, Kan. T. M. Golden, Philadelphia, Pa. G. G. Haydoek, Milton, Mass. Sergeant J. R. Pooler, Miami, Fla. Corjwrala O. Auslow, Boston, Mass. J. J. Lindra, Cleveland, Ohio C. R. Smith, Charleston, W. Va. A. Wood, Macon, Ga. Private C. W. Dursvlmnn. fnalma- ton, Ohio Privates B. Amundson, Edgerton,Wis J. Angell, Kalamazoo, Mich. G. W, Austin, New York G. N. Austin. MainesJutrg, Pa. Charles Basel, Chicago D. G. Beam. Johnstown. P. -' F. L. Beck, Fairhopa, Pa. -. a. ooungor, Indian Week, Texas R. C. Brandow, Morley, Mich. W. W. Qameron, Gilman, Wis. A. W. Cooper, Monticello, Miss.."' " I. Czarniewski, Chicago 8. Czech Jackson, Mich- 8. D'Anholfo, South Barre, Mass. P. Davis, MeCammon, Idaho W. Dawe, St. Louis, Mo. H. Debson, Blanchardville, Wis. ft A. Drake, Lawtin, Miss. F. E. Duibbs, West Liberty, Ohio M. Dnniimit, Wheeling, W. Va- E. Dunkle, Wrightsvdllc, Pa. J. B. Eaves, Tallapoosa, Ga. 0. E. Eby, Detroit, Mich. W. Fishetti, Cinoiuuati. L. Ganadu, Italy 'J. L. Giaha.n, Gulfport, Miss.' J- . Kaaper, Chicago J." Letter, New York T. A. Lewis, Warren, Ohio M. Lynch, Denvor, Colo. T. D. McCracken. Grahamr Pa. E. F. Meyers, Berwin, Pa. (Continued on page two) Great Ore Bins Bum U .01. near ivennei amener Reddine. Cal.. Juno 2.1 Om hin. nf 1000 ton capacity at the lower end of a srravdtv tram line between tlio Mom. moth mine and the smelter at Keunet ourneil under mysterious circumstances la-te Sundav. The less i ti mat Ail t $10,000. Until the bins are rebuilt, at lnn.t teminorarilv. ore shinment. frnm th mine to the smelter will be impossible- ine smeiter, However will operate on ore from other mines. Company officials believe the fire was incendiary. E BY LOCAL BOARD Young Men Reaching Twenty- une 5ince June 5, Re quired to Answer Questionnaire were mnilei) tn,iv t... the local exemntinn ihnnivl fa. I'No. 1 to th men who become of age Ibetween June 5, 1917, and June S. 1918 and who registered on the latter date. Accoraing to en Met passed by con gress, these June .5, 1918, registrants win w given tne lowest order raimberg and not Ibe called until all other in class 1 have been inducted into the service. However, a. the call, nr. pnm- ilt2 fast. It is nroiMthle that hn trnnnn "men jn the following list will be called imo service eariy tnis rail. in questionnaire besides caning for information as to tho young man's (Continued on page three) Minnesota Traitors , Driven From State St. Paul. Minn. June 24. Rennrt re ceived here today from Luvernc, JUiun stated that members nf ':niriilt" organization had eompeled W. W. Lat. m, raixor or tne r.averne leader, John Meintza, a farmer, and W. T. CoaU Afffanivilf 4m tlin Xi-:n-l X' n .1 Tanm . t - - .-guv ah me run u i r io reg i ister and rcaounc? their connection with the organization." ' PEAT FOK VICTORY. Washington, June 24.; Tailing of bells and whistle blowing proclaimed observance today o the first week day Angelus by Washington. As traffic stopped for two minutes and thousands paused in their work, an army viator soared over the war cap ital droping posters bearing this message.. "It is neon. Pause a minute and pray for victory for our na tion and our allies for those who fight and serve over there and here." CABINET MEMBERS CANNOT AGREE ON PROHIBITION ISSUE Chairman Hurley of Shipping Boards, Atraid of Experi ment at This Time Washington, June 2. Cabinet mem bers wer,? sharply divided on the pro hibition question at' the hearing of the senat.? agricultural comuiiitce today, with Secretary of the Navy Daniels es pousing the measure and Postmaster General Burleson on the fido of 'the wets. Daniels contends that the efficiency of the navy yard has increased wherever prouiouiou nas ocen adopted. Burleson said such a low "miorht ro. suit in delnyng the successful prosecu tion of the war." In response to a question by Senator Kenyon, Burleson said h was not speak ing for the administration, hut .inriu. ing his personal views. "The erear bulk of the men in hin- yards are capable and trustworthy," saw .uanieis. '"in every case where pro hibition has been adopted the change has resulted in increased efficincv. , "Newport and Maw Island, Cal., are tw'6 -of the nlacpR where a ornn fm. provement has been brought about. "Manv nrotested the Mare Tslund ruling at the time, There are few oppos- ea toaay. a destroyer was recently launched there in record breaking time. "At Newnort cnndltinna v.ra an il. plorable that it would have, been a crime (Continued on page six) MMMMtltMMHMMMI tMtMMtMHMUIIHMHi MAP OF THE GERMAM CAMPS WHERE CAPTURED AMERICANS ARE BEING HELD I lEEEET. lEEEM. A LlC Az W j( - 'Parchim 7StelUn - X. X.Havelbur J Hanover. J . 1 t WarA k BrunWk f "rMdanOuri f . 1 T jHolzinindeti V R U S S IA s ) G E R - M A N"S Y S V olgtie. CasselV m 0 Xnj,,, U- O i .Siegburg Langensalz. -V,.r I. AactienV Giessen --'7 . J j Heidelberg ' . K " 'ffiubeV Muiwt . KatteuBu V'fX-f Vacs jWy'W -A-V d Budapest S ' .Suiiphr Wurehvusrs v a .V SWITZERLAND L. s bureau of ''Prisoners' Belief Ameriean Bed Cross Of these twenty seven German prison camps in which Americans now ai'e held, Tuchel, near Danzig, is to be the thief prison camp for our captured bovs in uniform, according to advices reaching the American Bed Cross. In each of the camps shown by a black square on ithe map and in one small camp which cannot be located, there are either captured soldiers or else American 'seamen taken Tom submarined merchantmen. The- Bed Cross had liirwt reports from two hundred and thirty one men in these eamips at the beginning of June and to each is send ing through its prisoners' relief warehouses at BVne, twenty pounds of I'ood a week and is supplying clothing, t-omforts, tobacco and in fact, evcryrliing the men need- la supplying eapHured soldiora and sailors the " Bed Cross acts a the transmitting agency for the army and navy which furnishes the supplies. In addition to the prisoners actually on its records the Bed Cross believes that.. there are soni'e two hitfndred additional American prisoners in Germany who have not yet reached the prison camps where they are ito be located permanently. The B-ed Cross, however, is already prepared to care for taese as soon as Reported and in fact has stored in Berne or in transit supplies enough to maintain twenty two thousand- prisoners it necessary for six months. Awaiting American prisoners sent to Tuchel fs a etodk of Bed Cross packages of food and clothing in charge of three of cut captured boys who are appointed -the Bed Cross relief committee for that prison camp. Similar reserve stocks will be placed In other prisons 'as it (becomes evident that they are to be used aa centers for imprisoned Americans, who thus" will be fed and clother immediately. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE niOTARAGE LIMIT FAVORED IN SEIIATE TODAY Debate Brings Oat Sentiment That Eghteea Limit Will Be Opposed CHAMBERLALN FAVORS TWENTY TO FORTY-FIVE Most Senators Advocate Rais ing Great Army to Make Victory Certain By L. C. Martin (I'nitcd Press staff correspondent) Washington, June 25. Taking up the question of changing the draft age, the senate today plunged into debate on the wisdom of lowering the age from 21. General approval of raising the age above 31 was voiced, but the reduction below 21, w almost as ttfn- erally opposed. i iscnator N orris, Nebraska, urged the maximum age be made sixty. Senator Williams, Mississippi, pre sented an amendment mnking the lim its 20 to 40. Senator Fall, sneakinir on his 18 to 43 amendment, declared the 'enrollment must be extended if the war is to be woo. Senator Nelson, Minnesota,' a civil war veteran, was the most ardent ad vocate of lowering the ago to 18. "Lay aside maudlin sympathy about keeping the boys albout the farms and get the most effective army," said Nelson. He advocated making the ago limits 18 to 3j. , Senator Chamberlain f came out strongly for lowering :JtT.r raising' -og limits. " But this war -cannot be waged un less we have the sentient of the country behind it," said Chamberlain. "And I know the country will never stand for sending the men from -18 to 21 to the firing line." He advocated making the age 20 to 45 with a proviso that the young (Continued on page seven) 25, 1918 t. TODAY IN THE GBEAT WAS. . A year aga The British mads prjgiess southwest of Lens. - Two years ago. The Russians completed the eonquest of Buko Wina. The Italians made (he Posina region. German positions were heavily bombarded on the British and Belgian fronts. Three years ago. The Rus-. sians assumed the offensive on the Dneister, A German submarine was sunk by an explosion near the Island of Borkum. LIBERTY ARMY HEN GO TO CAMP LEWIS M Sixty-Two Recruits for Persh ing s Forces Will Entrain From Salem Wednesday afternoon at 1:35 o'clock 62 men from division No. 1 of Marion county and eight men from other states will entrain for Camp Lewis going o the Southern Pacific. Ths men are ordered to report at the court, house tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock for their final instructions and papers. They will be given a luncheon at the Marion hotel at 11:30 o'clock and immediately afterwards will again report at the court house to march in a body to the 8. P. station. After returning from the hotel there will be exerdisos at ttie court house in cluding an address to the men and music by the Chorrian band. As an es cort to the depot besides the band, members of the Grand Army of tho Re public will meet with the men at the court house and march to the depot. If arrangements can fee mado, one com- panof the Oregon nd will also act as an wort, former Alderman Lloyd T. Rigdon, who is in this draft, has been selected1 aa, one of the captains in charge of the men until they arrive at Camp Lewis. The following Is a list of .the moa to leave from this district: Alvia Curtis Greenfield, Anchorage, Alaska (Continued on page seven) Kiinigsberg PRICE TWO CENTS DRAFT LAW SCOPE HAY BE WIDENED TO INCLUDE LABOR Amemkents Are Being Con sidered With a View to War Work Efficiency By L. O. Martin (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, June 25. Congress to day ig looking to ,the war department ifor suggestions on widening the scope of the draft law. With the amendments to the army bill to increase' the dnrollmcnt ace for the draft to 18-45 now before con-j gressL leaders agree it wou'd be wiser to give Provost Marshal General Crow der an opportunity to frame the legis lation he desires before starting work. -M-oanro-nne, the senate will discuss the Fall and France amendments. which, while they both fix 18 to 45 as the newt age limits, are otherwise to tally dissimilar. - Tho France amendment is General Crowder's "work or fight" order car ried to the last degree. It would mean that every male between 18 and 45 would be classified for some sort of service and would be subject to call for tho service, tinder military rale. He eould not strike on war work with out facing court martial. General Crowder thoroughly endors es the principle of the France amend ment. He told the senate military com mittee recently it would end the labor shortage by putting all the country'! labor, skilled and unskilled instantly at the president's call. The Fall amendment, on the othet hand, is a military service measure with the addition of a training provis ion. It Would prevent the use on the firing line of those between 18 and 21, but would allow them fr be train ed, so that when they ibccamer 21, they could instantly be utilized. This would mean that each year the fighting forc es would be increased by about 500, 000 fully trained men, .while there would always he a largo number of men in training. Mexico In Need of Farm Implements Chicago, June 25. Mexico needs ag ricultural implements and commercial facilities and shipments of these will prove America's (feeling for that coun try, according to nineteen Mexitan ed itors, here. The editors, touring the country, will inspect industrial plants here this week "If the new turn of affairs an nounced by President Wilson should change what Latin-America has con sidered the eagle s laws into out stretched hands of froedom, Latin America will have reeoivod great ben efit," said Senor Gonzala De La Par ra of Mexico City, responding to Chi cago's welcome, CUDGEL WINS RACE. Acqueduct Hace Track, New York, . Boss' June 25. Cudgel, Commander J. I. star, won the Brooklvn Handicap here this afternoon, defeating a star field of stake horses, which included George Smith, Westy Hogau, Roamer, Ticket and others les famous. Roamer was second and fieorge Smith . third. ' I Cudgel carried the top weight of 129 pounds over thp course of a mile and a furlong in 1:501-5. liiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I War Summary of niiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1423rd Day of the War; 97th Day of the Big Offensive siiiiiiuiiuimHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiis Italian Front. Thfi enormity of the Austrian defeat on the Piave becomes more apparent as each fresh report is received. Italian cavalry Is pursuing the fleeing enemy far beyond the river, while large infantry forces ate tfeteriuinedly en argiug th?ir hold on the east bank, The armies of Arohduke Joseph and General Von Wurm are reported to be in imminent danger of capture or anni hilation, Thousands of Austrians have been eapturd and thousands killed and wounded. Many have been drowned in attempting to cross the Piave. Allied airmen are aiding in the pur suit, bombing bridges and pouring ma chine gun fire into the fU-sjng column. American aviators are thus : operat ing east of Montello. -, Capture of "45,000 Austrian prisoners announced yesterday by the Italian em bassi.Tg in Washington and London, is now admitted to have possibly been an error for "between four and five thous and." ' Picardy Front. The British made successful raids south of Arras. Hostile; artillery was active from the Ancre to south of the Somme, ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS FURTHER ADVANCE PERSHING'S LIS local Operations Net Gams la Vicmity of Chateaa-Thierry Is Report AMERICAN ARTILLERY ACTIVE AGAINST ENEMY Conquest of Belleaa Wood One of Strangest Battles cf Present War Washington, June 25. Further ad vances of American troorn Monday neat Chauteau-Thierry were reported by Gen- -eral Pershing today. "Local operations continued in the Chauteu-Thierry region where we made further advance, capturing five machine '. guns and other materials," the com munique said. ...- , - , : "A German counter attack against : our lines near Torcy broke down with, heavy losses under oni rifle, machine gun and artillery fire. As the result , of a raid executed by the namy against our troops in Lorraine several of our . men are mfeslng." , . ' By Lowell Mellett . ... . . With the Americans on The Mame- fCootinued tin page three) ENGI HIS ONLY EXCUSE Fifty-Eight Dead As Result of Lon Sargent Sleeping at His Post Hammond, Ind.j June 25. Testify ing beforo a coroner's jury, Condustor Lewis Johnson of tho Michigan Central tt-nin that Tan .lnwn tlia tin -an K A b . Walla(.e eircu8 traiu at ,vanhJ; SatuT. day, swore today that Engineer Lon Sargent told him he was dozing when me wrecs occurrea. "After the crash I ran forward," Johnson testified, "I ran to Sargent and said: 'My God, this is awful; how did it happen!' "Sargent answered. 'I was doz ing.'" Sargent- was brought here today and is in custody of Gary, Ind., police un der a charge of manslaughter. He re filled to tes'ify tcday on advice of his attorney, who claimtd the right to re fuso on tho ground that Sargent is formally charged wiMt mansluu'ghtei and his testimony might be- nsed 1 aifains him. District Attorney Clyde ( Hunter, of Lake county, advised the I coroner that Sargent's claim was val- id. The death tell of the wreck stood at 58 todav and it was snid that all the injured ne w in hospitals hero and iat Gary will live. United Press I Flanders Front. Allied Knes . were heavily bombarded on the western por tion of the front. Mara? Front, French consolidated the positions they won yesterday wc&t of Soissons. There was artijlery fight ing near Faverolles. Woevre and Lorraine fronts Ameri can lin.-s north of Toul were heavily shelled. The French conducted success ful minor raids in various seetors. Germany. The unrest in Austria Ilungary has spread to Germany, where 20,000 munition workers ar on strike in Mulheim. ' - Foreign Minister Von Kuchlmann told the reichstag that Germany cannot bind herse)f to any pledges regarding Bel gium, Austria Hungary A general ; striko has been called in Budapest and the railway. ihIhU and telegraph service throughout Hungary ate badly crip pled. Russia German military and naval forces have landed near Batum, evi dently with the Intention of occupying the entire Caucasus region. The former czar is reported to have been killed at Ekaterinberg, REPORTED I0DAV