Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 22, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation In Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Oregon: Tonight
and Sunday prob
ably fair; cooler
tonight east por
tion; g .? a 1 1 e
winds,, mostly
Hope I dtr )
fit S'TEy
wMi MwmI f' - til
Italian Annies Pursuing Counter Attacks He? Gained
Ground at AO Important
Montelfo Crest Still Rages fiercelv-Retis ed Rains
Cause Another Raise In River Paive, Hinf J ing Oper
ations of Enem? ' . k:
Rome, June 22. "It is now permissible to state that
the battle has been won," Premier Orlando declared in
the chamber of deputies last night, the Tribune announced
The premier said that, in pressing -their counter of
fensive at both points where the Austrians crossed the
Piave, the Italians have made additional important gains.
That the expected renewal of the drive southward from
the mountains is imminent was indicated irrthe premier's
declaration that the enemy is gathering all available men
on that front. This maneuver is believed to have been
advocated by Hindenburg and Lude'norf f in their recent
hurried trip to the Austrian front.
With the Italian Armies in thp Field,
Julie 21. (Night). The battle for con
trol of the all-important Montello crest
is still uiiler way as this dispatch is
The Italians are known to have mndo
some gains and haw? taken more than
ii thou.-and prisoners, but l'ow exten
sive their operations there have been
cannot be determined at this time. The
latest reports received at headqunrtcis
xliowcd that Italians had reached tho
outskirts of .Nerwsa, on the southeast
ern edge of Montello and were fighting
toward the river.
Enemy prisoners declared that the It
alian attack in this sector frustrated an
Austrian attack which was planned to
lm launched just an hour after the Ital
ian assault began.
Renewed bad weather has caused tho
.Piave to rise again, just as it showed
indications of receding. The enemy for
ces on this side are still in a critical
position and arc forced to depend upon
limited quantities of food brought over
in airplanes.
On the lower Piave Austriaus have
suec.-cded in freighting armored cars
and field guns across in boats, but none
of their craft is large enough to trans
port their heavy guns. '
The work of the Italian, British and
American airmen is most effective. A
number of British aviators, after ex
hausting their bombs and machine gun
cartridges, hovered a few feet over thi
enemy, dropping spare parts Bui tools.
Italians Gain Ground.
London, June 22. Italian counter at
tacks gained ground both in the Mon
tello sector and in the region of Zen
hu on the Piavc.it was indicated in
overnight official reports. Elsewhero on
the front strong American attacks were
"In the Montello yesterday the pres
sure of the enemy continued, but every
wliere he was held by our troops who
counter attacked and gained ground,"
the Italian war office announced.
West of Candelu and west of San
Dona Di Piave, on thc lower river, re
peated attacks by the enemy failed to
make any progress.
The Austrian war office said: ,
"The struggle on the Careo plateau
and on the Montello increased to espec
ial violence." '
Vienna claimed a total of i.early 15,-
I War Summary of United Press I
g IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIill1llllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllll!l!llll!lllllllllll!IUIII
1 1420th Day cf the War; 94th Day of the Dig Offensive I
Italian Front Renewal of heavy
rains has caused another rise in the
Piave, adding to the danger of the
Austrian forces 'on the west bank. The
enemy along the middle river, caught
lvtween the flooded stream and super
ior Italian forces, are cut 'f trom all
reinforcements, ammnniton and sup
plies, except Mich food as is delivered
in meager quantities by airplanes.
The Italians apparently are contin
uing their attacks in the Montello rf
gion there. Sporadic local fighting is un
der way in the mountain areas.
Picardy Front. British were success
ful in raids and patrol encounters in
the Yillers Bretonacu sector.
Flanders Front. Prisoners were tak
Points - Battle Fo ontrol of
000 prisoners in the drive.
I The German war office reported the
I thrusts along the whole front."
j "Local French attacks southwest of
Noyou and by Americans northwest of
I Chateau-Thierry broke down," Berlin
' declared. ' ' Tlw French and Americans
j suffered heavy losses and some prison
lers remained in our hands."
Representative of All Factions
In Moscow Have Formed
By Joseph Shaplen
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Stockholm, June 22. 'Workmen in the
Isijni-No'vgorod district have started a
revolt against the bolsheviki, it was
lt-amed here today. The movement is
sureading throughout Russia. Events of
the highest importance are expected.
A conference of representatives of all
the factories in Moscow has been form
(.!, similar to that in Petrogrnd. The
iiKUsheviki and members of the right
fire in an overwhelming maioritv. Thev
have added their voice to the "demand
that, th.? government call a constituent
assembly. At Tula 10,000 workers hare
taken similar action.
Trouble In Vienna
Zurich, June. 22. Further demonstra
tions occurred in Vienna yesterday, ac
cording to advices received here today.
Hugo crowds filled the principal
streets, demanding restoration of the
I bread ration, increased wages, reduced
hours of labor and conclnsion of a gen
eral peace. The police intervened.
A new proclamation threatens severe
(Continued on page three)
en by thc British in local operations
around Strazeele.
Marne Front. Americans renewed
their efforts to clear German machine
gun nests out of the northern edge of
Belleau wood yesterday evening.
The Frer-ch repulsed a German raid
neat Hautebray.
Oise Front. German raids were frus-.
t rated near Belloy and 8t. Maur.
Austria-Hungary An unconfirmed
report circulated on the Amsterdam bor
der declared an attempt has been made
to assassinate Emperor Karl.
Continued demonstrations on the
streets of Vienna yesterday resulted in
clashes with .the police. A proclamation
has been issued by the government
threatening severe repressive measures.
Oregon Fir Increased $2.75
It May Be Sold For Less
by Dealers
Washington, June 22. Maximum
prices for fir logs and fir lumber pro
duced iu the Pacific northwest were an
nounced by the war industries board to
dav. Tiiey are effective for a three
mouths' period, which began June 15.
Maximum prices were also fixed for
southern or yellow pine lumber.
Douglas fir prices, applviug to lumber
manufactured in the Pacific northw,cst
represent an average increase of approx
imately $2.75 a thousand board feet, it
was officially announced. Yellow pine
prices am increased approximately $4.80
a thousand.
The new prices apply to government
allied and civilian a"d purchases alike
it was officially stated. Since mill prices
on yellow pine have averaged higher
to the civnan trade than to th0 govern
ment, the new schedule will not result
in higher prices to the public, although
the government will have to pay. more,
it was declared. Douglas fir prices will
vance only slightly, if any,, to the
commercial trade under the new rates.
Increased cost of labor and supplies
Lmnke the new schedule necessary, the
war industries board stated. Prices fol
low investigation with the federal trade
commission. .
Th., prices, i was explained are max
imum prices, not fixed prices, and lum
ber may be sold below the government 's
figure and usual trade discounts allow
td. "Regulations have not been made for
transactions other than sales bv manu
facturers at scheduled prices," the of
ficial statement said.
"Wholesale dealers, retailers, and
others, are entitled to buy on the basis
of tliese prices at the mills. No regula
tion of rates or profits has been made
with regard to sales eithor by whole
salers or retailers to consumers. The war
industries board believes that sales by
all dealers should b made at reasonable
prices based on a Strictly reasonable
profit above the fixed, scheduled rates.
The board is confident that the trade
will conform to thn spirit of tho exist
ing regulations and the board will not
proceed to further regulation or restric
tion of dealers' prices until their con
duct indicates that such action is nec
essary. "
Pershing's Forces Are Busy
Ueaning Out German Ma-
chine Gun Nests
By Lowell Mellett
(United Press Staff Corre: ytmdent)
With the American Armies in France,
une 22. French forces on the left of
the Americans holding a certain Marne
sector underwent a severe bombardment
today. The American positions were not
Ihe effort to clean out the remaining
ucrinan machine gun nests on thc north-
m edge of Belleau wood was renewed
yesterdav evening.
A lierman deserter in Lorraine haSj
confirmed reports that the 280th enemy;
tivision was taken out of the line and
replaced by the 87th division, which is
mposed of Russian front veteinns and
young recruits. The deserter said the
German officers have ceased belittling
the Americans and now warn their men
that they are fighting a "desperate
Positions Improvd
Washington, June 22. American po
itions were improved no'rthwest of
Chatiteau-Thierry Friday, General Per
shing reported today. Brisk artillerying
was reported in other sectors.
"Northwest of Chauteau-Thierrv we
advanced our line and Improved our po
sition," the eommunique said.
'There, in the Woevre and in the
(Continued on page eight)
Re'ired Archbishop
Dead at Dubuque
Dnhnnne. Tnnrn. .Ttmp 99 Xnhn
Joseph Keane, retired archbishop of
ine uumique mocess, Komn catholic
church died here early today after n
illnFSs of several weeks.
It had not been known that He was
ill until last Sunday, when nravers for
him were asked at all masses.
He retired as archbihhnn liecmiup nf
failing health iu 1911 and 70 years
Archbishop James J.' Keane, his
successor wfn at his bedside when he
President Wilson Believes
That Policy That WiH Stick
Should Be Decided Upon
By J. Bender
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Wishington, June" 22. The coming
fall will see the United States and tho
iiHi.M determine finally upon their
coi-.rse of action in Russia.
President Wilson is determined to
save Russia from German domination.
But he is equally committed to hold up
any action until the allied powers have
determined upon a policy of aid which
will stick. He will not be hurried into
sending American troops or gold into
the country, nor will he sancition Jap
anese intervention until a careful pro
gram hag been completely mapped out
and the moment is propitious for com
plete success.
President Wilson thoroughly under- j
stands the magnitude of the Russian
problem and believes upon its settle
ment as much s on a military triumph
on the western front depends American
and allied victory in .the war.
But the president believes the final;
definite formulation of a Russian policy
must await the end of the present west
front drive, probably in October or
Meantime, a statement reflecting the
administration's view on Russian aid
will be given out, though possibly not
by the president himself.
The president Ts exhausting every
source of information available to lay
the foundation of this nation's course
toward Russia. He is in intimate com
munication with French and British au
thority's on the subject and is depend
ing on th( counsel of Slav statesmen
who know the Russians and conditions
When action is determined upon it
will be rfter full conference with the
allies. His efourse, which has ' been
mado known to congressional leaders,
meets with general approval there.
One plan considered in connection
with proposed help embraces a gener
ous mixture of military, economic and
psychological aid. This would include
a small force of troops for Russian
service, to be followed closely by a
commission, which would assist the Rus
sians in stabilizing their government.
Simultaneously, a largo number of
Americans would go to Russia to en
ter business and agricultural life to
spend money freely and to spread the
doctrine of American friendship among
the people ,
Austrians Desnsrate
In Futile Attack
Rome, June 22. The Aus
trians, unable to retire, will em
ploy all their available reserves
in a desperate effort to secure
sonic sort of a success, Premier
Orlando declared, in conversing
with deputies today.
"The Austrians ore fighting
with unparalleled, desperation
and violence," tho premier
said. ''It is certain there will
be still more fighting. The Aus
trians, unable to retire, arc
bound to exert their utmost
if necessary by engaging all
their reserves for tho purpose
of securing some sort of a
"In one secter alone 5000 en
emy dead arc buried.
"The attitude of the Italian
population in the rear of the
line is magnificent. Their con
fidence is sublime."
London, June 22. (5:30 p. m.) Aus
tria has already employed nearly half
a million men in the Italian offensive,
of whom practicaly a fourth (125.000
men) have been so severely punished
that they were withdrawn from the
battjc, it was learned from an authori
tative source here this afternoon.
The situation is regarded very hope
fully here.
So far the enemy has not gained his
expected objectives. Those objectives
which he has achieved has been dispro
portionate in military value to the
heavy losses sustained.
Marion County Bov
Dies On French Front
Aurora,. Or., June 22. Jonas
M. Deetz, reported in today's
casualty list as having died of
wounds in France, was barely
18 when he enlisted immediate-
ly after war was declared.
4c Two sons of H. II. Deetz are
on the French front. Mrs. Deetz
took the news bravely. She
was merely told a telegram had
been received.
"Which one!" be asked.
her intuition told her that one
of her sons had been killed.
General March, Chief of Staff,
Says Nation Five Months
.Ahead of Program
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press Staf Correspondent) "
Washington, June 22. The United
States has crossed the 900,000 mark in
troops shipped overseas from American
mbarkation points.
W'c are five months ahead of our reg
ilar program.
These two important facts were an
nounced today by General March, chief
of taff, iu his weekly newspaper eon-
As for the general war situation, he
declared he can say again that the cen
tra! cowers are held, but warned that
thc nation must expect a renewal of tho
German drive. j
H accorded high praise to the Am-!
. ricaus sharing in the present struggle.
They havo done well and have deliver
ed the goods, he said.
Especially did he eommend the First
regular division under General Robert
L. Builard for its gallantry at Can
t'gny; the Rainbow national guard div
ision under General C. T. Menoher for
high grade work to date; the 26th div-l
ision is doing very well. 1
As for the Italian situation, the gen
eral held that, considering it a part of
tiie whole western game, tho Teutons
weie, again held.
The Austrians, he pointed out, had
gained at three substantial places
enough to give concern to the allies.
The Austrian advance has been offset
by floods which had carried out the
entire Austrian bridge system.
Seven temporary bridges have been
built siuce then.
The western front battling during
th, welc was deemed of minor char
acter without important military ef'
fects. The Germnus are resiling a eom
baf division and preparing for a new
drive. "'
Field Guns Will Be Turned Out
In Great Quantifies by
First of Year
Washington, June 22. Thc largest
field artillery program in military his
tory is provided in tho new fortifica
tions bill reported to the house today.
The new aTtillery program, Repre
sentative Porland, chairman of the
fortifications committee, explained, in
dicates clearly that this country ' mil
itary experts believe the days of trench
warfare are practically ended and that
a war of nnovemnt is in prospect.
Of the total $3,435,09(5,244 appropria
tions and authorizations in the bill,
$3,003,405,845 is fer moiin'luin, field
and siege cannon and ammunition.
The extent to which coast, Panamn
canal and oth-r defenses were subordi
nated to the all-important work of sup
jilyin? General Pershing with artillery
is shown by tho fact that the total for
thos'j items carried in the bill is $2,
000.000,000 less than war demrtmcnt
I Tha backbone of the new artillery
'program is 75-millinicter gung and 155
' millimeter guns and howitzers. The
I government ia prepared to aid exteng-
lvely plants throughout, the country to
put these three types of guns and the
ammunition- for nem into quantity pro
duetion by ithe first of next year or
sooner. . '
, Until that time GenoHal Pershing
will continue to buy guns and ammuni
tion in- France. After the first of the,
year American armies will be independ
ent of 'Pencil production, although the
Frennh have moTe than supplied the
(Continued on page three)
Little of Interest
In Wall Street Today
New York, June 22. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
Today's short session of thc stock
market offered little cope for interest
or comment. Trading was dull in the
extreme and price were irregular.
About the only issues which stood out
from the rest of the list were the to
baccos, which were in good demand.
International paper, which was weak
and heavily old and Wabash Railroad
common, which was unwontedly active
and strong..
Covering operations in the second
hour eaused a general advance. Steel
crossed 107, and Baldwin Locomotive
pushed through 94 to a gain of about
four points.
Of the 900,000 men in France, 12,000
are marines, March revealed.
The Italian battle front before the
drive was 00 miles long. The drive
centered over a comparatively small
portion of this, and the greatest ad
vance was 4 Mi miles in the direction of
Venice, putting the Austrians 13 miles
away from the canal city.
Along the French front the action of
the last week consisted mainly of raids.
Tho lull there is advantageous lor the
allies because it permits them to re
plenish their man power. America is ad
ding much to this lias. Its 900,000
troops include those in France and on
th high seas, combatants and non-combatants.
Without revealing specific figures as
to the original plans, General March
said it was permissible to announce that
we are now five months ahead of sched
ule. The war situation Has mown recent
ly tho value of unity of command,
March said.
In his praise of the. American forces
hp included the negro troops, national
guardsmen, national army, rcgrtlarg and
marines. Staff organization has reach
ed a high point of efficiency, he said,
and this branch is now functioning ably
"Nine hundred thousand men,"
March raid, "is a large command and in
it are regular army troops, national
guard, national army and a small force
of marines. The marinei amount to some
12,000 men altogether. We have colorei'
troops over there who au fighting w"ell.
So far, whenever the test has come, re
gardless of the character of the troops
themselves, the American troops have
done well. The fight at Cantigny was
handled by our first division under
Major General Robert L. Builard, and
was a very striking example of the
high class team work betwon infantry,
field artillery, and particularly the
staff. It shows that our staff training,
which is one of the most imporatnt
things in connection with the' modern
army, has now reached the point where
(Continued on pngo eight)
J. L. Deetz, Aurora, Dies of
WoundsR. R. Reynolds,
Ontario, Wounded-
Washington, June 22. General Per
shing today reported 153 casualties, div
ided as follows:
Killed in action, 52; died of wounds,
2(1; died of disease, 9; died of airplane
accident, 1; died of accidents or other
causes, 10; severely wounded, 37;
wounded, 37; wounded (degree unde
termined) 2; missing in action, 15; pris
oner, 1.
The list included:
Captain J. L. Owen, Chicago.
Lieutenants Q. R. Logic, New York.
C. L. Ovingtou, Paiis.
T. D. Watson, Raleigh, N. C.
Sergeants P. (iegere, Green Buy, Wis.
F. Gowing, Watertown, N. Y.
Gj. A. Dopp, Oronoga, Mo.
F. L. Medeiros, South Boston, Mass.
L. Trego, Woodward, Okla.
Corporuls E. Mever, Jr., Syracuse, N.
I. L. Rigdon, Sterling, Kan.
Y. Zitz, Belleville, 111.
Privates J. E. Caldwell, Gacna, Md.
J. Caskey, Loveand, Ky.
E. C. Cohren, Eden, Ky. ,
F. D. Corrigan, Erlanger, Ky.
J. Curtis, West Yynn, Mass.
B. "Pavidof f, Chicago.
E. Dean, Fort Gay, W. Va.
A. Debacher, Detroit, Mich.
C. J. Dolan, Maueh Chunk, Pa.
3. C. Furrow, Indianapolis, Ind.
C. Fey, Schuylkill Haven, Pa.
G. A. Ilendrickson, Salt Lake City,
L. Hill, Gardner, Kan.
W. N. Keller, Levering, Mich.
E. Krntzki, Brooklyn, T.
D. Labata, Italy.
E. Light, Jr., Milbourne, Fla.
C. II. Mclnturff, Powell, Tenn,
L. N. Mallory, Copperstown, N. Y.
C. G. Balzann, Chicago.
A. L. Morley, 'Athens, Pa.
W. Odell, New Britain, Conn.
U. Peel, Lawrence', Mass.
C. A. Peterson, Wilson, N. D.
C. Quinn, Sheridan, T?o.
J. W. Ray, Pages Mill, S. C.
W. Rhoades, Belding, Mich.
W. W. Schoville, Soldiers Grove, Wig.
E. E. Scott, Los Angeles, Cal.
E. W. Sellers, Elkton, W. Pa.
F. n. Smith, Decker, Mont.
H. G. Smith, Milwaukee, Wis.
J. H. Smith, Menominee, Wis.
J. II. Summers, Clarksburg, W. Va.
J. F. Toutloff, Bayfield, Wis.
(Continued on page eight)
Army Equipment Train Crash
es Into Hagenheck-Wal-
- 's
Engine Tore Way Through
Four Loaded Pullman Cars
of Circus
Gary, Ind.. June 22. At least 49
person? v. ere killed early tcdny when
an army equipment trn'n on the Mich
igan Central railroad clashed in'o a
Hagembaek-Wallace circus train at
Ivanhoe, Ind. More than 100 wera in
jured, many serioiury.
Thirty bodies have been brought to
Gary and lfl others were taken to
morgues at Hammond, Ind.
Fire broke out in tho wreckage ami
many of the bodies were charred be
yond recognition. Other bodies are be
lieved top lie. in the debris.
Hospital (at Gary and Hammond,
were filled with the !ujund. Doctors
and nurses aro being brought here from
Tho wreck occurred at duylight. Ae
eording to railroad men, the circua
train stopped at Ivanhoe Docause of a
hot box.
Flagmen were sent back to got flares.
The equipment train was said to. bo
running at a speed of 50 miles an
hour. Whelher it crashed Into the cir
cus train before tho signals word aet
has not been deiterinintd.
The engino of ihs equipment train
tore its way through four Pullman
coacheSi-.harling wreckage several bun-,
drcd feet. Practically cwry car In the
circus train there -were 24 was de
railed, and splintered; practically ev
eryone aboard the circus train, is be
lieved to have been killed, .or injured.
Tho few who were unhurt worked
frantically in tho wreckage.
Many of the victims were burned to
death, cryinjf pitifully for help. .
Wrecking eianes that arrived soon
after the crash cculd not bo used for
some time because of the intense heat.
Amonig the dead are Ithe wife ant
two small children of Joseph Coil, of
Cincinnati,' a circus clown.
Coil was badly injured, but he tore
hysterically at the wreckage that pin
ned down his wife and little ones. Mrs.
Coll apparfntljy had ,beVi instanitly
killed, but tho chil.lreu were burned to
death, while Coil ton) helplessly at tho
Mrs. Coil had brought tho children
from Cincinnati to spent! a few days
with iher husband.
Many of tlie star irrobuts and other
artists of the circus were aboard ttio
train anil it is believed cortuin that
practically all of them were killed or
Thn circus r)ain whs rurfnijng in
two sections. A majority of the exec
utive staff is believed to have been
on ihe first section, which csvaped tho
Practically all the menagerie cars
wero attached to the firt section. Re
ports that animals escaped wero denied
Among the circus performers believ
ed to nave iheeti on tne train ana wuu,
it is feared, are among tho dead, are
Harry La Pearl, the fiwnous clown, ana
. (Continued on page eight)
$ Abe Martin
Pinky Kerr set his watch another
hour ahead this mornin' as ba gits 14
hungry in th' afternon. Tinton Budd
found an Indian dart in a field waere
his wife wus plowia' t'day.