SEVEN at tt SALEM BOY IS j Journal New Today Ads THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUHNAL. SALEM, ORE. THURSDAY. JUNE 20. 1918. V ' i JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARMNT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Bate per word New Today: aca insertion J I ig na week (6 insertions) . 5c On month (26 insertions) 17e Tie Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it appear and notify us immediately Minimum charge 15a. IfOLTIGIlAPHING Phoaa 840. t!-Z5 IiOST 4'aeiige of Bed Cross band age. Phone 86F22. 6-21 WANTED Twin baby cart. Phone 473J. 6-24 tOH 8AL-B 5 brood sows, one with Jitter. Phone 50F4. 6 22. FOR SALE 8 hens and 4 chickens. 1623 Oak St 6-22 FOB SALB-fiow and 7 pigs. Phone 36F11, E. R. Shank. 6 22 .WANTED Strained honey in bulk. Cherry City Bakwy Co. tf HAVE you wood sawingf Call phone 7. - tf FURNISHED louse for rent, .close in. Phone T.ZJ. tf FRESH Jersey cow for sale. Phone 1073. ' 6-20 FOR SALE Good driving pony, $30. Phone 8F22. - 6-24 OOL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf FOR SALE 4-wheel trailer $10; 1 good organ, bicycle. 1483 N. Summer St. after 6. 6-20 WANTED To hire a truck six or sev en weeks, good care will be taken. E. Wdlliams, phone 37F21. 6-21 WANTED Cherries, Royal Anne, Bing, Lambert. Salem Fruit Union. Phone 380. 6-29 liOST Navy silk glove In Salem Sat urday. Finder leave at Journal of fice. 6-20 COW to lot on shares, owners pay for hali feed . for half milk delivered. Phone 71. 6-20 WANTED To buy an 8x10 or 10x12 (tnit. Answer care Journal, A. H. q ' 6-20 WANTED 20 cherry pickers Monday morning, 1 cents and V cent bonus Call 62F14. 6-21 WANTED Place for 11 year old boy to board on ranch, during vacation. Phono 821. 6-21 THOROUGHBRED Duroc sow and pigs for sale. Rt. 6, box 103, R. L. Gaines. ' 6-21 WANTED-rvA farm to rent, of seventy five or more acres. A. E. Cameron, Boseberg, Or, Rt- 1, box 167. 7-2 FOR SALE One single-horse wagon and harness, will sell cheap. Phone 734, 2-71 N. Com'l. tf HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street. tf BAY Do you wish to pick Loganber ries in a No. 1 10 acre yard? If so Phone 100F32. tf TWO and three room furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203. tf WANTED 5 men, steady work, good wages, $3.36 per day. See J. A. Mills 320 State St. 6-20 WANTED Mohair at East Salem Tannery, 25th and Oak St. Phone 16011. . tf FOB 8ALB Some fresh milch cows aad fsvnra horses, also want to buy a second hand binder. Geo. Swegle. tf WE PAY the highest cash prices for aeCond hand furniture, stoves, rugs, etc. Shipping carload lots to Port laird. Phone 593. 6-21 FOR SALE Modern house, 6 room?, grage, small garden, block from car line and paved street. Price $1500. $500 down, terms on balance. Call Modern Bakery.' 6-26 33 A. all in cultivation and erop, on Pacific highway, close to O. E. and S. P. stations, a bargain at-$90 per acre. Terms. W. H. Grabenhorst, 275 State St. tf GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20,000 clerks Examinations everywhere July 7. Ex perienee unnecessary Men and wo men desiring government positions write for free particulars to X C. Leonard, (former civil service ex aminer,) 1059 Kenois bldg.. Wash ington, D. C. 6 21 FOR SALE 5 acres, ell cultivated, new 5 room plastered cottage, new barn, chicken house, garage, drilled well, macadam road, 4 miles from Salem. Price $1800. $600 down, bal ance 4 years 6 per cent interest. W. H. Gnsbenhoreb t Co., 275 State treet. "0 POMS one wants your property and yea woald sell. We eharge no war ljskn for putting buyer and teU pt together. Fox further information Oregon Realty Exc&ange Investment Osl, Im., 14 Breyman bldg., Salem, Or, Cbamber of Commerce bldg., Ea rns. Or.. S50U 34 6L Portland, - TRY THEM FOR RESULTS WANTED Cultivating - and general work in the ety. Phone 136a 6 20 FOR RENT Piano in good condition 526 N. 20th. 622 WASTED Work on track or anto Phone evenings 8F3. 6-21 COW for sale cheap giving 13 quarts daily. Address D. W. care Journal. 6-21 FOR SALE Studebaker 1 , spring wagon, will sell cheap. Phone 734, 71 N. ComX tf FOR RENT Furnished house, strictly modern, hot water heat. Address Box 373 Salem, Or. tf POTATOES for sale 50o and 80c per ewt. Call before 8 a. m. or after 7 p. m. Phone 50F14. 6 20 WANTED Boy 16, to wo about two honrs each afternoon at Journal of fice, tf FOUND Fifrse containing bill and cbsck. iwner can get, ea-me uy can ing at Journal and paying for this ad. tf FOR SALE Beautiful 4 room bunga low for almost half the cost of the house. Terms. H. E. Bolinger, Hub bard bldg. . tf MALE HELP . WANTED Wanted a competent grocer clerk, good wagos to right man. Apply H. Stumberg & Son, Vancouver, Wash, 6-20 FOR SALE Jersey milk cow, in good condition, giving gallon of milk a day. Enquire A. 8. Chase, Rt. 4, Box 12. 6-20 FOR SALE Small hand press suitable for cards and envelopes, ten fonts of metat type. Also small tent. Phone 1676. ' 6-20 NOTICE We are unloading nice grub oak wood. If you need any let us have your order, it is scarce. Salem Fuel yards. 6-20 FOR SALE 4 room house, lot 60x100, price $550, easy terms- Would con sider light automobile. Rt. 4, box 5, Salem. 6-24 FOR SALE I have several mortgages for sale, from $600 to $3000, first class farm security. H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic bldg. tf WILL TRADE 320 acre homestead re linquishment and pay difference on improved acreage closo in, or city property. Phone lozzn. on FOR .SALE Fine farm near Salem; would accept new, modern residenco 1st payment, time on balance. Ad dress Owner care Journal. 6-20 PRUNE orchard, close in, sacrifice sale, crop goes, trees loaded with .prunes: investigate this, terms. Pric ed right. W. H. fjrabenborst & Co., 275 State St. tf WANTED Loganberry pickers, wood and camp close in, Salem-Heignts, end of car line S. Com. St. M. F. Woodiward. Rt. 3, box 111. Phone 112 F4. tf GARDEN hose, milk bottles, pans, pails and crates, cord wood telephone gasoline tank, gardening tools. Mrs. F. E. Prickey, Salem Heights Ave Phone 62F13. 6-24 CHERRY pickers, 30 wanted Friday morning, free transportation, orch ard exta full, oppotunity to make big wages; further information phone 474 or 58F12. R. W. Clark. 6-20 EXPERIENCED WOODSMEN If you have had exporience in timber work we can use you getting out ship knees, $5 per day for eight hours work. Call at our office, 542 State St. or phone 717. Mangis Bros. tf FOR SALE A modern improved house of seven rooms, two lots, garden. lawn, garage, two blocks from Gar field school, five 1oc.ks worn ntaie house and high school, all improve ments and assessments paid. Cheap if taken this week,, or will trade for Seattle property. Terms, $650 cash, balance $25 per month contract sale. Write owner at Box 974, Seattle, Wash. 6-21 VfkW. HAT.F 44 hcts farm. 30 acTes un der cultivation, bataiwe timber and pasture, 8 acres-or Italian prune or chard, house and good barn, family orchard, spring water to house, i5 miles from Salem. Price $3500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Cc, 275 State street. 6-20 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted. Best picking ever, ten minutes walk from end asylum car line, live at home; men, women and children, register with Dick Simpson, east D St. near Powers dryer. Highest price paid, begin picking Monday morning, June 24. M. E. Getter, 333 Mission St. Salem. ' 6-22 BERRY PICKERS WANTED Larg est yard in the valley. Good camp ing, good water, provisions on the ground. We move you out to yard and back to town. Pieking begins about June 25tii. Register now, we pay one cent with eent bonus per pound. L. H. Roberta, Rt. 7, Sa lem, Or., Phone 41F24. tf 15 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; good picking, good camping ground, can walk and live at home only 15 minutes walk from end of bridge. Wallace road, Polk eonnty; would also like to register same crew for picking bean. W. C. Franklin. Phone 52F14. tf JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL FOR SALE Crescent combination wood working machine, 5 a. p. motor, veneer press, sander. grinder, grind stone and many other shop tools; must eeB, am leaving town, terms if desired. Call at 1435 Hinea St. tf DO YOU want a bargain, a 5 . acre prune orchard, with the crop' esti mated at 700 bushels, besides 50 bushels of Barletts. I must sell im mediately, caa't take care of the erop or place. Write P. O. Box 355. . 6 21 OLD FALSE TEETH wanted; doesnt matter if broken. We pay yon actual value. We pay cash for eld gold, silver and platinum. Send to M and receive cash by return mail If prise is not satisfactory, we will return teeth promptly upon reqnest. Inter national Teeth Co., 305 West 42nd St, New York. tt YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. PAID WHILE LEARNING RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. 170 NORTH LIBERTY tf NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Oregon State Highway commis sion will receive proposals at 1301 Ycon Building, Portland, Oregon, at 11 a- m. Tuesday, June 25th, 1918, for eighteen miles of hardsurfacing on the Pacific highway between Salem and Aurora, in Marion county. The work will be let in two units of 7.35 miles and 10.65 miles, respective ly. Bids will be received on all types of pavement. For full particulars, kindly call at room 303 Capitol building, office of the state highway engineer, Salem where specifications and all details may be seen. - No guarantee of workmanship, ma terial or maintenance bonds will be required and a special price of $2 per bbl. f. o. b. Oswego will ibe made on the purchasing of cement. State Highway Commission of Oregon S. Benson, Chairman, ,W. L. Thompson, Commissioner. R. A. Booth, Commissioner. Attest: Herbert Nunn, Starts Highway Engineer. Salem, Oregon, June 13, 1918. 6-25 Appolloians Will Give Musical Entertainment When the Appolloians line up back of the footlights next Wednesday night in their initial appearance at the Grand Opera House, they Will greet their audience with the harmonious saluta tion: "Ecce quam bonmn, quamque juc u nlum habitare fratres in Unura" which, in plain United States means something like ''What is so good a brothern dwelling together in unity." Mr. John W. Todd, the club's musical director, has a reputation for prompx ness In attendance upon rehearsals, but when he wasn't present last evening after all of the members had assem bled, one of the unusually bright song birds hastily contrived a substitute for the salutatory strains as follows: "Why are you so late, Mr. Conductor Have you any excuse to offcrf " which contrivance, sung with much gusto, distinct'' and harmoniously greeted the ears of the director when he shortly appeared on the scene. His excuse c insihtid of two handsome ladies whom ho immediately introduced to the boys as tho critics for their evoning's ef forts. Only 25 Pounds Suar Per Family for Canning Portland, Or., June 20. The Oregon food administration announced today that sugar tor canning and preserving purposes is now limited to a maximum of 25 pounds per family unless special permit is obtained from the county rood administration. Families not needing this amount must -,ti!l further reduce their sugar purchases to cover only their absolute needs. Shippipng difficulties made the sugai situation acute. All meat restrictions have been temporarily removed in Oregon. Willamette Woolgrowers Receiving High Prices Wool growers of the Willamette val ley are about the most fortunate men in tho United States in that lirve of busi ness, according to Clifford Brown, who keeps well posted on wool conditions in the country. On account of the com petition between the mills in and ad jacent to the Willamette valley there has been considerable competition and the prices paid have been ranging from 55 to 65 cents a pound according to the government regulations. The first ruling of the government was that a mill could only buy within a radius of 50 miles but now they are permitted to buy anywhere in the val ley. If the government buys the wool, there is first the Vj cents profits to the local dealer, then 4 per cent ot the distributing center dealer and then the government's eharge of three per cent covering expenses. When the mills buy direct, they avoid this expense. Th nearest fleece market to this section is Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska and as there are no mills to any extent in those sections, all fleed wools are shipped ot the government distributing centers. JElilli Earl Simmer ,cf .Company N la Hospital Will. Shat- . , tered Leg Earl Sumner, a relative of the W. C. George family aad a member of Com pany M, has been severely wounded in thm trenches in France. He had spent two periods in the trenches and when doing hie third was struck, evidently by piece of shell as the bones of on leg are smashed from the hip to the knee. He is in the hospital and the surgeons ate evidently making a strong rum to save nis leg for him. The first intimation of his being wounded came in a letter from his nurse. Since klwn another letter has been received t which Earl added a line or two. As Company M has so far as is known, not been in the fighting, it is supposed that Summer vsas not sent to his company, as he dia not eross with it. When Com pany M sailed he was. in the hospital and it was two or three weeks later that he was sent across. Earl is a bright ycung fellow and will be remem bered by many Salem folks, especially those patronizing the White House Restaur in t, where he worked occasion ally. While reports as to his condition are meager, it is presumed he will pull through, and come home all together, as amputation has not been resorted to. The nature of-his wound however will require a lone eonvalesceing period. and he will no doubt be sent home as soon as he is able to stand the trip. first Methodist Church Condemns Sunday Work At the meeting of the Sunday school board! of the First Methodist church held last evening, resolutions were passed condemning Sunday work, but favoring co-opera,tiHa !n ejvery way with those willing to assist in saving the berry crops working week days. The board composed of 50 teachers and superintendents especially urged its members and those in the Sunday schools to help in saving the crops. - At the services next Sunday morn ing Dr. K. pr. Avison, pastor ef the First Methodist church will speak es pecially on this euhject, urging cooper ation, but taking the stand that it is not necessary for people to go into the fields on Sunday, t. .. Toe resolutions adopted by the Sun day school board last evening are as follows. "In view of the urgent necessity for more workers to save the fruit and berry crop of the Willamette valley, we, the Sunday school board of the First Methodist church urge as many of our people as possible to give the fullest cooperation in helping harvest the crops. ; . ' "We do not 'believe, however, that the time has" come when it is necessary to work on Sunday and wish to record ourselves as opposed to making this use of the Sabbath day." . Stocks Are Dull In Wall Street Today . I. . , New York, June 20. The New York Evening Sun finaiLlaT. review today said: . , " . - Today's securities market bore all the aspects of a dull mid summer ses sion. In the first three hours of trad ing transactions aipproxrmatekl only 300,000 shares. The tobacco group was distinctly strong. United Cigar Stores advanced more than three points. Marine preferred .was highly irregu lar in a sluggish sort of way, The sug ars and motors were fairly strong. In th late trading there was mater ial accession of strength throughout tho list, although business continued light. The steels , made an especially good showing, also the equipment and coppers. Teachers' Examination Dates Have Been fixed Superintendent of Public Instruction Churchill has issued instructions to the county gnperinteudents concerning teachers' examinations which will be held in all the counties beginning Wed nesday, June 26, at 9 o'clock a. m., and ending' Saturday, Juno 29, at 4 o'clock p. m. The program shows the number of studies and subjects teachers must be familiar with, and subjects that the salaries are generally none too high. The examination dates folow: Wednesday forenoon U. S. history, writing (penmanship) music drawing. Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, reading, manual training, .composition, domestic science, methlg in reading, course of study for drawing, methods in arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, his- H!1tl'Tftl11lll ''' MMMMMMttMMMHMtMHMttHMMMtMtMMHTMOMMMtMMT tttttttt MM As before stated we are condensing our stocks to make possible having all cur business on one floor. This change demands giving up certain lines and cleaning out all broken stocks Shoes we have already closed out.--TRUNKS, CROCKERY, CUT GLASS AND BRIC-A-BRAC are fast beng sold; and no wonder at the prices. This will be your last call on some stocks, therefore don't delay, but take advantage and make one dollar do the part of two which is what the savings . amount to in many instances. 'MM4MMMMMHt4MvMMt4MMM tt 11 Get Enough Corsets to Last tain tory of education, physiology, methods in geography, mechanical drawing, do mestic art, course of study in domes tic art. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, geog raphy, stenography, American literature, physics, typewriting, methods in lan guage, thesis for primary certificate. Friday I'orenooiij Theory and prac tice, orthography (spelling)phyHical geo graphy, Knglish literature, chemistry physical culture. Friday Afternoon School law, geol ogy, algebra eivil government. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, bot any. Saturday Afternoon General history, bookkeeping. ijc j(( ic )(( s8 )(( )jc State House News The Clackamas Driving and Rafting company was granted a franchise to day by tho Public, service commission, under the terms of which it is permit ted to improve Coal and Butte creeks in Clackamas county for the purpose of driving logs And wood on them. The Public service commifsion was I XX If S- ... - i vr x . i fiM MTm M ttttttM MMM it M M M STARTS TODAY THE SCREEN MOST BEAUTIFUL STAR CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In Her First New Picture with HER OWN COMPANY A T A W "The Most Forceful Emotional Role lvl JTA JLl jFk She Has Yet Appeared In Also a Special Added Comedy Feature LIBERTY THEATRE . Mmt MM Ittttllt -----ttt ttiiittmtuHttttittttttttttmtH Nemo Corsets Ten days more before the prices advance Buy Nemo Corsets Now The growing scarcity of materials and labor threatens to make it impossible, in the near future to secure an adequate supply of corsets of standard quality at any price. These unwelcome facts warrant us in earnest ly advising every .Nemo wearer to 1 Before Prices Are Further models, will be Monday, July SI S notified this morning that a man nam ed Neweli in attempting to board a moving freight train at trrogon City last night fell and his left foot was ground off at 'the ankle. Articles of incorporation wore filed today us follows: Tho Lassen Logging company of Grants Pass, capital stock $25,000 and object to manufacture lumber and con duct a general log&?ng Tausinees. Rosclburg Canning company, of Port hind, capital stock $")0,000 and object to conduct a general fruit and vege table canning business. Tho Lewis and Clarke Hallway com pany of Portland, capital stock $100, 000 and object to construct and oper ata a railway system in the valley of the Lewis and Clarke river. 0'l.EAEY IS WITNESS. New York, June 20. JJofomiah O'Leary, Irish agitator, indicted fjr treason, went on the witness stand to day in the trial of his brother John O'Leary charged with aiding him to escape. JeTcmiah was captured list week in Washington state. Ho testi fied his brother did not conspire to aid his flight. jJifH, Mil msT tX tuuu..nn.t f 4 jneJaBiSBSmi tt M44 4 ft tf N0NDERLlfT Advanced, which on cer 1st " fx. 211 MMMMMM Chicago, June 20. Another auturacvi was upset today when the National to tlisp.ns.i with tho -innito-. Tcnar.ln Puilding Managers association decided will be asked to assume joint responsi bility with new janitrcsscs for office cleanliness. Klevator men will deport with tho janitor according to conven tion plans. IT MAKES FIDO SMILE to sea the way tha family is (citing that garden ready for the beam and pea, it means an extra bone for him. "Help Yourself and Your Country," ays the National War Cardon Com. minion, of Washington. Thursday Friday Saturday l'P VlV r Wl TMllllsfclMal m