Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 20, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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Baby's wash
needn't be a burden
Wash the little one's clothes with
Fels-Naptha soap.
It keeps them spick and span
without boiling and with mighty
little rubbing.
You'll save a lot of time if you
wash the "didies" every day
with Fels-Naptha. It is perfect,
too, for tiny shirts and dainty
Solve the problem of baby wash to
morrow by buying Fels-Naptha.
At yw en grocer1
Kp whit cloth whit a
(Continued from page one)
1918, and as his father is in the service
in France, he was promptly named af
ter his father. At birth his weight was
10c pounds and at the age of one month,
the weight is 12 pounds. Be liv.? with
fiia mother, formerly Miss Velma West,
t the home of his Brand parents. Mr,
and Mrs. L. 8. Rowland, 1391 Waller
When it eomes to immediate relatives
the baby is fixed about liko this: Father
in Fran ee, mother in Salem; four grand
parents in Salem; one grent great grand
lather and two gr.at great grand air th
era? ono uncle; three aunts; eleven great
aunts and four great uncles; one great
preat grandmother; five great aunts
and one great great nnele.
The grand parents ar,? Mr. and Mrs.
Ij. 8. Rowland and Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
West, all of Salem. The great grand
parents are Mrs. E. M. Rowland of Port
land and Mr. and Mrs. E. West of 2513
llsplo avenue, Rail m, Oregon. Ilis great
RToat grandmother i9 Mrs. E. M. Collins
of Wayne, Neb.
' In the way of Uncles the war baby
Is hot faring o well as he has but one,
K. Heed Rowland of this ci'y. Tho mints
number three tho Miswg Beatrice, Mild
Ted and Claudino West of North Raicm.
However, with the 11 great aunts and
four great uncles and the five grant
great aunts, tho chances are that tho
only passing around tho first "war baby
will experience will be among his num
erous relatives.
Bes; Remedy for Whooping Cough
"Last winter when my little boy
had tho whooping eongh I gave him
Chamberlain ' Cough Remedy." writes
Mr. J. ft. Robots, East St. Louis, 111
"It kept to wiKgh loose and relieved
Warn, if those dreadful coughing spells.
It ia the only cough medicine I keop
in the house 'because I have the .most
confidence in it." This remedy Is alao
ood for colds and croup.
(Continued from page one)
Iowa. Aa the meason advances, Minne
sota, Illinois, Montana and the Dako
tas will be reached. Oklahoma prices
range from 10 to 18 cents a bushel in
some districts. Missouri's ecaleis are
from six to ten cents. One Illinois
district has fixed its price as low as
eight cents a bushel.
Threshing machine owners are being
licensed anil will be under the super
vision of the thrashing division of the
food administration, newly created, to
handle the problem of harvesting.
In each eoutty in the wheat bolt tho
county food administrator has been
asked to organize a threshing commit
tee to determine all question of fees
and harvesting 0n tho basis of local
jg jg g jg jg j( ' )( )((
ment's proposal for a conference on
prisoners ait Heme has not been very
satisfactory, it wa learned today.
Further inquiry is being made, how
ever, and itt is possible the conference
ultimately will be arranged.
Incidentally, it became known the
conference would consider not only
treatment of prisoners, but also ex
change of them.
Winnipeg, Man., June 20.
Crops from Winnipeg west to
the mountains are in critical
need of Tain, according to J.
1). MWlregor, director of agri
cultural labor of Canada's food
iboard, horo today. Thd weath'
er of tho next two weeks will
doteriuiuo crap conditions, he
said, but the uncertainty makes
conservation through North.
America essential.
Washington, Jno 20. Secretary
McAdoo has been ordered by physi
cians to a ranch in the west. Believing
his throat troublo was serious, the doc
tors ordered complete rest.
Washington, June 20. Germany's
answer to the American state depart-
f V
Every man, woman and child 1
should sea this sensational ex-1
pose of the German spy system 1
In this country. It may help you 1
to bring some spy to Justice.
UttttUttAn Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade ttntltftttttt
Let the children help. Let not
us grown folks be selfish in our
service. Let us give the children,
too, their chance. Let us mobilize
bur youngsters willing little
hands in the great cause. Let us
enlist them in the freeing of the
Smart Sport Coats, Sweaters and Skirts 3
As soon as you see them we have no hesitation in sarin? vou will not he
I sahsiied until you have one cf them . A beautful. showing of the Ladies' New
awatar Coats, Pure Silk Fiber. Price $8.50 to $19.50
Isses m to S5.50
I AH Wool Silk Fiber Slipen $3.65 to $5.50
The demand for Silk Skirts is unprecedented, and to meet it thev are made of
I a great variety of weights and weaves in scores of nrettv stvles and remark-
Me values $4.98 to $19.50
ena us lour m .416
MaU Orders 0y J Jb C , Stat Street
kJCMV 111)
We Pay
: iOdETY 3
Mr. A. L. JohasoB was hoten last
night for the members cf the Welsh
soriety, who gathered 4 her home,
J -si btate ftret, for what t roved to
oe a most inspirational evenmz of nn
ie. Tk aeeaMoa was ia the us. tare of
a tribute to the memory of ria Wil
liams, !ae renowned Welsh tenor, whose
recent deatb has been keenly moara
ej tnrougbout the musical world.
Airs. D. B. Jaroiaa cave aa iatereet
ing talk on Welsh mneic, followed by
sue Bulging oi neisn songs vy Me
In fceepiBf with the avint of the
evening a number of the record of
Kvan n ilhanis were played.
rrotessor r. . Kooerts and
Dr. ileurie Roberts cave several ea
joyable piano selections. Little -Miss
itiwendolya Jarman also contributed to
the pleasure of the program with pi
ano number j. An abun&anee of June
roses lent lovely decoration for the
Those participating in the obsenr
ance of the occasion were: Mrs. Carl
Uregg Doney. Mrs. llattie Evans of
Colunbua,Ohio, Air. and Mrs. R. E.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenks and
children, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Oeorge
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Hughes, Miss Hughes, Mr. and Mrs.
Sol Hoberts, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jar
man, Professor T. S. Roberts, Dr. Meu
rie Roberts, Mrs. Jane Roberts, Mrs.
Mary Myers, Mr. Humphrey, Gwen
dolyn Jarman. Thelma Johnson, Mar
garet Johnson and Ruth Johnson.
Mrs. J. 8. Graham relumed yester
day from a two week's vl9lt at Mill
City, as the guest of Mrs. William Hidden.
Mrs. Merlin Harding is spending the
week in Portland.
The United Circle of the Congrega
tional church will hold its regular
monthly business meeting tomorrow af
ternoon at 2:30 at the ohurch parlors.
The annual ekeotioa of officers will
take place, with Mrs. Flora Clark, the
presiding officer, in the chair.
Mrs. O. W. Laflar i entertaining as
her guests, the Misses Anna end Aman
da I)ow of Mailing, Iowa. Also visit
ing at the Laflar home, 1190 South
"Liberty street, ere, Mr. 'and Mrs. R.
U. Kithelbereer and daughters, tfuw
and Edna, of Waitsburg, Washington.
Mrs. Ida Bal)cock went to Oregon
City yesterday for a short visit. The
latter part ofl the week, she will go on
to Portland1 to attend the uniyiaL re
union of Oregon pioneers. Her daugh
ter, Miss Mayme Babcoek, will join her
mother in Portland Saturday. 1
w w
Mrs. Arel Parrot and small son,
Archie, Jr., e.f, Portland have been the
guests of Mrs. Cal Patton this week.
They returned ome yestorday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Moore and
daughters, the Misses Ruth and Helen
Mooo-e, returned the lirst of the weea
from a short visit at Lebanon, where
they were the guests of Mrs. Moore's
brother, A. L. Ryan. Miss Louise
Sehaeffer accompanied thean.
The Willing Hands auxiliary was en
tertained vesterday "by Mrs. J. A. Ba-
sey at her home 91 South Capitol
strcot. Mrs. Ralph White will be host
ess for the auxiliary next week, at her
residence on Trade and Church streets
The junior pupils of Mrs. Julia Mills
Weigel enjoyed a recital at her nome
Wednesday afternoon at zmu o oiock.
The living rooms were fragrant with
a profusion of sweet peas and roses.
The following program was given:
Vocal, (a) In the Beautiful .Land or.
Somewhere neitman
....(b) The Blue Bird Kurmmer
Jessie Edwards
Auld Lang Syne Bcllak
DeJoise Hiee
(a) Pretty Sunshine Greeuwald
(b) The Millwheel .... Jac"
Helen Trawick
Ou Tatrol Matilee Loeb-Evans
Delia Bltmck
A Lfltter From. Auntie . Lichner
Mariorie Wakey
Melody of Love Engleman
Jessie Edwards
Sparklets. Miles
Alpha Holcomb
In May Martin
Juan its Hradv
Gertrudes Dream Watts. Beethoven
Ethel Geimond
Barcarolle Offenbach
Faust, trans. Krug
Alive Beach
.Ajfror the program refreshments
were served to the guests, including,
Lorene Gearheart, Honor Zell, Jessie
Edwards, Delia Blunek, Alios Beach,
Irene Kcrocher, Jiwurita Brady, Eve
lyn .Hale, Alpha Itoteomb, Dctoise Hice,
Helen Tranvic.k, Marjorie Wakey, Eth
el Germond, Chester Beach and" Glenn
A diversified (iveiiing of merriment.
has been plalnned for the members of
the lllahee vlub tonight, to inelnde e
picnic, supper at the links, golf for
those so inclined, dancing at the club
house biter in the evening. The jolli
fication will take the form of a gen
eral get-to-gother gathering for both
the chl and new members, fifteen of
the latter having recently been ad
mitted into tho club.
K merchant relate the following:
"For years I could riot sleep without
turning every hour. Whatever I ate
caused gas and sourness. Also had
stomach catarrh. O.VE SPOONFUL
buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as
mined in Adler-i ka. relieved me IS-
STAN'TLY. ' ' Because Adler-i ks flush
es the ENTIRE alimentary tract it re
lieves ANY CASE eonaticatiou, sonr
stomach or gas snd prererrts appendi-
ein. it has yt ickent aetion of any
thing we ever sold. J. C. Perry.
Thin until relieved by Nujol
Constipation kept Mrl Frank Smith
thin until Nujol gave him relief,
which was followed by a surprising
gain in weight- His letter follows:,
STANDARD OIL CO. (New Jersey),
Dear Sirs: .
I can say that Nujol did a lot for me. I was always
constipated and had to take pills continually. I was
very thin. -
After taking one bottle of Nujol I was well of con
stipation and gained more flesh than I ever had before
in my life.
Yours truly,
Heidelberg, Ky., Frank Smith.
Jan. 19,1917.
Rijular ts
PROFIT by Mr. Smith's desirable experience! Start taking Nujol to
day! Be one of the healthy thousands who no longer suffer from
constipation. Don't run the risk of serious loss of health through fail
ure to regulate your bowels by the use of Nujol.
Both chronic and occasional constipation yield readily to the natural,
effective action of Nujol. It relieves gently and surely without upsetting
digestion; without griping; and with no reaction whatsoever. Nujol is
pure; positively drug-free ; pleasant to take. It is the safe remedy for all.
Infants, invalids, old folks take it with excellent results. Be "regular as
clockwork" use Nujol.
There are no substitutes
there is only Nujol
every drug store. Send 30c and we will ship
new kit size to soldiers and sailors Anywhere.
In bottles only, bearing Nujol trademark t
. V d never in bulk.
IN UJ Ol for constipation
San Francisco. June 20. Crazed hy
the roar of the sunf, which he imagin
ed was the thunder of the guns in
Pranee, Colin Stuart, shell-shocked
Anzaw, beat Ma pretty bride of three
months into unconsciousness. Today
Stuart, reeovered from hiB hallucina
tion, is in jail eharged with a murder
ous assault on his wife, and the lat
ter is being cared for at a hospital.
Stuart -was gent here aft-r being in
valided home from Australia, in the
belief that travel might serve to re
store his mental poise.
Two Aviators Killed
Dayton, Ohio, June 20. Lieutenants
Frank S. Patterson of this city and
LeHoy 8an of Norwich, Conn., -wero
instantly killed at Wright field last
evening when the airplaile they were
testing crumpled at an altitude of 15,
000 foot and crashed to earth.
Get Bid of Tour Bheumatism
Wilson at a horse show and confirms
the ceinion of others that Mrs. Wilson
ia fully aa good appearing as her pie
tures show and that she fully carries
out the part as the "first lady in the
All Old lines will be be COMPLETELY "
Seiby's, Hasan's, Sachs, Utz and Dunnes and others mast go. Our new lines
have already begun to come and we MUST CLEAR OUT our shelves.
In spite cf the fact that the labor shortage in the factories is advancing the
cost of shoes by leaps and bounds, in some instances as much as 30 per cent in
two weeks, we are going to close these Enes out at practically cost, and in many
instances way below last year's costs. . Yon cannot, in justice to yourself, miss
this opportunity, which will soon be gone, and shoes wS not be so low again for
aiany years.
Ccme in and we will prove cur statements.