Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 20, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation tn Salem Guar
anteed ty the A adit Bureau of
firm- oil.
Oregon: Tonight
ami Friday prob
ably fair, except
probably showers
extreme south--west
portion; gen
tip winds, nu.-tiy
ill II A U 11 v.llvyv
if JMMlJt;
Barrage Bm at One o'Oock This Morning and Germans
: Did Not Stay To Fight Loss of Enemy In This Sector
, Has Been Heavy Escaued American Prisoner Says Ger
mans Bury Dead Twentv In Grave In Cross-Wise Layers
j By Lowell Mellett, :
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the Americans On the Marne, June 20. (4 p.m.)
--The Americans squeezed the Germans out of a salient a
kilometer (two thirds of a mile) deep and the same dis
tance in width, west of Torcy (six miles northwest of
Chateau-Thierry), early jthis morning. " ' '
The Germans did not remain to fight after they were
struck by a barrage, beginning at 1 o'clock and when the
infantry went forward there was no one to oppose them.
German casualties in the fighting in this sector are now
estimated at 800, killed and 5,000 wounded.
Private James A. Donohue, who was taken prisoner
eight days ago, escaped and rejoined his company last
night. He declared that a few other American prisoners
are compelled by the Huns to work in the front lines.
Donohue also said he saw Germans burying their dead,
twenty to a grave, in crosswise layers.
By Frank J. Taylor V
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the American Army in Lorraine,
.Tune 20. The Germans suffered heuvy
cartiialties- in yesterday morning's corn-
billed first all-American gas attack'
and artillery bombardment, t it was es !
tablished through an (enemy prisoner to'-.j
day. . - ' ' ' '
The boche were jus starting -to in-J
vade the American lines when the'gasj
containers fell in their midst, killing aj
(treat numlvr and sending others flee-,
ing. I
After thP deluge of gas subsided and;
the barrage died down, the German at-
tempted to start their raid agaih, but j
wcr.o stopped almost in their tracks by i
American artillery, machine gun and!
rifle fire. '
I' witnessed this first American gas;
projector attack from a front lino,
trench. ' Every doughboy impatiently
n waited tK" ','iero hour," which had j
been set at 2:30. Promptly on the sec
ond the silence was broken by a ter
rific explosion from the trenches, ' as
several batteries of projectors, fired
simultaneonsly by electricity, sent more
than a thousand gas containers scneain-
This So Long As a German
Soldier Remains In Bel
- gium or France
Ban Francisco, June 20. "American
labor will ney.tr sit down to a eonfer
euce with German labor while there is
V ingle German soldier on the soil of
Lelgiuof or France." - . .
That was the message the American
labor mission delivered in England and
France, and as a result the proposed con
fereue with German labor leaders was
naver held, E. O. McCbrmick," vice pre
sident of the Southern Pacific and a
member of the labor mission declared to
day on his return. ...
Besides McCormicky the mission con
sisted of James A. Wilson of the pattern
makers union, John P. Frey Of the mold
erg, Martin Ryan, of .the railway em
ployes and William J.. Johnson of the
The members of the mission visited
GerteAl Pershing's . hedaquaiters In
France, went to the; front line, and talk
ed to the American! who had just tang
led with the boches at Seichcprey;
"I asked aa officer if he thought the
- Germans would pv,?r get those lads,"
said McCormick today. ..
' " 'The Germans woa't, but the squirrels-will,'
the officer - said. .'.They're
nuts, all of them. When thoy came out
of that fight at Seiehepney, where they
took everythingbut prisoners, every
nan Jack of them aat. down and re
sharpened his bayonet before he roll
ed over and went to sleep."
Hollister, Cal., June 20. Eddie Campi
San Francisco bantamweight boxer, died
is local hospital at 1 p. m. today.
itisr toward tlte German trenches in the
Bois-de Montmare.
(Montmare wood is opposite Flirey, in
the Toul sector, and three miles north
east of Seichcprey.)
After the flash, tho wails of the de
parting projectiles died away and it
8 "cniii almost a minute "before a very
loud explosion was hvsard in -the- Hun
trenches. Then we knew that certain
specified German posttiona had been
dreuched with gas.
For several minutes an uncanny si
leuce ensued. After this interval, star
shell signals were sen up and the Am
erican artillery cut loose. This terrific
barrage of gas shells and high explo
sives died down and again there was
comparative quiet. Thfi boches were ap
parently stil too astonished to reply.
The American artillery laid down an
other barrage and thit time the Ger
mans answered. jThe whole area be
came an inferno. Ewry village behind
the American lines was subjected to
heavy fire, mostly gas shells, but there,
was not a single American casualty.
When the bombardment finally censed,
a comparatively few Huns emerged from
(Continued on pasre three)
rt-! fJ -Ti ra i .
uasn i;iaae inai ou tents a
Bushel Is DemandedGov
ernment Will Fk Price
' Washington, June 20:' Efforts to
save farmers' millions" of dollars' .fx
exiiess threshing charges are under way
by the food administration. It ...
learned today., . .. .
With harvest beginning in the "great
wheat lelit, reports of profiteering by
threshing machine owners are leaching
the food administration. (Some farm
era are being held up for a threshing
fee or .jO cents a bushel
creased machinery costs and labor
S re given aa reasons. Farm
ers, held down by the fixed $2.20
wheat price, are unable to paw this
charge along and muet bear it them
selves. An average increase of', one
cent a bushel threshing fee would cost
American farmcrB about $10,000,000.
Hoover is organizing threshing com
mitter in every wheat growing coun
ty which are to determine a jnst
threshing fee. ' Profiteering .will be
guarded against. Increased fees are to
be -expected, however, (because of the
rive-pased machinery costs and the gen
eral 'rising scale tif prises. . Threshing
rate have remained practically - the
same 'aa in 1911. wheii wheat 1
period of rain. Ia regins where fog and
i .i .i i i . . i
aim me-oreguing marges' muai D6 per
mitted! keep pace with the' advance,
officials .believe. "
No nniform schedule of fees can be
drawn, wp because of varying local conditions-Fee:
schedules have already been
agreed upon in many sections' in Texas-
Oklahoma. Kansas, Missouri a ail
(Continued oa page two)
,State Department Seeks Cor
roboration ot Mory ot
Turkish Attacks
- . By L. C. Martin
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, June 20. While the
government jnoved rayidly today to
confirm information that Turkey had
committed An overt act against this
nation by seizing the American consul
ate at Tabriz, Persia, and rocking the
American hospital there, a new move
for a war 'declaration against Turkey
and Bulgaria developed in congress.
Representative Kelly, Pennsylvania,
introduced a resolution in the house
calling for war on the Turks and Bul
gnrs. Kelly's resolution charges both Bul
garia and Turkey with repeated acts
of -hostility against this country. Kel
ly said he introduced the resolution on
his own initiative because he consid
ered "recognition of a slate of war
between this country and Bulgaria and
Turkey absolutely vitai," after talk
ing, with persons familiar with the
Bulgaria-Turkey situation.
Chairman Flood of the house foreign
affairs committee said he had not been
consulted about the resolution, which
was referred to the committee
Congress is ready to declare war oft
Turkey th.3 moment official verification
is obtained of the seizure of the Amer
ican consulate and the attack on J he
American hospital at Tabriz, Persia,'
The majority sentiment in both houses
favors immediate declaration of hostil
ities, but will await word fram the pre
sident. 'There never has been any reason I
could see for delay," said Senator Hard
ing, Ohio. "This may bring the result so
many of us have desired so long."
Senator King, Utah, author of reso
lution for a declaration of war on Tur
key and Bulgaria, will probably see Sec
retary Lansing regarding the Tabriz in
cident Ore.ek, Serbian and Bussian statesmen
here manifested uneasiness over the
safety of Americans in Turkey.
Declaration of war by the United
States against Turkey may Tesult in
the sending of-United States military
forces to aid in the Mesopotamia cam-
- - (Continued on page nine)
Onfl year ago The British
made further gains between Ar
ras and Lens and repulsed three
German counter attacks. ,
Oeneral Grusiloff, command
ing thr Russian armies, replying
to congratulations from General
Robertson, British chief of staff
"In honor bound, free Rus
sia's armies will not fail to do
their duty." '
Two years ago The Russians
continuing to advance against
the Austrians, occupied thr.?e
villages in the Carpathians.
The Germans heavily bom
barded the A'erdun defenses.
The Austrians and Italians
fought without marked advant
age in th Trentino.
Three years ago The Rus
sians were in general retreat
along their whole front west of
. Th.3 French took a trench
north of Arras at tlic point of
The Turks began a vigorous
offensive at the Dardanelles.
Abe Martin
"I'm fer thrift, but I ean't e how
wearin felt boots after business hours
is goin' t' lick th' kaiser," said Mrs
Tipton Bud, t'day. Mr. Lemmie Peters
mother has asked President Wilson t'
send h.r boy home from Camp Taylor as
he haint satisfied there.
Campaip Captains With Mem
bers of Teams Are Selected
by Committee
The pepjple of the city of Salem will
be asked to subscribe, for about $130.
000 worth of war savings stamps next
week, and that no one may feel slight
ed or overlooked, the executive com
mittee has appointed 30 working teams
to solicit in the city, each team under
an experienced captain.
Although the sum to be subscribed
is $250,000, this amount is net to be
paid at once. In f"t, all that the com
mittees are asked to dd is to receive
pledge cards for certain" amounts which
may be paid in monthly installments
from June to the first of next year.
A war saving stamp is a $5 stamp
which the government promises to re
deem at face value in five years. The
value of the stamp duiijjij June is $417
and the interest it draws' is figured at
little over four ier cent. The value
of the stamp is now $4.17 and ' it in
creases one cent each mouth. Hence
thos? who buy next December will
pay $4.23. . .
Sunday, afternoon a mass meeting
will be )eld at the armory when the
Charged Telegraphic Rates
On "Night Letters" Carried
On Railroad Trains
' Washington, June 20.--Thn govern
ment today arrested, five Western Union
messengers in Washington Baltimore,
Philadelphia. New York and Boston, se
curing evidence to support a charge thatj
Hie Western Union was operating in
illegal competition With the postoffics
and in fraud of the postal revenue laws
ly delivering night letters and messages
via trains.
Tt is alleged that the Wastern Union
has been accepting so-cajlcd "night
'elreis" for filing by wire, charging
wire rates and then delivering them by
messenger ' between these five large
cities. Thousands of these letters have
been delivered "via sultcasesr instead of
wire" nightly for weeks, it is 8tat
ed. The Western Union has been getting
ten times as much as the postpffice de
pat linent for the samo service, officials
pointed out. The night letter rate from
Washington to Baltimor) is 25 cents,
plus a five cent war tax. The postage
on a letter making the same trip on the
train is three cents.
Five Western Union messengers were
arrested by Postoffico department in
spectors for carrying telegrams and
night letters on Mains betwen tlie cities
in which tho raids were conducted, the
men were releasd on bonds.
Cliargs of "defrauding the publie and
Edgar McCkre Rowland Is
; Lusty Infant Has Many
v : Immediate Relatives
When the announcement was made
that the Fathers and Mothers club of
Salem had adopted the first war baby,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. How
laud,' several kind hearted women were
greatly worried over the fact that hav
ing been adopted -by a club, the dear
baby would of course be distributed
among his admiring friends from time
to time.
'And such was the interest taken in
the first war baby that quite number
of women volunteered to adopt the baby
themselves, rather than to have him
passed around, on the supposition of
course", that the. baby was not properly
cared for in the way of parents, grand
parents, great grand parents and the
In order . to relieve those who" felt
that a war baby should not be passed
around among the Fathers and Moth
ers club, it may be said that Edgar
McClure Rowland, Jr., one month old
today, is not only W good health but
that he is enjoying about as many so
licitots relatives as the average infant
of that ago.
This firt war babv'wss beta to Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar M. Rowland May 20,
(Continued on page two -
(workers will receive their final in
jatructions and when a meeting will
be held in order that the public may
become fully informed regarding the
-f In order that the city may be thor
oughly cauvassed beginning next Mon
day, 30 working teams have been ap-
(Continued on page eight)
May Incriminate
Government Employes
Washineton, June 20 Evidence is
,in the hands of tho justice department
i which may incriminate government
employes and more army officers in
tne nation wide war contra, scanoai.
The department has cede telegrams
known to have passed between contin
gent fee agents and dopaniment em
ployes; and others between politicians
and their agents.
The extent of tho contingent fee
practice here was fuither disclosed
with 'the discovery of one 'brokerage
firm which handled such contracts
siuee October last, to an aggregate of
$10,000,000. Anifther got war orders
on which tho contingent fee wasrflOO,
infringing on the government's mono
poly of carrying first class matter,"
will W brought against the Western
Union Telegraph company through Unit
ed State's district attorneys, the postof-
n&e department announced.
The penalty for each offense involves
a fine of $o00.
Tho postoffice inspection department
announced that it has "-abundant evi
dence and has been keeping watch on
these movement for some time back."
This is taken to mean that the depart
ment has sufficient proot to run the
Western Union company's fines," if
guilt is established, into many (l ous
ands of dollars. .
The department also announced it is
assumed these movement J have been go
ing on all over the country where train
trips do not take more than five ol
eight hours and that they are checking
up on scores or cities now.
The messengers arrested today all cat
ricd brwf cases filled with night let
ters and telegrams dated yestorday and
prepared to look as if they had been
taken from the wires at tho receiving
cities,, it is stated.
The method of operation, according to
(Continued on page three)
Germany and Austria
Have Troubles at Home
Amsterdam, June 20. Cav
alry regiments have been rush-,
ed to Vienna Iv-hero extremely
violent bread riots have brok
en out, according to advices
from German sources today.
The mobs or reported to
have stoned' Premier Von tieyd
lcr's residence and to have
plundered Ibakeries. Establish
ment of martial law is declar
ed likely.
The burgomaster has declin
ed to guarantee a return to
ardor, (hig demand for Idried.
vegetables to make up for tho
lack of bread having been re
fused by government officials.
Demand Speedy Peaco
Amsterdam, June 20. The
Vienna labor council has pass
ed a resolution declaring that
a substantial, lasting improve
ment in the food .situation is
impowible during the war and
demanding a speedy, general
peace, it was learned here to
day. At the same time, the city
council adopted a resolution
energetically protesting ajjaiiitft
reduction of the broad ration. '
. Demonsaation in Berlin
London, Jun 20. Heavily
censored private messages indi-'
cate there have been great
peace demonstrations in Berlin,'
Cologne and Hamburg- recently,'
according to a Stwkhohn rie-.
patch published in the Post. :
Military police dispersed the
crowds, killing several work
men and arresting others. - ; '
Oeneral Strike Brewing
Zurich, June 20. There is
enormous feeling in Vienna re
garding reduction of the bread,
ration, according to dispatches'
received here. : .
What is practically a general
strike is said to be formulating
in Vienna and Neustadt. The
trouble is spreading to the pro?
inces. "
Capture Over Nine Thousand
Prisoners and Retake '
Austrians Drop Great Number
of Poisonous Sheas On
Back Areas
London, Juna 20. Italian forces are
now counter attacking at vrions points
along the whoU fUra river line, it
was authoritatively learned, today.
un the middle Piav the Italians
-ave drifl:m forward to the west' bank
oi tne river, splitting the Austrian
forces In that rearion and rollinir than
back to the north and south.
The enemy detachments on the low
er Piave have been push,! back un
til now they hold only a third of their
qriginal advance toward Venice.
The Italians also made further slight
gains at Nerves, in the Montello re
gion. An unusual Dhase of thn Austrian of
fensive is the oupture of 9000 prison
ers, announced by the Italian war of
fice Tuis ls regarded a unique in de
fensive fighting.
The situation today, aa ta.H..oid
by the latest official reports, was re
garded as continuing favorably for te
The fighting in the mountain region
(Continued on page three)
War Summary of United Press i
iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiuiiiiiiiii I
1418th Day of the War; 92nd Day of the Big Offensive
siiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiS
Italian Front. The situation becomes
moro favorablo to the allies. Added to
desperate resistance, which has pre
vented the Austrians attaining a sin
gle major objective, ,h,?avy rains havo
swollen theO Piave river and cut off
large force, of the enemy.
Pieardy .Front. Balding and artillery
activity increased from the fiomtiM
northward to the Lens sector. Tho sit
uation is assuming the same aspect as
that which always has preceded a Ger
man drive.
Flanders Front. Hanw conditions pre
vail as on tho Pieardy front, leading
to tho belief that S gigantic drive is
imminent, which' may include both
Oise Front. French detachments pen
ctrat."d German positions and tiwk pris
oners at various points between Mont
didier and Oise.
Germany. Peaco demonstrations In
Berlin, Cologne and Hamburg resulted
in sevCTal civilians being killed and
others arrested by tho military police,
32 Severely Wounded, 4 De
gree Undetermined and
One Is Missing
, Washington. June 20-The war .de
partment today announced a casualty
jisj of 711 names, divided as follows: ,
Kilicil "iii action, 17;' died of ' wounds
9; died of disease, 7; died of airplane
iccide'uf, '2; died of accident or' other
causes, 1; wounded severely, 32; wound
ed, degree undetermined, 4; missing is
action, 1.
The list follows:
. Killed in action:
Lieutenants H. L, Eddy, New Britain,
J. P. Galloway, Newburgh, N. Y.
Corporals J. C. Brown, Atrants, Kan.'
O. D, Dole, Nw Haven, Conn. '
J. H. Owner, Mattoon, Wis.
Wagoner J. T. Cassidy, Provideiiee, H.
Mechanic R. T. Hanson, Shell Lake,
Wisconsin. V
(Continued on page eight)
DRAFT 18 T045
Congress Will Probably Frame
New Legislation With
These limits " -j
Later Li Question of Trans
portation May Force Slow
Uofci Calls
Washington, June 20. A war de
partment bill changing the draft ages;
will be presented at this session of
congress, Kaprcseatative Juliug Kahn.
ranking republican member of the
house military affairs committee, de
clared today. Kahn said that in spite
of the war department's apparent pass
ivity with respect to chaneinsr 1 the
j ages, the measure is receiving the most
carerui consmoiatiom among official.
Kahn today .came out strongly
against lowering tilie eg limit below 21
years. Experiences of the allies has:
shown, 'he said, that the boys from 18
to 21 are not the best soldiers. He fav
ors a limit of 21 to 45.
It was learned today that the om
ing discussion of 'the draft act amend
ments is to be seized by some members
as nn opportunity to present other
amendments to cure what they term
inequalities and unfairness in the op
eration of the law. Any attempt, how
ever, to change the law in any way
exenpt as to ages will fo; vigorously
(Continued on page three)
j according to heavily censored dispatches
receivea m BtocKholm,
Austria-Hungary. Various organisa
tions openly opopsc reduction of th
bread ration and demand peace.- :.
Ukraine. The anti-German revolu
tion in Kieff is fproading into the pro
vinces to the eastward. -
United States. TliP state department'
asked the Spanish embassy to Investi
gate the reported Turkish attack on
ttv American consulate and hospital at
Tabriz, Persia! This is believed to pre
j sage a declaration of war.
Wants City Clerk ,
to Find His Sweetheart
Hringing together long km lovers i
part of tho duty of the eity elerk, ac-
w.-. I-!.,,. t .1.- . . !!..!
iiMiiug iv tut. aitt-an ut uiau uviug
m soulhern Cahtorniai by the name
of II. A. James. Ho writes City Re
corder Earl Rate tho following plead
ing letter:
"I would very niuch appreciate your
perhaps helping me in the following
unusual matter. '. "
"I wish you would find out If
there is a Buchanan family in your
city, one 'member of which is named
'Carol. 1 understand she had sisters in
'Idaho -and Washington a'ites (mar
ried) and other relatives In your state,
aunts.- uncles, etc.
"I met the young lady nearly three
years ago in Ban iFranc-iscoi when she
was on tho stage under the name of
Cleo Ward and by December IS I had
begun to think highly of her- It seems
the lady thonght well of me also.
"A misunderstanding arose which X
have been for nearly three years, try
ing to cleaiyup as it means much to
me. Please do your best in this. If you
locato the young lady, sec if she will
give me her address.
"P. S. 1 wish to add that my mo
tives in the matter are thoroughly
proper ."
President Will Enforce
Licensing of Stock Yards
Chicago, .June 20. Licensing of
stock yards under .President Wilson's
proclamation today was regarded by
livestock men here a a natural mo
following the licensing of packing
houses several months ago. '
Ktockyards officials ' believed th
action 'jras designed to give the gov
ernment mora direct control of the
machinery of livestock handling, per
mitting qorretdtitfai of possible trou
ble without red tape. No changes im
management were expected. The mov)
bad been eipeotsd.