SALEM, OBEGOJ ilOKDAT, JTXE 17, 1918. EIGHT 4f 4 EPAREDl ii ii As we were Saturday wiilf extra help to take care of the large numbers, which we. had expected, still there were some who we were unable to wait on prompt ly. Of this we are truly sorry. However Every Day Is DAY AT THE . C. Penney Co. Store 4t And we will be able to give you prompt attention, and the best of merchandise if .1 il. I IV 1 . Tl ai me Lowest rnce any nine you neea it. 6M Incorporated TTTTTTT 7 ,8 All Around Town TV OHHtH COMING EVENTS V TONIGHT. June 17. i Patriotic Mass Meeting at armory, 'Wake Up America." June 17. Election of two school director in Salem. Vote 2 p. m. until 7 p. m. June 17. Annual Musicals of Miss Beatrice Sholton, Congre gational church, 8 p. ni. June . 17-26. Female alieni register. ' June 18. Band concert Will ion park. " June 21. Annual meeting member! Salem Commercial club June 23. War Savings Stamp mass meeting at armory. June 24. War Savings Stamp Campaign. June 28. Concert of Salem 'Apollo elub at Opera bouse. Dr. 14. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor rectly. U. S. National Bank Bldg. tl. o "The funeral beautiful." Webb ft Clough Co. tf. The Ladies Aid, Society of the Metho dist, church at l'ratura has postponed its meeting announced to he livid o.',xt Wednesday at the homo of Mrs. Bice. Kryptok Glasses fine the eombine near and far vision in lens without unsightly lines or use of two pairs of glasses. In the lower part of Kryptok glasses you get the neeewwiry correction for reeding r other close work. In the upper ptrt you get the correction for distance, ' I make a specialty of correctly fit ting Kryptok glasses. If yov have trouble with your glasses and are not getting the pleasure from your reading on account of your eyes, come to me and I will fit yon with Kryptok nd your troubles will be over. . My. .5 year of practical experienee will fit Your ere eorrectlv. I guarantee satisfaction and my charges are very reasonable. M. JL P. MENDELSOHN 21011 United State National , . . . Bank Building. ; PHONE 110. Fatton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa Phone 1096. We do repair work. Stoves and furnaces coiled. tf. o After June 21, my friends and pa trons will find me in Moore building on Court streot, up first stairway east of Brewer' drug store. Phone 695. Mary C. Bowland, M. D. 7-13 o Sergeant Floyd Stratum who has been visiting at tho home of K. A. Dunigan, has left for Camp Lewis. He is tho son of W. E. Stratton of Eugono and has been in tho U. S. Sorvice for the past five years. Oregon Hectrio change In schedule. On and after Monday Juno 17th trains No. 63 and 04 will too discontinued and No. 9 and H will have daily Woodburn connection, scheduled as now, 618 "The bsst" Is all you can do when death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co. Phone 120. , tf The Oregon Electric train between Salem and Woodburn, run for the ac comodation of those attending school in Salem has been discontinued. The train arrived in Salem from Woodburu at 3:05 p. in. and returned at 3:30 p. m. Auto, player etc., at auction Soe Pttge 8. piaiio, f furniture, rugs, Wed., 555 8 Liberty 0-18 Today la the day young people should begin some practical work "at the C&pi'tal Business college. Many are planning to entrr, will you be ono young lady, to prepare to take the placer of some young man who is call ed t the Bervice of his country. You caa do his work in a business office if yett luttvo tho requisite training, o The regular meeting of Chadwlck chapter No. 37. Ore&er Eastern Star will be held Tuesday evening of this week. The event is to be a social affair to which all members and their families are iuvited. Auction sale Wed. 1 p. Liberty St See pago 8. m., 555 8. 6 18 Don't .fall to hear Miss Ada Miller and Alfred Schramm in duct end solo niHubem, (at First Congregational church this evening, 8:13, o ... E. T. Watkina for three year agent for WelbjFargo express company in Sa lem has been granted a leave of ab sence on account of illness. He will be succeeded by H, E, Harrison, formerly ngeut at Dallas for the company. Mr. Walking will probably return to his former home in Michigan to recuperate. : i . Hear program by pupils of Mis Bea trice hholton this evening' ot IFirst Congregational church at 8:15. ; o Patriotlo numbers will feature pro gram by eonior etas of Miss Sholton at First Congregational church this evening at 8:15. There will be such a great demand for labor to harvest the crops not only in this section but everywhere, that it is not improbablo that a house to house canvass will be made and the names se cured of all boy and girls above the age of 14 years who are doing noth ing. This announcement was made by a man familiar with food and labor conditions. If this should be done, it would probably come through the food administration or the local labor bur eau, acting directly under orders from the department of agriculture. E. O. Green, who resides on the Iron ton fruit tracts, brought a tins box of strawberries to this office today. Only 19 berries were required to fill the box Mr. Green says that the hot weather r duced this berry crop materially and thai gardens have been greatly injured by the aphis this year. The local exemption board today re ceived a call for six special men, vol unteers, who are qualified as machinists or who hav.9 some training in that line They are to leave for San- Francisco July 1, where the government will give thorn a Bpccial course of training and assign them to duty at once, with the probabilities of going soon to Franca The six men wanted must volunter at the local exemption' board before June 21. It has been announced that blue over alls and jumpors have supplanted blue serge Buits for the motormen of tho Portland Hailway, Light and Power company employes at Portland. This or-d.-r has not as yt become effective with tho Salem motormen. The action in Portland was taken on account of the high price of blue serge suits. It was thought at one time the motormen would wear khaki but as the government want ed all the khaki manufactured, the Portland motormen compromised on jumpers and overalls. Two Speeders yesterday were nabbed by tho speed cops. Benjamin Peterson of Silvorton put up $5 and said it was not convenient for him toiome to town for trial until Wednesday. Tho tinvo was given with the understanding that if lie did not appear his (5 would be con fiscated. B. B. Case of Vancouver, Wasln ington, said he wasn't going very fast, but officer Smith said it figured 30 miles an hour. Ho was somewhat peeved and niado some remarks which didn't prevent him from depositing $5 for tin city treasury. o . . , I Tht steamer City t)f Eugene, property of the Spaulding Logging company, af ter 13 years ot active service and two years on the retired list, has f inully clos ed its career. During' tho past week the steamer has been dismantled and tlw boiler romoved to more active service ii) the mill. Tho boat was used by Spauld ing's mostly for towing logs and gon. oral carrying to the paper mills. - o The annual camp meeting of the United Evangelical church will be held at (juinaby beginning July 25, and clos ing August 4. The program -is as fol lows: July 25 and 26: Sunday schoo' and Keystone League of the Christian Kndeavor convention. July 27: Woman's Homo and Foreign Missionary conven tion. July 28 to August 4: Bible con ference nud camp meetings. The OL?fu tivp committee include the Rev. 8. S Mumey, Guy H. Stover, I. H, Frnnhnm the Bov. G. L. Lowll and J. L. Bums Ben F. Beckwith who registered a year ago with the local exemption board giving his sddrens ui 313 South F street Silverton, is showing the correct pat riotic spirit. Although he is now work ing in the ship yards in Portland and therefore given deferred classification ho isn't satisfied that he is doing his duty and writes the local exemption board as follows: "Your of the 13th was received this morning, stating that I could stay with the shipbuilding, or go to Camp Lewis. Well, I am glad to go and do my duty. Kindly let me know if I can leave from Portland and will I have to report at Salem and if so, what date and hour," DIED KELLET. At the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. G. H. Jewett, 1206 North Commercial street, June 16, 1918, Mrs. Jane E. Kelly at the age of 87 years. The body will be taken to Marshall Wisconsin for burial. The funeral ser vines were held this afternoon from the Webb. .St Clough chapel and were eon ducted by the .Kev. K. N. Avison. PEROi At the home of his son, at 1215 ftorth Commercial street, J una 16 1918, Edward A. Pero at the age of M years. Until recent years he had been employed at th Kay Woolen mills. Besides hi wife, he is survived by three daughters and one son. The daugh ters are Mrs. B. H. Davis of Portland Mrs. J. B. Acheson of Hood Biver and Mrs. Meivin Matteson ot Akron, New York. The son is Edward H. Pero of 1215 North Commercial straet. The funeral services will be held at the Bigdon chapel at 10 o'clock Wed nesday morning and burial will be in the Lee Mission cemetery. PRESCOTT. At her home 632 South Commercial street, Saturday June 15. 1918, Mrs. Augustus Prescott, at the age oi eo years. Her husband died about one year ago. one is survived by two daughters Mrs, Isabel White and Mios Cora Prescott of Salem and a granddaughter. Mrs, T. J. Sniper of Polk county. J. lie funeral services will be held from the residence Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and will be conducted by the Rev. J. Bowersox and John E. Fes. of Portland. Burial will be in the City view cemetery. BORN ROLAND. At the Deaconess hospital sunaay, June ie, Jl, to Mr. and Mr, Guy B. Roland, of Jeforson, a daughter. She has been named Dorris Caroline Harold O. Whit and Miss Anna Moore were married yesterday at the nodule of the bride's parents, 209 South lytn street. lhn ctremony was perform ed by the Eev. Jones. oX the Christian Bungalow church. . op The depot quartermaster of Fort Ma son, tauf,, has written the Commercial club asking information in regard to kinds and food values of this valley and such other information that will aid him in buying his supplies. Although It appeared, a trifle chilly this morning, the government offi cial thermometer recorded 53 as the lowest temperature for tho night with bS at B:dO o'clock this morning. Th! rivor has been gradually falling until today it is three tenns of a foot below zero. The first Chorrian band concert of the season will be given tomorrow even- ug at 8 o'clock from tho band stand in vvaison park. Another is scheduled for Friday evening and hereafter on Tuesday and Friday evenings of each week, beginning at 8 o'clock. Notwithstanding the fact that the day of weekend rates are, gone, 65 people bought tickets over the Oregon Eectric for Portland Saturday afternoon. And they all had to rido in the regulation day coach as the parlor car has been on only for the morning train to Portland Employes of freight houses will be given plenty of time to die in their gardens horeafter, as an. order went in to effect today whereby the offices close at 4 o 'clock each afternoon and on Saturdays at 1 o'clock. This is a gov ernment order, based on the fact that many freight employes were leaving for positions that gave them more favor able hours. Two young men today enlisted In the navy. .Raymond L. Savage enlisted as second class seaman and Boland G. Al len the same, both going to Bremerton for th,, preljminary training. A fow days ago Hurbert W. McDonald and his twin brother, Hubert B. McDonald ago 21, both of Shedd, enlisted as sec oud class seamen. Wlion the young mai) enlists as second class seaman, this en n m ow tor a Bigger etter Business To Make Things Hum Closing Out of Ladies' Goats AT STARTLING REDUCTIONS See Window Display and Prices OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWESL - GALE & COMPANY Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store and t tMM'4M' J . I am ready to guar antee you reliable optical service with quality and workman ship the best, which means satisfaction to you. Glasses accurately and correctly fitted for all defects. DR. A- McCULLOCH, v . Optometrist ' 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerc Bidding. titles him to several privileges one of which is rapid advancement. That is if the young man has any special qual ifications, after the preliminary train ing, h.9 is placed where he can do tho best work and show that he is qual ified for promotion. o Fred A. Steusloff county food admin istrator announces that no change lias been made in the amount of sugar ttia can be purchased by a housekeeper for canning purposes. This is 100 pounds. Tlws limitation for ordinary purchase is two pounds for those living in two' and five pounds for those living in tb country. o ; The hours for the election of two school directors are from 2 o'clock this afternoon until 7 o'clock in the evening Thore is but. one election booth and that is at the former Bed Cross head quarters on State street, just opposite The Spa. Any person eligible to vote may cast a ballot. There is no property qualification and even if "one has not registered, this does not prevent voting provided one is eligible to vote in this district. Four candidates are in the field Harley O. White-and Chauncey Bishop representing the present policy of the board and the Bev. H. E. Pemberton and A. F. Marcus of South Salem the other side of the proposition. DelaicyNicolIWill Prosecute Jeremiah 0 Leary Now York, June 17. Delancy Ni- coll, one of the leading criminal law yers of New York and H. Snowden Mnrshlall. former United States dis trict attorney, will have charge of the prosecution of Jeremiah 0 'Leary on charges of treason, it was announced by the government today. Alexis U'JUeary, one of the U'JjenTy brother, was on uho witnes stand to day in the trial of John 0 'Leary, charged with assisting? Jeremiah to flee from New York May 7. x Government Prepares Fourth Liberty Loan Washington, June 17. The govern- PERSONAL W. W. Huntley and wife of Brooks were in the city over Sunday. Mr. Hunt ley has enlisted in the navy going into the engineer's corps and will leave in a day or sofor Bremerton. D. H. Talmadge of the Halsey Enter prise was in Salem over Sunday. Mrs. Halsey left for Newport to remain two months. Sam Gerig of Mill City was in Salem Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Finlay, formorly of Salem were here from Portland over Sunday. Mr. Finlay is employed at the Albina Machine Works, Portland. William Butte formerly of Salem waf in the city yesterday. W. A. Persey, after having lived some Judge Keliey Is Given Democratic Nomination Do You ms mi : . TRAN CREDIT. I Special for This Week J Only. : ' 25c Carvlonsis Talcum Towder, I Rexall -18e T 25c Violet Dulce Talcum Powder 19e I 75c.Tcilct Water, Kose, Violet. '1 t Lilac ......... 49e I 33c Bubbcr Gloves 27e I f We ss-ve You 5 with our cash . . register check. ,, u PERRY'S DRUG STORE THE STOKE WE SELL FOE CASH ment is preparing to launch the fourth liberty loan in October, approximately a $6,000,000,000 issue, the largest of any nation during the war to date, at o imereas.THTo or yj per coot. Secretary MeAdoo informed bankers they will bo expected during the next four months to assume $4,000,000,000 in treasury certificates and $2,000, 000,000 additional will be offered to the public: Plans for the next great loan are rapidly being formulated. Posters, but ton and valuable war trophies to as sist in arousing enthusiasm, already have been tentatively selected. JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL Attorney General Brown has the dein ocratic as well as tho republican nomi nation for the office of attorney gen eral. He received 6oa democratic vote. Congressman Havvley has the demoerat io nomination for congress from this district. Circuit Judge Kelly of this district has the democratic nomination for the supremo bench, getting 339 votes. Superintendent of Public Instruction Churchill has both repuiblkan and dem ocratic nomination. For labor commissioner C. H. Gram ha both nominations. For public service commissioner Fred A. Williams who got the republican nomination by a majority of 646 also got the democratic nomination by a majority of two, bis veto being 260 against 238 for Miller. time in Calgary, Canada, hava return ed to make their home in this city. He reports business and salaries good at Calgary but that tho living expense are much higher than in this section. Boy Bay who niado an auto trip Fri day last to tlw coast, -returned yester day. ' ee ITnruh of the Commercial Printing Company is in Portland. F. J. Fletcher of Silverton is register ed at the Bligh. W. C. Cowgill, former Salem news paper man, is now in Corvallis. Don't Miss It AUCTION SALE 1917MaxwellAuto,PlayerPiano High Class Household, Furniture, Rugs, Etc. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 9, AT 1 :30 P. M 555 So. Liberty Street Consisting of 1917 Maxwell Touring Car in first class shape, $850 Mahogany Studio Auto Player Piano with Rolls nearly new, 1 Axminster Rug 9x12 beautiful design-new, ,1 Axminster Rug 9x12 for liv ing room, 1 velvet Brusssels Carpet 13x14, 1 Brus sels Carpet 9x12, 1 Oak Buffet with plate glass Mir ror, 1 Ouartered Oak Round Extension Table, 4 Oak ' Diners, 2 upholstered Oak Rockers 1 upholstered Oak Sewing Rocker, 1 Child's Chair, 1 very fine Maple Chif fonier, 1 large Oak Dresser, 1 Oak Chiffonier, 1 Drop Leaf Table, 2 Kitchen Chairs, 2 pairs Portiers, Lace Curtains, Hall Rack with Mirror 4 doz. Fruit Jars, 1 White Enamel Bed, 2 good Mattresses, 1 Coil Spring, 4-gal. Wash Tub, Copper bottom Boiler, 1 Carpet -Swcenar, 1 Clark Jewell Gas Range, Dishes, Kitchen Utensils and many other, things. Note: Everything offered in this sale is nearly new, and suitable for the paricular buyer, the owner is. moving to California and everything offered will be sold, so be there on time . Terms fish . T. F. RHODEN. Owner, 555 S. LIBERTY. P. N. WOODRY, THE AUCTIONEER, Phone 610-511