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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1918)
HE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, ORE. MONDAY, JCXE 17, 191S. FIVE JotfinaI MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM'MtMMMMMMtMMMMMMM I? YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL SOMElMt TOfT JiHSFER IN AWHT--IJSE A JOURNAL WANT AD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES SaU per word New Today: aeh insertion le Oaa week (S insertions) Se One month (26 insertions) 17e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Read your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately Minimum charge 15c. KULTIGRAPHING Phone 340. 6-25 BOOM and board, 1112 Mill St. 6 18 WANTED Hay to put up on shares. Phone 3SF3 or 77F4. 619 flORSE for sale cheap, at 1394 N. Church St. 6 17 HOUSE for rent. For further informa tion phone 773B. 6-13 WANTED Delivery boy. A. Daue ft Sons, 1003 S. Coml 6-19 FOB BENT 2 furnished Tooms 1st floor. 720 N. Churdh St. 6-19 FOB BENT Piano $2 per month. Call 1844. 6-18 WANTED Strained honey in bulk. Cherry City Bakery Co. tf EAVE you wood sawing! Call phone 7. tf FOE SALE Fir wood and team of young mares. Phone 2142R. 6-18 WANTED Used bicycle, must be cheap. Box 46 care Journal. 6-17 WANT to buy, 2 hop stoves, also 2 tons clover hay. Phone 1204. 6-18 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 758 N. Commercial- 6-18 FOB SALB Wheat sacks and berry craies. Phone 101F2. 6-18 OOU W. F. WEIGHT, the auctioneer Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf FOB SALE Strictly modern, 5 room bungalow. Low price. Easy terms. 1675 S. Church St. 6-17 AUCTION SALE Jack Miller farm, three and onehalf miles southwest of Turner, June 20. 6-19 7 GOATS strayed, south of Salem, finder please leave word at Journal office. 6-19 WANTED Ford, 1915 or 1916 model, good condition and reasonable. 2645 Portland road. 617 FOB SALE 1916 Ford roadster, over hauled eind painted. Inquire Auto Kepair Shop, S. Com. and Bush. 6-17 FOB SALE One singlo-horse wagon and harness, will sell cheap. Phone 734, 871 N. Com'l. tf HOUSEKEEPING apartments and single rooms, nicely furnished, at 633 Ferry street, tf BAY Do yon wish to pick Loganber ries in a No. 1 10 acre yard I If so Phone 100F32. tf TWO and three Toom furnished apart ments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203- tf WANTED 5 mien, steady work, good wages, $3.36 per day. See J. A. Mills 320 State St. 6-20 WANTED To rent or buy, if cheap, desirable home, city or acreage, from owners. Box 26 care journal. 6-17 WANTED To buy light 5 passenger automobile, good condition. B care Journal- LOGANBERRY picker wanted, half mite from end of ear line. Phone 69 F2 evenings, Mrs. A. W. Cox. 6-18 YOUNG man wishes employment with small Ford delivery truck, country or city. L. E. Johnson, 24a D St. 6-18 WANTED Mohair at East Salem Cannery, 85th end Oak St. Phone 2160M. . tf FOB SALB Some fresh milch cows and farm horses, eteo want to boy a eeond heed binder. Geo. Swegle. tf WB PAY the highest cash prices for second hand furniture, stoves, rugs, etc. Shipping earload lots to Port land. Phone 593. 6-21 WANTED Persons with portable saw mill to cut 200,000 feet of timber and 5000 ties. Twice as much more in same locality. Address F. W. Kel ly, Rt. 1, Gervais, Or. 6-17 13ACBE farm for sale cheap; 7 room plastered house, good barn, 2 hen houses, pressure well, 6 acres prunes - and family orchard, 2 acres pasture with shade tree Write for terms or phone 61F11. T. E. Nunnemaker, Rt. 2, box 53. 618 GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20,000 clerks Examinations everywhere July 7. Ex perience unnecessary. Men and wo men desiring government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard, (former dvtl service ex aminer,) 1059 Kenois bldg- Wash ington, D. C. 6-21 VOMX one wants your property and yoa would sell. We charge no eom wAm&o for putting buyer and eell r together. For further Infonnatien Oregon Realty Exchange Investment Oa, In, 14 Breyman bldg., Salem, Or, CaaoW of Commeree bldg, Eu hm. Or- 250V4 34 BL Portland, W w :m OrefO mm New Today Ads WAITED Cultivating and general work ia the ety. Phone 1366. 6 20 FOB SALE Studebaker H4 spring wagon, will sell cheap. Phoae 734, 71 N. Com'l v tf FOB BENT Furnished house, strictly modern, hot water heat Address Box 373 Salem, Or. tf FOB SALE Good draft horse, sound, gentle, 7 years old. H. Hahn, Salem, Rt. 8, fcox 180. 6-18 FOB RENT -SmaU house, furnished; also rooms suitablo for girls. '482 S. High. 6-22 WANTED Woman or girl to help with scwimr, must be experienced Phone 2193J. 6-19 POTATOES for sale 50c and SOo per cwt- Call before Si.di.oi after 7 p. m. Phone 60F14. 6-20 WANTED Woman or girl for house work, all or part of time, no cook ing. 461 High. Phone 1627. 6-17 WANTED Boy 16, to work about two hours each afternoon at Journal of fice, tf WANTED A married man . to work on farm and haul wood. Phone 622 or 254. 6-18 POTATOES FOR SALE 75c per hun dred, bring sacks. T. Fitzpatrick, on asylum farm road, first house south of Sohubinger cheese factory. 6-18 FOB SALE 23 acres, improved, plen ty of water and timber, 2 miles from Salem on Dallas read. Wm M. Sohuctt, Rt. 2, Salem. 6-18 FOR SALE I have several mortgages for sale, from $600 to $3000, first class1 farm security. H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic, bldg. tf I HAVE a customer who desires to purchase at once, a modern 5 or 6 room house. John H. Scott, 404 Hub bard bldg. 6-18 FOR SALE 40 acre farm, some' of best land m Oregon, stock and crop included, mist be sold. R. T. D. 1, box 42, Scio, Or. 7-13 FOR SALE-Good, fresh Jersey cow, eight years old. Price $65. Rt. 7, Box 120, Silverton road, J. A. Jef ferson. 6-19 FOR SALE No. 7 cook stove suitable for -camping, also two tents, size 10x12 ft. with tent poles. 2263 N. "Fifth St. Phono 1369. 6-18 FOB RENT Furnished sleeping rooms, close in, with all modern con veniences, also housekeeping rooms. For further information phone 773 R. 6-18 EXPERIENCED WOODSMEN If you have had experience in timber work we can use you getting out ekip knees, $5 per day for eight hours work. Call at our office, 542 State . St. or phone 717. Mangis Bros. tf LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; 30 acres, two miles east of Brooks, good camp grounds, wood and water; we move yon out to yard and back to town;" picking will las about five weeks. Mangis Bros., Salem., Or. Phone 717. tf BERRY PICKERS WANTED Larg est yard in the valley. Good camp "Si good water, provisions on the ground. We move yon out to yard end back to town. Picking begins about June 25tih. Register now. we pay one cent with V-i cent bonus per pound- L. H. Roberts, Rt. 7, Sa lem, Or., Phone 41F24. tf 15 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; good picking, good camping ground, can walk and live at home only 15 minutes walk from end of bridge. Wallace road, Polk county; would also like to register same crew for picking beans.. W. C. Franklin- Phone 52F14. tf OLD FALSE TEETH wanted; doesn't matter if broken. We pay you actual value. We pay cash for old gold, silver and platinum. Send to us end receive cash by return mail. If price is not satisfactory, we will return teeth promptly upon request. Inter national Teeth Co., 305 West 42nd St, New York. tf THE SCHOOL board of school district number 24, Salem, Oregon, advertise for bids on the following apparatus: Bids to be itemized. 1 Stewart No- 28 oven furnace. 1 No. 34 13-inx8-ft. South Bend screw cutting engine lathe. Fitted with automatic longitudinal feed, automatic cross feed and compound rest. Countershaft, face plate and all necessary wrenches and attach ments. 2 No. 34 13-ln.xa-ft. South. Bend screw eutting engine lathe. 3 3026 8-in 4-jaw Independent lathe chuck. 1 No. 2 Bristol milling machine pow er feed attachment, 7-8 arbor for same, centers and indexing-head. 1 Fox O B milling machine. 1 Fox centers and indexing head. 1 No. 5 Little Giant taps and diea. 10 No- 203 3 in. jaw swivel base machinist vise. 1 No. 1 Q C pmrer shop saw. 1 20-in. np.ight power drill press. 1 grinding machine eomplcte. Bids on the above material will bo opened on Tuesday evening, June 25th at 8 p. m. The school board re serves the right to reject any or all bids or accept any pert of any bid. School District No. 24, Marion Coun ty, Oregon. 6-17 By W. H. Burghardt, Jr, clerk. WILL PAINT your building just ss cheap as before material raised, and will guarantee it to last far five years. Twenty years experience. Phone 75F5. . 617 WANTED Loganbery pickers for 45 acres of berries located mile from earline at Salem Heights. Fif teen minute service. Five cent fare to Salem- Fine camp grove, free wood, potato patch and strew for bedding. Water piped on camp grounds. No teats ox bunk houses. Telephone on camp grounds and free daily delivery of groceries, Pickers can make from $2.30 to $3.50 per day; season will last from 3 to fl weeks. Picking win start about Jane 17th. Telephone 21P2, B. Cun ningham, Rt. 3, box 121, Salem, Or. 618 Company M Families Receiving Allotments Two more Company M allotments were received today, according to in formation received at the Home Ser vice section of the Red Coss. This in dicates that the allotments which have all been held up, are due to arrive within a few days. For some reason, all records of the allotments of Company M were either lost or mislaid end the wives of sol diors in the company have not been re ceiving their allotments. The matter was taken up by the Home Service sec tion of the Red Cross and through the Red Cross Washington officials, cable grams were sent to the officers of Com pauy M asking that the allotments be made over again. A letter received today by Mrs- O. B. Schucking, secretary of tiie Home Service section from the registrar of the Red Cross civilian relief, in Wash ington is as follows: "You will be glad to know as a re sult of tho cablegram which I sent to France that we have already had re ply and wie exipcct to have early action on Company M 's cases. " ' Jefferson Constable Injured by Fall Sheriff Needham was notified short ly afternoon today that Constable Jonee of Jefferson had fallen in get ting out of an auto at Turner this morn ing and had suffered a fracture of the skull. Some time this morning a war rant was issued in Jefferson for the arrest of several boys who had passed through the town in an auto, and this was given to the constable to Bcrve. The constable wired the sheriff to head the boys off and the sheriff wired the constable at Turner to watch out for them and get them if they reached that plujce. This the Turner constable did and phoned Jones to come and get them. As Jones readied the co-nstablo's place in Turner he stepped from the auto before it had fully stopped and was thrown heavily, sustaining, it is reported, a fracture of the skull. The boys were taken back to Jeffer son by Constable Miles of TurneT, and word was Bent that the injured man was being brought to one of the hos pitals here. Inquiry at these just be fore press time failed to locate him at any of them. What the natnro of the offense for which the boys were ar rested could not be learned. Party Organizations In Marion County At the meeting of the republican central committee, held last Saturday, the following officers were elected: Walter L. Tooze chairman, N. D. El liott secretary, Ben F. West state com mitteemnn, W. J- Culver congressional committeeman. The executive committee is as fol lows: E. P. Morcum, Woodfourn; H. C. Porter, Au'msville; A, L. Lawrence, Sa lem; a. J. Culver, Salem; H. E. Brown, Silverton; W. H. Habson, Stayton; H. R. Peete, Turner. At the meeting of' the democratic central committee, P. L. Frazier was re-elected chairman, Kenneth Bayne secretary and James R. Hamilton, state committeeman. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Oregon State Highway commis sion will receive proposals at 1301 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon, at 11 a. m. Tuesday, June 25th, 1918, for eighteen miles of hardsurfacing on the Pacific highway between Salem and Aurora, in Marion county. The work will bo let in two units of 7.35 miles and . 10.65 miles, respective ly. Bids will be received on all types of pavement. For full particulars, kindly call at room 303 Capitol building, office of the state highway engineer, Salem where spccifi)cationg Jand all details may be seen. No guarantee of workmanship, ma terial or maintenance bonds will be required and a special price of $2 per bbl. f. o. b. Oswego will be made on the purchasing of cement. State Highway Commission of Oregon S. Benson, Chairman, W. L. Thompson, Commissioner. B. A. Booth, Commissioner. Attest: Herbert Nunn, State Highway Engineer. Salem, Oregon, June 13, 1918.- 6-25 CALL FOB IMPROVEMENT BONDS Of the City of Salem, Oregon Notice i9 hereby given that on July 1, 1918, there will be money on hand and applicable to the payment of the following improvement bonds of issue "G," Numbers 91 to 130, both inclus ive. Holders of these bonds will present them for payment at the office of the city treasurer as interest will eease af ter June 30, 1918. C. O. BICE, June 10-17-24 City Treasurer. first park band co:;certofseasoh TOMORROW NIGHf Salem Cherrian Band Under Leadership of Oscar A. Stedhammer The first of a series of public eon certs will be given by the Salem Cner rian band Tuesday evening at Will son park, (beginning at 8 o'clock un der the direction of Oscar A. Steel haormeT. Although during the past year the band has given seven of its members to the ship yards and four to the ser vice, it will make its initial bow to the public with 22 members. Mr. Steel hammer, the director, and John Graber, r- : : OSCAR A. STEELHAJDIEB Director of the Cajrrian Band manager, have been fortunate in secur ing mien who have had previous band exiperienco and tho! concerts this' sum mer will ibe fully up to the standard of the past. The Cherrian band if the only fully organized band in the val ley between Portlamd and Eugene. Eaten, of the summer concerts will open with the playing of "The Star Spangled BanncT and close with "Am erica," and the audience of course will be expected! to stand during the rendi tion of these two patriotic selections. The personnel of the band is as fol lows: Piccolo: Miller Bevier. Clarinets: Carl Poppa, Earl Ander son, Ernest Derweiitj H. S. Swart and K. Desart. Cornets: Chas. Pabst, Herman Koehring, Olias. Kurfch, N. G. Freeman and Elmer MaKinney. Altos: Irwin Wroten, Paul Stege, John Graber. Trombones: O. A. Steelhammer and Ludwig Miickelson. Baritone: Ivan U. Martin and Uleue Gray. Bass: Ktehard. Byley and J. F. Steel- hammer. Drums: W. H. Mills and David Aal madge. , Director: O, A. Steeliammcr. Manager: John Graber. The program for Tuesday evening, Juno 18, is as follows: Star Spangled Banner. March, Robinson's Grand Entree (K. L. King.) Selection from "Faust" (Gounod.) Intermezzo Russe ('Frank.) Piaeolot solo, The Meadow Lark (Brockonshire.) Miller Bevier. Serenade "La Zzarine" (L. Ganne.) Vocal solo. On the Road to Home Sweet Home (Van Alstyne), Miss Pau line Liska. Patriotic patrol, Spirit of America (Zamecnik.) Selection, Chimes of Normandy (L. P. Laurendeau.) March, Caesar's Triumphal (Mitch ell.) uJ. America. Debs Denies Reports That He Is Loyal Cleveland, Ohio, June 17. Federal Attorney Wertz today was examining h. rennrrs nf federal aecnts who heard the addrtss of Eugene V. Debs, former socialist candidate tor rresiaent at ian inn. Ohir. vt.erdftv. "If I find that Debs said anything that violated tne espionage law,- saiu Wertz, "I'll bring it to the attention nf ihn fpWnl oTfind iurw At once." Debs spoke in a Canton park before about IzUU persons, most oi tnem able gates to the state socialist convention. "I must be extremely careful what I say and more careful how I ay it," JA'Og saiu in beginning nis auurcss. rii'lm tnniln it i-l .'ir that ho has not re pudiated the socialist party's platform, WHICH yjrUCU UJ'yUBlUVU III BCIlXllfr wirvir'A anrl in nther war meftlnrcfl. He charged that his position had be misrepresented in attempts to discsui age members of the party "and to make! it appear that we are divided amony ourselves." Prussian Militarism Lauded by Kaiser Amsterdam, June 17. The kaiser, on the Hhirticlth. anniversary of his ac cension to the throne, it was learned today, wired Chancellor Hertling that "inasmuch as the army has proven in vincible, the borne land will bear the suffering and privation which just now are felrt the keenefrt." "I know that the Prussian militar ism which my forefathers and I have carefully nurtured," he continued, "has given the German sword the strength to triumph, and that victory will bring a peace guaranteeing Ger man life." MOVING PICTURES SBOVIKGWAR SCOiES Public Information Committee Will Gve Yiews at 'Armory Tonight at the armory, there will be given under the auspices of the com mittee on public information, a mov mg picture show that will give an en tirely new phase of many of the sit uations in Europe, especially iu.France The speaker of the evening is Wil liam J. Burns, mho has been giving his time to this public information work and with him are two moving picture machine operators. They carry 200O pounds of baggage for the lecture. Their equipment includes five mov ing picture machines and during the address, 3000 feet of film will be used besides the showing of hundreds of stereoptican views. During the seven weeks the party has been on the Pacific coast, they have been showing to crowded nouses At San Francisco, in two nights, 21,000 witnessed! the film. At Oakland, Cal., for the one night 10,000 attended and at San Diego, 8000 for the one show ing. Two nights wCTe given to Fres no, Cal., where the attendance was 10, 000. The film was purchased by a leading eastern mtuufacturer who showed them in the evenings to keep his men on for extra hours. They were then shown at different factories and fin ally taken up by the Washington au thorities. The showing will begin this evening ut 8:30 o'clock and as it if under the auspices of the committee on publio information, there is of course no admission charge. STREET CARNIVALS TO BE PROHIBITED Heavy Licensed Fees Will Be Exacted From lircus Parades In Future It is Rood bye to street carnivals and street shows of a similar nature for Sa lem. At the meeting of the city uncil this evening an ordinance will be intro duced by Frank Ward that will ring tho curtain down on carnivals, merry-go-rounds and such, and with this council) men already in favor of such an ordin ance, it will doubtless be unanimously passed. The ordinance provides that no street shows, carnivals, dog shows or anything of the kind shall be licensed to do busi ness in thifl city of Salem. This include? the circus, but as there are no ground? suitable for a circus within thfl city limits, the circus -continues to be a pos sibility for Salem, as they can show outside the city limits. However, although the circus may con), the ordinance will provido that the city shall be paid a license for the use of its street for the paredo. For a one ring circus parade, the license fee is fixed at $40. The two ring circus for its parade will be asked to pay $60 and the big circus with three rings will be taxed $80 for its parade on the sity streets. Shows not classed as a circus that would like to have a street parade will be asked to pay a license of $30 while a dog or pony show will pay $25 for the use of the streets in its paraue. A similar ordinance would have pass ed at thP lust meeting of the council but it prohibited the street paradi. As the aldermen thought there was noth ins espocially wrong about a slice t par ade, the measure was defeated, A nev ordinance was drawn, by City Attor ney Macy, prohibiting the carnivals an J shows of -nil kinds within the city lim its, but permitting the street parude upon the payment oi a license iee. Strawberry Fete Success at Kimball Home The strawbery fete held Saturday evening at the Kimball home in Pulk county was such a success in every re spect that it is probable before the berry season closes the festival will be repeated. The festival was given as a Red Crosr benefit by the Polk County Community auxiliary and the net proceeds were $115. Besides the refreshments which In cluded plenty of strawberries, cake, let cream and coffee, ther was an iiitcrcs1; ing program. This included the singi-.g of the "Star fipangled Banner" ly Hul lie Parrisli Duidall followed by an ad' dress by the chairman of the evening Albert Hteiuer. Other numbers were a solo dance "The Coming of bprinjS" by Miss Genevieve Barbour, reading by Emily oose; solo by Dan F. Lengenberg Highland Fling dance by Mies Martclle Hhipp; drill by young grils; address by Dr..A. B. Starbuck of Dallas; dance by Miss Madflin. Brown and Miss Gene vieve Barbour; recitation by Mrs, S. Yates, song by Carl Stevenson; cornet sole by Charles Kurth; sword dance, Martclle fihipp and an address by Wal ter A. Denton. Sixteen Steel Yesseh Delivered fa Two Weeks Washington, June 17. Sixteen steel vessels of a total deadweight of 89, 162 were completed and delivered dur ing the first two weeks of June, .the shipping board announced late today The output geographically was as fol lows: Atlantic; coast yards, three; Great Lakes, eight; Pacific coast, five. ORE. YEARLY MEETING Of FRiEiS' CHURCH Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of rounding of Organization In Oregon Observed - Newberg, Ore., June 17. The twenty-fifth annniversary of the founding of Oregon yearly meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) was celebrated Sat urday. The principal feature of the morning session, was a paper of re miniscence by Aaron M. Bray. Short talks were also given by a number of pioneers o the yearly 'meeting, as well as by some of the visitors. The afternoon's program held for its principal feature addresses by Dr. Kobert E. Pretlow of. Seattle, elerk of the Fivo Years Meeting of Friends in America on "The Plaee of the Yearly Meeting in the Quaker Polity," and by Dr. Charles E. Tebbctts, honorary head of the American Friends Board of Itireign Missions on 'The Church of the Future." The department of Evangelism and Churcb Extension presented its annual report, through Homer B. Cox. f Port- laud, its chairman. The year has been a decidedly successful one from the standpoint of the work of this depart ment, -is shown by the reports. In only one year since the first year of the yearly meeting has then been a larger increase in the membership "on confess! m of faith. Following the reports, interesting ad dresses w re made by Dr. Charles E. Tcbbetts and by J. Sanger Fox of Port land, who has been servin? as field sec retary for the past month. He was employed in this capacity for the en suing yeir. At tho close of the after noon meeting, an offering' for this work was taken up 'to the amount of about $800. Peace aid arbitration were tho sub jects considered at the morning meet ing Friday. The report was presented by Prof. l W. Parisno, superintendent of this department, who mado an abl address on the subject, as did Dr. Tcb betts and I'aul J. Furnas, field secre tary of th Friends Service committee. Tho evsrgelists meetings are well at tended. British Airmen Fight With Austrians London, June 17. British air men on the Italian front are attaicking Austrian., infantry with machine guns, 'having fir- d 25,000 rounds into enemy columns on Saturday and Sun day, the British Italian front official statement announced tonight. .. Simnltancously, More than 300 4c bomlbs were dropped. The state Inientj says the general Italian situation is unchanged. British casualties have been slight. George Creel's Bureau Receives Appropriation Washington, June 17. The houso to day passed an appropriation bill turn ing over to President Wilson $50,000, 000 as a personal war fund, eotight by the president to insure continuation of the Creot committee on public informa tion, . In o letter to fpprcser'..ativc Shir- iey, the president indicated he fenred congress miht attempt y curtail the work of Creel's bureau by denying nec essary appropriations. The house voted to give tho com mittee on public information $1,250,000 the f un4 it asked for' the next fiscal year. An amendment by Representative Mudd"n, Illinois, preventing expen diture of anv pai of tho npinrrinria- V: Hi"-;. is-, WHS". 0 6 KEEP HIM. OUT of AMERICA II DAYS IN OPEN BOAT SAILORS REACH jORT SAFELY Schooner Burning Forces Them to Boats-Had One Quart offer Left San Francisco, June 17. After Four teen days in an open boat on the Pa cific, 14 people from the five masted schooner Crescent, landed in San Francisco last Sunday. The Crescent was burned 140O miles off the eoast. Captain Olson, Mrs. Olson, and tho 13 members of the crew abandoned the Crescent on June 3 after fighting desperately for 24 hours with a fire which started in the hold. The schoon er was 70 days out of Sydney with a cargo of copra for San Francisco. Un able to quench the flames. Captain Ol son abandoned ship, rigged a small sail on a lifeboat, and started for San Francisco. For two weeks tho little boat fought her way eastward. Not until Sunday morning did they sight a ship. Then they saw the steamer President and simultaneously sighted land. With just a quart of water, two cans of tomatoes and one can of peas re maining of their provisions, the life boat pulled up at Meiggs wharf. The H people aboard were so stiff and sore from their long exposure that they could hardly stand up. Aside from that, they were apparently none the worse for their experience. The sailors praised tho fortitude of Mrs. Olson, who doled out the provis ions herself, kept them in f,ood spirits, and occasionally took a hand at bail ing. The Crescent was buiU in 1904 av Fair 3Iaven, Cal. She was 24C feet long and of 1443 gross ton. CLptain and Mrs. Olson had mado their tome aboard tho schooner for 14 years. k State House News ' Highway Engineer Nunn starts today on a tour of inspection of the road work now underway. Articbs of incorporation were filed today as follows: Pacific Marine Iron Works of Portland, increased its capital stock from $250,000 to $400,000. In in a n poulsen Cpmpany of Portland filed notice of dissolution. O. K. Jiffery Company of Portland, capital stock $10,000 and object to nmnfacturo and deal in hydroplanes, and aircraft of alll kinds, pontoons, life boats and small water craft gen erally. tdon for hiring men Of draft age unless they are exempted for physical disabil ity, was adopted. Representative Wood, Indiana, read an attack on Oeorge Creel, for his ar ticles written in 1907 in a Denver newspaper. Brewers Widow Comes , Back From Germany Havana, June 17. Mrs. Adolphus Busch, widow of the St. ouis browrir planned to leave here today for the Un ited States if accommodations could bo secured on a certain steamer. Mrs. Busch is on her way hoiao from Germany. Shu was closely watched here. Newspnper men were allowed to speak to her only in the presence of officials. Mrs, Busch 's attorney, Harry R. Howes, of St. ouis, who is with her, de nied Unit Mrs. Busch had ever received the kaiser and crown prince at her cas Hi's on tho Rhine and fcnid she had ne lit : jr v '