Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 17, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Editor and Publiihet
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June 17, 1913
1F?!WM flMSiM
Capital Journal Ptg. Co,, Inc.
b. 8. BARKER,
8ec. and Til.
Dally by earrtar, Pf rr $5.00 Per Month 45e
van? by man, per year a-uv r atoms ouc
D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. B. 8torkwIl, Peaplt's Oat Building
To Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papera oa the porch. If
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fcladly phone the circulation maaiigrr, ai tbia la tbe only way we can determine whether
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la the only newspaper In Salem wboee clrculntion ia guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau of Circulations.
With, as is estimated, a billion bushel wheat crop,
America will be in shape to feed her allies and her armies
all right, and this without going on a wheatless basis after
the new crop is available. This country requires about
'400,000,000 bushels of wheat for all purposes including
seed. Placing this year's crop below the present estimate,
or at 1)00,000,000 bushels, this would leave us over and
above our own needs 500,000,000 bushels for export. Al
lowing 100,000,000 bushels for seed and reducing the
Anlerican consumption to one-fourth the normal would
increase the quantity available for export in round num
bers, to 700,000,000 bushels. The population of England,
France and Italy totals about 12:5,000,000. It will be seen
from this that with a 700,000,000 bushel surplus crop we
could send to each of the above named countries five
1 ushels of wheat for each person &n4 have nearly 100,
000,000 bushels to help out the neutral countries. This
is more wheat than those countries consume under
normal conditions, and hence with conservation as the
hasis and Americans using one-fourth of normal, would
leave a handsome surplus after our allies are fully sup:
plied. This surplus it will be well to accumulate, and
more with it if possible, for 1919 may be a lean year and
make demands on us we might be able to meet. One more
year should see the situation permanently improved, for
. m i i 1 t 11 1 . 1 Al
by tnat time tnere snouia oe sucn an increase in me
mercantile fleet as to permit the shipping of Argentine,
Australian and Indian wheat to the world's markets.
Argentine has a big surplus of wheat now, and should
itdd largely to it this year. There never has been a short
age of wheat since the war started, only a shortage of
ships to carry it to the . markets where it is wanted.
However the only plan is to play dead safe by conserv
ing wheat products while we have them, and taking no
chances. ''
It is claimed a large part of the Hood River straw
berry crop was lost through scarcity of pickers. This is
indeed a misfortune, and city folks will be the ones to
feel the loss of such crops, for the folks in Hood River and
other places where the berries are grown no doubt put up
enough for their own use. City folks had better wake up
to the fact that if they refuse to help harvest the crops
they are likely to go hungry. Th3 farmer has done his
part in growing the crop and harvesting such of it as he
can. He will keep enough f dr himself and his family and
the city dweller is the fellow who will have to go hungry
if anyone does. Not a pound-of food stuffs should be
allowed to go to waste for lack of help to harvest it If
we cannot go to the front it is oar duty to do anything
and everything we can to take care of the crops and to
see to it that there is plenty not only for our boys in
France, but for our allies and for the families and folks
of the soldier boys.
While the Prussian officers wTere encouraeinor the
fraternizine of their soldiers with those of Russia before '.ad timo for only. a fcw words b?ff'
,i 1. ,i i . . . . . . . lne r"t came and
rne collapse or. tne KerensKi government, they looked at
only one side of the movement. The idea was to make the
Russian soldier discontented with his government and
thus cause its downfall. The scheme worked all right, but
at the same time the Prussian soldier was learning many
J.1 A il. 1 1 1 t I 1 .1 1.
inings as 10 me DoisneviKi movement ana me result is
that while the Prussians, afflicted with political smallpox,
so to speak, were. exposing the Russians to it, most of
them were at the same time exposed to the bolsheviki
itchski, and contracted it The result is that these sol
diers returning to Germany and being converted are
preaching these doctrines to their own people, and ap
parently witn a measure ot success that is at least an
noying to their officers and the kaiser's government.
t The Woman Who Changed ;
Without saying anything to me
George invited Madge Loring auil her
husband, also Julia Collins to come and
spend the evening. To see the picture,
When he told mo at dinner I started
to speak sharplv, then caught myself
and said: "Shall We have a little sup
per prepared f"
les, have something nice."
Yet me see, thero will be just six
Madge and her husband, you and Mrs i
Collins, Mr. Gray and myself. I will
tell Mary." I had purposely pairci'
him off with Mrs. Collins.
Merton cam- first. H was so Tin-
affectedly glad to see me, that I re
sponded more warmly than was wisa
perhaps. George had not yet come down
stairs so 1 received hini alone. But we
Prtsidat Amtrkan SkvQ Jtr Thrift
' "
It is charmingly frank, the admission of Food Adminis-
Henry Ford has decided to enter the senate, for with
the nomination on one or both tickets he will be certain
of election. To the man who keeps in touch with public
services, putting rord in the senate is a grave mistake.
He is too valuable a man to the country in the industrial
service to be lost among the human phonographs in the
senate. Ford will chafe his life out over the dilatoriness
he will meet everywhere in the senate, because he is used
to doing things off-hand and without countless precious
days being wasted in silly discussion of an admitted
necessity. If he can inject some of , his own direct
methods into the conducting of senatorial business his loss
to the industrial world would be in part compensated.
Jermiah O'Leary, Irish agitator and paid German
agent in this country, is now on his way to prison, and if
turned over to Great Britain will be hanged as he richly
deserves to be. O'Leary will be remembered as presidnt
of a pro-German organization known as the American
the big corporations have disposed of the big stocks they
laid in at hicrh nrices." At the same time it looks as
though the administrator was standing in with the big
firms to prevent them losing any money on their specula
tive venture. That is what it was, the big firms buying
with the expectation of prices going higher than they
are or were, and as the big fellows out guessed themselves
to some degree the intention apparently is to help them
out of the hole. It is a good thing for them but it is mak
ing the consumer pay the price. However there is no
disposition to kick against this, but the big fellows want
to be charv about doinff anv speculating in food stuffs
hereafter, for they are liable to ba left holding the sack,
with Uncle Sam fixing prices on substitutes as well as on
the articles for which they are substituted. Consumers
are paving much higher prices for substitutes than they
would have to pay for the wheat products, and it is dif
ficult for them to understand why corn products should
cost them more than those of. wheat when the latter is
almost double the former in price in the grain. We are
in this war to win and will make any and all sacrifices
necessary to do it, but while doing this the food adminis
tration wants to get a move on and see to it that no per
son or firm is getting rich off the people's sacrifices.
Marconi signalled the letter "S" from England to New
Foundland, December 12, 1901. That was the first wire
less intelligence sent a cross the Atlantic. The discovery
has come into universal use in the sixteen years since, and
not only the "S" is sent, but the S. O. S. is of daily occur
rence from all sections of the ocean these days.
The unconquerable spirit of the French is shown in
their precautionary steps providing for the civil evacua
tion, of Paris.-should it become necessary. They might
lose their city, but if so will not even consider any other
proposition than a fight to a finish, and resistance to the
end, . , -
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
campaign in the support of Hughes aid the villification of
Wilson. The president, not long before election, on re
ceipt of an insulting, threatening telegram from OLeary
said in answer that he did not want the votes of men such
as he and would not consider it an honor to be' elected
by them. . ' ' : :
Austria has liberated the Poles, and thus offered them
an opportunity to join her armies and help turn the
country over to the kaiser definitely by overcoming his
enemies, but if she only knew it, Austria's friends.
History tells us "the reformation began in Germany in
15 7." Considering the length of time it has been going
on it would seem that it has not traveled fast or gone far,
for it is a long ways from complete.
Rippling Rhymes
by Wall Mason
Oh, chee, it is a splendid thing to see our
hard-earned scads take wing! We're called
on, every week or four, to dig up coin, and
then some more, to buy some bonds, or help
Red Cross, and joyfully we dig the dross.
With other causes growing lax, we're asked
to pony up a tax, or help the Belgians 'or
the Serbs, or buy the starving Russ some
herbs. We used to snarl like Thomas Cat,
when some one came and passed the hat;
we'd frown and make a nasty speech about
the daughter of th'j leech. But now we
t spring no snarls or groans when we are
asked to shed the bones. We die ud all
the plunks on hand' and say, "The cause is truly erand.
ind we must bitterly regret we can't do more, already
yet" Our dollars are no longer gods; we find it great to
slip our wads. Of course some tightwads still survive,
but they're ashamed that they're alive. No longer do they
strut iji pride because they've fortunes multiplied; they
see in every' glance disdain, and every hour brings them
a pain. Their ranks grow smaller every day; they learn
to shoo the wealth away. Great James! It is a noble
thingf.to see the treasured scads take wings, to have the
vanish from our view, and think of all the good they'll do !
nd George cam0 down
to greet them.
They mad a great fuss over the
portrait, and really it was lovely
Georgo seemed to proud of it, so anx
ious that it ahould be hung so that
every feature would show to the best
advantage that I too commenced to feci
a pi'idH in it.
When it finally was hung to please
Ueorge it was ten o'clock and we ad
joumed to the dining room. The table
was beautifully laid for six I had giv
eu Mary careful instructions, and had
also told James to be most particular
I think they both understood that when
these friends of my husband's were
with us I was more anxious that every
thing should go right than at any other
A Repetition.
"Madge and Loring, you and mc
George, Mrs. Howard and Mr. Gray."
Mrs. Collins said laughingly as we went
out in couples.
"That's exactly the speech Mrs. How
ard made when I told her you were
comhig," George returned.
"tvidently they are both of th same
mind as to who is who "Latham Lorinir
said iu his cynical way. A way that al
ways implied so much, and left me feel
ing uncomfortable.
"Yod mean as to trio- proper palrlns
off," his wife added. "Don't try to
blush Julia, wo all know you have been
in love with Georgo for years! And an
artist is always supposed to fall in love
with his model, isn't he, Mr. Gray!"
I believe so," Merton said so grave
ly we ull laughed, then George said:
"ion flatter me, Madge. Julia, you
should have told me of this love you
have hidden tor years."
The light bandiage at which we all
laughed took all serious meaning from
what had been said. Yet I could not
help but foel that Madge Loring real
ly meant it, and that she had meant to
hurt me. Afterward it often came to
my mind; that spaech of hers when she
had declared that Julia CoJlins had lov
ed Georgo for years. I had felt from
the very first that there was more than
just friendship in her feeling for him
and in his for liier.
They left about midnight, all voting
thex had had a lovely evening, even
if it were informal.
After they left George and I return
ed to tlu) portrait.
"It is lovely, Helen. I am very proud
of it," Georgo said as we stood before
"It flatters me."
"No, I don't think so. You are very
pretty, dear. If you take ths propor
care of yourself, the proper exercise to
keep your figure, you will be a very
beautiful woman. But a good deal de
pends en yourself."
Evelyn Laughs at Helen.
I told Evelyn what Mrs. Loring had
"Old cat! I wouldn't mind her if I
were you."
"I can't help minding, Evelyn. I am
young and uninteresting." some of the
bitterness I felt crept into my voice in
spite of my effort to speak carelessly
"I am afraid I never shall be just as
George wants me to be. And I so long
to please him."
"My what a dolorous voice. I do be
Kev.9 you are just as mneli In lore with
him as I am with Kurts, even if yon
don't make so much fuss over him. And
what difference does it make if Julia
Collins is in love with him, as long as
ho cares nothing for herf Merton Gray
is madly in love with you. Has beven
ever since h met you. But so long ai
you don't love him in return it can't
hurt either you or George."
"Do be sensible, Evelyn. The idea
that Mr. Gray cares for me is ridicul
ous. Hp is a charming man, a good
friend I hope, but nothing else."
"I know better! He is really in love
with you, Helen. Kurts say he has
known him always, and that Merton
never has really cared for any woman.
I didn't tell Kurt that he was in love
with you. Men are so Wind about those
things, he never would dream of such
a thing."
"Thank God he is blind if he would
think he saw anything but friendship"
I snid so hastily she laughed merrily.
(Tomorrow An Old Married Woman)
Soldiers who
have been in
the trenches
testify to the
ennobling ef
fects of the
battle field.
The man who
dares his life
for a great
ideal is a bet
ter creature
than ever he'
could have
been other
wise. It is the
soldier's sublime unselfishness that
produces the uplifting effect
In a modified way, those who re
main at home will be uplifted through
the same processes of unselfishness.
The mothers and fathers and others
who suffer the silent sorrows of sep
aration from their boys are learning
these great lessons.
And through the practices of un
selfishness in a less acute but none
the less sincere manner, substantially
all our citizens are being lifted to
higher levels.- The tremendously popu
lar success of the Third Liberty Loan
and the widespread sale of the Thrift
Stamps are splendid tributes to the
unselfishness of the citizens of
With many of us thrift is the only
medium through which we can dis
play our patriotism. We can not go
to the battle fields of France, but in
our daily life we can gain the rebirth
of complete unselfishness.
Thrift, always a sturdy virtue,
whose, value has been well under
stood by all succesful men and
women, today assumes a new and
finer aspect than ever before.
In the days of peace those of us
who were thrifty practiced it because
of selfish motives. We knew it was
the best thing for us; we knew it
would bring success and happiness.
Today we are practicing a finer,
grander thrift. We are sacrificing
for our country. We are denying
ourselves and putting up with priva
tions and hardships, not because of
any personal motives but because we
know that onr country needs all the
hdji.we can give.
Selfish thrift h commendabte, but
the thrift of unselfish patriotism is
And because millions upon millions
of us have become thrifty who never
knew the value of this virtue before,
the war is making a new nation of
It is giving us a national soul that
we never had before.
It is a process of nation wide in
dividual regeneration through thrift
And in the days that shall1 come after
the war it will stand us well in hand
just as it is doing today.
The firm of X'psch and Downsch. pat
ent cigar lighter manufacturers, was
worried. As today's story opens, the
senior members, rartleigh Vpseh and
ITalfweigh Donwsch, were talking
thing? over.
"I dont' know how it Is, TTpsch I
can't explain it," said Downsch, 'but
thore don't seem to be no call in the
market for U. and D. cigar lighters,
while that fellow Rizband manages to
sell his lighters at the rate of millions a
year. And yet, Upsch, wo spend hund
reds of thousands a mouth iu advertis
ing." b'pseli nodded gloomily.
' ' There ain 't a street car in the world
without our ad. in it." he said. "There
liii't a mile of ground iu the country
that ain't got our name painted oa a
ienc or a house or a rock somewheres
on it. And yet our lighter don 'f seem to
take, somehow, while that little nobody
Kizhand, as you say, DownscH, has got
everything his own way. How is that
Downsch, what's the reasont"
Downsch merely eroaned desDairinclv.
and for a littl while nothing could be
heard save the heavy sighs of tlw two
partners. Finally Upsch resumtd:
JJO you think. Downsch do vm
think it could be because that fvillow
Bizband's lighters work every time,
while as for our lighters, they just sntell
of sulphur instead of lighting, and the
nickel turns green and comes off on
your hands, and sometimes they explode
in your pocket and other tiines they
don't explode till you try to work 'em.
Do you think that can have anything to
do with it, Downscht"
"I wonder!" said Downsch thought
But they finally decided to try add
ing another million a month for adver-
Seattlo, Wash-, June 15. Sounds
fishy, but it's an honest to goodness
Ed Tobacco and Second Tobacco,
from Durham, Wash., walked into Bed
Cross headquarters here yesterday and
signed up for full membership. Five
minutes later Mrs. Orta Smoke, from.
Kaglo Gorge, Wash., fluttered in. Mrs.
Smoke i8 superintendent of Bed Cross
distribution there.
Now York, June 15. Two enemy sub
marines are still off the Virginia
capes, acordimr to marine information
I here today. The British steamer Anchor
was shelled by a U-boat in those wat
ers Thursday, but escapefl. On the ev
ening of that day the British freight
er Koamun was attacked, also escaping-
Portland. Ore., June 13. Figures an
nounced today show that 36,436 men
are employed in tho shipyards of the
Oregon district. This is an advanca
of 4,436 over figures announced recent
ly. With additions due soon the num
ber will advance with bounds. It is
estimated the shipbuilders pay roll
amounts to $41,925,000 annually in this
Pre-natal Instruction of Mothers.
Pre-Natal Imtructlon of Mothers.
We have only begun to consider
the question of dlseaso as the re
sult of the terrible war in which all
the world is now engaged,
i We see how it has not only
slaughtered millions of men, but
baa depopulated country after coun
try. We can as yet scarcely realize the
ghastly effect it has had upon com
munities where the civil popula
tion Is worn and weakened with
woe and anxiety, and where there
Is, and will continue to be, hunger,
thirst and nakedness.
' Is there any power In medicine
or sanitation which will stay It?
Will there be doctors and grave
diggers enough to go around?
The mind reels at the prospect
The men who are being killed and
Invalided are the virile, the active,
the reproducers.
I But suppose there was a chance
for reproduction; the women are
filled to the brim with hatred, bit
terness, with suffering of every de
scriptionwhat is the chance for
their unborn offspring?
What will be their Inevitable In
heritance, physically and mentally?
Only recently has the Importance ot '
Instructing expectant mothers In
the hygiene of pregnancy been rec
ognized as part of the duty ot the
Health Department
What duty could more positively
he paramount? No observant farm
er needs to be told that bis stock
will bear better offspring if they
are well cared for when pregnant
than If they are negloct'.-d or
Why should there be a different
result when the pregnant female Is
a woman?
From the moment a woman en
ters the pregnant state, she enters
a new condition of being, physio
logical. It is true, but as liable to
mishaps and derangement as tbe
performance ot any other function
digestion or assimilation, for In
stance. The mother shares her blood cup
rent with . her unborn child,, and
whatever it eon tains is contributed
to the child's life.
1 An unhealthy mother' In body,
mind, or morals, cannot help im
pressing upon her child more or
less of her peculiarities.
Wherefore, disease or emotional
shock, or strain, of any kind, is
quickly communicated to her child,
often with a fatal result.
A pregnant woman should realize
not only that she is carrying a
child which is going to belong to
her, but also to the state and to
the world.
If she has this feeling, she will
try very hard to take proper care)
of herself. -
At her dally task she will spare,
herself as much as possible for the
sake of her child; she will eat food
that can be readily digested so that
her child will have Its proper
share; she will try to get plenty ot
sleep; she will try to avoid worry,
and exposure to wet and cold; she)
will not give way to anger, fear
and hatred; and she will often con
sider that she Is the only protected
her child can have while she Is
carrying him within her body.
If women would realize this
sacred trust how much more they
would get from this most beautiful
of all physiological conditions, and
they would bring Into the world'
children who would not be handi
capped by an Inheritance which
would cripple them more or less
for life.
Pitiable, indeed, is the lot of the
war baby, with all that Is Included
in the thought; and how thankful
American women, who are preg
nant should be that they have been
spared many ot the Ills which their
less fortunate sisters, abroad, have
had to heart
Questions and Answers
XJt. It it pmtiblt to curt 4
fibroid tumor of the abdomen, ly
meant of J-roysT
Antwerl think I may say quit
positively that it Is not. The only
successful way of treating them, as
I have found in a long surgical ex
perience, is by remoTing them.
Urn. C. EL V. It rheumatism
omcrime referred t at "ormtHnsr
Awer-Tt ts possible; but it
that is the ease, it la Incorrect I -doubt
It there is any such thing as
"growing palna,"