Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 17, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation In Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
A. Jk.
Oregon: Tonight
and Tuesday fair
cooler tonight
east portion; mod
erate westerly
winds. '
4 I 3
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Initial Rush Netted Few Gains to Ecen Although Piave
River Was Crossed In Several Plac -Italian Counter
Attacks Won Back Most of Ground Loi Austrians Have
Sixty Divisions Engaged Along Hundred Mile Front But
1 . Have Not Succeeded In Gaining Any Material Advantage
- Up to Preent Time
With the Italian Armies in the Field, June 17.The
Austrian pressure is continuing strjngly on the whole
new battle front between the Asiago and the sea, vith the
greatest force exerted on both sides of the Brenta.
It is still possible that the line will flow backward and
forward, but the situation seems assuring.
- The enemy, with sixty divisions (720,000 men) has not
fcucceeded in passing the advanced areas south of Mont
tllo, where they succeeded in crossing the Piave in consid
erable numbers. There they are being gradually pushed
backward toward the river.
The Italian reaction on the lower Piave came more
quickly. The Austrians who crossed the river at several
points between Candela, Senson and San Dona Di Piave,
were counter attacked and driven back almost im
mediately. ; -The Austrians have been carefully trained for. the
drive. They are attacking with light equipment, then
opening out in storming formations, protected by arti
ficial fog. One of their objectives, it has been learned is
to reach, the plains southward of the mountains. They
also intended to reach Treviso the first day, an advance
of fifteen kilometers (about ten miles.)
London, June 17. "The Austrians
lost five men to our one," the war of
fice said today in' a report on the
Italian front operations.
"The enemy used 29 divisions (348,
000 men) 'between the Asiago plateau
and the Piave, f the 58 divisions
(690,000 men) employed on the whole
battle front.
"British airmen-havo destroyed sev
en bridgos. "
The twenty mile front from the Asi
ago plateau to the Piave river is held
jointly ty Pritish, French and Italian
forces. The British apparently occupy
most of the plateau region, while tho
French are in the Mont Grappa region
to the eastward. Italian troops evident
ly hold sectors between the plateau
ud the mountain, and Ibe-twecn the
mountain and fixe river.
Tho drive, which followed an intense
boimbardment between the Lngarjna
valley and the Adriatic sea, a distance
of about 100 miles, waa begun on the
seventy mile front between the Asiago
piateau and the sea. The line extends
eastward from the plateau to the Piave
liver in, the .vicinity of Snhusino then
follows the river southeastward to its
month. f - -
The Austrians succeeded in forcing
a crossing cf the Piave at Ncrvesa, 15
utiles southeast of Segusino and ten
miles north of Treviiso and at Fagaro
and imuslle, yespefctive!y, ten an
twenty miles from the sea.
Counter attacks initiated by Italian,
French and British troops all along
4he front Inter restored most' of the
ground yielded under the first shock.
Vienna claimed rapture of ten thou
Head of Pro-German Truth
Society and Active As
Kaiser's Paid Agent
Vancouver, Wash., 'June' 17. -Jen
miah O'Leary in the custody of , his
government agent leaptors who traced
the. alleged traitor aeross the continent
and caught him near Sara, north of here
should arrive in New York tonight ot
The. party left Portland : Wednesday
night. So careful were the government!
ir.en to guard against legal moves that
might prevent an uninterrupted trip to!
Hew York that even government agents
of Onegoa and Washington were not in.'
formed of the capture. .
The handsome Irishman, president of
the American Truth Society and pub
lisher of Bull, , who undertook t pe
Husde the United States to favor Ger
many instead of Great Britain in the
war, has changed remarkably since falsi
5 c
sand prisoners, but the Italian war of
fice made a counter claim of three
thousand prisoners.
,"The struggle did not diminish in
violence during the night and is con
tinuing fiercely," Rome's communique
said, "'but our troops are firmly hold
ing the front along the Asiago pla
teau, have completely recwupied their
original positions on Asolone and at
the Monte Solarola salient, and are
very closely pressing the enemy in
fantry which 'has paased to the right
bank of the Piave "
British forces, which are occupying
positions in the Asiago area ejected
the Auftriana taiftler the latter had
penetrated the British lines to the"
depth of one hundred yards on a front
of 2500 yards, taking 350 "prisoners.
On their right Hie French and Ital
ians blocked the enemy eastward to
the Piave.
In the Tout sector, the French war
office reported that a German force
which succeeded in obtaining a foot
hold in Givary yesterday morning was
later ejected. "
Both the British and German offi
cers announced last night that there
was nothing , to report.
Effort Strongest of War
Milan, June 17. "The Austrian ef
fort is the greatest since the beginning
cf the war," the C'orricre Delia Sera
declared today.
"Its principal aim is to brak thru
the Bromta valley by overwhelming the
Italian defenses in the narrow Frcmcl
(Continued on page six)
flight from New York on the eve of
tits hearing on a treason charge. He is
lean and weak and eyesore. While on
ill..- little chicken ranch, Iiought for him
uear ara, he was able to do only the
ugluest work.
. The story of the capture has been
Cleaned from the fragmentary know
ledgr of neighbors of the chicken ranch
and from Hamuel F. Stein, employed by
O'Leary 's advance man to do the real
work as chicken raiser and cook.
The three aere ranch was bought from
Thomas L. rSng-jr of Portland by a man
giving the name of Thomas J. Corbett
who said he was buying it for his brother-in-law
named Wells, an invalid
O'Leary, known 'as Wells, arrived at
thp little ranch on about May 25. His
hiding place- was found less than three
w,?eks later.
; Stein, a man of 70, who was born in
Germany, but is an American citizen
was the constant companion of O'eary
(Continued oa pags three)
On Four of These the Honor
Is Conferred After
Their Death
Washington; June 17. Six Ameri
can soldiers have been awarded the
United S'.ates distinguished service
cross) for bravery under fire, General
Pershing reported im (Friday's com
The decorated men are.
Corporal Thomas A. Carroll, infan
try; Major Alexander Kasniussen,
United States reserve infantry; Pri
vates Oscar Griffith, medical depart
ment, ambulance company; Frank J.
Golucamp, engineers; Ieslie M. Lane,
infantry and Sergeant Grav E. Swin
gle, engineers
Ihe communique follows:
"Section A Northwest of Chateau-
Thierry the day was marked by heavy
shelling, executed by the batteries of
ooth sides and including the use of
gns. There is nothing to report from
the other points occupied bv our
"lesterday our aviators hhot down
two hostile machines.
"Section B In the Wttevre. on the
night of June 11-12. a German patrol
captured an American sentry at a list
ening post. The sentry held two gren
ade., one of which he managed to re
move the cap while be was being tak
en away, iiy s'nking this " gTenadc
against the other, then dromrine them
and .making a sudden dash, jie succeed
ed ii capmpiuK.
tThe following distinguished -serv
ice crosses have been awarded, four of
which are post humous:
Corporal Thomas A. Carroll, infan
try, while a member of the patrol, was
rushed by a greatly superior patrol,
opened fire on the enemy at 15 yards
nncl, aitnougu severely wounded, dis
played marked coolness in covering
the retirement of his patrol.
'Major Alexander Easmussen (post
humous! proceeded- to his post of com
mand in spite of heavy bombardment
in order to save important papers, and
while thus engaged, was killed by shell
"Private Oscar Griffith (posthum
ous) displayed extraordinary devotion
to duty in going to the assistance of a
wounded man and in remaining with
him through a heavy .bombardment un
til Private Griffith himself was killed-
"Sergeant Grav K. Swingle (post
humous) was in command of a pafrol
sent out near Boi Destailloux on
Manch 28. The patrol came suddenly
under hostile machine gun fire and
Sergeant Swingle was mortally wound
ed. He gave instructions to the patrol
(Ooutiauad on page two)
Pledges Made by President
and Secretary to Italy Will
Be Redeemed
Washington, June 17. American
troop aid for Italy will bo forthcoming
soon. .-
With the Austrian offensive under
way, this fact developed today. In line
with the pledges of President Wilson
and Secretary Baker, United States
forces will take their places along with
the Italians and other allies. They will
not be vast in numbers, their purposl
is to show Italy, concretely, that the
United States is backing her. Ameri
can aviators and forces of other kinds
have been in Italy for some time, but
there has notheen any announcement
cf United States soldiers in the Italian
The initial stages cif the offensive
caused no uiiitue alarm here today.
The Italian embassy's first messages
indicated that while the Austrians bad
made some progress, the counter at
tacks had developed quickly and satis
factorily. The unmistakably reassuring thing
about the struggle thus far was the
splendid resistance of 'Italians and
British. There will be no great yielding
such as- accompanied the previous Teu
ton smash, it is felt.
The Italian morale is satisfactory.
Infusion of British and French aid
the promise of earlj American troop
participation have had stimulating ef
fects. Military men gay that the Teuton
directors of this new 'offensive un
doubtedly are striving to cause .di
version from the -western front.
Italy, however, has sufficient mas
power, it is said, so that more troops
are not needed new.
The hoe it almost as mighty as the
I War Summary of United Press f
1 iiiiiuiiimiiifimniiiiniuiiiiitiiiiiiititiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiHitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu
1415th Day of the Warj 89th Day of the Big Offensive j
s.-ilin front Aftei" 'beinff tdmoo- i
rarilv checked bv counter attacks all
along the new seventy mile offensive .
front, me Austrians reuewea xncir s- j ig a hundred prisoners. The Am
sault yesterday in the mountainous re-1 erican8 ropul8ed two attaeks on Bel-
gion between the asiico ana nave
rivers ana also at various points aiong
the latter stream. -A
special communique issued by the
Italian war office last night declared
that the enemy is being hold.
British tKnoiis are opiosing the Aus
trians along the Asiago pAteau. while
French forces eviaentiy are nguiing
in the Mount Gra,pa region, between
Asiago and the Piave- The fact that
Roma admits the enemy is fighting
west of San Dona Ii Piave," indi
cated the Austrians have forced a
crossing of the Piave at tnis point
San lona Di Piave is on the east I
bank of the Piave, -ten miles from tho
sea and on the railway I ne which
runs northwestward to Meste, the rail
way iuin'tiooi on the mainland north of
Veuioe. Venice is less tham twenty
huiles southwest of the poin; whee the
Austrians have crossed the 1'iave.
Petit Paricien says that more than
(500,000 Austrians aro leing used in the
mm. io
Hindenhurg Would Force Italy
Out of War Before Amer
ican Pressure Is Great
By J. W. T. Mason
(United Press War Expert)
New York, June 17. Austro-Hun-
earv's offensive against Italy undoubt
edly- has been ordered 'by Utiidenburg
as a final despairing effort to weaken.
the allies through forcing Italy to with
draw from the war before America's
forthcoming offensive can b,e started,
Hindenburg has taken a blind chance
at his new blood spilling. To compel
Austro-Hungariaiis to slaughter them
selves in what Will almost certainly
prove a futile-adventure, is deliberate
ly to stimulate disastrous domestic con
ditions within the dual monarchy. For
the practically negligible possibility of
compelling Italy to sign a separate
peace Hindeiiburg is risking an upris
ing in Austria-Hungary against Ger
man militaristic rule. So great a gam
ble as this demonstrates that Hinden
burg realizes that time is fatally against
him and that Germany must win by
autumn or not at all.
The allies have been given splendid
opportunity to increase dissensions in
Austria-Hungary by holding fast along
the Italian front.
A slight gain of territory by the Aus-tro-Hungarians,
with the capture of a
few thousand prisoners, will never oo
accepted by Emperor Kail's subjects as
sufficient justification for a heavy
slaughter of Hapsburg troops. Tfc? Aus -
tio-Hungarian offensive apparently has
for Its immediate main object the cap
ture of Venice. The two railway lines
nearest to Venice, from ths Piave river
are being strongly held by the Italians
against powerful assaults. Venice is 15
to 20 miles away from the main enemy
attacks along the Piave. If the Austro-
Hungarians can cross the I iave in force
it will require stiffened fighting by the
Italians to save Venice, but for the
present ln08t "'0 enemy ale being
held on the eastern bank of th,, rivr.
Th capture of Venice, in itself, would
be without military value to the Aus-tro-Hungarians,
because nobody in Aus
ti'O-Hiiugary believes it would he retain
ed after the war.
Abe Martin
Of all th' knoekers th' feller that's
alius knockin' off work is th' worst
Somehow th' felter with inside infor
matioa is alius oa th' outside. .
Marne front The French improved
their DOsitions northwest of Haute-
brayf ( tweeil the Oise and the Aisne,
,eau yesterday morning
Picardy front Germans bombarded
British positions northwest of Albert
for a short time last night.
Flanders front Attempted enemy
raid repulsed near Givendhy.
Lorraine front One hundred and
fourteen Americans, with the aid of
artillery, defeated neany 900 Germans
who attacked Xivray in the Toul sec
tor Sunday niorning. The Germans suf-
fered heavy casualties aud lost a uura-
tip ox prisoners.
Alsaco front Americans holding tht
new sector oast of Belfort, in Garman
territory, drove off raiders Sunday
England London Ft.st declared the
arrival of American troops in the pest
few hajs has "eclipsed all records."
Six Killed In Action, Captain
Gwynne Killed In Air
plane Accident
Washington, June 17. Today's cas
ualty lis: reported to the war depart
ment by General pVrshing contains 36
names, divided as follows
Six killed in action; two dead from
wounds; one dead from accident; four
dead from disease; twenty-four severe
ly wounded; one wounded, degree un
determined; one missing in action. .
. Capt-iiu Harry S. Gwynnc Tulsa,
Kkfa., '..as killed in an aeroplane ac
cident, Captain Albert 8. Tucker, Lar
cdo, Texas, and Lieutenants W. R.
Gahring, Mt. Vernon, Mo., and Samuel
J. Gilmore, Brooklyn, were severely
Lieutenant Hugh 8. Thompson, Chat
tanooga, Tenn., was wounded, degree
The list follows:
Killed In Action.
Privates Charles F. Albreohf, Brook
lyn, N. V.; William H. Goodwin, tHovis.
N. M.; l.'un T. Graves, Ellisville, Miss.;
Claude H. Myers, Browning. Mo.; fie
tro Natali, Montenegro; Henry J. Bob
ertson, Lockport, La.
Died of Wounds.
Privates Alexander Olkosky, Canoe
Run, Pa.; John M. Peterson, Rutland,
N. D.
Died of Airplajio Accident.
Died of Disease.
fBonifusa'Mill(;rj Eri0j Pg . Klgar l,'.
ence Pattee, (Jan Mateo. C'al.; Paul A.
Wineholt, Laporte, Indiana.
Wounded Severely.
CapUin Albert S. Tucker, Laredo,
Lieutenants Willinm Ross Gahring.
Mount Vernon, Mo.; Samuel J. Gilmore,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
ScrgenntB Charles H. Buck, James
town. N. Y.j Arthur Simmons, Canton,
Corporal Alexander Sago, Rahway,
N. J.
Private Joseph G. Balenger, Lowell,
Mass.; Iitrnes C. Bcckwitn, 1'arners
burg. W. Va.; Dewey Brewer, Indian
epulis, Lid.; James Donaldson, Wash
ington, D. C; Jodio M. Ferguson, Timp
son, Texas; Ralph M. Ful, Hershcy,
Pa.; Marcelino Garcia, Meadowbrook,
W. Va.: Neil W. Gibson, Holley, N. Y,
Oustav C. Gunderson, Maddock, N. D.;
Levi D. Johnson, Ayer, N. D.; Fred K.
Lawyer, Bismarck, N. D.; John C. Lis
le, Columbus.' Ohio; Harry R. Matten,
Reading, Pa.;" Leo B. Mitchell Amster
dam. N. v.: Joseph K. i'ace, Klizanetn
La.: William A. Roe, Fort Wayne, Ind.;
Marion C.natra, East Boston, Mass.;
Clarence Stiff, Evansville, Wis.
wounded Degree Undetermined.
Lieutenant Hugo Smith Thompson,
Chattanooga. Tenn.
Missing In Action.
Private Robert 8. Niver, Hartford,
Reloini.ur company, previously re
ported lniwdne: Privates Edward E.
Gurney, New Haven, Conn.; Carl H
Nilson. Plainville, Conn.; Boleslaw K
Sefcik, New London, Conn.
On the Canadian List.
Ottawa, Ont., June 17. The follow
ing Americans are reported in today's
Canadian casualty list:
Missing, believed killed: H. E. Wall
Wounded: Lieutenant H. B. Henry.
Long Besch, Cal.; J. W. Martin, San
Diego, Cii 1.: R. J. Walsh. Manistee,
Mich.; H. Bordori, San Francisco;
T. J. Conwav. Wichita, Hall, Kan.
Gassed: R. F. Stone, Ypsilanti, Mich.
Capture of Caposile Also Re
ported Pushing Toward
City of Venice
Vienna, via London, June 17. The
Austrians have taken 12,000 prisoners
lii the Italian offensize, the Vienna war
offico declared today.
The capturo of Caposile, on the west
bank of the Sile river was reported.
" est of can Dona, on the lower
Piave, we have wrested more ground
from the enemy, capturing Caposile,''
the statement said.
"Our prisoners now total 12,000.
""On the mountain top fighting was
limited considerably owing to the misty
"West of the Brenta we maintained
the positions we had carried the prev
ious day."
San Dona Di Piave is ten miles from
tha mouth of the Piave. The railway
running southwestward to Venice
crosses the river at this point. Caposile
is four miles directly south.
The nave and Sue rtvcrB flow in a
more or less parallel course into the
Adriatic. They aro connected by
stream between San Dona and Caposile.
Below this there is marshy territory
extended southward, to tho coast.
After crossing the Piave at San
Dona, the Austrians evidently pushed
westward and flanked Caposile. The
latter town is only 14 myes northwest
of Venic. via airline.
In addition to the crossing at San
Dona, two other railways cross the
Piave and converge upon Venice. These
are made at San Andre and east of
Nervesa. The enemy crossed tho rivet
in the vicinity of these two places and
evidently is trying to push these rail
ways toward Venice. .
New Cruiser Will Be Cross
Between Ford Eagle Boat
and Destroyer v
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press Staff .Correspondent)
Washington. June ?f. Submarine
patrol vessels resembling a cross be
tween a Ford eagle boat and a destroy
er, will be built to meet the coastal
U-boat raid danger If plans now being
urged in thp navy department material
ize. Assisiuni necrerurv ui mu imiv.t
Roosevelt is a proponent of this new
type of craft.
The eagle destroyer variety would be
2i"0 feet long, with thin plates and high
aneeil. The tonuaize and .endue power
arn withheld lest they give an Indira
tipn of the size and power of the tagle
hnnt. Itn cost would be half at less
than that of a dVstroyer aud its period
or construction iar snorter.
Sinking of tw0 Norwegian ships, the
and Kringsjaa, at about the same dis
tance off thp Virginia capes in the clos
ing days of last wei'K, has servea to em
phasise the nived for more craft. Henry
h'nnl linn lipen nsked to sneer UP Ills
englo boats and hastrounsed mason
Orders of Past Week Have
Swamped Already Over
worked Plants
Tacoma, Wash., June 17. Lumbef
manufacturer of western Oregon and
Washington during the past week havo
taken more new orders than in any sin
gle week in the last six months, accord
ing to the report of the West. Coast
Lumbermen's association, issued today.
The total new business received was
80,786,235 feet.
In addition to this, tremendous vol
umes of government and commercial or
ders are in sight. Buyers are rushing in
to the markot before the 23 per cent
advance in freight rates takes effect.
The immediate demands for westcoast
products are heavy in every consuming
district and many retailers are laying in
thcSr stocks fearing a car shortage.
Unofficial advices from Washingtos
D. C, 'indicate that au order for 50,000,
000 feet of cantonment lumber soon will
be placed. .
The new government fixed prices for
lumber, averaging 28 per thousand feet
wai also announced by the West Coast
a.-iosciation. This schedule is said to be
$1.7o a thousand higher than the old
Arrival of Past Few Days
tclipse All Previous
Records Says Paper
French Troops at Several
Points Are Now Command
ed by Americans
L-Judon, June 17. "Arrivals of Am
erican troops In the past few days hsv
scllpred all records," the Post declared
today. -
"Considered purely as a shipping feat
It is something hitherto never achieved
in mercantile annals.., Week end scene!
at one army post were amazing."
German Attacks Aro Repulsed.
Washington, Juno 17. German at
tacks on the left of the American p '
sltion in the Woevre sector were re- '
pulsed Sunday with heavy losses to tht
enemy, General Pershing reported today
Several prisoners were taken.
"This morning (Sunday) in tho Wot
vre, the enemy executed a local attack
against tho left of our position," Per
shing said. "During the attack therf
was brisk artillery fighting. Tht assail
ants not only failed to penetrate our
lines, but were thrown back with sever
lores, and left to our hands several
prisoners, of whom on was an of fleet
In tht region at Chattu-Thierry,' two
local attacks made by the enemy during,
the night on the line near Bouraches
Bolg Pa Bellean were tislly broken. Ar
tillery on both sides tsaUnuet very ac
tive In this region and Plcaxdy.!' r .
.. . By Frank J. Taylor.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the American Armies In France;
June 17. More than a third of the
large force of Germans which attacked
Xivray at daybreak yesterday was wip
ed out, it was established today.
Eight hundred bodies participated in
the attack which was made on a
half mile front, extending on both sides
of the village. The en-Miiy losses were
estimated at more than 300, as a rc.-ult
of the Americans' deadly rifle and
(Continued on page two)
Intkates He Will Soon Start
for Home and May B2
On the Way
The following is one of tho last let
ters written by Dr. Carl Grejrg Doney,
president of Willamette- university,
before preparing to return to this
country, from (France. It is understood
that Dr. Doney is now on his way home
After reaching Now York, he will go
to Washington city for a conference
with the war department regarding
military instruction for Willametto vni
versity next fall.
The lotter i addressed to Dean Al
den and is as follows:
' The bugles havo sounded and only
the steps of the sentries break tho
quiet of the town. Half an hour ago,
tho atreots were crowded and the lit
tlp stores were busy; nine o'clock clos
es everything and the soldiers go to
their bilLets. In this place they have
no tents or barracks but are quartered
in homee warehouses, barns and over
tho stores. Many of the second story
rooms are reachcl only by a ladder on
the outside of the building. There are
any number of excellent residences
which have no inside stairway and de
pend instead upon the ladders which
ono see resting on the street and
leaning against the house. The soldiers
go up and down like squirrels. Uncla
Ham pays the French people five cen
time a day for a soldier's billet tnd
one franc a day for tn officer's.
I am just back from giing aa ad
dress at a Y hut. Not half ef tho men
could get inside and when once inside
they could not get out, so I held my
crowd. It is ft fine arrangement for
the speaker and when I speak but on
time in ft place, the plan can often be
used, but these people are unusval, for
tonight waa my third appearance, with
(Continued oa pg three)