TODAY0 WEATHER 4, WATCH Oiirv (,000 READERS) DAILY Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by tie Aadit Bureau of Circulation! FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS BEETICE SAMMIES S STARf Some- Oregon: Tonight and Sunday fair and warmer; gen tle northerly winds. FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 140 ' SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND XEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS Iff- ill i 4W :i IUSTR1A REPORTED IN THROES OF A KMDSTO ARMY IB1 QUIETHWEST Germans Start Offensive Op erations Agab Against Russians RUSSIAN GENERAL KORNILOFF ACTIVE Austrians Begin Artillery Bat- tie ia Italy-May Mean Attack Austrians. in Revolt London, June 15. A report that a revolution had broken out In Austria with serious riot'ng in Vienna, -was confined in a dispatch to the Central . . (News today from Amsterdam. The dis patch declared the infonnattou was re 4 q-ivei from the German frontier. The dispatch brought no details of ths reported revolt. It declared that meetings in favor of stopping the pres ent fighting at the war fronts are be ing held In Hungary. Austrian shas are declared to have slumped heavily on the Amsterdam ex change. , London, June IS. Germany is in creasing its force in the Pskoff region according to an undated dispatch from ., 'Moscow received today. General Koruiloff wjth his allied Caucasian forces is reported to be ad vancing and has cvrnpied Ekaterino tfar, Grusogei and Peitrovsk. A political strike has been org&niz "d against the Soviets in Kioff. The central executive committee has siinviwoned a fifth convention of soviet members for June 28. Russia and Ukraine Aiinstordnun, June .15. The provis ional treaty fdgned by Knssia and 'Ukraine prcvlde for cessation cf hos tilities and the willingness of both to 'enter peace negotiations, according to advices received here today. X Start Fight in Italy Rome, June 15 A sudden intensifi cation of Austrian artillery fire from Jjagarina valley to the sea began at riawn today, the war office announced (Continued on page sis.) SALEM WAS THERETO" HONOR ITS LARGEST GRADUATING CLASS Fine Program Rendered and Splendid Address Made to Class The graduating class of the Salem High school appearing last evening bo fore the largest crowd that ever assem bled at the armory for its commence ment exercises is a class that believes in not only high school education but in the higher education as offered by the universities and colleges ef the west. : Principal J. C. Kelson in introducing the class stated last evening that of the. 147 graduates, 104 have decided to con tinue their studies this fall. - The" exercises were rather unique io one respect "and that was in the oration of Hermogenes Carbonell, a Filipino youth, who was given a place on the program for his excellent record in scholarship. He spoke on "The Mission of the Filipino Youth." Phillips Elliott, elected by the class as its representative for the evening, delivered an oration on "The GoIdeuits leadership in the great eause of note Among nations.-- ine young man is a forceful and convincing speaker nnd r.?t forth clearly his ideas that the Tpf!".fiee of th? golden rule would soon - be in force between nations as well as individuals.. Acts of kindness he thought would do more than diplomacy and also expressed the ida that as long a this war was bound to come, we ftirvubl.aH be glad that it .came when (Continued on page six) BtraAR RESTRICTIONS. San Francisco, June 15, Nw and drastic restrictions on sugar consumption were announced today ' ) United States food admini u, . on. The restrictions are .ef ? immediately thru- out th " itry. Groc, I -,ve been notified not to set 11, than two pounds of r a ;-.iie to city and town sugar consum rural d boarditi etc., ui to a b person J ten davi five pounds in the f is Sales to hotels, ' ses, camps, ranches, '3 confined strictly three pounds per rrittli. Not more than "ply mav be deliver ed at one timei Sugar for cauuiug and pre serving may Iv? obtained in 25 pound lots on a written stae ment from tho buyer that it is to be used for that purpose only. BRITISH CASUALTIES. London, Juae IS. British cas ualties published .during the week ending today totalled 33, 892. They were divided as fol lows: Officers killed 250; wounded 771; missing, 301; total, 1,327. Men, killed, 4,2008; wounded, 16,645; missing, ll,712;'total 32, 505. Total killed 4,463; wounded, 17,116; missing, 12,013; total, 33,892. THREE DIVERS SUNK. ' Wellesley, Mass., June 15. Three submarines were sunk by a troop ship convoy on a recent trip overseas, according to let ters received here today from . members of a Wellesley College unit, who were aboard one of the steamers. - , TELEGRAPH TROUBLES OVER Now York, June 15. Officials of the Postal Telegraph company consider its recent difference with members of the Commercial Telegraphers Union a clos ed incident so far as the company is concerned, it was announced today at the office, of Vice president Reynolds. OIL TANKS BURNED Ranger. Texas, June 15. The Brew er oil well, near Ranger, caught fire today and the receiving tanks were de- stroyed, according to reports here. Three men were reported fatally burned. , ' MS, EDDT FOY DEAD New York, June 15. Mrs. Eddy Foy, wife of the comedian is dead here following an operation. ORGANIZED LABOR WILL INSIST UPON AN EIGHT HOUR DAY Federation Resolves To Do AO It Can To Prevent Hamper ing War Operations St. Paul, Minn., June 14. A basic eight hour work day during the war period will be insisted upon by organ- ized labor. Resolutions embodying this principle were unanimously passed today by the convention of the Amer ican Federation of Labor. After a half hour's debate the con vention voted down a resolution pro viding for two women members in the executive council. It also refused to give the executive council the right to select the annual convention city. This right remain with the convention. In observance of Flag day, the con vention rose to its feet as President Gompers said: "In honor of the flftg of the republie of the United States, the delegates and visitors to this convention stand in fealty and loyalty and ia the hope of Humanity and justice and freedom." Referring to the eignt hour day, the federation resolution as passed, reads: "Our country is engaged in a terrible struggle. While we do not like to acknowledge that there are people who take advantage of this for financial gain, it is nevertheless '.rue. "To their, ther.i are business men, who under th: guise of patriotism, (Continned on page three) GERMAN FLEET ACTIVE MAY RISK ENCOUNTER Buzz Back and Forth In Locked in Harbor and Wireless ' Messages Fill the Air Hindenburg Urging Sea At tack, and It Is Possible the Navy May Be Worked Up To Point of Fighting Is Desperate and Final Resort By Carl D. Groat (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, June 15. The German fleet is sending out alarms, two and three times a week and of teuer, intending to worry the American allied fleet t B belief that the Teutons are coming out to battle. With a great clatter of wireless, the big ships buzz back and forth in the locked-in harbor. Orders, indicating preparations for a dasii, snap out orar a considerable period. The American allied fleet picks these up and can distinguish between the signals of battleships and smaller craft. Th,"sV facts developed from an offi cial source today. ' The result of these consent alarms is to keep the watchers keyed up to an expectant prepared pitch. American craft now operating in Eu ropean waters will play an important pari if any 'sea action does eventually develop. Hiudenbuig is understood to be still pressing his colleagues to under take a sea offensive as the back for his land efforts. It is recognized that such an attempt by the German fleet would probably indicate a last despcrato gam ble. ' Th? United State and Britain are progressing favorably with anti-submarine work. . The confidential list of known 'gets'; probable sinkings and possible sinkings ADVANCE PAPER'S PRICES. Chicago, June 15. The Chicago Tri bune and hicago Herald Examiner an nounced today that their Sunday edir tions hereafter will sell for seven cents in hicago and ten cents elsewhere. The Chicago price heretofore has been five cents. ''."." AGREEMENT MADE WITH GREAT BRITAIN REGARDING THE WAR DRAFT EXEMPTIONS Irish and Australians Exempt ed HereEngland Follows Our Draft Law THE BRITISH AMERICAN DRAFT TREATY Exempts Irishmen and Aus tralians in the United States from application of the draft. Makes British and Canadians in the United States between 20 and 44 years of age. sub ject to draft unless they enlist. Makes American subjects in Great Britain and Canada, be tween 21 and 31 years of age subject to draft unless they en list. Provides that in event , of fu- ture extension of the draft laws in either country, its new provisions shall be respected . by both nations. Washington, June 15. Irish and Australians in this country are ex empted and only Americans between the ages of 21 and 31 are subjected to draft in Great Britain and Canada, .under the British-American military convention now awaiting ratification by the United States senate. Details of the treaty which became known today, disclosed that it requir ed a formal exchange of -notes between the United States and Oreat Britain to settle questions relating to applica tion of Americas draft age limits to Americans in Great Britain and Can- . (Continued on page three) One Killed, Three Hart In Tunnel Accident Grants Pass, Or., June 15. One man was killed and three were injured early today by a cave-in of the natural tun nel number nine of the Bout!. era Pa cific railroad at the head of Horse Shoe curve midway between Wolf Creek and Glendale. The men were members of the tunnel gang. They are: Dead: E. N. Pettit, foreman. Injured: E. 8. Lewman, Fred Hextoi and Frank B. Chenoweth. The tunnel is half a mile long ami has a natural rock roof. The canse fo the cave-in i unknown. Trains were i layed two hours. . REVOLUTION on file with the navy department shows au increasing number of tbe first class Tho boldness of U-boat operations off th? American coast is cause for some anxiety, but the roundup operations arc, believed likely to be eventually success ful. The latest. ship to be attacked, the Britisher Keemun, was -docked today, and navy officers intended to gathei data which may prove valuable In the hunt. , His Song WHI Never "float Into Speech" Portland, Ore,, June 15. A Mis souri mule here today tried to give voice to the glorious volume of sound . featuring his bray, but failed dismally. I All that resulted was n iguominous j wneeze. ... The disconcerted mule was the vic tim of a frame-up by the veterinarians of the northwest. At the convention of veterinarians from Idaho. Washing ton and Oregon it was decided to re move the bray of a mule, and this "show me" animal was shown.' A partition of eartilage in tbe nose, which formed a vibrating air pocket, was removed by a simple operation. If the bray 'should return, it may be necessary to sever the muscles that raise the tail. Caesar learned by tying down a mule's tail, the bray was1 prevented, but Caesar failed to make the thing permanent. TO WARN OP AID RAIDS. ' -tr - : '"New York, June IS.-Additioual si rens for wnmitlfr in phoa nf oil rnirlfl were erected here today. They have!ara provided partly by carryiug power of from two to three miles. 25 OF THESE DEATHS 63 MARIS PUT OUT One Portland Manr Conrad Nelson Among the Severe ly Wounded Washington, June 15. The war de partment casualty list contained 88 names today divided as follows: Killed in action eight; ton dead from wounds; six dead from disease; one dead from accident; fifty two severely wounded; four wounded, degree unde termined. Captain Jewctt Williams, Athena, Ga (Continued on page seven) Abe Martin - Wkta a speaker- lays bis watch on th table before him prepare fer th' worst. It's a wise father that knows jhis own daughter when he meets her on I'th street. . . , .. , . PUMICE STONE SHIPS. San Francisco, June 15. Why waste noo& and steel to clean tha kaiser when pumice stone Is cheapt That's the question a group of New York and San Francisco capitalists considered, it was de clared here today and then de cided to mobilize the output of Mount Lassen and build pumice ston.? ships. Two models already have been built and are claimed to surpass eoncrcte in several ways. They now propose to build a fleet of scour the seas. Speculation In Wheat WillJ&t Be Mowed St. Paul, Minn., June 15. Specula tion in wheat will not be penffitted un der 1918 regulations of the food ad ministration, according to a reply by the food administration to a telegraphic query by Editor H. B. H. Briggs, of St, Paul News. The reply Indicated wheat speculation will not be permitted at auy time during the war. Bulletins of the northwest division of the milling div ision hera had indicated wheat might go back to the exchanges, governed only by a fixed minimum price. SALtM WILL HELP TO CARE EORXHILDREN 'Mrs. Lord Chairman of Branch here, Explains Ob ject of Society Salem was highly honored in tho vis it of Mrs. Vernon -Kellogg Thursday evening, whose presence here was ar ranged by the "Oregon committee for relief of children in Belgium snd France ' ' The Belgian government is endeavoring' to eave the tubercular chi I drcn, 30 per cent of whom are already affected with thin disease. The funds the Belgian (Continued on page three) in L REFUSESJO WORK Hindenburg Realizing Failure of Campaign Is Growing Desperate By J. W. T. Mason (United Press War Expert) New York, June 15. General Foch has solved the new problems of defense created by Von 'Hindenburg ' bloody strategy of reckless attacks. The defeat of the Germans before CompiJgnc means primarily that Hindenburg can no lon ger hope to make large gains in west ern Franco without General Foch's con tent. The channel ports havve been saved at Compiegne. Hindenburg revealed all his new tricks in the Compiegne drive and could not advance. General Foch is as fully prepared along tho Picardy and Flanders fronts as he was between Montdidier and Noyon. And Calais and Boulogne are now as secure behind the one line as Compiegne has prown itself to be belaud the other. The German effort to reach Com pitgne contained all .lie essential mili tary problems that must be involved in auy new offensive having the" channel ports as its objective. General Foch imW knows the worst Hindenburg can do when the clement of surprise is elim inated from a German attack. A slight gain in territory, at a terrific cost to thn Germans in casualties, is the best Hindenburg can hope for under this condition. The essential difference between the German offensive toward the Marne and the drive for Compigne is that the former was a surprise and' the latter was not. The surprise element in the Marne advance was due to the necessary concentration of allied forces in Picardy and Flanders. This very concentration now. makes it impossible that Hinden burg can make an unexpected attack anywhere along the line protecting the roads to the channel. A German effort to reach Amiens or Hazcbrouck can, therefore, be no more than a duplicate of the drive for Com (Continued on page three) America Will Have More Than Million In France July First General March Reviews Situation and Tells Much That Is Encouraging-More Than 800,000 Have Been Sect Across-Number To Be Sent Limited Onlv by Ship Capacity to Carry Them and Keep Up Supplies-Length of Front Has Been Extended 68 Miles Washington, June 15. Overseas troop shipment has passed the 800,000 mark, according to an official an nouncement today. Making his initial weekly talk to the war department correspondents, Chief of Staff March revealed this cheer ing figure today. He also declared that all four offensive dnves by the Germans have been stopped." That more than a million Americans will have been sent to France by July 1, was the statement .of Senator Kirby, Arkansas, following the weekly meeting today be tween the senate military committee and the war council. The German advances, General March declared, have stretched the allied line an extra sixty miles. Because cf this, "the importance of getting Americans over is pre eminent. We have now passed the 800,000 mark in troop shipment overseas. The 800,000' troops include combat ants, medical service, service in the rear all the units which go to make up an army.- Any announcement from the war department will include all kinds necessary for the army." The number of troops being sent across now, he added, js limited only by capacity of the boats to carry tlwm, and "we intend to keep that, up." . He declined to predict whea the al-lled-Ainerican forces would have a num erical superiority. This question, he suggested, involved a consideration of bow many troops the Germans had at the outset and bow ninny potential di visions might be stripped from the eastern front. Reviewing the military situation from March 21 onward, March declared that "the activity now ia toward Paris" But that the channel ports first and Paris second constitutes the obvious ob jectives of the boche. "The four drives starting March 21 April 9, May 27 and June. 9, are all parts of a common scheme of an offen sive," he said. . . You sec a succession of attacks, the first being 36 miles in Picardy, the next 13 miles in Flanders, the third 38 miles to the Mara?, and the present five and a half and six miles. "One of tho many striking fenlnre of this whole advance is the extent of the front which the allies have had to MIlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIllllIIIlIIllIlllIlIIIIltllllllUIIIlim 1 War Summary of United Press IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK1IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I 1413th Day of the War, 87th Day of the Big Offensive IIIUIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliIlllltU Oisc Front. The Big German drive southward between Montdidier and No yon, now appears definitely stopepd. Tho French war office today reported only artillery activity between Mont didier and the Oise. Marne Front. Artillery fighting south of the Aisne, west of Rheims lind near Champlat and Bligny. Picardy Front. British took primers and machine guns in successful raids in the Villers-Brtonneux sector. ' Flanders Front. Sixty German pris oners were taken in a local operation by the British on the southern portion of the front last night. ' Non-commissioned Officers Named Capt. E. M. Smith of Company H, second battalion, Oregon militia, nam ed the following non-commissioned of ficers at regular drill practice Wed nesday evening: 1st Sergt. Karl Loe 2nd Sergt. Robt. B. Mount 3rd Sergt. Norris Ames 4th Hergt. Henry Dahl Corp. Jim Pettit Corp. Harry Carson Corp. Carl Moser Corp. Raymond Bristol Corp. Glen W. Loomis Corp. -Earl Adams . - . Other officers will be appointed in the near future. Lieut. Colonel W. T. Woolpert, Ma jor A. A. Hall Lieut. Choate and sev eral other from Saletn put the new company through platoon and com pany drills. A lare number of people assembled at the school grounds to watch the boys drill Bilverton Appeal eowr as a result of the German pro gress. The total stretching ot the lina from Rheims to the sea is sixty six miles. Iu order to hold .that cxtja 11 ' the allies had to have mono troops than at the start. "In these two drives there were tw obvious ohjects.'The first was to reach the channel ports, thus compelling tba Kuglish, in shipping troops to go fur ther to sea, making the journey longer and more dangerous. , "The second was Paris, which, bo- . caus,. of tho sentimental attachment of the French for it, was of strategie im portance. "All thoso drives have been shopped. "The last advance is mora a straight ening out of the Gorman lino than a military movement with a definite ob jective such as Paris. Along tris lina was n reentrant angle from which could be mm1,? dangerous attacks on ths Oisp flanks, For this reason it was most advantageous for Gerinnny to get the line straightened out. "According to the last information we had, the Germans were still attack- - (Continued on page six) Champagne Front. French patrols took prisoners in raids. France. Preparations continue for the defense of Paris, including plans fo' evacuation by the civil population u ease of necessity. Trading Was Light But Prices Were Firm New York, Juno 13. The New York Evening Sun financial review today , iaid: The stock list in today's short ses sion oi the securities marktt displayed a good tone although trading was neith er very broad nor very active. Quiet in- , vestment buying, which has been a fea ture ali through the week was again in evid ;nee. Htocks advanced one to thrn points 01 so. The steels wer in good demand with United Btate.CrucibIe and Midvaio in the lead. Oeneral Motors ruid Hoyal Dutch were the star perform ers, however, tha fiist pushing forward close to 130 and the second to touching ICI. Hie rails were thin and firm. ' Reading at 92 was at a now top price ' for the year. Further strength developed in the see mid hour, without any very material ac cess to the volume of business. Steel went through 105 and Crucible and Re public moved up proportionately. Royal Dutch leaped to above 105, a gain of more than six points. General Motor erossed 136. Scarcity of stocks was the prevailing factor In the rise. A New York business man was re jected for military service because his legs were so short, but we don't see what difference that could make, so long as they are long enough to reach the grounA , . .