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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1918)
V TODAY70 WEATHER 1 .SUBSCRIBERS - "tSS-.-J fcADER3) DAILY Only Circulation la Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of , . Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE Dlij-PATCitES ErECIAi WILLAMETTE VAL- LET NEWS SEE VICE ropv now c0p J' Oregon: Tonight and Saturday fair dav fair B -XZAiy i) tonight rwrXv portion; J J , H laturday Lv'i t ' ion mod- r j' .'i wtprlv 1; fl , tl cooler east warmer Sa west portion mod erate westerly winds. t .. il V J s ' i FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 139 SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVE CENTS oft tfil fl w J w m mum i -M-fljj mni inn (Ti T END OF LATEST GERMAN ; COMPLETELY Hfl Terriffic Counter Attacks of French Break Up All Attemcts of Enemy to Advance Not Only Is Offensive Stepped . But Forces Are Thrown Back Along Almost Entire Line of Attack Yesterday's Fighting Devoted to Efforts to Advance Allies' Winffs By Henry Wood, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) With the French Armies in the Field, June 14. Just five days after the hour that Hindenburg opened the bat tle for the French forests there was every indication that his drive has been stopped, at least temporarily. The terrific counter attacks, launched Tuesday and kept up since then, not only have prevented the Germans from advancing, but have hurled them back from their original advance on practically the entire Noyon-Mont-didier front. tt is now definitely established that lie French, iii Tuesday ' counter at tack coimplcfteiy shattered what the Germans p'.anard for their "principal effort" a terrific drive to advance their entire right wing southward to (the point already attained by their center. Two days have elapsed since the French smash, right at ithe precise mo ment the Germans were preparing to .launch their own attack, without the (bodies attempting any new serious ef fort. " the Germans' general advance nlona he Noyon-Montdldier front is now ee-j siderod checked Although it is possi ble that during' the present lull the Germans arer bringing up reserves, ar tillery, aud munitions and reforming' their shattered divisions for the pur pose of resuming tho 'push toward Comipiegne. The' next few days are certain to es tablish, whether he intends to continue the present drive. Tho net result of this phase of the offensive has been that 31 divisions (372.000 men) have beo nengaged and cut up and the DEFEAT OF HINDENBURG ' MOST DECISIVE OF WAR German Leader Has Gained Very Little by Great . Sacrifice of Life By J. W. T. Mason (United Press war expert) New York, June 14 General Foch has inflicted on Von Hindenburg the most serious German irtifeat of the. year. The German general staff has checked Hindenburg ' infuriated sac- Tifice :of German man power for futile territorial gains, and the fourth phase of the German otterive has been brought to a (load step. From Montdidier to tlie forest of Yiliers-C'otterets, where the offensive ktt raged with'tho roads to Paris asi,'iVh'? titegyof ayin the Amwrl- its olbjectiv?, Gsncral Foch is as se euro as before the offensive began. Tho small anias sold to the enemy for j heavy a pnico in bkod do not im prove Hindenburg 's position to any i ?nous extent. Nothing has passod ln- tn Uennan possession that is well worth the dead toll exacted in advance. Hindijriburg stands baffled north of ' Oompeigne. No explanation e an conceal from ithe Germans at home the fact that Compeigne was the principal ob jective of HHudenburg's fourth offens ive and Compeigne still remains in General Foch 'a. hands. The -weakness of the dateist German drive cannot fail doubly to impress the German popu lace, coming at' a time when the Ger 'man government no longer is able to Unionism Would Hamper War Contract Factories St. Paul, Minn., June 14. Delegate! to the American Federation of Labor convention prepared today to consider resolutions demanding unionizing of workers in factories receiving war con tracts. The resolution, describe the Ameri can Tobacco company as an anti union concern and assert that branches of the firm's plant have been taken over by j the government to provide tobacco for men in service. Bernard M. Baruch, chairman of-the war industries board, has addressed a telegram to the federation eongratulat- ing labor on its loyalty to the war. - FIVE DAYS iVE ED greatest advanco does not exceed eight lrilonietetrs (about five niiles.) Germans Blocked. Loudon, June 11. Blocked in the center, tlij, Germans yesterday attack ed on the extreme wings of the present battle front, which includes all the Oise theatre, and the northwestern portion of tlu Marne area. A powerful enemy counter attack on the two mile front between Courcelle and Moatdidier was stopped before th German? reached the French positions the French, war office reported. Between 'the Aisne and the Villus Cottorets forest the Germans gained slightly at some points, but their at tacks, died down at night. The greater portion of the battle front between the Oise and the Aisn was "calm", according to the Fans night communique. There was spirited artillery fighting on the eastern portion of the Mnrne front neufChamplat and liheims. (Continued on page three) sands of American Soldiers are in 'France. . If Hindeuburg does not attempt a fifth offensive, the central empires .will again become seriously resifive un der tneiir military dictatorsnip. nut every rule of prudence and high strat gy calls for the conservation of the German reserves in the face of Amer ica's forthcoming major offensive. Hinden'bung has made the moat gi gantic sacrifices in military history during ilhe past twelve weeks to win "the war and has failed. By jio possi ibilitv can he epritinue this bloody s'aughter of his own men mueh longer-General Foch is the master of the situation as it stands today. General cans for a later offensive has been in dicated. The allies may well be optimistic. 'President Supports War Labor Board Washington, June 14. President Wil son has come out flatly in support of the national war labor board's decis ion that tire right of union organization in the big telegraph companies of the country should be adhered to. In a letter to Niswcomb Carlton and Clarence Mackay, heads of the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies respectively, he urged that they abide by the decision of the war labor board in its report on the threatened strike of telegraphers. Mackay has wired his acceptance of the principle involved and the president expects to hear from Carlton Monday. OASOLINE GOES DOWN. San Francisco, June 14. Gasoline was selling for 20 cents a gallon again to day. ' Monday two of the leading producers put the price np to 22 cents. Late yes fc"rdr the fuel administration, throneh Professor D. M. Folsom, directed that the 20 eent price be restored. Apartment house dwellers seldom have a skeleton in the closet, anvway, because usually there isn't even room for a closet. WORK OR FIGHT" LAW ENDG8SEDBY WILSON Maryland Statues Have En dorsement of President In Recent Letter Washington, June 11- President Wilson ' endorsement of Maryland's "work or fight" law, for males be tween the ajes of 18 and 50 was re garded today as auguring the attitude of the E'lmiiuistratiou en draft legisla tion expected in the nex: congress. While Secretary of War Baker has officially stated he is not now contem plating recommendations for increas ing draft age limits expected by con gressional ileaders at the next session, President Wilson in a le ter to Gov ernor Haritington of Maryland, ex presses the hope that all states adopt legislation which will force men be tween the ages of IS and no to engage in useful pursuits or fijht. Universal application of such a pro gram, however, can only come through nja'ionat iogislaticfci, lit is k-oiitemled here iby members of congress. The great drain on the eomitry ' man pow er, it is declared, will soon necessitate additional draft legislation raising the present age limits of those suibject to call Representative Kahn of the house military commute, today reiterated his belief that the draft law should be modified to include men between the ai(es of 21 and 45 years. . . COUNTY WILL PAVE THREE TO FIVE MILES Road Program Light Some Hard Surfacing On Silver ton Rod County Judge BtrAcy says, the road building progiam. this year in the way of hard surfacing, Is not an extensive one. Ho says there will be from three to five miles liard surfaced this year and that most of this will be done on the Salem-Silverton road. The regular road work ig if anything above the usual amount rather than below it, but even this will not go vcryl'ar to ward perfecting the county roads on account of the tremendous wear due to automobile travel. He says that sinco he went into office six years ago the travel on the county roads has in creased more than six times and that rhig is due entirely to the coming of the auto. Where a farmer used to drive to town occasionally, now he cranks up his auto and goes visiting of even ings traveling from ten to fifty miles. Ho says that an old fashioned gravel ed road that under the old travel would have lasted for years, is now worn full of chuck holes in a single season. The auto - traveling rapidly whirls the dirt up in the air and it is carried off the right 0f way by the breeze caused by the swiftly traveling auto. While he did not make any state ment concerning it, it is apparent that "he believes the only solution of the problem is hard surfaced roads. h this he is no doubt correct, for there is nothing else in the road line that will stay put when the autos hit it It was expected some work might be done this year on the liver road, but outside of the usual district work, this will not be done this year. Blockade is Planned Amsterdam, June 14. The German admiralty intends to declare the cast 'coast :of the United States, from Mexi- U to Canada, a "danger zone" and win warn mi ueuuiu uijnus, v:wm to reports received from Berlin itoday. t Abe Martin , Errol fewan, our V. 8., is takin' th' short course in vulcanizin'. Ever' once in a while we meet a feller that's so great be kin beg cigar an' nothin's thought of it. mniuiiniiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiin 1 War Summary of United Press lllilllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllIIIIllllllllllllHlllIUIlllIllllIllll I 1 1412th Day of the War; 86th Dav of the Big Offensive 1 ilIIIIllllllllllllIIIIIIllllllllll!lllilllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIlIllllllllllII!lllllllllli: Oise front-The German drive south ward between Montdidier and the Oise believed to 'be the most desperate ef fort of the entire present offensive, ap parently has beeu completely slipped bv the French strategy of "beating 'em ,to the- .punch" meeting attack more than half way by counter attack. Marne front Both artilleries were active between Villers-Cotterets forest and Chateau-Thierry. ' Picardy front The French war of fice reported "local action' ' north of Grivesnes and Haig reported hostile artillery activity iu the Villers-Bre-tonneux sector. Flaaders front ISntisa troops made successful raids and reipulsed similar German attempts. 1 YEAR ENDS EMCiSES TONIGHT 147 finish High School Work, ; 104 WiO Attend Some College v No moro will there bo reading ind writing and arithmetic taught to the tuu(i of a hickory stick, or by moral suasion for the young folks of Salem for today closes the present term of school and with the graduation exer cises this evening at the armory, the school year, ends. But this year, every boy and girl able to work will. Ut called on to do . certain amount, not only from the. viewpoint of patriotism, but 'l'om t'ie itti't there is an urgent need of work er' to gavo the berry and fruit crops of the Willamette valley. And in order hat the school children may do their share, the school board has deferred" the opening of school next fall until Sep tember 30. Out of ths 147 graduates who will step out on the threshold of life tonight, 104 have signified their intentions of continuing their education', a large num ber having already decided to attend tjie University of Oregon and the Ore gon Agricultural college. ! At the graduating exercises at the armory this evening, the seats in the center will be reserved for tho immed iate friends and relatives of the grad uates for which tickets have been is sued. The balconies aw open to the public. The Clarion Annual for 1918 lias just ";een issued by the Senior class which will serve lis a history not only of the 191H class but as a memoranda of all class activities of the year. The volume is much more pretentiousv than issues of former years. It is dedicated to Miss Lillian Guffin, class adviser. Included are full page cuts of Superintendent John W. Todd and Principal J. C. Nel son. And of special Interest is the ptr- (Continued on page two) MARION DISTRICT N02 DRAFT QUOTA Thirtv-Seven Men of North Marion To Go To Camp Lewis This Month The local draft board for this dis trict has (notified the following regis trants to be in readiness for induction into army service, says the Woodburn Independent. Orders will be issued for their cntrainment at Woodburn for Camp Lewis. This is the largest num ber on the draft leaving Woodburn: C. J. Duda, Mt. Augel, serial No. 390; order No. 50. E. Z. Kauffman, Salem, serial No. 638; order No. 113. L. Evernden, Gervais, serial No. 327; order No. 141. C. R. Martz, W. Woodburn, serial No. 800; order No. 238. J. H. Knauf, Silverton, serial No. 867 order No. 284. P. M. Blascbke, Aurora, serial No. 4; order No. 306. N. Troudt, Hubbard, serial No. 206 order No. 309. H. Schumacher, Woodburn, serial No 570; order No. 319. E. L. France, Gervais, serial No. 1058 order No. 338. E. P. Enauf, Silverton, serial No. 866 order No. 347. J. Kefsland, Silverton, serial No. 886 order No. 351. ' J. V. Bartnik, Seotts Mills, aerial No (Continued on page four) , Germanyv-War Minister H.'llingrats told .tho Bavarian parliament that cer tain independent socialists had been imprisoned because they were deter ' mined to cause the downfall of the gov , iirninont, even if it sneant tho removal of the kaiser. Austria-Hungary Thirty six thous and Austrian women and children, driven ty hunger to labor in the front ; lines on the Italian front, are vainly 'seeking release because of the terrible labor and continued hunger. Serious food riota occurred in Lem berg, requiring the interference of , troops. Holland A mob of Dutch fishermen angered because a Geimian submarine j shelled the lifeboats of a fishing j smack it had sunk, tried to lynch Ger 'man airmen interned at Ymuiden. CASUALTY LIST 119 OF THESE 43 DEAD MARINES LOSS IS 62 70 Wounded Severely and FiYe Missing Marine Death List Washington, June 14. The war de partment today issued a casualty list totalling 119 names, divided as follows: Twenty nine killed in action; fivo dead of wounds; Bix dead of disease; three dead of accident; soventy wound td severely; one wounded, degre.0 un determined, and five, missing in action. Captain Frank W. Hulott, Lewiston, Maine, and Lieutenants Ernest F. S.?x tou, Daricn, Conn., and George Stein, New York City were killed in action. Lieutenant George C. Musclo, Water bury, Conn., was severely wounded. Lieutenant Charles W. Maxson, Bal timore, previously reported missing, is now known to be a prisoner. The remainder of me list follows! Killed in action: Sergeants Michael A. Bovie, Cheboy gan, Mich. i James L. Woodsidc, Stafesville, N.(!. Corporals Gcorgo' Bell, Winchester, Idaho. Charles O. Brown, Poplar Bluff, Mo. James W. Brown, Phoenix Ctyy, Ala Richard S. Conover, East Green wici R. I. Privates Michafll Dana Capsack, Chi cago. Joseph IT. Carlson, Nobble, Sweden. John Czyzeski, Glasgow, Mont. James C. Floyd, Kobersville, Tenn. George D. Hutchins, Hickman, Ky. Nikolaj Jaworski, Chicago. Harold H. Johnson, Penn Yan, N. Y. Ira II. Justice, Trimlbe, Tenn. John F. Kemig, Spalding, Idaho. Wiiicent M. Lenahan, Watcrford, N. Y. . Romulus Median, LaSalle, 111. Frank J. Michael, St. Louis, Mo. Ray A. Noyd, Waterloo, Mont. Thomas J. Powers, Garden City, Kan (Continued on pago eight) FORD'S CANDIDACY OF SPECIAL INTEREST Will Run As Non-Partisan Pledged to Support Policies of President Washington, June 14. Henry FoTd's docisiou to run for the United States senate at the request of President Wil son has created a highly interesting political situation in congresn. Ford, claused in the past as a re publican will run on a non-partisan ticket, already endorsed by the demo crats of Michigan and his policy will be to enrrport the president. Romiblican leaders here say that Ford, if elected, probably will take his seat on the republican side of the up per house, while voting with the demo cratic) wide. His liberal policies, par ticularly in industrial questions will inject an element into tho senate that promisee to develop new and interest ing debates. Ford is aligned strongly with the president on poet war recon struction ideas. Some bint C4 -nis pro gram is found in his official statement announcng his acceptance of the pres ident's urge to he candidate when he said: ' "There are exceptional opportuni ties for service to our people during present and coming readjustments." President Wilson recently declared (OouUud on page two) BRITISH STEAMER REPORTED SUI COMES INTO PORT Keemun of 9074 Tons Shelled 1 W . A A T. A I by Diver Off Virginia Coast NO DETAILS AVAILABLE CONCERNING ATTACK Americans Captured Off Coast Forced to Torpedoes Washington, June li. The Britisn steamer Keemun arrived a 4, an Atlan tic pert today the navy department was advised this afternoon. The only details available were found in the following official ann ounOTment by the nary department. "The .British steamer Keemun has arrived at an Atlantic port." ' The Keemun came in on her own liowcr, but the sea was too rough to put on a boarding officer when she was first sighted. Tho navy depart ment said that it appeared defnite that file had ibeen shelled as reported) in last night's message. The boarding of ficer will make inquiries' later. An Atlantio Port, Juno 14. Attack' ed by a German submarine, the Brit ish isitramer Ke?niun, 9074 tons, is be lieved to have been sunk off the Vir ginia coast at 9 o'clock last night. 'There is no word of tho fato of her crew. A' steamer arriving here from a Eu ropean port today reported having picked up the Keemun 's wireless calls for hefcp. They we heard off Nan tuckot, btit: tho Keemun's operator gave his ship's position as off Virgin ia. The Keemun has been in British gov ernmental service for some time ac cording to the Holt company which formerly managed her. The first 8 O S was heard at 7 p. m. aeeording to word brought here. It said: "Shelled by submarine."' Two hours later, at 9 o'clock, there camo a second mesnage: "We are sink 5ng." Tho fact that two hours elapsed be twoen the first call and the signal, ."sinking," made port authorii ice be lieve there may have "been a running (Continued on page three) Bargain Day Promises Are Personally Made I Some of the Bargain Day WiJi Offer tthe Public for Salem's Second Annual Bargain Day, Saturday, June 15. Other Promises Will Be Published in Tomorrow's Journal 1 Wo will give S per cent discount on tires, tubes, half soles and vulcanizing on Bargain Day. International Rubber Sales Co. Wj will glv0 a Bargain Day special in each of our thirty departments each special an unusually economical buy. F. W. Woolworth Co. An extra pair of pants with each suit ordered Bargain Day. Scotch Woolen Mills Store. Ten per cent off on tires and tubes; 5 per cent off on all cars, tractors, plows, discs, etc. Valley Motor Co. Big reductions throughout our entire tore. Our display windows will give you an idea of the bargains to be found inside. - O. W. Johnson & Sons. Hundreds of items specially reduced for Bargain Day only. Thews are sub stantial reductions and will mean a big saving to buyers. Campson & Gideon, Ten per cent discount on everything in our store, except patent medicines Bargain Day only. Brewer Drug Co. Considerable reduction on all fish on hand Bargain Day. Fitts Market. Ten per eent off on Hartford tires, tubes, lawn mowers and 5 per cent off on any article in the store except nails and rope. Greater reductions on many special articles. Bay L. Farmer Hdw. Co. FULL DIVISI011S KOWFIGHTINGON FRENCH FRONT These Divisions Are In Every M - - Way American Armed and American Equipped TWO MORE DIVISIONS ' NOW BEING ORGANIZED American and French Forces Cut Crack Prussian Guard To Pieces ; Two Complete Divisions Washington, Juna 14. Two complete-American divisions, fully equip pad with American made arms and am munition are now tn th-, fighting sone in France, members of the house mill-' tary committee wera told by wax de partment officials today. . ... . - Two other complete divisions will be made up soon. These troop are in addition to tnose fighting with the French. The divisions are commanded by Gcuxal Bundy and General Billiard and a complete escadrille of American airmen is avached to each division. The committee was a;so supplied with the latest data on production and -ohipment of ordnance, airplanes and engine. The first shipment of 2 American made tight Inch howitzers, enough to fully equip a full regiment of heavy art'Uory, has been made and will soon be followed by others, the committee . wm told. Two hundred liberty engines have been delivered to the ailiea and 2000 enirlnes to our own army and navy. This la the high wabw mark of engine production. Two Hundred hls-pio-8ula engines for the. fact fight-,, lng planes have been produced and the war department officials say this eight fyllnder engine is now coming Into quantity production. Two hundred Havlland bombing planes have been turned out thus far. The Hanley-Page, the other type of large bombing plane adopted by the department, is not yet In production. 'By Lowell Mellitt (Uuited Press staff correspondent) With tho Americans on the Marne, June 14. (Noon)-Following the first quiet night spent by the Americans in the Torcy-Bouresches sectors for two (Continued on page four) Stores Tell What They Wo are not Koing to give a reduc tion on our general stock but wv9 ai'i going to give unusual reductions on lines which wo wish to close out. We have gone through the stock and se lected all the odds and ends. You will find them goods displayed on Bargain Day, and they ato real bargains. Ro.tcin k Groenbaum. We have picked out special items tt clothing, shoes and furnishings which we will reduc specially for Bargain Day. They will be prominently display ed and plainly priced. See our win dows. . , Salem Woolen Mills Store, Our reductions will be substantial on broken lines and lines which wfl wish to cloc out in our various departments We a:."? going through our stoek quite thoroughly and shall have a great var iety of splendid values on our Bargain Day list. . Barnes Cash Store. Lig reductions on broken lines and S pel cent off on all cash purchases of anything in stock. Bargains in our dig- ' play windows show reductions of 25 to 50 per cent. Salem Hardware Co. Considering today's manufacturers' prices we will give the biggest values the people have ever received. U. G. Shipley Co. Enthusiasm Is everywhere prevalent as to Burgain Day. Thousands of people are preparing to come from the district around Salem and from Pollr county. This is evidenced by word that M c