3 -JO- Page of The Capital Journa CHARLES H. FISHES Editor as! Publiiket THURSDAY EVENING Juno 13, 1918 Editorial PCBLISUED EvEBY EVENING EXCEPT 8UNDAT, SALEM, OREGON, BT Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. if D PL .rmae fc. a BARNES. CHAS. H. FISHER. DOBA C. ANPRESEN. .J A A VJ VJ 11 llCL. 1U1 V 1110 l'rratdent V try ITf ion t. . oa iiwi. i ai - , I; i Ihe icinan Who Lhauged j Bl'BSCIitWION KATES Ian br earriw. pr year $3 00 Pw Month by mail. pr yir 3-00 Per Month FILL LEASED WIRK TELEtJHAl'H KEIDHT EAS'lEliN KEl'KESENTATIVES W. D. Ward, New Tort, Tribune Bulldln. C'bicaso, W. H. Stockwell, People's Ou Building fne Cpltal Journal carrier boja are instruct) to pot the paper oa the porch. It tk carrier ews not do tbla. uliifi jott, or nfl-te Retting the paper to you on time, kladljr phone I be circulation manager, at tbla I the only way we ran deteraitne whether m not the rarrlera are following luntrnctiona l'lione Alnia hi before T :30 o'clock and a taper will be aent jou by apecial awsaenger If the carrier baa aim4 too. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL la tba only newipaper In Bnlun wboae clrculatioa la guaranteed bj the Audit Bureau of Clrculatiooa. jj ' THE INDUSTRIOUS APHIS Some poet with an observing turn of mind and a dis position to tell the unadulterated truth, once wrote a line or two concerning the pests that afflict man and hamper his effors to earn at least a partially honest living, that "fleas have other fleas to bite them." In the interests of even handed justice this should be so even though it may not be, for to carry the comparison to its legitimate conclusion-would require that the fleas that bite the other flea3 should have still other fleas to bite them and so on indefinitely. It will be seen that after a few removes from the original flea those that afflicted the third or fourth series of parasites would be smaller than the kaiser's soul; and that is reducing things to an absurdity. However, it is sincerely hoped that the measly green aphis that are eating the early peas, inhabiting the inner sanctum of the crisp lettuce, spoiling the roses and mak ing the lives of gardeners and florists alike one continuous round of squirting some preparation of bug juice sup posed to destroy the pests really have some pest working on them. Sometimes it kills them in a gratifying manner, to the fellow who manipulates the piston of the sprayer, and again from some inexplicable cause they seem to con- eider the spray as a special treat for their individual delectation. Maybe it is because we do not always get the l ight mix, but sometimes as soon as the spray begins to arrive on the vines or bushes where the green Huns con gregate, they give the glad tidings wide utterance and tvery individual little devil of them crawls out and gets a front seat with his mouth open and drinks in the dope as greedily as a bolsheviki takes that of a Hun spy. There is a difference though, for the spy is deadly to the bol sheviki while the aphis fatten on the dope and each turns his attention to raising a family which with reasonable effort they can have ready to enjoy the spray delicacies inside of 24 hours. The agricultural sharps, some of them, tell us the sun will kill the aphis, others that their period of life will soon he over and they will be out of season. These are words of encouragement, that is all. However there are at least ! two vegetables they will not touch, these are the stately: cnion and the dark green foliage of the bean. As to avoid-! ing the latter anyone who knows the flavor of raw beans! will in spite of his dislike for the green calamities that are dovouring his garden sass, commend them for their taste. by Walt Mason r f 1 1 f ! J. I NEW SOCIAL LECTURE LEAGUE r By JANE PHELPS A WIDENING EXFT. THE IDLE RICH The idle rich are showing their right to be on earth; to war we see them going, to scrap for all they're worth. Not sullenly or slowly, and not with feet congealed, but! with a fervor holy the rich boys seek the field. They're fighting in the navy, and eveiy morn they pray, "Oh, let us knock the gravy from some fat foe today!" They're training and they're drilling, with patriotic j vim, they're full of pep and willing to sacrifice a limb. Their lives at home were sunny, it was their joy and pride to blow J in all the money their fathers would pro vide, ihey rode m cushioned motors, re gardless of the cost, and I and other voters considered them a frost. But now we see them moving where raging armies meet, and they are surely proving that they're as gooa as wneat. lhe gilded lads are building themselves a laurel wreath; they've shaken off the gilding, and r-nown tne good beneath. Their fathers pay the taxes, with smiles serene and high, and they swing battle-axes, and make the Teuton fly. They are so deep in slaughter, tfiey heed not bulls and bears; on land, in air and water, you see the millionaires. WHIT klllYMI ML HT HELP Eighty Thousand Laborers Are Now Ready to Gather Great Crop Topeka, Kan. June 13. Kansas to day has completed tho recruiting of eighty thousand harvest workers. Bonve have begun work. Tho quota of 80,000 was sot weeks ago ami was reached by coiubiucd efforts of the government and municipal organizations. Thirty thousand volunteers swarmed to labor bureaus throughout the state. rfi w Women workers will be sent to the arm kitchens. Th men will be used wherever they can fit in. Their pay will average 45 cents an hour. Wkeat is ripening in central Kan sas now and the harvest area will spread rapidly to tho north; The Kaunas crop i9 spread over six and a quarter million acres. SOUTHERN OREGON NEEDS RAIN Boseburg, Or, June 13. -Crops in this section need a soaking rain, al though they are doing fairly well, at present. Only one fiftieth, inch of rain has fallen this month. There was very little rain in May. The entire season has been unusually dry. JOURNAL WANT ADS SEL California was visited yesterday by fierce electric storms followed by heavy rainfalls. Thunder storms are a rarity in Oregon, but all of us would gladly put up with a regular old fashioned eaftern one provided it would be followed by a generous rain. That is the one thing badly needed just now. It might hurt the cherries some, what there is of them, but it would be the making of the wheat nd other crops. Someone being asked as to his opinion about the here after and whether there was a real heaven and a real hell replied he was satisfied both were realities and he .was quite certain he had friends in both places. As a further evidence of the existence of a genuine hades of the old fashioned kind a friend the other day remarked that it was 'an absolute necessity for he asked: "Where would a dead Hun go if there wasn't?" The president has given congress to understand that so far as he is concerned he has no objections to is taking a recess as soon as the sundry civil and fortifica tion bills are passed. Chairman Hurley promises the United States will have a merchant marine of 25,000,000 tons in 1920. This in pite of all the nation of pirates can do toward sinking them. BARG Yankee ingenuity is busy with schemes and contriv ances to outwit the Huns. The latest is a uniform for the American troops treated to resist mustard and chlorine gas. ' LADD & BUSH, Bankers ALL THE THIRD LIBERTY BONDS ARE NOW HERE. THOSE INTERESTED PLEASE CALL AT THE BANK AIN DAY ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM Saturday, June 15 MIJNERY DEPARTMENT All Goods at 20 Per Cent Discount, be the purchase large or small. Our prices have always been the lowest, and now 20 per cent discount, is a gift of a dollar off on a five dollar sale For this day only. Children's Ladies' Children's " Union Suits Union Suits Vests & Pants 25c 39c 15c Children's Ladies' "Children's Blue and White Fine Lisle ,U,mon ,Sultf . Striped Nu-sleeveVests od,dA3 a is Bib Overalls old price 50c -50c anf 7ic s izes 3, 4 & 5 Bargain Day 2? 1 35c 25c Bargain Day 3oc Ladies' Nice Ladies'' Waists Long Silk Crepe Kimonas r , Gloves pretty colors slightly soiled Colors our regular $1.50 goods Values to $1.50 $1.65 . Bargain Day Bargain Day Baram Day 50c $1.25 25c Children's ' Children's Ladies' Muslin Night ,. ... nmvn! Muslin Muslin Shirts U0WT1s Bargain Day Underwear 50c ones for sizes 2 to 10, 25c Odd Lots 75c ones for Regular 75c to Bargain Day 39c $1.00 ones for now 15c and 10c 50c 45c Lots of Bargains throughout the store. 240 AND 246 COMMERCIAL STREET CHAPTER cm. then I reaehed my room I locked th door and threw myself upon the bet' But I tiidn't cry. I lay dry-eyed bu' with -lojchtd hands and repeated ove and over that I hated Julia Collins, " i HATED kLiii The idea that tUs should speak my husliind's name in that way before lUo0 people at the station made me luriu'jj. U:ie would think she was hi? fiai'.cee. at :uit did they not know bs was mnsrbd. It was outrageous! I woiild r.evtr bpeak to her again. My t . l phone jingled. "Ve hat news, your husband is unhurt cia is on his way here in special sent out bv the railroad." "Thank vo;." I agaiu flung myselt across the hd. .Someway in my anger I had foigotten my anxiety. Tha'. (i oorg,. was iafe did not mean quit as much to as it would have nt an 'ad I not heard what Julia Collins taid that is it did not just then. Aftej v.ard wlien I understood tho gravity o' lhe aecidciit; th number of pcoplo in jured, I was iTayei fully thankful fc; my husband's escape. A Call for Help. 1'inally 1 tore, bathed my face and eyes. The (jerk-, had said that Geergi. was on the way in a Bpecial. He might arive at any time. I rang for Celeste, and asked her to tell Mrs. Sexton 1 would like to see her. She came to me imniedialelv. "What )S it?" she osk..'d, as she ioked anxiously at me. "!(o.ge was ou that train " then loaluing she knew nothing of tho acci de.t, I explained. 'George's train hat r.et with an accident. Itj is unhurt and on his way in a special. Many were its j urea so I have heard." Then I told hei of mv visit to the station, of what 1 had overheard, and how I felt. "I HATE that woman!" I declared "What right had she to go and tell those people that she was there because of George, JIY husband. It was insult ing!" " lou sav she didn't see youj" "No I rushed back imemdiately I heard what she said." "Never lot either her or George know you did hear. If you are not cog mzaut of an occurrence you cannot bo supposed to rcscut it." Then you acknowledge I should re sent it." "N'o not quite that. She told tho truth, thev are old friends, very old friends, Naturally she might feel anx ious. But if I were in your place I should iguor0 the incident. Not for her sake; but for your own. To talk of it will paliaps make it seem of more im- i portance tnau it reany was to your j husband. He might feel rather flatter l ed than otherwise to know slip was so I interested in his fate, ilen aro like that my dear. All m?n are apt to be easily flattered by a beautiful woman's inter est in them. Don't make it tho more patent by speaking of it." "Vnu are so wise. Shall I eve learn?" I said, feeling she had spokes the truth. "You nre learning have learned a great deal. Fight women with their ow weapons when you can do so and keep your self-respect. If a woman engages your husband 's interest by flattery, wh I go her one better by using the sam" j means. Meet her, any woman, on her ! own ground. Defeat her by your clevei jus,, of her own weapons." Mrs. Collins Brings George to the Hotel Mrs. Sexton left me after a little 'more talk, confidential in that she tolt I uie things concerning herself; her owr married life. I was happier when she i had gone, more determined to make myself the kind of a woman George had thought I would be when he mar- j ried me. i I bathed my face and put on a most becoming dress. I had hardly done so 'when I heard voices in the hall, and George and Julia Collins came in. For 'a moment, I couldn't speak. Oh, why hadn't Mrs. Sexton remained with met Then I saw that George had his arm in a sling. "You said you weren't injuredl" I exclaimed going to him. "How do yoa d0 Mrs. Collins-" I added, as Georgfl kissed me more tenderly than usual. Af j ter that kiss I did not ear0 what she j hail done. I felt that my husband was 'glad to see me; glad he had not been j killed because of me. I don't know , what gave m0 that feeling. I had it. I "It's nothing!" he said, "just i sprain. When I think of those poor fel i lows who were burned to death 1 almost feel ashamed to wear the sling. Yoy j see, Helen, if was the smoking car that I took fire. The injured were all men j Had there been women or children it j would have beOn even worse," he shud ' dered. All this time Julia Colins had stood quietly listening. Now she remarked: "I heard of the accident and went down to the station. When I beard it was the train on which George was ex pected I waited for the special. I felt sure he would be glad to have some one to bring him home." j "It wtis kind of you. Thank you." 1 returned. ''I a!sn went to the station but I fonld not endure the wait with I people looking on. Naturally you would ' not be as concerned as I was, nor fee' the samc at being in a crowd." I knew by her expression that I bad scored. (Tomorrow Mrs, Collins Is Angered) Southern Tacifio employes at the roundhouse at Eoseburg are preparing for a flag raising on June 14, in con junction with flag day cxereiset. A par ade to be held by the Elks has becnj so timed that the Best People will par- j tieipate in the flag raising. "It reads like a Story Book," is tho way one of America's most happily married societv leaders opened the subject of her remarks en Hair Culture, at the first annual lecture of her newly inaugurated Oonree on Timely Top ics at her home on the Hudson just outside of New York City, "I have been a great outdoor enthusiast all my life and I make it a rule to dc without my hat whenever possible, both in the daytime as well as evening Jack, my husband, some years ago remarked that I would have to probably give up my running about bareheaded now that I was getting a bit gray. But I am not to be outdone simply by a few or many gray hairs. I went right to the most reliable authority I could get on the subject. The re sult was I avoided putting a lot of harmful dyes on my hair and I began us ing a Hair Color Restorer called Q-Ban and in no time Jack had to confess he didn't understand how my hair got so beautiful. Was I dressing-it differ ent, or what ? "Yon may rest assured I haven't told him anything about it, although ho very often remarks my hair certainly does look fine. Q-Ban is our little secret." BOLSHEVIKI ONLY DRIFTS WITHOUT FOREIGN POLICY By Joseph Shaplcn (United Press Staff Correspondent) Stockholm, June 13. The Eussias bolsheviki have no foreign policy. Thcj are simply ostrich-like in their naiv.l faith that Germany soon will be undep mined by a revolution. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Tcbit cherin is constantly protesting to Ger niauy against violations of the Brest Litovsk treaty, while swallowing the diplomatic pills, handed out by German Ambassador Mirbach. Premier Lenine calls this policy "forced retreating while preserving tho soviet power". This is a joke. With peace negotiations between Rus sia and Ukraine under way at Kieff and preliminary negotiations begun with Finland, the first impressions are that danger of further seizures of Bussian territory is over and that a real period of respite is beginning. Yet the newspaper Dien was suppress ed because it published a statement from a German military attache regard ing possible German occupation of Petro grad. The bolshevik declare there is no im mediate danger. Yet me Russians were forced to blow up a number of fortresses which were of great importance to the defense of Petrograd. I am authoritatively informed that the newFinnish government is forming an army of 100,000 German trained sol diers. Of these 3o,000 already are un der arms. When I stopped in Helsingfors har bor, en route here from Petrograd, I learned authoritatively that 40,000 Ger man troops now are in Finland. Person ally I counted nine big German trans ports. The question is, why these prepara tions? Most assuredly they are for tho occupation either of Murman peninsula or Petrograd, probably both. Curious events also arc transpiring on the southern borders of Russia. Both, the soviet and the Ukrainian govern ments declare their readiness to con clude peace long ago. Now, when nego tiations are proceeding, German troops have occupied Valuiki and tho Turkish government, contrary to the Brest-Li. tovsk treaty, claims Novo-Kosick. Then is but slight doubt that Germany seek to occupy the whole of Russia and re store the old regime. A second peries of facts likewise is important. These refer to the conduct of the laud owners and bourgeoisie (middle class) who will b? pleased if the Germans smash the revolution and save their property. General Mannerheim, ' commander of the Finnish army, and Skoropadsky, (hetman) of the Ukrainians, who rep. resent autocratic Bussian ' officialdom, possess allies among the Russian army leaders. It would be quite easy fot these two generals to prepare a military advance against Moscow and Petrograd with the aid of German troops. The bourgeoisie are certain of the early fall of the bolsheviki, yet soviet diplomats are trying to maintain peaca and strenuously deny all German char ges regarding violations of the Brest Litovsk treaty. The Soviets are unwilling to go fur ther on the road of allied orientation than aceeptnnce of economic aid from the United States. All of which eases immeasurably the work of Germany and tho Russian bourgeoisie. Only a united, democratic front and a coalition government, which will di rect the fulelst coloperation with the allies, can save, the republic from a counter revolution. Yet the bolsheviki stubbornly refuse. Their days, however are Hearing an end, Either democracy or imperialism will sono triumph, THE KAISEE'S IDEA Amsterdam, June 12. "It is one of the great victories upon which our strong future rests," the kaiser declar ed upon being informed of the Gorman advances in the Oiae region, according to advices received here today. "Austriaus Lay Plans for General Peace," says a headline. More like a trap they're laying to stick a knife in the old general's back. Bargain j Specials ! You'll see a number of special values here on Bargain Day.. Porosknit Underwear, Men's Shoes, Suits, Boys' Clothes, Neckwear something in most every line. ! However, youH have an opportunity to see the immense stock we are carry ing in all lines and the very lovr prices we are asking for merchandise. That is almost impossible to duplicate. There is but few articles, but what we are selling below the wholesale costs. Be sure and come in for a look. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE