Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 13, 1918, Page TEN, Image 10

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    (The ilaUn ikl Ifaurnal
THURSDAY. JUNE 13, 1918.
f Saturday June 15 Is To Be l
Salem's Second
Great Bargain Day
And we want to call your attention to the fact that you can not afford to
overlook the one place to get real values on any article in the store.
: At the J. C. PENNEY CO.'S Store y '
you will find that
Every Day IS Bargain Day
for Dry Goods, Shoes and
Goods in General for Men, Women and Children
Muslins 15c, 19c and 20c Yard
(Tmghams 20c. 25c and 29c Yard
Percales 15c, 17c, 20c and 25c Yard
Toweling 10c, 12c 15c. 17c. 21c: 35c Yard
Cheviot Shirtings 19c.Yard
Lawns and Flaxons 21c, 25c, 29c and 35c Yard
Voiles and Waistings , 25c. 29c. 35c and 45c Yard
We will give you Bargains and Prompt, Courteous Attention.
- :
tf ft ! 44444
All Around
tSt, U. P. Mendelsohn flu eyes cor
leetly. U. S. National Beak Bldg. U.
The (Eugene Quant says that the Sa
lem Cherriaa band has been engaged
to play at the 4th of July celebration in
that city.
Dr. Mueric Roberts la in the city and
xpecta soon to recoive his assignment
for duty as physician in the navy,
"Tbi funeral beautiful." Webb It
dough Co. tf.
Patton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa
Phono 1096. We do repair work. Stove
nd furnace coiled. if.
Members of th Apo)lo club, an or
ganization of male singers are holding
three rehearsals a waek in "the apart
ments of Dan F. Langenberg preparing
for their first bow to the Salem public
on the evening of Wednesday June 26
t the opera house. The club is under
the direction of John W. Todd.
Tour credit is good at E. L. Stiff &
Son's. Buy a new Univcrsul range
thi week.
Trade In your old stove on a new
Universal range, now being demon
strated at E. L. Stiff & Bon's.
Try the nice pastry baked on Uni
versal ranges at E. L. Stiff ft Son's
this week.
The trial of the case of the state ts.
Dclbert Kiggs, indicted on a charge of
statutory rap has been continued until
the September term on a showing made
by defendant that witnesses necessary
to bis defense could not be reached at
Improve th summer months In tak
ing up aome practical branches at the
Capital liusiness college. In session
all summer. New class in shorthand
next Monday. No one can afford to
waste any time this season. If not en
gaged in some definite war work pre
pare to help in business, doing book
keeping and stenography.
Today is th 26th day that has pass
ed with no rainfall in Salem, according
t tJie government's official records.
There has bees several traces of rain
but not enough precipitation for an of-
8ave your money by buying good goods
the cheapest.
815c Broom ....; 68e
1.00 Broom 88c
1.25 Broom ., 93e
1.33 Broom : . . B8a
30 pkg. Cream of Barley . tit
25e Poetum Cereal . 22e
lOe Arm ft Hammer Soda .. Be
Walnuts per lb. 23
Prunes, per lb. He
Money saved Is money made. It pays
to trade at the
Opposite Court House '
ficial record. tTp to this time of June
one year ago there had fallen .68 of an
inch of rain.
Dr. Vinton Ellis is in Salem after lav
ing spent two weeks in Rochester, Minn,
with the Mayo brothers, the famous sur
geons. He will soon return to his home
at Ckicagoff, Alaska.
Attention Elks: A11 Elks meet at
club rooms 7:30 Friday evening to
march in body to attend flog day ex
erciseg at Willson park, 6-14
After June 21, my friends end pa
trons will find me in Moore building
on Court Btrcet, up first stairway east
of Brewer's drug store. Phone 6!5.
Mary C. Rowland, M. D. 7-13
The Fageol tractor will be demon
strated Friday at the A'ick farm west
of Base-dale. This tractor is of a special
walking type and made especially for
orchard work and those interested are
invited to atetnd th demonstration and
see just what the tractor can do.
WHsn In town drop In to Busick's,
corner State and Commercial, and wit
ness denionstirditioiu of Mazola Corn
Frank Durbin has received letters
from his son in Franco giving much in
sight into conditions at the French'
front. What pleases him most is that he '
is now getting the Daily Capital Jour-!
naj regularly, after a long delay. ILoj
says that it is read until literally worn,
out. Company M boys, h states, are,'
pretty badly scattered at the time tb.V
letter was written. j
R. O. Barf ield, chief wireman of the
telephone company, left bis motorcycle
in a tut in his yard last evening at
his homo 425 South 23d street. Two
boys from the Oregon State training
school struck out for other quarters last
evening about 6 o'clock. At 8 o'clock
this morning a stray motorcycle was
found at Mill aud turner street. The
two boys who skipped have not as yet!
been located.
June 13 Mrs. Vernon Kellogg
at M. E. church, 8 p. m.
June It Flag Day.
Jane 14. Hign school gradua
tion. June 17. Patriotie Mass
Meeting at armory, 'Wake Up
June 17. Election jof twe
school directors in Salem.
June 17-26. Female aliens
June 18. Band concert Will
son park.
June. 21. Annual meeting
members Salem Commercial club
June 23. War Savings Stamp
mass meeting at armory.
June 26. Concert of Salem
Apollo club at Opera house.
three eights cents a box and one and
one- naif cents. Three farm hands are
wanted with a pay roll of $6Q a month
with board and room thrown in for
good measure,
Word has C4(me from Eugene that
six University of Oregon girls plan to
walk from Eugene to Portland follow
ing tbe commencement exercises of
Monday, June 17. The girls are all mem
bers of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority.
Tlw first afternoon of the hike they
expect to reach Junction City and that
of course would bring them into Salem
about Wednesday or Thursday of next
week. Mrs. Emma Wootten Hall a prom
inent senior and secretary of the Asso
ciated Students will chapcrone th8 par
ty. 1 o
Tonight at the First Methodist church
Mrs. Charlotte Kellogg will deliver her
address, telling of her experiences as
a member of the commission for the
Belief of Belgium. She worked with
this commission for six months as the
only woman member and is thus able to
tell her audiences first hand what real
ly happened during those dreadful days
in Belgium. She will tell of seeing from
lay to uay silent men and black shawled
women, pitchers in hand waiting for
their daily pint of soup. Mrs. Kellogg
speaks but twice in Oregon, leaving
tomorrow ror Portland.
A telegram wan received last evening
by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin of 1145
Saginaw street, with the sad news that
their son Joseph A. Martin had died at
a naval hospital near Boston, Mass. The
late or. his ueatu was given as June 13
l'Ht, aud the cause of death pneumonia.
Arrangements will be made for bringing
the body to Salem for burial. Joseph
Arthur Martin was a graduate of the
Salem high school in 1914 and enlisted
in the navy Mareh 13, 1916. The great
er part of his Sen service was on the
battleship St. Louis, having made 11
!rips across the water. He was in the
service of the navy as 3d class electri
Company H., Oregon Guard of Silver
ton was officially visited last evening
by Lieutenant Colonel A. T. Woolpert,
Major A. A. Hall, Lieutenant M. L.
Mayers, Lieutenant E. H. Choate and
Sergeant B. O. Kumrow. The company
lined up 95 men for tho evening's drill
and inspection. The Salem officers re
turned greatly pleased with the genoral
military appearance of the company and
the good work its members did in tho
thorough drill given. Another thing of
interest noted by the Salem officers
was the general interest taken bythe
citizens of Silverton in its Company
tf. As one member "remarked, when Com
pany H comes out to drill, about half
the town of Silverton comes along with
!t j"?t as a matetr of interest and en
couragement. o
W. E. Slater, formerly secretary of
the local Elks' lodge writes from Camp
Lewis that he is in Company C, 166th
Dopnrtment Brigade and that he is now
Chas. J. Williamson who had charge
of the military training of th high
school cadets the past year, has accept
ed a position as commandant of cadets
of the Stockton, California, high school
and wili begin his duties September 16.
Before takiug up the new work, the
government requires him to spend six
weeks in intensive training at the Fre-i
sidio, from July 4 until August 17. At j
Stockton, Mr. Williamson will have the,
military training of 500 students. Ho
has been with the Salem high school
two and a half years, coming direct
from the 0. A. C.
Salm now bat a genuine labor bur
eau as the. Department of Labor, U.
S. Employment bureau has established
an of ficp in th store room formerly oc
cupied by th Bed Cross on State street.
Those needing laborers are privileged
to rail at the bureau and make known
their wants and thoa,, who are looking
for work are asked to do the same. The
bureau is in charge of Charles F Cur
tin. Today there is a call for 100 logan
berry pickers with an offer of one and
Cor. Ferry & Liberty Sts
10:30 a.m.
1 Mare 9 yrs. old, wt 1100 lbs.
12 Fine Pigs 7 weeks old.
1 Gelding 7 yrs. old, wt 1100 lbs,
1 Deering Hay Bake.
1 McConulck Mower.
1 Oliver Chilled Plow No. 40.
1 two-section Lever Harrow.
1 Orchard Disk Harrow.
1 De Laval Cream generator.
2 Iron Pumps.
2 Logging Chains.
1 Lawn Mower. "
1 two-horse Corn Cultivator.
1 three-inch Wagon.
2 Top Buggies.
1 fifty-gallon Barrel.
Hay Fork Hopes, good as new
1 Set Heavy Harness.
1 nearly new Single Harness.
Tools of all kinds.
1:39 p.m.
Household Furniture including
Men's Underwear, Shirts. Coats,
Lady's Shoes, Hats, etc 1 plush
Lounge, 1 organ, extension table
rugs, graphone and records,
Dining Chairs, Bed Springs and
Mattresses, Bicycles, Auto Tires,
Baby Carriage, etc
F. N. W00DRY"
The Asdic
Phone 610 er 511
Ladies' Waists
A new and wonderful assortment received especially
for Bargain Day. Special each
Now One-Half Price
Special 15c and 29c Pair
2,000 YARDS, our best qual
ity Silk Poplins. 36 inches
wide, all colors, now. per yd.
Men's Four-in-Hand Ties
Snecial. 23c each
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
j li
SCHOPPEBT. To Mr. and Mrs. P. J.
Schoppert, living on rural route 4,
Salem, Oregon, Juiw 11, 1918, a
She bas been named Pearl Alaine.
WILLIAMS. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
L. Williams, 1025 Fir street, at the
Salem hospital, June 13, 1918, a
HEFFLEY-EICKET. At the parson
age of the First Methodist church,
June 11, 1918, Harry Heffley and
Miss Vernetta Eicket, tov. B. N.
Avison officiating. The newly-weds
left for Newport for a short honeymoon
and will be at home to their friends at
Independence July first.
acting corporal. He 'lias been recom
mended for transfer to the Signal corps
and hopes to soon go to France with
the 91st division. He writes that Uncle
am is taking fiive care of his soldiers
and that the eats are all that one could
W. S. Hale, formerly superintendent
of the state training school for boys
is now in the Y. M. C. A, work at
the Peninsula Shipyard in Portland." Mr.
Hale severed his connections with the
state training school not only for the
benef it of his son 's health but also from
the fact that efforts were maae by cer
tain politicians during the last session
of the legislature to interfere with his
work at tho institution and ordering
a special investigating committee. The
investigating committee investigated
and found everything in most satisfac
tory condition but it seems that Mr.
Halp did not appreciate the idea of
politicians casting a longing look at
the institution about every session of
the lcgU'.nturu.
Qeorge W. Watt, for many years a
resident of Salem engaged in the real
estate business is now employed in the
Willamctt0 Iron & Steel works in Port
land in the pipe fitting department.
George S. Stewart recently of Salem
is now employed at the Columbia Hiver
shipyard in the pipe fitters department
The program of 'the flag exercises of
the Elks' lddg.i to be held Friday even
ing at 7:45 st Willson Park will include
an oration by Walter L. Tooze and a
tribute to the flag by B. .W. Macy.
John H. Carson will deliver an address
on thp history of the flag and Miss
Ada Miller will sing. The Cherrian band
will make its first appearance of the
season marching with the Elkg from the
lodge and playing several selections at
Willson park.
The Salem high school cjhorus really
deserved a larger attendance than came
out last eveniug for its second annual
chorus at the armory. The singing was
most acceptable in the chorus work
and the singing of the soloists demon
strsted thnt the school has developed
W. E. Craig of Ellcnsburg, Washing
ton, is registered at the Bligb.
E. Cooke Patton left this morning for
Portland where he will join a fishing
party bound for lit. tit. Helens.
Miss Hortcnse Harrild of Spokane
who has been spending the winter with
her aunt Mrs. H. H. Vandervort and at
tending Willamette University returned
to her home today.
Russell Rarey and B. H. Earey left
this morning for Seattle going over the
Oregon Electric.
Virgil Brown left today for Belling
ham, several voices of unusual quality. Al
though not large in number, the aud
ience was very appreciative and de
manded encores especially from the solo-ists.
Fred W. Steusloff stated this morn
ing that he had received no instruction
from the state food administration re
garding a limit placed on the sale of
sugar as low as two pounds to each pur
chaser. The state food administration
under W. B. Ayers of Portland may lim
it purchases in that city but until offi
cial orders ara received here the county
food administrator will issue no orders
other than those that have been in ef
fect with the limit of a $1 purchase ex
cept, for canning purposes.
Two mothers and two daughters from
San Diego arrived in the city late Wed
nesday evening and registered at the
Bligh hotel. They arrived in a high
grade Oldsmobile car and Wiere on a
tour of the northwest heading for Se
attle. They left San Diego last Saturday
morning and came through to Salem
withuut even spending a cent for re
pairs. In the party were Mrs. A. F. Me
siek, Miss C. C. Mesick, Mrs. S. " W.
Tuloch and Miss H. M. Tulloch.
meer i
"Wt Ian ik. r- - f
. M m hot Wlitt fee
e 1
Leland J, Knox, teacher in the com
mercial department of the high school
and instructor in the theoretical depart
ment of the military education of the
high school cadets will spend the sum
mer on his father's farm pear Fossil,
Wheeler county. This winter he expects
to teach in southern California near Los
, An universal combination gas range
is now being demonstrated by E. L.
Stiff & Son, and thoso who are inter
ested in something new in the way of
a range aro invited to call at the Skiff
store on Court Btrcet and partake of
SOUU3 of the cooking and to also note
what the Universal Combination gas
range really can do in the way of mak
ing life pleasant for tbe housekeeper.
Word was received t)lay of the death
by drowniing of Luke Melvin Dimiek
in the Pudding river near Hubbard. He
wag the son of Mr. and Mrs. George
A. Dimick of Hubbard. The young man
was 16 years old. It seems that with a
friend he was bathing in the Pudding
river. Young Dimick got beyond his
depth an-,1 as he could not swim, called
for help. His companion also was unable
to swim but attempted to save him. The
funeral services wene held today at Hub
3. E. Adams, navy recruiting officer
went to Albany to secure the enlist
ment of Roland 6, Allen, whose home
is at Tangent. -
Tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 o'clock
the Civic and Agricultural departments
will meet at the Commercial club to se
lect directors for the coming year. Suc
cessors will be elected to each depart
ment to succeed Dr. B. L. Stccves of
the Civic, and L. J. Chapin of the Agj
ricultural department.
Fine weather in which to get nil "hot
up" about next winter's fuel supply j
isn't it I
299 N. Commercial Street
103 S. Commercial Street.
Friday and Saturday
5 Bars Crystal white Soap. 2o
5 Bars Tiaptha Soap 25c
Citrus Washing Powder 2oe
5 Bars Ivory Soap 1....33c
6 Boxes Matches 23c
3 Bottles Blueing j 25e
2 pkgs. Grape Nuts 25c
2 pkgs. Tost Toast ies 24o
large Instant Postum. 42c
Small Instant Tostum 25c
Plain Postum 22c
Peanut Butter, lb , 18e B
Creamery Butter, lb. ..... 45c
6 lbs. Crisco ............ $1.90
3 lbs. Crisco I. ....... 95c
Large Wessons Oil $1.45
No. 5 Compound L $1.23
3 lbs. Boyal Club Coffee 80c
1 lb. Boyal Club Coffee 32c
1 lb. M. j; B. Coffee 35c
21-4 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee 83e
5 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee $1.60 R
1 lb. Folgers' Golden Gate 33e
2 lbs. Folgers' Golden Gate 90c
Peaberry Coffee, bulk, lb. ..S2
Special Blend Coffee, blk, lb. 20e
Z-oz. Spices, all flavors, can 8c
Jello pkg. . .. 10c
Jiffy Jell, 2 pkgs. ... 25e
2-oz. Vanilla , 20c
2-oz. Lemon ' 20c
50c size Boyal Baking Towder 40c
23c size Boyal Baking Pwdr. 20c
Ghirardolli's Ground Chocolate,
" pound .. 25c
Ghirardellis Ground Chocolate,
bulk, pound . 22
Hershey's Cocoa, lb. cans 14e
5 lbs. Karo Syrup 4$e
10 lbs. Karo Syrup 96e
Macaroni, lb. , -, - j 9e