Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 12, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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f Jotti'nal New Today Ads
' : . - ' 1 '
; ,
Kate per word New Today:
Eaoh iaaertion lc
One week (6 insertions) 5c
On month (26 insertions) . 17c
The Capital Journal will not .be re
cuonsible for more than one insertion.
for errors in Classified Advertisements
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately.
Minimum charge 15c.
MTJLTIGHAPHING Phone 310. 8-25
SMALT, pigs for eale. Fhone 58F4. 6-12
KOOlt and board, 1112 Mill St. 6-18
GOOSEBERRIES for sale. 25c per gal.
this week, at 1746 S. Liberty. 6-12
WANTED Strained honey in bulk.
Cherry City Bakery Co. tf
WANTED Competent woman for gen
eral house work. Phone 1142M. tf
EAVE you wood sawingt Call phone
7. tf
POR SALE Fir wood and team of
young mares. Phono 2142K. 6-18
POUND Coin purse, about June 1st.
Owner call 813. - 6-13
POR SALE 'Australian Shepherd pup.
Phono 1F15. 6-12
FOR SALE-Good Hereford milk cow,
cheap. 761 Mill. 6-12
WANTED Good cow or pigs in ex
change for wtood. Phone 84F4. 6-12
1 spring
wagon, will sell cheap. Phone 734,
271 N. Com'i tf
FOR SALE Cheap, 1 one-ton Maxwell
truck. F. E. Loose, care Capital City
Transfer Co., 161 S. Com! St. 6-12
FOR RENT Furnished house, strictly
luuuern, not water neat. Address Box
373 Salem, Or. tf
WE HAVE eggs for packing. Infer
tile, unwashed and strictly fresh. W.
R. Baker, pnone 0SF2. 6-12
FOR SALE One tent 14x20, good as
new. une ue Laval cream separator
in good repair. 27S0 Lee St., Sa
lem. ' g-15
WANTED Man and wife to work on
iarm or oatcnelor. Write u. E. Eoff,
Salom, Or., Rt- 6 box 44. or phone
38F14 evenings at 6:30. 6-12
FOR SALE 5 passenger Studebaker
in splendid condition, or trade for
Ford and difference. Phone 1415.
FOR RENT A 7-room house 751 S.
13th St., eledtric, lights, "bath, toilet,
$10. See Wm. Fleming, . 341 State
St. fi-12
BOARDING place are wanted for
summer pupils at the Capital Busi
ness college. Phone information to
388. 6-12
WANTED Women to work in prepar
atory department, good pay. Apply
at once Salem Kings Products Co.
FOR SALE One Deertng mower.
George Swegle. , 6-12
WANTED To buy 15000 kale plants.
Phone 59F1I. 6-12
FOR SALE Trailer for cost of ma
terial. E. Horton, 1130 N. 17th. 6-12
TWO rooms with board, summer rates.
4C1 N. High. 6-14
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer
Turner, Oregon. Phone 59. tf
FARM FOR SALE 300 acres. First
class in evory respect for home and
investment. Terms, Phone 2440. 6-12
FOR SALE Strictly modern, 5 room
bungalow. Low price. Easy terms.
1675 S. Church St. 5-17
FO RSALE Or trade on Ford; team,
harness and wagon, weight about
1400. Phone 9F24. 6-12
FOR SALE--6 bottom John Deere plow
as good as new, at half of price if
Kaken right away. Address H. .1.
care Journal. 6-13
FOUND Office key on S. Com'l St.,
- business district- Owner may have
same by calling at Journal office.
LOST Between Brooks Ave- and S. P.
track on Silverton road, suit case
belonging to young lady. Leave at
Journal office. 6-12
dred, bring sacks. T. Fitzpatriek, on
asylum farm road, first house south
of Sthubinger cheese factory. 6-18
FOR SALE 23 &t.rra. imrtmvftl. nlpn-
. i - - - , -
ty of water and timber, 2 miles.
rroin baiein on Dallas read. m- M.
Svhuett, Rt. 2, Salem. 6-1S
FOR SALE Cheap, two crav horses.
weight lioll; wagon, harness, plow
and other tools. Valley Motor Co.,
State and Front Sts. 6-13
LOST On North Church St Monday
e-Dout b p. m., paekage of merchan
dise purchased at Shipley's. Please
phone 803M. tf
wMi m i i mm m mm
a iiiuiiri.fi i in. n i n nui nnr ii nr mm rini
. 2. .
YOUNG man wishes position , am fa
miliar with steam engines and
pumps of all kinds- Address H. M.
care Journal. 5 15
FOR SALE Young team work horses
cheap; 10 acres, buildings, orchard,
main road, close to email town near
Salem. B. M. Woods, 455 Court St.
FOR SALE By owner, new 8 room
house, strictly modern in every re
spect, 3 blocks from post office,
furnished if desired, terms can be
arranged. Phone 58. 6-13
POR SALE Choice, large Holstein
calf, male, 3 months old; also one
yearling heifer 3-4 Jersey Hol
stein. L. S. Arnold, Rt. 4, phone 65
F1J. 6-12
NOTICE That on May 20th Chas.
vermehren and ti. JU. Baker, cat
tle and stock buyers dissolved part
nership. Mr. Vermehren will continue
in the business and Mr. Baker, hav
ing other interests to look after. 6-15
a iitju.u Dungaiow tor saie, mouern,
large garden all in, 17 blocks from
Bush 'a bank, 1 block from paved
street, 3 blocks from carKne. Will
eell entire property Tor less than the
house alone can be built. Ivan C.
Beers, 1695 N. Liberty St. or Capital
Drug store. 6-13
WE PAY the highest cash prices for
second hand furniture, stoves, Tugs,
etc. Shipping carload lots to, Pert
land. Phone 593. 6-21
PRUNE orchard sale. Buy now sac
rifice sale in one of the best orch
ards, close in; crop and all goes, on
Paeifio highway. Owner, phone 1222
or 385- 205 U. S. Natl bank bldg.
FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, or will
trade for horse. Rt. 1, box 4C, Tur
ner, Or. 6-12
WANTED Portable garage for Ford,
lor cash. Address P. O. care Journal.
FOR SALE One single-horse wagon
and harness, will sell cheap. Phono
734, 271 N. Com'l. tf
13 ACRE farm for sale cheap; 7 room
plastered house, good barn, 2 hen
houses, pressure well, 6 acres prunes
and family orchard, 2 acres pasture
with shade trees. Write for terms or
phone 61F11. T. E. Nunnemaker, Rt.
2, box 53. 61S
HOUSEKEEPING apartments and
single rooms, nicely furnished, at
633 Ferry street. tf
BAY Do you wish to pick Loganber
ries in a No. 1 10 acre yard! If so
Phone 100F32. tf
I AM shipping .to Rogue River, Ore.
Would like a party to occupy half
. of cst with me. Phone 1344. 6-12
TWO and three Toom furnished apart
merits.. 491 'N. Cottaee. Phone 2203
WANTED At once, a married man
to live on farm and haul wood.
Phone 254 or 622. 6-14
WANTED By widower, no children,
middle aged1 woman as nouseKeeper,
good home for right party. Give
house or phone number. Address W.
W. care Journal. 6-12
HAVE for sale an xceptionally fine
bargain in a 7 room residence, well
located, built about 6 years ago, that
cost the owner $3500, now offered
for quick sale, for $1500, $500 cash.
This is a forced sale and will pay
you to look into it. John H. Scott,
404 Hubbard bldg. " 6-14
WANTED To sell wood hauling out
fit ito man -who will haul wood for
name. Phone 79F11. 6-14
TWO and a half miles north of Mon
mlouth, on the West Side highway, I
will sell at public anotlon, 10 a. m.
Saturday June 15, Horses, cattle and
complete outfit of farming imple
ments, machinery, binders, etc. Pos
sibly may sell large quantity of oats
and hav. Charlie O'Brien, owner.
LOGANBERRY pickers wanted, half
mile from end of car line. Phone 69
P2 evenings, Mrs. A. W. Cox. 6-18
YOUNG- man wishes employment with
small Ford delivery truck, country
or city. L. E. Johnson, 215 D St. 6-18
FOR Sale Large, blooming tomato
plants, earliest strain. Phone 798W.
' 612
WANTED Rug strippers, will pay 2c
per pound. Phone 706 or 402 N. Coml
Western Junk Co. H4
WANTED By young lady, board and
room dn private family, close in. Ad
dress L, S. care Journal. tf
HONEY TO LOAN on real estate. H.
1L Hawkins, 314 Maaonle building,
Salem. tf
WANTED Mohair lat East Salem
Tannery, J5ta and Oak St. Phone
2160M, tf
FOB SALS Some freeh milch eowe
and Cars horeea, eleo want to troy
eeto bad binder. Geo. Swegle- tf
WANT To Mcure $1000 loan at 7 per
eent Socolofskr. 341 State St, Phone
870. 6 12
FOB EXCHANGE Nice 4 room bun
gsJow, almost new, all clear of in
cumbrance, for vacant lot well lo
cated. H. E. Bolinger, 406 Hubbard
bids. , tf
OKB one wants your property and
jrca would eell. We eharge no eom
atinion for potting buyer and sell
er together. For further Information
Oregon Realty Exchange Investment
(fe, Iu. 14 Breymaa bid?., Salem,
Or, Clumber of Commerce bldg., En
rM. Or. 250U Si St. Portland,
T,fftANRERRY Kickers wanted: 30
acres, two milce east or urooKs, gooa
camp grounds, wood and water; we
move vou out to yard and back to
town; picking will last about five
weoks. Mangis Bros., Salem., Or.
Phone 717. tf
WANTED Loganbery pickers for
45 acres of berries located nine
from carline at Salem Heights. Fif
teen minute service. Five aent fareL
to Salem. Fine camp grove, free
wood, potato patch and straw for
bedding. Water piped on camp
grounds. No tents or bunk houses.
Telephone on camp grounds and froe
daily delivery of groceries, Pickers
can maka from $2.30 to $3.50 per
day; season will last from 5 to 8
weeka. Picking will start about
June 17th. Telephone 21F2, B. Cun
ningham, Rt. 3, box 121, Salem,
Or. 6-18
Government May Send In
structor If 100 Enlistments
Are Assured
est yard in tne vaney. uooa iuui
ing, good water, provisions on the
ground. We move you out to yard
and back, to town. Picking begins
about June 25tih. Register now, we
pay one cent with 3-8th cent bonus
per pound- L. H. RoberU, Rt. 7, Sa
lem, Or., Phone 41F24. tf
The school board went on record last
evening in favor of eo-operating with
Willamctte University for the creation
of military companies in Salem com
posed of University and High school
The government has figured that it
would be of advantage to educate the
vouth in the hiarh schools before the
time When he might bfl called to the
training camps. With this in view, the
war department is inclined to favor the
sending of military instructors to
jcitools and colleges where there is the
asurance of at l'.'ast 100 enilsted stu
Ki'dianations were received last even
ing from Clias. J. Williamson, Lcland J.
Knox and Miss Lillian Guffin. G. B.
Bonrll was re-elected as the head of
the manual training department of the
city schools at a salary of $1550. The
folowing teachers were also eieciea:
Miss Mona Green, elementary grades
Miss Lora A. Chute, clemntary grades
15 LOGANBERRY pickcrt wanted;
good picking, good camping ground,
can walk and live at home only 15
minutes walk from end of bridge.
Wallace road, Talk counts; would
also like to register earoe erew for
picking bean. W. C. Franklin. Phone
52F14. tf
OLD FALSE TEETH wnted; doesn't
matter if broken, wo pay yon aeioai
value. We pay cash for old gold,
silver and platinum. Send to o and
receive cash by return mail. If price
ia not satisfactory, we .will return
teeth promptly upon request. Inter
national Teeth Co., 305 West 42nd
St, New York. u
MAMMOTH puWie auction sale, to be
held at W. J. Turnidge farm June 18,
located 1 miles east of Buena Vis
ta in Marion connty, near Talbot
statiom on Oregon Electric car line,
8 miles west of Jefferson. I will of
fer for sale over 80 head of cattle
Jersey, Holstein and Durham grades,
consisting of cows, stock cattle and
beef steers. 200 head Angora goats,
j mostly nannies; 5 head horses, some
registered Duroe hogs, 2 farm wa
gons and other farm implements.
Sale will commence 10 o'clock a. m.
r-nl. V N. Woodrv. auctioneer. W.
l Tnrnidffft. owner. 614
Miss In?ne Bingheim,
school, $90.
Miss Conifred Hurd,
(.ehnol. $90. '
Miss Kate Barton, junior high school
MHs Lola Cooley, junior high school
Miss Laura V. Hale, junior high
a. l.mil. 491).
Miss Ruth E. Leonard, junior high
wlinr.l. (00.
Miss Minnie Goehring, junior higo
school, $90.
Miss Hazel C. Fishwood, high school
Miss Florian Linklater, high school
Heavy selling the past three days of this sale has naturally broken up sizes in some lines, and reduced
other lines to one or two garments. These have all been placed on "SPECIAL" RACKS and given
Dresses, Suits, Kimonas,
House Dresses, Hose, Un
derwear, Sweaters, Knit
I Goods, Coats, Children's
:: Dresses, Infants Wear,
:: Middies, Gowns, Auto
Caps, Waists, Etc., Etc;
No reservation.
On July 1st the price ad
vances, so you make a
double saving purchas
ing before the raise, and a
discount on the old prices.
Mendel-Drucker Trunks
Less than factory cost
We are going out of the Trunk
business. Our entire line must
be closed out.
This is your opportunity to
buy a Trunk .that .will .last a H
uie ume.
B. Wicklund, hi
Miss Adeline
school, 100.
Uiis Vera G. Albin, high school 100
Orlando H. Horning, high school
B. S. Wakefield, junior high school,
Miss Mina Hubbs. transferred from
elementary grades to junior high school
WE DESIRE the services of a few
young ladies, f 8 a week paid begin
ners, with extra py for Sunday and
holiday work. Regular and frequent
Increase. Apply Chief Operator The
Pac. Tel, Tel. Co. 6-13
All Refuse To Make Con
tracts Except for Im
mediate Delivery
The bids Bubmitetd t the board of
control and opened today, .for furnish
ing supplies to the state institutions all
tell the same story of expected increase
in prices of practically everything. One
company bidding on canned tomatoel
submits with its bid the statement that
"owine t market conditions and scar
city of stock, our prices are made with
the understanding that if we are the
successful bidders, Wv9 Bhall receive in
struction for shipment within 30 days
after opening the bids."
Another firm bidding on dried fruit
says: "Market conditions are such that
we must ask you n our digs are accept
ed that we shall receive prompt noti
fication and instructions for delivery
within 30 davs."
On bids on sugar the same firm says:
"We must have notice within 30 day
after opening of bids of material ad
vances in freight rates made, thil
A bid for flour and feed, it being a
portion of that asked only, says: "We
have not set a price on bran and shorts
but will furnish them at the market
price. The same statement applied to
middlings and barley .this if we have
them in stock. Could not furnish them
at this time."
A bid for smoked meats from a big
company says: "Would not eontraet for
smoked meats now' more than three
months in advance. Must add one fourth
of a cent a pound each month after
first for carrying charges. A bid for
sheeting and shirting, etc., has practic
ally the fame provisions.
ETas Will Observe
Flag Day Friday
Ralem lodge No. 336. .Benevolent and
Protwtive Order of Elks will appro
priately pay homage to the flag on na
tional Elk-flag day, rnuay om
While tho ceremony ie to be eonfin
d primarily to the improsmve ritual
istic work of the order yet by reason
of the critical times in the nation's
history, jt has been thought bent to
have the occasion partake of the na
ture of 4 public showing of loyally
and for these reasons the puMic is call
ed upon to participate.
Headed by the Cherrian band, the
Elks in a body will march from the
lodge to Willson'a park where the ex
ercises will begin at 7:30 o'clock.
Tho committer in charge of the pro
gram fur the evening is Louis Lach-
munu, chairman, Walter i,. Jveyes ana
S. A. fcrtone.
" State House News
State Enirineer John H. Lewis is in
receipt of a petitfon from tho Squaw
Creek Irrigation District requesting the
approval of $125,000 in bonds of the dis
trict, which had been voted for the
purpose of purchasing existing canals
and water rights so that the settlers
may control the distribution of water
instead of relying on private companies
as at present.
This petition will be referred to the
Securities Commission when full infor
mation has been submited in accord
ance with adopted rules.
The board of control opened bids for
fuel at one of the institutions, or rather
opened the one bid that was made, but
as only one member of the board, Sec
retary Olcott, was present no action
was taken but it is HMy Wds will be
advertised for again ther being no
Articles of incorporation were filed
today as follows:
Bidehalgh Company, Inc., of Portland
capital stock 10,000 and object lo con
duct a gcnral packing and cannery busi
Miler Mercantile company, of New
berg Yamhill county filed notice of its
increasing its stock from tiO.OOO to
Oregon Fisheries Company, of Port
laud, filed notice of its dissolution.
At the 68th annual convention of the
grand chapter, Eoyal Arch Masons of
Oregon, held yesterday in Portland
Thomas P. Byan of Salem was appoint
ed grand chaplain and George G. Brown
of Salem Grand Boyal Arch captain.
This Preliminary to War Sav
ings and Thrift Stamp
Sunday June 23 is tho day for the
general mast) meeting to be licid In tho
armory as a preliminary for tho war
savings stamp campaign when A. L,
Mills of Portland will deliver the prin
cipal addrcFS.
Besides being one of the leading fi
nanciers of Portland, Mr. Mills is re
garded by many as an orator of ex
ceptional ability with a story to tell
worth hearing. His addre will be at
the armory at 3 o'clock in the after
noon. No exercise will bo held next
Sunday as the date for the muss meet
ing is June 23,
It is prububle that an effort will bo
made to orsrnnize a "Limit Club" of
those who will ibuy tho government's
limit of war savings stamps. This is
1000 face valuo, with a present worth
of S.'S4.17. That w, this amount in
vested iu VV. B. fc). wiith accrued inter
est in five years will be redeemed by
the government at $1000.
The following is a complete lint of
the eaiptains who have agreed to srve
during the W. 8. 8. campaign begin
ning Mondav June 24: O. J. Shei, V. B.
Barton, J. Baumgartner, W. J. Buiick,
E. P. Carle-ton, C. It. Clancy, W. H.
Dancy, V. O. lrager, N. I). Klliott, J.
H. Parrar, P. E. 1'ullerton, William
Gahlsdorf, P- E. Graber, J. VV. Harbi
son, O. A. Hartman, Paul JI. Hansen,
B. II. Ling, B. W. Macy, B. C. Miles,
B. II. Mills, Lot K. Pearce, J. C. Per
ry, A- B. Poole, A. J. Bahn, Tbeo Both.
John H. Scott, W. I. Ktaley, H. L. Stiff
John W. Todd, G. E. Uaruh, Lee Un
run and Guy O. Smith.
Tho quota asigned to school district
24, whkh includes Salem is 320,000
but as about 70,000 of this amount
has already been subscribed, credit is
given for this sum, leaving the quo'ft
of Salem school dintrict at $2."0,000.
This school district will be asked to
buv a quarter of a million dolian
worth of W. S. ft. on monthly payments
for six months. It figures 120 for each
person in the district. '
Wail Street Cheerful
Over Late War News
New York, June 12. The New York
Evening Sua financial review today
Wall street frit very good todiiy over
tho wur news and this was reflected
directly by operations in tho securities
market. Trading was not indeed active
but this was duo as much, if not more,
to rjluctauce to sell as to any curtail
ment iu demand. The result was a sub
rstuiiti ul riso in prices all along the line.
United States Btecl moved forward in
good fortii and stopped just short of
par. The other steels followed and tha
equipment stocks effected gains of
about two points. The coppers were
rather narrower. Marino common and
preferred pushed forward ouo to two
points. The motor and tobacco groups
added ouo-half to thrco points to the
previous closing level, American Sumat
ra achieving a new top price for the
year at 15 7-8. American Can, Colorado
Kul, General Electric and Americun
Hide and Leather preferred wero among
strong individual issue. Business
in rails was again thin, but tho tone
was good, particularly Heading, Atchi
son and Pittsburgh and W8t Virginia
common and preferred.
lilt loganberry crop as well as all
ether fruit crops will be saved in this
section of the Valley if all schools vol
unteer for summer work in the samo
proportion as the Salem high school. At'
tho assembly held last week under the
uiivcliou of Miss Nell Sykcs of tho do
mestic science department, 322 students
vo'unteered for Bed Cross work, each
pupil agreeing to work two days of
each week during the Mason. The " rB
work will probably be that of helping
with thp loganbcrry crop.
B. H. B.
Chicago . 0 8 0,
New Vork 1 3 li
Tvler ami Killifer; Pcrritt and Mc
Oarty. Cincinnati-Brooklyn end 8t. Louis
Philadelphia postponed, rain.
Pittxburg 0 3 0
Boston - 1 S 0
Millor and .Schmidt; Fillingem and
American .
Bostou .. 7 1 I
Chicago ....! 0 3 1
Mays and J hanjr) Daoforth, Benz,
Wolfgang ami Schalk, jj
Oreeoa. V