Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 12, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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8 in our . . 8
Considering the present market prices and the continued sky high raise, oar
Closing Out Prices are Extemel? Worth While.
for Men
$1.50 and $1.25
Now 49c
Men's and Boys' Clothing at Re
duced Prices
! i
. i
: i
: i
Would Have Officers
Training School For
i;1 Willamette University
Beports submitted at the annual meet
ing of the board of trustees of Willam
ette university, held here yesterday,
showed that the school is in the best
financial conditon of its history.
The deficiency in the current main
tenance fund, which was threatened af
ter so many students left for military
service, has been averted by contribu
tions obtained during the recent emer
gency war fund campaign, while the
endowment fund has grown until now
approximately $700,000 is either on
hand or in sight. The endowment com
mittee reported that the university had
received from the A. E. Eaton estate
property which will net from $85,000 to
$100,000, and that at least $30,000 will
be realized from property received from
E. E. Upmcyer estate.
Carl Gregg Doney was re-elected pres
ident of the university, and all other
members of the faculty, except four,
who have resigned to fake positions else
where, were re-elected. The salaries of
all. regular . professors, were increased
$100 a year. Those who submitted res-'
ignations were: J. O. Hall, professor of
the department of social science, who
has qualified as a statistician expert
with the ordnance department at Wash
ington, D. C; Dr. Frank Wilbur Chace
and Mrs. Chace musical instructors, and
K. L. Mathews, athletic instructor. Fill
ing of the places vacated was left to
President Doney and the executive com
mittee. The decision was made to carry out
the government's plan for uiilitarj
training. Application will be made to
the government for a military instruct-'
or, who will be furnished when 100
students are signed up to take work.
As another war measure, it was decid
ed to allow, beginning with next school
year, students to complete the regular
four-year course in three years by at
tending summer school, which will b
nrnviiled for this purpose, and increas
ing the work during the regular school
year. Three new members were elected
on the board of trustees. They are; J.
O. Goltra, Salem; Virgil Peringer, Bel
lingham, Wash, and Judge H. L. Ben
son, Salem.
Opening of Bridge
Will BeNotahle Event
Tha opening of the new Marion
Polk county bridge about the middle
oJ July will be the greatest public
celebration of the year, according to
Frank Wrightman, chairman of the ex
ecutive bridge committee of Willam
ette chapter, American Red Cross.
The committee has the assurance of
fcoth, counties as well as the bridge con
tractors that for the one day the
atructure will be turned over to the
Bed Cross. Henry W. Meyers of the
Meyers department, store nas offered
$100 for the privilege of driving the
first automobile across the bridge, but
this is considered as just tie first bid
and that the figure will be considerab
ly higher before this privilege is award
d. , ,
The executive committee on the ded
ication of the bridge will meet Satur
day of this week at the Commercial
club and with the committee the chair
men of each of the special committees.
Hectric Storm Is ,
Followed by Downpour
San Francisco, June 12. Severe
thunder storms visited various sections
"$1.00 'Values' COLLARS Values to $3.00
Now 68c 2 for 25c Now 35c
am r HI Ml) W
Youngsters Who Won
, Prizes at State Fair
Will Go To Coryallis
The boys and girls who through their
exhibits at the last state fair earning
the prize of attending the summer
school at Corvallis for two weeks with
all expenses paid, will leave for Cor
vallis next Monday morning.
The six fortunate, ones are: William
Blake who won on. his record as a
grower of corn. Alice Jaquet of Silver
ton, routo 3, near Victor Point won on
her record for keeping a dairy her4V
THeima Bootteger living east or oa
lem in the Auburn district won on her
record as a fcaker, of bread. Madison
Nichols of the Bethel school district,
east of Salem, won the prize .with a
pure . ibred pig. Frank Egglr of the
Fruitland school district won on his
record of raising one pig. Margarette
Bahnsen of the Bethel district won in
the sewing contest.
The eame prizes, paid for by the
Portland merchants, will be awarded
at the coming state fair, in which 20
different trips are given as prizes. It
is estimated that fully 1500 boys and
girls wilt compete this fall at the state
fair for the 100 prizes.
of northern California today and were
followed in places by drenching rain.
Serious damage was done at Santa
Rosa, where the home of Mrs. Eliza
beth Karns was destroyed by fire
which started when lighting struck a
tree in tho yard.
Lightning played an incessant tattoo
on the mountains of Trinity county
early today and the storm later swept
lover Bedding and the northern part
of the Sacramento valley. Never be
ifore had such a severe thunderstorm
'been known in that section in mid
Uuno. It followed four days of tho
imost intense heat known at this time
of the year.
I District Forecaster Beals said this
'afternoon that the thunderstorms were
I purely local an character and were
; not likely to result in a great amount
of xain or in jnucn runner oisturoance
(Continued from page one)
an Austrian destroyer and returned
safely to their bases.
Russia. Soviet officials in . charge
of the pending trial of the former czar
declare, according to a Petrograd dis
patch, that he made a secret agreement
with the kaiser against Great Britain
and France. .
(Continued from page one)
come extinct. But before anything def
inite can be done, the bolsheviki must
go, according to the opinion of most
Bussian observers. The moment the bol
shevik go, a reunion of Ukraine and
ia Aertnin. ft united front will
be formed and the Brest-Litovsk treaty
will be abrogated.
I i. mi
(Continued from page one)
quantity of ammunition.
Tho desire for taking prisoners was
loaunod lata vesterdjiv when a srrouu
I of Germans came out of their shelters
with hands np. Some new marine re-let-nits
advanced ta take them, where
upon hidden Germans cut loose with
'hand grenades. The would-be surren-
Corner Court and
ComT Street, Salem
iderers are now non-comibatatnts but
not prisoners. Fortunately the hand
grenades had little effect on the ma
rines. The importance of the American
brigade's work, together with that of
tho Ninth and 23d TJmted States in
fantries is shown in tie fact that the
earlier German communiques announc
ed tho Germans held the important
railway running northwestward from
Chateau-Thierry, which the loss of Bel
leau wood had Tendered untenable.
The fighting in this sector suits the
marines exactly. It is like Indian fight
ing, except that Indians don't have
such guns. Bolleau wood is filled with
rocky mounds and natural shelters.
The job of ousting tho Germans was
most difficult. Each miound sheltered
several machine guns. It involved
some sacrifice of life.
The real importance of the exploit
is due to the fact that any attempt of
the Germans to advance will require
re-taking tho wood, which apparently
is impossible since the elaborate con
solidations effected by the Americans.
Seven Thousand Doctors
Meet In Chicago
Chicago, June 12. Seven thousand
physicians and surgeons attending the
annual convention - of the American
Medical Association got down to hard
work today. The day was given over
to section meetings. Many of them
dealt with war problems. The opening
meeting was enthusiastically patriotic,
In his inaugural address, President
Arthur Bcvane urged the doctors to
throw themselves into a movement to
obtain immediate and permanent na
tional prohibition. " When liquor is
done away with," Ur. evane declared,
''it can no more be resurrected after
the war than could slavery."
Bevane said the American army is
the "cleanest and healthiest ever
Chicag, June 12. The appeal of
Count James Minotto, son-in-law of
Louis F. Swift, Chicago packer, was
withdrawn in the federal court of ap
peals here today. This action formally
ends thA young Italian noule's opposi
tion tn internment under a presidential
warrant. Minotto, now at iort Ogle
thorpe, Ga., was represented by attor
neys. -
Phoenix, Ariz., June 12. Holding
that the state corporation commission
has not yet authorized new intra state
rates, the commission today rejected
and prohibited the use of new passen
ger rate tariffs filed by the railroads
under the increases granted by Director
General McAdoo, so far as they apply
to intra-state -rates. The commission
holds failure to first obtain approval
from the statn board makes the new
rates a violation of the Arizona state
law, . .
Mrs. Vanderhilt Was
Married This Afternoon
Lenox. Mass.. June 32. Mr. Mar
garet Emerson Vanderbilt, widow of
the late Alfred G. anderbilt, a Lusi-
tnia viotim. w,i 4a VtA married thin
afternoon to Baymond Thomas Baker,
director or tne mint. ,
The ceremony was Scheduled for 4:45
. Only fifty guests . were invited io
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Fire Losses Exclusive -
of Those In Portland
Reported For Month
Fire losses for the month of May ex
cluding Portland as shown by report
of Commissioner Harvey Wells show
a total toes estimated at 231,600, the
insurance carried on the above is not
over fifty per cent. - .
The flassee of Buildings destroyed
include 32 dwellings and contents, 24
mercantile buildings and stocks, - 7
barns, 4 saw mills, 1 school, total 69.
fires originating from the following
causes: 2 overheated stoves, 3 from
the explosion of gasoline, 6 from the
explosion of lamps, o from electrical
irons and defective wiring, 8 from ex
posures, 21 from defective flues, 23 in
cendiary and cause unknown.
One remarkable incident is tn Durn
insr of 18 farm houses and 7 barns.
These fires originated mostly from de
fective flues and the explosion of
lamps and lanterns.
Floyd Hamel Selected
For Officer's Reserve School
TKnrii t.a0 hpATi wnivpil fmm Tl. IT.
Hamcl, a fruit grower of the Liberty
district, tnat nis son rioyo nas jusi
rAPAivpd An fLnnointment. tn the naval
reserve officers' school, which is to be
conducted an conjunction' wita tno u
ft nnval mlninGr OAmn At. AhA Univer
sity of Washington, Seattle. Successful
eawdidates from tnis scnooi win do
granted a commission in the navy as
Plnv TTnmel wTYl he remembered bv
limany of the younger peoplo of tho city
Holmwood, the brido's country place,
for tho wedding. Threatening weather
caused a change of arrangements and
the ceremony will be conducted in the
old colonial reception room of the
Mrs. Beginald C. Vandorvilt of Now
York was matron of honor, and Senator
Pittmarin of Nevada, best man. Ne
vada is Baker's home stato. Bev. Ben
son S. Wvman, of tho Lenox Congre
national church, is to officiate, the
honeymoon will be in California.
Captain Isaao Emerson of Baltimore
was to give the bride away, while
Mrs. Vanderbilt's sons, Alfred Q,, five,
and Goorgo, aged four, wero to lead
the wedding marcn.
' i
a c Cic J i
0-THE- rv
f I
J)"H IT H I N 9
It being our intention to invite ev
ery member of the u United States Na
tional Bank's Boys' and Girls' Pig
Club " to. become our guests at the af
ternoon performance of the Sells- Floto
menagerie and circus to be given, in
this city on the 13th day of this pres
ent month, this notice may be consider
ed as ar invitation to those (if any)
who possibly may not have received
our written personal invitation.
rLmdly notify us at once of yonr ac
ceptance and report at the bank, in
person at one o 'clock sharp on said afternoon-
. .
Vnited States National Bank,
He graduated from Salem high school
with the 1912 class, later attending
.Capitol Business college, and then en
tered the University of Washington
in 1914 from which institution, he grad
uates this spring. "''-
(Continued from page- one)
Ohio, was severely wounded.
Lieutenants Albert E. Billing, Brook
lyn; George E. Butler, Arkansas City,
Kansas, and Wayne W. Schmidt, Mar
tinsville, Ind., wcrB wounded severely,
Tha remainder of the list follows:
Killed in action:
Corporals B. A. Gill, McLoud, Okla
homa. John O. Jenkins, Bockport, Ind.
Privates Cyrus P. Adcox, Yeyctte-
ville, N. C.
Albert L. Cox, Weiser, Idaho.
David H. Dobbs, Mathison, Mass,
Thomas Dryden, Flemingsbury, Ky.
Daniel Harder, Almyra, Ark.
Paul Hume, London, Ohio.
William B. Loftis, Alameda, Cal.
Anthony Snyder, 137th company, ma
rine corps (no address).
Leslie Venters, Shelmcrdine, N. C.
Wilford Wethington, Liberty, Ky.
Died of wounds:
Cook Stefan Stankiewich, Bnsia. '
Privates Georg0 William Dell, Mal
vern, Fa.
Harry G. Kingston, Hermon, N. Y,
John F. Lindsay, Boston.
Justin C. Lyell, Nashville, Tenn.
Sandusky Lynch, Lebanon, Ky.
Peter W. McGraw, Boslyndale, Mass.
John B. McDcrmit, Collins, Miss,
Clarence R. Phillippi, Larue, Ohio,
Died of disease :
Privates Tony Baugljton, Bayvillc, La
Mamel W. Clayton, Canon, Texas.
Bay H. Craun, Ames, Iowa.
William E. Dowliug, Counselville, Pa.
Charles A. Anglo, Astoria, N. Y,
Samuol E. Fulgrod, Williamsport, Pa,
. Gordon Hayes, Nichols, S. C.
Stanley Luczynski, Chicago,
Wililam McQuire, Mountain Home,
George C. Mondzoski, New Britain,
Curl F. Olson, Cambridge, Minn,
Edwin H. Olson, box 96, Springfield
George W. Scallhn, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Emmett Begrays, Hampton, Ga,
Eddie C. Smith, Florala, Ala.
John J3. Smith, Grand Baplds, MJe!,
William M. Sullivan, Passaic, N. J.
Died of acidonts and other causes)
Sergeants Harry Golden; Now York,
Baymond L. Slifarnian, Berkeley, Cal
Privates Nils Oscar Anderson, Brook
lyn, N. Y.
Thomas Biggins, Buffalo, N. Y.
Domenic.o Caputo, Brooklyn, N. Yi
Joseph Grome, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Charles B. Uildcbrand, Minneapolis,
John Morone, Boslyn, N. Y.
Pasquale Pnpa, Milbrook, N. Y.
Benjamin Purificato, Brooklyn, N.Y,
Frank Richardson, Atlanta, Texas.
Frederick F. Boiler, Jr., Cincinnati.
Charles B, Eowan, Cohoes, N. Y.
Frederick G. Schwab, Brooklyn, N,
Joseph Stenseth, TJunda, S. D,
Emil Tuckerman, New York.
Herman Westphal, Detroit, Mich.
Wounded severely:
Sergeants Levi P. Brimmer, Beading
Center, N. Y.
Fred W. Corzine, Concord, N. C
Joseph B. Jenkins, Kitts Hill, Ohio,
Albert F. Martin, Oskaloosn, Iowa.
Edison Miller, Delaware, Ohio.
Leo. II. Ozuarjtys, Saginaw, Mich.
Edward Svatba, New York,
Corporals Arthur P. Dunn, Havana,
Floyd W. Gilliland, Chicago.
Theodore Nesta, Washington, D.
Nathan C. Sprinkle, Velasco, Tevas,
Mechanic Ellis York, Detroit, Mich
Privates John Appostols, Grecco,
Guilio Battani, Detroit, Mich.
Howard E. Brown, Cincinnati, O.
Fred II. Campbell, Crowell, Texas.
Sam A. Conlny, HiawaBseo, Go.
Lester Dossey, Nusltvillo, Ark.
Hardy B. Ellison, Belton, Texas,
Charles W. Foley, Chicago.
Thomas J. Foley, Lynn, Mass.
Jessie Green, Delhi, La,
Walter A. Haas, Kaukauna, Wis.
William E Hanshaw, Sharpies, W,
Va. '
Fluyd L. Hawkins, South Kaukauna,
Edwin C. Head, Ncedmore, Ca.
Jack B. Hughes, Goodcll, Iowa.
Gentry Hunnicutt, Greenville, 8.
Arthur H. Johnson, Lakeland, i'la,
Bagnar A. Johnson, Bichfluld, N.
Hennet E. Karr, Sheldon, 111.
Samuel Keins, Dogden, N. D.
Wlashrlaw Kcmpinski, Detroit, Mich,
Henry W. Kenedy, Waycross. Ga.
Karcl Krapelka, Benwood, W, Va.
Albert J. Larose, Northampton, Mass
Clifford Lfflford, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Harry B. Lundy, Leavenworth, Kan,
Charles L. McClure, New England, W,
Angelo Monctinl, San Francisco.
Oliver X. Nelson, Milwaukoa, Wis.
Paul H. Nichols. Floyd, Texas.
Cornelius J. Bappelica, Bonssclaer,
N. Y.
Charlie E. Bobcrfs. Burk. 8. D.
Levern Orville Kongstad, Menominee,
William Sills, Hoopeston, 111.
Bussell E. Simms, Chillicothe, O,
John Smith, Pottstown, Pa.
- Ealph A. Smoot, Pleasantvillc, Ohio.
Ealph Taylor, Cleveland, Ohio.
John K. Thatcher, Covington, Ky.
Maurice W, Watson, Grecnsburg, La.
Nat P. White, Holly, Ky.
Catarrh of Stomach
Did Not Know It
Mrs. Serena Tanner. Athens. Ohio,
writes: "I cannot find words to ex
press my thanks for your kind advice.-
I sever once thought I had ca
tarrh, of tho stomach. I Commenced
taking Pemna, as you directed. My
Stomach continued to hurt me for
boat two weeks after I began the
medicine, and then it stopped. I now
cava a good appetite, valla before
1 was nearly starred.''
Those who object to liquid medi
cines can procure Pemna Tablets, 4
Germans Capture and ' 1
Loot Two Slips, One
of Them Copper laden
New York, June 12. CaptuTed by
a German submarine off the Virginia
coast, the steamer vindeggen of the
American Smelting company was loot
ed of its cargo last Saturday and sunk
on Monday, according to survivors ar
riving here today. . .
The steamship Hendrick Lund was
also destroyed by the U-boat on Mon
day, it was declared.
Sixty-eight survivors from both ves
sels, including a woman and a child,
arrived at New York today. They be
lieved all hands had been saved.
The eaptain of the Vindeggen assert
ed that seventy tons of copper were
taken aboard the submarine. Port an
thorities thought this figure was high,
but it was pointed out that the mer
chant submarine Deutschland, if con
verted into a fighting U-boat, as has
been reported, could take aboard a
very heavy cargo.
While the looting was going on, the
steamer was kept in tow. It was
thought today this might explain the
story that a submarine with a ''mother
ship" had been seen off the" coast,
Most of tho time they lay 75 miles off
American shores.
On Monday morning at 10 o'clock
the Hendrik Lund, bound from Nor
folk, Va., to New York, was sighted
and hailed. Its eaptain was ordered
aboard the submarine with his papers.
Immediately afterward the Gorman
ommander orders both crews into their
lifeboats. Another steamer was sighted
just at that time and the Germans
shouted for the sailors to mnke haste.
Tho lifeboats were turned adrift, both
ships were destroyed with bombs and
the submarine departed in pursuit of
the newly discovered steamer. The
life boats were found and their occu
pants rescued by a New Yorji bound
steamship the same day.
German Spy Shipped
On Ship Say the Sailors
Portland, Or., Juno 12. The Ameri
can, munitions ship Florence H, which
wag destroyed by an explosion in a
French harbor with the loss of many
lives, was tho victim of a German spy,
according to letters received here to
Mrs. John W. Cudahy. mother of
Howard L. Cudahy, a seaman who died
in the explosion that destroyed the
Florence H, received two lettors from
seamen friends of her son on tho fihlp
Both lotters declared a German spy
shipped with them at an American port
and waited until he reached the Jt'rcucb
port ito do his destructive work in or-
Joseph Williams, "Washingtonvillo, Q
Frank J. Wines, Wabeno, Wis.
Wounded, degree undetermined:
Privates James H. Burns, Ottumwa,
Martin Djonne, Endcliffe, Iowa.
Thorwald Hunscn, Council Bluffs, la.
Hugh B. Hicok, Waterloo, Iowa,
Bay W. Hicok, Waterloo, Iowa,
Cassius C. Worm, Anita, Iowa.
Missing in action:
Private William C. Nelson, Wenatchce
Note: Prisoner, previously reported
Sergeant Frederick II. M. Miller, New
Haven, Conn.
Marine Casualties.
Washington, Juno 12. The marine
corps casualty list issued today shows
eleven killed In action, two died of
wounds, and four wounded severely, as
Killed in action:
First Sergeant Frank L. Glick, Ogdcn
Sergeant Ollie H. Johanningmler, St,
Louis, Mo.
Corporal Louis W, Johnson, Mongrove
Privates Warren F. Hoylo, Shelby, N.
Harold A. Brook, Colgate, Wis.
George D. Murphy, Spartanburg, S. C.
Alexander Halpain, Dallas, Texas.
Fred E. Lomax, Hohcnwald, Tenn.
Ernest J. Osborne, Bloomington, Ind.
Harry K. Couchrnn, Martins Ferry
David A. Taggart, Chicago.
Died of wounds:
Captain John Blanchfiold, Brooklyn.
N. Y. .
Private Edward E. Buchloin, Union
Hill, N. J.
Wounded severely:
Corporal WUlttrd C. Nolligan, Chicago
Privates Emrl A. Zeck, Toledo, Ohio.
John C. Atchison, Oakdalo, 111.
Godfred Anderson, Proctor, Minn,
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
....... Goods.
Full Market Prices Special .
Prices paid for Backs.
Get our prices before you sell.,
271 . Com'l St. . Phone 734
Made Me Well
dor than his own chances for esearj
would be good.
ihe letters stated the spy did not.
destroy the ship through motive of
patriotism, towards Germany but for
greedy gold."
There were seventy seven persons oa
the Florence H when it was destroyed
and two thirds of these are said to
have been killed.
Washington, Jun 12. Official report
of the sinking of the Cunard liner Ai
soma, used as a British transport, was
received by the navy department to
day. No American lives were involved,
so far as the department knows. The
steamer was torpedoed while westward
11 , ; nttft
J7ave a complexion
is always pmentaoie-
I now possible for every
' woman tlirouun use ot
Phantom Powder
Immediately gives skin appear-
ance of beauty then really
beautifies It. Unrivaled bemy builder
for face, neck and hands. Doesn't rub
or wash off. Splendidforevening make
up. Your muiur will prove ita merit.
125 N. High St.
IN '
Based on the Life of
care of
Chinese Medicine and! Tea Ot.
Has medicine which will cure T
any iduwu uiseagp.
Open Sundays from 10 a, m.
until 8 p. m. , .
153 South High St. '
I Salem, Oregon. Phono 283 X
jc )c )c sfti )( jf sjc )K 3C 3C Qt 3
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for -
Used Furniture
Phone 941 or 508
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you selL
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 393 '
j.rwf hut
1 j