TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12. 1918. I BLUE H X THIS JiS THE WEEK W. "W. MOOEB FURX, CO. K' L. stiff son lAnd now is the time to learn bow to cook in comfort all the rear round. It ia New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Week. An oil cook stove assures that your kitchen will stay cool even in the hottest sum' rner weather, because the heat of the atove is concentrated on the cooking. There is no smoke or odor; no dust or dirt And you have all the convenience of gas. Lights at the touch of match and heats in a jiffy. More convenient than coal or wood. Better and more economical cooking all the year round. Look for the Big Blue Discs in your dealer's window. Go in and ask about oil cook atove comfort and convenience. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE B. H. CAMPBELL, SPECIAL AGENt, STANDARD OIL CO., SALEM : T THESE STOVES FOB SALE BY. G. S. HAMILTON ) a. . ' SOCIETY : By CAROL 8. DEBEU2 KAY L. FARMER HDVTE CO, MAX 0. BCKEN Tt graduating exercises of Sacred Heart academy will be held this rear in xno naiem luga school auditorium, tomorrow taeniae. June- the thirteenth t eight fifteen, when five, girls' will graduate from ike nod era language (course. They are Miss Wilhelmina iwerfler, Frances Doerfler, Miss viara lAxmier, Mum Anna,. Bendorf ner and Miss Eleanor HnekeeferB. The exercises are open for the put lie and everyone ia most eordiaily invited to come. A splendid program of music, singing and speaking has been plan ned for the. evening. Beside receiving high school diploma four of the giris wiu do given teacher's certificates. in honor of the graduating class a party was given recently by the high school girkj. A program of unusual merit was contributed, among the Bom bers being the class history and class prophecy for the. seniors. Games were later enjoyed on the spacious lawn af ter which refreshments -were served. Dancing was later enjoyed by ell pres ent. . . The members of the Illahee Country club will be hosts to an aggregation of Eugene golf players on Sunday at the Illahee links. Extensive entertainment has ibeen planned for the visiting- play ers, including a luncheon which will be served at noon by the ladies of the club to the Eugene contingent and the members of the- local club. The lunch eon will also be open to the new mem bers of the Country elub, who signed up in the recent membership drive. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Piper arriv ed in 8alm today to be the guests of MiM Mary Chadwick, 402 North Capitol street. Mr.Piper, who is manag ing editor or the i'ortland Oregonian, delivered the Willamette University commencement address this morning at tne first Methodist enurcn. Mr. Fiper is a graduate of Willamette University and a former Balein resident. The many Salem friends of the Pipers will !be interested to hear that their daugh ter, Miss Constance Piper, a. gifted mu sician 13 studying in .New York City and their son, Edgar Piper, Jr., is in survieu iu xr&uce. PUBLIC SPIRITED (Continued from page one) i FRENCH FORCES (Continued from pags one) Wiay also took Bolloy and Ceolis wn.od and reached the southern edge of St. Jluur. Adjoining this advance on the righM e French, centor drove 1ak the tier' nuans who had penetrated south of An theuil and Logo farm. Ou the right tho bodies gained' a foothold in lietlmnconrt and Mache mont, two aad four miLes southwest of Kobaoourt, respectively, necessitating" withdrawal from the hitter village. They also crossed the Ooise at this point, apparently compelling the French to evacuate the salient, which "BLUE BONNETS" Jl Ntie Fahric with Mi Fcaturu. M Blue BoamV' mrt tha nrndi of tli wofrtaa wrte wants a beautiful, durable fafxie thai wn without wiinklinf, reprk durt and launder perfectly. Admirably adapted (off tailor-iruade dman. rpotl roab and akirti, children garments. peRk-nata, tic Alaodrap tim, furnduM covoiugi etc Guaranteed dye faat and duaw Wide witty oi qusuta patttroa. K ysur dutcr domt carry "Bin Bonneta md ua tfiii ad with nam of dealer aad wa will tend hint sample and notify liim of your request, LE9HER WHITMAN A CO. Inc., 81 Broadway, Naw York THE HOME OF BUSTER BROWN SHOES extended about seven miles northward to the vicinity of Semtpigny, two miles south, of Noyon. This would indicate that the French ha va given up practia ally all of Ourseejinps woods and that the new front and tho Marne front are linked up near Carlopont, seven miles directly cast or JWoeeourt. Tho French counter attack won them more than WOO prisoners and several camion. The Germans elairaed 10,000 additional prisoners, raising their al- legod total since May 27 to about 75, 000. Field Marshal Haig reported that the number of prisoners taken by the Australians in their advance south of Albert was !!98. THIS IS A STARTEB. STOP RUNNING RISKS WITH YOUR I . CHILD'S FEET You know a man or woman with bent bones or broken foot arches is handicapped for life. Yet these defects start from wear ing the wrong Shoes as boys and The Brown Shaping Lasts are scientifically designed to prevent all foot troubles from developing in growing feet. Buster Brown Shoes FOR BO YS-FOR GIRLS Are the only shoes made over the Brown Shaping Lasts the onU shoes that positively prevent corns, bunions, bent bones, broken arches, and other foot ailments in growing children. Yet Buster Brown Shoes cost no more than ordinary Shoes although they are made of the best grades of leather, and with government stand ard oak-tanned soles. Come in and see these famous Shoes. Washington, June 12. Poker chips aro the only non-essential thus far finally determined upon, according to Chairman Baruch of the war industries board today. On the question of playing cards, however, there is a division of opinion among the members. DELICATE GIRLS IN Business cr School who have thin or in. Sufficient blood or arebV pnysicauy iraii win nnd Everyone is talking Bargain Da v. Wherever people nseet it is the fore most topie of conversation. Even th little ehildrea are becoming imbued with the Bargain Day soirit and have invested a game which they plavfullv call "Bargain Day.",, Word is beginine to eome froni every part of th district to the effect that record breaking erowds Vill jour ney here on Salem's Second Annual Bargain Day, Saturday, June 15. They will eome by train, by autombile and by stage. Some of the stages report that reservations for transportation to Sa lem on Bargain Day are already being made. The people are undoubtedly fro nting oy iasi year-s experience and engaging pastaga earlyXast year some who had planned to come wera unable to get here because transportation fa eilites were overtaxed by the record breaking crowds. There ana more Bargain Dav stores on the list this year than there' were last and there will likewise be - more bargains and a greater variety of them. The following is a list of the busi ness houses that have already ioined the Bargain Day movement and have pledged their work to offer special in ducements to purchasers on Saturdav. June 15th. PRICE tatOE COMPANY Ladies' aad Men's Shoes. KAPOURY BROTHERS Ladies' Furnishings. " A. W. SCHBUNK Oroerie and Dry Goods. ROSTEIN & GBEENBAt'M Ladies' Furnishing Goods. BAY L. FARMER HARDWARE CO. Hardware, Cutlery, Silverware, etc.' P. W. WOOLWORTH CO. 5c, lOe nd 15e Goods. VIC KBROTHEBS Automobiles, Tractors, Auto Supplies etc VALLEY MOTOR CO. Automobiles and Tractors. . T. BARNES Men's and Ladies' Furnishings, etc. J. L. BUSICK & SON Groceries and Produce. SALEM HARDWARE CO. Hardware Cultlery and Silverware. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Men's Furnishing goods. W. W. MOORE Furniture and house furnishings. HAKTMAJNi lilWJTHKKS IXJ. .TawaIami anil itfttiaiAila ir . " r i t . I r mr. luiu m.,, vinm jrernnifer oirsrvRTf.R KNOWT.ANT) Bellincham, Washington, arrived in Km,ni Phono nuilis mid Music. ouuuu yesn?rujr and win ms me guests THE BOOTERY of Dr. and Mr a. L. hteeves for com- Men's and Ladies' Shoes. mencement. Miss Jtuth "ernnger, a j, & PETfNY CO. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. derringer, Men's and Ladies' Fnrnishires. Drv : .1 i j l ;.v .L. i ni ii ! a ' - rweiveu ner tupiuiua wiin me ja.ia i Croods etc. graduatang. class' at Willamette this BOTH GROCERY CO. ;. Miss ivy l'crnnger, another i t l WE SELL WAR SAVING STA SHIPLErS Broken Lines Sale CONTNUES WITH UNABATED INTEREST THIS IS THE TIME TO SAVE ON PRESENT AND FUTURE NEEDS IN WOMEN'S AND MISSES' READY TO WEAR AND READY TO USE MERCHANDISE. ; " ii U. G. Shipley Company! WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMHtHfffff? morning. daughter, has just completed her fresh man year at Willamette. Mr. Perrin- ger is a prominent attorney at Belling ham. Fancy and Staple Groceries. THE FRENCH SHOP Millinery and Millinery Supplies. IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO. Furniture, Stoves, House Furnish' ings, eflc. E. L. STIFF & SON Furniture, Pianos, Talking Machines O. 8. HAMILTON Furniture, House Furnishings, Stoves And KilTtCTAAi Mis Mabel Garrett, who. has been rttr.rwh pttrnttttr.'R RTOT?T! filling the place of Arpheus Gillette, FurnKure. Carpets, etc. Mrs. Stella Willinnison of Leona, Oregon, accompanied by her son, Hor ace Williamson, are the guests of Mrs. itleorge 11. Alden for a few days. as instructor in the LaFayette school the past six weeks, the hitter having left to joiu the ordnawe department at Fort Hancock, Ueorgaa, has return,- cd to oalem for the ommenaement ei' ercisoa at Willanietrte university. Miss Garrett is a member of this year's grad noting class. O. J. SCHEI Men's Furnishings. P. E. FULLERTON Millinery and Ladies' Shoes, GEO. C. WILL The Pioneer Music House of Salem- G. W. JOHNSON CO. Men's Clothing, Hats. Shoes, ete. - A. J. PARIS Shoes, Shoe Supplies. Shoe' repairing. ITS ffiHSMO a rich blood-food and strengthen ing tonic It is so helpful for delicate girls it should be a part of their regular diet. Scott Si Bowne, Bkwmfidd, N. J. 17-JJ The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shank, 10X3 Shipping street, was thlQALE & CO, scene or a pretty home wciuing, oun- QeMTtl Merchandise. (toy, wnen wear uaugnter, miss uoto- HAUSER BROTHERS thy h. hhaiiK, tiocame uio bnde or gporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition. ii uiiaiu vr amkuu vj, . niunuj ,x ai -vw- i emony was performed toy Rev, Georgolrptrw opi Young of the mpntt. enurcn of ah eddies, Ice Cream, Liglit Lunches. having taught the Albnny junior eaSaies, Ice Cream. Light Luncies. u.,(ii n uuui uuriiig 111c wur I THE SCOTCH WOOLKN AULLa me bndo was attired in b?t travel- M.da to MeosuTs Suits and Over- mg costume, a smart loiue lameur. i coa(g Irouowing the ceremony at zuW, qAMI1Sf'V fiTOEOH simple refreshments "r "vel to ninti. tw Goo1. Kltchenware. buu jiiuucuiulh n-iit nr wuu nv I WATT RHlPP 15(1 ent at the wedding. A charming pink gport;,,- Goods. Tires, etc. tne decorations. Tj,i;' TWiuiliinira Additional eienificance was attach- Irt.kih tttratkr ed to the occasion bv reason of its also vi". uri'btv THRATTIB Deing tne sixty third Dirtntiay tnm- OREGON THEATER versary or we Drme a tamer. WM. GAHLSDORF irter a two week's wedding trip, tk. ur nf Tlimwnirn -ur. ana iurs. rtaeon win tie at nome to BREWER DRUG CO. tneir inernis i Aineny, -where tne I ir,.n. Rtotlnnprv a. t,wt,.. : : - . . ... v. i - I ' " " wiiuiivvu is ib ino nuiuiiivuiir uuot IflXTS AlARixET I lie suestg were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. mii.Tti nTV.BAT.r.M T.mrR'R'R C.n. Lorvin and small son, Mr. and Mrs. I T.,,mW RiiMer Hardware. Paints w i "" if It ' -mP jmm. ., r inn i i f' , J J. C Perry Helps the merchant Marine flur. uierry. the H'ommereial atmet drugBist, has a personal interest in a steroopticon slide which is being shown on tho si-reen of tho Oregon theater this wee. The lettering on the slido is as follows: MAN THE SHIPS TT1B MERCHANT MARINE Needs Men from 21 to 30 As Bailors, Firemen end Cooks Good Jobs -at Good Pav MILITARY EXEMPTION Apply to Official Enrolling Station Of I'nited States Shipping Board At Any Rexall Store Mr. Perry i a snecial enrnllinir aifiMit here of the U. S. Shipping ; Hoard, ud is signing up ytung men to enter the trailing service of the , Merchant Marine as sailers, firemen, eoal pa.wers, cooks aud nuNwuien. I The young men are given a speeial comae of inxtrui'tiou ou training ships maintained by the V. S. Shipping Board, before bviug placed in the crewa of the big new nierchaat vesVls now bing rounuimioned bv the Ship ping Board to take" supplies to Europe. J. V. Shank of Albany.' Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bristol and Miss Lela Rich es of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shank and daughters, Beth, Ellen and Hi I lie, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fox of Sa lem. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. D. the week end in Salem as the guests of Mrs. Sophia Neerod. Sunday the visitors, their hostess and Miss Caro line Neerod motored to Spoug a Land iAg for the day. Oils. Everything in Building Material INTERNATIONAL RUBBER SALES 00. Gates HaHsole Tires, Vulcanizing, etc. NEEDLE CRAFT SHOP tfmhmidaw NexdlAwnrk. t.fl. Ti : T. . t " y ." viaiu m r,uScuo sIJiM AtTOMOBILE CO. Great Thunder Storm In Sacramento Valley (Chevrolot ageacy) Tires and Bump ers. HEAVY CROP LOSS IN IOWA Keokuk. Iowa, June 12. Five thous and acres of land on the Des Moines river between Keokuk and Ottumwa are under water. The land is in corn and tomatoes and the crops are a total Bedding, Cal., June 12. A h('vyn, u rcnorted. Tha tnwn of Ale thunder storm this morninjr struck the .ndria. Mo., five miles below here. noniiern part of the Sacramento Vnl- threatened for time by flood waters ley, ureamng a tour day spell of tne of thn Miswiiiioi will tirobablv be sav greatest heat ever known in this sec- d bv tha Eevntian levee from inun- tion in June. dation. The lies Moines is the highest or two tours thunder kept np aa in vears at this point. The crest of the- incrsani inn inroujr&ont n valley, rise will toe reached weonesuay. l nis was followed by a drenching down pour of rain which struck Trniity county first aud thtn passed down the valley. No such storm has ever before been witnessed here in mid-June. GET YOUR MOUTHS SET FOR CIRCUS PEANUTS TOMORROW The elephants, the tm Aallooi.. fh fm,'n5?r u .-i - i i . t ': 'wumiuui, iu nuuuujivcu, ur course. uaniis, tne iresn roasted peanuts, the , there will bo the cages of wild beasts alliopes, the clowns, the roaring beasts in which will sit petite women S mnir anti anaitnitu m ,t. n I - r "1"' "o iautco, iuv en rf I ausi scens ana the great stretches of tents, the glittering wagons, the long Iinea of pom-pomed horses, the bic. Gale & Co. Start SccietliiM ; For Bargain Day in keeping with the sj)irit of the event. Bargain Bay. among other things we are putting on sale 2000 vnrds 3d im-h silk l'.ir,lln ) I .nt-jf in-u py and are given at l per yard. La. lies Hats at half .exemption from military service by jspei-ist regulation, price and numerous other items. 1 GALE ft CO. INSTANT Is made instant ly just riht just less Suijar, and- h DELICIOUS L sticky popcorn balls and the "blood sweating behemoth "all these and many other sights and sounds will be here tomorrow, for, with the morning comes jseus-r'ioto Ureus. Daybght should disclose the "senad ron" the firat swift train that brings tne cook nouse" ana the heavy stake pole and canvas wagons streaming in to the city. In no time at all the smoke irom the ranges will float above the circus "lot" for the Sells-Floto fami ly of over six hundred must have its meals regularly. By the time the last section is in, bringing with it the quiet sleepers from which the performers will emerge and follow the lone lines of baggaee wagons, tableau wasons and cages te the gronnits, the circus dining room wtill be ready, tables set with inviting neatnem and clean clad waiters bringing in appetising food. Meanwhile, the acres of tents will have been raising and not long after break fast the big top, with its seating ca pacity of over 10,000 people, will loom against the morning sky. At 11 a. m. the great street parade with its bands and calliopes, a paiade that the Circus men say has more of novelty and interest in each section than has been contained in the entire pageant of the big show before, will start on its glittering way thru down-. town thorotares. A mounted corps of pretty girl buglers win attract the eye and stir the blood with martial fanfares, while tableau wagons and allegorical cars will be further distin guished by their loads of personable ers, and tho clowns, the cavaliers and ladies, the huge hippo and the herds of elephants and camels. And thruont the long jwgeant, say the announce ments, will be patriotic novelties ga lore. A The performances will be given at 2:13 and 8:15 p. m. The big show will alternate thrills with laughter this year, and big French, English, Japanese, Chinese, Arabian and southern European troupes will vie with American artists cf air, ringa and stake in electrifying tho audiences with daring feats and amusing them with comedy feats no less daring but bound to win laughter. The performances open with the spectacular extravaganza, "The Birth of the Rainbow," in which 600 people and 400 animals tak part. In it walks Sunrine, reeently purchased' as the most beautiful horse ia the world. AMERICANS GIVEN CROSS. With the American Armies in France. June 12. Ninety two members of Am erican organizations on the Toul front received the Croix de Guerre from a French corps commander late yesterdsv for bravery in action during recent encounters. CASTO R IA For Infants and Children. In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature it fromvour dealer or from us. Outfit cjUt ml Razar with wluts Awn. tmmhmrr iuadW tmhty ty . . "TKf-vl WpXi- n..., k UM tg DOS Tvery reader of this- "l r"CR (HRIMsTXC UF1 (WTIfll ADVf BTHViarM UUKPftW nUPLEX RAZOR CO. JepSEYQty. lJDOj