iiiiiiiiiii'iii... l7 age of The Capital Journal CHAELE3 H. FISHES Editor and Pub Ha -or TUESDAY EVEXXNQ June 11, "1913 ;iilillliliiilil;Mii;hi!;l!:Mr I TfTfT irninpw rnTTTTTT ii.iiiiji'ii.f,,i,f,i;i!teKiik hill: Editorial P PUBLISHED EVEBT EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAT, 8ALEM, OREGON, BX Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. sY B. BARNES. I'mtdent CHAS. H. FISHER, . Vic ITwIdent DORA C. ANDRESEN, Sec. and Tteu. BOLSHEVIKI RULE ABOUT ENDED Dally by carrier, per year bally by null. pr yetr .. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $5.00 Per Month 45c 3.00 Per Month Sue FULL LEASED WUtK TELEGRAPH REPORT E1STEU.N RKPKESENTATIVES D. Ward, New York, Tribune BulUllnn. Chicago, W. H. Stockwell, People's Oas Building Tb Capital Journal carrier boya are Inatructed to put the papera on the porch. If the carrier duea not do this, misses you, or nealecta aettlna the paper to yon on time. felndly pboue the circulation manager, as this la the only way we can determine whether or aot me carriers are luuowing; instructions i uune sjuir oi veiurv i :au oi-iucs auu a paper will be aent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL la the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by tha Audit Bureau of. Circulations. TELLS ABOUT OREGON MINES The Northwest Mines Handbook published .by Sidney Norman, of Spokane, Washington, is a valuable reference work of the mining industry of Idaho, Washington, Brit ish Columbia, Oregon and western Montana, it gives the name, location, stage of development, amount of produc tion and in fact a condensed history of practically every mine in those states. Besides it contais much valuable information on mining conditions generally in the states mentioned. For instance it makes the statement that most Orcgonians would at first blush be disposed to doubt, but which is true just the same, and that is that "Oregon is well equipped with coal, there being numerous fields located in various parts of the state, the most im portant of which is the Coos Bay field." Of this field he says it has been operated continuously during the past 35 years and has produced two and one-fourth million tons of coal. The greatest production in any one year was in 1904 when it amounted to 111,540 tons. The production has been kept down by the cheap fuel oils of California, but the fields will in time be looked to for their vast stores of fuel. While most Oregonians know of the Coos Bay coal fields, few of them know that down in southern Coos county two big veins have been uncovered one seven and the other ten feet thick, and both of good quality. Fewer still know that coal fields have been prospected with more or less success in Columbia county along the Upper Nehalem, and along the lower Nehalem in Clatsop and Tillamook counties. There is quite an extensive field in Lincoln county on the Yaquina while Curry county makes a good showing. There is another field but little prospected in Jackson county and a still bigger one known as the John Day field extending through parts of Wheel er, Gilliam, Morrow and Grant counties. The book will prove a substantial guide for those hav ing business with mining companies of the northwest, and besides is brim full of information as to value, of mineral products of the state, yearly production and all that kind of statistics. I It is not at all surprising that the bolsheviki govern ment in Russia has about reached the end of its power. The really astonishing thing about it is that it ever came into power or lasted as long as it has. It is the most astounding thing that a couple of nondescript scalawags like Lenine and Trotsky could manage to get at the head of any kind of a government, or obtain the confidence of any people. However the end of the farce, or what would be such if it had not so many of the elements of genuine tragedy, is at hand. What, or who will be the successors of the bolsheviki remains to be seen. The one element backed by German influence would restore a semblance of monarchy at least, while another representing the peasants and the masses would have a democratic form of government, a republic patterned after that of the United States. Apparently Russia is doomed to a long period of unrest, of civil war conditions, of revolution and counter revolution, until after the war at least and until the other powers take a hand and hem her untanrie the snarls of her political affairs. Should the German intriguers win, and get in power it will be worse even than the Lenine Trotsky regime, and will be an aid in extending the period ui me war. THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE to Increase Strength, And Nerve force Vigor Portland renters are complaininsr that house owners are steadily raising the rent on their homes and indulging m tnat species oi speculation Known as profiteering. A case is mentioned where a short time ago one man rented nis nome lor a month. By successive increases his rent is now $30 and he has been notified that it will be advanced to $40 which he must pay or move. If Portland expects to grow sne must not expect working men to pay as much for house rent as they get for wages during normal times. tttttH Rippling Rhymes by Walt Mason ! . Peace without annexations or indemnities is the kind of peace the militarists will not consider so long as it can be avoided. Germany and Austria now have a war debt of febout $50,000,000,000, or a sum equal to more than half the estimated value of all the property and resources of both Countries. Any peace that leaves this burden on their people will mean the overthrow of the present gov' ernments, Someone has remarked that "a government can survive war, but none has ever survived bankruptcy." Conditions, especially financial ones, are forcing the Prussian war lords to sacrifice every German in the em pire rather than make peace without indemnities. Such a peace means ineir destruction. 1 It is expected some of the fiercest fighting of the war will be done within the next month and it is likely to start at any time. The Prussian war lords are desperate and will stake all on this, the last attempt at reaching Paris they will have. With a million more Americans in France they know the game is up, and it is either win now or vpare for a defensive war that must eventually result Sn defeat of their armies and the downfall of kaiserism. for there can be no peace made until there is some sort of substantial. government to make it with. One that will Hot consider a peace treaty a "scrap of paper." The American shipping plan according to Chairman Hurley of the board will give the country a fleet of 25, 000,000 tons of merchant ships in 1920. This would be the greatest merchant marine body the world has ever known. The plan is to have lines to all the countries of the world connecting them by regular service with this country. When the war is over the United States will be sceond to none in the matter of merchant ships, for if the plan above mentioned should not be carried out in full, it will be only a question of a short time until the American fleet will be at least that large. LADD & BUSH, Bankers ALL THE THIRD LIBERTY BONDS ARE NOW HERE. THOSE INTERESTED TLEASE CALL AT THE BANK I KEEPING IN TRIM If we expect todo our bit, we must be sure we're feeling fit. The years , ahead look pretty fierce, so far as our weak eyes can pierce. We'll have to strain our every nerve, u we aspire to help ana serve, if we would aid our boys to shoot the homed Hun, the tiresome Teut. So it's unwise to say, "Oh, chee, there's no vacation billed for me! I'll have to work and break my neck, and spoil suspenders by the peck, that i may earn soma good long green, and queer a German submarine." Far better to torget the war, and all the, boons we're .- struggling lor, a week or two, when sum mer s here and breathe the mountain atmosphere, explor ing woods and crystal caves, or loafing by the sad sea waves. We will not win the war, I wot, if we're all jaded, tired and hot; we have to keep ourselves in shape, if we would hand the kaiser crape. I'm going fishing pretty soon, along when things warm up in June; and doubtless iolKs will say. "Gee whiz! A hnrri nnd mil his- While we stay here to earn the mon with which we I'ope to spoil tne nun. while w stnv Wo tn cwof nr,A cook, he goes a-fishmg in the brook !" But I'll come back all lull of pep, with spring and vigor in my step, and cut muic ytaas in ami a aay tnan they'll put up while I'm -P..(. lY III IVII t, .Will haxJN he would go when I left for Bar Har bor that there would, then, be noth ing to keep him. I did not repeat this to Airs. Sextoa, for various reasons. KayesyiHe Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Hayesville, Or., June 11. W. L. Mc Hotiing Like Plain Bitrc-Phosphata to Milton Las returned home after spend- rm on inn, jtLSUiny iiesn ana ; in several mouths visiting in tue mul- dlo w.ost and in Washington, D. C. and in Si-'hnectady, Aew lork. Hubert Beethler has been having the measles, but Is over them at present. Kev. Tibbits preached at the church here on Sunday morning. The annual school meeting will bo held at the school honse on Monday afternoon, June 17. The Misses Lottie McAfee and Mar tha IV'nny closed their schools at Mill City and returned home, Saturday, for the summer vacation. Clarence Greig has th measles. Mrs. Win. I'itts went to Oregon City SaUirday to visit her mother who is ill. Dr. and Mrs. D. X. Becchler w.ent to Portland Saturday to spent the week end. Miss Olive Knsche returned home Sat urday from Myrtle Point, where she taught school the past year. Miss Theodosia Tool has finished her school south of town and is at home for the suinmcr vacation. The Eed Cross auxiliary held their chicken pie dinner at this church hero on Friday evening. A very largo crowd wns present, which did ample justice to the splendid menu, prepared by the ladies. Dr. II. C. EpV-y was present and ga'e two songs, which was much appre ciated by the audience. lie also recited his "poem" which brought forth hearty applause. Walter Tooze, Sr., then gave a stirring patriotic address, commend ing tho Ked Cross for the noble work it ' Judging from the countless prepara tions and treatments which aro con tinually being advertised for the pur pose of making thin peoeple fleshy, de veloping arms, neck and bust, and re placing ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men and women who keenly feel their ex cessive thinness. Thinness and weakness are usually due to starved nervea. Our bodies need more phosphate than is contained ia modern foods. Physicians claim there is nothing that will supply this defi ciency so well as the organic phosphate Known among druggists as bitro-phos-phatc, which is inexpensive and is sold by most all druggists under a guaran tee of satisfaction or money back. By feeding the nervo9 diren'tly and by supplying the body eclls with the nce esary phosphoric food elements, bitro phosphate quickly produces a welcome transformation in the appearance; the increase in weight irequcntly bein? astonishing. This increase in weight also carries witn it a general improvement in the health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and laiok of energy which nearly always accompany excessive thinness, soon disappear, dull eyes become bricht. and palo cheeka glow with the bloom of perfect health. UAUTIOxM Although, bitro-phos- phate is unsurpassed for relieving nervousness, sleeplessness and general weakness it should not, owine to its remarkable flesh-growing properties, be used by anyone who does not desire to put on ilosa. MRKENTATTVES (Continued from page seven.) Merton with his Intense love for music would have allowed me to keep on in aenniteiy, put Mrs. sexton came, so interrupting. For just a moment I was embarra aed, that she had found Morton Gray witn me. l recalled her warning that no was a " last-mating, a dangerous man," anil i almost wished I had not asked her to stay with me. Then I re membered her faith in me, and her knowledge of my love for George, and smiled at niy lack of trust in her good common sense. She greeted him pleasantly. mfl af fectionately. She had lexcused herself and unpacked the few things she had brought for her short stay with me. Merton remained to tea, and we enac ted and laughed happily together. Mrs. Sexton doing nothing to- interfere, in fact joining us. 'Mr. Gray loks very well," she said, when he had gone. 1 es, I think so, too. Ho is very tanned, and it is becoming. My picture has gone; he sent it yesterday." 'Does h.9 remain in Newport!" Only a few days." Ho had told mo year, will give the address. Two of the ten boys, David Oleraan and Elli Fisher have enlisted in the service though Ellia ia but 18. Clarence Walk! er, a member of the 1917 class also en listed recently, with these three the high school service flag will contain 18 stars. Mrs. H. C. Ostein was re-elected president of the Bed Cross here, and Prof. J. B. V. Butler chairman of fi. nance. A letter from Birchard Van Loan to his mother, dated May 6, from some wncre over tftere," tells, of the cli mate which he says is much lik that of the Willamette valley; early vege tables were just ready for the table, and vineyards eonumeneing to bud. He was writing by the light which earn in through a hole in the tiled roof of a barn in which he was billeted. The French people, he said, are a peaceful, homo loving people. Much rye and oth er grain is being raised in that part of the country. Birchard had been quits ill and under the doctors care for sev eral days, but at this writing wns well again and drilling every day. Carl Bowman, who has just finished his school at Tillamook, came in a few tlays ago and in company with Howard Morten and- David, Oleman went ta Portland, where they signed up for the special training the government offers for grammer school graduates. Tha three expect to enter in the land radio service. Mr. and Mrs. William Biddll. Jr.. autoed to Sulem Tuesday evening to attend tho splendid recoption given in tho armory in honor of the dele gates and visiting inenibers of the state grango. A most interesting pro urnm n-nn n-Ii.nn 1 i.1 . is engaged in. The net proceeds of tie If , T T evening were $83. Th next meeting huudrei1 8ests were served at the ban- tj UV I,. of the Eed Cross will be held at Mrs, Haliierts on next Thursday, Miss Daisy Wiseman who was at one time a resident of tins community be ing employed at tha home of L. J. Reynolds, was a visitor here rocently sho went from here to Manhattan, Kan sas, to attend the agricultural colleeo attended there two years and has been at Lorvalus attending school the past year. She expects to spend the summer at Grants Pass, Oregon. John Denny of Salem, was a visitor in Haysville recently. Ha is soon to en ter the service ofUiiclo Sam, Mr. and Mrs. Lingring now occupy their new house on the Grncnfclder place, It is a fine modern structure thru out and adds much to the. community. AumsviBe News (Capital Journal Special Service) Aumsville, Or., June 11. Ralph Put nam who is doing Y. M. C. A. work at Camp Lewis, siwiit several davs last week with his family who are spend ing the summer with Mrs. Putnam's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Von Beh-rens. Wes Cheffings who has employment in tho spruce camp at Castlo Eock spent tho week end with his family. Jurs. T. W. Johnson left for Biddah beneficial. Sunday to look after property and busi ness interests in that place S. 8. Swank made a business trip te Portland Monday. Quite a number from this city at tended the Sunday school rally held at North Santiam last Sunday. Mrs. S. S. Swank and Mrs. A. P, Speer left Monday for Portland to at tend the annual session of Grand Chan ter, 0. E. S. Jonah Davie had his foot badly crush ed on Thursday of last week while em ployed m Miller's mill at Scio, C. M, Millor brought him to the home of hil sister, Mrs. Wm. Hogan in this city. Thursday evening, where he will remail until able to return to work. . Friday, June 14, will be tlie last day of the school session this term and tks teachers and pupils are preparing a pro giam of drills, songs, sports and games of all sorts and will have a regular old fashioned picnic with a basket dinner. It will be held on the -church and school ground and every one i expected to at tend. Mrs. M. E. Eastburn went to Alpins Sunday to make an indefinite visit with her son, Sam Eastburn. Mrs. East burn haB been in ill health for some tima and it is hoped the change will prove Tl. 1.7- nn- n. 1 . i sir? BTi5";:-fii si irii nsnnan - By JANE PHELrs A BUSINESS MESSAGE. CHAPTER C. The day that we were to start for Bur Harbor found us ready and anxious to lie ol r. About an hour before the train started, Georgo received a tole- grnm. He was called to Morelands at onfte. Some matter of business required his immediate and personal attention. "it s a good thinir we are all pack ed," I remarked, when lue told me. "Whnt do you meanf" "Why, that wc can start homo at once. ' ' "You will go on np to Bar Harbor and wait for me. No I have itlw and Harbor had been postponed. I had call ed Mrs. Sexton ou the telephone and sho had consouted to stay with me un til Georgo roturued. It would be only a few days, at tho longest, he had said. I really was delighted to see Mer ton. It was a nasty, rainy afternoon. I could not go out, and the prospect of a co.y chat with him was alluriiig. "The portrait has been shipped, and I am lonely," he said apropos of a re mark I made. "lleallyl I did not know. yon wero to send it away s0 soon." "Yes. Mr. Howard wished it proper ly framed and ready to hand immed iately npon his return. He is rather im patient of any delay, I judge." "Indeed he is. He is so absolutely prompt, himsolf, where business is con cerned ,that he has little patience when things lag." "Now play for me!" Morton order- od, after a time. "I have heard no real musie since you played th last time." "1'latteriTl I am horribly out at practice. Newport isn't just the place without giving me the slightest iuklingl no would choose, if they kept np their of what he intended to do, ha went to tli.5 telephone. He called Julia Collins and told her thtt we would go when shP nil, atter all that he was gome back home on business, but would be back in time to go when she had planned. Alter ne naa nung up, he turned to nw again: "llava Mrs. Sexton remain with you until I return." There was no time for talk, for ex postulation. -His train wont in half an Jiour, and he would have to hurry. My disappointment was intense J. had been so happy, in the thought that I had tho best of that "Collins Woman" (as I designated her in my thoughts). Now it was she, not I, who eould be happy, Sho had gained her point. Morton Gray Sympathizes. The afternoon George left, Merton Gray called to bid us good bye. He was vrr much snrpirsed. when he found that George had gone back home, and that the time of our departure for Bar musie." "No. Not when "one nas married a society man, and when one is the best tennis player, the most accomplished swimmer" he stoped. "Pardon met I had forgotten your accident for a mo ment," "Don't take it back because of that!" Then, without meaning to in th0 least, I told him of Julia Collins. How she had blamed nve, saying I was trying to show off, ete. "Just as if I would choose six o'clock in the morn ing, when no one was around te 'show off,' " I finished. "Wasn't your husband, Mr. Howard there! I have an Idea the lovely Julia was referring to him." "Of course he was ttLere". I answer ed impatiently. "How could h have saved me, had he not been f" Mrs. Sexton Arrives I played and sang for some time. I was really glad to have th,o practice. ft If J I .bou. lOIt ( n. - n It o( limnls facts ' us '' . . foot troubit d4 ,iS kU i?n ru I T H to relieve every " "saw H I'll I II. ,1 foot trouble- ORIGINATOR Of A DrU N3 Mover Advertized bufjoto by 1 2,000 iwior, iqirT ( tluch is iy our L footprint? l 7s) flat-foot ar broken rcg and f fntrthm outof Here you see the "prints of feet, each is indN caflVA fkf a Htffr,inf U1- , u ywuia ia uus ui uk seven--or-no matter what ! Vour specific foot trouble mav beit can he arv 1 isoluteljr and completely relieved by the original 3 (b)tooklti ' (widely imittted) .SiraSs.aV - M HafctsaT "! Adjustable v: f.i3 Gunk IMS out "Artikuhted (it) broken ARCH PROP V ri(rlnal and only arch prop at created by fcv J. WArrowtmitb (S) Mitjr 1 (Ml loot ex tatosK o Aith rrop ia Sb r Arrow) AJ)tUt Ank Projt no matter what yow,' fooiouble is there'tpi 1 ' v imhwi ii-ouu jvui 9uuv water Utiah J( not send M nrat tai ropti id m an4 we'll tsJI rou ow to 8 (fJteod-eboH ' lev under m f sreMoueie mast b-W-MRkrH OSjosH,,- ARROWSMTTH. MFCTCCTlaSl iMOrUUSTOWN, N. J.7U. StfA; (alnkcWM and U toe . loxite, (teat tc joint evoiif t trebbnebinf i (tor"- - J yA una "Sal-, . -