THSDAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913. tnnntnt:::::ntntnnntttii'i!':i'iM JlCIass One W2I Scon Lift Off Corns! 3 ViiW liLU WVJil Be Exhausted In Marion Vn'IITTV f IMPORTANT NOTICE! MM4 4 To Elgin Six Owners Elgin Factory Mechanist, Arthur R. Winberg, will be in Salem Tuesday and Wednesday of this week to inspect all Elgin Sixes. This is one of the many ways the Elgin Motor Car Corporation have been co-operating with their Elgin owners. Have your car at the Elgin Six salesroom on the above dates. LEE L. GILBERT, Distributor 156 S. Commercial St. Phone 361 Salem, Oregon By CAEOL 8L DIBBLE - 4 utt m fll rM N Nkl llnlll w. w. moore (Continued from page one) 'mi It ii sore of a itoi&ox. Ncverthelci they SMS he.-e fur next Saturday and ino com-oii.?d action of 60 of the lead in? aierrlmar, uf the city will make the uay one tj tin icmcuibered. Tho follnw. ing merchants w'll offer speciul price: ""r. aw UOMt'ANY LadieV and Men's rihoea. XAFOURY BROTHERS Ladies' Furnishings. A. W. 8CHRUNK Grw.erloe and Dry flood. E()8TB1N & GRKKNJEJAUM ladies' Furnishing Goods BAIT h. FARMER HARDWARE CO. uarawaro, cutlery, Silverware, etc. WVHJIjWUKTU CO. 5c, lOo and 15o Goods. VIC KBHOTHEK8 Automobiles, Tractors, Auto Supplies etc.. ' Y ALLEY MOTOR 00. Automobiloa and Tractors. !! T. HAENK8 Men 'a and Ladies' Furnishings, etc. J. L. BUSJCK & BON ' (Jroeoriee and Produce. SALEM HARDWARE CO. Hardware Cutlery and Silverware, 6ALEM WOOLEN MILLS STOKE Men's Furnishing goods, i W. W. MOORE Furniture and house furnish! IIARTMAN: BKOTHEltS CO, Jewel ft m nn1 tt !(; no MYttTLE KjNOWLAND Sonona Phono trrAiihai and nr .,: THE BOOTERY Mon'e and Ladies' Shoes. J. C. PENNY CO. Men' and Ladies' Furnishings, Dry Goods, ete. , ROTH GROCERY CO. Fancy and RtaiYla nmM.u. THE FRENCH HEOP , ' ... . Millinery and Millim. d.,i,'.. IMPERIAL FUEN1TUKE CO. wniture, Bboves, House Furnish ings. el. E. L. STIFF & SON Furniture. Pianoa Tallin ir..i.t 0. S. HAMILTON " Furniture, House Furnishings, Stoves and Ranirpa. BUREN'S FURNITURE STOHTi! Furniture. Ckrneta. tn 0. J. BOIIEI Men's Furnish in pa. P. E. FULLEHTON Millinerr and Lalina' Rim. GEO. C. WILL The Pionoer Muwift Timum nf Solon. G. W. JOHNSON & nn Men 'a Clothiuir. Hnta. KW. i A. J. PAWS ' ' " Blunt1. KhnA Hiii-M-Hn. CinA GAM & CO. ' General Merchandise, Mrs. Carl Beckett fClee . Keiraen) detitrhtfullT entertained tta' nenifaera oi me ia Area Jub an a lew addi- tnwsi twesU last niiht at her home im me vt auaee road. A short bumaess meeting of the club preceded a rdeaa- aat social hour. A number cf mimical selection eifta by Misa Leoaa Peter son, Miss Joy Turner and Carl Beckett ootatribttted to th en jovment of the evening, aa did alsa the recitation t)T joiss uayneii ueciett. A tlleASIirshlA tnnuiu vaa AnrJA the hostess, a bride of a few months, wuru ton ciuo nmoers preaentea ner wild two imajoni ninM. f m ver. She was assdatexl in serving by Mrs. v. vi. ueceri- Thorn ninirfl ViliUrt Vf; Took A..t.nn Miss Bertha AValrlnrf. Mm Kmim Wl' uvn, jaiss woy lurner, iisb iuaoie f id Ruby Baker, Misa Viola Taylor, Ada .Uias Mania Ajidreeen. Misa Dora Aa dresen, Miss Thelma Blessing, Miss Ijonnft PptraAn Via 'Vollio. XfMno Miss Uarol Dibble, Miss Gaynell Beck ett, Onn.1 Kennen. . graduating reeital of Miss La Von Cop- OOl'k. tft La rivpm af thA 1'nmmpri-inl Clltn fillflltiimim this- Avjtn i n o am fiatt Coppock is the lash of the Salem stu- ..,-...- U A Tl t' L . uviii-g ui miv. Anna nvgers xisn to re ceive her diploma, the other DUDila of the school bavins been presented in recital by Mr Fish prior to her de parture. The program which gives promise of being exceptionally enjoy able will begin at 8:15. Mrs. Frederiei Tjimiuirt is nnented home from Portland today, following the departure of her husband for Bremerton. Mr. Lamport recently en listed in the navy. Mrs. E. S- Lam port returned lost niirht from Port land, where aha spent the week end with her son and wife. r T.annnnv H v.v.l.o'Kln It A In I Bremerton for several months. Though joining him often for tho week end, Mrs. .Lamport will keep open her home .. . T) T a T. 1 I . I no dvtl jjojimnii rart jvir. una mm. Arthur Betiima will'Temftin with Um lamport for the present. IIAU8ER BROTHERS Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition, etc. THE SPA Candies, Ice Cream. Licht THE GRAY BELLE Candies, TeB Cream, Light Lunches. THE SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS Made to Measure Suits and Overcoats. SAMPSON & GIDEON Notions. T)rv ftimla Trui. WATT 8HIPP CO. Sporting Goods, Tires, etc. U. G. SHIPLEY & CO. Ladies' Fiirnijih-iTicra BL1GH THEATER ' ' YE LIRRRTV THI1TP1) OREGON THEATER WM. GAHLSDORF Thn Hlnro nf IInn....... BREWER DRUG CO. . Drags, Stationery, ete. F1TTS MARKET Fish. OvatnTR. fn FALLS CITY SALEM LUMBER CO ijumoor, Builders' Hardware, Paint UllS. Kvprvthlnft n Tl.itM:. tr-i :.t "uuuiuir iuaieuaj INTERNATIONAL RUBBER SALES Gates Halfsole Tires, Vulcanizing, NEEDLEORAFT SHOP . w-vv ui ( aj HJa SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. (t hevrolot ageney) Tires and Bump org. off with fingers No pain! According o the figures in the office ' of sheriff w.Lxeedham, ehaiman cf freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus rfefif the local exemutioa board, class I. will ....... . . O - become exhausted arly in the fall, al! depending at course on how quickly one call follows another. . Aa.nrflinrr tA thi TfifimAa nf th sher tt a it ia fiiniwfl nut. toilav thprn nrp 206 nen ia clasa I, who are fully qual ified and to this may be added men who may anaury irora tae l.i recisterea here Jane 5. From this total number is to be taken the 177 in the first calls, 65 of whom will kin Jnn. "A It ohmit nt thn late registrants quaary, it wouia leave about 130 men ia elas? I after the 177 have been inducted into service. The Teeords show that in class are 22 in the remedial class; limited service class 49; men who have taken worn in tne snip yarns wj-ueunqiraiis, 1A. writ ae rrtV vtlivoiAolW OTOTninPll. ?! ' already inducted into the service by this local ooara i-f. But th main faet in which men m -1 a . . . I.. . ...1 la ciubsvs iwg iu luni arc jua-icamu that after the 177 men now on are iadueted into the service, there is but 100 to 130 left in class 1 and after that calls will be mada from tnose in lass two, three ond lour. The effort to re-examine nau re-das sify many men mty add a number to clasa 1, and als the proposed plan of months. The voune men who registered June o will be in the can eariy uus fall. Last Time Tonight MAR(MITE CURK In 'Riai.MAft-POOR TrlAIf STARTING ; ' TOMORROW ii BESSIE HUE In Her Second Big Reel r&ralta Prwluciion iIN THE CUT OTHER DOINGS Geo. Ado Comedy Hearst Pathe News ""''T i ilium ilium mini irinwwiai- im , if . l - jj -n - I. i yFi - ! Y 4 I A I ! t I 5 BARRIWIIF H I 1 I Pringle AuxOiary Doing Much Work The Princlfl Anvil i "'J " lu tross iiav.9 been active of late and in cidentally have added tn tho f ..,.., fund. Now being a self aupoprting aux I iliary, paying for all materials sewed for th0 boys "Over Thore." I Ouo nf the pWsaiit fimiti nni rt to to was the birthday party tendered Mrs. E. 8. Coates. A delightful evening was spent by seventy seven friends and neighbors. Ice ercam was served and a aman cnarge made to help out the good . cause. Twenty oue and one half di.ilar were cleared. All took their departure v n ihiu nour wisning Mrs. Uoat.?s mauv happy returns of the day. Mrs. W. M. Coburn entertained the Pnugle Auxiliary 0f the Bed Cross, Mav 2.1. An all day's meeting was held, which proved both pleasurable and pro- iiiouiu. a goouiy amount of sewing was donn. A irood social ti dainty luurheon was served to more than twenty members preseut. The Prinirln Aiivilinrv ..t j v l li l' l l -ross responded to an invitation to meet uii airs. a. M, lirager, Juna Cth at 1238 nth street, Riilem. Sewing was the diversion and willing hands added many new garments to the gi;od cause. A pleasant day was spent with conversation and niuaie keeping time with busv fino-.r. A ,!;.. l..... cheon was served cafeteria style. Those present were: Mrs. A. W. Drager, Mrs. nnuermu, wr-. f. it, rannon, Mrs. L. W. Potter, Mrs. Rov Ohmart, Mrs. E. 8. Coates, Mrs. L. W. Drager, Mrs. W. R. Roliius. Mr. J. v unhar. Airs. w. M. tToblirn. Mrs R Mrs. P. Q. Brown ( Winnie Bakerl -lerftl lflh niah. fnm t)io (Xraa Tola. base hospital to join her husband, who its H. iiitnuuvr r inn flenrui nrim H.r. rnfl base hospital. Dr. Brown went east two weeks ago. Tlr anA fV. T C Kimith Tr ono- ' L"t v.., iuki- tained aa thrtir -miPlttfl nvnr t.ha weak end, Mr. a'nd Mrs. Chester S. Goff of Portland andl Lloyd E. Goff of San Francisco. TtlAi OTnonua in.tiiio.l in ilia moliinf. ui iiie mr)fe cannon oags jor we DOjs ftfl r?nniliunV i hv 4Hai Rnlivm vrtmon have been reduced to the sum of $29 Dy tae recent contribution of Miss Renti-ipA Khelitnn. wlin .ntitrihuo,! ik'lfl towards the deficit from the proceeds or ner program given under the aus pices of th Tuesday Musical club ear ly in the spring, half of which went tn tha RDM fi.n.r Tho .ia..l at first planned entirely for the bene flit of the S. O. S. treasury, but owing to a necessitated postponement, the allohment was changed. The comfort bairn nrA llAeil nrimnrilv fni hnlrtino tha personal uuiongmgs oi me men. Mi Ethel Rwsrthoilt nt Pnrtlonit spent the week end with her- mother, aurs. iHiuniu xutuey ai aer nonie, jbiu North Fourth street. ax I If- 9 All M Purifies HiKhly antiseptic. Used as a curative a.ont fnr all externa alt in trniihles. Conceals Mmununt rilp.mUKa and reduces Unnatural color. Ideal for correcting creasy skins. Gouraud'S: Oriental Cream Send 10c for Trial Ski FERDL T. HOPKINS St SOU, New Ycrk Dron a little Freezone on an achine corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, men tou mc it ngnt out. it aoesn i hurt one bit. Yes, magic! Why wait? Your druggist sells tiny bottle of Freezone for a .1 a few cents, sufficient to rid youffee o( every hard corn, soft corn, or eons between the toes, and callusea, without soreness or irritation. Freezone ia the much talked of ether discovery of al Cincinnati genius. Invitation have been issued for the wedding of Misa (Flora' Patterson and Hugh 0. Rogers', which will take place tomorrow, June 12th at the home of the bride-elect's mother. Mns. Charitv E. Patterson, 2315 South t'ottace street. The guests win include the rel atives and close friends of the bridal couple. The service will be read at noon by Rev. A. Wells of the Nazarene chunca. Immediately following the ceremony, the young couple will leave on a short wVddintr trill to Eclipse Party Was Iniereshgn Affair West Pratum. .Tunn. 11 An online. party at the resident nf N. f. T.. bert, at Cat grove, was not only inte eating, but also very instructive; a white sheet was smreail on tho irms. with small ciecea of lntha the proper direction, and although it failed to produce the expected pre nomenon. our imiairinAtimi Vionomo an affected as to leave a lasting impres sion on all present. Miss Eilie Kleen ar rived too. late to tnko nnrt in tl,o ooo. mony, but promised faithfully to be on hand the next time. The eciipse of Au gust 7. 186!), was discussed by those who worn chil.lwn at fho- ;, iru - . M lUMCi XUC chickens did not go to roost and the parry enaea with the fervent wish of all fOT a food rain to follow tlia ...linoo Some one said that during the Civil war Hiey nired suostitutes, in this war they buw them, hnt wn an tkom n. better, we eat them at Cat grove. uienn feciiaap is over there now, some whore in France! Glenn ia a. Protiwn boy and) one we all love, ibrave, noble hearted, Glenn; may tho kaiser feel the weight of hig mitt; our heartiest wishes are for his safe return decorat edi with honors. More power to the hanil nf th TVnit land correspondent, we alwav. innk fnr ;him; beside giving local news he el waya says something. Everybody likes wo capital journal, it is our favorite and we all read it. est, we took prisoners and two machine gnus in successful raids." "The enemy raided a tinst in Av luy wooa. une of our mien is missing. 'Hostil nrtillerr wiia ni'tivn with gas shells west of Lens last night." Paris Bombarded Paris. .Tn tin 11 Th inner iliatnnria bombardment of Paris was resumed to day. KERENSKY LEADER (Continued from page one) PRESENT BATTLE (Continued from page one) BEGUM EOT MTIE1 lOTMH IF . YOU OHTFEELl 3ay glass of hot water with phoaphate before braakfaat waahea out polaqna, iA wr at km alcerog FOR THROAT AND LUNGS A Calclnm eomtumnd that -will brlnr re llf In many acute and clu-ttnlc! cawa. l-rov.dn ia bandUnt form, a Inula rem v hle-hly rmrnniMiflu i,y ,H-n-t Con tain no harmful Un sa. Try them today. 50 cents a box, including war tax Tar ral l.T an dniitirlata Krkmaa lAboratory, l'liiliuldphla. GERMANS NEAR (Continued from page one) If VOU Wake tin with a haA tnotn ni, I "ream ana loamie is eonteil; if vnnr ueaa is dull nr ai himr. it what cm. of sours and forms gas and acid ia atom- nen, or you are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get feeling just rignt, Begin insido bathing. Drink before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoeaful of limestone phosphate in if. Thia will flush the poisons and toxin jruia stoniaeb, liv er, kidnevs and IkuviI ami pl.onco weeten and purify the entire alimen tary tract." Do your inside bathimr iin- uifdiately upon arising in the morning to wah out of the kvi -in all tli i,r. ViOllS dav'g Poiaoniltia wastn tra.. .nrl sour bile before putting more food into tut muiiiacn. To feel like vnnmr fnlka fool. i;i. vnn fnlt hofnr. - i ' V'a'.inusclea beeame loaded with body im- Tine OREGON M,-. T r r.... ' " V. V "'1J,""r, anie lo horst Mr. w m ri7iTi 1 , .V I"1""' k- Iron your pharmac at a h 8 t' V ra,,. ,1,or,s' the quarter pound of limestone phosphate f :i ti " a . . 0 KU'" except ror a sounsfe twinge which Milligan, Harriet Coburn, Leona Drager ia not unpleasaut. and ..Mian Ruby Drager, Junior members Just as scap and hot water act on oresent. nv.rn A.1..I..I. nnAM n . . ki.: . .... .. ..,. ,.,,,,, u,.rte ,u . r,eaUslnK OT-antening and toburn Orabenhorst, Douglas and Doris freshening, so hot water and limestene lrairer. TlnnnM annn.. 1 r. . ..I. mi.... ... . i u i' r. i V ""'"ui x'lugrr, r""r" i. vu ma siomacn, liver, Milie Orabenhorst, Lee Ohmart ad,k'i7" and bowel.-.. Vea and women r.velvn Cuburn. Th. .all .1 .i..'hn am iu,,oii,r . ... afternoon, of Mr. aud Mra. W. II headachy nr hav an. .i: . son wh0 recently celebrated fif- lifT teu!d betin this inside hathinir' . h.fnu 1 1. i m . fichtinar in Dreslinconrt. - " " "ww aaav tiennans reached Antoval (a mile west of Ribeconrt,) obliging the French to Withdraw tO A rPAiMnnoaa, Mna -mat, . v t. a uv ( vc MUU southwest of Eibecourt.'1 Advance to Bio 53 London. June 11. ThA r - uuj of the new German dTivn ui,.... Montdidier and Koyon netted the ene my a maximum trenct ration nf aKo. a mile and a half, makinsr their total ..i ninnm-e uproxiniatciy five uuu-w, II HIS inilieaie.1 in overniirht. nf. "iim uiHinnenis. The Herman ruina arrm'n fined awatlr t the etntT nf tho no front, while tho niuvn h.1.1 Th. rVeneh war office admitted the loss of Mery. Belbiv and St. SI ajir atld aait ilia eaemy had gained a footing ia Marquo glie andi Eliucourt. Berlin claimed the capture of eijjht uiwiwunci prisoners ana "some gmia" ob the new front. The taking of prison ers northwest of Chateau-Thierry where American force- im 4nfn4r..i nM claimed. extreme northern point, Carelopt wood, on the east side of the Oise, and Mount Rcnaud, on the west side, have to ditto oarred tne uerman advane. intn th Oise valley. Military experts consider it mn:( probable that the Germans will launch a ftecontl converging, from ...i of Noyon, with identical objectives of attaining me uise Irom the east -and forcing evacuatinn nr thn Vimnn to. lient. From prisoners and ntlinv .., it is established that tho 1 iniilloa ... etil . " .-v v-v. ...v. cui- fcrmg a severe crisis in effectiveness. Many companies go into action with only eighty or a hundred men. The wounded are forced to return to tho fight as soon as they are cured. The losses in infantry officers are so great mav cavairy oncers are now substitut- Many Prisoners Only Boys. Among two hundred gated, a fourth were in the 1919 class while many were in the 1920 class. The unauueia U180 incillflffi Tmnoya onrl A.. - - ' t u-u u prt workmen who heretofore hatl not ueen seni to tn0 iront. The fifth divis ion of the Prussian cmtifrl rl,Ut. Uui.f "linn t0 uni- of Germany's finest body of troops lost ""j fc ei-jn vi its cnecTivoness durinir tl. lf..l -Jill . . . , juivitn UllL'nSlVfl nil thn Nnmm. n.l lpst thirty morc in the Caateau-Thierry drive, it has been estn1iliuli,l French tintrnla .nenotvol im 41... , -- r ,i .'"""s niu re gion of Vouty and Macrcrutx reported cuiis ui uerman dead, otten lying in foUr Or fiVO SUr.PPC.Mvo in.n-. D...IL w ......una. CUUUJ of Faxerolles, 670 unburied dead were counted. When we ponder that wisdom comes with advancing years, the mow con vinced are we that ignorance is bliss. sassin. Cadet Party Protest ' Washington, June llDqcIaring it has never recoenized the Rrpst.T.itivsk pea....ce treaty perpetrated by the bol s'leviki, the cadet party of Russia has ru.-'fd resolutions annealinrr tn tk. oi. . . - -lr 0 ..n, iiC3 for aid. The Russian embassy tndav ma1 m.h. lie cable disoatch.?s ilisn-lnsino- tha nD,i.,t action, which declared that information Aiontuiuior-Aoyon position into a sharps wanted, is false. Newsoaner Adiute ' Q Guilty of Contempt Washington, June 10. The supreme court today decided the Toledo, Ohio, News Bee was Cuiltv of enntemnt if tho United States ilistriet criticising the acts of the ju3ge of tha! "vu"i jo. Jvnjit8, in a dispute be tween the strpet. - - - -J vw,u 'J aim the city of Toledo. By thus affirming the court of ap peals, the sunreinn emirt aottin.i . l...,,. - , ' 1 ia . v niv.vil C IVl.l bitter dispute between the judge and tho newspaper. In .December, 1914, Killits fi its editor, ST. D., Cochran, $200, ioc con tempt of his court. . "Coin, which has been trying all this nionth to got started, has been thank ing God and takini? pniiran-n thia woolr ' saya tho Cosuille Sentinel. ' ( for Burning Eczema GreaSV Salvna anit .1 I J a be applied if good clear skin ia wanted, from anv dmcrmsf fm. c n. im aa frtra large size, get a bottle of zemo. . K..v M Uiiaitu n eneciivejy heals akta.nElr i r""u,c? ""w sores, Qums, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses - v,,ca. i,cmu 1H a clean aependabie and ma.ynpniva . ... 1i. -A W . in-ucuauiig, BllusepilC hquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is aa effective and satisfying. am . vr. Kose to.. Ueveland, 0. Children Cry for Fleiti- 'A D n HK- Tie w r a i tiejh wedding auuiversary cnjiiyca. was mnrh wfore breakfart. they will become subject shortly. British, Troops Advance London. June 11 British tmna. at. tacking south of Albert between the Anerp and the oiraie last night ad vanced nearly half a mile on a front or a noie and a half, Field Marshal Haag reported today. "Hilrth of Morlanrnnrt rlkro. n,n.. wuth ef Aibert). ear line Ail r n. cd last night a dev'k of nearly half a mile on a front nf niAr than . .:.. and a half," the statement said. "We tank !.. i,nn.. . i -n ... , . - t - -- -- m .uV O . LUV, t-i. ... coins anna. real eranka oa the 'v fiortJ"res of Morianeenrt, south of the Scarpe and east of the Dieppe for- 7 , ZSfi--xL. !nI1has made ander his per UZ&ffi&tfm f Bupervklon since its infailcy JU1 Counterfeits, lJS?1 fa Experiments that WflfwUh. and J"" but IJSSSaJ years it has Wind Colic and SuZJ lf'1?' therefrom, and by rSi lTg F?venshness arising the assimilation of Lj 8Stach Bols, aid! lb. Children's PaLTeltS? UINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ocara ins .Signature of S7J In Use For Over u The Kind Y0u Ha,e Alway, Bouaht ."" "aaaaaaaliiiiaf