7 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SATFM. W?F. Mwniv TT'NK 10. 1918. t'4 GREATEST SHOE SALE and the GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED THE SHOE BUYING PUBLIC. THOUSANDS ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THESE GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THESE PRICES WILL PREVAIL ALL THIS WEEK. DO NOT DELAY, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF SHOES, AS ENTIRE LINES ARE CLOSED OUT EACH DAY. NEW LINES ARRIVING EACH DAY AND THROWN INTO THE SALE. THE PRICES THAT WILL MAKE THIS MONTH OF THE YEAR. THE HARVEST SELLING EXTRA SPECIAL 1 Ladies' $4.00 and $5.00. Patent and Kid. Pumps, all sizes arid styles, while they last, go at $2 95 EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' $5.00 and $6.00 Patent and Kid Pumps, all the latest creations, every size and width, including Hanans) goat .............. $395 EXTRA SPECIAL Hundreds of pairs Men's $5.00 work shoes, brown and black, double and single soles, in all sizes, "to close at v:- $2.95 EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' Patent Cloth Top and Kid Cloth Top $6.00 ' Dress Shoes, Low and High heels, all sizes, to close at - $3.95. EXTRA SPECIAL Ladies' low heel, Neolin soles and ber heel, new buck sport shoes, $7.00 grades, while they .last. . $4 95 500 Pairs Men's, Women's, Boys' and Children's White and Black Tennis Shoes; Men's 95c, Women's and Boys' 75c; Children's . gjj 100 Pairs Boys' Dress Shoes black only sizes 1 to 54 button and lace, to close out, whiel they last . . 95 Few Pairs Men's ' Large Size : Hip Rubber Boots, $8.00 Grades to close out at ......... .x,;,;,,,,,.,, 3495 Boys1 $5.00 Army Sh'oes, sizes 2 to 6, tan only, to close out at . . 3 95 1200 Pairs Men's and Boys' Elk Bals, black and tan, the Favorite Summer. Shoe for Play and Work ; Men's $2.65 ; Boys', $1.95; Children's ...... JlJjjJ Few pairs Men's $5.00 Dress- Shoes, button and lace, Neolin soles, to close out at $2.95 500 Pairs Barefoot Sandals, best tan leather, thick soles, equal to Sandals," costing twice as much; sizes 5 to 11 go at 95c; liy2 to 2 go at $1.35; Women's sizes 2l2 to 6 go at . .$1.95 LADIES' DRESS SHOES Ladies' $6.00 Dress Shoes, black and white, button and lace, now go at $4.95 Ladies' $7.00 Dress Shoes, Black and White, Button and Lace, now go at $5.95 Ladies' $8.00 Shoes, Black and Colors, lace only, now go at . ; Ladies' $9.00 Shoes, all colors and styles, lace only, now go at $7.95 - MEN'S DRESS SHOES Men's $6.00 Dress Shoes, Button and Lace, black and tan, now go at $4.95 Men's $7.00 Dress Shoes, Button and Lace, black and tan, now go at $5.95 Men's $8.00 Dress Shoes, button and lace, black and tan, now go at $5.95 Men's $9.00 Dress Shoes, button and lace, black and tan, now go at $7.95 HANAN SHOES BALL BAND BOOTS WITCH ELK BOOTS EDUCATOR SHOES 5!.0E DUX BAX OIL FOX PARTY PUMPS 326 STATE STREET PHONE 616 teg WW EI Eighty-Six Young Men Registered la Dallao (Capital Journals $eeial Servjee) "DaUasv June 10,Kighty. six young trien in this eeunty who have become of legal age since the draft registra tion last year, appeared at the office of the aetU board in 'the court house Wednesday and registered with Miss Blanche Barrett, who is clerk of the board. Most of. the boys who register 1 were from outside of Dallas' but a very few-" residing iii this 'city. The reason for this is thaj a bij; majority of tV y0" w of "the- city who have been anywhere near the legal age hve enlisted in the nary or other branches of the service. Judge Beit's Sister Bed Cross Nurse Circuit Judge Harry H. Belt of this city made a trip to Camp Lewis the first of the week- to bid farewell to his sister, Miss -Marjoric licit, w ho left shortly afterwards for the east where sho wilt-embark soon for the fighting front in. France. Judge Belt was accompanied by his brother. Paul Belt, and sister;. Mrst W. H. Ormsby, of Portland. The trip was niade in the judge's automobile, .' '; , Dallas Sailor Returns Home Herman Allison returned to bis home in this city the first of the week af ter having been given an honorable discharge from "Uncle Wam's navy pu account of a weak heart. Young Alli son enlisted in the navy about one year ago and after spending -some time in a training" camp on the coast was sent around Cape Horn, to join the Atlantic fleet. Aa:a.jnaiuber of the vrew of a destroyer ho made one trip, across the ocean with a muubsr of transports con taining" troops and after 61s return to this country ho was taken ill and spent several months in a hospital. After his recovery the physicians found that his heart had. been affected by the illness and recommended that he be given a discharge. The yoimg man hag a num ber of interesting experiences to toll about his first trip across the Atlantic through the subinarino zone. High School Picnic June 22 Fred S. Crowley, school superintend ent of Polk county, announces that the bi'g aunual school picnic of the eighth giado graduates will be held' in the Kickrcall grove -on Saturday, Juno 22. Il'lans are .being maUo ror a big get togcther affair at that time. The usual 'gaimes and contests will be held dur ling the afternoon and in tho morning 'after the graduation exercises speakers nkilA n.eifc.i.iniwn U'itl Ditilrtlda till. VI BlUbU jHVUUHtinH n"i ..... gathering. The Hickreall school picnic is one of the biggest annual affairs in the county ami hlave always drawn large crowds from all'.over this section of the state. CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. 1 QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE ON SHORT NOTICE WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET-WE RECOMMEND OUR ADVERTISERS tt - EVE3YTHJNQ ELECTRICAL Wem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Telephone Main 1200 AWNINGS DO YOU WANT new awnings for tore or nonet Call or write C Dill man, 8S0 Highland Are. 5-18 DENTIST OB. F. L. CTTEB, DENTIST, BOOMS 413-414 Bank, of Commerce bldg. Phone 608. 11-4 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beal Estate Security . THOS. K. FORD ver Ladd ft Bush bank, Salem, Oregon LAWN MOWERS rHB FIXIT SHOP Let us repair and sharpen your lawn mowers. 261 Court. Phone 1022. tt OSTEOPATH 0B8. B. H. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Mo Post graduate and specialized in ' nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col lege. Offices 505 508 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence, 1620 Court Phone 215. Dr. White Bos. Phone 469. FOR RENT FOB BENT Business location at 162 north Commercial, will remodel to suit tonant. See E. M. Klinger, 463 State street, Salem. 6 9 BILLIARD PARLOR for rent, with or without fixtures; will remodel to suit tenant; best location in city. E. M. Klinger, 463 State street, Sa lem. 6-tf Gervais News Notes Gervais, June 10 Several new Dode 'cars are new being driven in Gervais. Among them are those recent ly purchased by - Thoo. Thornsbury, Mike Keppinger and Wm. Leith. Tuesday burglars were captured by Antone DrJawlen and Nijhtwatchiiian Bowley early in the morning. The youths had just raided the Kelly drug store and were leaving by a side win do when Mr. Bowlev found them. It is reported that they were runaways from the state school. Mrs. Donald, Miars is visiting with her son and her huxband's parents, while Mr. Mars is taking a training course at Litt'n Rock, Ark., prepaia tory to accepting the position of as sistant sanitary engineer in one of the southern camps, to which position he was appointed by his uncle. Assistant Surgeon General McLaughlin. MissLueile Cutsforth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jarve Ciitsforth, gradu ated from the Woodburn high school last week. She was one of the five from a cla?s qf thirty exempted from examination and o won alternate for Reed scholarship. Miss Maria MongslJ lifts purchased Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA a new Overland. Harold Keppinger Is convalescent from a very serious attack of pneu monia. Mrs. R. S. Marshall was a week end guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Klmr-r Sauter in Portland. A very successful and delightful en tertainment was given by the pupils of the convent school, in conjunction with their eighth grade commencement las IFriday. Mrs. Edmund Dupuis spent the week end in Portland. Slio was accompanied by her children, Delvina and Alliert Rondeau. Her son will remain in Port laud, having employment at the St. Johns cooperage-. , , G. J. Moisun and Rev. L. 8. Mochel were Portland visitors TueFilay. Children's day was fittingly observ ed at the Presbyterian church Sunday. Leonard Evendon was prevented from going with the draft last Satur day by a very severe attack of Liberty measles. Sam Brown 's Loganberry acreage may well be called one of the notnble sights along the Pacific highway. His tractors are busy from sunup till late du.sk and the yard are absolutely weedle?s, promising a bumper crop ot berries. Mother's day letters have been ar riving from France thi past week, and Mrs- John Harper was the recipient of a box of fragrant pink carnations accompanied by a card bearing the legend "From your son somewhere in France." ' Mrs. Moisan was hostess to the Iler mosa tlub Monday.. Layettes for . Bel gian babies afforded employment for tho afternoon, at the close of which a delicious luncheon was served. A splendid and thoroughly efficient corps of officers has been installed by the local Red Cross. Mrs. Scott Jones is the new president. The retiring pres ident, Mrs. S. H. Brown was tendered a special voto of thanks for bcr Un tiring efforts which made the past year so uceesfuJ.'- ' Hazel Green Nsws Grandpa Peterson :hns' been visiting at Stayton and other "joints during the past two weeks. . Rev. A. Wcinert preached for Rev. Hall at Central Howell, 8unilay. . Chas. VanClesve and fnmiry, Rev. F. Fisher and Emma Fisher autoed to Hil vertm and Mt. Angel Sunday after noon. " Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wo!f of. Turner visited relatives here on . Decoration day. ' : J. Rhodes an4 family spent Pumlny with relatives in Airlie. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dunignn went to Mill City Saturday to see thPir new grand daughter who arrived at the home of Henry Dunigan this week. W. A. Duoijfan, Wendell end Ken neth Barnett, RomUd Montgomery and Nellie Chapman went to Silver Creek Polk Men ou Grand Jury The following men from Polk coun ty have been drawn to serve on a spe cie! grand jury summoned toy United States Judge Wolverton to. convene iu Portland this weeJt Clyde 'Kelty, Mc Coy; John Duigimn, Dallas; Herman Wood and J. O. Anderson of Independ ence. r;;, Brush College to Have Home Coming Picnio Finns are Deing niailo by the people living in the vicinity of Brush college to have a big hocne coming picnic on the school grounds at that place on Friday June 14th. Invitations have been sent to all former residents of that section inviting them to be pres ent and commune with them on thut date. A fine program is being prepared for the enter.taiiument of tho visitors and big basket dinner will be held at the noon hour. Mr. and Mrs. C. ri. Sundbere motor ed to Portland Friday afternoon for a Rlmrt. visit with relatives. A. C. Peterson, local manager of the J. K. Armsby company's prune pack ing plant now operated Dy tne uaiiror nia Packing corporation, was a Capi tal city business visitor irniay. LEGAL:; notices:: NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT I For the Cost of Improving High Street in the City of Salent, Prom Mill Street to the South Line of Bush Street Salem Heights Notes Mrs. G. Ilemsley left Wednesday for. Eugene for a visit with her daughter Mrs. Will Smith und Mrs. Otto Barrett. The school received a letter from their teacher Coral Lake who is now with the ordnance corps; in Georgia. Miss Doris Sawver returned home Tuesday from Co'rvallis having graduat ed from the Oregon Agricultural college with this year's class. Miss Sawyer was accompanied homo by her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilt Sawyer. Mis. Wnguer and daughter, Misi Lois are visiting in California. Word has been reemret irom Ralph To Ellen L. Haz.lton and Elizabeth E. Hunt: You, and each of you are hereby no tified that the city of Salem has, by ordinaaco No- 13;!, levied a reassess ment upju ycur respective properties hereinafter describod, and in tho amount hereinafter tot forth for such property's proportionate !iaro of tho cost of improviug High street in the city of Salem from JVlill street to the south line ui Bush street, together with six per cent interest thereon from the date of delinquency of the original assessment. A description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land, the ownor thereof, and the amount assess ed and levied upon it is as follows, to-wit: ... . - . Tho north one half of lot 7 in block 10 of the city of Salem, Ore. Ellen L. Uazeltou, cost 4239.00. Interest $01.38. The north 47.5 foot of lot 2 in blwik 17 of the City of Salem, Ore. Elizabeth E. Hunt, cost ?K22.04. Inter est $57.03. , , Said assessment's .were entered in volume 3, docket of city liens, on the 16th day of April, 1918, as a charge and lien ngaiust the said properties, and are now due and payablo to the city treasurer. This notice is served upon you by publication thereof, for ten days, in the Daily Capital Journal, a newspa per published in ths city of Salem, by order of the common council. Date of first publication hereof, is June 4, 1918. EARL RACE, Recorder of the City of Salem, Oregon. 6-15 QUICK LUNCH NEW GRILL OPEN Opposite Oregon JuleetrM depot, lunches and meats at all hours, from 6 a, m. to 11 p. ra. Sam Louie, 136 3- High St. - 6-21 LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. W. B. Uil ton, K. B. A S. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246.mcets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. B. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, clerk. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tilleon, secretary. All oases of cruelty or neg lect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investigation. BOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape tamp" No. 1300. meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St-, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 143CM. UNITED ABTISAN8 Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hull. Norma L. Turwilliger, M. A-; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. FOR SALE WANT TO BUY for cash, .modern T room house, with large lot; 135 acres all tillable, near Muleshoe, Texas, for Salem acreage; 24Q .acres, 209 cultivated, -40 pasture, - good 'soil, lays well, running water, 3 miles . from town, will take $2500 in trade, -price $23,000; 60 acres all cultivated, 19 acres prunes,- fair buildings, 1 mile from town, $8,000. Owner, room 1, 341 State St. 6-17 FOB SALiE Five acres with goo house, barn and out buildings, fenc ed, cross fenced and most of the ground seeded, good water front pump, fruit for family use; on a good road 24 miles from city lim its and car line, bquare Deal Real ty Company, U. 8. bank building. Phone 470. . IBBIUATION FOB 1918 SECONDHAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit cases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Boos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Besidenee Main 2272. STOVE REPAIRING . STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot, National and .American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. , Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence eud Stove Works, 250 Court Btreet, Phone 124. WATER COMPANY ,'ty refreshments -were served by Mrs. Gordon, who cnterd the navy last springy 11 miss Ada rtinn oi roriiunu -was a we k end gnest of Miss Oral McClain. tric.ian. - Harry Brown of Marion was a Mon day visitor with friends. Two of our boys answered the rail to the colors the past week. Oscar Schwab baner joining the navy and Percy Ed wards the army. Mr. John Campo wa a FridaV visitot at the Walker homi f rem. Roseburg. Miss Aileen iimancr entertained S number of her friends at her parents home last Saturday evening. A number were former school mates of Grant jun ior high. The-evening passed merrily with games untifa late hour when daiu Falls Tuesday, on a fishing trip. Mrs. Anna Payne, the Misses Dovie and Ku!a Rhodes went ' fo Philomath Saturday to at'eiid the graduating recital- in tii k sir of Miss .N'swui Pay bo. Tho Live Wire M. 8. -lass, having ben the losers- in an attendance con test with the Busy Bees, treated the latter to ice errain at the parsonage on 4'my 30th, About 83 were present and all had a nplemlid time. -Mrs. 'P. K. Hope's tbrtther and wife from t'aubjr are visiting here. Several organs and pianos have come into this district Ia'ely, and the rising generation promises to be a mus ical one. . , , . Mrs. Matilda Van ( leave and daugh tor, Bertha, have been visiting rela tives in Portland and Mt. Angel. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. Bran .... Shorts, per ton ......... Hay, cheati new . . Hay, vetch, now Hay, clovor, new $36 $38 $21()22 $22(rt23 $20te22 Dry white beans ,77'aC Butterfat Bntterfat 42c Creamery butter 45c Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot lStfilGc Veal, fancy ..' ... Utol5c Steers ... ; 7(a9e Cows . .... 50i7c Bulls 8(7 Spring lnm'fo 12c Ewes '. ..... .....-.. 6Jc 1 Lambs, yearlings Ftir the purpose of trying to make the irrigation service more satisfac tory the ciity will be divided into tws districts so that each district will get the full service of the plant upon the . day it irrigates. The plan is to have the houses which bear even numbers on the streets irri- . gate onlv on Monday, Wednesday, Fri- -day and Suwciay, and the houses which bear odd numbew on the streets Irri gate, only on Tuesday, Thursday, Sat urday and Suiaday. This plan witl per mit every house to irrigate four days out ot eaoh week. The punpoBe of the Water company in furnishing water for drrigiation is not to furnish all the water a person can run through the hose in the six irrigation hours every day, but to fur ish enougihNwater to keep the lawn in condition. To use more than enough is 4 a waste. We will pump the usual . amount ot water and hope to furnish it more satisfactorily Salem Water, ' Light & Power Co. tt RAILROAD TIME TABLES (In effect June second) SALEM- OEEB LINE No. 73 Arrive at Salem....... 9:10 a.m. , No. 74 Leave Salem 3:00 p.m. ' AXEM, FALLS CITY ft WESTEBJI ltll Lv Salem, motor ..7:50 a.m. 163 Lv Salem, motor ..........9:35 am. ' 165 Lv Salem, motor 1:40 p.m. . Through car to Monmouth and Arlis 167 Lv Salom, motor .. 4:15 p.m. ' 1(19 Lv Salem, motor 5:58 p.m, 239 Wy frt. Lv Salem .5:00 a.m. 102 Ar at Salem .. .....9:10 a.m. 164 Ar. at Salem ...ll-.OOaon. 168 Ar at Salem ', 3:00 p.m. '. 168 Ar at Salem . 5:35 p.m. 170 Ar st Salem 7:20 p.m. 840 Wy frt Ar Salom 2:30 p.m., OREGON ELECTRIC -Southbound Lsave . Arrive Arrlvs 'Portland Salem Eugene 6:30 am 8:35 am 10:50 anf :30 am 10:11am 12:23 pu 10:45 am 12:50 pm 2:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:35 pm: 4:45pm 6:40pm 8:50pm" 0:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem onlf 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem onlf 11:45 pin 1:55 am 6:50 am 'North Bank Station (leave Jeffcrsoa Btreet 15 and 20 minutes later) rrala I. 1 8 Ltd 13 LtdZ 17 19 n rrain pro. 8 10 Ltd. 7:35 am 18 14 11:20 am .6 Ltd 1:55 pm 10 MilOpm 5.25 pm Northbound , Leave Arrive Itogene Salem 12:05 am 4:33 am Arrive ' Portland 6:60 am 9:25 am 11:30 am 1:20 pm 3:55 pm 6:45 pm 7:40 pm 10:00 pm Eggs and Poultry Eggs, trade 37c K(.'gs, cash 35c Broilers, live ..1......... 25c Hens, pound .'. 20c Turkoys, dressed 283Ce Turkeys, live, No. 1 21(a!23c Sens, dressed, pound .... . 80c Old roosters - . 15lfic Vegetables Potatoes, old Potatoes, now . Onions, green 7:15 am 9:45 am 1120 in 1:50 pm 4;o0 pm 5:30 pm 7:55 pm xNorth Bank Station (Arrive Jeffcrsoa Street 15 minutes earlier) Leave Cor vallis. COBVALLIS CONNfumONS SsLJeave Corvallis Arrive Salem e H:2a am Nortr.oouna....u:40 am 1 i:l . pm....Northbound....l :B0 am 2:41 pm.'...Northbonnd....4:00 pm 4:10 pm....Northbound....5:30 pm 6:18 pm..NorBbound....7:55 The street bv the school house is be ing graded this week, a much needed Im provement. ' Suudav school was greatly review'd last Bumlav- with a number of new, members and visitors from town. All arc welcomed to come and take part. Mr. Oscar Funks of Bayard Neb., is spending a day o' two with old friends, the J. A. McClain' s. Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. Fred Thompson, Mrs. J. A. McClain and- Mis Ornl McClain attended the Red Cross social at Liberty Friday evening. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S . CASTORIA THE MARKET . Grain Wheat, soft white Wheat, red Wheat, lower grades on Oats Barlev. ton -. ...$1.851.87 $1,115 ample 90t .. $50 Onions, Bermuda Artichokes . .... Cabbage Asparagus . . Rhubard .. Peas .... Tomatoes, crate Turnips i. ... Beets - Cucumbers . 75c 4c 40 $2 75e 3e 40c 40c .... $2.50 3c .... 3Vac $1.50 Cantaloupes : : $0fo6.50 Fruit . . . . Oranges t7.l50ry Grapo fruit, California ; - $4.50 Lemons, box $9.50(a l0..r)0 Bananas '.- 8V4e Strawberries - .... $1.502 Dromedary dates . $6 Retail prices Creamery butter SOe Flour, hard wheat $2.85te3.10 Flour, soft wheat $2.65 Country butter . 45e Eggs, dozen .... .. . 40c Sugar, 11 lbs. for . $1 Sales limited to $1 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., June 10. Butter, city creamery 44e Eggs, selected local 39fe41fl Hens 22(323c . Broilers 23fa2f3c; . - ; -' G.ese 0c " ' . 8:35 am....Southbound....9:57 10:15 am....8outhbound..ll:33 J2:50 pm....Sou!hbo in6. . ? 4:15 pm....8outhbound....5:40 6:40 pm..J9outhbound....8:00 pm am am pm pm pat Ohccso triplets 25'j20c Dally Livestock Market Cattle Receipts 01 Tone of imarket steady unchanged Prime steers $14(5)13 Choice to good steers $12.50a13 Medium to good steers $ll(fi)13 Fair to medium steers $10 50Cg;11.59 Common to fair steorv $910 Choice- cows end heifers $10750 11.75 Medium to good cows and heifers $7.25(75 Fair to medium eows and heifers $5.75(7 6.73 Oanuers $3.5005.50 , Bulls $fl.5(XiilO ; ' Calves $8.5012 Stockers and feeders $810 nogs Receipts 646 Tone of market steady unchanged Prime mixed $17(ri17.10 Medium mixed $U).75(f'18.S3 Rough heavies $16(7(16.10 Pigs $15.50 16 Sheep Receipts 1017 Tone of market weak unchanged East of mountain lambs $165017 Valley lambs $1(16.50 Yearlings $10(5,11 Wothers $10(ttl0J0 ., . ..' - -' Ewes $79.50 . u )