Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 07, 1918, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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ror the Cost of Improves High Street
in the . City if Salem, From Mill
Street to the South line of Eush
To Ellen L. Hazqlton and Elizabeth
E. Hunt:
Ytfu, and each "of you re" hereby no
tified that the city-of Salem has, by
ordinance No. 1535, levied a re-assessment
uptn your respective properties
ucrciiKuwr aescrnoea, and in the
amount hereinafter sot forth for such
property's proportionate share of the
cost of improving High "street "in the
city of Salem from Mill street to the
oulh line of Bush street, together
with six per cent interest thereon from
the date of delinquency of the original
Assessment. A description of each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land, the
owner thereof, and the amount assess
ed and levied upon it is as follows,
Tho' north one half of lot 7 in block
10 of the oity of Salem, Ore. Ellen L.
Haaelton. eost $239.00. Interest $61.38.
Tho north 47.5 feet of lot 2 in
block 17 of the City cf Sa'em, Ore.
Elizabeth E. Hunt, cost $222.04 Inter
est $."7.03.
Saul assessments were entered in
volume 3, docket of city liens, on the
16th day-of April, 1918, as a charge
and lieu against the said properties,
end are now due and payable to the
city treasurer.
This notice is. served upon you by
publication thereof, for ten days, in
the Daily Capital Journal, a newspa
per published in the city of Salem, by
order of the common council.
Date of first publication hereof, is
June 4, 1918.
Recorder of the City of Salem, Oregon.
. - . 6-15
Annual school meeting of school dis
trict No. 24, Marion county, Oregon,
will be held in the high school build
ing, in said district. Monday evening
Juno 1", 1918, at 7:30 olclocik p. m.
for tho purpose of healing the reports
of the board of directors and of the
district clerk of said district, and for
such other' business as may lawfully
come before the meeting.
Dated this 6th day of June, 1918.
Chairman of Bonrd of Directors.
Attest: W. H. Burgliardr, Jr.
District Clerk. Juno 7-13-15
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters, of school district No. 24, of
Marion county, Oregon, that the an
nual election for said district will be
held in sjaid district, to login at the
hour of two otlock p. m. on the third
Monday in June, being the 17th diiy
of Juue A. D.t1918 and holding until
eeven o'clofc'k p. m. of paid day,' for: tho
f urpose of cliicting two director to
serve for the term of thro? yen rs.
Voting Place
379 State-street, opposite Spa.
- Chairman of Board of Directors.
W. H. Burghardt, Jr.
District Clerk. Juno 7-13-15
(Continued from pago one)
or after tho eclipse, or preferably both
before and after. '
The observations to be made would
bo as follows:
: (a) Note the exact time of the ap
pearance and disappearance of the
ahadow bands.
(b) Measure the width.
(c) Dotermine their di reel Ion hv In v.
ing sticks on tlw ground and afterwards
determining the direction of the sticks 1
by means of a Comnnss. At P,H,, ,
tho compass needle points about 22 do-''lort,ia Doerfler, Adeline Priem, Hazel ,
grees east of north. Icasiell, Mae Peterson, . Mabelle Mor-
(d) Note the direction of the wind '!e" a,1,i Fa'o Casipell. They declared it
(c) Note any other phenomena or!8 the be4t. ice cream they had ever,
circumstance which you may think" aten- Ii5,t0 ,n thc aftornoon thy a"
have any relation to the shadow bands. :il(,l'a,ted for honm declaring it was the
(f) Note whether or Z toe shadow mo -they ever had and wished
bauds are -en at the end of total !for nother to, COme m fU''
ttedaiboveB'lk6 0,,8erVationa similar j'T B. Petersm made a business trip
If-observers will send the result., f i!0 8alran Frhtay to a,,nJ tfo War BaV" I
thoir ol.servi.tinn. S n
Stanford University, California, th-y
is, J. u n Ul J .
win De sunned ami incorporated in a
report to lv3 printed in the publications
of the Astronomical Societies of the Pa
This society was organized in 1889, there,
as a result of the co-operation between Hiss Gladys Jones of Victor Toint
professional and amateur astronomers! visited at the Chas. Morley homo, Mon
iu observing the total solar eclipse of; dav and! Tuesday of last week.
January 1 of that year, which wa3 seen I
as total in the northern part, of Calif or-
nia. The membership of the society is
composed largely of amateurs and any
one int.-rested in the subject of astron
omy may become a member. The publi-
rations of the sncietv nrn iaai.d ir
times a year and sent to all membe ' ''ls- Saturday by local prune growers j wa(er wjtn a t.?apooiiful of limestone
upon the payment of tlie annual dues !to ,ccure, if possible, a pri1? of 1- phosphate in it to wash from tho atom
llr. W. W. tlampl.ell, director of Lick ! "'n 51'r rounu for tneir ,'1'9 J'08' , liver and .bowels the previous
Observatory, is president of thc society P"""" "op- U was r0(,(ntl-v a"""""'? day's indigesliUe waste, sour bile and
for the current vear. Samplo copies ofithllt thp scn-'w'n' ,1'- , puiwiou" fxins; thus cleansing, sweet
tac publicationsof the society will be fruit hai1 l,eCn Mi "T 1 !. u y K-eili,1S 8n'' Prifyin) the entire alimen
ent to vone int before putting more food
.: mnrestca in astronomy , ., would be fixed 'it n, Tih (; ,.c
Lick Building, San Francisco,
.,.;:..!.,n reFa.r(lll,ss of enthusiasm
-m.u.u , tempi to gaze on tlw taco or.j,
...... uaeu eye. cucn men oi cau- vpr9 at 12 eeai. per pnnna ror your breakfast the water and phos-
tmn is almost sure to induce solar Wind-!runM. The Cmpqu Valley Fruit tn- phate is quietly extracting a largo vol
ness which may be either of .1 few; j, taking an active part in thisjUIue of water from the tilted and get
flays er mouths', duration, or of por-j movement, as the growers are laboring :ng, rea,jy m a thorough flushing of
manence. At any rate, eye specialists, ,lmr,r many handicaps this season on fl(i tc inside organs,
say it is extremely disagreeable and of- amount of the ?reat scarcity of help fts iiriliions of people who are"
ten dangerous. Gaze at the sun during ami the unusually high price of labor bothered with constipation, bilious
ll periods of tha eclipse either thru when it is attainable at all. The Kr?w" s.ella, stomach trouble; o'.hers who
smoked glass or a used camera film. The ers also protest aaainst the appoiut- naVe sallow skins, blood disorders and
phenomena may be seen to more afl-lment of W. T. Jenks, of Salem, as ejsukly complexions are urged to get s
vantage that way than with the nnk-' state representative of the dried fruit quarter pound of limestrne phosphate
ed eve. " ; interests of Oregon Koebnrg Review !from tho drug store. This will eost very
We tru3t that the children enjoyed'
the circus as much as ever.
Hardly a Drugstore in the Land
That Does Not Sell This Remedy
On the Market Half a Century.
When yoa are in perfect health,
and are enjoying a strong and vigor
ous vitality, it is then that your blood
is fret from all impurities.
" Yon should he very careful and
. give heed to the slightest indication
of impure blood. A sluggish circula
,tion is often indicated by as impaired
I Willamette Valley News J
Fruitland Items
(Capital Journal Special Service) -Fruitland,
Or., June 7. Elmer Sitsber
of Vaeaville, Calif., a relative of this
writ,'-, paid Fruitland a visit Wednes
div and Thursday. He has been touring
Oregon and Washington for three
weeks. Ho started for homo Wednesday
afternoon, going by way of Roscburg.
The family lived in the Auburn dis
trict, east of Salem and went to the
Bear state 23 yearB ago.
A. If. Simpson, Jr., visited in the The following guests were present Mrs.
family of his sister, Mrs; II. C. Br.es.der Mrs. Floyd Walker of Poitland, Mrs.
last week. Hi is engaged at a saw mid J- Reisbcck guest of honor, Mrs.
in Tillamook county which is getting r'ed Yergen, Mrs. G. A. Cone, Mrs. D-
on', ship timber for the government. c- Walker, Mrs. J. P. Feller, Mrs.
The city of St. I.ouis in Missouri, is vlYml Mrs. IF. A. Mercer, Mrs. A.
noted for boozo and some other things. All'fran" M's. M. W. Johnson, Mrs
It also contains a rewrend Irishman ess JoU3to ' Mrs. Shelton of Dal
by the Hibernian name of Phelan. He 'Ji8' rs.- th"3- Hosl"n of Portland,
conducts a church periodical in this citv , i tu V . ?! I .
of saintly name. He ,1s said to have 1 hatf Mt,or-
prewrhed a sermon in his church four f ,"' """ft, f ed Yer5en J- Feller
years ago iu wi.ich he said should the i . r-i ir
o.... . 1 onuiuu iiit jHarj an,j Edna Yergen came up
upon I11B
cuuich he would. say,
to h 11 with
H. IT..;, , l ,,
iini t-iuii-ii muii-H (ivcillliil'liL, wun
this wild cleric si ould be repudiated by
the ten thousands of loyal Catholics
who honor and would defend their' couu-
Then? are several cases of pneumonia
here, Miss Ruth Mitchell, Mrs. Standi-
fer, little Otto Setak and one or two
others. .
Scliool meeling June 17th at 1 p. m
Two directors are to be elected one to
fill an unexpired term of one year and
ovr for the usual three year term. This
U the annual meeting and there should
bj a full attendance.
McAlpine Notes
; (Capital Journal Special Service)
Mi-Alpine, June 7. Mr. and Mrs. L.
C I'riom, John Peterson, Misses Em
ma , and Mao .Peterson. Marcel Fish,
Messrs. Elmer Caspcl and Richard Fish
motored to JSalem Saturday evening.
.Grand a Iteterson of Hazel Green is
visiting at the John Peterson residence
Mrs. P. A. Caspcll, daughter Fave,
and sen, 'Frank, motored to Stay ton
A Red Cross dance will bo given at
tho Frank Doerfler barn" Saturday,
June 8th. Good music will be furnish-
ed and refreshments will be sold. Come
and ibring your friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Humphreys mo
tored to Corvallis last week. "
Law-rence McEllianey visited with
home folks lasfweek. '
Liust Tuesitay, June 4th, the closing
dav of the MeAlpiue school, 'was a busy
one both for the pupils and thfc teach-,
er. The making of ice cream, fishing
and games took tip tho time till noon.
At noon an abundant picnic dinner
was served, consisting of ice cream,
cake, sandwiches, pickles, salad, cook
ies, bananas and soda pop. After din
ner, racea of various kinds were run.
'e 111,111 that were working on the
road and in the quarry were treated
with ice ereaim and cake by the Misses
I"1? rampaiK".
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pat-
ton, a son. Ho has been named fcrnest
iniem rauon.
A number from here are planning to
knnilni' aflinnl cnnvC.lti.m to 1C held
W I 'I J Willi I"" "'""'V
Don't forget the lig Red Cross
dance June 8th at Tloerfler s barn
A movement was inaugurated here
by the government at seven cents to
the growers, telegrams were sent t
Senatois Chamberlain and McNary
... them(, in jnstice to the fruit
t0 UTf;e the national food
i iiin-u iniuii-s vvvr ulu&o war
l-cl oaiuHiay,milli9tration to fix . tne pneo to vn
It was a busy day for the wireless
appetite, a feeling of lassitude and a
general weakening of the system. II
is then that ycu should promptly take
a few bottles of S. S. S the great
blood purifier and strengthener. It
will cleanse the blood thoroughly anj
build up and strengthen the whole
system. S. S. S. is sold by all drug
gists. Valuable information about the
blood supply can be had free by writ,
ing to the Swift Specific Co, 24
Swift Laboratory. Atlanta, Ga,
Dcnald News Items
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Donald, June 7. A very enjoyable
farewell party was given by Mrs.
Quinn and Mrs. Freeman in honor of
Mrs. J. L. Reesbeek, Juno 21st, at the
home of Mrs. Quinn. The evening was
spent in conversation and "500,"
Mrs. Fred Yergen received first prize,
Miss Ruth Yergen second. Delicious re
freshments, asparagus, peas and mush
rooms a la creuie on toast, French froz
en salad with strawberries, Angel food
caKe ana Dtack coftee were served
-mm. tannin, Aurs. r ri'triiuiii, musses ivia-
fmm OninMihv Sntni-.liov v.nt tl,
ut .. pn.. k ' c . f.,.
.'.'viou "U a o.rtl unities 1UI .ton
Dr. aud Mrs. 8horc aml fami of
Woodiburn cam, over Mon.lay evening
to eat one of Mrs. Mercer's good din-
ners at the Bungalow hotel.
G. p. Armstrong of Salem was in
Donald Monday selling flour substi-
Stroud Mercer and M. Rice left Mon-
day a. m. for Silver creek logging
camp, where both expect to spend
some time.
A number of our people attended the
graduating exercises of the Woodbuirn
mgn scnooi last rnuay evening to see
Miss Hazel Cone receive her "sheep
skin." Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Cone and
daughter Leatha, Miss Verna Liainti,
Mrs. Laura Ernst, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Yen-gen, Miss Mabel Doty, Miss Es
telle Grettie were among the number.
Mr. Hamilton, Donald s hardware
merchant, wade
a flying business trip
to Poitland Monday returning
on tne noon car.
A picnic was given .in tho grove
near the river, 'by Mrs. T. Yergen and
Mrs. Flynn on June 2d, for Misses
Doty and Grettie, two of our teachers,
who will soon bo leaving for tneir
homes. Those attending beside tho
above named were, Mr. and Mrs. Pclli-
tier and daughters, L. R. Swayze of
Portland, Dr. Armstrong and wife, son
and daughter of Woodburn, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Yergen, Mr. and Mrs. Sing-
or, T. Yergen and Ruth, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Feller,
Mrs. J. C. Moore and sons went to
Portland! Saturday to spuid tlie week
end with .Mr. Moore, who has been in
a hospital there for same time. We are
glad to reiiort the improvement of Mr.
Moore, but he will still be confined to
Ills bed for some time.
Bert Landus and sons, wbo wont to
Start Tomorrow
and Keep It Up
Every Morning
Get In the habit of drinking a
glass of hot water before
We're not here long, so let's make
our Rtnv !tnTirjih!n lt Viva um.1I
cat wei ,li(f(st we, wcrk wel, lw,
wen( iook wcl W hat fl g!wio,ls
condition to attam, and vet, how very
,, it : if . ,;,, , ..,f
morning in.sido bath
Folks who are accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when tliey arise, split
ting 'headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy
by opening the sluices of the system
each . morning and flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous stag
nant maUer.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, -each morning, before
breakfast, drink a gluss of real hot
wator and limestone . phnsph
empty stomach is wond. ifull
atiug. It cleans out all the
ate on an
fully invigor
the sour fer-
mentations, gases,
waste and acidity
ad-'and pves ono a splendid appetite for
U'l.ilo r.
are enjoying
llittle, tint is sufficient to make anyone
a pronounced crank on the subject of
msiao oaimng oerore orcaKiasi.
Pnne Gn;vers Object -.
to Eight Cent Price
(Capital Journa Sjeial Service)
Pallas; June 7s At a meeting of the
prune growers of-the Polk County
Fiuit Growers' asasciatioii, held iu the
Dallas Commercial club room on Mill
stieet last-aig-ht,-that body went on
record as . objecting to the projKised
action of -the food administration in
making tli basic price of this year's
crop of prunes at seven eents per
pound- Same time ago the prime buy
ers of this vicinity received word
from Washington asking them to de
lay the -making of contracts for this
year's crop until the first of June lat
er1 this date was changed to the fif
teenth of July and as auch the order
new stands. An article appearing in
the Portland papers last- -Saturday
stated the food administration intend
ed fixing the price of prunes at seven
cents aroused the prune growers all
over tho state and several meetings
have been held asking the Oregon sen
liters and repiesentatives in congress
to use their influence to hve the price
raised to 12 cents. The growers state
that . with the present high cost of ma
terials and labor in the orchards the
stveu cent basis would mean a loss to
them in handling thc crop. The grow
ers also ssed a resolution to forward
to fruit growers' organizations all over
the state their action in the matter
and to ask them to get together and
pass similar resolutions and forward
them to Washington.
Prominent Polk Hop Grower Passes
Herman Petre, one of I'olk county's
prominent hop growers passed away at
his farm home near Airlie, Tuesday af
ternoon, after an illness of several
years. Mr. Petre was a former resident
of this city and served Polk county as
county commissioner tor one term. Mr.
Potro was a nativo of Tennessee and
came to this country a number of years
ago and has since made his home here.
Ho "leaves to mourn his diath- his wife
and several children, all residing on
Alaska to. work in a salmon cannery,
made a short trip only, returning last
week; "too much daylight up there,"
they say. , - ;
'Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Espey
Saturday morning, a daughter, Miss
Baitar; weight eight pounds.
Mrs. Ryan of Buttevillo was a Don
ald, visitor 'Friday.
Miss ldell Lamb left Friday for Leb
anon, to spend some time with her
grandmother and aunt.
Jess Johnston, who is in the employ
of .the West Coast Ik K, Co.,. left Fri
day for Spokane after making 'his fam
ily an extended visit at this place,
C. Mayes and M. W. Johnson, Don
ald merchants, were called to Salem
Friday to attend a Retailers' associa
tion meeting, to discuss the flour ques
tion. The decision then was, to sell 25
pounds of flour to 73 pounds cf sub
stitutes, but the government food ad
ministration has taken all responsibil
ity out of their hands and Tuesday
the notice was received by tho mer
chants to gell no moro white flour un
til further notice ,r,,
Mr. Smith, -of the, 'Allen & Smith
Sliipkneo . Co., as shipping out a car
load of knees from both Donald and
Uutteville this week. Mr. Smith bought
Mr. Allen out some time ago.
Mrs, W. ,J. Dawes and children are
visiting at Mrs, Dawes mother's near
Molalla, for the week. ,
A number of carloads of ties, lumiber
and cord wood are being shipped from
Donald each week, which, with an oc
casional carload of cattle, sheep and
hogs,, keeps things moving quito lively
around the Donald depot.
John Matthew of Donald vicinity is
taking an enforced .vacation at pres
ent, because of a badly mashed hand
at the Northwestern Mill Wednesday.
M.m Hazel Cone has boon engaged
to teach tho Case school for the next
term. i
Returns came fromi tho county exam
ination Thursday, of the ninteen
taking the examination from the Don
ald school, all passed but one, six in
eighth grailo, balance m seventh. . I
Joe Hixcll hauled a load of household
goods from tho depot for Mr. Dixon of
Portland. Mr. Dixon has bought an I
eight acre tiiact of land near here and I
is moving on it to make his Homo, we
hone Mr- and Mre. Dixon will find a
country homo all they desire.
Mrs. Sarah Rosencranz and daugh
ters, Minnie and Francis, and Miss
.Rwby Johnston of Portland, sisters and
Johnston, ciame out on Decoration day
to spend it with their TirotJier and to
visit tho Yergonvillo cemetery, where
their parents are buried.
Meadamew Moore, Sexsmith,. Reis-bei-k
and Losey motored out to Mrs.
Flynn 's Tuesday afternoon and spent
it in cutting out pajamas for the work
of the Red Cross Wedncslay afternoon.
Thc hostess served delicious refresh-
ments during the time.
Dolph Cone is making" daily trips to
Salem these days, serving on the jury.
A very enjnyflWe surprise was per
petrated upon the tcarueirs, Misses
Uiefctie and Doty Tuesday evening.
About 20 todies had piepared a sump
tuous dinner "for them, served in the
la33nent of the Presbyterian hurch.
Mrs. O. Cone had invited th'"'n to her
house, for tho dinner and evening but
maneuvered it in such a wy that the
young ladies met their friends at the
church instead of Mrs. (one's home.
Last Friday was tho Inst day of the
present school term. Instead of having
exercises at tho school building the
three teachers took their pupils out to
the woods for a picnic, each room to
themselves. All reported the lest time
Misww Doty and flrettie spent Mon
day afternoon and evening u guests
of Mr. and Mrs Singer, near Donald.
Mr. Wes rcpresenative of thc
True lilue Kuwuit Co. of Portland, w3
seeing the Donald merchants Wednes
day. Mr. Wcs' says "ho can take no
mrre orders for nil sugar candies,"
which looka like, we are begining to
feel the war scarcity more aad more
each day.
Mrs. Hairy Evans was a Woodburn
visitor Saturday.
A little ico cream party was held at
the home, of Mrs, M,crcer Tuesday ev
ening. The following ' were present,
Mrs. A. Aufranc, Mr. and Mrs. Mer
cer, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Eliza-1
beth, Allen and Vernon, Misses Grettie
and Doty.
Mem Electric Co, Masonic Temple,
DO YOU WANT new awnings for
- store or honet Call or write C Dill
man, 880 Highland Ave. S-I8
413-414 Bank of Commerce bldg.
Phone 606. H-
On Good Keal Estate Security
Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon
IBE FIXIT SHOP Let ug repair and
sharpen your lawn mowers. Utii
Court. Phone 1022. tf
" -' j i ii
TON Osteopathic physicians and
aervs specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkville,
Mo Post graduate and specialized in
nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col-
' lege. Offices 603-508 U. S. Nat. Bank
Bldg. Phone 859. Residence, 1U20
Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White Ecs.
Phone 469.
FOE RENT Business location at 162
north Commercial, will remodel to
suit tonant. See E. M. Kiinger, 463
State street, Salem, 6-9
BILLIARD1 PARLOR for rent, with or
without fixtures; will remodel to
suit tenant; best location in city. E.
M. Kiinger, 463 State street, Sa
lem. ' 6-tf
the home place. Funeral services will
bo held from the Chapman undertak
ing parlors on Main street this mora
ii g and the interment will takt jliice
in the local I. O. O. F. cemetery The
Dallas Masonic lodgo will have cha-ge
of the services. , ,
Dallas Warehouse Manager Resigns
Willis Siinoiiton, who has iboeu mana
ger of the Dallas Farmers' warehouse
sinco its consti nc lion, has resigned his
position to u'eept a .more lucrative
place W'i'h the Suver Warehouse com
pany at that pit cc idr. Sitmnton will
not move to Suver at ,) resent but in
tends to g) to and from that placo
daily in his iincliine until bad wcath
ert sets iu this full.
New Market Opens Saturday
The .meat market on Court street in
the Williams building formerly oper
ated by the Dallas Meat company, will
lie re-opened tho last of the week by
Ed Shaw ono of the members of the
former firm. The Dallas Meat com
pany retired from business about two
months ago and sinco that t'ime the
city has had but one market, the Will
Market on north Alain street. Mr.
Hhaw will ctalblish a cash place of bus
iness which will allow him' to sell meat
at the lowest possible price.
Ernest Mi Cnloon and Joe Mnlone
were Capital city visitors Tuesday
C. B. Sundiberg, manager of tho Dal
las Telephone company, accouipanied
by Mis. Sundberg and mother, Mrs.
Adams, were Sniam visitors Wednes
day afternoon.
Mrs. M. K. Hinshaw was a Salem
visitor the first of tho woek.
C. W. Beckett of Spring Vulley was
in Dallas, Wednesday attending the
rogular monthly meeting of the county
court. Mr. Bikett is one of the coun
ty commissioners.
Work of tearing de wn tha old bridge
across the LaCreole river north ol
town is piogioing rapidly ami tho
forms for the new concrete structure
to be erected by the county will bo
erected as soon as the old bridge id
dismantled. '
Al. Ii. Thompson a prominent busi
n'-ss man c Falls City, was a Dallas
visitor Tuesday afternoon.
All your Printing an TJp-to-Now
office to meet your print
ing demands.
Wheat, soft white ..
Wheat, red
Whent, lower grades on
Barley, ton..
Shorts, per ton ...........
Hay, cleat, new
Hay, vetch, new .
Hay, clover, new .....
Dry white beans
; Telephone
Main 1200
127 'orth High ,
NEW GRILL OPEN Opposite Oregon
. Eleotrio depot, lunches and meals at
all hours, from 6 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Sam Louie, 136 8- High St. 6-21
McGornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. P. Andreeen, C. C. W. B. Uil
son, K. R. & S.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246,meetB
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in Dertiy building, corner Court and
High streets. E. ".'Day, V. C; J. A
. Wright, elerk.
Keelor, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson,
secretary. All eases of cruelty or ueg
led of dumb animals should be re
ported to the secretary lor investi
gation. .
"Oregon Grape Camp" No., 1360.
meets every Thursday evening in
Derby building, Court and High St.
Mrs. Pearl CourBey, 214 Court St-,
oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor
der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84, meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Norma L.
Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A. , Vibbert,
socretary, 340 Owens street.
Men's clothes, shoes, . hats, jewelry,
watches, tools,: musical instruments
bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit
cases, trunks, cameras, typewriters
and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337
Court street. Phone 493.
proprietor. Garbage and refuso of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Eosidence .Main 2272.
50 years experience. Depot, National
and American fence,
Sizes 26 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etiJ
Loganberry and hop hooks. -Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 250
Court strcot. Phone 124.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills pajeblo monthly in advance.
Butterfat - 42c
Creamery butter 45c
Pork, Veal and Mutton
Pork, on foot . 1516e
Veal, fancy 14(r15c
Steers 79e
Cows 5((t'7c
Bulls 6to7c
Spring lambs . .... 12&C
Ewes . 67c
Lambs, ye&rliitgs .". 9c
Egge and Poultry
Eggs, trade 37c
Eggs, cash 35c.
BroilcTS, live 25c
Hens, pound 20c
Turkeys, dressed .. 2830,
Turkeys, live, No. 1 21(a)2!'
Hens, dresse4, pound .. 30c
Old roosters - 1516c
Potatoes, old ; 75c
Potatoes, now 4c
Onions, green 40c
Onions, Bermuda .... $2
Artichokes 75c
Cabbage 3c
Aspanagut 4(le
Rhubard 40c
Peas 0(aV4e
Tomatoes, crate $3
Turnips - 3e
Beet -... 8MC
Cucuni.bers $1.50
Cantaloupes "Bfiiitiic
Oranges $7.75(1-08
Grape fruit, California $4.50
Lemons, box $8.CO(a9.50
Bananas H'jC
Strawborries - $1.50(a 2
Dromedary dates $6
Retail Prices
Creamery butter .. 50c
Flour, hard wheat ... . $2.85x3J0
Flour, soft wheat $2.05
Country butter - 45c
Eggs, dossen .. 40c
Sugar, 11 lbs. for $1
Bales limited to $1
Portland. Ore.. June 7. Butter, city
creamery 44c
r.ggs, Biic,ietf local ex. ou(auc .
Hens 20te22c
Broilers 2128e
Geese 20c.
Cheeso triplets 25 '!. 26e
' Sally Livestock Market
Receipts 147
Tone of market steady, unchanged
Prime steers $1415
WILL -YOU WRITE to lonely younf '
.-widow worth. $35,0001 Would marry.
Address Mary, Bos 584, Los Angs-
' les, Cal. - - .
WANT TO BUY for cash, modern t
room house, with large lot; 135 eree '
all tillable, near Muleshoe, Texas,
for Salem acreage; 240 acres, 20
cultivated, 40 pasture, good soU. .'
-lays well, -running water, 3 mile
- from town, will bake $2500 in trade, '
price $23,000; 60 acres all cultivated,
. 19 acres prunes, fair buildings, !
mile from town, $3,000. Owner, ropm ;
1', 341 State St. 6-17
FOR SAliE Five acres -with-good ;
house, barn and out buildings, tunc-
ed, cross -fenced and most of the ;
ground seeded, good water fro
pump, fruit for family use; on a
good road 2 miles from city lim-
its and car line, bquare Deal Real- -ty
Company, U. S. bank building. '
Phone 470. ;
For the ' purpose of trying to make '
the irrigation service more satisfae-..
tory the city will be" divided into twe
districts eo that each district will get
the full service otf the plant upon the
day it irrigates.
The plan is to hav.e the houses whica
bear even .numbers on the- streota irri
gate only on Momday,. Wednesday,' Fri
day and Suiulay, and the houses whiik
bear -odd numbers on the stroets irri
gate only en Tuesday, Thursday, Sat,
urdey and Sunday. This plan will per
mit every house to irrigate four day
out of each week.
The punjiose of the Water company
in furnishing water for drrfsation ii
not to furnish all the water a persoa
can run through the hose in the mx
irrigation hours every day, but to fur '
ish enough water to keep the lawn la
condition. To use mora than enough is
a wasto. We will pump the usual "
amount of water and hoVe to furnish '
H more satisfactorily Salem . W.atfr, '
Light & Power -Co. - - - -t
(In effect June second)
No. 73 .Arrive at Salem, ....9:10 a.au '
No. 74 Leava Salem ...............3; 00 p.m.
161 Lv Balein, inotor........7:50 a.m.
163 Lv Salem, motor .....9:35 am.
165 Lv Salem, motor ............1:40 p.m.
Through car to Monmouth aad Arlie
167 Lv Salem, motor ....4:15 p.m.i
169 Lv. Salem, motor ... k 5:58 p.m.
839 Wy fit. Lv Salom 5:00 a.m. .
102 Ar at Salem 9:10 a.m.
164 Ar. at Salem 11:00 a ja,
166 Ar at Salom 3:00 p.m.
168 Ar at Salem .. ..5:35 pja.
170 Ar at Salem 7:20 p.m.
240, Wy frt Ar Salem 2:30pjm. .
v , Southbound
Leave Arrive Arrive)
'Portland Salem Eugene "
6:30 am 8:3fi sm 10:50 am
8:80 am 10:11 am 12:25 pm
10:45 am 12:50 pm
1:09 pm 4:15 pm 6:35 pa
. 4:45pm 6:40 pm 8:50 pa;
6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only;
0:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem onljr
11:45 pm 1:55 am 6:50 am
Bank Station (leave Jefferson
Street 15 and 20 minutes later)
Leave Arrive
Bugene Balem
12:05 am 4:35 am
10 Ltd..,
6:50 ani
9:25 ass
11:30 am
1 -.20 pm
3:55 pm
6:45 pm
7:40 pm1
10:00 pm-
7:15 am
0:43 am
J 120 un
1:50 pm
4:00 pm
7:35 am
14 li:20am
id Ltd 1:55 rim
10 .MaO pm
o:A0 pm
7:55 pm
'W... . 5,25 pm
iNnrth Bank Station (Arrive Jeffersoa
Street 15 minutes earlier) ."Leave Cor
eve Corvallis Arrive Salem
8:25 1 am....Northbound....9:45 am
.12-12pm Northbound..l:50 am
2:41 pm....Northbouad....4:00 pm
4(10 pm....Northbound....5:30 pm
6:18 pm....NorBbouud....7:55 pm
8:35 am....Southboiidd....9:57 am
10:15 am....8outhbouad..ll:33 am '
J2:50 pm....Southbo niC . .1 o pm
4:15 pm....Southbound....5:40 pm
6:40 pm...JSouthbound....8:00 pa
Choice to good steers $12.5013 . ; '
Medium to good steers $ll(ai3 "" ',
Fair to medium steers $10 5011.50
Common to fair Bteors $910
Choice cows and heifers $l075(Jj
Medium to . good cows and heifers
$7.2,r.(o.'8.75 .......
Fair to medium eon s and better ,
(lanners $3.50f:5.50 -
Bulls $0.50vffll0
Calve $8.5012
Stockors and feeder $810 :
Eeeei,.ts 580
T,me o market l.r.rti25c lower
Prime mixed $16.ii."( 17
Medium mixed $10.4P(!il6.60 ;
- RourIi heavies $l(i.H5il6 - '
Pigs $lo.3iir 75
Sheep ;
- Reee.ts 595
Tone of market steady, unchanged
East of mountain lambs $16-5017
Valley lambs 16(?rl0.50 , ?
Yearlings $10(511 . J
Wethers $1010.50
Ewes $79.50
13 Ltd....
19 .
1 -