Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1918, Page TEN, Image 10

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    (The Dailn Journal.
THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1918. ?
Who fully appreciate the advantage of trading at a J. C. Penney Store. We
have SHOES for the entire family in a great variety of STYLES, COLORS,
MATERIALS and PRICES. Any one wishing to get the greatest values for
their money should not fail to give us a calL
LADIES' OXFORDS in a Mahogany
brown shade which is very popular,
of Russian Calf, with an imitation tip
and a military heel, Goodyear welt
sole. This is an exceptionally fine
low shoe at $450
Ladies' Grey Shoe with new-buck
wing tip and canvas vamp and top.
It has a good rubber military heeL
This is a stylish summer shoe 4 5Q
LADIES' SHOE in a nice shade of
tan. It has a Russian calf vamp with
new-buck top, Goodyear welt sole,
has either a late military or a French
heel. This is an extremely nice, serv
iceable high class shoe for ..$7.50
Ladies Dress Shoe, with black kid
vamp, and a mahogany brown top,
French heeL This is a late stylish
shoe at $5.50
All Around Town
iitttll U44;-m I!;!!!;;,,!;,,!!!!!!! ttttttt
Mrs. Anna Wcssela left yesterday
ver the Oregon Electrle for Centralia,
Mrs. H. H. Harris left Wednesday for
an extended visit at Bhelton, Iowa.
Miss Irene Frye is visiting at Lew
iston, Idaho.
Miss Uroth D. McCall will leave to
morrow for Seattle.
State House News
George Holland and It. J. Hughes,
both committed to the stato hospital
from Multnomah, county, eloped from
that institution Sunday. They went to
Turner - where they stole an auto be
longing to the postmaster and In this)
continued their travel. Hughes had a
brother, I. N. Hughes, residing at Tan
gout and the two elopers drove to that
place where Hughes forged his broth
er's name to a check and drew a small
amount of money. They drove on until
near Cottage Grove their machine
broke down, and tlit-y were arrested
and taken to Kugene. An officer from
the state, hospital went after them this
Director of Railroad MeAdoo has is
sued an order which in effect stops
all suits against railroads for damages
unions the suit is brought in the dis
tnot where tlw cause of the action
arose. This is done to prevent the tak
ing of employ o a long distance from
their wonk, and thus hampering the
railroad working. The order permits
suits to be brought, but compel them
to be brought where they will causo
the liti st inconvenience.
The Public service commission has
received notice from Director MuAdoo
that hereafter alt shippers will have to
pay cash for itheir treight. It is ex
plained that shippers who are accus
tomed to iiave tbelr freight delivered
in (he morning wi have until later in
the day to make payment, which if
made the same day as the freight is
received is considered cash.
The Portland G-ns company has noti
fied the Publie service commission
tihait it bus contracted for all its
briquet for three months ahead. Af
ter that date it will again take orders
for them.
The state Lime board had a short
meeting thia morning to rci'eivo the
report of the committee named at the
lat meeting to look into the matter
And see what could be done. The com
mittee composed of A. B Cordley, War
den Murphy of the prison and Benton
Brown recommended that the work be
continued. The governor told the com
mvtteo the emcTecncv beard would be
tailed again toon and then Mother ap-1
plication lor mora funds can be made.
An opinion was received from Assist
ant Attorney General Van Winkle to
the effect that contracting indebted
ness that would not fall due until af
ter there were fund available to met
the same was pemusnibk. The inten
tion of the board is to cut its request
in half and ask for only 10000 when
the emergency board meets.
Locking Into Farm
Labor Supply la Oregon
Robert C. Pauhis, manager of the
Hal era Fruit Union is home from Port
land with the cheering news that B
P. Bonhara, government immigration
ifommisatoner of Portland, has promis
ed to send a special federal lubor agent
to twicm next week.
Mr. Bonham is in charge of the de
partment of laiuot at Portland and
through Jiis qffco and that of the la
bor agent sent here, it is hoped that
laborers eutficieut to handle the crop
Here may be secured.
The headquarters of the local fed
eral agent will be established on State
street in the store room ot-eupied for
tlie Ked Cross drive and it will be part
of his business to keep in touch with
the local demand for labor here anil
tho supply iu Portland.
Mr. Bonham told Mr. Pauhis there
was a surplus of labor in liooil River
county for the picking of the straw
borry cwp anid it was probable that
this labor could be diverted to this val
ley during the Loganierry season. Th!
lederut agent to be sent hero next
week will cooperate with the i. M. U.
A. and the Y. W. 0. A. in solving the
labor proposition for this vicinity.
Court House News
Two cases have been tried and ver
dicts Tendered so far at this term of
the circuit court. They are an the suit
of the Emerson, Hardwood company
against Adrian Kemp a verdict in fav
or of the defendant in the sum of $250.
In the suiit of Kohler, Chase and com
pany against L. F. and J. P. Savage
a verdict was rendered in favor of
plaintiff and agaiust J. F. Savage for
$457.80 and $75 attorney's fees.
O. K. Tompkins against Pearl Eomn-
kins is an action for divorce on the
ground of almnnlonment. The parties
were unarmed January 11, 1910.
In the suit of F. E. Bentley versus
Gordon E. and Bessie G. Tower plain
tiff asks nonsuit without prejudice.
In tlie suit of Erich Ereft against
W. H. Clapper a decree was granted
declaring a certain contract of sale
void, and plaintiff the owner of and
entitled to the possession of loj 5 in
block 4, Burlington ' addition to Sa-
The suit of C J. Crop against R. L.
Gaines was settled out of fount and
noither party gets costs.
Kenneth D. Kavanaugh of Oregon
City and Lenta Patton of Salem wore
given a license to marry.
In the matter of the estate of Ham-
u el White deceased, the will was ad
mitted to probate and W. E. Walton.
T. M. Hicks, and 1. W. Eyre appoint
ed appraisers.
In department number one of tho
circuit court the trial of the suit of
Austin Ivuhols t ( e. against E. V.
Powers & Co. went out of court on a
voluntary nonsuit.
The trial of the suit of David Fres-
ter against A. T. Moffit. for malicious
prosecution is on this afternoon.
R. H. K
Pittsburg .. 0 S 1
Brooklyn 15 0
Banders and Archer; Marquard and
Chicago 3 12 1
Philadelphia 0 8 1
' Douglas and Kilbfer; Prendergast
and Burns. . .
. OincinnatiBoston postponed, rain.
Oregon Called On For
Two Thousand More
Oregon's quota of the draft esll for
200,000 men, Issued yesterday, was 2000
nvn. They must be mobilized between
For Upper Willamette
River Transportation
The government has taken up the
consideration as te whether it was best
to have all river traffic withdrawn
from the upper Willamette river, ac
cording to lato information at hand.
A survey of the river is to bo made by
Colonel Zinn, Corps of Engineers, in
charge of the First and Second District
The party of engineers will leave
Portland today gouig direct to Corval
lis, board the govornment launch
Salem at that point and steam down
the river. They expect to arrive in
the city this jveninjr, resuming their
journey to Portland Friday morning.
ino recent withdrawal of tho boots
of the Oregon City Transportation com
pany between Portland and Corvallis
was due to a lack of patronage. With
the increasing cost of operation it was
found that tho boats could not be
profitably operated.
Comparing rates, it seems that the
O. C. T. company was working on only
yrv cent uiiierciuiai irom tne rajl
road lines. With the recent advance in
railroad rates, it is thought that river
rates could be advanced to some extent,
at least enough to permit the running
of boats on the upper Willamette.
War Savings Stamps
Campaign Is Opened
' A committee of the War Savings
fnaiiio campaign consisting of W. M.
Hamilton, E. T. Barnes, Reuben P.
Boise and Ben F. West called on Judge
Bushey yesterday and asked tho
assistance of the county court in a
imancial way to aid in the camnaica
June 24 and 25. The committee wa
assured by Judge Bushey that the
county would aid in a financial way as
tne raising of the amount is a patriotic
At a meeting to be hold Friday morn
ing at 10 o'clock at the Commercial
club, delegations from all the school
districts in the county will be present
at hear an address by O. N. Wonacott
of Portland, assistant director of the
Oregon W. 8. 8. cinpaign.' Plans of
the campaign will lbe outlined and an
nouncement made of the quota for
each school district. The delegates
will also be given instructions how to
orgaime their respective school dis
tricts in the county, it is figured that
none will be overlooked and that each
district in the county will be given an
opportunity to sell its quota of War
Savings stamps.
The committees for each school dis
trict and town will simply receive sub
scriptions for the War Saving Stamps
and a pledge of the amount a verson
will buy each month for six months be
ginning with July. As explained by
the committee, it will give every adult
and every child in the county an op
portunity to agree to save aVrertain
amount eacl month for the remainder
of the year and to invest this amount
with the government. The campaign
is national with $17,000,000 to be sub
scribed in Oregon.
June 4-7. State Grange meet
ing in Salem.
June 7-8. Male aliens regis
ter at Police Station.
June 6-6. State Jewelers'
Convention in Salem.
June 8. Partial Eclipse of
the sua, beginning about 2:40
p. m.
June 9. Baccalaureate ser
mon First Baptist church for
High school graduates, 8 p.m.
June 12. Commencement day
Willamelte University.
June 14. Flag Day.
June 14. High school gradua
tion. June 17. Election of two
school directors in Salem.
June 17-26. Female aliens
June 21. Annual meeting
members Salem Commercial club
June 23. War Savings Stamp
mass meeting at armory.
June 26. Concert of Salem
Apollo club at Opera house.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. U. S. National Bsnk Bldg. U.
"The funeral beautiful." Webb ft
dough Co. tf.
' o
Win. C. Hunnlcutt, 18, of Falls City,
enlisted today in the army, selecting tht
coast artillery corps. He left this af
ternoon for Vancouver.
Patton Plumbing Co., S85 Chemeketa
Phone 1096. We do repair work. Stoves
and furnaces coiled. - tf.
Special 10 per dent of tnis week on
ly, on all auto tires in stock. "Clark's
Tire House," 319 N. Commercial. I
save your rimcut tires. 6-7
The Iiiglewood , school will hold a
lawn social and musical entertainment
Friday evening. The proceeds will be
given to the Bed .Cross.
Dandruff cured. Miles Dandruff
Remedy guaranteed by Ward's Drug
store. 6-.S
"Open house.'' Bev. and Mrs. John
Ovall will have "open house" at their
home, 275 N. 20th street, next Satur
day! June All friends aro most cor
dially invited.
The funeral services for L. L. Sargent
which were to have been held this af
ternoon nave been postponed until 2
o'clock Friday afternoon at the Webb
Clotigh chapel. A telegram was receiv
ed from a brother in the service at Mare
Island that he would be hera to attend
tho funeral but could not arrive until
tomorrow morning.
Dandruff cured. Miles Dandruff
Remedy guaranteed by Ward's Drug
storo. 6-8
Paris, June 6. A Zurich
dispatch to the Matin today
said the German press is oc
cupied with peaee talk. It is
hinted that a new peace resolu
tion will be introduced in the
reiehstag which is likely to
eomud a majority.
Come to the Bed Cross picnic Sunday
Juno 0 th, 2 miles west of Salem. Fol
low Independence rpad and after cross
ing R. K. track near Kingwood Park,
follow first road to right up hill to
tho grounds. Bring your baskets and
have a good time, and at the same
time help the Red Cioss. Refreshments
sold. 6-8
The executive bridge committee of
Willamette chapter, Red Cross, includes
Frank Wriglitmnn, W. H. Dancy, W. M.
Hamilton and Chas. R. Archerd of Sa
lem and Dr. Roebuck of Dallas. At the
meeting last night, W. H. Dancy was
elected secretary of the executive com
mittee. Mr. Wrightman is chairman,
. o
Chas. Maxwell, porter at the O. E.
station, has purchased tho Salem shin
ing parlors, opposite Ladd He Bush
bank, and solicits the patronage of
his friends. We clean and dye nil kinds
of shoes. Work guaranteed. We give
special attention to ladies' shoes. Give
us a call.
Vudor porch shades matte your porch
es cool. .We sell them. C. S. Hamilton.
is pretty well posted on fruit conditions
is authority lor this statement, claiming
that trw9 canneries and outside parties
are bidding strong for strawberries and
there is but little chance of a lower mar
ket. Salem folks will soon have an oppor
tunity of hearing a woman lecturer who
hae spent considerable time ia Belgium
and France. Her name is Mrs. Vernon
Kellogg and she will ppeak on the even
ing of Thursday, June 13, at the first
Methodist church. She comes Under the
auspices of the federal food administra
tion. o
B. N. Stanfield today filed statement
of election expenses showing ho had
paid John Kelly, his campaign manage'
the sum of $500 for personal service.
This is in addition to his statement filed
some days ago.
W. W. Moore of the Moore Furniture
store remembers what happened on the
bargain day about a year ago when peo
ple from both counties came to Salem
looking for the advertised bargains and
there was about twice a9 much business
as he had figured on. This time he will
be prepared and today is unloading a
car load of mattresses.
Prof. T. S. Boberts announces that he
will present in public recital Miss Lucile
DeWitte, one of his advanced pupils, at
the First Methodist ehurck on the even
ing of Friday, June 7, at 8.15 o'clock
on the piano and pipe organ. Asistiug
will be Miss Lela McCaddam and Dan
F. Laugenberg.
: o
Employes of the Barnes cash store
will be given a chance to view the
eclipse next Saturday afternoon as Mr.
Barnes announces that if tho weather
conditions are favorable, he will glose
lug store from d:J0 to 4:30 o clock. It
has been figured out that Salem will
view about 97 per cent of an eclipse and
that the first contact of shadow will
bo about 2:38 p. m..with the almost to
tal eclipse at 5:37 o'clock. . j
o 1
Employes of the Western Union Tele
graph company are in for another ex
tra payment, due October 1, 1918, which
will be in addition to the special pay
ments of July 1, and January 1, of this
year. Messengers will be made a present!
of $6.25 while employes rceiviug less
than $1200 per annum will receive
about $24. Those whose salaries are n
tween $1200 and $2000 will receive three
per cent of their semi-annual wages.
ThoSo on the pay roll for more than
$2000 will receive 2 per cent of their
semi-annual pay.
This afternoon the folowing young
men, all enlisted in the navy, leit for
Mare Island, near San Francisco, to go
into training: Jesse M. George, War
ren M. Lindsey, Clen C. Smith, Oscar
E. Schwabbauer, Rov F. South and
Walter L. Smith. Yesterday John C.
Mulcnre, 21, of Portland enlisted in the
navy and also Russell Beckett.Mr. Beck
ett is manager of Pinckney's dairy anil
will leave in a few days as soon as lie
can arrange his business affairs. He is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Beck
ett. Providing he is released by the local
exemption board, a young man may en
list in the navy, but nut after he li.n
been notified he is in the next draft
End ofiSeason Sale
on Ladies'
Coats and Suits
Entire Stock of Ladies' Coats
and Suits now greatly reduced
30 new Coats just received,
all go on Special Sale.
See window display and prices
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
Bishop Matt S- Hughes, L. L. D. will
deliver the commencement address for
Kimball College of Theology in the hsll
of assembly in the college building to
morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'cock. The
music for the occasion will include a
solo by Frank 8. Barton and singing joJm g
by the Kimball chorus, and also an in
strumental number by Dr. Frank W.
The work of the Home Service section
of the Red Cross has developed to such
an extent that it has been found ncc
essary to secure an additional room.
Russell Catlin who has already given
the Home Service the use of one room
free now offers an adjoining room free.
While the " women in charge have all
the office fixtures necessary, they real
ly would like to have a rug and a couch
in order to make the room appear home
like to the many women calling for
information and assistance. Hence, if
any one should feel patriotically inclin
ed and wish to help this very important
branch of the Red Cross work, a dona
tion of a rug and a couch would be most
acceptable. Thelephone 332.
The Salem Apollo club will make Its
bow to the Salem public at the grand
opera house on the evening of Wednes
day, Jyne 26. The club stands for the
same standard of music as sung by the
Portlnnd Apollo club and in its first
concert it will give a program adapted
to those who appreciate good music. The
elub has been organized about two
months and is under the direction of
Todd and includes 20 of the
Golden Star polish mop, 75c value
and one 50c bottle Golden Star polish,
special 75c for both. C. S. Hamilton-
A 75c polish mop and a 50c bottle
Golden Star poiish, both for 75c. C. 8.
Weekly papers three or four weeks old
and mouthly magazines out of date are
not wanted by the sailors and soldiers.
Tho postoffice authorities at Washing
ton are instructing all postmasters to
call attention to the fact that many
people are putting one cent stamps on
magazines that are so far out of date
that ,,ley re worthless to the soldiers,
and at the same time clogging up the
C. 8. mail. The suggestion is made that
no w-eekly more than two or three
weeks old, nor any monthly more than
two months old shall be forwarded by
local postmasters to the wldiers and
sailors. Hence it is useless to attempt to
put off on the army or navy any old
The housewife who intend to can a
few strawberries will do well to begin
canning at once and be satisfied if she
can buy at $2 a crate. A grocer who
Business Sessions Held Close
With Banquet and Pro
gram Tonight
The second day's session of the
Oregon Retail Jewelers opened with
an address at the Commercial 'club by
Walter A. Denton, secretary Oregon
Retail Grocers' and Merchants' asso
ciation. In his talk, Mr. benton took the
stand that the retailer must not over
look the human element with his em
ployee as well as the public and that
the modern retailer must do his share
in building up his community and com
munity life. It was the duty of a mer
chant to so conduct his business as to
build up his community, he said, and
to keetp business at home rather than
to conduct it in such a manner' that
hig home folks' would support mail or
der houses built cn inferior merchan
dise and through misrepresentations.
He also urged it hat retailers should
be free from such an indirect tax on
the public as trading stamps and free
gifts wherein the public always final
ly pays in full. He claimed that the
"merchant is really the backbone of a
community and that ho was the first to
bo solicited and the first to give for
the advance of local affairs.
This afternoon at 2 o'clock, Milton
A. Miller, United Sta'es revenue col
lector, delSvcretl an address on the spe
cial tax to which jewelers are subject
and giving general information as to
how this tax affects the business man.
. At 7:30 o'clock this evening the din
ing room of the Marion, hotel will be
thrown opon for a dinner dance given
in honor of the visiting jewelers, with
a program as follows;
Isaac E. Staples, toastmastcr.
Classic dance, ' ' The Coming of
Spring," Miss Genevieve Barbour.
Violin solo, (a) Souvenir De Bade
(Leonard): (b) Beutschcr Tanz, Miss
Teryle Staples.
Stprano solo, Winds in the South
(Scott), Miss Ada Miller.
Dance, Butterfly, Miss Barbour.
Soprano solo, Bird of the Wilderness
(Horseman) Miss Miller.
Dancing beHwecn courses and until
11 p. m. Hunt's orchestra.
Government Price On
Wool Definitely fixed
The farmer who has a small clip of
wool is now assured of the govern
ment's price at from 47 to 63 cents a
pound, according to grade and tliero
ore no restrictions as to disposing of
same, except that instead of having
the wool graded by a local buyer, it
must be graded by a licensed dealer,
such as Clifford W. Brown or the Thoa.
Kay Woolen Mills.
. The government regulations permit
the local buyer to charge Hie wool
owner one half a cent a pound merely
for shipping ajid sending to a licensed
dealer, if the wool is sent direct to
these dealers, he of course saves tho
half cent a pound.
Woolen mills arc limited to buyini
to within a radius of . 50 mlies from the
mill whilo a licensed dealer may buy
any where in the Willamette valley.
Hence the man who has a small clip
of wool to sell may have it handled by
his local banker or any local firm at an
expense of half a cent a pound. Tho
priw leceived will depend on the trad
ing and this year buyers say there is
but little to be sold at the low price of .
47 cents and that the average will run
up pretty close to 60 cents a pound.
Four Are Candidates
Forjchool Director
H. 8. Poisnl filed his peltition yester
day to become a candidate for election
as school director at tho election to bo
held in Salem Monday Juno 17.
Harlay O. White was finally per
suaded to permit the use of his naino
and to become a candidutc. The peti
tion of Cliannecy Bishop was also fil
ed yesterday. According to the pres
ent Hneup, Harley O. White and Chaun
cey Bishop wild stand for school ad
vancement under the present school su
perintendent and) corps of teachers.
Tho petition of Frank Hughes was fil
ed somo time ago.
As is customary in school elections
there will be only eno voting booth
nnd that will be in the store room on
State street adjoining the Postal Tele
giaph office. Candidates for school di
rector must have a property qualifica
tion, but any registered voter may
This is the time for all good men and
true to come to the aid of their country.
best male voices in the city. It is the
intentions of the Apollo club to give a
series of concerts the coming winter.
Justice George H. Burnett is honorary
president; F. G. Deckebach, vice presi
dent, W. T. Jenks, secretary, Dan Lnn
genberg, librarian and John II. Todd,
Telegraphers Ready
For Nation-Fide Strike
J i
Chicago, June 6. "Blind" erders for'
a nation-wide strike of commercial tele-1
graphcTs were issued by International
President 8. J. Eonenkamp. Operators
ans instructed as to procedure during)
the walkout.
The date is not set, but Eonenkamp'
said it would not be this week or the!
fore part of the next. The strike or
der will affect both the Western Union !
and Postal companies. j
Eonenkamp today conferred with E
J. Thomas, representing railway tele-!
graphers. !
Two possibilities for averting the tie-1
up are intervention by President Wilson
or the war administration.
The only sure way of getting ahead in
this world financially is . to buy for
cash, save from 15 to 25; and buy
thrift stamps or liberty bonds.
25c Catchup 22c
10c Pure Spices 7c
35c Coffee 26c
25c Coffee 19c
15c Corn . 12c
15c Peas . j. j 12c
15c Tomatoes . 12c
Sulpher, per pound I 8c
65c Syrup 48c
15c Cora Flakes , . 9c
25c Salmon 17c
It pays to buy from the Farmers Cash
Store, opposite Court House.
June 24 and 28.