(Tl;c jJailninlfil Journal EIGHT TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1918. .. 3 t WE WISH TO EXTEND A VERY HEARTY WELCO TO THE VISITING MEMBERS OF THE Oregon Grange DURING THEIR STAY IN OUR CITY. We call your attention to the fact that we have a nice, good line of LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR, DRY GOODS AND SHOES, together with cloth ing for the entire family. A. CALL WILL CON VINCE YOU that WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. MMMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMM4 PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Foster Van Osdol ar rived in the city today from Astoria and expoct to make Salem their home. Mr. Van Osdol ia employed at the Bpaulding Logging Co. John J. Wilson left this morning over the Oregon Electric for Aberdeen Wash ington. Mrs. J. C. Nelson and son Thomas left yesterday for Valley Springs, S. D. for un extended visit with her mother and sister. Mrs. Flora Conger and son spent thie week end in Portland visiting Mrs. Con ger's sister. rMs. Edith Walck loft yesterday for Vancouver where hor husband is employ ed. Mr. Walck was formerly with the farmer ' Cash store. K. C. Armstrong, formerly county fruit inspector, has returned from Whit tier, Calif., where he has been spend ing the winter with his mother. G. E, Knapp and wife have resigned a janitors of the Hubbard building and will be succeeded by John Davis. Mr. Knapp left for Seattle where he has accepted employment in a ship yard B. A. Lucas, formerly with the Pru dential Life Insurance company in Sa lem returned yesterday to his home at Bend. Ore., after a short visit here. E. E. Dunbar of Corvallis was in tho eity yesterday. George V. Keid who has been visiting relatives left yesterday for his home at Leesville, Calif. Mrs. M. E. llinshaw of Dallas was a Salem visitor yesterday. L. L. Hunter of McMinnville was in Salem Monday looking after his prune interests. LATE WAR" BULLETINS Athens, June '4. An entire Turkish regiment mutinied, seized thoir guns and fled when ordered to Palostine, re piils received here from the Turkish in terior declared today. Amsterdam, June 4. Practically no meat has been obtainable in Holland for the past few woeks and the sttua lion is becoming even more acute, it was announced today. In some instances dis have been, Bucretly killed and sold M mutton. ' Washington, June 4. Seven deaths f i om aviation accidents on American fields occurred between May 15, and May &!, the war department announced today. London, June 4. The American hos pital ship Comfort will be used between the United States and an American na val base abroad, without convoy, it was announced here today. Germany will be . notified each time the ship makes a trip. TELEGRAPHERS STRIKE. Washington, June 4. Thfl govern- ment's action in vont a telegrapher strike i called was before members of President Wilson ' cabinet today. Following a eerie of conferences be tween President S. J. Konenkamp of the telegraphers, President Samuel Gompers cf the American Federation of Labor nd Secretary of Labor Wilson, beliuf was sticngtheued, however, that there would be no general ttlcgrapluirs strike called. 5 " DEED SAUiKNT. At the 'aillainetU Sana torium, Tuesday, June , 1918, Lores L. Sargent, at the age of 17 years. His death was due to tonailitis, follow ed by other complications. Desides his parents, Mr. and Mr. C F. Hargent who live at Scio, he is sur vived by orue lister and two brothers. The young man had recently become a member, of the Silverton Oregon Cuird. , The funeral services ' will be held 41itra1sv from thit chattel tit Wnbh Ji Cbugu. Burial will U in the City Vl-jw! etiuetery. ME ANNUAL MEETING. PUNS K HADE Commercial Directors Busy With Coming Year's Activities Flans are now under consideration by the directors of the Salem Commer cial chiib for tho annual Aieeting to be held during the last week of June. This mooting will be not only for members of the club, but tho public in general will be invited. Besides an address to be deliveroVti by prominemt speakers from Portland the evening will also be in the line of a smoker and lunch eon. Before tha annual meeting, it is cits tomary for the several departments to moot and elect their directors for the coming year, their selection to bo ratified at the general meeting. E. T. Damns is director of the legis lation, and taxation department and luis successor will be elected on tho ovening of Monday, June 10. On the sanio evening, tho members of the bo cial department will meet and elect a sueersaor to the present director, W. A. Marshall. A. successor to Theodoro Roth, direct or of the industrial department will be elected June 10 and on tho 14, a suc cessor to Dr. B. L. Steeves, director of the civic department. The following week, directors will be elected to succeed L. J. Chapin of the agricultural department P. E. Fullor ton of the mercantile department and William. Miflilchrist, director of the tourist, publicity and convention de partment, At the annual meeting, a report of the activities of the club during tho past year will be read to bo followed by a general discussion of work to be done by tho club tho coining year, es pecially that wherein tho club will be of assistance to tho government. Ten Men Enlist at Recruiting Station Tern, young men, each giving his age as 21 years, today entered the service by enlisting at tho army recruiting station on Stnto street. Also one young man fro.ni Silverton, giving his age as 19 years. They all left this afternoou for Vancouver and thoir names aro as follows: Ray L. Binegar of Corvallis, machin ist, in the quartermaster's corps. Russo.ll Clearwater of Salem, in the cavalry. Herbert E. Welch of Salem in tho coast artillery corps. Frank Yost of Shaw, In the const artillery corps. Prank M. Strausbaugh of Salem, med ical corps. io la the' quartermaster's corps. tori W. Elliott of Corvnllis, maehin- Earl W. Elliott of Corcullis, machin ist, quartermaster's corps. James J. Hall of Turner, machinist, quartermaster's corps. Frank D. Harris of Salom, quarter master's corps. I.loyd C Niccolnon of Jefferson, en gineers' corps. Joseph K. I'nsperson, ago 19, of Sil verton, quartermaster's corps. I .lame J. Hall of Turner was the i tallest man in the group, standing six feet three and a half Inches tall and woighing 179 pounds. GENTLEMANLY PIRATE. Atlantic City, N. J. June 4. The commander of one of Ger many ' submarine now trying to blockade American ports, is a gentlemanly pirate who shake hands cordially and then turns hi victims loose in small boats, with insufficient water and food according to Chief Engineer Charles Peterson of the steamer Tcxtel.. t 'JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL I A 11 A AHA roun COMING EVENTS June 4-7. 8tate Grange meet ing in Salem. , - June 5-6. State Jewelers' Convention in Salem. June 8. Partial Eclipse of the tun, beginning about 2:40 p. m. June .--Commencement day Willamette University. June 14. High school graduation.- June 17. Election of two school directors in Salem. Dr. M. p. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor rectly. U. a. National Benk Bldg. tl Mis Gertrude Fawk has recently pur chased home on Fairmount Hill from Dr. Seymour Skiff. The transfer was handled by Grabcnhorst & Company. o "Women, children do your bit Help pick the Loganberries. You can regis ter and get all particulars at 415 U. 8. Bonk bldg. tf Walter E. Keyes and Donald W. Miles have moved their law offices to 410 U. S. Bank bldg. 6 4 The Cottle apart mnta were recently sold. The furnishings have been dispos ed of and the .proprietor has retired from the business. Register for Loganberry picking at 415 U. S. Bank bddg. tf Good chicken dinner, HSyesvllle church Friday, June 7th, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Red Cross benefit- Price 35 cts Dr. Epley will give his poem and other partiotio speeches. Menu: Chicken and gravy, potatoes, baked beans, cottage cheose, potato salad, pickles, cake, bread and butter, strawberries and cream, coffee. 6-4 A detachment of five of the Oregon sfate police passed through the city yesterday on their return from Sweet Home where they went to capture Jeff lipid wiu tlwe escaped convict. He didn't happen to be there. Dr. W. Metier will be out ot the city until the evening of JuBe 7th. 6-5 Beginning June 1st, we will conduct our business. on a cash basis. Perry's Drug Store. 6-3 Yesterday the official thermometer recorded 71 as the maximum tempera ture, tho warmest day of the year with tho exception of April 20 when tha mer cury tnuclwcd the 80 mark. Donald W. Miles and Walter E. Keyes have moved their law offices to 410 U. S. Bank bldg. 6-4 "The funeral beautiful." Webb ft Clough Co. tf. Fred b. Lamport will leave next Mon day for Ban Francisco. He recently en listed in the navy and was assigned to ISnn Ftancise.6 where he will take up study to become gunner. Highest price for Loganberry pick ing. Register now at 4ID u. o. twin bldg. tf O. W. Eyre will "ship stodt Wednes day. Phone ZZOfiM. At tha riarlamntnrv MTltftKt. held At Cheinawa last evening as part of tho week's commencement exercises, the first, honor was awarded to Thelma Ov- sen.. an Indian girl from Alaska. Louise Dimacon and Wade Minthorn were giv en honorable mention. Patton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa Phone 1096. We do repair work. Stoves and furnace coiled. tf. . Special 10 per nt of this week on ly, on all auto tires in stot-k. ' Clark's tiro House," 319 N. Commercial. 1 save your rimcut tires. 6-7 Th baccalaureate sermon to be 1 1, i.l tn tha hiil.ntn nf the Salem high school to graduate tins year will be delivered by the Rev. George F, Holt ivovt Humliiv ovimtncr at the First Ban. tist church. His subject will be "The Pathway to Greatness." Phone 2357J, will ship 2 carloads of stock Thursday. C. D. Burdick. Dance Moose hall tonight. Although word wa received yester day from Washington, D. C, that the food administration did not contem plate fixing a price for prunes, pack era in tho valley are not worrying to any extent about prices. The govern ment has forbid the packers making any quotation to wholesalers until July 15 or after and this practically works in favor of the grower as well as pack- as it removeithe speculative element in the business at this time of year. o Cool and pleasant at Moose nail, dance tonight. Be early. Chicken pie and strawberry short cake will be served at the Presbyter ian supper Wednesday eve from 6 to 8 o. 'clock. Price 50c. o Six Harley Davidson motorcycle rid ers from Roseburg passed through the c'ty yesterday on their way home, just taking time to visit a few friends. They .ft Roseburg May 29 ana row to Port land to attend the races. Ia the party ucre Frank Poole, Ellis Miller, Earl Davis, Joe Davis, Lloyd Tipton and Stewart Tr.ylor. They said the Pacific d Town I HM4MMMt hi rhway was ' surely firfe for motor eycusK o Dance Moose hall tonight. v Chicken pie and strawberry short cake will be served at the Presbyter ian supper Wednesday eve from 6 to o u ww: a. rice ouc. Warren M. Lindsay enlisted in the navy todav. choosinir the electrical work. He-will leave Thursday for Mare Inland. He was formerly associated with r' i a t. unrulier rieene. Tonight dance' at Moose hall. o Dr. Alzamon Ira Lues a. cava: "wnat ever may be your fear or worry, I ean eliminate it ana Dring peace to your mind. I correct all mental and Psv,hic- al disturbances prevent divorces, in sanity and suiciiiA biiH "iiIhpa" vnn in your natural. vocation." Tell your jrouoies to ur. Liuess. ile will be in Bligh hotel, room 37, today, Wednes day and Thursday hours 10 to 12 nurl 2 to 5 p. m. Services free. Attend lec ture tonignt and tomorrow night in the theater Grand. You'll enjoy the talk and demonstrations. Admission free- Frank M. Newton has lust mit. In a new Maxwell truck and is better able to care for all his customers desiring hauling of all kinds. - 6-5 The junior class of the Salem Men school will hold its animal picnic tomor row. Miss Margaret Graham, class ad viser, will accompany them. Dance at Moose hall tonight. Glenn O. Nilw, formerly with the Capital National Bank is now located at Hood Kiver in the banking business. In a letter to J. E. Adams of the navy re cruiting station in Salem, he asks for information as to how he could be of service to his country in .either the navy or army. He writes that he hopes to get into the service but fears he cannot pass for active work. He writes that he is 29 years old, Weighs 328 pounds, is six feet all and that besides the high school he attended a university fur one y.'ar. Mr. Adams will take the mat ter up with the higher authorities and endeavor to find some place where Mr. Mies may have his ambition to serve his country gratified. H. S. Poisal has filed a petition to be put on the ballot for school director at the election, June 17. --o Chas. Maxwell, porter at the 0. E. station, has purchased the Salem Shin ing parlors, opposite Ladd & Bush bank, and solicits the patronago of his friends. Wa clean and dye all kinds of shoe work guaranteed. We give- spe cial attention to ladies' shoes. Give us call. . At Moose hall danco tonight. o With the handing down the opinions tins morning at 10 o'clock Justice Mc- Can ant severed his connection with the supreme court, and tomorrow will return to Portland to take up the practice of he law again. He being on the program for an address before the state grango at the armory this evening he remain ed over, His successor, C. A. Johns, who having won the nomination on the re publican ticket for the coming term was appointed to fill the vacancy by Gover nor Wilhyeombe, and this afternoon at o'clock took the oath of office m the supreme court room it being admin istered by Chief Justice McBride. . o And now comes the warning that it will be especially injurious to view the eclipse next Saturday with the naked eve. Direct sunlight has a destructive effect on the retina and blonds sd those with light colored irides are af fected more than others. Ordinary tint ed glasses do not furnish sufficient pro tection. It requires a deeply colored glnss or better still, a piece of smoked glass. A piece of broken window pane and a match or candlo to smoke the glass is all that is necessary. The best piotcction is afforded by a pioce of de veloped photographic film. - o Triday and Saturday of this wek, G. F. Alexander, U. S. marshal of Port land, will be in the city to assist in registering all alien men in order that they may approach within half a mile of the armory. If German aliens do not register hero during the two day, they will be obliged to go to Portland. This regWtration does not apply to women. Tho United States mnrshal will be at the police headquarters for the two days. This registration has nothing to do' with any oth?r registration requir ed of aliens. It applies to those who may come within ualf a mile of the ar mory. As this distance practically covers the "down-town business and official sec tion, it mans that every German alien who expects to come to Salem at any tiinr must register. There is a penalty for not registering. 0 Two patients of the Oregon State Hospital eloped yestorday, two boys from the Oregon State Training school skipped out and last night two bicycles were stolen from houses on North Com mercial street. The men from the state hospital seeking other quarters are nam et llollant and Hughe. Thy have not as yet been captured. Toe two boys from the State Training school decided that traveling would be faster on bicycles and late Inst night found one on the front porch of W. B. Minier, 1376 North Commercial and another at the home of L. R. Burdette, 1168 Oak street. Their travelling was all right until they reach ed Gervais where they were arrested, brought to town and this afternoon re turned to the superintendent of the Training sihooL MINE PICKED UP OFF DELAWARE COAST Indication That Germany Is Attempting to Blockade American Coast Washington, June 4. The navy de partment today announced that a mine had been picked up off the Delaware Soast by a 'mine sweeper. The announcement indicated that the German submarines plying off Ameri ca's snores are putting into effect the threat made by one of their officers, that Germany would utilize every effort to blockade this country's porta. The official announcement follows: 'The navy department has received, a report from the commandant of the F.turth naval district that at eleven o'clock this morning a naval mine sweeper operating off the Delaware capes, picked up one mime. This is the same general location as that in which the tanker Pratt was sunk yesterday afternoon. The movements of shipping are being carefully regulated and the nana sweeping is, of course, being con tinued." Making Every Effort. Washington, June 4. "The navy de partment is doing everything possible to ope with the L-bont raiders," said 3enalor Swanson, Virginia, acting chair man of the senate naval affairs com mittee, today. bwanson and Senator Lodge,, ranking republican member of the committee, visited Secretary Daniels to learn what steps were being taken to capture or uiive off th.9 submarines. Both expressed complete confidence that the fullest defensive measures ere in operation. Dr. Lucas Appears at Opera House Tonight Dr. Alzamon Ira Lucas says, stop worrying, and for those who are so inclined, he has a mcssago to be de livered this evening at the opera house. Last evening at the opera house, the doctor gave a demonstration of his psychical skill by answering u number of questions prepared by the audience and dropped in the question box. He told one man 's lifo story and then cor rectly stated the profession of a young woman. He even told a father how many children ho had. Tonight Dr. Lucas will speak on "The Sub-ConscUius Mind; How to Awaken it." He lias promised to tell what will happen to the kaiser and how the war will end. There aro other interesting things the doctor tells, all based on his skill as a psycho-analyst, , According to the monthly report of the Salem postoff ice, the sales of stamps in the' cky for the month of May were $7,258.01 while in the county outside of Snlem, the amount for stamps was $1,631.75. In Salem tine sales for the month for second class matter were $14360 and for third and fourth class matter $3,917.73, m'aking a total for the month of $12,951.09. I . o I The Boy Scouts won their fifth game of the season in baseball which was played at the home grounds Sunday against tho Fern Diggers of east of Silverton. The score was 8 to 6. The Scouts are making a good showing hav ing won all the games played bat cue. The players werj Jackson, Steffcn, Kielibiel, Wclty, Pooler, Leisy, Schaap Currio and Welty. o ; Members of the Elks lodge, and invit ed friends, which included the domestic scienco class ef the high school were given an evening of entertainment last nighj when the Troubadour company presented a program of classical music Charles B. Archerd, chairman of the-i entertainment committee, sometimes known as the William Jennings Bry an of the lodg(, ' eloquently spoke of the many good qualities of the Elk members in the city, intimating that their motto was obedience and submission. At the close of the program a luncheon was served and the remainder of the even ing passed in dancing. Submarine Chaser Mistaken For Target Washington, June 4. One man on the V. S. S. Louisinna was killed when another warship at target practice mis took a submarine chaser for a target ring fired thereon, accordingjo navy de- PROCRASTINATION "If" I had only started a Savings Account 20 years ago," says the old man who finds .himself wihtout funds in his old age. 'Tf my husband had only taken out a Life Policy," breathes the widow who finds herself and family facing the future with the bread-winner gone. "If I hadn't taken out that $10,000 Endowment Policy 20 years ago I would have to go into bankruptcy," says the business man . who finds conditions against him. Why don 't you consider making pro vision for the future T V h MUTUAL LIFE OFFICE S71 Stat Street J. F. Hutchison, Dist Mgr. ! HrSni ;M silk wm POPLIN $lyd But with our Eastern connections and direct-buying methods we have received a new shipment this morn ing and is now being placed on sale. An excellent and lustrous quality Silk Poplin 3Sh $1.00 (Colors: Old Rose, Pearl Grey, Smoke, Copenhagen Blue, Plum, Pigeon Blue, Beige and Ivory. Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & COMPANY PHONE 1072 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store parlment advices today. The shot went wide, striking the man on the Louisiana. Firing Heard Off Coast. Lewes, Del., June 4. Firing contin ucd all this morning off Cape Henlopen in what is believed to be a battle be tween the U-boat that sank the tanker Herbert L. Pratt and United States na val scout vessels, it was officially stat ed here at noon. Earlier reports today We Can Fit You With Becoming Eye-glasses or Spectacles That will enable you to see clearly without eyestrain or wrinkles. We guarantee eyeglass satisfaction. DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 204-205 Salem Bank of Commerce Building f EXTRAORDINARY HERBERT "IDE FALL OF THE with "I LIODOR"--Himself FORMER CONFIDENT OF THE CZAR, EX POSING THE KAISER'S SECRET WORK FOR SEPERATE PEACE IN RUSSIA. THE HISTORIC CHARACTERS AND THE ARTISTS WHO RE CREATED THEM Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia Rasputin Iliodor , Prince Felix Grand Duke Nicholas ; Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany Baron Frederick Theofan The Infant Czarewitch Alexander Kerensky General Korniloff . Prinss lrena ... Virubova The Czarina THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY NO RAISE IN PRICES LIBERTY THEATRE It's nretfahard to find such Quality from Delaware breakwater Btatod that the fight seven miles off Bhore began at six o'clock last night several hours after the Pratt had been sunk and con tinued until daybreak. Rescued passengers of tho New-York and Porto Eico liner Carolina are clos eted with government offiiials who eicadfastly refuse to permit newspaper men or friends to see the survivors. An official statement may be given out late this afternoon. BRENON'S Alfred Hickman Edward Connelly : By Himself Conway Tcarle Charles Craig George Denucburg R. Paton Gibbs William E. Shay Master Lawrence Johnson . W. Francis Chapin Peter Barbierre Mile. Ketty Galanta Pauline Curley , Mile. Marcelie Teggy Betts AND .Kance O'Neill ROMANOffS