Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 04, 1918, Image 1

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Culy Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed by th Audit Bureas. el
like Swum
Oregon: Tonight
and Wednesday
fair; gentle var
iable nindi. .
STANDS rtV rtm
Attack Force Which H( grossed Marne River Forcing
Them Back and Takitae Hundred PrisonersGer
mans Are Held All A Line. Makin No Material
1 Progress at Any PfS -British In Flanders Repulse
Small Raids and Make i Slight Gains
Paris, June 4. American troops have struck their first
blow in the new battle of the Marne. Fighting side by
sjde with the French, they hurled back a German force
which reached the southern bank of the river the first
time the Marne has been crossed by the enemy since early
in the war. ,
"In heavy fighting south of the Ourcq, the Germans,
with the help of heavy artillery concentrations, carried
.Mosloy, Neuilly-flja-Porterie. In violent fighting these
villages were taken and re-taken."
.The Germans crossed the river south of Jaulgonne,
mid-way between Chateau-Thierry and Dormans.
The Franco-American force took a hundred prisoners.
After the boches had been hurled back the French' and
Americans destroyed the bridge.
An American force also stopped the German advance
before Neuilly wood, hurling the Huns back by a magnif
icent counter attack. ,
"An American force stopped the Ger
mans attempting to reach Neuilly
wood,' 'the communique said. "By a
magnificent counter attack, they, hurl
ed the Germans back north of the wood.
fNouilly wood is on the south bank of
the Ourcq river, just weSt of tlws vil
lage of Neuilly- St. Front and seven
miles west and north of Chateau-Thierry).
"Further south, the Germans realized
no gain on the Marne front. One Ger
man battalion which reached the left
bank near Jaulgonne, was hurled back
by a Franco-American counter attack,
with heavy losses. The Bridge was de
stroyed and prisoners taken.
"The Germans were held without pro
gress by the Ftench between the Oise
nnd the Aisne.
"Between the Aisne and the Ourcq
the battle was going on with great vio
lence yesterday evening and last night.
"Violent attacks Wi?rc made in the
region of Pernant, ..Baconin-Et-Breuil,
Missy-Auic-Bois and Troesnes. Pernant
was taken by the Germans at the cost
of heavy losses to the assailants.
"Further south the French withdrew
a little to the w.st of Saconin and Mis-sy-Aux-Bois.
Faverolles and Troesnes
were held by the French.
London Says Foe Checked.
London, June 4 The Germans' ef
forts to advance southwestward down
tlw vallys of the Marne, Ourcq and
Oise toward Paris nre still checked, ac
cording to the night official reports.
Elsewhere on the new Marne front they
appear to have fared no better.
The German war office claimed
")" MltlttlHUHIIII imidhI
Salem is to have its second "bargain
day. A concerted action of the mer
chants in Salem has decided upon Sat
urday June 15 ;h as a proper occasion
for the event. Salem's first Annual
Bargain Day was held Saturday June
2nd of last year and it was pronounc
ed by the merchants to be the most
successful merchandising event ever
held in Salem.
This year's bargain day promises to
be bigger and better than ever. More
(merchants have joined the list of bar
gain day stores and there will be a
friendly rivalry between them as to
who can offer the greatest inducements
to the buying public The decision to
hold this second Annual Bargain Day
is in response to requests and demand's
from residents in various parts of Ma
rion and Polk counties from people
who participated in the bargains of
fered a year ago and who appreciated
wonderful money savings they secured
ty buying on that occasion.
Ia speaking; f Salem' first Annual
Bargain Day, the following quotations
from some of Salem ' leading mer
chants will demonstrate what they
"fresh progress" but all of the gains
described were admitted by the French
war office forty eight hours or more
ago. Berlin reported the arrival of
"fresh French units, from far distant
fronts." , . .....
"The Germans -have been cheeked
west of Soissons," the Paris commun
ique said. "We recaptured Favereulles
(14 miles southwest of Soissons)."'
Al Frauco-British gains on the east
ern flank were maintained, acording to
the communique.
On the Flanders front, Field Marshal
Haig reported the repulse of hostile
raids near Baillcul by French troops.
"Theryj was considerable hostile ar
tillery fire between Albert and the Sot
re river early this morning," Field
Marshal Haig reported today.
"A f.ew prisoners were taken in a
successful raid west of Merville last
"A hostile attack on one of our po
sitions west of Viux-Berquin was repuls
ed and a few prisoners were taken."
Germans Capture Booty.
Amsterdam, June 4. German news
paper correspondents claim that 175,000
allied prisoners two thousand cannon
and "innumerable" machine guns have
been captured since the start of the
present offensive March 21.
Women Are Killed.
London, June 4. Nine members of
the women 's auxiliary automobile corps
were killed in the recent bombing of
British headquarters behind the line's, it
was announced today.
PT.AWS rntf uirrvi Tl A XT
'thought of the event:
"It was a wonderful success a suc
cess to the merchant who sold so large
ly and to the buyer purchasing so eco
nomically. I have believed from the
first that it would be a success but
it has by far surpassed mv expects
tiensf said William McGilchrist of
the Imperial Fnrmtnre company.
"Fine," said E. T- Barnes of the
Barnes Cash store. "I never believed
newspaper publicity had such 'pulling
power, lou can just double my sub
scription to the Bargain Day public
ity fund."
"It's opened my eyes as to what
concerted effort of the merchant
backed by strong newspaper publicity
can accomplish," said Chauneey Bish
op of tie Salem Woolen Mills store-
"Biggest day I ever had," said O.
E. Price of the Price Shoe company.
"All records broken in this store,"
was the comment of P. E. Fullertcn.
Mr. Kafourv was strong in his praitt
of tho event. ' 'I had many extra sales
people but will have to apologize for
Failure to Create Reign of
Terror In American Ship
ping Circles Apparent
Thoroughly Organized U-Boai
Hunt Is Under Way All
Along Coast
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press staff correspondent)
-Washington, June 4. Germany has
failed to gain any military advantage
from her spectacular U-boat raids oft
the American coast-
If she intended to terrorize the Am
erican mind she has failed likewise to
accomplish that.
These two facts stood out in bold
lelitf today in thei wake of the star
ling news that Teuton U-boats had
been perating since May 25 off our
coast, bagging probably twelve or more
vessels of various types, but missinj
any cargo or troop transport.
Secretary of the Navy Daniels was
authority for the flat statement that
American naval strength abroad would
not be diverted to home shores because
of the foray. Germany, he suggested,
wanted strongly to dent the American
lineup abroad, so she perhaps could un
dertake important naval actions over
Scouting Vessels Active ,
Every available scouting vessel was
(Continued oa page six)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert
Maxey of Montana Dies
of Wounds
Washington, June 4. Forty names
were included in today's casually list,
divided as follows
Three killed in action; two dead
from wounds; six dead from disease;
nineteen dead from accdent and oth
er causes; eight wounded severely; one
wounded! slightly and one prisoner.
Lieutenant I'olonel Hobert J. Maxey,
Missoula, Mont., died from wounds;
Lieutenant William L. Miller, Sagi
naw, Mich., died of disease; Lieuten
ants John L, Mtc-holl, Milwaukee and
Richard Blodgett, Newton, Mass., died
of accident.
Killed in Action
Privates Lon Meadows, Krupp,.Ky.
Howard I- Milton, JLartford, Conn
Nelson A. Pluff. New Haven, Conn.
Diod of Wounds
Lieutenant Colonel Eobcrt J. Maxey
(Continued oa page six)
nuc moiuu
It almost kills some folks t' git op
at uiirise, t tay not h in o bem' shot
A woman is nev-r satisfied unless die's
put tin' confidence in tome one.
1 secoHi a
, ml
1 War Summary of United Press I
1 1402nd Day of tie War; 75th Day of the big Offensive
Marne Front. American troops sig
nalized their appearance in the new bat
tle of the Marne yesterday evening
by defeating the Germans in two sensa
tional counter attacks.
In conjunction with the French, they
hurled back a German battalion which
had forced the first crossing of the
Marne south of Jaulgonne. This town
is mid-way between Chateau-Thierry
and Veruuil, which represents the four
teen mile front by the enemy north of
the river.
Further to the northwest an Ameri
can detachment, operating alone, stop
ped the Hun advance at Neuilly wood
and threw the Germans back to the
northward. This represented the high
tido of the enemy's westward progress
during the day and stood out above a
series of temporary French defeats to
the north and southward.
Betweeu the Aisrue and the ' Oisc
rivers the Germans failed to gain, but
to the southward, between the Aisne
and the Ourcq, and between the Ourcq
and the Marn.9 they took seven vil
lages. Twe of these, Mosloy and Neuil-ly-La-Porterie,
were taken and retakon
several times and their ultimate fate
was still in doubt.
On the eastern portion of the new
front, between the Marne and Rheims,
there was no ehange.
Picardy Front. Field Marshal Haig
reported considerable hostile artillery
fire betw.een Albert and the Serre
Mate of Raiding U-Boat Tells
of Raid Pians to Amer
ican Prisoner ;
New York, June 4. "I won't waste,
a torpedo on anything less than a troop
ship. Torpedoes are too expensive."
This the declaration of the command
er of one submarine to Captain Gilmore
of the schooner Edna, who was. held
prisoner aboard a submarine for a
' New York, June 4.-nGerniany has es
tablished a permanent submnrine block
ade of the American coast and within
a short time a fleet of U-boats capable
of operating against every important
Atlantic port will be here, according to
the mate of the submarine U-151.
The mate, who Berved five years as
boatswain in tho United States navy,
made this statement to Enoch Bocker,
boatswain'yif the schooner Edna. After
(Continued on page two)
Are Now Dropping Tons of
Bombs Upon German Troops
Behind Lines
By Henry Wood
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the French Armies in The Field,
June 3. French aviators, regaining
complete mastery of the air, dropped
sixty three tons of bombs ou German
troop concentrations back of the Marne
battle front Saturday and Sunday, it
was learned today.
The principal attacks were directed
against Bivouacs and marching troops
iu the concentration regions of Fismes
and Oulchy-Le Chatcav,
One squadron commander sent more
than fifty machines against a column
of marching Germans, five kilometers
(three miles) long. Charging like cav
alry, the air men descended to within
3-j feet of the ground, raining bombs
and machine gun bullets on the column
until it was completely routed. "
During the first week of the Marne
drive the French brought down 23 Hun
airplanes while six "sausage" balloons
were destroyed in the region of Rheims
in one day alone.
Everywhere the French squadrons are
successfully breaking op columns of Ger
mans marching to the front. Reconnoi
tcrii.g plane kept the French command
ers informed every 13 minutes of the
precise location ot -the boches. together
with their density and the direction of.
(Continued oa page six)
Germany. An Amsterdam dispatch
osiil thA nrmiii newsnaner correSDOnd-
ents claim 175,000 allied prisoners, two
. 4 . 1. I I ,
thousand cannon ana --mnumeruuie
mm-hiiio puns have been taken since the
start of the big offensive March 21. -
Congress May Investigate
Its Own Law Breaking
Washington, June 4. Congress pro
poses to investigate itself.
Professedly shocked by disclosures
of a local newspaper purporting to
show use of liquor in the house office
building in "dry" territory, niembers
wore demanding an investigation. The
newspaper printed a picture of twenty
nine "empties" which it said came
from a barrel in the lavatory of the
fourth floor of tho office building. It
carried quotes of janitors and others
tending to show that a collection of
"dead soldiers" daily in that region
was not uncommon. t '
Prohibition people attempted to
make the pictuie and story appear a
plant by tho wets.
It has been common gossip here that
some congressmen though voting for
dry measures, "got theirs" in the way
of liquid goods even though the -town
is dry and importation from adjoiniug
cities more or less restricted.
Rome congressional leaders professed
to bo shocked at the insinuations of
the ncwsnaiDCr and clamored for a
Shins Sunk by U-Boats
In Atlantic Coast Raid
Wluneconne: 1,869 ton freight
steamer, owned by the Arneri-
can Traiis-Atlantin company of
New York. Carried crew of B8.
Sunk of Cape May, N. J. May 28
Herbert L. Pratt: 8,000 ton
tank steamer, owned by the At-
Jantic Refining company of v
Philadelphia. Carried crew of
38. Bound from Tampico to Phil-
adclphia. Struck by mine or .tor-
pedo yesterday and beached
about five miles south of Over-
falls light ship, off Cape Hen-
lopen, Del. One of crow lost.
Texel: 3,210 ton steamer, tak-
en from Dutch Corporation by
United States shipping board.
Carried crew of 38. Bound from
the West Indies to an Amcr-
icau port with a sugar cargo
valued at $2,000,000. Sunk with-
out warning off New York har-
bor Sunday afternoon. Crew
landed at Atlantic City, N. J.,
early today.
Edward H. Cole: 1,791 ton
schooner owned by Crowcll and
Thurston of Boston. Carried
crew of 11. Bound from Norfolk
to Portland, Maine. Sunk by
bombs about fifty miles off Bar-
ncgat, N. J., Sunday afternoon
Crew landed at New York yes-
terday morning.
Jacob M. Haskell: 1,778 ton
schooner owned by Crowell and
Thurston of Boston. Carried a
crew of 10. Bound from Boston
to Norfolk. Sunk by shell fire
about fifty miles off Banwogat,
N. J., Sunday noon.
Isabel B. Wiley: 611 ton
schooner, owned by the Atlus
company of Philadelphia. Car-
ried crew of eight. Bound from
Perth Amboy to Newport News
Va. Sunk between Cape Henlw
pen and Cape Charles, May 28.
nattie M. Dunn: 305 ton
schooner owned by Dunn and El-
liott of Thomaston, Maine. Car-
ried crew of six. Sunk between
Cape Henlopen and Cape Char-
les, May 20.
Edna: 325 ton schooner own-
cd by C. A. Small, of Machias, U
Maine. Bound from Philadelphia
to Havana. Sunk off Winter
Quarter shoal lightship, midway
between Cape Henlopen and
Cape Charges, May 25.
Hauppauge; 1,339 ton auxil-
iary schooner. Carried crew of
Ships Believed To Have Been
Carolina: 5,093 ton passenger
and freight steamer owned by
the Nw York and Port Rico
Steamship eompany of Now
York. Sent wireless calls for
help while being shelled 125
to 150 miles off Sandy Hook, 7
p. m. Sunday.
Samuel W. Hathaway: 1,038-
ton schooner owned by Crowell
and Thurston of Boston. Car-
ried erew of nine. No details.
Port of New York Reopened
rearing Airplane Raids No New Activities of Submarine
Raiders Are Reported-Coast Is Patrolled by Crafts cf
Various Descriptions Hunting the U-Boats Airplane Ia
Great Flocks Are On J-cakout Far Out at Sea
New York, June . The Port of New las these early 'victims of German sub
York hc been reopened, it was an- marine piracy against the United State
nounced at headquarters of the Third j stepped ashoro.
naval district today. ' j Commander Barbour of tha Carolina
Nw York, June . New York will
be dark tonight for fear of airplane
raids or bombardmnt. The order was
Issued today by Police Commissioner
Atlantic City, N. J., June 4. Forty
survivors of the liner Carolina landed
licfe today.
' Woyr York, June 4. The ' schooner
Edna T. Douglas is off Barnegat with
approximately 250 survivors from the
liner Carolina, it was stated at the of
fices of the New York and Porto Elco
Steamship company this afternoon.
This accounts for practically all the
Carolina's passengers and citx -
Now York, Juno 4, .The liuer Caro
lina was sunk by a German submarine,
according to survivors who were land
ed today.
Practically all the passengers and
erew have hen accounted for.
The sinking took place Sunday night,
survivors, declared. There are 150 pas
seugers and 94 members of the crew
aboard the schooner Edna P. Douglas
off Barnegat bight, where they wore
found iu ureboats.
Forty survivors landed at Atlantic
Nineteen additional survivor's came
ashore at Lewes, Del.
It was reported that bodies had been
washed ashore at Bieach Haven, N. J.,
but It was known that these were from
the Carolina.
The New Y'ork and Porto Eico Steam
ship company here understood that the
schooner Edna Douglas would come here
with all the Carolina passengers it had
rescued. Howevor, it was reported at
Atlantia City that some of them would
be landed there.
As the first ones to arrivo at Atlan
tic City came ashoro, a Shriners band,
standing on tlve board walk, played
"The Star Spangled Bunner."
The crowd stood uncovered, cheering
Local Board Sent Out List This
Morning-Men In Service
From Date
Sixty five men of draft ago have
been called to entrain for Camp Lewis
on or about Monday, June 24, this be
ing the number required of local
board, division No, 1. Marion county.
In addition to the 05 who have been
certified, the call will include ten al
ternate part of whom will entrain at
the same time should any of the 6
.men be inducted into other service or
fail to report for June 24.
The lal exemption board sent out
the following list this morning. After
a man is addressed nd orders given
to report.( he i practically in tho ser
vice. The list includes 20 mei living in
Alvin Curtis Greenfield, Indian
Creek Koad House Mile. 8, Anchorage,
Bollo' Forest Axley, 1096 north 17th
street, ttalem.
. Calvin Arthur Ager, Mill City.
Phillip Mathias Albus, Aumsville.
Earnest E. Baker, 1445 Oak street,
Dudley Bruce Taylor, Turner.
Arley Bay Libby, Jefferson.
Nick Stangaronn, 834 Fourth street,
Edward Frederick Schroeder, Stay
ton. Ernest Clarence Bouck. El Centro,
Francis H. Hoeretb, Sherwood.
I Emiddio Bollo, 895 south 21st street
Louis Tyler Tooker, 257 south 16th
(Continued on page three)
But City Fill Be Dark Tonight,
sent a message to his offices here, say
ing lie believed all hands were acounf
eu for, but that two boats were missing.
of these boats, containing nineteen
was picked np and those it carried
landed at Lewes, Del. The other was
found drifting, apparently splintered
by shell fire, empty, except for a man '
cap and three biscuit tins.
Aside from the rescue of the Carolina
victims thete were no further evidence,
up to mid-afternoon, of U-boat depre
dations on this coast.
As a precautionary measure, Police '
Commissioner Enright ordered lighting
restrictions for New York, effoctive to
night. Coney Island and all eleetrieal
displays will bo dark. Street lights are
Whero lights are left burning in of
fices and dwellings, the shades must be
drawn whorcver possible. .
The Illuminations at Conev Island and
other beaclws are ordered discontinu
ed. ..
The following order was issued by
.. "All display lights, advertising signs
or such illuminations In the city Include
ing the seashore, will be discontinued
until further orders. This will not In
clude city lights or lights in dwelling
and office buildings when inside. Shades
in these will bo drawn whenever pos
sible." '
Millionaire Packer
Drives Army Truck
Chicago, Juno 4. NelBon
Morris, milliifiiaire rookie . at
lie ftanin GrAnt. wnft ftssiirned to a 3k
supply train today; The former
head of a Chicago packing eom-
pany will drive a motor truck
to the Atlantic coast and prob-
ably be sent overseas at once.
Sixty-Four Loyal Subjects of
Kaiser Are Gathered Up
and Put In Jail
New York, June 4. About the only
persons in Now York who are excited
about the submarines are sixty four
Germans and they're in jail.
The city took the news with summer
cnnuik Crowds watched tlkfl bulletin
boards, but there was little nervousness.
Tulk of possible air raids predominated.
Coney Island blazed with lights as usual
last night and island boats sailed boldly
out of the narrows until naval author
ities swung the submarine net across.
United States Marshal McCarthy con
ducted raids during the night on meet
ing placeB of Germans and gathered
iu sixty four who were ho'ding hocn
fests in celebration. All were jailed snd
will probably be interned. Crowds as
sembled around automobiles containing
the enemy aliens shouting, and at one
point school children sang patriotic
songs as the Germans started for prison.
Nervousness on the part of people in
other lections of the country who hav
friends or relatives here was manifest
ed by thousands of telegrams which
came in, almost swamping the telegraph,
The police are ready for eventualities.
In case of an air raid Bfd Cross work
ers in each district wil be summwiel
by the blowing ot whistles. Stores of
surgical supplies are ready rooms
have been prepared for use as tempor
ary hospitals. . .
New York is defenseless sginst ir
attacks, asserted August Post, secre
tary of the serial league. ..'
(Continued on page three)