Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 03, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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U -if' a
London Has Sensation
That Is Badly Mixed
London, June 3. The defense in the
trial of Noel Pemberton-Billing, charg
ed with libeling Maud Allen, trie osneer
called the Bev. Father Bornard Vaughan
noted Jesuit sociologist, to testify re
garding the play "Salome," in which
Miss Allen appeared.
- Vaughan said he regarded "Salome"
as a "treason against the sanctity and
majesty of God." He said its produc
tion should not be permitted and that
the efforts of Pemberton-Billing thru
his newspaper Vigilante to prevent it,
were "good work."
But even to prevent the production
of the play, Vaughan said, h,e would not
libel a "pure woman." Pemberton
Billing thereupon suggested that the
Coming Wednesday
Sessue Kayakawa
"White Man's Law"
4 ji j 5
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t - - - r i ', j '
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' ' ,
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S I " - , I
iril,'fr ,L.mJmuMflk-Mmiit m t
I "
Certaln-teed is fast taking the place of metal roofs, not only
because of the scarcity and high
Roofing -
is superior in ever; important roofing quality. Metal easily rusts arid dis
integrates from atmospheric gases. Certain-tttd cannot rust and its asphalt
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and warmer in winter.
Metal must be painted frequently. Certain-teed gives years of weather
proof service practically without any upkeep expense.
Metal it noisy in wind or storm. Certain-tttd fully deadens sound from such sources.
Metal is not safely guaranteed. Certain-tttd is absolutely guaranteed 5, 10 or 15 years,
according to thickness, and actually gives longer service than its guarantee.
Metal is a direct drain on military materials. Certain-teid is made principally of waste
tags and asphalt materials which have no military use whatever.
Crtain-ted hat proved its efficiency and economy for every kind of roofing
service factories, warehouses, hotels, stores, farm buildings, outbuildings, etc
Certain-teed is more economical and more efficient in service
than metal or any ttker type of roof. Certain-tttd is the best
quality of roll roofing it costs no more to lay than ordinary roll
tooting and lasts much longer. Sold by dealers everywhere.
Certain-teed Products Corporation
Offices and Waiwbou.es in the PrinoipaJ Cities of America
Manufacturers of
Certain-feed Paints Varniihet Roofing
I character of "Salome" was "hideous-!
lv nlTtllrfl.,,
. r
Captain Harold Spencer, who testified
that German agents k.'pt a book con
taining the names of 47,000 Britishers
alleged to be addicted to vice, denied
on the stand that he had ever been
certified insane.
tinder coss-examination, Spencer de
clared he had discovered a German plot
to restore Asquith, Caillaux and Gio
litti lo their respective premierships of
Great Britain, France and Italy. He
claimed to have submitted this infor
mation to Premier Lloyd-George. He
esuded the question as to where he had
obtained the information.
German Woman Gets
; Son In Serious Trouble
Albany, Or., June 3. A German wom
an's influence over her son caused him
to disregard his desire to obey the draft
call. As a result, Mi's. Elberta Brandel
aged 58 and her son, Edwin, aged 25,
are in jail here.
After his arrest Edwin told federal
officers he was willing to join the na
tional army, and offered to go unac
companied to camp. Before they accept
ed his offer they talked with his moth
er. Mrs. Brandel bitterly declared her son
should not join the army. She Baid the
draft law was unconstitutional and at
tacked the supreme court which has
declared it constitutional.
Edwin liad not appeared when called
in the draft, He and his mother wore
taken and charged with violating tlue
espionage law after'officers had broken
through the door of their home.
A number of relatives gathered at
tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zim
merman Sunday to celebrate Mr. Zim
merman's 8(Mh birthday. Mt. Zimmer
man its one of the yoangest old men in
this whole section, and few would sus-
poi'.t that, he is 80 years of age. Those
who assembled at the family reunion
were Mr. and Mrs. iiu'iug Zimmerman
and children of Albany, R. W. Zimmer
man and Wife, Henry Zimmerman, Lie
ta Zimmerman, Lucile Zieeler, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Webort, Ralph Zipnmerman
and Elmer Zimmerman of Portland, Al
Zimmerman, Mra. Stauffer and Miss
Mary Zimmerman. Aurora Observer.
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Tha leading actors in " Buckley '" Monkey circus which come as a spe
cial show at the Bligh theater torn arrow, Wednesday and Thursday. They
will be shown at tue usual 10c an d 20c prices.
Better than metal.
cost of metal, but because
- teed
(Continued from page one)
said they saw a submarine closely pur-
of the Edward H. Cole, which was sunk,
said they saw a submarine closely pur
suing a steamer.
The steamship Carolina was attacked
while ea route from Porto Bico with
250 passengers, according to reports
received at Washington, New York and
Boston. The Boston chamber of com
merce has a report that Carolina was
sunk. The Washington and New York
reports &id she was being shelled.
Began Work Yesterday.
The sinkings began at 4 p. m. yes
terday, when the schooner Cole was
destroyed by bombs off tho Jersey
coast. A Canadian Paeifie liner re
ceived wireless 8. O. 8. calls from two
tank steamers which , were torpedoed
150 miles off Sandy Hook, between 7
and 8 o'clock last night, . .
The Now York Maritime fixchange
was reportod to have a list 06 about 13
vessels ottacked or destroyed by raid
ers. The list was reported being held
until it had been checked over with the
navy department and this afternoon
officials of the exchange refused to ad
mit they had such a list.
The. distance from the nearest sub
marine brses in Belgium arid Germany
to the Jersey coast is about 4.000
miles, air line, but the course a U-boat
would hove to take would not be less
than 5,000 miles. At an average sur
face spwl of 15 miles a nhour, a sub
marine would require over two weeks
for such a vcyage.
Official - rpTM.'ts recently
Mi "Cruiser Submarine"
submarine," which haoSbeen encount
ered great distances from German
bases. These new U-boats are supposee,
to be heavily armed. Descriptions of
the U-boats off the Jersey coast said
they carried large guns forward and
after and small gun amidship. This
would indirato the visitors are of the
"cruiser sulimarne" type.
Captain Hart of the steamer Bristol
which picked up the members of the
crew of the schooner Cole she had been
sunk, sail he heard seven distinct bom-
before happening on the
castaways in their lifeboats.
After lie had picked up the men. he
said, a submarine approached his ship,
Commander In Chief Urges'
U-Boat Actmty Regard
less of Cost
By Jarl D. Groat
(United Prsss-Staff Correspondent) i
Washington. June S. . Hindenburg
is making a new effort to have the Teu
ton navies back his land work, accord
ing to advices here today. He is urging
that, regardless of the cost, they at
tempt to erippla the British sea power.
Only by this means, according to the
argument he is reported to be making
anew, can the entente be actually crush
ed. This is similar to the argument he
used during the oth?r drives. The navy
department here was advised then of
the struggle Hindenburg was having
with Von Capellc. And at that time, re
sponsible officials here believed that
Hindeuburg would prevail. They pointed
By William Philip Sims
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Paris, June 3. Paris continues to be
the wonder city of the war. While the
Prussian crown princa's armies under
General Von Below and General Von
Boehm, forty-five miles away, hurl
their desperate masses in their third
drive against tho city, there is no sign
of a panic here.
People are going about their business
with no sign of any fear that the Gor
mans may continue their advance. Abso
lute confidence prevails everywiiere and
the same feeling exists through all the
territory behind the allied lines.
The long range gun continues to
send shells into the capital daily and
each night brings its aeroplane bombing
raid, so Paris is as much attacked as
some parts of tho western front, but
the people have long since become used
to it.
I heard one business man remark cas
ually to his partner as he took his hat
from its peg and started to dinner:
Well, I'm off. I'll bfl back in time
for that conference and after that wo
can watch the air raid." .
These raids, of course kill mostly
women and children and because of this
everybody detests them. But people are
far from being panic stricken.
I strolled up and down the boulevards
while an air raid was on, expecting to
si'e a great scurrying for shelter. But
when th.e alarm sirens began wailing
like all the demons of hell let loose,
nobody paid the slightest attention to
them. 'Folks continued to stroll quietly
as if nothing had happened. Young sol
diers on leave from the front walked
its'conaing tower plainly visible, but it
turned aside without attacking him.
He attributed this to the fact that a
largo awning forward ori his ship gave
it the appearance of carrying heavy
guns. .......
Two submarines wore definitely
sighted by the crew of the Cole. Re
ports fram Englai.4 'coist cities were
rather vague, but indicated that there
were other submarines.
It was estimated this afternoon that
the U-boat fWut tprobably consisted
of four to six submarines. They were
reported 7o miles off Jersey at 4 p. m.
yesterday, 150 miles, off tho coast at
7 p. m. end at the same time were re
ported operating in the vicinity of
Tho range of the U-boat operations
along the coast, estimated from the var
ious reports, is from 350 to 40l miles.
Officials Were Warned.
ReportB accumulated today sho'.ving
that officials have had warning of the
possibility of tho U-boat attacks. Early
in the day Secretary Daniels, in an in
terview at Washington, said increased
precautions were being taken against
submarines in American waters. Pas
sengers arriving here on a steamer
from Bermuda today declared that its
departure was held - up tweuty-four
hours, and that women and children,
booked as passengers were not allowed
to sail. I
The first news of the attack came
with the arrival here of the crew of
the schooner Edward H. Cole, aboard
the steamer Bristol. Thereafter reports
came thick and fact from ports along
the coast from Atlantic City to Bo
ton. The navy department acted quick-J
ly, tho departure of all ships being held
up. Submarine chasers were rushed out
from various bases to reinforce those
already patrolling nearby waters.
Fourth Bala to This Bide
The present operation is the fourth
visit of German submarines to Ameri
can waters, but the first since the
United States entered the war.
The merchant submarine Ductsrh
land made two trips to American ports,
landing at Baltimore anil Nw London.
The U-53, a war submarine, appear
ed off the Rhode Island coast in Octo
ber, 1910, and sank ix merchant ships.
The Carolina is a steel steamer of
5093 tons, built it Newport News in
198(1.' She is 381.5 feet long and has a
beam of 47.8 feet.
The steamer originally was the steam
er LaGrande Duchesse of the Plant
line and later was tho City of Savan
nah, owned by tho Ocean Steamship
comiiany of Boston.
Tho pair of U-boats operated off
Barneeat within striking distance of
New York and the Jersey coaSt re
sorts. Main Ports Closed -The
ports of New York and Boston
are closed. A careful watch is on at
all Atlantic gateways.
Destroyers and submarine chasers arc
in the hunt for the two submarines.
and though they may strike aga.n, it
out that he did not care about loss of
ships, particularly if there was a ghost
of a chance of a sea offensive being
successful and thus crowning his gory
efforts on the land.
That he may prevail eventually was
the view of some here today.
The statement of Bear Admiral
Glaves in New York last night that
Britain actually had been advised a few
days ago that th.? German shins were
coming out drew mnch discussion here
early today. That American ships would
get a place of honor in warding off such
a blow as he claimed, is certain.
With the possibility of an important
sea action ahead, military meu today
took stock of the general situation with
a somewhat more optimistic spirit than
they hav.j had for several days past.
The resistance to the Huns' westward
smash is stiffening as evidenced by over
night reports of successful French at
tacks and the fact that ths Germans
over Sunday failed to make any consid
erable advances.
arm in arm, with tlkeir sweethearts, un
perturbed. To all appearances they had
not heard the warnings,
Older men walking homeward with
their wives and daughters after dinner
in a restaurant went on at a leisure
ly pace. Groups still collected around
the newspaper kiosks to buy the latest
editions and among them was a heavy
sprniKiing.or American buddies from
the trenches, calling for American maga
zines, uia laaies selling these periodi
cals adjusted their spectacles with trem-'
bling hands and made change by the
dimmest candle light, despite, the men
ace of German airplanes fighting to
win the skies over tho city and loose
their cargoes of murder bombs.
Taxicabs careened through the
avenues with their usual reckless speed
dashing at a great rate down darkened
streets. On the sidewalk, tho human pro
cession moved on the same as always
only now it marched in deepest shadows.
Now and then one heard a1 girlish voice
raised in protest after a "smack""
which gave some French boy's secret
way. lliere were notes of merry laugh
tcr and a soldier's jest about the do -
lights of Paris after dark.
'then the aerial barrage began. Shells
Lin-st flickeringly highovcrliead. Now
and then it was possible to hear the
purring German motors.
Bombs drop and thunder rolls through
the streets, but still, there is no sign
of panic. , ...
1'nric hns' grown used to war. Neither
th crown prince struggling desperately
to the east nor his Gothas buzzing above
t!i boulevards, has frightened her.
is -considered quite likely they have
gone skulking ibnck to Germany or to
some hidden base off tho North or
Smith American coast.
Tho steamship Bristol and other
steaiiuers were not far distant from
the scene of the torpodoings. Boston
reports that one of the'' U-boats had
boon captured had not been coniirm
ed by the navy department early this
On the the heels of official advices
that enemy submarines wore operatii
off the American coast, tho- railroad
administration today announced it will
arm all railroad-owned ships plying in
tho coastwise trade, (secretary Daniels
has asked how many guns and men will
be needed to sii'pply tho vessels and
those will bo furnished as rapidly as
possible, it was announced.
Seek Base of Supplies
A possible foaso of supplies for the
U-boats is now earnestly sought by the
navy department. That they .may be op
crating from some, g'vret point along
the coast, cither in this country, Mex
ico or South America, or that tliey may
be supplied' from a raider or unknown
station in mid-Atlantic was uelieve'l
However, a mojority of the olticmls
bt'liieved tine two submarines are only
duplicating the feat of tho U-M,
which, in tho full of 191 C, struck the
steamer lano off Nantucket Imht and
bagged several cargo vessels. She put
into Newport and then hurried back
across the ocean.
Large Cruising Radius
Her tCTuising radius was apparently
7000 to 8000 miles and the present sub
marines appear of the same or larger
radius. They need no supply station if,
as believed here, they are sent out to
iiiuko a gpcctaucJar attack and return
Tho fact that they got only sailing
vessels is regarded as signif icalit. Wore
this a systematic campaign it is bcliev
edl they have savd valuable muni-
DoYou (now
The Fine Flavor
4 "
Catarrh is a Real Enemy
and Requires Vigorous Treatment
Do Not Neglect It.
Then you us medicated sprays,
atomisers and douches for your Ca
tarrh, you may succeed in unstopping
the choked-up air passages for the
time being, but this annoying condi
tion returns, and yon have to do the
lame thing over and over again.
Catarrh has never yet been cured
by these local applications. Have
you ever experienced axr rial benefit
(rant such treatment?
German Press Comments
of Present Offensive
Amsterdam, June S. German
military writers believe Hia- "
deivburg plans to halt at the
4c Warn e and carry out a concen- sje
trie movement westward, over
the Carlepont plateau, toward
General Ardenne writes that
. the theory of the battle is the
same as penetrating armor
plate (many hits, iclose togeth-
or, tending to weaken the pow-
er of resistance.
Major Schriebershofen, in th
4c llamiburjs Nachrichten, declares 4c
4c that developments will bo in- 4c
ilucnocd by the French reserve 4c
4c force which Foch has brought 4c
4c vv fromi great distances and 4c
4c which h hesitates to throw in- 4c
4c to the battle. 4c
4c 4c
4c 4c 4c 4c4c4c4c4c4c4c 4e 4c 4c
Woodburn, Or., June 3. Twenty
eight draft men left hero Saturday
niht on the Southern Pacific for Fort
McDowell, Cal. Coruipany I auxiliary
served a luncheon at Masonic hall and
the boys wore entertained toy the hon
or guard at a duwe at the armory ber
fore departure. Those leaving were:
Kdwin Booth,- G. A. Peterson, . J.
Wellman, T. A. Volgtunore, M. Vaeh
tor, H. N. Waltz, Ralph B. Martin, E.
M. Clemens, L. Evenden, J. M. Hughes,
A. Eepnol, W. Lattemaier, O. M. Pul
ley, E. Lu Ulrich, K. Wanner, W. C.
Kinney, C. J- Keeton, D. A. Sparks, H.
A. Elliott, B. W. Stoner, O. Solium, H.
V. Robb, W. F. Keil. T. Bresko, C. R.
Marte, B. N. Miller, H. F. Homan, C.
Mikkleson. Adolph Glatt left Tuesday
for Camp Lewis.
tions for larger prey.
Officials Not Worried
Treasury officials, believing the
presctnt raid is a "flash in the pan"
aie not consiilering the marine iusur-
1 -""' whieh were -ow'e'I1c1 ;to 2
nor cent May 8, officials declaring that
a week would tell whether the enemy
threat was sufficiently strong to cause
an upward trend in the rates.
(Continued from page one)
to visit the Italian frou this weckVt
enna reported. : ." ,
Premier Orlando is on the front, im
parting cheer to the Italian troops.
France The Germans renewed ths
long range bombardment of Paris this
England Engl is cities on tho south
June 13th
One Day Only
care of
Yick Sa Tong
Chinese Medicine and Tea Cw.
Has medicine which will cure
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
an til 8 p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon. Phone 283
For Feeding Hogs
Marion Creamery
Call or Telephone 2488
Throw these makeshift remedies to
the winds, and get on the right treat
ment Go to your drag store to-day.
get a bottle of S. S. atd commence
a treatment that has been praised oy
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S. S. S. gets right at the source of
Catarrh, and forces from the blood
the germs which cause the disease.
You can obtain special medical advica
regarding your own case without
charge by writing to Medical Direc
tor. ZZ Swift Laboratory. Atlanta, Ga.
coast are entertaining American eon
valeseemt soldiers.
Germany Reports received in Am
sterdam from the interior declare that
German authorities are making every
effort to induce the people to celebrate
the German successes on the west xron
Austfia-Hungary-Zurich advices via
Berlin and Vienna say a whole regi
ment of Serbians and Hungarians has
revolted. Many German officers have
been killed by their men.
!.!cth:fs FrisrJ
la fey Ites
Comfort and Safety Assured Beforo
tha Arrival of tha Stork.
n thonsands of Aniericariuomes then
s hottla of ths snlendld and tune-nunorca
remedy, Mother's Frleml, tlipt has aided mmij
a woman through ths trying" onletil, sr.vetl
her from sutTcrW and pain, kept her l
health of mind nnrt body in advnnc ol
balijr's contlntr, and had a mot wonderful
Inllnence In developing a healthy, lovely u.
poaitioo in tho child.
Mother's Friend relieves the pain and dis
comfort caused by the strain on tha llffa.
iiients, makes pliable thou libers and rrnitcl I
which nature 1 expanding, and soothea t!i
lnnammutlon of breast glands and otliel
soreness. The tendency to nervousness and
to morning sickness or nauiea la counter
By reinilftr use during the period the mn
elea expand with ease when buby is born,
tension la reduced and the palu and dangel
tit the crisis Is naturally less.
, Mother's Friend Is an external remedy)
M absolutely safe and wonderfully effective.
It not only allays distress In advance but
assures a speedy recovery (or the mother. !
i This splendid preparation may be had nj
every drug store, and Is one of tha create
blessings ever discovered for expectant mot'jl
crs. write to tha Brutlllcltl Regulator Coj
I Lamar Bids;., Atlanta,(!a., for the I
"Motherhood Book," so valuable to expei'taii
mothers, and In the meantime do not fitil
to get a bottle of Mother's Friend st til
dnu store and thus fortify yourself ainin-4
pain and discomfort
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Full Marlpet Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks. .
Get onr prices before you sell.
271 N. Oom'l 8t. Phone 731
3C efC fC e( 11
ji sfc )c jJc sc
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Used Furniture
Phone 941 or 608
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell.
The Square Deal House
271 Chemekcta Street
Phone 398
Phone 77
Try Our Checking System on Baggage.
Claim Checks for Every Parcel
Calls answered all hours day
and night.
Ees. Phone 111; Office Phone 183
252 N. High St.
in inonsanus oi jniencun uuiues im-ie ia