Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 01, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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BaU par word New Today:
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(or error in Classified Advertisement
Bead j-our advertisement the first 4ay
It appears, and notify us iaunadUtely
Minima- charge, 15
FOB KENT One 6 room and one 5
room bungalow, on or before June
1st. Phone 1644 Hubbard bldg. tf
MULTIGRAPHINQ Phonj 340. 8-25
TOR RENT Weber Grand
Phone G2F13.
A NUKSK wants nursing or maternity
cases in her home. Phone 25Q1J4. 6-6
200 YOUNG roosters, seven weeks old,
-20 cents each. Phone 8F22. 6-1
IX)E SALE Body Brussels rug, ex
tension dining table. 500 Capitol. 6-1
power house. Mill and Liberty St. 6-1
FOB SALE Or trade for young stock,
good mule team. Phone, Oitt'4. 6-3
FORD FOR SALE '13 model.
1245 Waller St.
MOTORCYCLE and gasoline
for sale. 261 Court St.
. 6-1
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, the auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Phone 52. 6-11
SWITCHES made from combings.
Phone 1041, Mrs. Boyce. tf
FOR SALE Stevens Durye ear, suit
aoi lor true-, will sell cheap. Phone
734. 271 N. CommeseiaL tf
FOR SALE Studebaker 114 sprint
wagon, will sell cheap. Phon 734,
271 N. Coml. tf
FOB BJDNT 5 rooms furnished, mod
ern in every wav. Call evenings or
Sunday 352 X. 12th. 6-1
FOR SALE Or trade for car, span of
t!50 mules, new wagon and harness.
If. T. Harbison, Brooks, Or. 6-1
GOOD buys in Ford trucks. Inquire of
Valley Motor Co., corner State and
Front Sts. 6-1
WANTED Experienced grocery clerk
State age, eJLerien-e and salary ex
pected. Address (Jrocer care Capital
Journal. 6-4
MODERN, 7 room nouse, with largerlbt
for safe or trade for ocreago or
Portland property. Call 1865 State.
Phone 2227. 6-1
REFINED mother and daughter wish
furnished home to care for during
summer months. Phone 959 between
9 and 6. 6-1
WANTED Delivery boy at once. Roth
Grocery Co. 6-1
WANTET Lady to do light house-'
work. Phone 3olM. o-J
WANTED 8 to 10 Loganberry pick
ers, women or experienced family
preferred, good camping ground,
well, potato patch and wood, 7 miles
south; transportation furnished. 1C
if gray through. X care Journal. 6-3
M&iary Men Mere Dme
Wfll Be Stopped But
Recognize Crisis ,
By Carl D. Groat,
Washington, June 1. The German
drive will stop at the Marne, army
men here predicted today. They do not
believe the Germans will now make a
great effort to pass it.
The next development expected is a
German attempt to straighten out their
lines from the Marne to Amiens and in
the Rheims region. If they succeed,
another lull in the conflict may follow,
permitting concentration of Teuton
forces for a renewed drive toward the
channel. """"
The situation is viewed as extremely
grave, but there is a distinct note of
confidence here today.
Germany is making extensive use of
a new form of gas attack in her" drive,
throwing nine-inch shells, seven and
eight miles behind the allied lines,
members of the senate military com
mittee learned today at the weekly
conference of the war council.
The general situation, so far air the
United States is concerned, continues
to improve, the committee ltrned.
May proved a record breaker in num
ber of troops sent across. Aircraft
production has increased in i olume,
members of the committee de lared.
A number of Bristol planes havt been
completed and will be shipped si on.
Senator Lewis' statement that wo
had already a million men in the
forces abroad was declared to bt aa
exaggeration of about 30 per cent.
Coceent Program Sun
day Ye2g--SaJein
Folks Invited
S : ; : - it
other kinds, 2011 Maple Ave. 6-3
WANTED Men and women sale man
agers, for great fnei conservation
device: cuts fuel bills in half; helps
your government; big money maker.
Simplex Mfg. Co., Seaboard Bank
Bldg., Seattle, Wash. -
G. W. EYRE will shipp
nesday. Phone 2206M.
OOW FOR SALE Inquire 459 N.
WANTED One wide
Box 158 Salem.
GOATS WANTED To buy, must be in
fair shape. Address Herman FreSia
care Capital Journal, 8-7
FOB SALE Two-horse cultivator, two
cows and two shonts. Phone 37F22.
FJR SALE 5 passenger Dodge auto
mobile, good condition. Phono 1323.
FJR SALE iFresh cow and fine heif
er calf, $50. J). R. Ruble. Phone IF
14. 8-1
(1 30D cow to let on shores, owner
pa half feed for half imilk, deliv
wei Phone 2135J. 6-3
LOGANBERRY picker wanted; 30
. acres, two miles east of Brooks, good
camp grounds, wood and water; we
move you out to yard and back to
town; picking will last about five
weeks. Mangis Bros., Salem., Or.
Phone 717. 6-3
Th-3 Commencement exercises for the
week at the Salem Indian school at Che
mawa will begin Sunday afternoon,June
2, with a sacred concert at 2:30 o'clock
and a dress parade at 4:30 o'clock. The
baccalaureate sermon will be preached
at 8 o'clock in the evening in the school
auditorium, the program for the even
ing being as follows
Processional,.Orchestra; "My Coun
try 'Tis of Thee" school; Invocation,
Rev. Henry J. Talbott, of Kimball Col
lege, Willamette University; Vocal solo
"1 Know a Love liarden" (d'Harde-
lot), Hose DesChamp; Devotion (Mack-
le-Beyer) Orchestra; Legends (Moh
ring) Girl's Octette; Baccalaureate Ser
mon, Rev. Henry J. Talbott; Greetings
to Spring, (Strauss) choir; Song,
"Chemawa" school; Recessional, Or
The program for Monday Juiia 3, in
cludes a base ball game at 2:30 o'clock
in the afternoon, a band concert at
0:15 p. m. and the declamatory contest
in the auditorium at 8 o'clock p. m.
Superintendent Harwood Hall urges
that the people of Salem attend the ex
ercises of the week on the proposition
that the school is of community inter
est and that all should become more
familiar with the educational work of
the institution.
est yard in the valley. Good camp
ing, good water, provisions on the
ground. Wo move you out to yard
and back to town. Picking begins
about June 25tii. Register now, we
pay one cenit with 3-8th cent bonus
pox pound. L. H. Roberts, Hit. 7, Sa
lem, Or., Phone 41F24. tf
13 LOGANBERRY pickors wanted;
good picking, good camping ground,
can walk and live at homo only 15
minutes walk from snd of bridge.
Wallace road, Polk county; would
also like to register same crew for
picking beans. W. C. Franklin. Phone
52F14, tf
Not Strong On Marne.
London, June 1. The Germans' first
reched the Marne at Chateau Thierry
according to semi-official reports tv
ceived here today;
From Chateau Thierry, small detach
ments of the enemy worked their way
as far eastward as Verneuil.
This is accepted as an indication that
the Germans are not in strong force on
the Marne as yet. It is believed they
are being held back by- French artil
lery firing across the river.
The fact that the Germans were
forced to turn eastward along the
Marne, instead of being able to move
westward, augurs well for the allies.
Checked in their attempts to cross
the Marne, the Germans are now con
fining their efforts to break down the
resistance on the wings at Rheims and
in the region of Soissons.
British troops on the eastern flank
are checking all progress in that direc
tion, de-spite the fact Rheims is parti
ally surrounded. Consequently the
Germans' heaviest efforts are to the
west of Soissons for the purpose of
linking up the recent advance with
the original Amiens drive.
FOR SALE Fresh tfow and calf. P.
Bischoff, Rt. 6, box 49A, Salem, Or-
FOB SALE Two Ford trucks very
reasonable. Call Valley Motor Co.,
corner Sttate and Front Sts. 6-1
FOR RENT Cheap, 19 acres of young
orchard land, plowed. Route 4, box
42. 6-1
FOR RENT New 5 room house, sleep
ing north, basement. 755 . N. 21st.
Phone 1138J.
FOR SALE White Wonder seed beans
G. C. Zenger, 2575 Cherry Avc.Phone
evenings 10F22. 6-4
MAN WANTED For dairy farm,
steady job, good wages. Jas, Harland,
Nashfield, Or. 0-4
WANTED Day peter HoiteV Marior.,
- salary $50 and meals. Must drive
motor bus. ' tf
OLD FALSE TEETH wanted; doesn't
matter if broken. We pay you actual
value. We1 pay cash for, old gold,
silver and platinum. Send to us and
receive cash by return mail. If price
is not satisfactory, we will return
teeth promptly upon request. Inter
national Teeth Coi, 305 West 42nd
St., New York. tf
WAN-TED Ton bright, capable ladies
to travel, demonstrate and sell well
known goods to established dealers.
$25.00 to $50.00 per week; railroad
fare paid; weekly advance for trav
eling expenses, Address at once
Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 703,
Omaha, Neibr.
1917 MAXWELL, good as new, for sale
t bargain, 4 new tires. Phone 145
before 10 a. m. or atfiter 6 p. m. 6-6
YOUR country needs you. Thousands
clerks at Washington wanted im
mediately, for war preparatory work.
$100 mouth and up- Men, women, 18
o rover. 7 hours day, 30 days vaca
tion. Easy, pleasant work. Common
education sufficient. Help your coun
try and live in Washington during
these stirring war times. Write to
day sure for free list positions open
Franklin Institute, Dept. 381 K,
Rochester, N. Y..
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. H.
M.. Hawkins, 314 Masonic building,
Salem. tf
WANTED Mohair at East Salem
Tannery, 25th and Oak St. Phone
E160M. tf
FOB. SAIW-Son freak, milch- cows
nd If rm horses, also want to bny a
second hand binder. Geo. Swegle. tf
FOB RENT 4 front sleeping rooms in
Hubbard bid. W. H. Noma, receiv-
r. roam. 304. tf
NOTICE i hereby given that the
firm doing business as the Hutcheon
Paint CO. ha thi day been dissolv
ed May 29, 1918. Robert Hutcheon.
'nil. EXCHANGE $20,000 worth of
residence and business property in
Ru Framciaeo. for eood first class
rr much. Independence district
nmfarred. See fhoto of property in
- rtffiej. W. A. Listen. Afit. 6-1
WANTED 60 Loganberry plekei
11 acres good oe tries, 8 miles
from Salem, good camp ground, new
abaeka to camp in, wood, water; will
nove you from Sal era free. Hopmere
station, Oregon Electric Address
Oamis. Or.. Et. 2. box 49. . tf
fX B on wants your property and
ym would sell. We charge no eom-
doa for trattine buyer and mi'
mi tarot-er. For further information
Oregon Realty Exchange Investment
On- I . 14 Brena bide, Salem,
Or, Cham be- of Common m bldg., Ea
, Or- 230 Si Bt. Portland,
Best, Safest Cathartic for
Liver and Bowels, and
People Know It
They're Fine! Don't Stay Bil
ious, Sick, Headachy or
YOU CAN BUY my home, built 2
years ago and four lots on ear line,
15 minutes ride from State and Com
mercial, big chicken house, pig pen,
cow shed, garden all in and growing,
some fruit, and nut tree. Electric
lights, fine well, just outside city
limits; taxes last year less than $10
This is a bargain if you want a nice
honfe; ean be bought for lees than
cost to build house now. Address W.
H. S. care Journal- 6-1
WANTED Loganberry pickers for
45 acres of berries located Vi mile
from carline at Salem Height. Fif
teen minute service. Five cent fare
' to Salem. Fine camp grove, free
wood, potato patch and straw for
bedding, water pipect mi camp
grounds. No tents or bunk houses-
Telephone on camp grounds and fret
daily delivery of groceries. Pickers
can make from $2.50 to $3.50 per
dar: season will test from 5 to 6
week Pickdnz will start about
Juno 17th. Telephone 21F2. B: Cun
niniham. Rt 3, box 121, Salem,
Or. 6-6
SALESMEN Enormous war tjme de
. roand of thia wonder of a money
maker whtoh we exclusively own and
control; clear upward of $20 per
day for salesmen because of the ab
solute war necessity; government
create the demand; every merchant.
manufacturer, professional man, far
mer, buys; write quick for exclusive
protected territory and trial oner.
Larger territories asigned to ale
incn qualifying for sales manager
position to handle a crew or men or
their own. The Jerome D. Laadt Or
ganization, 8 S. Dearborn St., Chi
cago, 111.
R. H. E.
... 0 3 0
.... 2 5 0
Perritt and
New York -.
Cooper and Svhnnidt;
Rariden. -
St, Louis 9 8 1
Brookly. 2 10 4
Ames and uonzaico: Marquara,
Coombs and Krucger. -
Cincinnati 2 9 1
Philadelphia. 5 12 0
Smith and Wingo; Mayer and .Burns,
Chicago 4 11 1
Boston 3 0!!
Hondrix and Killifer; HaJgan and
Henry, Tragressor.
Philadelphia 5 9 0
St. Louis 8 14 0
Myers, Perry and MuAvoy; Louder-
Milk, Roger and Nunamaker.
Through a most fortunate purchase by our
New York Representative, we are in receipt of
a most beautiful line of
The product of one of the leading Ladies' Tailor
ing establishments. There are TAFFETAS,
colored combinations.
in Navy, Black and
These Suits run in values to $50.00 while they last,
your selection
See display in Court street window.
Court House News
The grand jury last night returned
thiMe indictments or true bills. One
was against Otto Bark, who was charg
ed with burglary of the school house at
Woodburn. lie was arraigned tnis morn
ing, pleaded guilty, and is now in the
state prison.
Frank Smith was indicted for as
sault and battery in beating up a Chi-
numan in a Salem pool room a month
or more ago. He is under bonds of. $200
and has not been arwwgned yet.
Delbert Riggs a .married man, living
near Hopmere was indicted for rape
committed on the peison of Valda
Hayes a girl under 16 years of age
Riggs is out on bail of $2500. At the
time of the alleged rape Kiggs wne
it-iB alleged was in Portland and about
to. become a mother.
Have you seen our line of spring and
summer Draperies. We have the
most varied assortment shown in
town. Line includes all styles of
Scrims, Voiles, Marquisettes, Nets,
etc, in light materials, and an excel
lent assortment of fine Cretonnes
and Sunfast Draperies.
We have just received several very
choice Cretonnes. Ask for them.
Wednesday Surprise
Our next Wednesday Sale is truly
a "surprise." The "Special Sale"
show window has been " filled with
many different articles decorative
and useful, running in value up to
Your choice 50c
Sale opens 8:30.
It is first come, first served.
,0'! L9 1 f
WANTED Five. Legaufoerry pickers,
good building, wood and water furn
ished; xfi pay every Saturday night.
Phono 108FM. 6-7
ONE AND one half centis per pound
will be paid Loganberry pickers- at
Indian Hill farm, if you stay thru
the busy season good camp grounds,
wood and water; moved to camp
grounds free. Phone 510, three blocks
from end of 12th St. car line. T. L.
Davidson. 6-4
MARRY IF LONELY For results,
try me; best and moat successful
"Home Maker"; hundreds rich 'wish
marriage soon; strictly confidential;
most reliable; years of experience;
descriptions free. "The Successful
Club," MrSi Purdie, Box 556. Oak
land, Calif.
B. S. Hinshaw against M. 8. and
Mary Evans is the title of a suit to re
cover the sum of $3000 alleged to be
due on a promissory' note, and to fore
close the mortgage given to secur pay
ment of the same.
Clifford T. Jonea against H- D. Tat
man: order confirming sale of lot six
block 11, Depot addition to balem.
In the. suit of Bernard Klecker
against J. H. and Bessie is.iKer, a
sale of real property was confirmed.
Rebecca Bales versus the Southern
PacifSo railroad company is an action
brought to recover the sum of $2185
for loss of time asu tor injuries sus
tained as the complaint allege, in
alighting from a Southern Pacific car
at West Salem, l'lainwr am-gen- m
car step was high, tnat it was dark,
that she was snort ami coum noi siey
to th- ground nor could she see where
she (was stripping, and that in conse
h Ml and strained and
oTeiflA herself SO she lost five
months- time which sh- allege- was
worth $25 a. month and besides was
compelled to pay doctor bill.
Complaint was filed by M. L. White
-.11 iitniirar W. K. Hw rV wife to re
cover 'the- sum of $750 alleged, to b
duo on a. note of hand an J to foreclose
like mortgage given to. secure the pay
ment of the wwnff.
Railway Com&anv
' May Construct Reservoir
John H. Lewis, state engineer, has
approved1 the application of the Port
land Railway, Light Power Company
for the construction of the Timothy
Meadow Reservoir on Oak Grove Creek
in Clackama County for th storage
of 40.400 acre feet, of water. This
project involves the construction of a
dam 80 feet in height and 442 feet in
length and will cost approximately
Mr. Lewis has alo approved the ap
plication of the Portland Railway,
Light Power Comany for the ap
propriation of 667 second feet of the
stored water together with the waters
of the Clackamas River for the de
velopment of 10,000 horsepower. This
development will involve the con
struction of a flume four miles in
Three Arrests Are Madt and
Trials Set For Monday
id Tuesday
Weekly Report of .
State Accident Commission
State House News
According to the records of the po
lfco stalion, J. A. Beck, James A.
Kapphahn and Z. J. Zinn were arrest
ed yesterday, each abused of operat
ing a taxiicab' for hire In Salem with
out first taking out a license as re
quired by ordinance, The complaint
chaics that Mr. Beck received a fee
of $1 and hi case wdil come up before
the ei,y court at 2 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon. Mr. Kaippbahn and Mr. Zinn
are ech charged with accepting a fee
sit $5 from paiwengers without taking
put the lienso. They will bo tried Mon
day wt Tuesday next.
This is the culmination of the effort
en the psr of the city authorities to
induee- toxi men to comply with the
ordinawce and at the last meeting of
the city council, B W. Macy, city at
torney, was instructed' to take; action
agaiwrt ttcw ffbo' had no taken out
the lirnf.
Although the taxi men are opposed
to .pavinit the annual license of $15.
the eitv rwordw show that siwe the
first of the year. Mr. Bwki ha receiv
ed .from th city $13 for tity workjind
t.ansrmrtinig offii'rs on hurry up calls,
and. that Mr. Kapliaiin has received
for city work and taking officers out
cn hurry calls, $11.50.
Th ordinance requiring a payment
of $15 annual feew read in part as fol
low:. "It shall be unlawful for any
person, firm or eor;oratiii to operate
or tand any taxifab, jitney , or auto
mobile for hire on. the streets of Sa
lem, or to soKeit from passengers or to
accept fee for carrying passengers
without firt having obtained a Wcvtune
for eaf-h taxi, jitney or automobile."
WANTED Loganberry prickers for 8
acre, camp ground, wood, straw and
.potatoes furnished free. Good water
on the grounds. One half mile from
Waconda elation on O. E. By. I will
ii. i il' i r .1. . - -
Slh AddcTrl Wh which together with the power
Aspinwall, Gervais, Bt. 2. 6-4 P' "U " approximately
During tho week ending May 30th, fined to his room but his condition is
inclusive, there were reported to the j not considered dangerous. It is prob-
Stata Industrial accident coniinLmion ublo though ho may be forced to tuhe
quite a rest and remain airay from his
offico for some time.
Labor Commissioner Hnff who has
jbeen suffering from an attack of pto
iinaine poisoning for nearly two vyks,
is still on tho sick list thoiiiih iiiinrov
Iaier . 1 ,
II. K. Donnelly, ansistnnt state en-
leitieor assigned to field work for the
432 accidents, of which nmiilier 3 were
Following is shown the names, ad
dresses and occupations of the fatally '
injured workmen :
It. V. DsVVitt, Falls City, sawmill.
W. Gutdenzoff, Oregon City,
David L. Middleton, Grunts Ft
traveler on public highway.
Of tho total number reported. AM .t, hunrrt n,l inrticntlan. nmt
weire subject to the previsions of tho , Mis8 Virginia Wechter. stenographer
compensation law, 18 were from firms :f()r (ho dt,s(,rt ftn(1 ,))ftr(i wpra mHr.
and corporation whwnh have rejected rk,(1 this afto,rnoon at the; home of the
tho provisions of the iimpena;taon bri(fe.s ,.,,(,,, Mr. an,i Mrs. Wechter
law, and 20 were from public utility , (f Conter sUeet H(!V 0 w
corporation, not subject to the ' provw- VUmtlt of the MiHsiunary Evangelical
ions of the compensation law, three of n)(!iatioll DCrformiiiir the ceremony.
passengers, and two oi homfl ,n wh Jlf
on tne pumic . . Mr. Donnellr exmwts
whom were
whom were
I to entrain with the next draft June
London, Juno 1. British
casualties published during the
past week totalled 29,9X4. They
were divided as follows:
Officers killed, 140; wound
ed, 1 SET; missing, 58.
Men killed, 3,854; wound
ed, 15,672; missing, 8,7,33.
These Three Things are Certain
First; that you must have a good bat
tery if you expect good results.
Second; that you must provide the
care and attention without which relia
bility and long battery life are impossible.
Third; that in the Willard Storage
Battery you secure the hi&h quality
which with proper battery attention gives
you the maximum of battery life and'
Remember that the Still Better Willard is
the only battery with the "Bone Dry" principle
that is your absolute assurance of getting a
Lattery as new as the day it left the factory.
Auto Electric Shop
418 Court : BEGGE& BURRELL Phone 203