THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. SATURDAY. JUNE 1. 1918. Containing the Names, Addresses and Telephone Numbers of Leading and Professional Interests of Salem FOUR IWF1P1 1ES 1 y) tAM a Abstract Companies HALEM ABSTRACT CO., A. A. Lee,! Pres.: W. E.- Hanson, Sec. Salera; Hank of Onmmew Bldg. Phone 535. Establixusd. i 138 Academy SACRED HEART ACADEMY. Center nd Cottage-Streets. Phone 1113. Amusements DENISON B0AT8 ft BATHS Ch.,.!GAJtr)KN C0.0PEBATIVE K Den.son, Prop, loot of Court St.. CHKmE FACTORY. R. F. 1). No. 7. Phone 849. Apartments and Furnished Rooms M VRTLE HOTEL, . 633 Ferry Street. Phone 704. Running water in every rootn; all out fide roomi. Art, Embroidery NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. C. E. Warner, 429 Court Street. Phone 958. Em- broidery supplies, stumped articles, Mail orders promptly filled. Associations WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPER ANC'E UNION, 201 South Commer ciol Street. Phone 288. Y. M. C. A., Osear B. Gingrich. Sec. i.ommercial and Chemeketa Streets. Pbon 223. Attorneys BAYNE, JOHN, 341 Phone ICS. State Street. CARSON & BROWN, U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 59. CORBY, OR ANT, 14 Bravman Bldg. Phone 484. KEYES ft MILES. 410 U. 8. Nat 'I Bank Bldg. Phone 376. KlNTZ, P. J., Salom Bank of Com merce Bldg. Phone 371. MARTIN, CAREY F., Masonic Bldg. Phone 419. McNARY, JOHN, V, S. Nat'l Bank Mdg. Phone 931. Auto Agencies HONESTEHLE, H. F., South Com mercial and Ferry Streets. Phone 423. Dealers in Dodge Brother' Motor Cars, Paige Oars and Moline Trac tors, FORD AGENT AUTHORIZED, VICK BROS., 264 North High Stroot. Phone 1995. SALEM AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, r G. Delano and A. I. Eof f . Props. Sales and service only, 246 State St. Chevrolet B Bakeries OHKRRY OITY BAKING COMPANY, G. A. Wiwhart, Mgr., Market and Broadway Streets. Phone 1225. 1'KERLESS BAKERY, 170 North Com mercial Street. Phone 247. Banks SALEM BANK OF COMMERCE, State and 8. Liberty. Streets. Phone 435. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, . State and Commercial Streets. Phone 528. Beauty Parlors SANITARY BEAUTY PARI;ORS, 8. P. Freeman, 228 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 1021. Bicycles and Motor Cycles CYCLE BY, THE, Llovd E. Ramsden. Prop., 221 South High Street. Phine 1(587. Bicycles,- Motorcycles and Re pairing. Bicycle Repairing MOORE, A. Phone 368. H.. 445 Court Stroct. . , Billiard Parlors Mecca billiard . parlors, i4 North Commercial Street. Phone 244. Book Stores COMMERCIAL' BOOK STORE, W. D.jOPERA HOUSE PHARMACY, H. C. Evans, Prop., 163 North CommereUI j Marvin, Mgr., corner Court aud High Street. Plione C4. Streets. . Phone 1459. Canneries--Fruit HUNT BROS. CO., W. G. Hunt. Mgr. 145 Division Street. Fhone IM. 1 Carpet Cleaning STEAM ft VACUUM CARPET CLEANING WORKS, 14th and Wil bur Street. Phone 1154. Cheese Factory Wholesale and Retail Phone 24F31. A. W. Anderegg, local distributer. Chinese Herbs HUM, L. M., care of Yiek So Tong, 153 South High Street. Phone 282. Chinese Medicine ft Tea Co., medicine which will cure any disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Confectionaries GRAY BELLE, "Manufacturers," 440 State Street. Phone 333. ROBERTS, H. W., 409 South 12th St. Phone 906. THE SPA, 382 State Street. Phone 227 Salem's most popular Confectionary, where service and quality counts. Contractors Cement KOENEKE, JOHN, 1330 North 19th Street. Phone 1837. KORB, DAVID, 407 North 21st Streel. Phone 479 R. VIESKO, M. H., 1343 South Liberty Street. Phone 1506. Plastering, brick and cement work. Contractors Paving KHSItRBERC.ER, AUGUST, 1740 State Street. Phone 1378. Corset Shop NU BONE CORSET PARLOR, A. E, Lyons, formerly of B. Altmnn & Co., Now York City; 429 Court Street. Phone 958. World's Star Hosiery, Klean Knit Underwear, in Sanitary packnge. Creameries CAPITAL CITY CO OPERATIVE (REAM ERY, 3S3 Court Street, Phone 209. MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO., F. (). Deckebnoh, Mgr., 200 S. Commercial street. Phone 2488. D Dairies FAIRMOUNT DAIRY. Sehindler Bros Props., Riverside Drive. Milk and Cream wholesale, and retail. PINCKNEY BROS. ' DAIRY, Salem Route 1, Box 1, west end of steel bridge. Phone 1137. SALEM SANITARY MILK CO., 1807 State Street. Phone 316. Dentists OLSON, O. A., Masonic Bldg. Thone, Office 440; Rec. 531. PAINLESS PARKER, DENTIST, 303 State Street. Phone 920. UTTER, DR. F. L 414 Bunk of Com merce Bldg. Phone 606. Complete X-Ray equipment. Dressmakers ADS1TTS, THE, MeCornaek Bldg. Phone 117. Hemstitching and all kinds of fancy sewing. FISHER, MRS. CARRIE, Room 2, Me Cornaek Bldg. Phone 405, THE MAKE-OVER SHOP, Mrs. I M. NfHbitt. 429 Court Street. Phone 958. Hemstitching, chain stitching, cable stitcning, embroidery, quilting. outron ooies. Drug Stores BREWER DRUG CO., 405 Court Street. Phone 184. CAPITAL DRUG STORE. Z. J. Bigg , Prop., 405 State Street. Phone 119. CENTRAL rilARMACY, , Poole ft t Woolpert, Prep., 419 State Street. ; Phone 270. CROWN DRUG STORE. P. E. Graber, ; Prop., 332 State Street. Phone 367. PERRY. J. C, 113 South Commercial Street. Phone 979. RED CROfS PHARMACY. W. r'STONER CASH GROCERY. Geo. W. PRUNK, Prop., 386 State Street.) toner. Prop, 855 CommerciaL Phone 144. Phone 68. Grain and chicken feed. SCHAEFER-S DRUG STORE, 135 V C?KRY- 2038 8t"' N. Commercial Street Phone 197. i.' P.bM 7'- ' . " WARD. FRANK S., 548 State Street. Phone 2247. Electric Company WELCH ELECTRIC FIXTURE CO, 229 North Commercial Street. Phone 953. Evaporators SALEM KINGS PRODUCTS CO., Jack Walker, Mgr. Front and Market Streets. Phone 830. Fence Works SALEM FENCE WORKS, R. B. Flem ing, Prop, 250 Court Street, Phone 124. R"s. Phone 92. All sizes 26 to 58 iuches high. Florists C'LANCEY, C. B. 123 North Liberty Street. Phone 381. Foot Specialist STANTON, DR., Dermatologist and Foot Specialist, 518 U. S. Bank Bldg. Toe Nails removed without blood or pain or causing soreness. Special atten tiou given to antiseptics. Fruits Dried and Potatoes Wholesale MANUIS BROS., 040 State Street, Phone 71. Funeral Directors and Embalmers RIUDON, W. T. CO., 252 North High Street. Phone, Office 183, Res. 111. TERWILLIGER FUNERAL HOME 770 Chemekcta Street. Phone 724. Lady Licensed Embalm.'.-r always in attendance. WEBB CLOUGH CO., 499 Court Street. Phono 120 or 988. Furniture Companies IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO., Win McGllelirist, Mgr. 177 North Liberty Street. Phone 951. Garages CAPITAL GARAGE, Rutherford ft RLdesel, Props., 173 South Liberty Street. Phone 88. Agents for Chalmcri and Briacoe Cars. General Merchandise EPLEY. C. M., 1800 East State Street. Phono 93. FAIR CKOUNKS STORE, THE, H, Doe ft Son, Props., Fair Grounds. Phone" 343. SCHRUNK, A. W., 270 North Com mercial Street. Phone 721. Groceries CLARK, W. H.. 2290 State Street Phone 070. Provisions, Poultry and Supplies. DEMASTERS. C. A.. West Salem. Route 2. Phone 2510J1, BNGLEWOOD GROCERY, O. N. Bale, prop., i m Market Street. Phone 280. EPLEY, 0. M, 1800 East State Street. Phone 93. HIGHLAND GROCERY, George W. utoner, prop.. 746 Highland Avenue. Phone 496. Flour, feed, hay, wood nd groceries. ' LEBOLD ft 00.. 1244 State Street. Phone 649 and 650 PURE FOOD GROCERY, R. E. Gamble, Prop., i45 Union. Phone 209. REDDAWAY, F. P.. 1405 eornor Church and Hood Streets. Phone 1203. Fancy end Staple Groceries. Chick en reea. RICHARDSON, WARD K.,,2395 North Front Street Phone 494. ROBERTS, C. M.. 456 Court Street. Phones 256 and 257. All kinds of fancy and etaple groceries. BOTH GROCERY, 134 North Liberty Street. Phones 1885. 1886 and 18S7. t VORLS, G. M, 19th and Oak Street. ' ri on ii YEW PARK GROCERY. F. P. Harlaa. Prop., 1202 Leslie. Phone J. H Harness and Saddlery SHAFER, F. E., 170 South Commercial Street. Phone 411. Hotels CAPITAL HOTEL, Mrs. Mae Ivie, Mgr. Corner Stat? and Conimrcial Streets, opposite Ladd ft Bush Bank. Murphy Building. Phone 630. MARION HOTEL, ( has. G. Miller, Mgr., Ferry and Commercial Street. 1'hone 2010. Hospitals SALEM DEACONNESS, 658 South Winter Street. Phone 557. SALEM HOSPITAL, East Center St, Phone 108. TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL, Dr. Ci. C. Bellinger, Supt. Phone 433. Route 5, Box 28. WILLAMETTE SANITARIUM, 215 South Winter Street. Phone 300. Ice Cream Wholesale CREGORY, P. M. Salem's Ice Cream Man, 240 South Commercial Street Phone 1496. Ice Company CITY ICE WORKS, 1437 Center Street. Phone 73. Oiir Motto: Service, Qual ity, Honest Weight, Prompt Delivery. Implements Agriculture PEARCE, LOT L. & SON, 236 " North Commercial Street. Phone 90. Insurance Life PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO., U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 811. Insurance General DYER, W. C.,542 State Street. Phone 224. Dist. Mgr. Mo., State Life Ins. Co. LAFLAR, G. W. 406 Hubbard Building. Phone, Office 1644, Res. 2022. Real Estate, Loans, Notary Public. Institutions HYDRO- ELECTRO- THERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE, Dr. C. H. Sehenk, Supt. Derby Bldg. Phone 1182. Battle Creek System. Jewelers and Opticians GARDNER ft KEENE388 State Street. Phone 820. HARTMAN BROS. CO., Northwest Cor ner Stat.5 and Liberty Streets. Phono 1255. Junk CAPITAL JUNK CO., 271 Chemeketa Street. Phone 398. WESTERN JUNK CO., Max Ansolos, rrop. ws worm Commercial Street Phone 706. Laundries CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY, cor ner Io'ji aud B Streets. Phone 2471. Loans FORD, T. K., Room 3 and 4, Bush Bldg. Phone 513. ROBERTS, THOS. A,i 205 V. 8. Natl Bank Bldg. Phone 385. Money to loan oa real estate; t liberal terms. VERMONT LOAN ft TRUST CO., H. M. Hawkins, Mgr., 314 Masonic Bldg. Phone 1427. Mortgage lioane. Loans and Insurance BOISE. B, P., 180 North Commercial Street, 22 Braymaa Bldg. Phone 219. BOHRNSTEDT, A. O, Field Agent Travelers Insurance agent; See. and Treas. of hoskins Nat'l Farm Loan Associataion, and See. and Treas. of Horticulture Natl Farm Loan Asso ciation, Masonic Bldg. Phone 577. Logging Company SPAULDING. THE CHAS. K. CO., Front and Ferry Streets. Phone 1830. Lumber Company FALLS CTTY-SALEM LUMBER CO., A. B. Kelsey, Mgr., 349 South 12th. Phone 813. Dealers in everything in uutiuing Material. M Men's Furnishings SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE, 136 North Commercial Street. Phone 166. SCHEI, O. J. ft CO., 344 State Street. Phone 1030. Meat and Poultry EDWARDS, B. E., 1885 Stcte Street. Phone 1926. Meats Wholesale and Retail CROSS, E. C. & SON, Meats of Quality and Flavor., 370 State Street. Phones 1880 and 1881. Meat Markets HUNT'S MARKET, 12th and Leslie Streets. Phone 252. MIDGET MARKET, S. Levy, Prop., 351 State Street. Phone 178. SOUTH SALEM MARKET, 1191 South Commercial Street. Phone 786. STATE STREET MARKET, Frank Street. Mapes, Prop., 1256 State Phone 199. Millinery CURTIS, MRS. L. G., Fisk and other styles, il'o JNortn. High street. Fhone 2291. Monuments BLAESING GRANITE CO., J. D. Bohannnn, Mgr., Route 3, Box 30. Phone 1266. All kinds" of granite and m-.trble monuments. CAPITAL MONUMENTAL WORKS, 2210 South Commercial Street, l'boue Music Teachers LANGENBERG, DAN F, (Vocal), 316 Hubbard Bldg., Phone 2079. N Nurses BARTRUFF, ROSA 1355 Ferry Street. K. (Registered) Phone 946. CAUTIIORN, FLORENCE M. (Regis tered). 246 South Cottage Street, Fhone 1622. HUMPHREY, ANNA F. (Registered) 1355 Ferry Street. Phone 946-W. PE1ILICH, RUTH LOUISE (Register ed). 1110 Center Street. Phon 797-J. Nurseries CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO., E. A. Bennett, Pr.-sident and Manager, 1030 Chemeketa Street. Phone 75. Nur sery Stock, Nut, Fruit and Ornament al Shrubbery. 0 Oculists and Aurists STEEVES ft FINDLEY, DRS. Salem Bank of Commrce Building. Phone 1733. - Optometrist McCULLOCH, A. 204 5 Salm Bank of Commrce Building. Phone 109. Paper Company RODGERS PAPER CO., 460 Street. Phone 152. Ferry Photographers TROVER WEIGEL STUDIO, 442 State! Street. Phone 324. Home portraits our specialty. CRONISE, TOM, 193 North Commercial Street. Phone 382. Physicians Chiropractic SCOTT, O. L., 406-7-8 U. S. Bank Bldg. Office Phone 87; Res. 828R. Physician Drugless SCHENK, DR. C. H., Derby Bldg. Phone 1182. Naturopath and Chir opractor Physicians Homeopathic ALTMAN. DR. L. G., Office and Res idenco 296 North Liberty Street. Phone 147. Physicians and Surgeons . Osteopathic MERCER, DR. W. L., 404-5 TJ. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Office Phone 919, Res. 614. WALTON. DR. R. W., 505 to 8, U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones, Office 859, Res. 2215. SCHOETTLE, DR.. THERESA, 628 North W inter Street. Phone 392R. Physicians and Surgeons CLEMENTS, DR. H. X, 410 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 691. ELLIS, G. V., M. D., 405-6 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phones, Office 307, Bes. 313. LANE, DR. D. F., 3 and 4 Odd Fellows Bldg. Phones, Office 1218, Res. 514. THOMPSON, DR. F. H., 414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 606. Com plete X-Rny equipment. Pianos CHERRINGTON ft ST. HELEN, 415 Court Street. Phone 352. Highest grades of all kinds of Pianos. Plumbing and Steam Fitting BARR. THEO. M., 164 S. Commercial Street. Phone 192. Pumps and Implements PURVINE PUMP ft IMPLEMENT CO., C. D. Purvine, Prop., 175 North Commercial Street. Phone 346. R Rooms ALEXANDRIA, THE, 1030 Chemekcta between. Capitol and 12th Streets, near state house. Phone 1280. Rooms with modern conveniences. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., Choice alley Farms end City Property, 202 3" U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 470. - GRABENHORST, W. H. ft CO.. 275 State Street. Phone 2315. LAFLAR, G. W., 406 Hubbard Bldg. i nones, uitice 104, Kes. 2022. SOCOLOFSKY, D. D., 341 State Street. Fhone 970. Restaurants WHITE HOUSE, 362 State Street. Phone 196. Scavenger SIX)S. CHAS. 548 Fifth Street. Phon 2247. Seed and Feed FLETCHER ft BYRD, 233 North Com mercial Street. Phone 156. Gardes Seed. Sewer Pipe and Drain Tile Manufacturers ' SALEM SEWER PIPE CO.. J. A. Pool- er. Mgr. and Pres., 1081) Liberty Street. Phone 14. Cement sewer pipe for farm drainage. Shoe Stores BOOTERY, THE, J. B. Littler, Mgr. 167 North Commercial Street. Phoua 1196. Signs LEE, HENRY, 439 Court Street. Phone 1179. Soap and Rug Company CAPITAL SOAP ft ANGORA BUG CO., 1230 Ferry Street. Phone 683. We remodel and dye furs and make up new furs. Stove Repairing FLEMING, R. B. 250 Court Street. Phone 124. Stoves Rebuilt and Re paired. T Taxi Cabs SALEM TAXICAB CO., J. A. Bock, Mgr. Bligh Hotel. Phone 700. Care any kind, any place, any time. Transfer Companies CAPITAL TRANSFER CO., Frank . Loose, Mgr., 161 South Commercial Street. Phone 933. KAPPIIAHN TRANSf utt CO. Hubbard Building. Phone 13, x,, LARMER TRANSFER CO., 457 State Street. Phone 930. We move, pack and Bhip household goods. Special rates in eastern shipments. We make trips to surrounding towns, also handle wood aud coal. Typewriters UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO., G. L. Steinau, 1075 Saginaw Street. Phon 810. ' Vetenary Physician KEELER, DR. D. D., 1143 South Com mercial Street. Phone 517. Cattle practice a specialty. Vulcanizing BRACKETT ft GRAY'S TIRE HOS PITAL, 279 North Commereial Street. Phone 1400. New and Seeond-Hand Tires and Retreading. GATES' HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE STATION, 177 South Commercial Street. Phone 428. - . - QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY t TIRE SERVICE STATION, 219 . North Commercial Street. Phone 66. MACH&'ERY ft TIRE CO., John B. Hileman, Mgr., 291 North Com mercial Street. Phone 787. Vinegar and Bottling Works . GIDEON STOLZ CO., W. T. Stolz, Mgr., Mill and Summer Streets. Phone 26. - Vinegar and bottling . . works. Wholesale and retail. w Watchmaker and Jeweler MILLER, TT. S., 484 Court Street. Phone 1321.