nro rHE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. QBE. FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1918. i TVT iiiiea nervous noiners In (tikJZx II I ' ti 1 Mr 1 IP-f.VYfcJ ' j,i V : v-. a 1 Every IA V's' zrr LIU YEGETABIZ COMPOUND LYDIA CPINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. VOCATONALGUIDANCE Dr. A. I. Lucas of Portland, Of., will ealc ta tALe timely subject "vocation 1 giii( iin the Urn nil theater Monday evening, June 3 et 8:13 sharp "Hundreds of boys and girls in the grwrunar and Jiijfbj schooW of Suleio will graduate this year," said Dr. Lu cas, "'without a dcfinlto, concentrated effort to aspire toward the n iral or tight variation. Over 1)0 per coult of the, popl of A-Bifriin are misfits people whoi ftnRe their vocation according to their health, environment and fi nancial gain." "I am the only poison In America who has originated a scientific meth od wthijrc!br one is classified in what I call vocational typos, then specific ally radodi (physically, mentally and paycJiicaHyiii his or her natural yo ration," said Ir. Lucas. A very eor dial invitation is extended to educa tors, school (teachers, parents and their children. Tlis admission is free. No col lerttion WAR SUMMARY (Continued from page one) bonbardment of Paris on Gorpui Clmsti day. A ehureh was also struck. Bnnaia. A Petrosd dispatch, dated Milk For Infant! Invalid. 4uk.(Itl-a A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Keep Horlick. Always on Hand Quick Lunch; Horns or Office. Here Is Real Footwear THAT ALL CAN AFFORD 1 SECOND LOT Tim lot, while mostly small sizes 2 to 4, includes some of the best stock in the house. Fine kid and gumnetal lace and button with medium heel, Goodyear welt soles. Former Prices $3 to $3.85, now $2.50 ALSO CHILDREN'S, MISSES' AND BOYS' LOW REDUCED PRICES. - TYT Cll3 fie- limn gituiuu a turn Kfjf ui of These Two Buffalo, N. Y. "I am the mother nearly three years 1 suffered from a in my back and side, and a general weakness. I had pro fessional attendance most of that time but did not seem to get well. As a last resort I decided to try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound which I had seen advertised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed a marked improvement I continued its use and am now free from pain and able work. Mrs. B. B. Ziiukska, 202 YeiS Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Portland, Ind. "I had a disj lartrofttii and suffered so badly from it at times I c ld not be on my feet at all I was all run down and so weak I could not do my housework, was nervous and could not he down at night, I toot treatments from a physician . i i i , i . i . i i dui tneyuiu noi neip me. lycua K llnkhams Vegetable Compound. 1 tried it and now 1 am strong and well again and do my own work and I give Lydia K. Finkham's Compound the credit Kimble, 035 West Race 1 Ti Sick Woman Should Try E. PMKHAM'S Monday, declared German troops are us ing poison gas against several small towns iu the vicinity of Kieff, asphyx iating whole communities of eivilaiis. Germany. Eglitoen women and child ren were trampled to death iu Mann heim as a result of a stampede which followed the false alarm of an air raid. Turkey. The situation through Tur key is reported in an Athens dispatch to bs serious, as a result of famine and disease. Whole battalions of Turkish troops are reported deserting in the interior. Flanders Front. Huig today reportedJ only minor raiding operations. STREAMS OF Continued from page one) van were herd of oxen, horses, sheep, gouts and cattle. Hero aud there little girls drove flocks of geese before them Others herded chickens and pigs, pok ing tatm w-ilh losg sticks to hustle then., aloctf, sometimes stopping a mo ment to glauuo 'l'k at the familiar scenes that were being left behind, then hurrying on to give the family livestock another urge on its way. The peasants walked behind their single eow; those who had onee been fairly well to do rode behind dozens of cows, but all were homeless end few had auy particular goul in sight. As mile after mile of the endless column trudged past, we scannod their facea liuid ar that there were no young men among them. All the faces were those of women, girls, children and very old men, showing that every Frenchman who eau fight is at the front. Where all theso who were forced from their homes at a few moments no tice are going God only knows. Few of the refHgees hat any partH'ular haven in view. With them it wtw simply a case of keep going keep going. We are closing out broken lots of Women's low Shoes, also some high shoes that will mean a wonderful sav ing to the thrifty. Most of these Shoes are, of course, not so much on up-to-dateness, but they are certainly strong on quality. The "Former" prices quoted here are from 50 per cent to 75 per cent below the present market prices so it is easy to see that these are not "ordinary" bargains but "extraordinary" money sav ing opportunities. FIRST LOT $1.75 This lot is made ud of black and tan Oxford fas illus trated) also pumps in various stylesmedium full toe and low to medium heel. The workmanship and Quality is first class, sizes 21,4 to 6. formpr nnVp S.9. 7JV $3.00 and $3.65, now f. THIRD LOT $4.95 This is NOT a broken lot but a com plete line of the finest "Shoe Soap Kid" to be had. It's a button Shoe with plain toe, French heel and flex ible sole a truly high grade boot All sizes, 3 to 7 in a, b and c widths. Former Price was $7, now $4.95 rvnanAMui kiAjjuiutwe Women of four children, and for female trouble with pains to do .all my house- juy Aimi recommenueu .Mrs. Joseph ih Street, Portland, Ind. CUT OTJt HEAEST PAPEES Cincinnati, Ohio, May 31. The bc;artl of trustees of the Cincinnati public library today discontinued sub scriptions to all Hearst newspapers and or dated removal of all copies of the New York American and Chicago Herald-Exaiminer issued since the en trance of the United States in tho war Lift Off Corns Doesn't Hurt! Few drop atop soreness, then corn or callus lifts off with finger. The world owes thanks to tho genius in Cincin nati who discovered free zone. Tiny (bottles of the magic fluid can now be had at any durg store for a few cents. You sim ply apply a few drops of freezone upon a tender, aching corn or a harden ed! ealllus. Instantly t3ie soreness disappears and shortly you will find the corn or callus so loos and shriveled that you lift it oif with the fingers. Mot a bit of pain or sore ness is folt when applying freezone or afterwards. It doesn't even irritate the skin or flesh. For a few cents ono can now get rid of every hard corn, soft coin, or corn botween the toes well as paiuful calluses on tho bottom of ioct. Ev. cryono who tries fre sons becomes an enthusiast because it really doesn't hurt or pain one par ticle. Ladies! Keep a tiny bottle on the dresser aud never let a corn or callus ache twice. $1.75 SHOES AT GREATLY n "smi1 aH v II U I J J society : By CAUOL & DIBBLE The Garden road 9e4 Crcsj auxiliary will give a benefit eoncert this even ing at fidrsJ chapel offering an exc- tioually pleasing program. Include among the numbers will be several vo cal solo by Mrs. J. 8. Pinnell, Mrs. Lewis Uunkwk and Bev. U. C. Btoval. Mis Bcrnice Clark, will be the accom panist. R. M. Ho Tev. aecotni'tsied by his mother, Mrs. E. Hofer, and sister, Mrs Allan Jlynoa, started last night on their kiotoriog tiip to San Francisco. Mrs. A. S. Brasfield of Berkeley, California, accompanied by her son. Robert, will arrive in Salem this even ing for a visit of several weens wiin her sister, Mrs. George J. Pearee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers and two children, Maxine aud Darrell,. motored to Portland thia afternoon to attend the wedding of Mr. Myers' niece, Miss Bernice Blair, which will take place this evemng. V w w Mra William Staiger, who with her huf band, ia enjoying a stiuuner sojourn near Portland afe the country fcune 01 Mra J. J. Murphy, passed Memorial dav ia Salem. She was joined for the day toy her sister. Mrs. K. K. Paddock of Indepcndenc. fr A. W. Anderese has returned from a tw week 'a stay la Bremerton, WaaViin.rrtnn. wh(MA she WB the ffUSt I of her daughter, Miss Adelina Ande- regg, who is a stenograpuer m tne ru- get Sound navy yard, wunng nr vuni AnilAKtow 'hoA the oimortunity nf mwiiiiff & mlima.riii launched, the event taking place inside tho navy yard. f r a Tlamriitnii win entertain as en Huber of Portland, and a friend, who will aceompany nor. ine vu.wrj will arrive in SalcsuT tomorrow. Avilir ntiw of war work, which hereafteir will be included jn the field of woman's activities, which have been broadened so immeasurably by the varied demands of war, will be ,.i;.i in) anmmvhat elaborated vtp- on in' a series oif three lectures on pub lic speaking for women acuvpiy en gaged ia educational propaganda for the war, under the charge of the educa tional committee of the state council of defense, eo-operatang watn trie um .,.. nf OriMwrn extension division. Two of these lectures will be given by Professor K. w. i-rescow. ai r- tnnrl 'fcVi A fl VI All t m. in the TvTolean room of the eito- son hotel. A. jr. iieaaie, nwi w ic j.,rf.nt nf Taniaties at tho uni versity, will doee the seriea with a lecture at z p. m. Bunaay wmw" the spme place. . Mrs. Clifford Brown has returned from Portland, where she has been en joying a few -weeks' visit. Mrs. John .McPier arrived from Long Beach, California, today to visit her aunt, Mra Josephine Bross, and cousin, Mrs. J. 8. Pinnell, for a few days. Mrs. McPier is enroute to her v . - T-awiufnir litshfl. after on ex- UUIMO -f m 1 1 - tended sojourn in southern California. ci WinJ.'.HTuu Ethel M. Jones will 'be interested to hear that she has received her Master's aegree from Stanford University, wtocb she has Ibeen attending; taking for her ma jor history. Miss Jonea was a former instructor in the biotory department n4 UA Uoldm hitrK school. Bhe Will Wl " - . sjiend the summer at her home in ifv Moines, Iowa, reiuruiug w faU. Mrs. Elmer Hulclen (Bculah Myers) oif Portland, accomaiaiided by her two boys, has been visiting Hends and relatives in Salem for Beveral days. Mrs. Hidden is a sister of F. G. My ers and a former Salem resident "Kaiser Picture Pleases Crowds" "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin, or tho Mad Dog of Europe," as mana ,th;, va nlvo-rtiwd him. owned to the largest crowds of the season at the Libe-rtv yesterday iram. i th. -Maninrial dav parade that wa passimg "t as the "theater ape- ed. tho big crcflsa orxwe inn im.nt:. i . v kMj inMiv ia theu rush to get tacketa The members of the G. A. B- attenoeo. me perf ormanco as the guests of Mr. Bhgh. Some -of the strongest comments ever made on photo drama were .-.-.I k ..n,u the theater. r HVnii. rnhnw 19 lUSt What America needs to make fighting mad " Aaotaier saul: " xeu nj.., it's a whale of a picture, but yo don't paint, the kaiser ftfack enough. -i .u , nsmn alons and said. "Good for you. give kuo hell. Thia soosataonai npour u -lVwst of Berlin will be shown again today and tomorrow. Stacdifer Emnloycs Will Care For lhree o i..j iv VirSV When-an Am erlcaa flag was spread out at tne . M. 8tndifCT constrwroou cvrpui.- tioa'a Vancouver yard, tne emjMnT toseed Into it. happineea and tosnfort for throe Belgian orphans. Following the employes' program to adopt one Belgian baby for each laun.-bing, $120 was asked for enough ta keen a child a year- But $360 was contributed. Then two of the yards employes tim .4, nt a hemeiea Bel gian child. So five babies will be wtarie happier by the launching of the steam er Kanea. And fifteen other lanneaines are in eight at this yard- JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL SB T " T ' ' T" T 1 ' ANNUAL JUNE CLEARANCE SALE of Odd Lots and Broken Lines BEGINNING SATURDAY, JUNE 1 PRESENT MARKET CONDITIONS, AND THE STILL FURTHER WHOLESALE INCREASES WHICH SEEM INEVITABLE, MAKE THIS THE MOST IMPOTRANT EVENT THIS STORE HAS EVER ANNOUNCED. tt The Odd tx FROM EVERY SECTION OF THE STORE HAVE BEEN MARKED AT PRICES WHICH WILL MAKE IT WELL WORTH WHILE FOR YOU TO COME TO THE STORE EARLY AND OFTEN IF YOU WISH TO MAKE THE BUYING POW ER OF YOUR EVERY DOLLAR STRETCH TO THE FULL LIMIT. Special purchases in i an abundance of genuine bargains in merchandise I which cannot be duplicated for some time to come. U.G. SHIPLEY COMPANY, Where Shopping Is a Pleasure. 275,000 Are Called to Entrain June 24 Washington, May 31. Approximate ly 275,000 men will be drafted to en train June 24, it was announced today. The eal) affects every state ia the country. The men will entrain beginning June 24 and although no official figures ot quotas are available, it is known that every state in the uiiioa is affect ed. Indicating the rapidity with which troop are now being moved overseas, rt was stated that practically all of the lamps iu the country will be ready to receive the large quotas due tbeuTTy the call of the draft. The calls to the men are now ia the mails. Road Work In County for Month of April Thai following is the report of road, work fteme In Marion eounty during the month of April, 1918, as shown by the records in. the office of the county clerk: macadamizing $ 1608.88 Graveling 2043 78 bridges 1.W24.32 General rep. and niise 6288.94 Nefw tools and niaeninery.... 797-32 Patrolruea ' salary . 1005.60 Paviiw 601.32 Total $32870.16 No. yards gravel hauled 1257 3-4; No. yards rock hauled 229; volunteer work: men 5d, teams 20. CAXJSUS BELLI "If Pa don't start a war I will,' said tihe elown prince. Mo daddi did. Of old kings warred with kings over their mutual huly friends. Better, but still inadequate. How fodish all these, while good war causes blossom and go to teed all about! Who ever stiarted a war over the guiNtr piactitao of "sweeping out whdl one is gulping down hie sliverty bacon and veiitliin coffee? Over noisy inhalation of food at the next tablet Kve.r hear of interna'ional slaughter over lens ia war gardens' No, and. never will, as long as kings and capitois have marble domes! A second motor truck, a three-yard machine, has been purchased by the Yamhill county commissioners, to speed up the road work. (nrHIUW nut St .. LL f(.U.S.P.Off Keep Kids Kleen f Th. bo mneal. hnk'ntot rtTW mil faratrj.! 8 rcanai ae. Mad ia ex pmc. witf EWrwMNoktt44MW4l. Moo (mMM. iwadvu Mut Mm. ad BaButn. bin aaal Aim Vxkon turn tM . ui mmm Mstxk M Dutch Beck with tfixw Jmtii iThithinrl. mrf rmg r - 41.00 the suit' I Mf aVabr anal owlr M wJl mi than, cnusn pnsaai mm rata a) poca, Sl.uw mmeti J .A.m AKEW SWT FREE IF they tar KOVERALLS aca.uA.PAT.orr. Bn-aiM, LaaVJaisWlaW UT (JIM fHNCMUUl. LEVI STRAUSS tt CO., Sam ftm r a j i. v J ' W LEY'S Lots and Broken Lines several departments have been Aurasville Boy Is Successful Flyer Harry A. Sutton, son of Mr. and Mra A. D. Sutton of Aumsville, who enlisted in the aviation service about a year ago is seeing some real life down in Texas at the aviation train ing field! alt Camp Kelly, near an An tonio, Texas. In order to start tie Red Cross drive right at Port Lavaca, Texas, the avia tion authorities had promised the visit of art airplane froan Kelly Field. The Port Lavaca Wave, dated April 11, has the following regarding the visit of the bird men: "The visiting aiplane was one of the regular training planes of the Cur tis type with an average speed of Uboutl 60 miles an hour, and carried two ntfa, tin pilot ana uie Kecsanir. It came from Kelly Field at San An tonio and the flying time was three hours and 40 minutes. Lieutenant Har ry A. Sutton, pilot and Sergeant Frank Goodale, mechanic, were in charge of the plane and were our visitors that afternoon. Lieut. Sutton was transfer red to Kelly Field from San Diego, Cel., about eight months ago and is in charge of the 2d Solo station at the avia don. field. In ether words it is the stage in training' just before they fin ish their course aud prepare for their commission. "Sorgeaint Goodale is a mechanic and accompanies Lieiiteuant Sutton on there exhibition tiips. Both are excep tionally fine young men to become ac quainted with and both of them will long remain in the nilnds of the peo ple of Calhoun eouirty as exemplary representatives of the nation's great air fleet for their bravcy, gentility and theSr daring." Telegraph Operators Hurry to Enlist Sen Francisco, May 29. A Story carried on United Press wire today that the wer department ha asked California to furnish imniediat'iiy 300 volunteer telegraphers and t'lephono men brought two quick candidates. Oscar E. Dogge, United Pre&i oper ator on the Modesto (Calif.) News, was in such a hurry that he stopped the ADVERTISED LETTERS. Advertised May 28, 1918: Bales, Mr. I). A.; Bass, 'Miss Mabel; Bolton, Mrs Emma; Bowman, Mr. J. P. (8); Bowman, Mr. Judson P.; Bick, Mra Nancy Clark, Mrs. S. W.; Coloaiaa, Mr. Harry; Coe, Mr. Lee; Davis, Edith; Davidson, Flag; Day, Mr. Max well F.; Doefenier, liiss Dorthy; Doni- lecker. Mr. R. M.; Elkins. Mr. J. T.; Field, Charles; Fecli, Mr. Mablc; Gvwney, Mrs. Fannie; Hobein, Miss Catherene; Hope, Mra Jennie; Kellis, Mr, Willard; Kluee, Fauline; Laug- head, Mr. Loren W.; Lewis, Mra Fan nie; Livock, Muss F. v.; Luer, Mrs. Bertha; McCarty, Mr. Jess; fiefeer, Msriel J.; Ryan, Mrs. Tom; Shaw, Mr. Daua; SNeymonre, Mrs.; Thompson, Mr. W. L.;" Trudgen, Mrs. Carrie. AUGUST H UCK E8TKI JJ P. M. Carter's little Over Pills You Cannot be X A Remedy That Constipated and Happy Pin SouH Does I a II m -mT Sat w ASlto. pARTER'S IRON PILLS many coJoricsa facas bet awitlyiielpitupefzceaopis made which will offer ti of quality and at prices if wire. ' "Break, I'm going to enlist. Plea90 ask where I'm supposed to go," he said. Operator Thomas F. Kelly at Los Angeles chimed in and said if Oscar could do it, he could too. Both Kelly and Dogge are known as ''speed demons" in the telegraph game. Must Continue to Hunt the Submarines Wilkeslbarre, Pa., May 31. "Our fiTst business is to lunt the subma rine. Wo have hunted them and will hunt them until they dare not appear as assassins oif men and women. Our business is to open the road: to France," !aid Secretary of the Navy PftsielS in a Memorial day address here yeslerda'. "We have carried many hundred thousand soldiers. In a ew weeks tha number will reach a million and in a few mentai it will reach two million and if need be ten million to win the," tho secretary saidv Sewing Circle With Modi Whispering Ws Are All Greatly InaU J to T&cse Wha Tell Their Experiences. i ra"i r?c.'i iitWA- Before the arrival of the stork there it niich to tc!k e'wut. Use infort f tle Uiptoteut mother is Mie chief topic, and tbcra s sure to be scmeone who has used "f 4iios of that splendid external help Motii. 's Frkad. Nausea, nervousness, bcarinff-dowa and itrctcbiaf pains and otlter symptoms so fa, niilar to niMnr Mmm era flmnnv 41m irwxied experiences thousands of Bothers ssr Jiev entirely escape ly the ase of this lu aons remed;. Its tDfluenre on the nne net-werir ef i ind llfinaents just beueaUi Uhs skin is lerrm. By the remibr ef Mother's Friend lurlnr the period the snuoeies ere sue ind kept acft and elastic: they expand easily, without strain, when baby la born and the uiia and danger at the crisis la Baturailj) i. a 1 Mother's Friend Is for external use only, ) sM bjr all drurcffiU, awl should be ith tl'O utmost reguLaritr. Writs to tha riidrlrid Oeiulator Co., Laaiar Blda; Hanta, Ga f:r a valuable and Interest S "Motherhood Bool." There Is a waalllV f testiiietlen and comfort t bs derived i . ratdiac this little beok. tt la plainly rittMiajd IH be a erdendW little test mik (or pildanee, not only for yourself bill vill make you helpful ta others. And li he meantliBe do not fall to fret a bottle rt Mother's Friend from the druf store and thus fortiry yourself against pals and discomfort, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of Makes Life DSRTER3 Worth Living ITTLE IYER PILLS- mmw ftWBMCM VMM