Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 31, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation In Salem Guar
anteed toy the Audit Bums, of
HUM I . vrl"EKtO
Oregon; Tonight
and Saturday fair
moderate wester
ly winds.
mix r
ON TRAINS ard mr
n in
fintr hd
fr I II II
Stubborn Resistance and Heroic Defense of Every Foot of
Ground Halts German Drive Having One Supreme
Commander Proves of Inestime Value-Objective of
Enemy Is the Maine and Rercf $ Fighting Is On Center
ottherront In That Sector
By Ed L. Ke 1
(United Press Staff Coi f pondent.)
London. Mav 31. Thanks t,n t.l- s met st.ihkn
' V ' v v tJ sKJ KyJ i. il IVOlOt
ance offered by the allies, heroic defense of every inch of
giuunu yieiuea 10 me enemy
t lowest coordination between the French and British
forces, the German thrust towards Paris in the Soissons
Rheims sector has undoubtedly been checked, even if it
nets not yet oeen aenniteiy stopped.
The allied troops are falling back slowly and in orderly
fashion and their reserves are inrrprifiincr th cunnnrt
given the hard-pressed front
Leveiopmenis oi rne
demonstrated the value of
commander, which Premier
upon ena unaiiy accomplished in the face of determined
opposition in certain British military quarters.
The British press and public were more optimistic to
day than at any time since Monday. There is not the
slightest criticism of the French retirement. The over
whelming numerical superiority of the enemy forces and
the Fallantrv and COOl headednesa nf trie French rWpnrl.
ers are fully appreciated here. Likewise, General Fbch's
P i i i j i . , i . . - ...
reiusai 10 De scampeaea into withdrawing the bulk of his
forces from the northern front is pnmmpnterl imnn with
approval. The forcing of such a move, it is pointed out,
was pprfninlv nna rf fVia
planning the present drive.
a trap, it is declared, the
merely subsidiary.
Trying to Rwcli the Maine
London, May 31. The German drive
in the Aisne region is now centered in
an effort to reach the Marne river, it
is indicated in tie night official states
inenls. v
Checked on the wings, the enemy is
striving desperately to push the allies
back in the center, . where strong
French reserves are toeing concentrat
ed. The Germans are new within six
anideg of the famous river, perhaps
nearer. The French communique adrriit
rd the lo$a of Fere-en-Tardenois and
Vezilly. The former is eight miles from
the river and the latter six.
"To the south of Fere-en-Tardenois
we are fighting cur way toward the
Marne," the German war office declar
ed. Just how: far south of Foro-en-Tarde-nois
the o runny has progressed was re
vealed in neither tho French, nor Ger
man statements.
The Berlin communique claimed a to
tal of 35,000 prisoners taken in the
present, pitase of the offensive, togeth
er with a large amount of material, in
cluding ammunition, provisions, rail
itoads Filled With the Home;
less Seeking Safely Among
Their People
By Henry Wood
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the French Armies in the Field
May 31. From every point oi the six
ty mile battle front between Rheiins
and Soissons streams cf refugees to
day jwured'dcwn roads leading to con
tral France fleeing the Hun invasion.
Late lait night, when I returned
from the i ijrhting line where the homes
of these people are being engulfed, the
highways were bordered with the
bivouacs of fugitives. For miles and
miles the rolling countryside was all
anicKer with tiny- camp fires of the
refgees.On their 'weary march to God
knows where they tarried for rest
wherever night found them, sleeping
beneath vehicles; the luckv ones who
nad thought to bring a little food,
conking and eating it under the stars.
The streams of fleeing humanity
made e pitiful spectacle. Each mad
i e-ned to have its cr particular car
avan and the whole scene resembled the
f 5
ana the maintenance of the
line troops at critical points.
past Z4 hours have brilliantly
the idpn nf a ennrpmo oilier)
Lloyd George long insisted
If Foch should fall into such
Aisne advance would become
way trains and an aerodrome full of
. On the right flank, the Germans now
occupy La NeuiviUete and Rctheny,
north of Rheiins, and have thrown a
semii-circle about that city, being with
in two miles on the east, north and
On the left wing, Ithe French still
claimed to ho'd the western outskirts
of- .Soissons, although the Germans
pushed f onward about a mile and a half
north of that city, straightening the
line so it runs straight north and south
beitween Goucy-le-Chateau and Sois
sons. The Aisne batle front now appar
ently stretches from Coucy-leChateau
southward through Juvigny and Sois
sons to Hartenneg, southeastward thru
Beusneaux to Fereen Taruenois, east
ward to Ve:!illy,northeastward to Brou
illet, eastward to Thillois, northeast
ward through CLanrpi'gny to La Neu
villetJe aui eastward to Betheny.
On the Flanders front, the French
improved their positions east of Dicks
busch lake by a local operation last
(Continued on page thre
exodus ofThe eh ildren of Israel from
Kgyjrt, as it is described in the bible.
Every conceivable vehicle was in
use, from huge two wheeled French
farm wagons, hauled by oxen, to baby
carriages. These ox cars are capable
cf transporting the effects of an entire
household. .
On top of the piles of goods on some
of these wagons I saw groups of old
women sitting, with babies among
them, some of the children clutching
pot goats nd chickens.
In line with these farm lorries, we
saw buggies, decrepit cabs, smart traps
land dog carts, even automobiles and
I between them amn. linking them
placed the less fortunate families who
had to march on foot, carrying tneir
isole, possessions in wheelbarrows and
I baby .carriages and hand carts.
' And there were some folk still
f poorer, whose only possessions were
iwhst th"y were able to carry on their
j backs. Someltimes the luggage which
these wanderers bore on their should
'. a- M.a rrttA Mf hv itipk !hahv.
'tint firmly to the bundle of household
Intermingled with the human eara
I (Continued oa page two)
Refuses to Hurl Reserves
Into Fight Until Proper
Time Arrives
By J. W. t. Mason
(Fnited Press War Expert)
Xcw York, May 31. General Foch is
holding the German advance on both
flanks, while Von Hindeuburg contin
ues to move forward slowly in the cen
ter. There is thus being created a dan
gerous salient that will compel the Ger
mans to protect their newly lengthened
lines by an unusually large number cf
troops, which thev can ill afford.
Ke-cstablishmcnt of the French front
protecting Rheiins and the continued
holding of the outtets from Sohssons by
French units are the most important
developments of the past 24 hours. The
Germans must secure full possession of
Soissons, and especially Uheims, with
their immediate environs, if Von Hin-j
d"nburg is to find 'any reasonable de-
gree of security for his new lines. As
long as General Foch can hold his pre-1
sent positions on these wings, the Ger
mans must rest very uneasily.
Von Hindenburg's advance northwest
of Soissons is not in immediate rela
tionship with tho Marne offensive It
is a new local drive along a front of
not more than five miles and is 25
miles north of the German wedge mov
ing toward the Marne. A German suc
cess northwest of Soissons, beyond Bler
ancouit aud Epagny, would carry Von
Hindenburg in the direction of Coin
picgue. At Compiegne the Aisne flows into
tho Oise river, which later runs south
ward to the Seine and to Paris. If Von
Hindenburg can reach Compi.?gno he
will be in a favorable position to se
cure possession of the Aisne west of
Soissons for a new defensive line. This
is probably the ultmate strategic pur
pose of the Epagny movement.
The situation now facing General
Foch in its essential strategy, is the
same as that which he met during the
Picardy-Flandera offensive. He caa stop
the liftman advance any t'roe" he de-'
sires, by throwing In the major part
of his reserves and the American troops
now in France. But, to do this, would be
to play Von Hindenburg's game. It
would mean accepting an offensive bat
tle on Von Hindenburg's terms. This
is what General Foch is trying to avoid.
The loss of ground is unimportant, com
pared with avoiding submission to Von
Hindenburg's own plans of campaign.
In this respect, which is the most im
portant from the standpoint of democ
racy's ultimate Victory, events are pro
gressing satisfactorily. .
What the Allies Did
On Corpus Christ, Day
Strictly observed their prom
ise to thi pope, made at the re
quest of the German archbishop
of Cologne, not to bomb Ger
man'cities outside the war zone
on this religious Holiday.
What the Germans Did.
Shelled Paris with long range
guns, killing eighteen persons.
Oil," shell struck a church.
Attempted an air raid on Par
is. On being driven off by an
aerial barrage, they dropped
bombs outside the city.
Bombed a British cospital,
killing a large number of nurses
attendants and wounded, after
dropping flares so as to plainly
reveal tli'-dr targets.
Attacked three hospitals in
the rear of the American areas
in Picardy on Corpus Christl ere
droping bombs and pouring gun
fire into the tents.
- San Francisco, May 31. The
destroyer Wa.d will ..bc launch
ed tomorrow at Mare Island
navy yard, just 16 days and 10
hours after the keel was laid.
This will establish a world rec
ord. The keel was laid on the
morning of May 15, Since then
the erews of the most highly
skilled workmen hav rushed
construction day and night with
the definite purpose ef hanging
up a record for other yards to
shoot at.
San Francisco, May 31. If the San
Francisco Metal Trades 'jouncil follows
the lead of the Portland council in vol
untarily giving up the Saturday half
hnli.lnv. it will not he without A lot
of opposition. This was indicated today I
when memln?rs of the Metal Trades , 9
PniiiMMl wpr nnptiniiff1 fthnn tho in-. 3s
troduction of the resolution here.
None tared to be quoted directly on
the subject, but each one declared it,
would b foolish to give away that
ivhieh tuey have fought for to long.
15 ip ACTION
Of the Sixty 36 Are In the
Death Column, 15
Severely Wounded
Washington, May 31. Sixtv Ameri
eati casualties were reported by Gen
eral Fershing today, divided as follows
fifteen killed in action;-six dead of
wounds; eleven killed" in accidents; four
from disease; fifteen severely wouaded
e.ght slightly wounded and one missing
i'i action.
The list follows:
Killed in action:
Wagoner Chick H. Campbell, Pitts-
burgs, Kan.
Privates George M, Abncy, Miueola,
Stanley Belen, New York,
Rtbert L. Bolen, Saltillo, Miss.
Ira D. Cochran, Protection, Ga.
Frank Colon, Aberdeen, 8. D.
Kenneth Edward ' Counter, Alden!
Francis E. Dyer, Lak; Arthur, La.
Donald Gregg, Houston Heights, Tex.
Carl J. Martinson, Stanley, Wis.
Clarence L. Massey, Columbus, Ga.
George E. Mooney, Glasgow, Mont.
Frauk A. Murray, Nunda, N. Y.
Howard L. Pidel, Union Furnace, Pa.
Malcolm R. -White, Southhampton, N.
Died of wounds:
Privates George F. Aitkens, R. F. D.
1, National City, Cal.
Lester W. Chase, Derry, N. H.
Charles Messina, New York.
Marshall B. Nelson, Grand Junction,
Mich. -
Charles Poultcr, Louisville, Ky.
Leslie L. Stokcley, General Delivery,
Ellington, Cal.
Died of accidents:
Lieutenants Richard Anderson, St.
Louis, Mo.
Itoiv-'rt J. Griffith, Athens, Ga.
Wiliam S. Stearns, Jamaica Plains,
Wililam N. Newitt, Enfield Mass.
Frank P. McCrcery, Fort Washugton,
N. . '
- Cadet JU'gtnc D.-Peort, Austn, Texa.
Sub Sergeant Gordon J. Geetng, Chi
cago. I'rivatcs Ciaud Eugram, Hawkinsvillc
Georgia, .
Thomas W. McDermott, Albany1, Wis..
Daniel Albeit 8nyd?r, Buffalo, N, Y.
Lawrence Wolff, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Died of disease:
Corporal Bert Lewis, Stockton, Cal.
Privates Don Francis Gunder, 409
Third northeast, Puyallup, Wash.
Isaac M. Vaughn, Ballinger, Texas.
Scvnely wounded: .
Lieutenants Clark H. ApW, Grand
Itapids, idich.
(Continued on page six.)
No Details Were Given-Was
Former German Liner and
of 18,072 Tons
Washington, May SI.' -The United
States transport President Lincoln,
homeward bound, was lorpenoed mic sli,?
sank an hour later, the navy depart
ment announced this afternoon.
She was the former German-American
liner of the same name.
The torpedoing occurred at ten o'
clock thii forenon, No details are at
present available, but nothing in the
message indicated the casualties were
other thari light. The President Lincoln
was of 18,072 tons.
The official announcement snid:
"The nary department has received
a dispatch from Vice Admiral Sims
stating that the V. S. S. President Lin
coln was torpedoed t 10:40 o'clock
this morning and sank an hour later.
The vessel was returning from Europe.
No further particulars have been re
Paris, May 31. The impres
sion prevails in Paris that the
worst is over, so far as the Aisne
phase of the German offensive
. is concerned.
Announcement that allied re
serves are hurrying forward
adds to the confidence of the
public. The capital's morale re
mains untouched by the air raids
and long distance bombardments
The streets are thronged every
day with people in gay summer
attire, most of them wearing
Those who have put their winter's
tpply of fuel in early find it coming
in very handy this spring.
i War Summary of United Press I
iiiiiuiiiitiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiit E
1 1398th Day of the War; 72nd Day of the Big Offensive
Western Front. The Germans, ap
parently in an effort to flank t,he al
lies south of Noyon, are driving west
ward toward the Oise in the Ailctte re
gion, resulting in a definite consiloda
tion of the Pcardy and Asne fronts,
southwest of Coucy-Le-Chateau.
ThA French war office today admit
ted a retirement on the five mile front
between Blerancouit and Epagny, be
tween Soissons and Rheims, before this
new assault.
Aisne Front. The jenemv, who was
last officially repjited six miles north
of the Marne, has made a further slight
advance toward that river, the Prewcn
communique said. This was the only
German progress noted on tne Aisne
frout proper.
Ou the west flank of tho Aisne front
the French are still holding the western
outskirts of Soissons. On the right flank
the allies not onlv have hild but tho
French retook Thillois, three miles west
of Rheims, bv a counter attack.
Henrv Wood, cabling from the French
front, snid the allies' military author
ities believe the Germans will try to
take Rheims by a wide encircling move
ment down the Ardre river vulley, to
German Batteries Bathed In
Gas Bodies Surrendered
Or Died
By Fred 8. Ferguson, i
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With the American Army in Picardy,
May -29. (Night). American troops
showed their punching power at Can
tigny. . . - -
From behind a friendly pile ot beets,
on a knoll in the great plain which faces
Cantigny, I witnessed the attack Which
resulted in capture of the village.
Amidst the detonations of hundreds
of guns which filled the valley with
smoke and dust and flame, the Ameri
can troops went over the top. With a
spirit which would not be denied they
followed the French tanks preceding
tlvjin across No Man's Land and with
them penetrated more than a mile into
the boche positions.
Overhead French and American shells
made a "veritable ribbon of sound as
theyhurtled across German positions. As
I walked past battery after battery in
action the crash of guns was deafening.
Rounding a sharp corner I came upon
one battery which had been wheeled in
to the open and was withering the
enemy with direct pointblauk fire. So
smothered with French and American
shells was the boche artillery that
French guns were standing squarely in
the open at a crossing of the roads,
belching defiance and hammering the
way for the American infantry. Over
head French aeroplanes carrying Amer
ican observers darted in and out against
Lieutenant Rickenbacher,
Saves Meissner Twice
Within An Hour -
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
With The American Army in Lorraine,
May 31. On3 American air squadron
established the record of ten flights in
one hour this morning.
Lieutenants Eddie Rickenbacher, of
Columbus, Ohio, and Jimmie Meissner
of Brooklyn figured prominently in two
of the battles, the former saving Melss
ner's life twice. The Americans drove
down at least four enemy planes, while
one of our planes was destroyed and the
pilot captured.
Shortly before 8 o'clock this morning
Rickenbacher discovered Meissner div
ing after a German plane with a second
German plane diving after Meissner, all
Rickenbacher immediately opened Bp
on the second plane, chasing it away
and relieving the pursuit. Both enemy
machines escaped.
A few minutes later Meissner was
s-nt out with a patrol to protect a Brit
ish bombing squadron returned from i.n
excursion behind the German lines. A
German patrol of six machines two bi
planes and four monoplanes suddenly
swooped down on the BrittKh airmen.
The Americans dashed to the rescue and
a free for all fight ensued, eight kilo
meters (five miles) behind the German
A Brave Rescue.
A German airplane collided with
Meissner machine and was damaged
thesouthwest. Wood also described suf
ferings of the thousands of refugees
driven from their homes by tUs Ger
man advance.
A Rome dispatch said the pope had
received a telegram from Cardinal Lu
con, stating he was leaving Rheims.
Cardinal Gasparri, papal secretary of
state, replied that tl pope is petition
ing tho Germans to spare what remains
of the famous cathedral there.
Ficardy Front. German airmen at
tacked three hospitals in the rear of
the American areas Wednesday night,
dropping bombs and pouring machine
gun fire into the tents. The atlacit was
made ou Corpus Christi eve.
Lorraine Front. An . American air
squadron participated in ten fights
with German airmen in on.9 hour yes
terday morning, bringing down at least
four enemy planes. The Americans lost
one machine and tho pilot was taken
France. Eighteen persons were kill
ed aud injured in yesterday 's long range
(Continued on page two)
the smoke of battle, flying low signil
ling to the battuios aud harassing i!.e
(Continued on page three)
Old Confederates
Send Ringing Message
. to Jam Enemies
'New Orleans, La., toay 31. The con-
foderetfl veterans "relnics" that fliov !
"can join with their comrades of the
Unlorn' army" In tiphfSlding the great
principles of domocracy oh which the
United States as an inseparable na
tion" is founded, declared General
George B. Harrison, commander in
chiof of the United Confederate Veter
ans, in a Memorial day message to the
nation, through the United Press.
Goneral Harrison's mcssago follows:
"The confederate v.eteran rejoice
that on this national Memorial clay
each of us can join with our comrades
in the Union army in saying:
" 'I believe in the United States of
America, as a government cif the peo
ple, by the people, for the people,
w'hose just .powers are derived from
the consent of tho governed, a democ
racy in a republic, a aoverign niition
of nvany sovcrign staites, a perfect un
ion, one and inseparable, established
upon these principles of freedom, equal
ity, justice and humanity for. whicvh
American patriots sacrificed their
live and fortune. 1, therefore, be
lieve it is my lu!y to iny country to
love it, to support its constitution, to
obey dts laws, to rcspwt its flag and
to defend it against all nations.' "
so badly it fell. The top wing of Meiss
ner 's plane was torn off and he start
ed to struggle toward home. This was
exactly the same manner In which he
landed his last victim a month ago.
As Meissner was ncaring the Amer
ican lines, a German biplane attacked
him. He was unable to maneuver and
was in grave danger.
Just then, Rickenbacher, who had
ended a fight in which he tackled five
German planes single handed and forced
one down, saw Meissner struggling to
escape his pursuers. Rickenbacher drove
straight at the boche, forcing him to
the ground and saving Meissner 's life
for the second time within the hour.
Whib this was going on, another pat
rol from the same American squadron
encountered a German patrol, One Am
erican aviator was forced down and
landed between the German trenches.
- This One Captured.
The German;, immediately opened fire
on him. Stepping, uninjured, from his
broken machine, - he cooly studied a
pocket map for an insl.'nt, then start
ed running in the direction of the Am
erican trenches. But he stumbled aud
fell into a German communication
trench and the bodies grabbed him.
The American artillerv immediately
finished his machine to prevent it from
falling into German hands.
American airmen have invented a
new wny of harrassing their German
opponents without using guns.
"Scaring the Huns to death," they
call it. The trick consists of getting "on
the tali" of an enemy plane and chas
ing it to the ground until it tumbles.
An American lieutenant drove one to
within 000 vala of the German tre:hcs
this mornign. The boche finally tipped-
and fell.
After Obtaining Immunity
Through Vatican, Murder
ers Get Busy
In irV"fr9f.t. Uin RsrTi-mhr
- Were Services by
CiviHzed People
By Fred S. Ferguson,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the Americans in Picardy, May
31. German aviators attacked three
hospitals in the rear of the American
area weanesaay nignt. mey not only
drooped bombs, but swept low over
hospital tents, deluging them with
machine gun fire.
This attack took place on Corpus
Christi eve the religious feast day on
which the boches obtained immunity
for their own towns through the inter
cession of the Vatican, following the
appeal of the German are.hoishop of
t ologne,.
Special care had been taken clearly
to identify the hospitals and great
crosses were marked on the (rround.
The area bombed is entirely a hospital
American aviators, preparing for a
flight last night to drop flowers on
American graves, as part of tho
Memorial Day . services, were anxiou
to avenge the Hun attack.
'In addition to flowers for our boys.
I guess we'd better take along some
thing for the bodies," said one,- 'It
will be tno fattest bombs we've got
decorated with forgjet-me-nots."
In striking contrast to the boches'
barbarity were the touching Memorial
Day services yesterday. French women
and children were the principal particip
ants. In a cemetery near an old
church in a village back of our linea
Salvation Army workers placed a flag
on each grave. '
Prior 4o ,. the-, services, score of
French women, children and old men
joined in a procession headed by a
band playing American hymns.
After the funeral oration and prayer
by the chaplain, the children smothered
the graves of officers and soldiers alike
with flowers. French mothers and
fathers and soldiers from the trenches
wept, unashamed.
which none dares approach in daylight,
owing to-enemy shell fire, But tha
graves there were not forgotten, Th
Salvation Army provided flogs which .
the soldiers carried up to the graves n
night, in addition to flowers from th
nearest village.
American airmen amu Enniew uuhci.
in flight lawt night, dropping ihcm on
the bottle field, in honor of the men
who fell before Cantigny.
Owing to a bomb hitting an ambul
ance which was traveling at night, all
evacuations from field hospitals have;
been ordered to cease except in day
UK"') otv " ,..Kv.-. ....to
Vatican Fill Try to
Save Rheims Cathedral
Rome, May 31. Cardinal Lucon of
Rheims is about to leave that eity, ac
cording to a telegram he sent today to
Popo Benedict,
Replying to this message, the pope,
tlirntiih Cardinal Gasnarri. canal secre
tary of state, telegraphed cardinal t.u
con that he shares the sufferings of the
people of Rheims. He cxprosneu anxiety
... t..... l.n I.t. 41ia tnAonlf int
ri'K.u Miu,( mr.. tc i""- -------
..ntliclrnl nf Rheims and declared lis
was about to petition the German auth
orities to spare what remains of the
edifice. ' '
i Abe Martin J
It tems Tike nobuddy ever goes t'
New York 'cept t' cut up. Never try t
polish a celluloid collar while it's hot.