Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 30, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    iiill.l lAQim
If 111 riTW
Editor ai Publuker
tonal raze or t he u
amtai journa
May 30,
- - . j
1 w " w
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Daily by carrier, per Mr $5.0 Per Month
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D, Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
Chicago. W. H. 8toekwell, Peaple'a Gaa Bulldinf
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A nation of an hundred million people today pays
tribute to its heroes who bore the brunt of battle half a
century ago, with more than usual solemnity, due to the
fact that it is called upon again to offer the lives of the
flower of its young manhood on the altar of freedom.
Fifty three years ago the great war which gave the
black man his freedom in this country came to an end
after a bitter struggle and a fratricidal one. Those
wounds have healed and a united country now stands
shoulder to shoulder North and South alike to wage for,
the freedom of the world. Today the remnants of the
gallant troops who carried the flag to victory and those
with whom they fought, march side by side to decorate
the graves of those who wore the gray as well as those
who wore the blue. And these survivors of a war half a
century old will from their honored positions add still
greater honor to the dead of this generation who died on
the fields of France as they strew with flowers their
gravest This will be one of the pathetic, features in per
haps every cemetery in our broad land, when another
memorial day comes round. For by that time every com
munity will have felt the deadly hand of war and will
have its victims to the ambition of the Hun; Its heroes
who died that a world might be free, on whose graves the
flowers symbolical of love and remembrance will be
placed with tender and reverent hands.
!f iiht vrnirnnc nrnni r
CapitalJournal Ptg. Co., Inc.: DJnn:na DLvmpQ lfcWMa
U ' Sent CgA8- SeTa. j 1 P P " g IH J 111 C S f By JAXEPHELPS :i SHOULD TAKfc PHOSPHATE
by Walt Mason
- ,
t ft
tollr wfk - a. 1 1 1. I. .
to the, viae, where I knew L one jnerT Feed your e d Ple, aunker i cheek, regain th,
ostensiuto h.ve . Kod time. W,. -J theae .ytnp.oma do. to gjfw rttaltj.
going to leave me alone, as he did at , ""'"t1011 wU' Pper. wonderfully promotes the assirailatioa
I often wring my hands f.nd mourn, and
often-times I get in dutch, and all the
troubles I have borne have come because I
talk too much. I can't restrain my eager
jaws, wnen tnere's a chance to spring hot
air; I argue every human cause, and every
subject, everywhere. The less I know about
a theme, the more warm platitudes I shed,
I talk until my hearers scream, and bounce
a brickbat on my head. I used to have good
friends in town, with high class men I was
in tOUCn, but nOW theV alwaVS him melwklied to change th. uhiect
a OOWn It IS Decause 1 ta k tnn mnpri T cpo; ,ne portrait goi-
our leading business men conceal them
selves when I draw near; they will not show themselves
again until they find the landscape clear. When I arise to
hand out slush, to make a little timely speech, the auditors
get up and rush for all the fire escapes in reach. I know
it s my besetting sin, this thing of talking all the day; but
when at spieling men begin, it's mighty hard to break
away. Ira always trvinp to reform
1 ar W O " " , "iVH A. Ott CA
cnance to talk, I paw around and rant and storm, and
push pink language round the block. Then people bat me
on the dome with wooden leg and club and crutch, and
ten me i Biiouia loaaie nome, and stay there for I talk
iuu mucn.
Weak, think people men and women i Weak, tired people regaia atre&gta
are nearly alwaya aervoua wrecks; ! nd vigor; thfanesa and angularity
thu, eonclnaiTely proving that thiB-Pv wf l"" d eurvea;
. , t ,.-. , sleep returns to the sleepless; eonft-
Bm wpaknnui Hohinrir inn npnraa- i t . i , . .....
I determined to have a heart tn heart 7. . .. . T 7 " . uce na "guineas yep.ace aaw.uy
ii. .v r' o t- i i.. .ineniai are auaost juwiaoiy aue to ana giootn; dull eyes Decome
hotuet It was hard enough ther;-; but . -tnuntut specialists stata that the , of food, go much so that many pejla
here it would be unbearable. best nerve food is an organic phos-rePort marked gains of weight in a
I had retired when George came innate known among druggists as'ew weeks,
from his yachting trip, but I was not ! Wtro-Phosphate, a five-grain tablet of jj CATJTIQK: Although Bitro-Phoa-asleep.
' i which should be taken -with each meal, phbte is unnarpassed for relievinf
"Did you have a fine dayf " I asked. 'Being a genuine nerve builder and not j nervousness, sleeplessness and general
"Corking! I should have b.?en in a lit-is. stimulant or habit forming drag, ! weakness, it should not, owing to its
tie earlier, but we stopped for supper." 'Bitro-Phoephate an be safely taseify remarl Able flesh-growing properties,
"Who went with vouf " " 1 tne weakest and most delicate suf-; be used by anyone who does not desire
Oh, the vachtine crowd." Then he
j added so quickly that it looked as if he
'Splendidly! It 5s nearly finished.
ferer, and the results following it8 us ! to put on flesh. It is sold in this city
are wiicb wniiy BionisiMD v. oy ail ffonil aruCfT18TS.
Spring Valley News
(Capital Journal Sjeeial Service) .
Spring Vali'ly, Or, May 29. L. E.
Bradford left Wednesday morning for
Newport, to visit his family who have
spent the winter thero.
Miss Elsie Taylor and Mr. and Mrs.
Hayesvflle Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service)
itayemnlle, May 29. Rev. Stewart
of AlcuUinnville preached at the church
here bunday mornmg, May. 19. , .
Mr. and Mra. Jacob Denny and daugh
ter, M-im iia, accompanied 'by John
Dnnnv want in UalAnJ ruJ.H
nlifltll I'tttln. n.i.l inPn... ...... .'i . tr . .
-"" ulank noil lucuiiio VWII Jir. anil aim. Thnmaa Inrt&rm-
Thurndny night with frieuds in Salem,
and left Friday for Tillamook where
they will visit for several weeks with
their mother, Mrs. Taylor,
The Ked Cross met Friday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Lynn Purvinc, the
sewing for the day consisting of the
making of helpless rase shirts.
' Mis Irene Bradford has returned
home from Iowa, hvr she spent the
winter visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams, of Salem
spent Tuesday evening with Mr. aud
Mrs. W. 11. (Jrawford.
Mrs. Carrie Gibson returned homo.
Baturclay, after several days visit in Sa
lem with relatives.
The British have refrained from bombing defenseless
cities and killing non-combatants for' three years of the
war. During all this time the unspeakable Hun has used
this forbidden style of warfare and murdered hundreds
of women and children. This forbearance on the part of
the British failed to touch any sympathetic chord in the
German make up, probably because there is no such a
fin nor anil finnllv rnncpfl tn hp a virt.up RpppmMv it. was
.j ":v - --( Th0 Uueuln chooI cIosea rrida. ttf.
decided to give the Hun a taste of his own medicine, anditemoou with pi.-asiUK eaerciscs ana pro
Rn a fpw hntnhs wprp rirnnnpd nn Landau, (iermanv with'Br""". prepared by the cnudren as
.l ii. il.i nrt i5i.i.ii-i. ' i i 3 - i surprise for tl:
ine result mat oo 01 its innaoiianis were uunea in one
grave. These comprised all ages and both sexes, for in
discriminately dropped bombs spare nothing within reach.
While it was justifiable in the way of reprisal the free
born, decent human being shudders at thfe idea, leven
though admitting its justness. Prussian atrocities have
placed the perpetrators in a class lower than a Tonto
Apache, the lowest and meanest perpendicular animal in
the world previous to the kaiser dupes making a try for
and winning the record. When old General Harney was
trying to rid the country of this style of aborigine, a
maudlin sentiment was awakened in the down east states, famiiu
and this charged Harney with killing squaws and pap
pooses. To this charge Harney knowing the style of In
dian he was fighting remarked that "nits make lice." From
his viewpoint the bombing of Landau becomes excusable.
The green aphids or aphis or whatever the right name
for the measly pests is have certainly had their innings
this year, due to cloudy and cool weather. Like most
other mean things they cannot bear the clear light of the
eun, and hence their days now seem numbered. This
year they have extended their pasture fields to include
almost everything that is green. They are on the prunes
and the peas, the wheat and the clover, the lettuce and
about everything else except beans, onions and weeds.
Germany has made a treaty with Finland by which it
is to have a protectorate over that country for 20 years.
Unless the allies win, that protectorate will last indefi
nitely. Finland also agrees to furnish an army of 100,000
men for Germany if Russia enters the war again.
they returned Tuesday evening,
Geo. Beechler has recovered from an
attack of tihe measles.
The school closed here Friday, the
24th j a pit-mie was held in Denny's
grove and the children roasted wienies
at noon and gameg were indulged in,
aud a gnral good' time was had; all
rejoicing tai acation days are here
Mrs. P.. Tyrll tis.ben in attend:
ance at tho annual meeting of the
Kebekaft lodge, tho past week, which
was held at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. W. ft. Powers, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Rosche and Fabean, Mr. and
Mrs. G. K. McAfee, Mrs. Jones, Mrs.
Kihchey and Winnifred, all visited
Mr. end Mrs. Graham at Monmouth
Sunday. Miss Fabean Bosoho will close
her s-hool Wednesday at Mission bot
tom. Tho Red Cross auxiliary is planning
for a upier to be held in the near fu
ture. ,
The Gronke family viited Silverton
and Mt. Angel Sunday.
Word was received here Monday, liy
re'atives, that the ship on which Bruce
Willis sailed has arrived safely overseas.
: Wccdbum High School
Graduates Large Class
(Capital Journal Special Service )
Woodburn, May 29. Thie is a busv
da", where the men will work in tho.we(,k for the Woodburn High school
paper mill. ,A the 1 1 th annual commencement ex-
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Harvey, of 8a-ercises will bo held during the week
lent, acompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tae BaCCalauroato sermon was given
Wayne Henry of Spring Valley, motor- by Rcv H D chambers, archdeacon
ed up the Columbia highway Sunday. 0f the diocese of Oregon, last Sunday
Mr. aud Mrs. Sam '1. Phillips and fam-'evjng at lhe gj.ninasium auditorium,
ily of Salem, were hew last Wednesday Monday evening 'there was a Junior
caiing for their cemetery lot. Senior br.nquet at the domestic science
It. A. Looney and family, of Salem,! banquet room. Wednesday is Senior
visited Sunday nt tho home of his ' clas dav and thev will have n class
prise for their teacher, Miss Frasier
Miss Frazicr returned Saturday to her
homo iu Salem.
Miss Klhyl Suhn, who is working at
Frank Crawford's spent tho week end
with her purcuts at North Spring Val
by. Mrs. A. M. Patrick returned Sunday
from a visit with relatives at Kewberg.
Mr. and Airs. Frank Koch mid three
children, aud Mr. aiid Mrs. Vincent vis
ited over Sunday with their father, W,
S. t attou. I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells and child
ren of Salem, called at W. H. Craw
ford's Sunday evening.
Lury Aukle and Frank Carleton and
s moved to urogon City, aion
T 1. x, . '
; 1 . i. ii T T" nce 01 ted like a couple of children. I was so
twice again. I shall be rather sorry I , A
if you are going to leave me alone.'', hapl'-v to see Geor8e 80 affabl-. s fuI1
I ventured to say,, but dared not look!0' wl'cn alone with me.
at George. "You know Merton Grayj "I prefer to come down early, al
ii very entertaining, and it helps pass! though the fashionables come must la
me time. '
If I had hoped to get an expression
of disapproval, I was disappointed.; bathing suit on an old man! You must
George simply said, "Yes, he is a clever j cony? down later."
talker," no more. Happier With Him.
A Peculiar Arrangement. I 'Oh, don't say that! I had much
I could not so easily dismiss the eon-rather come early, like this, and .be
versation from my mind. Far into the i practically alone with you; I am much
night, I lay, wide-eyed, thinking of happier than with a crowd of people
what he had said and not said. Evi-lwith whom I am unacouainted."
We hurrieddown to Bailey's 'ach,If0f0l Un,.!f CA,,.!
vvim tu uunvu lAiiuvi
and raced and swam and generally ac-
dently he did not care enough to be at
all jealous; or else he trusted me.
.Instead of feeling happy that he did
have faith in me, I was distressed that ! aerioi
Closes With All-Day Picnic
h r
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Central Howell, Or. May 30. Central
Howell ftfthnnl rlnapri Fridnv with An r. II
Iter." he said, as we started back tojJay picni(., Thc gchool ' , aUort
I breakfast. "But you mustn t waste that I program iu tKo forenoon. Then a boun
teous feast was spread, which aeemed
to please every one, from the wee tots
to the silvery haired ones. The whole
afternoon was spent In a general social
good time, even the grandmothers play
ing black man and other games. There
was a ball game between the boys and
married men, the hoys, as usual, being
the victors. At night the Parent-Teachers
association met in the hall and gave
a spicnaia program, une number, a vo-
" You'll soon get acquainted. Well go
to several affairs later." a
I wish.1 didn't have to." I said so
mslv that Geora? lauuhed at me and . . . . ... .
he cared too Kttle to be jealous. Be-! declared that, after I had commenced ! ' T? Dy, f oa.n W1" lon8 b
member, I was young, and I loved him. to . he wm.ldn t he able to hold me. "'...emoerea r"f "a as he is call-
Faith and trust seemed small matters
compared to love.
Then recurred thc thought of his
quick .change of subject when I asked
him who was in the yachting party.
Were there ladies along, and did he
not want me to know't He nsuallv paid
little attention to what I thought; per
haps just one woman was in tho party great deal.
iu nuum ue iiaieo to can my attention
Julia Collins!
Of course, while she was staying over
at Xarragausett, she was so near that
she could easily have joined the party.
l recalled lieaiiug her say she loved
We had a jolly breakfast, then he
left me alone until luncheon. In tne at
teruoon he took me over to the tennis
courts and wo played a game with some
friends of his. I acquitted myself so
well that lie said he was proud of me.
"You play a wonderful game," one
lady said, "you must have played a
yachting that she was never ill, no 'is."
I used to (I have thrae brothers),
but I have played scarcely at all since
I have been married. I should have play
ed better todav if I had.
"Thank goodness vou play no betterl
I have been beaten badly enough as it
(Continued on page six)
matter how rough it was. Before I went
to sleep I had made up my mind to find
out in some way whether she was with
George, all that long day, whilo I had
been left with leleste
Come Helen, I am going to take a
dip betore breakfast! Want to come
along!" George called, so awakening m
"Uf course 1 dol " 1 ramped up quick
ly, everything forgotten for the mo
ment save that George wanted me with
If Finland goes to the aid of Germany there will be a
great falling off temporarily in the catch of salmon at
the mouth of the Columbia. As alien enemies most of the
fishermen would be interned.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Second Installment of Twenty Per Cent on Third
Liberty Bonds will be due May 28, 1918.
daughter, Mrs. Koy Vance.
A fishing party composed of Frank
Crawford, Phil Patrick, Jesse Walling
and Mrs. Stevens spent Sunday at Sil
ver Creek bringing home a small string
of fish, about fifteen.
Mr. James French spent Sunday vis
iting Salem relatives. Her daughter,
Kvelyn, who has spent the past week
in Salem, accompanied her home.
Mrs. R. C. Shepard has been quite
ill with the measles. ..
Miss Marion Zinzer, of Salem, spent
last week with her sister, Mrs. Donald
Crawford. Marion had a case of measles
and so had a week's vacation from
Gooseberry piekiug will commence
about Wednesday. There is quite a good
clean crop this year ana ot growers
and pickers should make some money.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Crawford, Sunday morning. May
2r5. Pr. Pomeroy of Salein, attending.
Mr. and Mrs. Donnel Crawford enter
tained Ariel, Howard, Dorothy and Mar
ion Zinaer of Salem, Sunday, also the
Misses Emma Moores and Edith Bird.
Howard is drawn in the draft aud ex
pects to leave for Fort McDowell Sat
picnic. The class address will be given
by Dr. Dubaek of Corvallia. There are
twenty-one girls and ten boys; the
I largest class in the history of the
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Rose-
burg visited at the honie of his par-
ems cHturnay ana nunany. iney were
on their way to Portland.
Mr. Lelnnd Austin drove np from
Portland with a number of friends
Sunday and took dinner with his par
ents, Mr. and lUrs. A. E. Austin.
Among those visiting Portland Sat
unlay were Mrs. J. M. Poornian, Mrs
T. C. Poonnan, Mrs. F. W. Poormau.
Mrs. John M.Kinncv, Mrs. n. M. Aus
tin, Mr W. H- Steelhammer, Mrs. II.
U Gill, Mrs. ('. E. Templeton and Mrs.
F. W. SettJeiiieir.
Mrs. R. B. Penman, who has been
at the bedside of her mother, returned
to hi'r Konu? at Astoria; her mother.
Mrs. 8. Welch, being much improved.
Kev. F,. N Quest, pastor of the Pres
byterian church, held p'ial memorial
services at the Donald church Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Blumerfelt of Se
attle are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. K
O. Decker; Mrs. Blumerfelt and Mrs
D. G,
Henry has not been very welljer are sisters.
- i.t. .otfiia I uamnw ami ntuo irranaaauun
I 7r.l of the f.er. taw M.ry EUen Turley, of rortWI
i,hed planting beans. B. C Shepard Zf1'" Have been voting Mm. Maud
lanting about fortv acres. Ohaa. Co,, ly " turned hem. W VnJ.r.
' " ' . ..: -j w xi ,mi The MfiDonal services Sunday nfte.--,,o,k
twenty acre, . d . H. " ,,, n(i the deJitilth,. of thWoo1.
I,, it, i rawioru um.. " - ;r lmrn ty, .... ,v .. in.
there would nei ------ -. .....
niauv beans that the soldier would,. ' '
e to change bis song of "Soupy,,
evervoae did as well
K.iunv. Soimv. And Not a SingV Bean!
Mr. and Mrs. Balph Scott and Mr.
and Mrs. Francis McKiirlay composed a
.iiOloring party to Portland and the Col
umbia highway for the week end.
trtwting to the large crowd assembled
armory. Col. J. M. Poornian. in
touching manner, gave the ad
dress of dt'dieatiin. Mrs. W. Poormia
unfurled the service flag. Then there
was a fine talk by Serg. Fiek, who is
now stationed at Camp Lewis, and who
one of our stars represents. Tin fol
lowed an address by Dr. E. G. Decker
as he is a thorough American and
knows how to talk it, waa enioyed.
There was a quartet by Mesdameg
Decker, Kollen, Ive and Enyert; read
m.g by Mrs. I. Davis; solo by' Miss Tur
ley, also one bv Frand Tollard.
James Hendricks, who is at Cascade
Looks, spent the week end at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill of Portland
nre visiting friends and relatives here.
Mrs. Hill waa formerly Miss Lena
Mr. aud Mrs. Agrini Xelson spent
Saturday in Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van Clev and
family were gu?scs of Mr. Baughmaa)
last oiMiday.
On the way back to the hotel George
"I was very proud-of you this after
noon. You really play a remarkable
game. Xow get dressed as soon as you
can; we will go over to the casino for
an hour."
I was so happy because of his approv
al, that I completely forgot to try to
find out if Julia Collins had been one of
the yachting party.
(Tomorrow Vnsought Information)
Maricn Auxiliary
Red Cross Is Achye
(Capital Journal Special Sen-ice)
Marion, May 80. Last week was a
busy week in Marion, especially in
Red Cross circles. The Marion Valley
auxiliary raised over $150 including
the amount raised Saturday evening.
(We have not kerned how much the
other auxiliary taised.) The entertain
ment and supper Saturday evening was
a success in every way. The people of
Marion certainly have sho-n that their
"heart is in the right place" and put
tneir purse there too.
Slindav. mnrninir th TVewViWoi-ian
iae iiinerai or air. jjoyic. wno was j had a special service. The occasion
drowned in Pudding river was held i being the nhris'endng of four babies.
Sunday afternoon from the undertak-The parents of the little ones who
er s chapel; interment in Belle Passi Iwere cihristerted re Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
cemetery. j Gulvin, Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, Jr., church next Sunday evening.
"d Mr. amt Mrs. A. W. McFarland.
Quite a number of friends and rela
tives wore present to witness the cere
mony. Dr. G. A. Massoy and family and
Mrs. Thiesen of Turmer, motored to
Marion Sunday to attend the christen
ing service,, and took dinner with
friends here.
Mrs. L. C Russell and Mrs. H. E.
Russell and baby went to Portland
Saturday. The latter remained, in the
city with relatives la- order to have
her baby under thc ca e of Dr. Bilder
,back, the baby - specialist. Strong
hopes are eatertaiiud for the epecdy
recovery of the little one.
S. H. Russell was in Turner on bus
iness Friday.
Mrs. E. Thomas and Miee Arba Mor
row were Saturday shoppers in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Loretz axe having
thoir home re-papered. Its whispered
something imipoitant is 'going to hap
pen there soon.
The Friends had a special service
Sunday evening. The subject consid
ered was "Loyalty to God and to our
nation,' and the position held by
F.'iends in this connection was ex
plained, esiiecially their attitude on
the wair question and what they are
doing in the present crisis. At the close
a service flag was nrurlcd. There
was a goodly number present and a
spirit of tenderness and hympathy pre
vailed. Kev. L. C- Russell went to Portland
Tuesday to attend to "business connect
ed with the church.
Mrs. G. H. MeNiel and daughter,
Mildred, were Salem visitors Tuesday.
The piling which was sold here a
few weeks ago is rapidly being gotten
out anil hauled to the raRroad.
Ome of the ship knee eam-os near
hero has closed and) several of our
young men have gone to Salem to work
J. banger Fox of Portland will
speak next Sunday at the Friend
d i v 1 rmtm
Id Nervous Bfothers
Should Profit by the Experience
of These Two Women
Buffalo, N. T. MI am the mother of four children, and for
neany tnree years I sunerea irom a lemale trouble with paing
in mv Vio rV otA ah a anrl a mnaMl nrAolmm. T U j
"J oavavj hum I tjt,u&ini TV vtlsVUvOtli UaKX pi
tv iesRionai fLU&nnnncA mrvtr. m thaf. tima hnl- HiH nn
- k.v vuvuiuUVVDCCUlH;
get welL As a last resort I decided to try Lydia K
Pmkham's Vegetable Compound which I had seen
advertised in the newspapers, and in two weeks noticed
marked improvement. I continued its Use and am
now free from pain and able to do all my house
work." Mrs. B. B. ZnuusBu, 203 Weiss Street
Buffalo, N- T.
Portland, Ind. "I had a displacement and suffered
so badly from it at times I could not be on my feet
at alL I was all run down and so weak I could not
ao my nouseworK, was nervous and could not lie
down at night I took treatments from a nhvQiMan
v..i ii j? j .4. l i v; : . rj
uuv, tuey uiu nos neip me. juy Aunt recommended
. Lydia E. r'inkham's Veeetable Comrjound. 1 trwd
it and now I am strong and well again and do
my own wore ana i give Lyaia Jt ionkliam's
Compound the credit" Mrs. Joskfhixb
Kimbijs, 935 West Kace Street, Portland, lad.
Every Sick Woman Should Try