Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 29, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    r- - MALUM. OB BIOS
WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1913.
i Store Closed AD Day TomorrowMemorial Day
Yoa can SAVE yourself MONEY, TIME, and 1
ENERGY bv burin? from the J. C. PENNEY CO. t
You will find that we always have a GOOD, FRESH, X
NEW STOCK of goods, and a nice clean, bright, t
light store in which to shop.
! 'Silk Underwear
We have a nice line of Silk Chemise and Camisoles : :
made of excellent quality Satin and Crepe de Chine, '
hemstitched and with neat embroidery work. V.
camisoles 98c. $1 .49 and $1.98 f
J Incorporated i :
Mrs. Vada Sheets left yesterday over
the Oregon Etectrie for Foremost, Al
berta, Canada.
Mrs. Blanch BUindoll left this morn
log far Pasco, Washington-
E. J. Gwyn, "traveling pubHi'ity agent
for the Portland navy recruiting ela
tion, is in the city.
Mrs. Don Chamberlain was in the
tity yestcndy ea route home after a
visit at the Arnold home dn Kosedale.
Mrs. Roy J. Anderson of Eugene,
With her infant daughter, is the guest
Off iher si.stec. Mist Edna Gafield rf
SOI Lincoln street.
Cornelia B. Whit and C. Carrdl
Wiite of Pabn Springs, Colorado, reg
istered at (the Marion yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clarke were In
the city yesterday from t'orvallls.
W. A. Ayr of Eugene was a Salem
visitor Tuesday.
' Paul Kirker of Granta-Psss, secre
tary of the Ctah-Maho sugar company
was far the eity yostrlay, a guest at
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Find
ley. Ho is on istiss way. to Yakima where
the eompany has a 1,000,000 beet su
gar factory. .
Labor Commissioner HoM is quite
01 from the effect of ptomaine pois
i ondug and tias been confined to his
room since Saturday. , . .. ...
, P. B. Docker and Ear! Wood, both of
Silverton, are registered at the Bligh
Kay L. Cook and mother Mm. R. B.
Cook are in the city from Portland.
Mr. Cook will be located in Salem, as
sociated wihh. the Standard Oil Co.
Irvin W. Lewis, who has been with
tflve J. C. Perry drug store for several
years, has enlisted as pharmacist mate
in the navy and will leave tomorrow
for San Francisco.
J. T. Goodman, a former business
man of this eity, is here from Salem
as a witness in the ease of Crow vs.
Abraham. He was a witness in a form
er trial of the Crow ease about seven
years bro. Rosoburg Review.
This week the folowtng have enlist
ed in the navy through the loeal recruit
ing ofice at the pbstofficet Fred A.
Taylor, of Medford. as yeoman; Arthur
E. Douglas of Corvallis as hospital ap
prentice! Russell A. Amunson, Floyd F.
Misner and George Abey all of Portland
as apprentice seamen.
. "..
ATKIS8 To Mr. and Mrs'. C. C. At
kins at San ford, Cat., May 24, 1918,
a daughter.
She has been named Loyal Tlarlcen.
Mrs. Atkins was formerly Miss Leona
The Man Hour
Benefit for Home Guard
Companies emergency fund; good
music; good floor; good crowd;
good cause.
I All Around Town
. .....
- - eeeeeeeteeee-x
JJitney dance at Armory, Ore
gon Guard benefit.
May 29, Senior High school
play, "Man of the Hour." High
School Auditorium.
May 30. Memorial Day.
May 30. "The Kaiser," at
the Liberty -theatre.
June 3. Patriotic mass meet
ing, First Baptist church, 8 p.m,
June 4-7. State Grange meet
ing in Salem.
June 5-6. State Jewelers'
Convention in Salem.
June 8r Partial Eclipse of
the sun, 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock p.
June 12. Commencement day
Willamette University.
June 14. High school gradua
tion. June 17. Election of two
school directors in Salem.
the same evening the Rev. WjU'am W!
laej I'ounssan, district superintcnoeu:
of the Methcdist church wiil preach
befjrj a gathering tf the college uajo-rfations.
Fac'iic Dimen Doubles
Rc.d Cross War Fund
San F.-aieis;-. May 23. The Pacific
dirision it tas Red Cross probably will
have doubled its R;d t r.T3 sutwrip
ioi ru a when al tie mcaoy is count
cd, if wrs itiiilt d t: dev.
'it- a' 'u's ,! ns ai non were $6,
502 0S3.93. Of this anicunt California
iix-d tri9;3 ."59 19; rizva, tloO,
1 Tor rt Leonard hotel ai CC1 N.
'rk. -1 . i . i . . , ,
ii-ui, uin3b cjup.ieieiy lurnisneu
Good opportunity ior man and wife to
go into business. Phone or call on
C. S. Hamilton. 5.30
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. C. S. National Bank Bldg. tX.
Royal Highlanders musical entertain
ment e-t Union hall Tuesday evening.
Dance will follow. 5-28
A building permit was Issued yester
day to J. H. McDonald for repairs
and alterations to his house at 1835
North Church street, to cost about $500.
Patton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa
Phone 1096. We do repair work. Stoves
and furnaces coiled. tf.
Women, children do your bit Hels
jpick the Loganberries. You can regis
ter sou get in purucuiars ax ia U.
S. Bank bldg. tf
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge No. 60, A. F. 4 A. M.,
this evening. Work in the P.
C. degree. Visiting- brethren
Mr. and Mrs. a. B. Terwiillger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors,
770 Chemektrta St. Phone 724.
Attention! All , members of the
Knights of Columbus are urged to meet
at K. of C. hall on State street Thurs
day afternoon at 1 o'clock sharp, and
all other men of the Catholic church
In Salem and vicinity are invited to
come also, so that all may join in the
procession and the exercises of Mem
orial day. By Tequcst of Frank Davey,
Albert O'Brien, J.- E. Doraa, commit
tee. - '
'The best" Is all yon can do when
death comes. Call Webb ft Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf.
' 0 .
Captain W. Connell Dyer of Company
G, Oregon Guard, announces that the
school for non commissioned oficers for
Company G. has beon postponed from
Thursday until Friday eveiuug as m0
o'clock on account of Memorial Day
"The funeral
Clough Co.
Webb ft
Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum,
which is the handsomest burial place
in Oregon, wil) be open to the public
all day on Memorial Day. 5-29
R. B. Ryan is bringing some fine
rhubarb or Wine plant to town now. He
has it standing five feet high and of
the most perfect quality in all respects.
Mr. Byan will supply rhubarb for can
ning at three eents a pound.
Cherriant attention! All Cherrians
in full uniform are requoaitc-d to meet
at Com'l club at '' P- m. May ifUth,
to participate in the Memorial day pa
rade. Hal D. Patton, King.
Mount Oreat Abbey Mausoleum will
be open to the public all day Memorial
Day. It is moro beautiful than ever
this year. - ' 5-29
Donald W. Miles and Walter XL
KevcB have moved their law of fices to
410 V. S. Bank bldg. 6-4
Edgar B. Piper, editor of the Oregon-
ian, has been chosen as the speaker for
the commencement exercises of Willam
ette University on the morning of June
12. Bishop Matt 8. Hughes of Portland
will deliver the Baccalaureate sermon
on the morning of HunilHV Jtint? 9 and
k'l If Ml' V
Toilet m
supply the very help nature
requires. They rectify morbid ?
skin conditions then from the S
source ot skin health, springs a
loveliness of natural beauty,
Den't confuse Marincllo Prep- ll
sratioa with ordinary cosinetiri. 1
Thfy'redtfferent. Theycnrnc(tults 1
unit (our natural "Kose Kesl" 1
Beauty. a
US N. High St. I
T 1 mJtfit is .DO
j For the purpose of trTing to make
! the irrigation service more satisfac
tory the fkty will be divided into two
! districts o that earh. district will ret
the full service of the plant upon the
day it irrigates.
The plan is to have the houses which
bear even numbers on the streets irri
gate onlv on Monday, Wednesday, Fri
day and Sunday, and the houses which
bear oJ.I .number on the streets irri
gate only on Tuesday, Thursday, Sat
urday and Sunday. This plan win per
mit every House to irrigate four days
out of eaih wek.
The purpose of the Water company
in furnishing water for irrigation is
mt to furnL-4 all the water a person
cam run through the hose ia the six
irrigation hours every day, but to furn
tah enough water to keep the lawn in
condition. To use more thai enough is
a wants.' We will pump the usual
amount elf water and hot to furnish
it more satisfactorily Salem Water,
Litrfct ft Power Co. . tf
A dance will be given this evening
at the armory for the benefit of the
Second battalion. It is understood that
several officers of the battalion will at
tend in uniform, as well as members
from the three companies.
Register for Loganberry picking at
415 U. S. Bank bldg. tf
Walter E. Keyes and Donald W.
Miles have moved their law offices to
410 U- S. Bank bldg. 6-4
. 0 ,
Rev. Dr. B. N. Avison of this city,
will deliver the baccalaureate sermon
before the high school graduating class
at Lebanon Sunday evening, June 2.
The class this year is a large one.
133.S) and Nevada. 106 3:iCS3.
Final ft .urea w.ll n.t te r:ly for
se.-eral days.
There will bean unveiling of a ser
vice flag of the Scandinavian church
15th and Mill street, Sunday June 9,
8cveral distinguished speakers will take
part in the program, including Bishop
Matt S. Hughes of Portland.
1 0 -
Highest price for Loganberry pick
ing. Register now at 415 U. B. Bank
bldg.. , tf
According to reports from the banks,
fnllv on n rant nt those who subscrib
ed for the Third Liberty loan on the
government plan are paying up preuy
close to schedule time, which was yes
terday. The next payment, one of 35
per cent will be due July 18, when those
subscribing for a 50 bond will pay
17.50, and on a 100 bond, 35 and in
proportion. The final payment is in
For those who would really like to
get an idea of the kaiser and his sur
roundings, the moving picture at the
Liberty will at least give the best that
moving picture operators can produce.
Aoonnlinv tn nress reuorts. audiences
in the east have become wildly enthus
iastic over certain patriotic scenes anu
especially when the kaiser gets what is
eoming to him. The reel is on at the
Liberty for three days beginning Thurs
day. Tomorrow afternoon the G. A.
B. veterans will be guests of the thea
Ladies' Sill
A new shipment just received in Colors Grey,
Bronze, Navy and Champagne $1.35 Pair
lisle and Fibre Silks 35c to 98c
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
Commercial and Court Sts formerly Chicago Store
Placards have been placed In the store
windows announcing a patriotic mass
....... n- . :..4.
meeting to De new at tne r irsi uupuai
church on the evening of 8unday June
2. The two subjects to be discussed are:
"The Moral Aims of tha War" and
"The Problem of World Reconstruc
" Tho aneskpTH eome here under
th auspices of the National Committee
on the Moral Aims ol tne war.
A big Bed Cross rally will be keid
at Macleay Saturday Jun 1. The circu
lars announce that a good literary pro
gram will be provided and that a fine
chicken dinner has been prepared lor
the noon hour. Three eloquent speakers
will he there including Liton Watlunf
and Clara H. Waldo of Portland. There
will be auction sales and a benefit dauco
iu the evening with the grand march
beginning at 9 o'clock.
Tomorrow the town will be practical
ly closed down as far as business is con
cerned. While no of ficial' order has been
issued to members of the Business
Men's League, the grocers have taken
action in favor of closing all day and
other business houses will probably fol
low suit. The meat markets will be
no mail delivery in the city. The gen
eral delivery window will be open from
7 to 10 o'clock, but no business trans
acted in any other department. The
banks will hang out the old familiar
sign, "Closed, Legal Holiday."
At least 15 automobiles are wanted
tomorrow morning at the close of the
union Memorial services at the First
Methodist church to carry G. A. R. vet
erans to the cemetery where they will
hold special exercises in ine u. a. it.
Circle. It was about 55 years ago that
line majority oi tue vcieruua um mcir
hardest fighting and "just at present the
'long walk to the cemeteries is rather
tiresome for the majority, lne spirit, lo
murch is there but in recent years there
has not be.cn the strugth for the lonjr
walk. IL?nce patriotic people are asked
th use of their cars from 10 o'cloek
iu the morning uutil noon. The veteran
will leave from the First Methodist
church after the morning services.
. o
It cost C. O. Rice just $4.15 to make
the race for city treasurer and no wor
ry at all as he was the only candidate
When it comes to running fur Alderman
X. D. Elliott has the expense account
figured down, closer than any other can
didate. Mr. KUiott didu-v spend a cent,
according to his sworn statement aud
he is willing that some other man get
all the glory there is in rcpresentiug
, the seventh ward on the city council.
I Jack Welsh, candidate for city marshal,
j f iled his expense account, amounting to
You'll get a glimpse of his Innermost '
personal life from authentic incidents P Even a dyed-in-the-wol pacifist will
in this film and it will make you L come out of the theater a boiling,
hope to heaven that tne "Mad Dog of fighting, red-blooded American when
PurciV meets jus. the finish that " M Mt k na8 seeE A
the photoplay portrays. m jf iw
MSSo5' fir - -IIl ' U P' M' C0EATI0N DAY
' '
&sZ? fhtlv. f V': y
Three Days Only Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
Ma&e? and EYenhg
Beast of Berlin
juusntATioN mourn RQim&MF
You'll Go
J Daily Mat 25c; Events 5Cc
Inildren 25c