Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 29, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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la, c'crt, i a aoit
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-'J ' I
See That Be Never Lacks'
a pouch of
Real GRAVELY Chewing Ping
Your fighting man will go to almost any
lengths to get good tobacco. Many a man
has paid $5 for less good tobacco than you
will send him in a pouch of Real Gravely
Chewing Plug. Only costs you 10 cents.
Gire any man a chew of Real Gravely Pluf , and ha will
IcQ jot that ' the kind to send. Send the but I
Ordinary pluf U fall econoeay. It cost let per
week to chew Real Gravely, becauae a until chew at it
last a long white.
If yon amoke a pipe, slice Gravely with yoar knife
and add a little to your emokuig tobacco, it will fire
flavor improve your amoke.
Daatar all wend fcara carry H In 10c eoecaaa, A Se. .d
will put il into km bands im an? Trainine Camp or Saapart el lfa
V. S. A. E.ae "erar thare" Sc ataaaa will taka it to has. Yaw
aWalar will eapplr eavaWpe ana lira 7m efticaal da-ectoea kow la
r. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO.. Danville, Va..
Tkc fafcnt Pomck inft k Frttk mnd Cltcm mi Good
: 4 m Mf Knl Cnweiy aritkaef Au fVeterfaui Stal
rtabUehed 1SS1
Willamette Valley News
Stayton Items
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Stayton, Or. May 29. Mrs. Geo. Boed
iguuimer left Tuesday morning fur Van
couver to visit her husband, who is in
the navy.
W. B. Surry, of Lyons, was in town
on bunnies Saturday.
J. W, Bailey, of Montague, Calif.,
has been visiting relatives and frieuus
in Stayton the past few days.
The ferry boat across the Snntiam
near Shelburn is reported in running
condition again.
Miss Anna Mullen, of Salem, is V is
itiug Miss Emma Strcff.
E. B. Watters has finished his seJiool
at Shnw and moved Into his house in
" Mrs. Zula Mosier, who has been visit
ing her parents, Capt, and Mrs. Watturs
ha returned to her home in Silvertoii.
Mrs, Geo. Duvie was brought home
from tli.1) Salem hospital Sunday. Shu
is reported recovering nicely from her
. Geo. Warford is reported improving in
a hospital in balem.
The hail storm that visited this sec
tion Sunday afternoon did gome dam
age to fruit and gardens, but is suid
to have benefitted the gram.
The moving picture theatre will be
conducted in futura by C. A. Luthy.
The former manager, Harry Humphreys
has gone to Camp Lewis. Mr. L 11 thy will
keep up the high standard of pictures
that have been given us by the outgoing
Word has been received by friends
here that frank Teague was jiiarrka
the 21st at I t. Worden, Wash.
Mrs. Robt. McCrow and daughter
Eurctta, of Gnldcnrtnle, Wash., have
been guests the pnst few days at the
Joe r'isher home.
K. L. Hied, of Chicago, III., was a
guest at the J. P. Wilbur home the
t" ii-Ht of the we,ck. Mr. Hied is the east
ern representative of the Wilbur Wool-
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to -Trade
Lest We Forget
On thia sacred day we honor the Patriots
who died to keep this country free.
Today ten million more stand ready to
still keep this country the land of the free
so that those whose memories we pay hom
age to will not have died in vain.
So on this Memorial Day, even though
our hearts are heavy let us keep up the
good fight, and remain o'utf pledge, to those
who have died, to ourfai'r country, and to
ourselves, and help keep the world free
from those destroying monsters who seek
to put us once again in bondage.
1 trii ill. imrnxmammmmmm
Blteh Theatre
en Mills and recently landed a large
order for one of the big mail oroVr
Mrs. Lucy Fargo, of Santa Barbara,
Cal., is visiting her father, Jas. Archer.
She expects to remain here during the
The Red Cross fund for this section
has reached its quota, and may possibly
overrun, as all reports are not in.
Mrs. Kemmcrer of Diamond Bluff,
Wis., who was called here by the death
of her mother, Mrs. B. Kleekcr, left
Tuesday for her home in the east.
Mis. Geo. Thomas, of Lyons, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. F. Silhavy.
C. K Kramer, of Molnlla, was visit
ing friends in town Sunday.
C. h. Daugherty made a business trip
tc Portland Tuesday.
iionday evening Col. Williams, Lii-u-tonant
Hull, Captain Johnson, Lieu
tenant Brown and others of the Salem
company of Oregon Guard, met with the
Pt.iyfoa company and put them through
thtir paces on the drill grounds. The
Stayton boys appreciated very much
iheir coining '!ay are doing very well
lor the tinif they have been drilling,
nid occasional hup from experienced
iiitii m, tl thoii own officers become
mi'ie. expert, will be of much benefit.
After the drill was completed the visit
irs and Die locai guards were served
with Ice cream and wafers in the Ma
sonic building b the young ladies of
the Honor Gu'ud."
Postmaster Alexander states that 11
nothing serious prevents, tho posteffice
will be moved into ::3 new quarter!
in the Farmer and Merchants Bank
building -tlic first of next week.
Trains on the Corvnllis & Eastern will
change time, beginulng next Sunday.
The train from the east will arrive at
Kingston in the morning, ami from the
west in the afternoon. Tit? tuuo has .101
ytt been given out,
- Miss Dell Mankin is visiting at the
W. I. Cornish home.
Joseph Pieser and Mini Myrtle Beam
were married in the Catholic church if
Sublimity Tuesday morning, H."v. r'ath
er A. Lainck tying tha hymenial knot,
in the presence of a number of friends,
who will wish them the best of good for-
A number of officer were appointed
at the nvcHng of the Oregon Guard
Monday evening, as follows: J. M. Bin
go, J. 'W. Mayo, A. C. Thomas, B. W.
Munkers, H. E. Bennett and M. J. Crnb-
tree, Duty Sergeant II. Lilly, supply
meant, G. R. Munkers, C. h. Daugh
erty, Grant Murphy, Roy Follis, C. J.
Hunt, John Apple aim Leo J. kock,
Corpoials. The other ofieers of the com
pany are L, S. Lambert, captain; t,. 11
Nelson, first lieutenant; J. H. Thonm,
d lieutenant.
Court House News
The grand jury is in session holding
its fii-Ht meeting :this afternoon. Ap
narontlv it will have but tittle work
and may bo (discharged by the end at
the week.
Ttt-n mnrriticrft lipnftAa wern fasued
Thn ftrur imuil. tn tflrnwr a frirtk-
et was William W. Scott nnd Marjory
- 1 i...it. - i.a
money iHru 01 nini-riuu nu utc
other, Loltoy A. Ferguson of Folk
'ouuty and linil Nnitli 01 salcmi.
Ill tho suit of Charles A. Johnson
versus E. E. Wallace a decree wan
granted for the foreclosure of a mort
guao given to secure payment of $533.-
S3 with $(0 attorneys feca.
Ciiiiinliviiit. was Ifiled bv N. R. Moon
awl Arthur Moon against Fred Collius
and the unknown heirs of Frank Col
lins and wtJiern in-an action brought to
quiet hi tie to five acres fin the "Tow-
ler Savage and wife donation land
hum. '
In the matter of the estate of An-
iiie Knisi-r deceased, an order was -made
bv tho eouuty court appointing her
brother, Joseph Patrick Kaiser, administrator.
In the matter of the estate of Simon
Heist the- final account wf the adminis
trator was filed and an order mia.de fi
ing the dnto of biaring of tie same
for June !M at 10:30 o'clock.
This is divorce dav lu department
number two of the circuit-court and
thre eviin are on the ducket for hear-
Major A. A. Hall today Issued the fol
lowing order: Company E report for
drill at the armory at 1 o'clock tomor
row afternoon in uniform; Companies
0 and F. not to report owing to no
equipment. High school cadets under
command of Captain -Barnes to report
to the armory at 1 o'clock tomorrow
under arms. The firing detail will report
at the armory this evening at 7:30
o'clock and again at the armory at
9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Two-Thirds of Them Respond
to Lelter of Red Cross
Home Service
Two-thirds of the men who will be
indueted into the service next Satur
day, leavine for CamD McDowell. Calif..
have responded to the letter sent them
by the Home Service section of the
Red Cross, asking that each prepare in
surance and allotment papers before
The men have been appearing at
the office of the Home Service section
and having all miners nrer.ared in or
der that as oon as signed by their
commanding officer at Camp McDowell,
tney win be ready to be forwarded to
the War department at Washington.
The experience of the Home Serviee
section of the Bed .Cross is that many
men with good intentions, fail to prop
erly make their allotments and to take
out their insurance papers. The office
of this section is located at the Com
mercial club and for the past few days
has been giving all its time to pre-
paring these papers ami helping in
I many ways to properly prepare allot
ment records.
I ' FrOlll the heat tf illfnrmnfiAn In V.O
obtahied by this Home Service Section,
jit -seems that the allotment papers of
' the men in Company M have been lost
j or at least mislaid and there is now no
rrcoru 01 sucn papers at vvasnineton
It seems the insurance papers of the
men have been properly forwarded, but
tnero is no record of the allotment by
which the wives of the boys in Com
pany M are to receive any money for
tneir support.
A wire was sent to the Red Crofi
headquarters in Weshington and n
cablegram has been sent to the com
manding officer rff Company M in
France, asking that duplicate allot
nient papers be made out by all t.e
men. Until these duplicates are re
ceived in Washington, the dependents
of the soldiers in this company will re
ceive no allowance. The Home Service
section has also mad-i an appeal to
Governor Withycombe asking him to
ue his best efforts , in rushing the
matter of allotments and the forward
ing here f the money due to the
families of the boys in Company M.
Tram Riinning at Moderate
Speed Strikes Washed
Out Tracks
Waterloo, Iowa, Mav 29. Five per
sons were killed and a dozen injured
when Illinois Central passenger train
number 11, west bound, was wrecked
near Aplitgton, 30 miles west of here,
early thia morning.
. The wreck occurred at tho AnnrrkAi-n
to a bridge over Beaver creek. The track
was weaaenea oy tne nign water, the
locomotive and mail car plunging down
the bank and the combination .express
and smoker turning over.
llie known dead are:
W. A. Alderman, eneineer. of Water
A. F. Oolinveauz. fireman, of Water
J. J. Bae, postal clerk, Dubuque.
TWO ntlur milwnv mail oli.i-lra oa
yet unidentified, were killed.
Rae, who suffered a fractured skull
and internal injuries, died in the hos-
ftital here. Kncinppr Alilppmnn nnrl Viia.
man Golinveaux wprn Inatantlv killed
Eleven injured were brought to the
hospital here by a relief train that was
rushed to the scen.9 of the wreck.
The train was runnincr nnlv of n mnrl.
erate rate of speed when "it hit the
washed out tracks. Had the train beeu
runuing at higher speed, it is probable
the loss of liffl would have been heavier.
on north Capital street, between D and
E streets. He said it was just these
dinky little towns that caused all the
trouble and that in Portland he could
drive 25 miles right down town and the
cops never f.?e him. Ho gave the name
of W. Givins and also gave the city
$5 of his Portland money.
'J We are Bound to Get the Kaiser"
is the name of a song that Will be sold
on the streets of Salem beginning next
Friday. -The proceeds of th sale of the
song will be given to the 363rd Infan
try at Camp Lewis for its library fund..
Girls will sell the song and each will
Let us look over j our Tires
This Service Is Free
gfSYTrllliQ PtKIAJNlrt) TO 81c
126 South Commercial Street
First, emme R. H. K.
Philadelphia 2 7 2
Xew York 7 9 1
Geary and Perkins; Love and Wal
ter s-
'First ffamo
Washington 2 6.1
Boston 4 11) 0
Harper and AiiLsniith: Man and
Suhang. .
No other game scheduled.
Second ranie
Washington 0 5 1
oston S J u
Second game
Philadelphia 2 9 4
New York 12 16 0
Myers, Adams and McAvoy; Fiuner
an, Mcgrklge and Hannah.
First game
Boston 2 10 0
Brooklyn 0 10 0
Regan amd Henry; Marquard and
Secondi game
Bcton 3 8 0
I. . .1 ' m
j-vsi.ou O I V
nd A in smith; Jones and
wear a badge and hold a letter from
the leader of the infantry band, auth
orizing them to act as agents. Arthur
Warner is h.ere handling the sale of the
song and his credentials are signed by
the leader of the band. It w'ill not be
sold except by the authorized girls.
Brooklyn . 0 4 3
Filimgera and Henry; Cheney, Grimea
and Miller.
New York 2 8 3
Philadelphia ..: - 5 8 0
Tcsreau and McCarty; Prendergast
and Burns.
St Louis-Pittsburg and Cincinnati
Ohicago postponed, rain.
Her experience, her ripened judg
ment, enable her to take advantage of
the wonderful opportunities for women
which the war has created. But t
succeed she must appear young. Oray,
streaked with gray, or faded hair
gives the look of age and keeps many
women from the success they descrvo. .
If gray hair is your handicap you
can easily overcome it with Q-ban
Hair Color Restorer just as have thous
ands of other women. It will gradually
bring hack all the natural color and
gloss and take years from your looks.
Q-ban is not a dye, but a delightful
toilet preparation a necessity for ev
ery woman who understands the value
of keeping young. It will not stain tho
scalp, wash or rub off or interfere with
washing or waving the hair. Also re
moves dandruff, keeps the hair heal
thy and is easily applied by Bimply
combing or brushing through the hair.
Sold by all good druggists every
where on Money-Back Guarantee.
Price 75c.
The Englewood Bed Cross Auxiliary
will- meet at 2 o'clock Friday after
noon at the home of Mrs.. Matthewson
on Nebraska and 20th street.
The army recruiting office reports one
enlistment today, Jlint of William H.
Ector of rural route 8, Salem. He chose
the Medical corps aiid left this morn
iug for Portland.
' This Is number tfwo for war babies.
Born, May 25,. 1918 to Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Rape, a son. He has been
named Wilbur Herman Rap.e The
father of this war baby is in the serv
ice, stationed at Fort Sevier.
0 '
Oscar Cutler, who was formerly a resi
dent of Salem as deputy county sur
veyor, has been inducted into tho 472nd
Engineers and will leave tomorrow for
Fort George Wright at Spokane. For
the past 20 months lie has been stntion
ed at Pendleton working for the State
Highway Commission. He was with
Company 'M on the border.
Word was received today of the
death in Astoria of .Tnqueline Edger
ton, the four year-old grand daughter
of Mr and Mrs. George L. Rose of 765
Court street. The parents, Mr. and
rMs. Floyd Edgerton will arrive in the
city this evening with the body. As
yet no funeral arrangements have been
Warrants were issued this afternoon
for the arrest of J. A. Beck, J. A.
Kapphahn and Z. J. Zinn, charged with
operating an automobile for hire in I
the city without, first taking out the
annual license of $15. This is the first
action taken by the city to compel auto
and taxi drivers and those operating
autos for hire in the city to comply!
-.liL-.l- 1
wiui wiu oniiiinnce.
According to all that can be heard
on the streets, the Retail Grocers of Sa
lem will be supported in the stand they
have taken that there is no occasion
to place Oregon on the wheat!.?ss list.
The opinion is generally expressed that
at the meeting to be held Friday after
noon at the Commercial club, the gro
cers will be doing the right thing in
standing by their resolution passed Mon-i
day evening wherein they objected loj
going on a wheatless basis since tin'
same is not required of other states and ;
since there has been 110 demana rromi
the foo.d administration in Washing
ton. Merrill Crossan, one of the young de
livery men of the Wellcr grocery was
in to much of n hurrv Tuesday evoning
and about 4 o'clock the speed cop spied
him travelling about 32 miles an hour.;
It cost him the usual $3. A Portland
man picked up yesterday afternoon was
awfully peeved when the speed cop
caught f i in travelling 35 miles an hour
m u
fort&Mai .a -Mum miwm
We are maintaining our special low prices in our Pumps, etc. You can buy a nice
comfortable summer Shoe at prices wav below present manufacturers' cost.
Manv broken lines are less than one half of the cost of production at the pres
ent time but they must go.
A lot of splendid Pumps, all leathers,
up to $5.00 grades at $1.95
A lot of splendid Pumps, all leathers,
up to $5.00 grades at $2.15
A lot of splendid Pumps, all leathers,
up to $4.00 grades at 95c
A lot of splendid Pumps, all leathers,
up to $4.50 grades at $1.65
Other lots at $1.79, $2.45, $2.65, $2.89,
$2.95 up to ....$.195
Patent Oxfords . .$4.50 Brown Oxfords . . $5.00 Black Kid Oxfords $4.50
The very newest lasts Brown Calf, up-to-date pMim'fni i.f4 !,
and patterns, very style, military heels- A Beautlful late desig
stylish. bargain. long toe, very choice.
White Fabric Oxfords $3.35 Black Kid Oxfords . . $5.00
A fine weave white fabric Oxford, Fine soft kid, light turned soles,
turned sole and covered, heels, new military heels, a very swell and easy
lasts. Very light cool and summery. fitting Oxford-
And Men's Shoes of every description at Hard Time Prices
We make a specialty of our Children's Department and "Xorrect Fitting" Is our
For play use these can- Smoke ' Elk 'Skuffers, Baby Service Shoes in
vas shoes, leather soles, nice, easy, splendid Black Kid turned soles,
lace skuffers, sizes 8V2 wear, 12 to 2, $3.29; 8 to sizes 2 to 5, no heel, 95c
to 11 at $1.33. In 5 to 8 11 at $2.89 and 5 to 8, Spring Heel 99c
at $1.28 at ; $2.29 Fine for every day wear
fees' and Children's Black Kid, White
Cloth top in lace, sizes 12 to 2, $2.93.
Ia 8y2 to 11 at $2.55. Ia Patent Buttoa White Cloth Top, 5 to 8, $1 .80.
2 to 5, $1.49.
Boys' and Youths', in all kinds, sizes and prices .
Buy now while you can save the $$.
Come in and
look over our
barptans. We
have shoes to
167 North
Salem, Oregon