THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, ORE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1913. FIVE . , . - . - I NEW-TODAY MM IF YOU WANT TO BUT OS SELL SOMETHING. TOFT SiEISPER IN A WELLMJSE A JOURNAL WANT AD CLASSIFIED ADVEEKSINa KATES BU fr word New Today: X7s Ou week (8 insertions) Om month, (26 insertions) . Tig Capital Journal will not b re sponsible tor man thaa ens insertion, for emit ia Classified Advertisement Bead four advertisement the first day U appeal and notify us immediately Minimum aaarga, 15e. UUIiTlGRAPHINQ Phonj 340. 6-25 MONEY to loan, 744 N. Coma 5-31 FOR SALE Steven Duryea ear, suit able for track, will tell cheap. Phone 734, 271 N. Commercial. V WANTED By young man, work on a farm. 1'hone 1224. 5-29 WOOD saw wanted, tutting cord wood. Phone 8F23 evening. 5-29 WANTED A 'dishwasher (at Koynle Cafeteria. tf FOR SALE Or tent a 10 room house with 2 acre. 1835 (.enter. 5-31 IXDIAN motorcycle for sale, a Wood ry's auction Saturday. 5-30 $1250 LOAN wanted on close in prop erty. Soeoiotfsky, 341 State St. 5-31 FOR SALE 1 pig, 5 months old. 2295 south Church fct. 5-30 FOR SALE Fresh, young Jersey eow. Call at 1107 Fir street. 5-29 MOTORCYCLE and gasoline engine for eale. 261 Court St. 6-1 FOB SALB-Thoroughbred Fox Ter rier female. Phone 1296. 5-29 FORD trailer for tale. Inquire at 271 D street. 5-29 BUGS vacuum cleaned, 50c. L. L. Buckner, Phone 1022. 5-31 WANTED Cook at state school for deaf. Phone 646. 5-29 LADY Washington seed beana for sale. Phone 8F2. 5-29 COL. W. F. WEIGHT, the auctioneer, Turner, Oregon- Phone 52. 6-11 SWITCHES made from combings. Phone 1041, Mrs. Boyce. tf FOR SALE S. C. W. hens Tancred and O. A. C. strain. 1541 D Bit. 5-30 FOR SALE Or rent, 5 room ' house, erop, 4 miles out, buildings. Phone 270M. 5-30 VO RSALE Or rent, 5 room house, hot and cold water, 2 lots, garden nil in. Phone 270M. 5-30 WANTED Several nice appearing, wideawake young ladies. Apply 209 U. S. Nat bank bldg. at 9 a. in. 5-30 WANTED Buggy and single harness, in good condition. Must be cheap Bt. 2, bo 36, Turner, Or. 5-30 WANTED Three tons enred clover clippings, for cow feed. Phone 1204. . 5-29 TWO and three room furnished apart ments, 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2201 MONEY TO LOAN cn real estate- H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic building, Salem. f X4NTED Mohair t East Salem Tannery, 25th and Oak St. .Phone 2160M. FOB SALE Some fresh milch cows and farm horses, also want to buy a second hand binder. Geo. Swegle. tf FOB BENT -4 front sleeping Tooms in Hubbard bldg. W. H. Norris, receiv '' er, room 304. fOl BENT Good flvs room modem house. Inquire 606 N. Commercial 8t t phono 1549M. tf FOR SALE Dresser, round dining ta ble, carpets, stands, beds, springs, mattress, dishes. Inquire 444 S. High 5-31 WANTED To buy light, five passen ger automotoile, must be in good me chanical eondition; state price, make. condition1. Address Auto care Journal WANTED Furnished house, will, take heat ears of same; close in preferred, Wiil rent for some time if suited. Adda-ess B. J. Care Journal. - 5-31 WANTED Loganberry pickers at end of car lino, Salem Heights; good camp ground for those wanting to camp; wall pay 1H ets. for those that aftay through. Phone 99F12. 5 31 FOB SALE or exchange for smaller place, close to Salem, 355 acres fine stock or dairy ranch, good location, good roads, fair improvements, 100 acres cuttivaited, $60 per acre. J. A. Bernard, Salem, Or. 5-2S "WANTED 60 Loganberry pickers, ' 11 acres good Berries, 8 miles from Salem, good camp ground, new shacks to camp in, wood, water; will stove yom from Salem free. Hopmere station, Oregon Electric. Address Oerrais, Or, Bt. 2, box 49. , tf FOB BENT One 6 room and one 5 room bungalow, on or before June 1st Phone 1644 Hubbard bldg. tf FOB SALE Studebaker 1V4 spring - wagon, will sell cheap. Pheae 734, 271 N. Com'l tf BOY sixteen to twenty wanted at the Olova Factory, 1453 Oak St. Steady work. 5-29 BUGS for sale at 790 N. Cottage St. 5-29 fJOHB on wants your property and yen would sell. We charge no eom missioa for putting buyer and sell er together. For further information I Oregon Bealty Exchange Investment ' Ov, In., 14 Breyman bldg, Salem, ' Or, C amber of Commerce bldg., u ' gene, Or 25014 34 St. Portland, ; -Oregoa WANTED 2000 tomato plants. In quire G. W. Hamiller, 1527 Center. 5-30 FOB SALE Brass bed, springs and mattress, almost new. 175 South 14th. 5-29 FOR BENT 5 room, modern flat, furnished or unfurnished. Call 1737 W. 5-30 FOB SALE Hajley -Davidson motor cycle, $75. C. E. care Capital Jour nal. 5-31 FOR SALE Lead and linseed oil at bargain prices. 310 Trade and Win ter St., J. F. Latham. tf WANTED By the Wesklake Lumber Co., at westiaKe, ur., lour saw mm men. . 5-31 NOTICE to the Public After June 1st all business must be conducted on cash basis. QuackenbuBh Auto Supplies and Vulcanizing. S-iJ FOR SALE Gold Coin and Burbank . unsprouted potatoes, suitable for seed and feed, 50 cents per sacK. Phono 50F14. 5-30 I HAVE several clients who want to borrow money on good real estate se curity. John H. Scot, 404 Hubbard bldg. 5-29 FOB SALE One young Rod Pole bull, well bred; and on red Durham, well ibred. Phono 1251W or inquire 347 N. High. 6-4 FARM FOR RENT 140 acre farm, near Turner, well improved, crop all in; Iffirst class dairy farm, running water. All ready to iove onto. Ap ply at Turner State bank, 5-31 DEFtTiSE ATTORNEY ROASrSDR ROBERTS Painted As "Serpest Who Caused Insane Grace Lcsk to II His Wife" Waukesha, Wis, May 29. Calling Dr. David Roberts, a "serpent" who caus ed "insane" Grace Lusk to kill his wife, Attorney JJames Claneey finish ed the defense argumnt in the murder trial this afternoon. The defense confidently hopes for a verdict of not guilty because insane. The jury may bring in its decision late tonight. Prosecutor Corrigan planned to conclude final argument and J Judge Lueck was to instruct the jury by six o'clock. Dr. Roberts was saved the bitter at tack of Claneey becaubo he absented himself from the court room. "This bird of fine feathers," said Miss Lusk's attorney, ," who carried a diamond ring the size of a cent, talked of his love for children and the cold ness of his home life. That was Eoberts ' way of getting around an innocent girl. She eamo to Waukesha pure and undo filed, but soon crossed the path of this seroent." Taking up the insanity plea, Claneey declared she was a victim of hereditary paraonia. He pictured her as "an au burn haired, bashful girl," who at tracted statewide attention for her bril liancy in her teaching. "Would such a person be apt to destroy human life unless there was some eood reason?" he asked. Throughout Claneey 's plea that, she was insane, Miss Lusk sat calm, despite the certainty that a verdict of not guilty because of insanity would mean her detention in a mad hense. The de fense is believed to be planning a fight like Harry Thaw made after he was de clared not guilty because insane. Miss Lnsk's attorneys are expected to try to free her from an asylum if tha jury's verdict places her there. Judge Lueck, following Prosecutor Corrigan 's address, instructed the jury that one of five verdicts was posible. Tha five are: Not iruiltv because insane, not guilty guilty of murder in the first degree, guilty of murder in the second degree, guilty of manslaughter in the third de- 8ree- ' - WITH LATE RETURJiS Multnomah County Alone Un official and No Change Is Expected The official returns from Columbia and Clackamas eounties were received at the secretary of state's office to day. They are the same as the un official returns printed ia the Capital Journal Heff is bow 123 ahead of Kyan for state treasurer, with only Multnomah to report officially, and it is not expected that there will bt ail change ia the vote of that county as unofficially reported. The returns are as follows to date Official Returns. Hoff Baker .. 300 Bentoa . 161 Clatsop . 553 Coos - 776 Columbia .". ..301 Clackamas 675 Crook 66 Curry . 116 Douglas 490 Deschutes 126 79 157 122 WANTED 6 to 10 Loganberry pick- ers, women or experienced family preferred, good camping ground, well, potato patch and wood, 7 miles south; transportation furnished. lc if stay through. X ear Journal. 6-3 BERRY PICKERS WANTED Larg est yard in the valley. Good camp ing, good water, provisions on the ground. We move you out to yard and back to town. Picking begins about June 25th. Register now, we pay one ceirft with 3-Sth cent Ibonus - per pound. L. H. Roberts, Rt. 7, Sa lem, Or, Phone 4124. tf I MEAN BUSINESS Have real pur chaser for both an improved and an unimproved faa-m, but unless you are the owner .and have a good buy, do not waste time answering, as I mean bnsiness. State price, terms, and par ticulars in your first letter. H. C. Irwi'n, 316 "eijosk Exchange blilijr, Portland, Or. 5-31 15 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted; good picking, good camping ground, can walk and live at home only 15 minutes walk from ond of bridge. Wallace road, Polk eounty; would also like to register eamo crew for picking beans. W. C. Franklin. Phone 52F14. tf WANTED Loganberry pickers for 45 acres of berries located mile from carline at Salem Heights. Fif teen minute service. Five sent fare to Salem. Fine camp grove, free wood, potato pateh and straw fot -bedding. Water piped on camp grounds. No tents or bunk houses Telephone on camp grounds and free daily delivery of groceries. Pickers can make' from $2.50 to $3.50 per day; season will last from 5 to 6 weeks Piickiing will start about June 17th. Telephone 21F2. B. Cun lun.;liam, Bt. 3, box 121, aalem, Or. . 6-6 Salem Friends' Chm'ches In Joint Memorial Program Tli Triflnils phurrh of Hishland ill North. Salem, the Friends church of South Sitem and the Friends ehnreh of Rosedale will unite in a Memorial day program to be held at the church -in South Salem, May 80. The special services will begin at 2;30 o'clock in the afternoon with music especially prepared for the oc casion. Addresses will be delivered by the pastor of the three churches and a report of the civilian work done by the Friends church in Franee will be read by tho Rev. C. D. Hadley, pastor of the Friends church at Rosedale. Reports will also be read of the work being done by tho three churches. ' Following the afternoon's program, the remainder of ths afternoon will be given to a social hour by the young people of tha churches. On the evening, the 'three ehurehe will continue their program which will include an address by Secretary Fox of the General Board of the Friends ehurch of Oregon. The evening win close with a session of prayer. Berry Tickets. Journal Oice Berry Tickets, Journal Office Gilliam Grant Harney .... Hood Biver 130 Jackson .... ............... 400 Jefferson 109 Josephine 163 Klamath 153 Lincoln 158 Lane - 1206 Lake 58 Linn . 304 Malheur ...... 153 Marion 961 Morrow , 123 Polk 361 Sherman . ...... 114 . 237 340 257 87 322 149 State House News k Aw ftonprrnl ftrnwn is confined to his home wSith an attack of pneumo nia. He had' been complaining for a day or two of leemng 'Dauiy u dav and today was unable to be at his office. . mi, &,,,tWn Pacific todav reports a surplus of 1114 cars on its lines in Oregon, i..:,,. At ini-nYnmifttioin were filed Jll UllVO V. j today as follows: San Sang Chong eoanpany or roruanu, mro dissolution. . Kwong Man Yuon Goon company of Portland, f'ilad nolie of dissolution. Hing Lung Keo company filed no tice of its dilution. Gabriel Bad Contraction company filed notice of dissolution. Margaret Shipping company filed notice of its dissolution. Rickey Rural Telephone company, ,t:n with irineinal place of business at Salem, capital stock 1Z4, aind object to maiuxajin a iik phone line. The Paquelt Concrete. Shipbuilding - PnrMnnd. capital Stock $50,000 and object to build sihips of ev ery kind aim cnaiacwr. The German language will bo strick en from the high schools (rt the state . ,.r nf Mtunlv. This action was taken yes.erday by the fJlate board of education, rompr.Ku - w,;Wirimh Secrctarv Ol- cctt and Superintendent Churchill. In its place course win oe iuciuubu -French and Span'ish. Those who are taking the course thlis year will be 0.1 . . !. lu uuin,a their lowed to compieio a w -vm.- ----- credits. German is now .taught in tout year courses. It will fee optional with the schools as to. whether they place a . .An.a in icVmvch or Spanish, or whether they give two years' 'French . t ii !i-.V All m nrt. a AT and two years' pnin. ..l .i. itihimn in Poitlandi are affected by the order, and German already has wen rrawvtu imm courses there. . Session Ooens Strong In WaHStreet Today M-o-, Vnrlr. Mav 29. The New York Evening Sun financial review to day said: ti iinTi nnened strone. There was a momentary setback at the end of the first fifteen minutes, a re newed advance carried prices steadily forward one to nearly three points, Collars FOR SPRING CASCO'2Vlin. CLYDE-2'7i Tillamook Umatilla Union Wallowa . Waseo Wheeler ........ Washington M 393 Yamhill 337 Rvan 315 274 405 519 255 2,388 78 69 70S 118 ,161 160 104 140 560 89 259 147 258 596 94 260 224 1.981 157 413 148 176 613 312 118 364 177 670 709 Total 10fG3 14,019 Unofficial County Returns, Multnomah . 7134 3626 Grand totals: Hoff 17,773; Ryan 17,645. Mooney Death Sentence . Will Not Be Signed San Francisco, May 29. The death sentence pronounced yesterday on Thomas J. Uooneyj will not be signed by Superior Judge . Griffin until the supreme court has had an opportunity to act on tho defense's writ of prob able eause. . This was decided today following a conference between the judge, defense attorneys and prosecuting attorneys. The decision acts as a temporary stay of the death sentence, under which Mooney was to be hanged within '90 days. The writ of probable cause is in ap peal from Judge Griffin's decision that he has no authority to grant a new trial on the defense's allegation of fraud on the part of prosecution. LATE WAOULLETINS London, May 29. The transport Leasowe Castle wa torpedoed anil sunk Sunday, the admiralty announc ed tonight, with a less of 101 lives. The Leasowe Castle was a British transport with a net weight of 5381 NEWS FROM THE BIG STORE SIHC SUIT SPECIAI Through a most fortunate purchase by our New York Representative, we are in receipt of a most beautiful line of The product of one of the leading Ladies' Tailor ing establishments. There ' are TAFFETAS, JERSEYS, COMBINATION RAJAH AND CREPE DE CHINE, in Navy, Black and colored combinations. These Suits run in values to $50.00 while they last, gO C QQ your selection pKJJJ See display in Court street window. YOU WILL HAVE TO ACT QUICK TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS OPPORTUNITY. I T7 1MI 5 3E2lGC0lI S. mmmmm ttttttttitittittiititiiitir MMttMM IMMMMtHttMTtMHMttMMtt4MMMMM4Mt4 tons. She was built In 1916. until mid-day, when they again eased away from the top. New Haven sold to a new high for the year. Reading, Union Pacific, Erie first preferred and others gained more than two points. St. Paul common and preferred were in excellent form. The steel group made a good showing. Exceptionally strong spots among the Industrials were distillers securities, American Linseed, Central Leather, Utah Copper, Marine preferred Bald win Locomotive and Studebaker. Covering operations were apparently finished in mid-afternoon and prices receded close to the Tuesday closing level. Trading throughout was on a smaller scale in both stocks and bonds than for a week or more back. Liberty loan bonds were i heavy. Both the second 4's and the 4V4's were at new low figures, the former at 94 and the latter at 97.10. London, May 29 The British gov ernment, in. response to the appeal of the, archbishop of Cologne, made thru the. pope, today consented to make no daylight air raids on German cities out sidie the battle zone during the feaut of . Corpus Christ!, May 30. London, May 29. lf'orty thousand Finnish red guard soldiers are fighting for Russian, as well as Finnish exist ence, it was stated in an Exchange Telegraph dispatch received from Mos cow today. The dispatch said that the situation is grave, owing to the food shortage, but that they would be able to hold out for several weeks depending upon Russia to send supplies in the mean time. , . T-milnn. Mav 29. The United States anny today th over a two thousand bed hospital for American wounded. It is to be operated by an American med ical staff oif 150 nurses, fifty doctors and threo numlred owriics. Rome, May 29. "Two violent at tacks ou the positions recently cap tured (from the Austrians on the Cap- What Every Dyspeptic Wants to Know If vou are a dyspeptic, if food sours, and ferments after eating eansing such terrible pain that you are afraid to eat t;the great qnostion continuous ly before you is: "How can I prevent itt How can I get relief?" The answer is easy. Take a teaipon ful nt mim Bl-nesla in half a elas of hot water right after eating or when ever pain is felt. This win p'eyeni or iTwlio'iaHnn trouble ouicker and more positively than anything else and best or alt is anmnweiy narnuew, Go to any good druggist today and get a package of Bl-nesla, either powder or tablet form and forget yon ever had stomach trouble. Every package contains a binding guarantee of satis factiton or money back; nd your druggist, a man you personally know, stands back of that guarantee. osile front were broken up Monday night," the Italian war office an nounced oday. It is to be hoped that higher-up rail road officials have put by a litile against tho rainy day that seems to be headed their way, Appeal Is Uurgent. San Francisco, May 29. An urgent call for 300 telegraph operators ami telephone men for tho United States signal corps was received today at re cruiting headquarters oy Lieutenant Colonel Gardner. i TOMORROW WE SHALL BE CLOSED Decoration Day It is both fitting and proper that tomor row be given over to the memory of those who have died for the Freedom we enjoy; and to those brave hearts now rallying to the defense of Old Glory and to make the "World fit to live in," May the day be dedicated. :: QUALITY STORE :: Where Bishop's All Wool Clothes Are Sold Buy for Victory If you buy intelligently it naturally follows that you save and saving is going to help win this war. ... However, intelligent buying doesn't mean getting a cheap article because of the low price. On the other hand it doesn't mean buying the highest priced article you can find. It means striking a happy medium ; paying just enough to get real quality. That's what you do when you buy clothes of us. They're made of the best all-wool fabrics by Hart Schaffner & Marx; they're priced right and they're real quality. You get the long wear and style that go with real quality and consequently you buy less. That's how you save. BISHOP ALL-WOOL CLOTHES $20 TO $35 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $25 TO $40 SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE