:Cjj'.. Editorial Page of Whe Capital Journa CHAELES E. FI3HEB" Editor sad Publuker WEDNESDAY EVENING May 29, 191 S ' 5" " ni.iV"" rCBLISHED EVERT KVEX1XG EXCEPT STN DAT, SALEM, OREGON, BI Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. B. BARNES, Prnldmt CHA8. H. riPHER. Vtrt-ITMldnit DORA C. ANDRESES. He. ltd Trtas. FOOLISHNESS GONE TO SEED SUBSCRIPTION KATES In by Mtrlff, per Tr S.OO I'r Month 45 ' bails' bf nail, dct ymr &uo far Month FILL LEASED WIHR TEI.EGKAI'H HKIUI1T EASTERN B E I'i! ES E NT ATI V E8 W. D. Ward, New Tork, Tribune Building. Cliicxu, W. H. Btockwctl, People'! On Banding The Capital Journal earrter boyi are Instructed to put the papera on the porch. ' If the carrier docs not do thla. mlssra you, or oeglwta getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa thla la lit only way we can determine whether r MX the carriers are following inatrurtliaia Thorn Muln hi before T :'M clock and paper will toe aent yon by apecial meaamger If the carrier haa miaeed you. Local grocers are protesting against the action of State Food Commissioner Ayer in ordering Oregon on "a wheatless diet If the remainder of the country was treat ed the same way Oregon grocers or other Oregonians would make no protest Oregon is willing to take her full share of the responsibilities owing to the war and to per form in every particular her full part At the same time she cannot be blamed for objecting to being singled out for and made a wheatless state, while all the others except Texas are permitted to use half flour in their bread. Oregon has gone over the top first in many things and it looks as though the very small man representing Mr. Hoover in Oregon was trying to get himself and the state in the limelight. The state does not need the spectacular display and as for the food conservator down in Portland Salem is the Loganberry center of the world, and the Hp n contor, if kvJL-L t hta nrrn n horrv haa hrrmrrnr mnrh fomo onH ni-nonontw frli i . . - .. . " . . 1 Ttf u " -",nas maae tms drastic order without consulting Hoover Salem. To harvest the berries requires pickers m large he has undoubtedly exceeded his authority, and if it is iiumucis uui m iiuiiuai y eais pueis are pieiuuuu vvuniw th M, Hoover's consent, and Winner then fW rnt-la. - . n-u V11V41 v V V gVAlVAV t The Woman Who.Changed J THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL la the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation la guaranteed by the Audit Bureau f Circulation. SAVE THE BERRY CROP By JAXE PHELPS jWflSK POLITICS IN liFACEOF NATION'S PFRIL MEBTON G&AT ARRIVES CHAPTEBXC "Well, whom do you think I just ran into!" George asked, when he re turned from bid walk. "I dout know, 1 am sure." "Gray! He says he is ready to fin ish that picture as soon as you eaa give him at couple of sittings. I tola him you would attend to it at once Might aa well get it over with." I felt puzzled and confused at the , wave of pleasure that swept over me. J r i . v : t .... .. I aw ni . mm.! lu uxv, ,n . ,,!o,,l no .lin l...il.li,. W the the demand for labor this year, due to our abnormal war conditions, the growers will be unable to cope with the situation unless our people of Salem come to their rescue. This must be a public spirited movement. It is not a charity, but a condition that must be met. The berry pickers are well paid and the conditions of employment are most ideal. The work is light and can best be done by women and children. If our children can be properly organized into groups each under the direction of a com petant woman as a chaperon, they could handle all the picking. It requires three pickers to each acre and on this basis there will be needed over three thousand pickers for the Salem section. If Salem will not furnish the pick ers in sufficient numbers, then the growers must appeal to Portland to "come over and help us." It is to be hoped that this will not be necessary, and that Salem will take enough pride in this job to see to it that pickers are sup plied without resorting to imported help. A call for registration of pickers has been made, and all who can arrange to share in the Loganberry picking, should report their names at once so that a prompt and complete tabulation can be had at an early date. UP TO CITY FOLKS TO HELP ( Americans who have always been accustomed to havi ng whatever they had the money to pay for, can hardly real ize that this condition no longer exists-. t All 0 us havt been in the habit of ordering what we wanted in the way of food and clothing and always finding the market sup plied wjth all the things we asked for. It rather puzzles us to learn we must share our breadstuffs with our allies, and that when we do so there is not enough left to supply our own needs. The war necessities have driven us back a short distance, anyway, toward primeval conditions. It is up to every person who can, to do something toward supporting him or herself by growing the food they con ume. It also becomes the duty of each and every one of us to do our share toward saving the crops grown by others. It will not do in these strenuous war times to sit back and say let George do it, for George may do the same thing and the result would be that there would be a ser ious food shortage. It is up to the city and town folks to get out and help harvest the crops. The farmers have done all they can, and have made the many' crops ready for the harvesting, but with a shortage of labor unless the city dweller gets in and helps there is going to be some of these crops spoiled for lack of care at the proper) time. I he Capital Journal yesterday called attention to this condition already facing us in the berry patches, and the same conditions will compel energetic action on the part of city folks if all the other growing crops are saved The world does not owe any man a living and unless he arns it these days he is likely to not get it in full measure, If you would eat potatoes you must help dig them. If you would have all the vegetables you want you must help gather and care for them. Besides looking after yourself you do not want to for get to do a little toward saving foodstuffs for the boys over in France both our own and our allies. man wants to back up and treat all the states alike Oregon will go without" bread or get along with as little foodstuffs as any state, but her people want a square aeai ana tne same treatment those 01 the other states get. There is an openly expressed suspicion that Mr. Ayer is being influenced improperly to take this course. That speculators have bought up the substitutes for flour and the making of the state wheatless permits them to get rid of these at a big profit It is only a suspicion and may be absolutely groundless but at the same time the placing of this state in a class with Texas as entirely wheatless, has a bad look. It is possible Ayer is doing this just to get in the newspapers on the front pages, but we suggest i 4.L-.A i-L-A it. 1- - 1 ? 1 1 , wiai u mat is me case ne is mamng nis personal adver tising cost tne people 01 this state too much. his Qonimir where X was, gave me in tense pleasure. I am ready any tame you thinK best," I repMed quietly. "Ill telephone him in the morning. Then we can make arrangeroents. 1 am troini; yachting, so vou would Ire aloue. Perhaps you had bet.er bit then. it will prevent you being lonely. ' Already Georgo was planning to leave me. The thought, perhaps, ting ed my answer: "Yes, that would be better than moping alone." Anything would be better than nurs ing mybit!.er thoughts. 1 had been glad to leave .Narragansett because I thought I should have Ueorge to my self. In truth, I had absolutely given no thought to the plan to finish my piiiture in Newport. If I considered it at all, it, was as something to be done at some time duiing the summer, rath er than go soon after uur arrival. Tlw Next Morning Georjge arranged everything. He fixed the hour and did the talking. As usual, ad 1 had o do was to obey or DENT AND KAHN TEH ABOUT AIRCRAFT Military Committee Members Say Many Planes Are Sent Abroad Washington, May 29. Hot quizzing of Chairman Dent of the house nilitary committee about aviation accomplish ments marked first consideration of the $13,000,000,000 military bill in the house today. Dent had figures furnished by the war department with which he answer ed all questions. H.0 admitted there are not enough training planes to supply the men who speech" so eloquent that the reporters want to get into aviation schools, but sav-e one, forgot to take notes. Illinois S-"uatorial contest between Congressman Medill MeCornuck and Mayor Thompson of Chicago totally eclipsed presidential discussion. Gover nor Lowden of Illinois will speak. War work kept former President W. H. Taft and congressional leaders from attending. National Chairman Hays Plans to Open Campaign of 1929 Tonight Blooaiington, 111., May 29. National , Chairman Will H. Hays Is expected to fire the opening gun of the 1920 cam paign at a banquet here today commem orating the republican party's birth here, C2 years ago today. A tablet is to ! martyred Lincoln addressed the party at which the term republican party was first used. This was his famed "lost Platform Adopted. Indianapolis, lad., May 29. "There is for every individual and .?very pol itical party but one supreme duty and that is to end the war." That was the declaration of the plat form presented to the republican stale convention in session here today by Will H. Hays, national chairman of tlw republican party, and chairman of the The Germans have struck at last on the west front and apparently are making a desperate drive to break through the allied lines before the American armies grow larger. Reports of the battle show General Foch is fol lowing the same tactics he used when resisting the last drive, that ol tailing back when defending a position would cost too much in the lives of his men. Apparently this plan is to be used in the present battle wearing the enemy out by making the attacks cost him dearly and making his advance daily more difficult by removing mm irom his base ot supplies. This can be done safely so long as the allies have territory they can yield without endangering some line of future defense, it is probable this will be the most desperate battle fought this year, and if Mackensen loses it may be the last great battle of tne war in which the Germans take the offensive. The American troops in France have won a real battle. They attacked and captured the town of Cantigny and took 182 prisoners during the operation. It seems to be daily more difficult to hold the boys out of the big game, and they will probably be in the thick of it before long. The dehydrating process for vegetables is helping materially in the way of feeding our armies and those of the allies. The Kings Product company here has shipped COO tons of dried potatoes to Europe, and Saturday the Horst plant near Independence shipped 80,000 pounds, or 40 tons to the same place. The new passenger rates fixed bv Director McAdoo do not affect Oregon, for the new rate of three cents a mile is the regular Oregon rate all the time. The order simply makes other folks pay as much for riding on the cars as Oregonians have done for years past : Marshfield restaurant workers want a six day week. This would compel the hiring of a special lot of cooks and waiters for Sunday, which would be rather difficult, or else .Marshfield and the strangers within her gates would have to adopt an "eatless Sunday." German arrogance is rapidly, driving Russians to a reversal of ideas and if kept up will before long force Russia back into the war on the side of the allies. rPNIllllf iniiq PimilllitrPO Tlia nlnlfnrai wua . V ' l- 1 t ,rii mmC(l "ays' directing hand and left for his yachhng trip I raked voiced ft Bentiment9 of ntional ZlIaMa 8tUdl' C-,lpubiieanleaders.The platform make, an insisted that charges of failure to get planes to r ranee haa been grossly ex aggerated. Dent and Representative Kalia of the military committee said that the allies had ordered large numbers of liberty motors. Representative Anthony, Kan sas, another committee member, said many of the orders had been cancelled. Vent said total obligations for air planes were so far $850,000,000, of which $1Si5,O00,0UO was for plaues, propelleis and parts; 40,803,170 for engines; 9 390,240 for balloons; $28,496,912 for ma chine gnus, $32,000,000 for general equipment and $2,300,000 for clothing. Dent cited figures on shipments abroad of planes and engines tor tho week ending April 27. They were prim ary training planes, 110; advanced training planes, 19; combat planes, 7; primary training engines, 214; advanced training engines, 108 and combat en gines, 86. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Second Installment of Twenty Per Cent on Third Liberty Bonds will be due May 28, 1918. Rippling Rhymes by Walt Mason OBEYING ORDERS The soldier's told to march ahead, and marches, with unhalting tread, to meet his fate; he doesn't say, "Let's argue this; to me there's something seems amiss; let's get it straight Oh, colonel, let us sit down here, and thresh it out for half a year, its cuius aim pros; n you can prove your orders wise, you'll see me like a yearling rise, and swat the foes. I have some maps we both may scan, and if I should endorse your plan, I shall obey; but if I find your wires are crossed, and if your plans should prove a frost, why, then, good day!" The soldier does not talk like that ; he drools not through his nice tin hat but winkes salut. and cmpc where he is told to go, perhaps to face a frenzied foe, and shoot a Teut. And we old boys who do not fight because of broken wind and sight, and whiskers gray, should jot down what we're told to do. bv Washinirton's official lai i -.. ' w crew, ana men ooey. it is not ours to reason why when we are told to cut out pie, or shun the ham; let us like soldiers play the game; it is enough that orders came from Uncle Sam. They say to me, "Cut out the wheat;'-' and this command I do not meet with windy spiel; I chew no cheap, disloyal rag; I merely take a burlap bag, and buy corn meal. They say my diamonds should be pawned, that I may buy another bond; I soak the gems; no foolish protests from me rise; I spring no wherefores and no whys, no haws and hems. $ - V ' 4 eroned by Celeste, "Madame is triste, this morning," the girl sod, as we walked along. "So, Celeste, no sad just think ing." My 'thoughts made me blush. I won- dored if Jeorge would like me better if ho saw that Morton, way really car ed for me. Deep down in iy htari, I knew that I could very easily make ilerton caro for me. How I knew this, 1 dould not explain, but that he liked to bo with me enjoyed my company I knew now; it would not be a long step to winning has attecuon, 1 was positive. I likckl him, too. Would d't be unfair to play Iiim off against George. Be-foj-o reatliiiig the studio I decided, no the time wo had reached his etudio, no that I liked him too wail to use him in any way, even rto win my husband's love thru jealousy of him. That there was any danger for me in my friend ship for Menton, I never imagined, I lealiaed that i enjoyed nig society, dut. oeiievedi it was for the same reason that 1 enjoyed being with Kurtz and Kvelyn; he was young, he was not crit ical, and 1 coulkl be natural with him. So 1 went along, blindly wantung to do righc wanting happiness and love. I have learned, in the years long pat, that love is tihe common need or women; tuey cannot thrive ana De nap py without love oir some kuiq inai of husibaad or of children. Without it, their natures are but hali developed, and they go bluiulering along thru life reaching out for eomethiug to satisfy that craving, just as 1 was blundering and groping then. A WU1OT morning Wentou was unaffectedly glad to see me, and uraowcrt no (whjh-bit.mmi to "r ry the sitttmg. But I was self conscious and very subdued. The thought which had filled my mind, on the way over, had made a peculiar impression upon me. It was a if 1 had planned to rob someone and had been, caught in the act. I was gtaid when he finally com menced ito work. The studio was tio't mrpe, and Ce leste was able to see and hear. I was glad that it was so. I felt, someway, Mm. ti,r. wa u. safeguard. Never be fore bai I felt this way. Never had I so tlresecrftl my feelings toward any one. 1 longed Ifor Evelyn, ajltho had she been with mo, I should not have told her of my emWtions. Butt Meiton panned maiwonousij' while I kept turning things over in my mind. The picture was nearly finished 'that is, the sittings were, and when I left (after refusing to walk along the beach wi'fh him,) he regretted that it would so soon be unnecessary for live o Visit the studio. "It will ive you more time for oth er things, but I shaU mass having you," he said as I left. "Yfs, it will give me more time with Mr. Howard," I said slowly and d.'tileratelv. Why I should say such a thing, I dont know. Ever one that knew George, knew tihat ho was a great main's man, a club and society man, and that, consequently, I was much akinc-. Meiton looked at me In a sort OT pitving fashion, tlin said softly: You are a vcrv brave little lady.' Tomorrow A talk with George. OUE DAILY STORY ....... f BETTER LATE THAN DESTITUTE ''August," said Mrs. Feevc, with f foul weather eWm in her eyes, "what time did vou come in last nightt" "Last night V said Peeve pleasantly 'It was a wonderful night, wasn't it? I never remember seeing so many stars so close together, if you know what I mean." You hawn't answered my ques tion," clipped Mrs. reeve. Oh, bv the war!" said Peeve brisk- lv "vou asked me to stop in at the florist's and find out what's good for tppeal for the right of full particina-. lUTomnMof Flow tion by tho republican party in war ac- tu'1" " VJ tivities, "We hereby denounce any criticism of public officials high or low, when such criticisms are inspired by partisan- snip," says the platform. "We insist that every possible efficient instrument, man and material VhWu Is available shall he used to aid Sn winning the war, and the inefficiency shall be re placed by efficiency wherever found." Th party pledged itself for "peace with victory and never peace by a com promise and bargaining of principles which would violate American rights, in. tercet and honor and make of our sac rifice, a sacrilege to be made again by our grand children." Attacks President Declaring President Wilson is tho most astute leader tlx? democratic party has ever had, "the shrewdest in his methods, the most uncompromising in his partisanship of any man who has Program In Brief The program for Memorial day in brief is BI folows: 9 to 10 a. m. Memorial ser vices at the First Methodist church. 10 to 12 a. m. Decoration of graves at the cemeteries. 1 to 1:30 p. m. Patriotio and fraternal organizations meet at armory for march to Willfon Park. 2 to 3:30 p. m. Memorial day exercises at, Willson Park. 8 p. m. Services "at' -all churches in the city. The line of march from th,9 armory is west to Commercial street, thence north on Commer cial to Court, thence east on Court street to Willson Park. " occupied the White House sinco Andrew Jackson," United States Senator Harry a. 2ew, chairman of tho convention, made an attack on the president's methods. Ho is partisan in everything ho thinks and does as adroit as he is ptr- sistent," New declared. He added a touch of George Creel's methods when he said: It is apparent that the slogan of the party in the campaign before us to be: 'Stand by the president.' The DroD- aganda is beinsr worked to the limit that if nrw fails to vote for the candi-, dates of the president's party, he votes' to discredit thft Ailminiurrnf inn oiwli gives aid aud comfort to the enemy. Mr. j Creel with his bunch of muckraking; socialist misfits, is employing every means at his unlimited command and iti will be continued without stint until this campaign, and like aa not. the neit one, has been hrrcght to a close. New added that no president of the United States ever had such unlimited backing a is I en? accorded President Wilson. Declaring the republican party is not a "slacker" and that it means to have a part in the war, he said: "This is not the president's war. It is tlie people 's war. ' ' Pershing Displeased with General Wood EIGHT CONCRETE SHIPS. ban Francisco, May 29. Eight more concrete shins, each of them fifty per cent larger than the Faith, will be start ed at once on the wavs of th." San Fran- Washington, May 29. Major General Leonard Wood, shunted aside from the command of his division, the Eighty Ninth, and relegated to the not especially desirable Western department command, will probably be re- ordered to more active service. Following his conference with President Wilson, there was a report today he would be as- signed to command American troops in Italy. It appears cer- tain he will not bo placed where there would be danger of a clash between him and General Per- shing. Army ofifcers said today Wood aroused Pershing's dis- pleasure by arranging for a per- sonal review of Italian troops lv?fore Consulting Pershing. EMERGENCY BOARD r (Continued from page one) the next legislature will annaicapped from lack be of called greatly funds." The suggestion that tho appropriation eiseo Shipbuilding company at Bedwood , f-"'uu" ,sno"m hve produced at City. leas carload of fertilizer is the All of these will be 7500 ton craft and !la,teTnt ' CT!al Journal made will be turned over to the government '"'L th fenltor indorses the state as soon as completed. Sponsors of con-i ' tT0,' Slated tMs toorn" crete shipbuilding declare the vessels1 barld hdJ adjourned, run be turned out more quickly than V ncl ships, at a greatly reduced cost aud with labor and materials not re iinired in steel shipbuilding. Inflamed rubber plants. Well, I forgot to do it." "I heard the clock strike," went on Mrs. Peeve relentlessly, "and n. tnr I could make out "" I went through a clock factory once, - interrupted her husband wiihmri. - .i- ' . r: . " . """" ivnaiiiiif. a nuNiirn this matter, but that it might come up again when the board met for some other emergency. The truth is the members of the board are a trifle shy of declaring an emergency under the conditions. Some of its members hold that adding money to the appropriation which the legislature allowed the board comes near usurping the duties and prequi-sities of the legislature. It is understood that the $20,000 Hnpro- a at animation, you. All the workmen were Swiss naturally all the clocks were, too." "As I say, I heard the clock" "Did I tell you I plaved noW w nightf" said Peeve innoeentlv. "All the boys were there Stem Winder, and Drake Down, and Knock Sillie and one or two others, and I won twenty dol lars. I won twenty dollars, and I said to myself, I said. 'Twenty dollars ' I said, 'well, well.' I said, 'twenty dol lars! You ought to celebrate,' I said 'Yon ought to celebrate by giving vour wife half,' I said." ' And Peeve, with a smeetious smile, handed his wife a shopworn but service able twenty dollar note. "Oh well,'' she tickered as she tuck ed it away in her branch of tti ,w - " , 7 nut K7THWC SBIIV national bank, I don't suppose youpye spf-inl vocational demonstrations could have eomew so very late." .in the Grand theater June 3 4-5. Tom are invited. Admission, free.' hausted and hethin? can be done bv it without more money. It would seem from this that the board went into the matter on too large a sere ana instead of working out an experiment undertook to establish a plant which it knew would cost considerably mora than the law provided for it. The question that will be threshed out whei ii cumeu up agai nwill be "Is it proper matter to be classed emergency. " DB. LUCAS IN GEAN DTHEATES Dr. Alzamrm Ira Lucas, the noted Hindu ami Cherokee Indian of Amer ican birth, philosopher, phycho-analyst, vocational director, lecturer, now ia Portland, Oregon, trill lecftwre and