THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. TUESDAY, MAY 28. 1918. TT" ...TI1............A1.11.1... ... f CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. I ' J ; QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRSIS THAI GIVE SERVICE ON SHORT NOTICE : : WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEEME RECOMMEND OLR ADVERTISERS ii ttlH tt ETEETTJIINO ELECTRICAL talent Electric Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North High Telephone Main 1200 AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIV red any flaee city or country. Phone M w 2081S. W. W. Fisher. AWNINGS DO YOU WANT new awninga for itore or horsef Call or write C. Dill man, 850 ITighlaud Ave. 5-18 DENTIST DR. P. I UTTER, DENTIST, ROOMS 413-414 Bank f Commerce bldg. Phone 606. 114 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon LAWN MOWERS THE F1XIT SHOP Lot us repair and sharpen your lawn mowers. 201 Court. Phone 1022. tt OSTEOPATH DBS. B. H. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Mo Post graduate and soocialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col lege. Offices S05-508 U. 8. Nat. Bank Bldg. . Phone 859. Residence, 1620 Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White Res. Phone 409. QUICK LUNCH 'NEW GRILL OrEN-Opposite Oregon iiit-tin arpoi, luncncs and imeals at all hours, from 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Sam Louie, 136 8- High St. 6-21 LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack nail on every Tuesday t 8. P. Andresen, C. C. W. B. Gil ton, K. B. & S. MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA -Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246.meett every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High street. B. v. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, clerk. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neg leet of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investigation. BOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1300, meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court aud High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St-, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. FOR RENT FOB RENT Business location at 162 north Commercial, will remodel to uit tenant. See E. M. Klinger, 463 State street, Salem. 6-9 BILLIARD PARLOR for rent, with or without fixtures; will remodel to euit tenant; best location in city. E. M. Klinger, 463 State street, Sa lem. ' 6-9 FOR" RENT-t-The' storeroom at 'l N. Commercial street, now occupied by Compton's 15c & 25c store, will be for rent May 1st next. For particu lars inquire at room 22 Breyman block. tf FOR RENT Five acre of choice land with good buildings," on good road, about four mile out from Salem. Will rent for two thirds, or cash. Call on Square Deal Realty Co., room 202, TJ. 8. bank bldg or phono 470. tf tSr tlf 4t ifc 4e 4t J lt A p oW p p THE MARKET UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A-; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 3-40 Owens street. PERSONALS WILL YOU WRITE to lonely young wiaow worth 3o,000t Would marry. Address Mary, Box 5S4, Los Ange les, Cal. . 7 FOR SALE WANT TO BUT for cash, modern 7 room no use, wit targe lot; 135 acres all tillable, ear .Muleshoe, Texas, for Salem acreage; 240 acres, 200 cultivated, 40 pasture, good soil, lays well, running water, 3 miles from town, will take t-'MO in trade, price 23,000; 60 aereg all cultivated, 19 acres prunes, fair buildings, 1 mile from town, $8,000. Owner, room 1, 341 State St. 6-17 I Mill Ml ; Willamette Valley News j u Memorial Day WiB Be Observed at Monmouth FOR SALE 200 cord oak wood $3.50 per cord on place, or $6 per cord at Crowley station. Address John Young Rickreal, Ore. . 6-30 FOR SAbE Five acres with good house, barn and out buildings, fonc ed, cross fenced and most of the ground seeded, good water from pump, fruit for family use; on a good road 2 miles, from eity lim its and car line. .Square Deal Real ty Company, U. S. bank building. Phone 470. 350 ACRES, 100 meres cultivated, 100 bottom, 35 beaverdam, 225 brush and timber, good pasture, no white land, living water, river front, land prac tically all tillable, 1 miles from Waconda, Or. Price $85 per acre. 640 acres, millions of feet of fine saw timber, lays well, affords good grazing, living water, 3 miles of railroad station. $15 per ... Own er. Boom 341 State St. Salem, Or. 6-26 Polk County Pomona Grange Met Saturday (Capital Journal Speeinl Service) Monmouth, May 28. Poik county Pomona, grange met at Lewisville Sat urday with th loeal grange in their hall there. Mcmuowth grange wag rep resented by a number of prominent members, including Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Arant, E. R. Ostrom, Mr. and Mr. Win. Rid dell, Mrs. Ernest RiddeH, Mrs. T. J. Ectwar.H, Mr. and Mr. Ed Rdgers and the Misses Mabel Riddell and Maggie and Allie Butler. The request of th food administration to conserve wheat for our allies was discussed and the fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved, that Polk countv Pomona grange ig heartily in favor of conserv ing all wheat eeeasarv to wi the war by abstaining from the use of wheat flour until astter harvest. That we rec ommend that the sale of wheat flour be 9toipel and that all wheat and wheat flour lb requisitioned by the government at once so that all must abstain from the use of wheat until after harvest. A resolution asking the state grange not to endorse tho N on-Partisan lea gue was, after considerable discussion, laid on tho taWo. The sum of five dol lars was donated to the Y. M. C. A toward the next drive for funds- A most excellent dihner, prepared by the ladies of tho local grange was dispos ed of and enjoyed by all. The next quarterly mee'ing of Polk couuty Po mona will bo at McCoy tho last Sat urday in October. SECOND HAND GOODS. BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- ' Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit cases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Boos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. WATER COMPANY Grain Wheat, soft white $1.85(31.87 Wheat, red $1.83 Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats 90c Barley, ton $50 Bran $36 Shorts, per ton $38 Hay, cheat, new - $2223 Hay, vetch, new $2223 nay, clover, new ... WW Dry white beans Butterfat Butterfat j ., Creamery buttor 8(a8M;C 42c 45c SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. 110 ACRES, 80 cultivated, 30 timber pasture,. 40 acres In crop, good Duua mgs, on rock road, two miles from town, soma stock and Implements, price $1100, will take $3000 Salem residence, some cash and easy terms on balance. 100 acres, 90 cultivated 50 bottom, 5 timber, all fenced, good road, new 6 room bungalow, barn, close to school. 11,000. 20 acres Yamhill county, exchange for D room bungalow in Salem. Equity in 40 acre Idaho irrigated farm fo ranch near Salem or Dallas, not over $3000, price $6000. 20 acres close to Salem", 6 cleared, good improvement, rock road, $4000. 58 acres, 45 culti-' vated, 25 beaverdam, 12 pasture, 1 orchard, good barn, fair house, join ing town, running water, $6200 easy terms. Modern 5 room bungalow, furnace, paved street, $1500. Mod ern. 5 room bungalow, furnace, fire plaoe, bath, Dutch kitchen, close in, $2000. $8500 worth of acreage and residence property U exchange for ranch any where, fiooolofsky, 341 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT For the Cost of Improving High Street in the City of Salem, From Mill Street to the South Una of Bush Street Pork, Veal and Mutton fork, on foot ...... 15'-i 10V4e Veal, fancy .". 14(n 15c Steers 79c Cows . 67c Bulla .'. 57c Spring lnm'tMi 12 Vic Ewes 57cj LaniTis, ycarliags 9c Egg and Poultry Epgs, trade 34c Egg., cash ...... 33c. Broilers, live 309 Hens, pound - 22! Turkeys, dressed 283Cc Turkeys, live, No. 1 ... 21(2)230 Hens, dressed, pound ...... - 30c Old roosters 15(a l6e .Vegetable Potatoes, old 75c Potatoes, new 5'26c Onions, green .. - W Onions, Bermuda 2 Artichokes - 75f . PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., May 28. Butter, city creamery 44c Kfitsa, selcrtcd local ex. 38(a.40c liens 23(a)35e Broilers 3032c Geese 20a Cheese triplets 2o2Gc Daily Livestock Market Cattle Receipts 61 Tone of marliet strong unchanged Pri me steers $13.50 14.50 Choice to good steers $12(al3 Medium ' good steers $10.50(a 12.50 Fair to medium steers $10(011 Common to fair steers $8.50(n9.50 Choice cows and heifers $10.50 11.H0 . , ... Medium to good cows and neuters $7(o 8.50 . . .. Fair to medium cows and heifers $.-).50(fifl.50 Canners !f3.:UW o-ou Bulls $6.50C10 Calves $8.5012 Stookcrs and feeders $S(S;10 Hogs Receipts 250 Tone of market strong unchanged Prime mixed $11.40 17.50 Alodium mixed 1 7.2;)fol7.3j Kough heflvics $10.2.-16.35 Pigs $1516 Sheep Receipts 327 Tone of East of mountain rambs $165017 Valley lambs $16(tfl6.50 Yearl'inss $12.50(al3 Wethers $11.5012 Ewes $10010.50 Lettjce, crte Cabbage Asparagus Rhubard Peas Oranges .... $3-25 33c 40c 40e 7c Prnrt Grape fruit lemons, box Bananas 8trawlerries Dromedary dates $6.50(S8 $6 50fa8 To Ellen L. Hazelton and Elizabeth E. Him: You, and each of you are hcreby no tified that tho city of Balem has, by ordinance No. 1536, levied a reassess ment vtpoa youf respective properties hereinafter described, and In tho amount hereinafter forth for such property' proportionate aaro of the cost of imnrovinif High street in the city of Salem from Mill street to the south line oz huso sxreoi, lugwuer with six per cent interest thereon from the date of delinquency of the original assessment, A description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land, tho ownor thereof, and the amount assess ed and levied upon it is as follows, to-wit: Tho north one half of lot 7 in block 10 of the ity of Salom, Ore. Ellen L. Hazelton, cost $239.00. Interest $61.38. The north 47.5 fcot of lot 2 m block 17 of the City of PaVm, Oro. Elizabeth E. Hunt, coot $222.f'4. Inter est $57.03. . Staid assessment wero entered tin volume 3, docket of city liens, on the Ifith dav of April, 1918, as a charge and lien ogaiust tho said properties, and are now due ma peyaoio to me citv treasurer. Thi- notice is served upon you by Ttublication thereof, for ten days, in the Uaiiy apuai juuiwu, "r per published in the city of Salem, by order of the common council. Date of first publication tiereot, is May 28, 1918- y EARL RACE, Recorder of the City of Salem, Oregon 010 Retail prices NITRO-GLYCEEINE EXPLODES Del.. May 28. Light nn prlv today struck a nitre-glycer ine mill t the Repano Chemical plant, np,ir subsidiary, at Cnhbstown, a, .T Three tons ot nitro glycerine in the - S9.50 ;,,-,,,,; m,l0ded tearing a hug a- 8Vic I . rrflnlj. The mill was not in operation at. the time and no one was $ -': , cvrni hiiildinna were destroy cd. The total loss estimmcq an j,vw. Creamery butter Flour, hard wheat Flour, soft wheat . Country butter fcggs, dozen Sugar, 11 lbs. for 60c .. $2.85a31w $2.65 . 45c . 35 : . i AMERICAN CONSUL DIES TI-. tn fv 28. The ftats ie- partmriit tew een notified of the ttair nt Theodosius Botkin. 1p Snlt Lake City. American consul SALE OF BONDS CALL FOR BIDS Tho nndersioned will receive bids r. tin fiv o'clock t. m. Juno 8, 1918 for improvement doikis oi iu-j v Salem, Oregon, to the amount of $8, 633.50, interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually at Salem, Oregon. Such bond will be sold for not less than par and twraed interest; date of bond May 1, 19l. The city reserves the right to rofase any and u bios. .,., 529 City Recorder. Local Items At the regular meeting of the Odd Fellows Monday night, the sum of $20 was donated to iho Red Cross for the second annual drive. Irving Grand re ported that 'ho had received official notice to hold himself in roamness to be called for the service any day. His evina will plaice another star in the service flag of the I. O. O. F. An in teresting letter from T. R. MeClellan, who is in itho ordnance department at Camp Hancock, Ga., -was read and en ioved bv brother Odd Fellows. Monmouth Co-operatiVo Creamery Is doing a splendid 'business these days Since tho purchase- of the truck which in used for gathering cream irom re mot suctions thn business has increas ed 40 per cent The averago monthly output of Ibuttor i now about 35,000 pounds. Dr. J. O. Matthis and fninily of Wil lamina called on friends hero Thurs day p. m. They came and returned by auto the same afternoon. The doctor reports business as being very good there as ho is the only doctor in that section. ' Jack Daniels has completed his stu dies at the O. A. C- d expects to leave, soon for Tillamook to work in tho spruce industry for the govern ment. Clark Hembrce shipped hogs to Port land Tuesday. Bruee Rodgers, who has been work ing in a sawmill at Falls City, had the misfortune to be injured by a log roll ing agninfut a apre leg, causing blood poisoning. Miss Alice Scott left Sunday morn inff for her father's 'home at Rowohn, Oregon, where she expects to remain indefinitolv. Elizabeth Scott is attend ing high school in The Dalles, ton miles from Bowena.-M ' " Miss GaneHe Shore has seeureu a position as teaeher at Drain, Oregon, for tho coming year at a salary of $100 per month. Mies Shore is only a innior in the Normal. J .. . i JS. T. Jivans lost a -vaiuauio uinre isv Monday night. Mrs. J. . Prune spent several iius m Portland visSting friends this week. T. C. Willsey anj family of K. i u. No. 4, Salemi, motored over for a visit with the Ostrom's Sunday. Braxton Powell has been suffering for neveral weeks with an abeess on one of hi. fintrers. which has prevent ed him fTOin doing his farm work. On I this account, the brother, rcrry, naii txt .give up his irtudie at the O. A. C- ano. return noiue w mnu mwu plaoe. A tenmis tournament between Mon mouth and Independence high schools took place Friday fttternoon . on tno Monmouth court A girls' double was played toy Eleanor Portiwood and Eliz abell amith of Monmouth high and Dorothy Paddock and Francis Town send of Independence high and result ed in victory for Monmouth, the score boine 6 to 2. Girl's single, played by Una Wdnegar for Monmouin ana jrau Townscnd for Independence re sulted in ncore of 6 to 0 in favor of Monmouth. Boys' double, payee oy Hugh Bell and Dettierl Skeen for Mon mouth anrl Charles Oalbreath ami Yornng Eldridge for Independence was another victory for Monmouth, score 9 to 7. In the boys' single, however, ntoyed by Hufch Bell for Monmouth and thanes loion-inu or iimi.--.-ence the latter school won with a score of 6 to 3. (Capital Journal Special Service) Monmouth, May 28. Preparations an being mado for a fitting Memorial tsay celebration at the Oregon Normal school on Thursday. program win be in accord with th p!a of President Wilson. All veterans and army orgaai mtimis are especially invited, as well a the general public. A detail of aol- ilier boys from Vancouver is expeevea tt bi present. Plans for commencement t the Nor mal re almost complete. Beginning with the prjsident's luncheon on June 155; junior prom on the same nay. m Sunday the 16tlh the baccalaureate bunion will 'be preached by Rev. J- Stanficld of Portland. On Monday the 17th. come tho faculty reception ana os, Tuesday the last chapel and class day with the alumni picnic, and tho imiini mwi-am and banquet in the ev ening. Commencement proper will be 'hold on Wednesday, June 19th. B. '. Irvine, editor of the Oregon Journal, 111 deliver the address- The summer session begins on June 24. Farewell Beception Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ostein were ten dered a farewell reception Tuesday evening by memtberg of the O. N. S. fiieui'ty aim their lamiues in uie ! of the domestic science, department Mr. Ostein is to leave in a few days for France to take up his duties as Y. M. C. A. secretary. The ta'bles for tho dir.ner were tastefully dtaeoratod with roses and flags. Tiny bouquets of red, white and blue and unique place cardsi featurinc tho Y. M. C. A nuts, helped out tho itriotic scheme in decora tion. President acted as toast master and several of the racuity responded with Interesting toasts. 3 Children Cry for Fletcher's She Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has beea , la use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has beea made ander his per -fJ-ftL ' sonal snperridon since Its infancy. yi-cUcAtfA, Allow no one to deceive tku in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-at-good n are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Ixprienc against Experiment. WhatisCASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Crops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than- thirty years it has ?een in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought tHf etwnus e o a sv n k . v on k e try Will Train for War Miss ALbertm Green and Miss Laura Kennon both leave a the en4 of tht present term to take up training for war work. Miss Green goes to Reed college and Miss Kennon will take a nurso'e training course at Vassur col lege. Miss Hoham, Miss Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Craven and Mary Rree were among those who attended the Gnlli Curci concert in Portland Wednesday Monmouth high school closes Juno Hth. Prof. E. L. Kcowl, who was prin .;ol h.rA lnt. vear. will deliver the commencement address. Mr. Keezel has :een taUing post graduate worn ai iuc U. of O. this year. Goverdale Notes (Capital Journal Bpecial Service) Cloverdalc, Or., May 28. Mr. 1 A Wood and family motored over in Polk county and spent Sunday with rela tives there. Mrs. Delia Blaco spent the evenings last week in taking the school children to the carnival in Salem. Arthur Kunke and wifj will spent the week end iu Kalem with Mis. Jessiu Moored. ... - A heuvv hail storm struck this vicin ity about 6 o'clock Sunday evening, tno ground was whito with hail in a few minutes. This was followed by heavy showers of rain. , Miss Arnold, and Misg Blackmun wers among the Salem visitors Saturday. . Strawberries are beginning to ripen in Mr. Fleetwood's strawberry patch. They hnve been taking them to mar ket this last ween. Mr. Herbert Fleetwood was in 8a Iem Saturday on Business. Tho W. C. T. U. here won the prut for gotting the most new members the last year. SUverton Hills Com mittees Do Good Work ftilvcrton Hills people have been inrf stoma irood work in the Red Cross drive this week. 249.50 he.ving already been collected and 43.00 in pledgM mnUlnn a total of 02.5O. The follow in ff.imniittees have been doing the work of soliciting: ij. w. nmurj, . J. C. Bonner. Horns Moser, a. n. Davis, .1. H. Maulding and J. Jl. Moser. Only ono party is reported having turned down the request. Appeal. thing, by the way I am Keeping my promise with regard to; writing. Got hero fine and dandy and with the rest of the 'rookies' fiulcd up the long h'll to D barracks. 'I y.:sl I could shake hands with vo:i row that Jl am a little imiMier in tho seivlct I sure feel fine with :he ucw clt'iiea on as I got a fim fit nil aioi nd 1 have lost my pretty hair at'.! got a pcod tanning up. We get the b'st grub for 'chow' and dnlntles like ico cream, fruits and the like. "We aro drilling every day and we expect to be out of here by Juno 4. We have au excellent commander In our company who tells us the right thing to do and then makes us do it I am beirinnine to discern the ranks of officers, the buglo callB and tke right and left sides of myself now among other things. I am still in the hospital iix ton in another flock, 133 in another mid tli other night at 11:30 1 was ia -:iy office and someone called up and teld me to get ready to see a whole army go by. t Well, they started to coma ubng iu tiliuut five minutes and it was a sight. The town awoku on the sixth in inn lo aud on the seventh had plenty of flags mid red fire for them. . There wat I lit fiv -'on trucks loaded with ma chine guns nnd soldiers. They were all equipped with revolving searchlights and some hud machine guns all mounted on them. You can bet they made some noist) going thiough. Most of thp troop tram j go through here about It p. m. gt into New York about 3 a, m. and go right abourd the transports. There imi 't au hour .viK bo day or night ihnt tho toad i clear of trucks carry inif war material to the ports. We are surely nuiklng a tremendous amount of corps. There is a lot of good brains I war material aud the preparations that here in the win orancn ana i am try w are jim&inK is Bimvai um,uiiI ing to pick up all I can from th unless you are ngnt nere ana caa see iu start," , "This airplane Investigation that we newspapers say so much about is an camouflage. This government is making tlb'.'m by the thousands snd I know where there are thousands all finished. Those Dutchmen are going up some morning and see the largest flock of uirdb over their heads that they evo saw, and then is tho time they are going to get it and get It good and plenty; that's my prediction. We have au air plane factory 13 miles from here, that was nothing but some old carbarns lis months ago, that is turning out 30 new plnnes per w.oek and I wish you couU S"'ii them fly! they are beauties." Tells of Building Many Airplanes In the East That the governrr.nt airplane inves tigation about which the newspapers have snifl so much about lately Is all cnmonflnge, is the statement in a ltter of George Rising, a cousin of Mrs. El " Roberts, of this city tind who llv 3t Windsor Locks, Conn., in the inldst of the district where airplanes and other engines of war are mnde, says the Eu gene Register.- Mr. Rising is manager f the Southern New England iiopnono flimnanv. In his letter he says) "I don't supoe you see as mucn ivnr material there as we do here. Alliulate and remain on the principal the motor cars that are mndo in the ! stroets from baturday morning tiniu Middle West and in Michigan are- run 1 Monday morning, then the pubue ovrr the rond fd through here to At-, health officials and tho citinens ot inai lontie ports. They go by in droves, we city smouiu oa inuruug..,,, saw 310 five-ton trucks in one flock, 123 themselves. t r.mnhelUnn. N. B. He was born at Cotaibla, Ohio, in 1840, and served in both tho Utvil nu opamu AKNA HELD DYING. New York, May 27. All hope was Aivoa fin tndnv for Anna Held, the actress, who is dying of multiple nt-nlema. a disease which causes dis integration of the bones. JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL Red Cross Sale Netted Seventeen Hundred Dollars (Capital Journal Special Service) Monmouth, May 28 Now that all returns are in anrt checker up, u is found that the big Red Cress salo held Saturday, the 18th, netted over sev enteen hundred dollars. On account of this generous response Monmruth nas found it difficult to secure the sixteen hundred dollar quota for the national Roi f.riuM nnii i n ? as it did immediate ly after the sole. A meeting of the lo- cal imemnersmp whs ncin uumj u...- for the purpose or voting an amwim fmm ! reTim's of the sale, suffi cient to make up the deficit. The vote was favorawe. Tho Hood RiveT eity council has agreed to pnrchss two acre plot in the Heights tmidenee district for use es an automobile camping park and to provide water for the grounds, if the eounty court will equip tie plot with ovens, electric lights and lavatories. If there Is in tho United States n othor city the si'-e of Portland -where in muck and filth In allowed to accunt- LfT "v" Heavy Winter Layers I m'.K l ... (n I) .MH. WnH MdAV t lbcri Rcber Writes from Naval Trainmg Cainp Albert E. Riber who recently join cd the navy through the local recruit ing i'ation, write .1. r,. Anams, t Salom a-t follows: Wp1I. t Inst I am one of T'ncle Sam's men in tho making, stationed t the naval tialuine school near Snn rmnc.isco. This detention rump great stuff. Just had a shot in the arm, t.hroat culture and a vaccination this morning. Peel rather groggy just ai present. "We are scheduled to get out of camp about June 9, and 'believe me, when I get on lanfl. I am planning vi tear up and down 'Frisco a bit. I ex pect to gam in wei:,'nt oeiore deten tion period is trp as they sure throw a fellow a great line of grub and then besides, don't work him Very bard." Oscar N. Overlund, who enlisted in the navy recently from Bilvcrton thru the local recruiting office, is another young man who finds things about right in the navy- He writes Mr. Ar am as follows: , "Well, I snppose you think I have rbeen swaibwed by a Si gull or some- naii! card will do) (or our tpecUl low price f of the rant thin moouu. 1 Ihm ctacb wffl sub hawy wiatakrm. S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS BABY CHICKS lorkr .J l chick, fo. wioif Lrios .nd aedkm profiu. WE PAY ill EXPRESS CHARGES THE BIH.N HATCHERY Unit i. Ik. WHJ CwH, 22S,0J CUcb PET ALUM A, CAL. IT BABY CHLX hm the matotloi m Pettlol St hoMhM Hm boot loTol JocS. IM m pro im vm. Bur olo ioioro. T' Psuhnui. Calmrala ZTtfN i - A illfouraal Job Department Is Busy all the Time. It goes to prove that our work and prices satisfy the users good Printing. Sales limited to (1