TIE DAILY Fnl A JO Magazine-Church News-Autos" 1S IfRICE TWO CENTS FORTY FIRST TEAS No. 121. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1918 H M M rl RNAL ROAD INFORMATION FOR MOTORISTS AND CAMPERS Road Information for Motor ists, Campers, and Sportsmen Hiis bulletin contains general in formation concerning road conditions ia or near the National Forests of Ore gon and Washington, bssed on data famished by the field men of the For eat service. Moat of the mountainous portion of the two states lies within the National Toret8, which are maintained by the federal government (1) to provide a ontinuous supply ctf timber,(2) to pro 'sect the watersheds' of the district by the preservation of the forest cover, and (3) to provide for the use of ell . forest resources in ways which will Make thejm of largest service OREGON ROADS. Western Oregon. Willamette (Valley Cascade Moun tain Wagon Road Open, but in bad condition between Foster and Casca ia. Closed between Cascedia and the ammmit by snow, windfalls and slides. Bridges reported in bad condition; re pair necessary brtfore route is safe for travel. Should be open about July 1. Tillamook-Wijlimina Open between Tillamook and Willamina, but in poor condition, very muddy in places. Hobo-Noskoiwin Open between Ho bo and Neskowin, but in poor condi tion. Very muddy, but passable for atomobiloa. Drain-JAcottsburg Open for automo biles between DTnin and ScottBburg and in good condition. Scottsburg-Allegany Closed to auto traffic between Scottsburg and Alio jsany because of mud and excessive Ifrades. No dotonf possible. Should he open by July 15. Klamath Falls-Crater Lake Open be tweon Klamath Falls and Wildcat Camp and in fair condition. Should e open to Crater Lake by June 15. Prospect Crater Lnko Open and dn fair condition from Frospect to a Joint one-half milo west of Park onndary. Closed between this point and; Crater Lake on account of snow. No detour possible. Should be open about June 1. Dead Indian Road (Ashland to Peli can Bay via Lake of the Woods Open fcotwon Ashland and Deadwood Ranch, for wagons. Closed between Dead wood Ranch and Pelican Bay by snow and windfalls. Should be open to wag en traffic by June 15 and auto traf fic, about July 1. Klamath Fatls-Bcnd, via Fort Kltt Math Open and in ifair condition. Crescent City-Bandon Coast road. Open entire distance- and in fair con dition. Crescent - City to Brookings, good; Brookings to Port Orford, very rough; Port Orford to Bandon, good. Grants Pass-Crescent City Open, Grants Pass to Crescent City- Grants' Pass to Waters Creek, good; Waters Creek to top of Hayes Hill, rough; Hayes Hill to Kerby, good; Kerby to State Line, very rough; State Line to Crescent City very good. Pacifia Highway Open and in good condition between Grants Pass and Wolf Creek. Open and in fair condi tion Roseburg to Grants Pass and to Medford. Roseburg-WolH! Croek Ranger Sta tion Rood is an veiy good condition tor auto travel. MuKenzie Pass Read Open and, in fair condition Eugeno to Alder Springs, Open and in good condition to Bel knap Springs and Foley Springs. Closed by snow between Alder Springs and Windy Point. No detour is possi ble. Shduld be open june 15. Barlow-Oak Grova Road Open and in fair condition, Portland to Rhododend ron. Passablo, Rhododendron to Twin Bridges. Closed by snow and washouts between Twin Bridges and Government Camp. No detours possible. Government Camp Camas Prairie Ranger Station Still closed by snow. Open and in good condition, Camas Prairie to Ranger Station to Fapm- itia. Columbia River Highway; Open and paved between Portland and Cascade Locks. Closed for construction between Cascade Locks and Hood River. Thru travelers may ship cars between Cas cade Locks and Hood River, either by rail or by river boat on week days. For rail shipment the tourist has to load and block his own car and drain his gasoline tank. Also unload and hunt up gasoline on arrival at. the other cud Railroad company furnishes flat car and forwards by next freight after the auto is unloaded. The rate is 38 cents per hundred, with a minimum on which charge is made of 2,00 pounds. For boat shipment the minimum charge is $7.50 for cars of eleven feet or less in length, with 90 cents added for each extra foot of car length. This rate is the same for any point between Hood River and Port land. Car may be driven onto boat and there is no tault-draining requirement. Sand is encountered at some of the landings but the stevedore crew is usu. ally available to help out. For either rail or boat shipment, the tourist must always purchase tickets for each mem ber of his party. Medford and Rogue River Valley to Crater Lakje This road is not open much beyond the National Park bound ary, because of snow. ALLIES MAY SEND SOLDIERSTt T( , Opea Fonsa DID YOU KNOW? EASTERN OREOON. Sparta-East Eagle Park Road Open (Continued on page two) OVERLAND Comfort-Beauty-Power Economy-arid more- AU of the above features are indispensable for complete satisfaction in a car. All of them are obtainable in the famous Overland Model 90 and more Simplified control, ease of handling, complete modernized equipment and expert service facilities everywhere ! Come and see how handsome Model 90 is how big and roomy. v - Come and see how efficiently it performs, then and then only can you fully appreciate its wonder ful value. It has electric Auto-Lite starting and lighting; vacuum gasoline system; large tires, non-skid rear; 106-inch wheelbase, and rear cantilever springs. The big demand for Model 90 cars will exceed the supplyget your order in at once ! - . Five Points of Overland Superiority: Appearance, Performance, ' Comfort, Service and Price Valley Motor Co. Corner State and Front Sts: Geo. Vick, Mgr, Persistent Rumor of Hinden bnrg's Death Throughout West Front By X W. T. Mason, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Now York, May 25. A new ' agita tion to attempt to persuade the allies to send a military expedition into Siberia is gathering headway. It shows evidence of being primary to a desire to discredit the bolshevik! and drive them from power. A strong force sent into Siberia to overpower the bolsheviki might possibly be suc cessful in causing a reaction against Trotsky and Lenine in Moscow and Petrograd, but there is no certainty as to this result. The two leaders of the bolsheviki have successfully withstood far more serious duvelopments much nearer home. Even with Trotsky and Lenine over thrown, there is no guarantee that their successors would be able to car ry Russia back into the war, which would be the dominant objective of an allied military movement in Siberia. On the contrary, even more radical and less experienced men might secure con trol of Russia's affairs and Russia in her perplexity might throw herself un reservedly into Uermany's arms. The one basic fact in the situation is that if Russian people really desire to ally themselves with Germany, no army sent into Siberia can prevent them. Russia is too big and Germany is too near for that. The Russians are now anti-German because German mili tarism has fixed upon a polioy of ruth less suzerainty over the Slavs. But, if the allies engaged in a ...Iberian mili tary demonstration, there is every reason to expect that Russian agitators will charge that the western democratic nations are as imperialistic as Ger mnnv. : Under this accusation tne .Russians may despair of disinterested assistance from any quarter, and may plunge permanently into the sphere of Teu tonic influences The treatment of Rus sia by the allies is a matter that re quires the utmost delicacy. It is prop erly an American war problem,, since America is in the war to help save the world for democracy. In the final ad justments after-the war, if Russia is found to have been alienated from the western democracies, the result would be exploited by Germany mid would have grave consequences. Russia cannot be treated like a naughty child to be spanked into good behavior. The allies cannot spank Russia without hurting themselves. Patience and far sighted vision of the new Russia that will arise in the future must be the guiding factors in handling the situation. There is some thing sacred about revolution. Monuments sometimes come to ' be erected even, to its excesses. Is Hindenburg Dead. The persistent rumor of Von Him denburg'g death, which is being re' peated by captured Gorman prisoners, is the strongest evidence that has yet appeared of a realization by Germany of the failure of Von Hindenburg's west front offensive. Thero is no reason for believing that Von Hindenburg really is physically in the gravo, but it is unquestionably true that the rumjirB to this effect have originated in the kaiser's army to ex plain Von Hindenburg's enforced halt in Flanders and Picardy with his major objective unattair.ed. Reports of the deaths of high commanders never arise spontaneously in a.:y army while victories are being won. It is the in stinctive realization among the private soldiers that matters are going wrong, which starts such tales. . Von Hindenburg's long pause while Yprcs and Amiens remain uncapturcd and the allied lines continue unbroken, must have created much pessimism in the German ranks. It is this pessimism which now manifests ltaclf in the re port that Von Hindenburg has sacri ficed himself to his own machine of slaughter. The effect of the rumor must be profound upon the morale of the German troops. " : That the kaiser himself realizes the prevalence of a new spirit of unrest is amply demonstrated by his own recent efforts to explain away the break in the west front fighting.' His new argument, however, cannot fool any body. It is but mockery of the vast numbers of new German dead for tne To the Editor; Did you know that by peeling and grinding potatoes iu the food chopper, and putting the pulp in a large sieve setting same in a pan of water and stirring frequently for about an hour, to allow the starch to escape to bottom of pan, then after it has settled to pour off the water, add more, stir it up thoroughly, allow it to settle, repeat with the water two or three times, then allow to settlte, pour off water and set in wind and sun to dry, stirring occasionally, that you can have homemade potato floyr you caa use whenever you want to use "thickening such, as gravy, or in any way you can use orn starch or potato flourl ! ' That you can bave an entirely neV cereal by grinding Tilce through your food cluper and cooking it same as cream of wheat t. using milk and a lit tle sugar or cream and sugar at serv ing timet That you can cut up beef s"ct in small pieces, put in cold water or warm water, let boil one hour, let get cold to allow fat to rise to top, take ott fat, render same as lard, mix with corn oil or cotton seed oil in proportion of 2 quarts oil to one of rendered suet while hot, and have a fat you can use in any cooking that you can lard, in many things same as butter, and with out any beefy taste or smell or get ting hard m the moutn. That by' boiling tho cracklings after you have squeezed out all tho fat pos sible, strain tho water through a sieve, kt fat raise to top by getting cold then fry out the fat, that you can save a lot of fat! i That by taking a small handful of nvheat. flour. 2 lartfer handfuls corn meal, 2 of wihite shorts, mixing tnemn Itogother, then take one cup of milK butter milk or whey left from mak inu cottar cheese, stirring in the mix ture till it is stiff, enough to drop from a spoon, ad4 1 level teaspoon nn. mm. ranch salt and 1 level teaspoon sugar, and '"baking in greased gem pans in a very hot oven, that you ihave gems that' are hard to beat? Or you can, use all white shorts, or just a small handful jof corn meal witn it and they are delirious. Tin, vrvn know, thai it is your patri otic diity to use th&e things and not sacrifice the' lives tf our young men and the lives of our allies on the altur of selfishness! Try thein. u- Senator LaFoMte Wrongly Stated Law Washington, May 22. Charges that Senator La Follette wrongly interpret ed the statute regarding the rights or. passengers on munition-laden ships in his St. Paul speech, last September, were today nmde"'by Senator Fall.New Mexico, at the hearing of tne senate committee that is considering the La Follette case. Referring to the loss of the Lusitania, the official report of the speech read today by Gilbert E. Roe, La Follette 's attorney, is as follows: "The passengers who proposed to sail on that vessel were sailing in violation of a statute of this country that no pas senger shall sail or travel upon a rail road train or upon a vessel which car ries dangerous explosives." "To my mind that is the most ser ious portion-of the speech, me cnarge the senator made is a crave one," Fall declared. Otizens Disloyal - Interfere With Allies Seattle, Wash., May 24. A new ave nue lor the apprehension of disloyal citizens was opened up when the fed eral jury returned a verdict of guilty on both counts of true indictment against w. Sx Alead, charged with violation of the espionage act, in the federal district court late yesterday afternoon. Mead s conviction establishes the un ity of the United States army with that of her allies, and rules that the in terference with militwf operation of al lied armies is a violation of the United States espionage act. The convicted man was found guilty of having made re marks to Canadian recruits on board tlua steamship Queen, which sailed March 21 from San Francisco, calculat ed to injure the Canadian army. Mead 's offense carried a maximum penalty for each count of a fine of $10,000 and 20 years in prison. Will Spend Two Billion During Month of May Washington, May 24. Tho United States, during May will hurl approx imately $2,000,000,000 Into the war and a now record for war expenditures will have been set. The battlo against German autocra cy to dato has cost America $13,000, 000,000 and is expected to reach an other billion by June 1, The daily drain is now $65,000,000. With these fants to face,, members, of the congressional finance commit tees, Were to see President Wilson to day and Secretary McAdoo before the end of tho week, in an effort to djs suado them from their purpose to go ahead with a tax bill. Whatever Mc Adoo believes should be done, however, tho president will sauction, it is stat ed. Mhfl'ority Leader JCLtchin will lay before President Wilson his determina tion that congress and' not the treas ury department shall draw the new revenue bill if one must come at this session. FINANCIER ASSERTS KAISER' WAGES WAR ALREADY LOST Y., Charles R. Moore, U. S. N., Somer set, Pa., and Bornard F.. StiefvaiteT, U. 8. N., 1512 Twenty Socond street, Ev1 erett, Wash., were the three men lest from the torpedoed United States tank er William Rocliefeiller, tha" navy de partment announced today. Favorable Allied War Outlook Reflected In Stock Market Strength New York, May 18. 1918. When will it dawn upon the enemy' that continuing this war is fighting for a cause already lost; is heading straight for national suicide; is reap ing aharvest of the hatred ho has sowi., and rendering a grave interna tional boycott more and more inevita ble! On the western front Germany is' simply dashing ttaeli against an elas tic wall, which it cannot break thru. That wall may, stretch or bend under pressure, bwt will not break. None of the Herman objectives have been ac complished on this mat drive; Paris has not fallen; the British have not been separated from the French; nor driven into the sea; and, if they had been, it would simply have added to Germany's list of hoilow victories. To capture Calais might delay, but could no decide the issue. There will bo but one end; and that is complete victory for the allies when the Ameri can army teaches full power,, if not before. Amcricau forces are going across to France dn increasing num bers; so that henceforth its real strength, will i& felt with increasing inltenwty. Is there any significance in the re markable steadiiness of British Con sola and Anglo-French 5s, two of the best barometers in the present crisisrf Desint Germany's most terrific drive and tho consequent bending of Britkh tinea, Consols have stood for a loug leriod alt albout 52, while Anglo-French 5s have slowly risen from about 0 to nearly 93. Thero has been, no evidence of inv&nipulation in these securities, for transactions have boen ngiw and sup port was neither apparent nor neces sary. There can bo only one inference from, the acttion of thes issues at a time of unusual allied military stress, and that is tho supreme confidence of allied victory in high financial circles at London; a confidence inspired by clear comprehension of the military sit uation on tho Western front awell as the real state of affairs in Germany There is no doubt that the financial position of Germany is already des perate; that the evonomiu situation there n."aapidly becoming worse, and that .tho measuro of relief expected in tha food situation by conquest of Rus sia is not materializing, while the difT: ficulties of holding down the newly, conquered acoile and preventing fur ther dissensions among the Central , Powers are almost insuperable. Mean while the allies have repeatedly prov ed their ability" to stop Germany's su preme efforts, and sewn quite aule to 11...:. ....... ....I!! il.n A...d;.,ona are ready to come in with overwhelm ing force. Germany's military power, is rapidly eibbing; her position on the western, front is at best critical, and any further failures in the enemy's objectives are almost sure to let loose, a sei'ious ouuburnt of disapiwintmeiit within Germany. These are all factors that serve to strengthen confidence, and such hopes are beyond question an important factor in the hopefulness displayed in high financial-1 circle. Tho growing strength and activity" in the stock market for the past two weeks has been due to a combination of favorable circumstances: (1) The more favorable war outlook just refer red to; (2) the activity in war indus trials, notably steel; (3) the liberal profiitfcof war Industrials; (4) the stim ulus of good wages paid in such in dustries; (5) the activity in general business; (6) improvement of the rail road outlook resulting from better traf fic conditions, larger gross rarnings and government protection, as well as antiiipation of a liberal ad'vanco in freight and passenger rates; (7) a good crop outlook and prospects of liberal yields of grain and ewtton; (8) prosperity in the agricultural west and south, also the industrial wast; (9) the distribution of vast sums raised by taxation and bonds as wages; (10) lessening of monetary stringency now that -tho loan is out of the way, and that new taxes have been largely paid in: (111 no mnncr neavy cans (Continued on page two) for rate they must shoVr credentials and (consent) from ftiheir eonnmaiiiders for the trip. ' LOST WITH OIL TANKER Washington. May 24. Ensign W. W. Lovell, U. S. N. R. P., Brooklyn, N. SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES Ai DHS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens Hair So Naturally That No body Can Tell You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over nipht if yon 11 get a 50 cent bottle of "Wveth's Sage and Sulphur Com- , . . , .t i , . . . . nound at any drug store. Millions or. ka.ser to proclaim the .rab,l,ty of. P J ft7 oldKfamoug Tea tory without further sacrifice rather than to. attempt to gain immediate suc cess by bloody losses. Reduced Railroad Fare For Soldiers Washington, May 24. fienerad MicAdoo late today authorised passenger rate of one cent mile for all military and naval men in Unit ed State service. This action came after the railroad administration had Recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a' well known "Tiruggivthere, be cause it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two annlications the gray hair vanish- Director 'eg amj y0ur locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. - This is the age of youth. Gray hair ed, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy wun wyotn s Sage and Sulphur Compound tonight and you'll be delighted with . your -.-'.-.V .... v..',,-.r.w.rf 1 . V ' 4 A The CHEVROLET VALVE-IN-HEAD MOTOR SPELLS MAXIMUM ECONOMY THIS TYPE OF MOTOR USES GASOLINE IN EVERY DROP COUNTS. A MISERLY FASIIION- THE CHEVROLET IS IN THE PRICE CLASS BY ITSELF. IN QUALITY S AND EFFICIENCY IT EXCELLS ALL OTHERS. ASK ANY OF THE BUYERS OF CHEVROLET CARS THIS SUASUIM AJNLF THUllt Ul'UN- ION WILL VERIFY THE ABOVE STATEMENTS-AND THIS IS NOT ALL-YOUR CAR WILL NOT BE LID UP FOR REPAIRS OR PARTS FOR ONE HOUR---OUR EXCLUSIVE SERVICE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS WILL CARE FOR THAT. PRICE $765 F. 0. B. SALEM. WAR TAX ADDED. 1 !.-' WE PASSED THE HUNDRED MARK IN SALES SINCE FEB. 23RD. WILL PUBLISH COMPLETE LIST LATER. Salem Automobile Co. been besieged bT thousands of letters and personal requests that the soldiers dark, handsome hair and your youth- end Milora tie given a reaucea raic iui appearance wnain a iew u. that they might visit their homes while ' This preparation is a toilet requis on furloughs. He and is not intended for the euro, When soldiers or sailors use this mitigation or prevention of disease. F. G. DELANO 246 STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON A. I. EOFF