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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. SATURDAY, MAY 25. 1918 ROAD INFORMATION FOR i() MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMItim4OIlljMjjj If you can't join the A rmy of Fighte rs AOIOISTSlDCIPEi PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP TIRES UNITED STATES "ROYAL cord AND FABRIC TIRES (Continued tnm page one) TWO . You can join the Army of Bicycle Riders. The Bicycle has come back to stay. For economy, convenience and your health, nothing can beat a Bicycle. Come in and figure on a new wheel. We will take your old one in on exchange. Scott & Piper 252-260 State St. j and Save Money What the Threads Are For Every one of the 196,000 threads in the Threaded Rubber Insulation of the Still Better Willard has a definite mission. Every thread allows free passage to the battery solution. Through this multitude of tiny paths the chemical action which means a good, strong current goes on with perfect freedom. No insulation ever used has equalled hard rubber in ability to resist tvery-day wear and tear. No method of conducting current through the hard rubber has the efficiency of the tiny threads. And the combination is found only in the Still Better Willard Battery. Let us tell you more about this insulation and the battery that uses it. cwmirai) , Aixto Electric Shop 418 Court BEGGE & BURRELL Phone 203 ' I IIIMIII IIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJiLIMUMMMmjimjJij - 1 1 1 t T "" t AUTO NEWS. U. S. Tire Official On Rubber Situation conditions' how permit. " Plans for tho withdrawal of certain tile sizes from use by niuiiufiirtiirers of motor PID-H tt'ill nnf In nnv unv fit. Asked regarding government restru- leuere wmi tlie nmmitHcture ana dm tioim on the importation of ruliU'-r, nnd tlie ondeiivor of tire ninmifiictitrerit in co-operation with tit1 government to re- Hlnct the ltmniiltii'hire of HunccessarY Iriliutioii of the tires to users who need iIkim particular sizes at any time." .Mr. Vcatou was very insistent in his statement that tliero is nothing in the present or probable futuro situation to Touring in tho northwest, especial ly around Portland, does not come un dw the head of expensive luxury. Motorints who find it otherwise might communicate with J. E. Taber of 81. Helens, Oregon, and1 get the com. hi nation .that permitted Mr. Tabor and four ether grown persons to make a 139 utile Sunday tour on cxaetly five gallons of gasoline. And even then the Orogonian feels he was using up more fuel than -would have been the case had he not stopped so often along the Columbia river highway. "I lwtt 8t. Helens with a full tank of gasoline and four other persons in my Chevrolet "41)0'' and drove to Portland, over tho Columbia Kiver bridge 'to Vnuw)uvier, back to Portland, up the Culumlbia Kiver Highway past Multnomah. Falls and then back, to Portland," ' "At tho hitter place we filled! the nnk again. It tooik just five gallons to do the trick, and the ajieedouieter showed 130 miles. There ws such a congestion of machines aloug the Highway 1 was forced to stop at least twenty-five times; otherwise I believe 1 could have bettered this awrage of 28 miles tut the gallon. Incidentally, Mr. Taner gained his high mileage under average touring conditions. Ho made no effort to snv gnu on the lulls, ibut drove as does the ordinary owner. cut down mere pleasure-riding to a min imum and to take every possible sUp to suv.e tires, oil and gasoline, IOWA CLOUDBURST. and in fair condition between Sparta and Lilly White Mine. Closed by snow betweea Lilly White Mine and East Eaele Park. Detour not nnsuihls ououm oe open by June 1. Baker-Coruueopiu Open and in fair condition between Baker and Cornu copia. harduian-Snrav Eoad Onen for full length and passable for machines. rriupriiie-jiitcneU lioad -Passable be tween Oehoco Station and Wheeler Crook county line. Open and in excel lent condition between county line "and Beaver Ranger Station. The road is closed through Bridge Creek canyon, but passage may be made by detour thronsih Movers canyon. Should he mien by June IS. Baker-Prairie Citv Onen for entira length, but in poor condition. WASHINGTON EOADS. - U - A - C Spells Tire Service WHEN IN TROUBLE PHONE FOR OUR FREE SERVICE CAR-IT COSTS YOU NO MORE TO BUY A TIRE ON THE KOAD THAN AT 1 OUR STORE. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF OILS, GREASES, GASO- it LINE, ETC. QUACICENBUS H Cascade Scenic Highway Open be tween Index and Coast Points and in gootl condition. Closed on account of bridges being washed out between Index j 1 and Tye. Jsa detour possible. Con tractors are now working on bridges, j onuum oe open auour June 10. ounsei juignway open Between iseal-1 tie aud Huoualmie Pass, and in good; condition. East of Snoqualiuie Pass tue I road is blocked by snow for several miles. Olympic Highway Open and in fair condition between JJlympia and Quiui ault Luke and between Olympia aud IJuilwne. Open between Qu'ilceue and Discovery Bay, but rough in places; passable for autos. Open and in good condition between Discovery Bay and fiedinout and in lair condition between Fairhului and Mora aud Forks. AUTO SUPPLIES and VULCANIZING 219 N. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 66 EASTEEN WASHINGTON. funds are anticipated till the next loan, which will prabably not occur be fore the autumn; (12) the fuct that securities have been comparatively free from inflation, ankl are often sell ing at low price compared with either coinmodi'tiies or interest and dividend rates; (13) ithe early starting of the new war finance corporation with its hugo capital of $.r)U0.00O,Oi)u, and the expectation of a favorable contract be tween the government and the rail roads. This is an unusual group of fav orable factors offsetting Ithe uncer tainties of war. The outlook of the market is satis factory. Its technical position is aoiind and the rise has been materially accelerated by wont covering of sliorts. Home reactions from profit taking must bo cspci-ted in view of the sharp advances of the last two weeks, and money market limitations compel caution in all financial commit ments, especially thoso extending into T . ,. . .. , i the future. Jujrinsw conditions, now- In traveling from White Salmon, 8atialaoto,.v Rm1 provided Washington, to Port and, Oregon, three fh Tenmin as favoraWt; Rg mw fat. ways are ovn to tlie autoist: ierryi,ther ai,pl.e,.;i;aitioii in values may follow cars to Hood River and ship 1y train to friia wnr i atill thP vital factor in tho Casearto Locks; ship on the river boat tomakin)f ot values, and much will de Cascndo Locks; or 'phone the ferryman veail llipon n(,WH from tllat BOureo. if hi oieveuson, wno win go 10 looks aim Germany fails in a renewal of the re- terry to cascade Locks, i'nees ror tue (cent drive she -will have virtually lost intrer inetnoii aro Jio lor one car, ipiu the wr. Sunset Highway Open between Clc Eluin aud Lake Keeehelus. Closed by snow and repair work between Gold Creek and Cle Elum Pass. The road is closed between head of Lake Keechelus and Snoqualmie Pass. No detour possi iblc, should be open about June I. Blowott Pass Highway In a poor condition, Cle Elum to Wenatchce. Boad crew is working repairing washouts end other damages. Wenatehee-Cloverland Open and in fair condition between Cloverland aud Turntable. Passable, Turntable to the 8oveu Sisters Springs, State lload No. 4 Open and in fair condition between Eepublic and Tonns ket. There are some rough places and it is g.itting dusty. , State Road No. 10 Open aud in good condition between Entiat and Pateros. Recent rains have improved this road. Clo Eleum and Eastern County Road Open and in good condition. mm ASSERTS KAISER WAGES WAR HE ALREADY LOST (Continued from page one) null 1 till" III, t"ll lull till Ul till IHITIll i hi in jmuuui'IC llllllIU OHUIlllUU IV 4;.-.. t-.. l .1 ! YV'....t...t ot.... .. ....Lin ui,.ll til,. 1. f ideiit uud iliieclor of sa'. s of tho C'nil-1 shurlnge of tires for legiliuiute use. d States Tiro coinpany said: "However, lliere never a time" "The intention of the government in j l'C said, "wheu users of motor cars the control and restriction of the im- could so well serve tlw nation as by portation of rubber is to conserve ship- making tho most of their ears in legi ping space, and the program that has; mate and passenger service aud rc iieen laid lvfore the mnniifacturers of filing to hoard or uniieeessurily aiiti rubber goods has won their unanimous eipate their needs in fires or utlv.'r mo fiuppoit fur the War Trade Board aud.toi ear supplies." the Shipping Hoard, Ml. Weston cnlled attention to the "In addition, the manufacturers of ; fact that the government hns not at tires are heartily co-operating with 1 1 it j 1 1 present time imposed any reolrie gnvernniiMit program for the eventuul tious on the uso of motor cars by thJ (diuiinaliou of uuiwecssaiy tire si.cs. j aotomobilists of Ihe uountry, but has This elimination Will simplify the prob ! relied oil the patriotism of tho car-own-Iciu for each user of the motor far ofleis to exercise a proper discretion in reducing his cost and ninl'iinf it pns-jllie use of their vehicles, with a view Bible for him to secure the tiro size' to conserving their cars and tines. Mi lie needs, iu good tires, more readily j Weston is of the opinion that the m thau the market and inanuf,iettiri;igl toasts of tho country euu be trusted to Lamoine, Iowa, Mnv 24. A cloud burst her.? today drowned hundreds of head of cattle and damaged tho North western railroad property. The Inorth westru (rack was washed out for more than 400 yards. A freight train of twenty ears waB ditched. No one was injured. The Los Angeles limited from Chicago is tied up with little chance of moving for hours. SEATTLE AWAY OVER TOP. Seattle, Wash, May 21. Seattle ami King County have gone fifty per cent over the top for the Red Cross in the prewnt drive and is still going. With a quota of $"00,0O0, the murk of 780, 000 was reached nt noon today. Sixteen committees are yet to report, and it is practically certain that more than a million dolnrs will be raised, t JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL HENRYCLEWS. each for two cars; ar $8 .each for three cars. If there are three cars in either direction, the fare is $8 each. For our part we'd iust as soon Hi- At present the ferryman cannot leave rector MVAdco would take off nil the Stevenson until aff.'r 6 p. m. It take j train and let 11s "o bflfk to the stage about two hours each way from Steven. son to Cooks. A new scow is building which will mnke daylight trips possible when completed. ccach ami four. And we'd like to ride up on the sea1 with the driver, with a sawed off slisitgun resting across our knees, just like they do in the pictures Rubber Insulation for Storage Batteries It has been long understood that rub ber was the best insulation for all pur poses. Jt is dnteeating to know, how ever, that storage battery engineers have long tried to use ruwoer alone for tho insulation of starting aud lighting batteries without sucress- Only re cently, has the application of rubber as an insulation .been successfully used in the .construction of starting and of j lighting batteries, and even then ii.iw ,ior using 1,1 uuu iu ,ue iu vcutted. Rubber alone as au insulation has not been successfully used in starting and lighting 'batteries heretofore, be eauso tousle At, eifllei'tually 'insulated the p'ates, at the same time, it pre vented the free ciieulation ot the el ectrolyte. Thus Willard Storage- Battery com pany, in its new application of ' rub ber for sltorae battery insulation have pierced the raibber with thousands of Initio threads running from side to side of tho iuisula'.ion. As a result of this new invention all of the splendid insulating qualities ctf rubber have re mained, butt, the thousands of little threads running through the rubber now permit the free circulation of the electrolytic. As a result the "S'lll Better Wil lard Battery" is provided with the most durable 'battery Insulation known, while all the previous disadvantages have been removed. This new inven tion has ibeen named "Threaded Rub ber Insulation," and can be procurred only in the "Still Hotter Willard Bat tery". Just how this threaded rubber battery is manufactured is. fit course, a ecret with the Willard company, but the lact remains that tlie motorist has been spared the exptusc of frequent re-insulation olf his battery. C3((3C$!t9S)C3f(9(lC3C Have the Journal Job Dept. estimate on your printing needs you get the benefit of cash buying. Phone 81. BRIGADIER GENERAL W. A. WHITE'S STIRRING APPEAL TO BRITISHERS AND CANADIANS IN THE UNITED STATES' I kail wtnw?ficiS AT E 5 jsijle T I RLE 5tw8rtwws:s Cost One-Half as much as new Tires. Guaranteed 3,500 miles against psncture. A double protection against blow-outs. We would be very glad to explain the GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE to you and show you that you can cut your tire bill in two. "Ask the man that is using them." . 1 INTERNATIONAL I RUBBER SALES COMPANY if 177 South Commercial Street . -i wn TIIONE 42S 1 - - f " i ; j r v. i Lloyd ' ,ff If you have eye with which to read nd tare with which to hear, you know that fighting men are wanted AT ONCE in France. Every Britither and Canadian owei it to himielf, hit country and civilisation it' telf to volunteer IMMEDIATELY. If he waitt to ht drafted he will not help. Brig. Gen. White. LLOYD GEOKGE S APPEAL TO AMERICA: " We are at the crisis of the war, attacked by n immense superiority of German troops. ur army has been forced to retire. ' The retirement ha been carried out methodically before the pressure of a steady succession of fresh German reserves, which are suffering enormous losses The situation is beinsr, faced with splendid courage and resolution. The dogged pluck of our troops has for the moment checked the ceaseless onrush of the enemy, and the French have no joined in the struggle. But this battle, the great est and most momentous in the history of the world, is only just beginning. Throughout it the French and British are buoved with the knowl edge that the great Republic of the west will neglect no effort which can hasten its troops and iu ship to France, In war, time is vital. It is impossible to .exasperate the importance of getting American reii;f:ve:Bfr,ts across the Atlantic in the shot-test oos;L I space of time YOUR STARTER FREE. TESTED You get your battery tested, . why not drive in and let me test all of your electrical system free with vV'""'"'" 1 1? n ) , . THE ELECTRICAL WIZARD It takes but a minute. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY R. D. Barton, 148S.Com'lSt. Phone 348 wtiSm.-imiiMMteit.. l CUARANTEEO ill M. IN WRITING M JA500O MILES 1 23 THERFS higher quality h built-in AjaxTires-greatet uniformity surer service. Ajax owners will tell you so. They live up to their guaran tee and beyond it. -15,000 miles is not an uncommon Ajax show 1 a 1 l- -l . a . wis- mm in uic recent jax -A Chauffeurs' Contest, the prize Sf winner rolled up Z7.ZZO miles! i-vii i-Ljux ure on onc.wnccl ells Ajax for all four. 3 iitsiitfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiri 9 ;' International p Rubber Sales Co. I Irt SOUTH COMMERCIAL JOURNAL WANT ADS SELL