Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 25, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation in galea Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureaa of
A. A. mi
Oregou: Tonight
and Sunday fair;
heavy frost in the
interior in the
morning; moder
ate north westtr
ly winds.
F r
r ;-T I
ru Sim fAi
Leaders of Both Political
Parties Afraid to Face
Issue at Polls
'"""y,, urderer
' 'a one
Six Billion Dollars Are Wanted
From Incomes and Ex
cess Profits
ByL. C. Martin
, (United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, May 25.-A.new move
lacked by both democratic and rcpub
lieu a lead'is to postpone a revenue bill
until after the fall elections was be
Kin. in congress today. The house wavs
ml means committee meeting at noon
decided ou a plan whereby congression
al leaders would Ket together with Sec
retary of the Treasury McAdoo and
try to agree on r postponement. Sen
ate members indicate President Wilson
knows of the move and isv favorablv
disposod to it. They also declar.-d that
it a compromise were effected thev
"l'W4ha.v a Avenue bill ready soon
after the first of next year. '
Jia X 'V" "b,",ki- pass
ed to President Wilson.
Secretary McAdoo declares there mu.st
be a revenue bill this session. Congress
says th.ore must not. Today the presi
dent is expected to decide the question.
Having taken a firm position behind
McAdoo, the president was swept bv
J heavy fire of opposition argument
from Senator Simmons last night and
i.irivd to hold, up n decision until li.
had seen McAdoo again today. He also
will confer-again with Hi ions and
linn-man Kitchiit of the linn ,.
and menus committee, who yesterduv
Kuve up all hope of avoiding a tax biil
this session and prepared to begin work
on the measure next week.
If the president orders the bill, the
wealth coiisciiptionists plan to come in
to their own. The word lias been passed
that there must be no limit lo the tuxes
n war profits, swollen incomes and
Representative Kitchin, who declares
congress and not the treasury will write
the bill, said it will add from three
to four billions to the nation's revenue
making a tax total of sewn to eight
(Continued on page fourj
Moldavia Was Submarined
In English Channel Thurs
day Morning
Washington, May 25. Fifty three
inen, all members of Company B, Fifty
Eighth infantry, Fourth division, were
reported lost in the sinking of the Brit
ish transport Moldavia, tho war de
partment reported today.
Them was a total of 482 Ainericnn
soldiers on the vessel, who all were alv
part of tho 58th infantry.
- Ihe names follow:
Corporals Fred Chappell, Philadelphia
Roy H. Shenk, Lancaster, Pa.
Privates Oscar O. Armstrong, Bridge
port, Okla.
Andrew Blackwell, Hominy, Okla.
Oeorg, D. Boosalis, Fargo, N. D.
Clyde E. Boslcy, North Trov, Vt.
Erwin W. Bosky, North TroV, Vt.
Leslie C. Bracken, Royaltou, Minn.
Walter C. Bracken, St. Cloud, Minn.
William A. Brown, Huytsvillc, Utah.
Ceorge N. Buchanan, Manette, Wash.
Emil Bucher, El Centro, Cal.
Joseph P. Callan, Milwaukee, Wis.
Fred IX Cauw.dl, Fall River, Mass.
Louis V. Castro, San Jose, Cal.
Edwin L. Clausing, Crafton, Win.
Virgii C. Cook, Hobart, Okla.
William J. Cratt, Port Washington,
Herman Diehl, New York Citv.
Herman V. Dierks, Braunfei.i, Texas.
Uinrad ikel. West Allii, Wis.
Fred Gerhardt, Chieago.
, Edward L. Gerl, Manitowoc. Wis.
Rcdwald Gottenbcrg, Pidgeon Falls,
i is.
Ouin-ppe Graci, Licati. Italv.
Charles F. Hackler, Mill Vil'lo, CaL
Thaddeus Hodges, iluuui Carmcl,
Clem Johnson, Martin's Mill, Texas.
Isador M. Kneip, St. Paul, Minn.
John Kofjus, Missouri avenue, South
Milwaukee, Wis.
Henry C. Lading, Strausberg, III.
John S. Larsen, Chicago.
People. -of Kelso Threaten
Lynching If Murderer
Brought Back
Seattle, Wash., May 25- William
Horner, suspected of the fiendish mur
der of Mrs. Fred Basse.t and her two
children, was arrested by Sheriff
. Claire Ward, of Okanogan county at 9
q worn xnuay nigm, as me auegeu
maue nu way mrougn tne
s near Touasket to his ranch
fr ?t. has been enrried on niiceasiugly
I s tho discovery of the murder vic
tim tommy on me racuic nignwny
net -i, clso.
IV 'e identification of the dead
wom'Lrf'aiid. her children was made on
Wednesday and since that time the net
has been tightened about Horner daily.
Thursday noon Sheriff Ward tele
phoned from Okanogan that Horner
nail been seen at Tonasket and had
taken a s'ae from theie to Aoneas.
HU capture was reported at one
o'clock this morning to Sheriff String
er ot Seattle.
Sheriff Ward is on his way to Seat
tle with the prisoner. They will arrive
here rate tonight, Stranger was- in
formed. . -
Sheriff Studebaker of Cowlitz coun
ty is in Seattle awaiting the arrival
of Homer at Sheriff Stringer's office.
Threats of Lynching
Kelso, Wash., May 25. Sheriff Stu
debaker in Seattle was warned tcday
not to bring William Horner, suspect
ed of the Kelso murders, back to this
county if he wished to avoid a lynch
ing. I. L. S'mrlinp. the sheriff's business
partner, wired Studdbaker that an at
lemp. would surely ke made to lynch
Horner if he is brought here.
Sparling said feeling ajainst Horner
gradually had grown until it was at
the boiling point.
A man naiucd Schuster, a brother
of Mrs. Fred Bassett, who was killed
with her two children, is hero and will
take the bodies to Republic, their for
mer Home, for burial. Schuster, who is
a Seattle train dispatcher, snid there
was a singular similarity hetween the
bullet wounds that killed the , three
here andthe wound In the head of
Fred Bassett. the woman 's husband,
Who wa3 killed while cu a deer hunt
with Horner in 14)14. All the wounds
wer just ibaek of the ear. When Bas
sett was killed Homer was not prose
cuted because he returned with a stoTj"
that Bassett accidentally killed him
self. Shortly after Bassett was killed,
Horner began living with Mrs. Bas
sett. War Savings Stamps are greatest lit
tle stickers on record. Buy some today
or one, anyway.
Barney B. Williams, Dixon Ky.
Frank Lewandoski, Chicago.
Clyde B. Lindsey, Clarksburg, Miss.
Auton W. Lundell, South Chicago.
James G. McCarthy, Boston.
Frank McKinney, Stoniiigton, III.
Jesse Mars, Shelbyville, 111.
Rudolph Mikle, Deperc, Wis.
Jesse Milone, Olncv, 111.
Frank Odell, Blyth'eville, Ark.
Emil J. Bosh, Lankin, N. D.
Fi-ank Uoux, Rice Lake, Wis.
Lc,9 Reaser, Cedarville, W. Va. "'
Walter G. Sautter, New Hartford, N.
John Scluili, Portsmouth. Ohio.
Joseph Sherman, Fort Totten, N. It.
Lewis P. Spies, Nelson, Wis.
Day Swartr., Pleasant Hill, Ohio.
Maurice G. Sweetland, Albany, t.
Willow Trapp, Arbor Vitoe, Wis.
Edward N. Weber, Trolley, N. D.
Discipline Was Perfect.
An English Port, May 25. "I never
saw better discipline," declared Captain
Johnson of the United States infantry
a survivor, in describing today the tor
pedoing of the transport Moldavia in
the English channel Thursday morning.
"The torpedo struck the Moldavia
forward of the engines on the port
side" Johnson said. "All the troops were $710,631.66. The loans and dis
were sleeping in bunks in thir uniforms counts o fthe Canital National on Mav
"There was a
loud explosion and,
the ship's whistle sounded the alarm,
All assembled on deck alongside the
boats in perfect order. It was jnst like
the daily boat drill. I never saw better
"The Moldavia continued under her
own steam for time for the purpose of
avoiding a second torpedo.
iiio uemruyers escorting us circled or UU,IWU.L'.. The loans and dls
aliout and dropped a number of depth J counts of the Salem Bank of Corn
charges, but no one tne submarine.) merce as shown by the government
"It is supposed that the force of the, May 10, 1918, call was $292,682.14.
explosion cut off the means of .escape .while two years ago in May they were
Zl! TV,. ,T ?,V .e. UP
21.." v' ,?mvor lost " their P" -
(Continned on page four)
Germans Still Concentrate
Forces for Long-Expected
Prisoners Taken'. Recently
Say German Troops Are In
, Depressed Spirits
. By William Philip Simms,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the British Armies in France,
May 24. (Ni,'ht A drenching rain,
driven by a high westerly wind today
swamped the battlefield and turned
the choking dust into mud.
The situation along the front remains
practically identical with what it has
been for the past fortnight. The Ger
man concentrations continue opposite
the alliea, from the sea to the Oisc. I
have heard of but ono new division
coming from tho east to the west front,
the total remaining practically the
With each day, however, the kaiser's
troops aie obtaining more rest, ad
ditional training fo their fresh re
cruits, all of which tends to give them
(Continued on page three)
Increase In Two Years Totals
More Than Million and
Half Dollars
When tho government sent out the
call to the hanks for a statement of
business at close of Mav 10; 1IU8
there was on deposit in the four Salem
tianlts, $0,331, 079.4B.
Two years ago when tho May 1 call
came, the deposits in the four citv
banks amounted to $4,820,701.71. With
in the two years time, this shows an
increase in deposits of $1,504,377.75
notwithstanding the fact that more
than $1,000,000 has been paid out by
tne nanks on the three Liberty loans.
The retources of the four banks in
Salem when the call came Mav 10, 1918.
totaled $7,441,24(5.83, while two years
ago on the May call the amount was
Acording to the published state-
ment on the May 10. 1918 call, the
Ladd & Fii.sh bank had on deposit of
that da the sum of $3,541,800.08.
while two years ago on the government
call tho amount was $2,670,588.83.
The loans and discounts on this last
call wero $2,056,941.78. Two years
ago tho loans and discounts were
$1,43(0,161.50. The
reduoree of the
hank hav3 increased from $3,220,301.-'only
30 on May 1 of two years ago to the
sum of $4,113,036.52 on the recent
can oi may iu, ra8,
The Lilted States National bank
Hiad on deposit May 10, 1918, the sum
of $l,490,09o.51. Two years ago when
the call came it was $1,245,390.97. The
loans and discount and investments
according to the call of May 10, 1918,
were $1,192,536.97. Two years ago the
bank's lr.ans and discounts and in
vestments totaled $934,391.57. The re
sources of the bank have increased
from $1,478,824.64 on May 'l, 1910 to
$1,718,718.59 on the recent call of
May 10 1918. The bank sold liberty
bonds to the extent of 27 per cent of
its deposits.
The Capital National bank had on
deposit May 10, 1918. according to iU
published statement, the sum of
QJI "fU77 n-l.'.U i.. n . ir.
on th t-.rnmf ..n it. j.:.
10, 1918. were $429,791.62. Two years
ago they were $451 791.51.
The re
increased sources of the bank have
from $968,851.99 in May of 1916 to
$1,194,803.92 on May of this year.
The Salem Bank of Commerce had on
deposit May 10. 1918, the sum of
$357,378.80 while tw& years ago for the
May call, its statement showed deposits
K,H'Br2- . Th6 !e,urcM ot thVur 5t5te went &Tr 1 't )
nk n increased from $255,038.96 1 of as many things," raid Pinky Kerr,
i ye ago to me sum of f4H.7S7.N0
- tthnnrn Kv lha f v 1ft lAlfi ...... '
.. ...... omic-
War Summary of United Press I
5 iiiiuiiiiiifiiinmniiitniiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiii
1392nd Day of the Wan 66th Day of the Big Offensive f
American Front Tie official eom reported enemy shelling in Flanders
municati.in issued from American head-' yesterday evening and last night and
quartets last ' night stated that con-; two successful British raids,
firmation has, been, received from William Philip Simms. cabling from
Anieriem aviators brought 'down two the British front, stated that the long
German planes Tuesday. drouth h-n been broken by a drenching
Frank J. Taylor cabled from the Lor-: rain. This is regarded as distinctly
raine front that American negro troops favorable to the allies,
are holding a sector west of Verdun, Russia A dispatch from Moscow
in conjunction with the French. - said that large German forces sre re
American Navy An American ported erasing the province of Kursk
destroyer sank a German submarine ; "75 miles to the southward in an ef
shortly after the U-boat had torpedoed fort to cut the communications south
the British steamer Inniscarra in the; of Moscow.
Irish channel, with the loss of 37 lives.) Germany, according to a Zurich dis-
American, Ariny-7-ritty six American
soldiers were still unaccounted for to
clay as a result of the torpe.doing of
tho British steamer Moldavia in the
English channel Thursday morning.
British Front Field Marshal llaig
Jones Would Have Dry
Nation During War
Washington, May 25. Sen
ator Jones, Washington, today
introduced an amendment to tho
emergency agricultural bill mat
ing the country "bone dry"
during the war. The statement
provides that no heor or wiue
shall be manufactured so long
as the war lasts. Penalty for the
violation of the law is made
5,000 or two years imprison
ment. Over 200,000 Troops
Sent Over In May
Washington, May 25. Mom
than 200,000 American soldiers
have been sent to France in
May in June, May's figures
will be considerably bettered,
members of the senate military
affairs committer were told to-
day at their weekly conference
with the war council.
Our Soldiers Are Expected to
Fill Gaps In .Ranks
of Armies
By Carl D. Groat, .
(United" Press Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, May 25. The allies are
leaning" almost on America at this
moment to fill the gaps of the March
drive and to furnish replacements for
the coming new smash.
American military men placed this
interpretation today on Lloyd George's
speech, wherein he declared America s
contribution thus far had sot been one-
fifth the fiirhtina force Germanv
'trained bv R uHsia 's c.ollniiRR. PrpMidciit.
Wilson is revealed as tho chief director
. in the lif.l.t of the premier's statement
J that the near future represents u man
! power race between Wilson and Von
The president's call for power to
raise an unlimited army is based no-
'on the need for a force which will not
meet, but far exceed the German
power. The one million mark is ex
pected by July 1 and the second mil-
m,0 tDja winter.
Abe Martin'
"I can't notice no difference since
t'day, Mr. Lemmie fete ia up in th'
. ... . .... . . . t
air o er in' war, out still in to' second.
' patch, nas notmcd the Kussian amDas-
sador that the Russian provinces of
Livonia and Esthonia have decided to
secede from Russia and join the Ger
man empire.
Ireland Revelations of the Irish rev
olutionary plot, published by the
British last night, which implicated
Sinn Fein leaders and German agents
in plans ior a aew revolt, have
created widespread dissension amsng
the various Irish factions.
Red Cross Campaign
Has Gone Over the Top
Washington,' May, 25. What
the Red Cross asked America has
given. The $100,000,000 war
fund, according to unofficial
estimates, swept over the fin
ish at noon today. Official fig
ures up to an earlier hour show
ed $97,000,000 already in.
Sit ,);
San Francisco, May 25. The Pacific
rlivlNliill nf tlln Heri OrnHa via vitlitn
jcasy range of its minimum quota today
iand still going strong. Total Biibscrip
Hons announced at headquarters for the
division were 3,(102,126.54, toward
quota of $3,730,000.
California's subscription total was
$3, 265,090.31; Arizona, $255,341.36 and
Nevada, $81,094.87,
When subscriptions already ma.de but
not yeti.counted are axldcd to the total
the three state's probably will -hnve
reached the minimum quota.
Newspaper Organs of Trait
ors Denounce Course Tak
en by Government
By Webb Miller
(United Press staff correspondent
Dufblin, May 25. Rovelation of the
evidence obtained by the British gov
ernment of a revolutionary movement
in irciana, wlucn culminated last week
in wholesale arrests of Sinn Fein lead
ers, caused widest discussion hero to
day. Radicals bitterly denounce the state
ment issued by tho official press bu
reau, last night as "ono sided1' and
declare it is a conspiracy.
Tho cvidenco purports to link np
tho Sinn Fein movement with German
agents, many of , whotm, operated in
America. Count Von Bornstorff, form
er ambassador to the United States, is
involved. Tho statement covered al
lerd revolutionary and pro-German
activities both before and after the
Easter rebellion of 1916.
"It is an exparto statement," de
c'ared the Irish Independent, a Nation
alist organ vith Sinn Fein sympathies
"The accused have not been heard.
It is thus a question of crcditibility,
uhiii which British and Irish opinions
may come to widely diverse conclus
ions. "All sections of the nation have a
profound Interest in having the issue
solved clearly snd immediately.
"Ireland is not, and never has been
pro-German. No appreciable number
of Nationalists, n mat'.er how extreme,
want to rid themselves of one domi
nation to fall possibly under worse-
"The glaring weakness of the gov
ernment's case is that it rests so large
ly on the public speech of Sinn Fein
ers It is a curious sort of 'conspiracy'
that is proclaimed from the house
The newsper uVe?are that what
ever countenance the extremists here
(Continued on page seven)
Railroad Freights and
Fares To Be Increased
Washington, May 25, In
creased rates ranging from 15 to
28 per cent on freight traffic
and from 1-4 to 3-4 of a cent
a mile on passenger traffic have
1vn decided upon by Director
General McAdoo. it became
known here late today.
None Credited to Pacific
Coast-Captain Hall Known
To Be Prisoner
Washington, May 25. Twenty three
casualties listed by the war depart
ment today showed four killed in act
ion; four dead of wounds; three from
disease; four severely wounded and
eight slightly wounded.
Lieutenant Albert E. Johnson, Col
linsville, Conn., died of ,wounds; Lieu
tenant Lee H. Knapp. Danbury, N. H.,
died of disease and Captain James
Norman Hall, flyer, first listed as miss
ing, was definitely named as prisoner.
The list follows:
Killed in Action
Corporal Robert E. Kirkiuan, Clif
ty, Ky.
Privates Ben Brand, Logan, N. D.
Carl L. Caviness, Chariton, Iowa.
Charles C. Stunlovmit, Tipton, Ind.
Died of Wounds
Lieutenant Albert E. Johnson, Col
linsville. Conn.
Privates Lawrence J. Butcau, Quebec
Tonq Kalcnsky, Bentleyville, Pa.
Frank J. Sihiden, Kingston, Pa.
Died of Disease
Lieutenant Lev Henry Knapp, Dan
ibury, N. H.
Private Willis McFarland, Bulloch
ville, Ga.
Engineer Louis George Forster, Bal
timore, Md.
Wounded Slightly
Sergeant Ncal Bray, Lurotha, iiy.
Mechanic James F. 'Myers, Clargs
bunr, W. Va. . '
Privates Noblo H. vv, Evansville,
Vito Masellis, Ruth, Ncv.
Kail 11. Moran, Dell Rapids, S. D.
Gottlieh Sackiiiau, Fallon, Mont.
James W. Sampair,N'cw Richmond.
Wis. .
Charles H. 8andridge, Buntyn, Tcnn.
Wounded Severely
Corporal Daniel Doyle, Syracuse, N.
Privates Samuel Cash, Milvva'ukec,
Charlie McCury, Chandler, N. C.
55ob V. Bleinmons, Aslierville, N. C
(Previously reported missing)
Captain James Norman Hall, Colfax
Columbus, Ohio, May 24, Declaring
emphatically against a permanent peace,
thj Presbyteriun general assembly todny
formally pledged the people of its
church to an "ever-increasing effort"
in the war until a decisive victory is
" 4
...NOTE The following article direct
from the United Press correspondent on
the French Front, entitled, "THE BAT
TLE OF THE EMPEROR" is the most
complete story that It has been possible
to produce up to date of the big bat
tle still raging on the Western Front in
France. The story is not merely our
correspondent's Interpretation of the
battle, but is the most complete resume
of absolute facts established by the
highest official .sources on every phase
of the battle from its original concep
tion by the German High Command, Its
plans, preparations and execution, down
to the end of the first month. The ar
tlclo is therefor not only of the highest
news interest, but of the utmost histori
cal importance. UNITED PRESS.
(United Press Correspondent.)
With the IVnch Armies Afield, April
21. (By Mail.) On the eve of the
great buttle now raging on the French
front, the wireless station at the Wur
man Imperial Headquarters on the west
ern ftout announced in grandiloquent
terms to the entire world that Kaiser
Wilhelm himself had assumed tho per
sonal command of the big German offen
sive about to be undertaken.
In less than a we'k, when the allies
had definitely checked the German ad
vance ou Arnicas and Pari, the namo
of the kaiser definitely disappeared
from all sponsorship of the battle and
liM navcr been heard in that connection
The battle, however, is most likely to
pass down in history as the ".Battle of
the Emperor," if not indeed, "Th.3 Im
perial Battle of the Emperor," for en
tirely aside from the kaiser's original
sponsorship and subsequent desertion,
the battle from .every point of view
conception, plan, purpose, effectiveness,
execution constitutes the most imperial
undertaking of the kind the world
yet seen.
Und'r the sepcrats headings that fol
low will be found a complete resume of
American Aviators BmM
Down Two German Planes
On May 21
Colored American Troops Are
Now Holding Portion of
Front Line
With the,Ainerican Armies in France,
May 21. (Night) Tho official com
munique issued at American headquar
ters tonight said:
'Confirmation has been received
that American aviators brought down
two German planes May 21. Tlnro is
nothing new on any of the -sectors oc
cupied by Americans."
The war department today issued the
following supplement to General Per
shing's communication:
"Ou Wednesday afternoon First Lieu
tenant Walter V. Barueby, signal corps
Sumner, Wash., and Second Lieutenant
Kenneth K. Kolbert, United States
marines, Orango N. J., were fatally in
jured by the accidental fall of an aero
plane in which they were acting, re
spectively, n pilot and observer. Both
officers dud during the night. In the
evening both wero decorated with the
eroix do guerre, with the palm of excel
lent, faithful and courageous work in
numerous formr flights. Their valor in
operations in Selcheprey on April 20 un
der adverse weather conditions was es
pecially mentioned."
Hostile machines referred to in to
day's communique wero brought down
by Lieutenant Hickcnbacher and Licu
tennnt Buford. '
"In the Lorraine on May 21,' a hos
tile plane flying over our lines was
disabled and forced to land in its own
territory. There it was destroyed by ar
tillery fire, adjusted with balloon obser
By Frank, J. Taylor
. (United Press Staff Correspondent)
With tha American Army in Lorraine,
May 25. (Night). American negro
troops are holding a portion of the went
(Continued on page four)
every detail leading up to the launching
of the battle and its subsequent execu
tion that it has been possible to estab
lish up to the end of the first month f
the titanic contest, Every detail that
fellows has been auhenticated and tho
information as a whole constitutes the
most complete and accurato account cf
tho battle from ovcry point of view
that it is possible to obtain at the pres
ent moment.
Necessity of the Battle.
A careful following of tho Gorman
press for several months preceding the
launching of tho present Gurnian offen
sive on March 21, shows that the battlo
was deemed by German military ahd
governmental authorities as absoluely
the following reasons:
From an economical point of view it
was recognized that Germany would not
be able to provision herself from the
conquered Russian provisions, while tlia
constant and ever increasing pressure
of the Allied blockade threatened ev
entual ruin and defeat. I'rom a military
point of view, it was rcciujiiiaod thut
Germany's priucipal enemy ivsted al
ways on the western front and that if
this enemy were ever to be defeated it
must be done before Amricaa troops in
large numbers could arrive.
Preparation of Gsrman Public
Although the German imperial staff
announced several times during the
muuths preceding tlw offensive theHr in
tention to undertake it, it is officially
known that the date had to be postpon
ed repeatedly, owing to the neeessity of
creating a favorable opinion in Ger
many fur the undertaking that must
risk everything. The Pan-Gftrmaaist
party, backed by the imperial general
staff, at all times favored the offen
sive. They were opposed, however, by
a moderate party backed by Minister'
of Foreign Affairs Kuehlmann and a
I large part of the middle classes, ail or
(Continued on page til)