Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 20, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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-7 nr-nw-frt rt
ssKasi jurM-.'V
Take the Dread
from Washday
T -
Avoid hard rubbing. Make
boiling unnecessary. Let the
soap do the cleaning while
you do. something else. Use
Fels-Naptha soap.
Fels-Naptha cleans quickly and
thoroughly. It keeps white clothes
white. It makes all clothes spotlessly
clean and sanitary. You will never
worry about "next washday" after
v you have once used Fels-Naptha.
At your ewn grocer' 1
in tA. red mnd green wrapper.
Registration Day
Is Set For June 5
draft registration day one year ago.
On Wednesday, June 5, every 21
year old' man in the United States
must apler at tho registration place
rletti rnlLtml Kv 'Ilia Input Arnft linnril.
. Portland, Or, May 20. Wednesday, and register.
irJlJXTrltl . Tkeonly exception, are men already
United (States, for all young men who
lavs attained the age of 21 yeara since
Children Cry
in military or naval service. Special
I arrangements have been made where
! by absentees and those too ill to ap
jpear at the registration places may
I register by mail.
I Jiuti they must all rgistcr. Failure
to do so makes the guilty young man
liable to imprisonment for one year.
And ignorance of the fact that June
June Brides
Girl Graduates
What an opportunity is presented here for the
selection of beautiful materials for dresses suit
able for these occasions! The completeness of
our goods by the yard in these lines will make
it a genuine pleasure for us to show and you
to choose. Then too, the policy and
integrity of the store, gives you the
' assurance that whether a yard is sold ,'
for '30c or $3.00 it represents the
f best in its class. The materials
are the .best that are pro
duced in that paticular
fabric , '
I Fine white Satins, in several qualities, ,36 to 40 inches t
:: wide. These make up beautifully in combination
; with our rich quality Tulle, Silk Nets or the incom-
t parable Georgettes, yard $2.00, $2.25, $2.40
: : Lovely Crepes De Chine in mahy qualities, 40 inches : :
I wide at, yard $L63, S1.95, $2.09, $2.23, $2.63
Silk Nets, Silk Flouncings, TuOes and Fine Cotton Nets : :
In Varied Patterns and Qualities.
Fine, crisp, new, white i oods of all kinds.
Look at this collection.
Extra fine quality Voiles, 36 to 44 inches
wide, at yard 33c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 90c
Beautiful, Sheer, Swiss Organdies 40 to 44
inches wide at yard. . . . . . ,10c, 50c, 60c, 80c
Fine white Mercerized Batiste 40 to 44
inches wide, at yard . . . 33c, 43c, 50c
' - tin- j:,m
ft Jq$cf
Before applying powder give your
skin a protecting coat of
Motor Cream
Shields skin against wind and weather.
Prevent, tin and sunburn. Keep, skin soft
and velvety. Eliminates caun ai most com
plexion defects. Absolutely essential to
proper car. of facial beauty. Try it.
1S5 N. High St.
5 is registration day will not be ac
cepted as an excuse. The burden ot
informing' themselves as to the place
and! date of registration is placed on
the men themselves.
Hegintmtion will be in charge of the
local boards in their respective dis
tricts. They are required to post immc
d iately a list of the registration plac
es. These registration places will be
open from 7 o'clock the morning of
Juno 5 until 9 o'clock that night. They
will bo in charge of officials of the lo
cnl draft boards.
June 5 has been selected as the date
for registration day because it is the
anniversary of tho first registration
day, when approximately 10,0U(,O0U
nieii between tJie ages of 21 and SO
years, inclusive, registered for the
This registration day is only for men
wlio have reached the age of 21 yeBrs,
thus coming vvi' hi n the draft ago,
siuco lost registration any.
(Continued from page one)
Old time Salem friends of Mr. sad
Mrs. Claud liateh, and the Strike
Chadwieks will be interested in the
following item from the social col
umn of the' San Francisco Chronicle:
"ilrs. Steuben J. thadwick, wife of
Supreme Jutice Chadwiek of Oiym
pia, Wash., and their daughter, Miss
Elizabeth Cliadwir-k, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. CJaud Hatch at the Hotel
"Mrs. Chadwiek, who is a sister of
Mrs. Gatch, is dvrng great deal of
war work in .Washington, bdng a
member of both the stae and the na
tional councils of defense. She has de
voted much of her time in adding to
the comfort of the- men at Camp Lewis
which is near her home. Lieutenant
H. F. Chadwick, a sea ei Judge and
Mrs. hadwvk, is bow statioued at
Camp Fronton , and Ifrs. CloadwicJk
will pass a portioai of her time while,
here with him-"
The date of the patriotic entertain
ment to be given by the Daughters of
the American Revolution has been
changed from Friday evening of this
wee-k to Saturday evening. It w-ill be
held as ontraially .planned at the
mute school, the spacious halls of
which, Mrs. . 8. Tillinehast has of
fered for the occasion.
Mrs. B. Munroe -Gilbert Tehirned
from Portland this morning, where she
joined Mr. Gilbert for the week end.
Mrs. Clifford Brown and Mrs. Zadoe
Riggs were week end visitors in Port
land. Thy were the guests of Mrs.
Brown's mother, Mrs. W. W, Brether-ton-
Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Nell
Thielsen attended the alumni luncheon
of St. Helen's Hall, held in tho Uni
versity club at Portland Saturday.
Miss Lord was tho house guest of her
brother, William P. Ijord. Miss Thiel
sen being entertained by Miss Merle
Whitney during her stay in the city.
Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Burke went to
Portland Ji'iturday, preparatory to
taking up their permanent residence in
the city, Where Hev. Burke has ac
cepted a position as a field worker
in tho social hygiene department of
the state. Mrs. Burke returned to Sa
lem today, but will go back the latter
part of the week, Rev. Burke remain
ing m Portland.
Mrs. T. B. Sheldon, art instructor
in the Salem public schools, has re
turned from an enjoyable few days
visit in Portland.
Mrs. Asahel Bush has returned from
a stay of several weeks spent in Port
land, where she joined Mr. Bush, who
pursuing a four months course of
study in preparation for war service,
Mrs. C. E. StriekHn has reft for The
Dalles, where she will spend the sum
mer with her husband, who hn been
at The Dalles for the past six weeks.
Mrs. M. E. Mover and small daugh
ter, Klva, have returned from a few
week's stay at Nicholas, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCammon
(Esther Carson) of Seattle are visiting
Mrs. McCammon ' mother, Mrs. John
A. (Wson, 923 South High street. Mr.
McCammon is planning to enlist in the
aviation corps, emd Mrs, McCammon
will remain, in Balem during his ab
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druggists
refund money if it fails, 25c
fon Weber
Piano Auaigo Cantabile (Sonata
PadiMiquo) .: Bevthoven
Etade ou. lt No. 5- Chopin
Miss Miles
L'Huere Exquise (French) Hahn
My Heart at Thy Dear Voice (Sam
son and Delilah) Saiut-Saens
Piano -Venezia E Xapoli.- .No. 1, .
Ooadoliera Liszt
Thy Beaming Eyes Macftowell
txattatioa H. H. A. Beach
June H. H A. .Beach
Autunm Novln
Orgaa Offertoire. in D (St. Cecilia)
F. W. Chace
Magyar Ar.V (c-haniam) JErkel
Aa engagement of interest among
society eirtles of the Willamette val
ley is that of two popular Portland
young people, Miss Anna Bova Russell
and! Herbert Johnston Campbell. The
secret was divulged Saturday after
soon at a pretty knitting tea, for
which the bride elect and her mother
wers hostesses at their apartment in
Miss Russell is an attractive gradu
ate of the Oregon Agricultural eollege.
She was an aetive participant hi num
erous eollege activities and is a mem
ber of the Delta Sigma sorority.
She was selected as one of the group
of girls seat to represent the Oregon
Agricultural eolleire at . the Panama
Pacific, exposition. She is a daughter of ; T
D. Russell, who was a well known fac
tor in- tlie steel tube works of Harris
burg, Pa., some years ago.
Mr. Campbell is chief copy editor of
the Oregonian. He is a son of Mr. anil
Mrs. V. P. Campbell, the former hav
ing befln assistant superintendent of
the Chemawa Indian school for a num
ber of years. Mr. Campbell is grad
uate of the University of Oregon, and
a member of several Portland athletic
clubs. The wedding will be an event
of mid-September.
But we can't list all the Persian Lawns,
Silk Mulls, Fine Crepes and other White
Goods together with the numerous trim
mings and little fixings to necessary for the
occasion. See them now. '
Mario Machio, Oakland, Cal.
John D. Pumphrey, Prattville, Ark.
James P. Sullivan, Lone Bock, Wis-
Wounded Severely
Corporal Norton O. Carey, Joliet, III.
Privates William B. Anderson, Bt.
James, Minn.
Walter I. Hi-own, GHdden, Iowa.
Glen W. Cabbage. Hazelton, N. D.
Porter E. Compton, Murfrcesboro,
David Z. Cox, Urania, la.
Clarenee D. Crabtree, Marengo, Iud.
Tom J. Davies, Tainoqua, Pa.
William Frederick, i'ort Des Maines,
Steplieti T. IToiimann, Hudson, Wis.
Mon tie Kelly, Bt. Cloud, Minn.
John 8. Kirhy, Tcxarkana, Texas.
Frank Poorman, BixDy, Okla.
Haydon C. Ray, Moody, Wis.
Oeorgo h. Kcdpath, Wayzata, Minn
Frank J. fichwett, 8t, Iionis, Mo.
Russell M. Timmous, Smithboro, 111.
Clarence R, Wotherell, South Man
chester, Conn.
Michael J. Proveiraano, Brooklyn, N.
Nicholas Palermo, New Haven, Conn
Frederick R. Swunwn, New London,
Erie, A. Erickson. BrldgciiOTt, Conn.
ieorge Burns. Cheshire, Conn
Nicholas Bolden. Albany, N. T.
Sergeants Ernest K. Hill, Olenora,
N. Y.
Clifford D. Williams, Portland, Conn.
Lioutenant Tom W. Brown, New
Britain, Conn.
Miss Lela Belle MeCallam will ap-
ftcfer in a mowt. excellent program to
night at the First Methodist church,
when she is presented in senior recital
by Dr- Frank Wilbur Chace." Mw Me-
Cadam will graduate from Uie depart
men of music at Willamette universV
ty this year. STie has sung frequently
ab Salean gatherings, always pleasing
ner audiences with Jaer finely modu
lated soprano voice.
The program which begins at 8:15,
is as follows:
Ernani involami (Ernani Verdi
Piano 'November (Trioka)
. Tschaikowsky
Music Box : Liedotf
Miss Lyra Miles
Oeeam, Thmi Mierhtv Mvnst.er (Ober-
Mr. Bind Mrs. G. N. Ireland and Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph Hoven, Miss Myrtle
Ireland and Win Ireland of cJalem
passed Sunday at Turner, as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Woods, at their
attractive eotrntry home.
Mrs. Charles L. Dick was the guest
of Mrs. Milton L. Meyers over Friday
afnd Saturday, .going on to Corvallis
for Sunday, slhe returned to Portland
last night.
(Continued from page one)
the time, in long running fight and was
flying upside down at two thousand
feet. .
"Last night one of our aviators en
gaged two German planes and brought
down one in the vicinity of Apremont.
"This morning Lieutenant Douglass
Campbell, flying at 4o00 meters
brought down a hostile biplane in the
vicinity of Fliry. The hostile plane fel'
within our lines.
"On May 18 a descendant of one of
the French officers who served with the
American revolutionary forces presented
in the! name of the descendants of all
such officers a titand of national and
regimental colors to two regiments of
newly arrived American division. These
flags bore the inscription:
" 'From the sons of the French
champions of American liberty to the
American champions for France and hu
inanity.' " .
New Arrivals
Among the Newest Arrivals are
Several new models. Pretty styles and all marked
reasonably, six to fourteen yeai-s $1.48, $2.9S
Dainty, distinctive, seasonable Dresses. A eroodlv
t showing at prices decidedly interesting, from $7.48
t Several crisp new models direct from the designers
; --lace and embroidery trimmed, low prices prevail
; from 98c upwards.
I U. G. Shipley Company !
Where Shopping Is a Tleasure.
fell from his monoplane.
The body fell in the American front
line and was recovered.
I ufberry spent his youth in New
Conn., His parents died and he was
adopted by a family at Bourges, Franco.
He ran away at thirteen and wandered
about the world. In Asia he met tli.
aviator, Maro Pourpe who trained hie
as his assistant. When he followed i'our
pe into the French aviation corps at
the outbreak of the war, Lufberry found
that lie was recognizefl as an American
citizen. He became a lieutenant before
he was transferred to the American
army. .
little Activity Reported.
Aith the American Army in France
May L'0. The American official com
munique issued last night says:
"Aside, from mutual aerial activity
th.-3 day was quiet en all fronts occu
pied by our troops.
"Our aviators brought down two hos
tile airplanes."
Washington, May 0. PrcsidciiK
Wilson today signed the Overman bill
which gave him power to reorganise
and co-ordinate the executive depart'
monts of tho government.
GET acquainted
with Alpha today
you will say it is great.
Alpha makes thirst a pleasure
and satisfying it a delight.
Tells How LydiaE.Finkttam's
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health.
(Continued from page one)
I 1 Abry 3S5, Cupper 4047, Schaefer
Democratic Ticket
Ka atonal jfommitUeuian--Hornibroofc
3S. Morrow 3.
V. 8. senator King 220, West B92.
Oovornor l'ieroe 546, Starkweather
Justice of the peace, Salem district
--'radlphangh li4, Rinehart 157.
Philadelphia. Pa. "I was very weak.
always tired, my back ached, and 1 felt
sickly meat of the
time. I went tc
doctor and he said
I had nervous indi
gestion, which ad
ded to my weak
condition kep me
worrying most of
the time and he
said if I coo ki not
stop that, 1 could
not get well. I
heard somuchabont
I -
Vearotabla Com
pound my husband wanted me to try it
1 1
By Prank J. Taylor
(Vnited Prtss Staff Corvespondeirt)
AVith the American Armies in Lor
mine, May 10. Major Raout Luttoerry
American ac and former member of the
Lafayette escadrille, was killed in an
air battle over the American liues to
day. Lufberry was struck by a machine
gun bullet during a running fight mid
Order a case of Alpfca for your
home drink it with your meals
give it to your friends.
Alpha is a beverage of quality
sold wherever soft drinks are
T. W. Mum k Cm. UstJascAC
Portland, Oregon
ml rmhHiMNMti .
Ask Your Dtaltr
a . ... n
, lo the Customers of the balem Gas Plant
Gas Rate Talk No. 9
The following letter from President Wilson to Secretary of the Treasury
McAdoo is in response to a letter from Mr. McAdoo dated February 15, 1918,
an extract from which was printed in our Gas Rate Talk No. 8, and showa
that the President realizes the necessity for affording public utilities relief
from the unusual conditions being placed upon them at this time:
ur n ". ' , "The WTiite House, Washington,
"My Dear Mr. Secretary: 19 February, 1918.
I have examined with care the memoranda and letters which you trans
mitted to me with your letter of the fifteenth. I fully share the views you
express regarding the importance of the public service utilities as a part of
our national equipment, especially in wartime. It is essential that these util
ities should be maintained at their maximum efficiency and that everything
reasonably possible should be done with that end in view. I hope that State
and local authorities, where they have not already done so, will, when the
facts are properly laid before them, respond promptly to the necessities of
the situation.
Children Cry
. f m FiEicaEr-s .
took it for a week and felt a little bet
ter. I kept it up for three months, and
I feel fine and can eat anything now
without distress or nervousness. " M rs.
J. Worthune, 2842 North Taylor St..
Philadelphia Pa.
The majority ef mothers nowadays
overdo there are o many demands
upon their time and strength; the result fr
is invariably a weakened, run-down, iff
nervous condition with headaches, back- f 1 1
ache. Irritability and depression ana
soon mora serious ailments develop. If
1 1 is at such periods In lif that Lydia K. I
Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound will 4
restore a normal healthy eonditioa, as j ftt t
itwu wain. Tiuruiune. iitmilttHMIMtMMItMMttHIII
I shall be glad to have you communicate with the local authorities when
ever the information in your possession suggests that such a course is desir
able and in the national interests.
Cordially yours,
M Ms Met iiiiiiiliiiiili i-M-M-M-