TODAY'S 4,500 SUBSCRIBERS (22,000 EXADEES) DAILY Only Circulation In Ealem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY KEWS SERVICE Oregon: Tonight sho.?rs; moder ate south wester lv winds. FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 119 SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 20, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS A 153 XTW1 BTANDS riTI criNT flu ft 6ov WEATHER (l0sr 7' J,N0W , ft toiifc fl JUtrm AMAZING CALM ALONGVVARFRONT ITrD 1 ? 1 . ii if flenai Activity Alone mari : Return of Almost Perfect Summer Weather GERMAN MACHINES ARE : POORLY CONSTRUCTED Australians Capture Village : of Ville-Sur-Ancre Taking . Many Prisoners " By Willi am Philip Simms (diked Press staff correspondent With uhe British Armies in Prance, May lt. Mid summer heat shiamers' along the battler lines, where au auiax ing calm prevails. 1 have seldom seen duller .days, even jliiritig the slushy trench warfare of winter time- Beyond raids and an occasional row raised by -the artillery as though an ry at being awakeued tihe soldiers e-ppenr to be having a holiday. : But war planes are constantly whirl ing over the line and the lair fignting is heay. The week's tota1 bag of en jiiy craft probably will come near the lecord. 1 hear many enrany stories prov iug tho statement made some months agio that the German planes are now ladly constructed. A captured pilot declared that the material is bad. both wires and tubing often snapping in mid air, wrecking the planes. I personally examined the famous Baron Kichthoffn's machine in which he .met his death. I was surprised to detect numerous crudities in his plane which one might think would be ex tremely well ntade. The fuslage (body) was made of ateei tubing, like that' us ed in making bicycle frame The joints deemed carelessly welded. ; (Ivrinan planes frequently fall to piccosi during an aerial combat, when stunts must be resorted to in order to liriitg machine guns to bear on their opponents or to escape from a tight hole, as the oas-B may be. A prisoner said the Germans are having great difficulty Sn finding air men. Their casualties were many while training at Mie station where he learn ed to fly. He estimated that only 30 jter cent of the pupils ever Teached the line. Tho rest were killed while learning. The scarcity of officers now render it mtoesisary to send up privates as ob serves, s GREAT GERMAN FORCES. " By Henry Wood (United. Press staff correspondent ( . With the i'raneh Armies in the Field May 19. (Night) In preparation for resumption of their offensive, the Ger mans have concentrated HO of their best divisions between the North and (Continued on page four) COMPLETE UNOFFICILAL RETURNS FROM IRION W. Al Jones and Louis Lach Mund Are Nominated for State Senators "Following is a summary of the com plete vote for Marion county: County Ticket . . State senator Brown 2438, Jones 2Si5, Uchmund 2858, LaPollctt 2810. Representative Dinwoodie 30H2, Hughes 3895, .lones 4082, Looney 3871, Martin 3(i2, Riggs 3253, Weeks 70.w . County judges-Adams 2453, Bushey 332.. - County commissioner Feller 1843, Ooulet 2173. Robertson 1433. Justice of the peace, Hall em district -Havey 1407, Unruh 1GWJ. Constable, Salem district Acheson 528, DeLong 1409, Robertson 280, Southwick 83fi. . - - State Ticket " 'Natiorta! eoniiniittenan Dtetuiis 2145, Williams 3211,. V. S. senator, short term BurUn 1531, Mulkey 2ft2S, 816: long term MoNary 5170, Stanfield 1174.; ; Governor Anderson 230, Harley 37C. Moser 400, Oleott 2o31, Simpson ib, iWithycombe, 2076. I Treasurer Adam! 249, Cusick 1035. Hoff 961. Plummer 177, Ryan 1970, iWest 1784. Justice supreme eourt Coke 687 Johns 826. Kelly 4144. Labor commissioner Daiziel 1323. Cram 17S7. Houston 883, Niekum 734 Public service commissioner Miller 3428, Williams 2069. m l AC niu UULL HO If 111 Superintendwt of water division. Xo. (Omtiauel on page two) GERMANS MAY USE WARSHIPS CAPTURED FROM RUSSIANS With Help of AIKes They May Be Able to Send Fleet Into Mediterranean By J. W. T. Mason (I'nited Press War Expert) V York, May 20. Possibility that U nans may attempt to use the eat. ?o Russian fleet in tho Black gea to raid shipping in the Mediterranean is presenting a new naval problem for the allies in Near Eastern waters. When the Germans took possession of Russiau warships in the Black sea they secured a fleet comprising at least three fully equipped dreadnaughts, with three others partly or wholly construct ed; six old battleships and seven cruis ers, together with about thirty destroy ,?rs, nine submarines and a fair sized flotilla of subsidiary craft. Those ves sels were built at Black sea yards for pirninr.cnr. use mere, in peace limit Russia could not send warships throng;, the Dardanelles and the connecting TurkUh waters and tKer is no other entrance into the Black gea. As au ally of Turkey, however, the Germans are now at liberty to make use of Turkish assistance in sending the Black sea fleet into the Mediterran ean. The recent attempt of the Ger mans to run the allies' naval blockade at the mouth of the Dardanelles with the Goelvn and th Breslau indicates that the idea of pressing the captured Russian vessels into service for a sim ilar exploit will be certainly considered at Berlin. If the Russian warships suc ceed in getting into th.9 Mediterranean POSTMASTER GEN. BURL ESON REPLIES TO COL. ROOSEVELT Says No Publication Inter fered Willi Except In Ex- j tremeXases j Washington, May 2Q That the pub lit has in some "cases complained of Colonel Roosevelt's writings as alleged violations of the espionage act, was tho claim of Postmaster General Burleson iu a statement published today. lie added, however, that "no matter published either by Mr. Roosevelt oi Mr. Hearst has come to my attention Which in my opinion warranted action by the postoffiee department under the espionage act against either of them." - IV complaints of the public against Roosevelt have teen perhaps more num erous than "against the Hearst news papers." said the statement which war. brought forth by Colonel Roosevelt 's failure t .. amplify '.'prclimiunry charges," made by him against the post office department. . Following Colonel Roosevelt's charge that Mr. Burleson was using the ispioui age act for political purposes by punish ing certain papers, the postmaster gen eral declares that an article in the Met ropolitan magazine entitled-," Is Amer ica Honest?" is being translated into (rman, Spanish, Portuguese and the, Scandinavian languages and is being spread broadcast throughout Mexico I South America and other countries. Approved Only by Roorsevelt i Mr. Burleson gays he has failed toi learn of a single patriotic reader, "un less it b Mr. Roosevelt,", who approv ed the publication of the article. The postmaster general gives little h?ed to Mr. Roosevelt's cries against thfl Hearst papers. He says no matter Abe Martin 4 It wuz thought fer a while t'day that Tell Binkley wuz poisoned by mistake, but th' druggist Slid it wuz th' kind :he' been selling' nght along. Aa ole I fashioned thug tried t' rob a bank with- out an auto at Brownsbnrg, Monday. they could do much damage, momentar ily, by running amuck among mercan tile shipping, an exploit that would ap peal to the German love of war time sensationalism. But the fleet is not strong enough to make a sucessful fight against th, al lies for any length of time. The war hips would probably try to reach the Austrian coast or attempt to re-enter the Dardanelles, and, failing that, wouidj eventually be sent to the bottom or would hav? to surrender. But, the loss of warships would fall on Russia and not on Germany, and for this reason, the project will appeal to German naval officers with the greater force. Against any such exploit is the argument that Black sea fleet's use is wholly to protect th,? South Russian coast in a war against Turkey. Destruc tion of the fleet would place Russia in a helpless position in this respect to ward the Turks, after the present war is over. Such a condition would not be to Germany's advantage, particularly sice thj Germany policy is to attempt to exploit Russia commercially through conciliatory means when peaee-comes. Another reason for hesitation by the German admiralty is the strong possi bility that the Russia fleet's attempt to emerge from tlw Dardanelles might be defeated by tli allies. The Goebeit and the Breslau failed to make their exit aud if the Germans were concern ed with a second failure, their already declining prestige in Turkey would be badly shaken. Unquestionably, the allies are strengthening . their dreadnaught strength at the Dardanelles and are re arranging their naval plans in that area If the Gcrniau try to come forth a spectacular engagement is certain. published either'-, by Mr. Hearst or by Colonel Roosevelt "has come to my at teittion, which, in. my opinion, warrant ed action by the lostofficei department en the espionage act against either of then."' - ' " f He says the postoffiee department baa received more complaints that Colonel Roosevelt 's articles were in violation of the espionage act than it has against the Hearst newspapers. The postmaster general declares the charges that he was prosecuting Colliers, the Metropolitan magazine or the Tribune were, aot Jrue as the department has taken no action against any of them. . Statement not Substantiated i He gave out this statement: i '. "I liava waited patiently for Mi Roosevelt to substantiate his statement made in the morning papers of May 8, to the effect that the postolfice depart ment was using the espionage act for political purposes by punishing papers which upheld ta-r war, but which told the truth about the administration's failure to conduct the war efficiently (Continued on page three) El ASKED TO RESIGN JOB Elmer White, Fearing Harm From Convicts, Quits After Ten Years Service There is trouble, brewing at the state prison, and some of it is so near ly brewed that it is on tap. Warden Murphy has requested the resignation of LVputy Warden Burns. Burns rer fuses to resign and threatents to re veal the conditions at the prison that justify his refusal to remove the gun guards from the prison dining room It seems there is a cage in the dining room in which it was Tor years the cus torn to post an larmed guard during meal times, VrJifn Murphy became war den he stopped this. Th prisoners are mid to be in an ugly mood since Baldwin's escape, and while Warden Murphy was out on the look out for him Burns put the guards in the dining room cage an of eld. It is stated he had a tip that the trou ble which has been anticipated for some time, Would break in the dining room and pla-ceit the armed guard a a precaution. When Murphy returned from the hunt and learned of Burns' action ha called him on the carpet and finally demanded b& resignation Burns refused to resign. Thursday Elmer White, who has been employed at the prison for 10 years, refused to stay inside the pris on yard alone. E. A. Slovcr, former chief of police of Portland, had been working with White in the inner yard but he being sent away, and White be inz ordered to serve alone inside the yard, refused nd handed over his keys. It is expected that Slover, too, will quit, especially if he is ordered (Continued on page three) IRELAND QUIET AFTER ARREST OF AGITATORS Great Britain Nips In Bud by Prompt Action Pro-German Reyo'ution PROMINENT SINN FEINERS ARE NOW IN PRISON Scat of -Trouble k Definitely Located In Germany Where Plot Was Financed' Dublin, May : 20. Quk?t ' prevails throughout Ireland today. With the exception of the shootine of Ted O'Driscoll at Skibbcrea when he resisted arrest Saturday, there has been no. bloodshed in connection with th suppression of the alleged Hiun Fein revolutionary plot. It is estimated that 130 Sinn Feiuers have been arrested. ' Four American labor delegates have arrived here, including E. O. McCor mick. Their visit will be short. kTe people of Dublin went about their work as usual today. Saturday and Sunday were sunshiny and trains wer.9 packed with golfers and fishermen going to the country. Field Marshal French, Lord Lieuten ant of Ireland, opening the Whitsun tide fair, said it was too bad that it could not be opened under the auspices of an allied victory. ' A Sinn Fein committee named just beforp Devalera's arrest is now con trolling that organization. The body calls itself "the gufismatcd commit tee." i ' Arrests Are Numerous. Loudon, May 20. With the number of Sinn Feiners under srr.-st in various parts of Ireland estimated at front 100 to 500 today and the situation appar ently wf II in hand, it came to light that the German government has intrigued for an Irish rebellion ever since the wav began. Even after failure of tho plot insti gated by Sir Roger Casement, Chatter ton HiIL a renegade Irish editor, fin anced by Germany, published in Prussia niairazine to aid propaganda for an Irish republic. St. John Gaffney, discharged United States consul to Germany, is alleged to (Continued on page seven) RYAN LEADING FOR STATE TREASURER BY ONE HUNDRED VOTFS Race for Supreme Justice Also Close with Johns In ' Leading Place Portland, Or., May 20. The race for the republican nomination for -state treasurer had reached the exciting stage as returns from Friday's primary continued to come in this afternoon. T. F. Ryan, Multnomah county, con tinued to lead O. P. Hoff, but by a scant 100 votes. Ryan had counted 15,308 to 15.208 for Hoff. William Adams was a good third with 14,893. The race for the supreme court also was a good one. Charles A. Johns was leading with 23,547. Percy R. Kelly came next with 21,747, while John S. Coke win third with 20-2U. Other republican nominations had been settled by returns available as early as Saturday noon. Senator Mc Nary led StanficJd for the senatorial nomination this afternoon, 48,Wil to 28,162. Governor Withycombe had eonnted 31,023 votes to 17.9SI for Oleott ind 14.06! for Simpson. Williams led Dennis for republican national committee man by 15,660 votes. All the returns were or. the basis of 14 counties complete, including Mult nomah and nearly complete returns from thfl other countic. BILLY SUNDAY DONATES Chw-ago. May 20. Billy Sunday ex pected today to hand a check for 30, 000 to the Pacific Garden Mission here. The sum was th fne will offer ing given liim Sunday at the clos of a ten weeks campaign. Sunday was converted at the mirf-icu twenty years ago. Billy'a Chicago score stood: trail bitters 49.KV5; attendance, 1.200,000; expense $133,000, . 16 DEAD29W TODAY'S CASUALTIES, 01 FROM SEATTLE 0 Of the 29 Wounded 27 Are Classed As Severe and . Two Slkfet Washington, May 20. Forty fiv casualties were reported by General Pershing in a list msx) publie today. It included seven killed in action; one dead of wounds; one dead of accident; seven from disease; twenty aeven se verely wounded and two sMghtly wounded. Killed in Action Captain Harry D. Buckwalter, Roy ersford, Pa. Corporals George G. Burgess, York Pa. Hanfwd L. Melchi, Leo, lnd. I'rivates James A. Blake, New York city. Peter Kurske, Dickinson, N. D. Frederick W. Lampman, Red Oak, Iowa Allen R. Moore, Firxdaw, Vt. Diad of Wounds Sergeant Gerald 8. I"attcn, 1818 East Prospect street, Seattle. Wash. Died From Accident Private Zobito Disearlo, Mount Car- mel, Pa. Died of Disease Privates Walter Kginton, Lockport, N, Y. Eugene iFranchette, Santa Clara, Italy. ' lv Iter M. Glore, Varysburg, jn. x. Robert Jackson, Rawinson, Ark, (Continued on page two) SENATOR SKOOT NOT ENTIRLY PLEASED BY HUGHES' jELECTION Objects to Praise of Investi gator Being Inserted In Congressional Record Washington, May 20. New propos als submitted today by members of the senate military committee delayed fin al aetSon on the compromise in the fiifht between ' administration forces and advacatew of a senate aircraft in aulrv, Senator Thompson lnmcatca tne new plan submitted wag not entirely ac ceptable in view of the president ' at titude. . ",. Thomas had a brush with Senator Staoot, republican, and a rnembw of Thompson s committee, over inserting in the congressional" record a long ar ticle praising Charles E. Hughes' qual ification as' e,n investigator. Smoot objected to inserting it. "The senator's objection Wfins to confirm reports that tho appointment of Judge Hughes does not meet with the approval of his republican friends in the senate, " said Thompson. "It was a very remarkable appoint tnent."- rcnlied Smott. Thompson finally overrode Smott 'g objection and the article on Hughes went in. Meantime a considerable sliakeup, iu cliiilina some suspensions in thn aircraft service, was understood to be in tho making at tho war department. The supensions were reported to be the result of a plan to take the men out while their records are ucing (Continued on page four) American Prisoners In Austrian Camps Wadiington, May 2t.-The royal Prussian war minister has reported an additional lint o ten American prisoners of war interned at prison camm in Germany, tho war department announced today.- The ten are: Jaq De I.allar on, seaman, interneJ at Camp Asjc.hen. Xo emergency address. Hersche! MaKce, sergeant, Indianapolis, lnd., interned at Camp Landshut. Antone Ofcn, captain of the ship Encore, of 1130 Ocean avenue, Oakland, (al., interned at Camp Karlsruhe, with the following: Hibnar R. Kichardsqn, first officer of the Krwore, Willapa, Wash; Second Mate Colstad, of the ship John H. Kriby, New York; Kdward Moore, chief of the John H- Kirby, Bea report, Me.; Captain John Arnold Blocm of the John H. Kirby. New York, and first Officer Matthew W. Butckard of the Ileluga of Ban Francisco and Rribert ! Tudgett, captain of the Window 1208 Willow afreet Alameda, Cal., and at Camp Tuchel, West Prussia, Chris tian Borenwon, private, Vero ni; Mont. PRESIDENT OPENS RED CROSS DRIVE 1NNEY0RKCITY Delivers Address to Great Crowd In Metropolitan Opera House Metropolitan Opera House, New York May 19. Branding all German peace proposals as "insincere" President Wilson, last night, called upon America to make war to the utmost limit of itf resources and manpower. The war must be won "greatly and worthily," he said. There must Ue no limit to thp size of the American army. Kvery ship must be used, laden to capa city. . .. . .. To a great throng which packed the fear that he was postponing mine, be Wilsoa launched his appeal to America for a hundred million Red Cross dol lurs. The president arrived at thf, theatre at o'clock, following dinner at th home of Celoacl E. M. House, with Bcc rctary Tumulty and Dr. Cary T. Grajri son. His appearance on the platform was . . . -,i i " jAn.- gMCtoa Dy w"U applause irom uu pcorle who jammed th6 theatre. For hours before he arrived thousands clam oreJ foi admission at the theatre doors ' spokesman of Spiritual Forces Cleveland H. Dodgo, introducing thr president U: "Hb spokesman of al' th,. great spiritual forces of the world." ' l nave not come nere louigui vu m view the work of the Red Cross," the (Continued on page three) MARCH FOR CHIEF OF STAFF SUCCEEDS GENERAL. H. BOSS Rise of New Head of Amy Organization Has Been : Most Remarkable By Cart D. Groat (Capital Journal Special Service) Washington, May 20. President Wilscvn this week will ' name Major General Peyton C March, a full gen era! and chief of staff. . General Taskor II. Miss, now chief of staff and American representative on tho Versailles council, will become a brevet general. Those im-Dortant change mean vast ly more than merely the honor to Morirh of wearing tne nre insignia der stars: thev spell the re moval of restrictions on him as acting ..l.iof Mhii-.h he encountered because some other major generals outranked Mm. . . . ..-.. The change was decnUed today ioi lowing Secretary of War Haker'a con ..dUutimi -with, senators Saturday, at the war council gessiou. Bounding out their sentiments he found t-nat marens nomination will undoubtedly pas the senate quickly and without any oppo sition. ' Baker wan told tho senat thinks very well of March, who hag demon strated iu W b" pttlire 89 Mtl."Sf l,ief that he. is a "live wire," with no respect for red tape and with a hearty hatred for delay . or inaction. ,'i'or March tho chango is momentous, Coming in from his post of artillery chieftain with General I'orshing, he found that he was balked either con sciously or unconsciously by the seniority rulle- and that major general! who outranked him, some times stood in his path. ' ,.. i Mint men of 'discernment have told Uie uiiy Ther predicted Marah would make good, but solid it could come aDoui omy u were given the full general tho title of chief or sian u.- Xurd? record, here is one of ntatt tji. desnite obstacles. To him, perhaps more than to 7 f1 i .inn the credit of in- creasing ship tacinues ceding up of American troop move ments could be accomplished. When he roturned from Europe, he cailel in war i.,t wd them the dictum that . :h minr sh'iDS. Inspiring inure u.u. . -y,.,,, thein to great ctton ue aimr --v ... . - i L minatiin ATI himself to improve uio r. pointment of Major General Ooetbals as chief of transportation, PP and traffic wa an outcom of thn proWem, and between the two men systems of economy of space veloped and Whips were picked up from unexpected quarter, of the globe. Ooe thals and March re fast fnend. nd are working la the closest harmony. WILSON RETURNS HOME w.v;0-., Mv 20. President Wilson returned from New Jfork wis morning greatly rested by the trip. bo unckiv did the Dresident enjoy him self that he has decided to take set- LUFBERRY DIES 1 111 MIL BUM OVER OWN LINES Daring Aviator Struck by Machine Gun Ealiet and ' Falls to Grci AMERICAN PRIVATES PRAISED FOR COURAGE Several Instances cf Desper ate righting Grven by . Official Report Washington, May 20. Quiet urevailed along the American, front except for aerial activity yesterday. General Per shing reported today. Two . enemy ma chines were brought down. The statement follows: "Section A Aside from the activi ties of the air forces en both sides the day was quirt at all feae cu: pied by our troops. Our aviators brought down two hostile machines. "Section B. Kcports m hand show notable instance of bravery and dera tion shewn by two soldiers of an Am erican colored regiment operating in a. rrencn sector. Before daylight on Majr 13, Private Qenry Johnson and Private Roberts, while on sentrv dutv at soma distance from one another, were attack ed by tho German raiding party, es timated at twenty men, who advanced in two groups attacking at once iron flunk and rear. "Both men fought bravely in hanrt to hund encounters, one resorting to the use of the bolo knife after his riflo jammed and further fighting with bayo-1 net aud butt became impossible. There is ,'vidcnce that at least one and prob ably a second German was severely cut, A. third Is known to have been shot " Attention is drawn to the face that the' two colored sentries were first at-., tacked and continued fighting . after receiving wounds and despite tho use of grenades by a superior force. They should be given credit for preventing by their bravery the rapture of any of our men. Three of our men- were wounded two by grenades. All are recovering and the wounds in two cas-'s were slight. V Major Xuf berry was killed in flight during which ho hud been in combat. H was ecn to fall from his machine, which fell a short distance from him. He wa possibly wounded or dead before he felt. ' Karlicr reports stated that he was, at , (Continued on page four) PRESIDENT WILSON CONCERNEDTOR RUSSIA Will Set Up Defeite Cash paign to Thwart Ger- ; many's Plans There Washington, May 20, President Wit-' son is set up on a definite campaign to thwart Germany's Intention to subju gate Hussin and eventually use her 1 peoples against the allies. While there is scant belief among' American and allied military men thai Kussia could organize any , effective fighting force in less than two years, in-1 creasing confidence is here that slit can and must be saved from Herman domination. ' The president's addwss in New York emphasized that any hope that Germany.' might have of getting peace in the west at the expense of Kussia or other Hlavie . peoples in the cast, is futile. When the president first took this stand after the bolsheviki drew Rossi '. out of th( war, his position was not en thusiastically concurred in by the other , allied. Today, however, the president's Hi- tude. is regarded by them all as right And as America ' military position in France strengthens it will not be very . long before there are more American troops than British iu the west so will ,, her diplomacy command added atten- tinm i This Is held to signify that the Rus-,. sian democracy Is to be safeguarded . unless it joins in the war on the aide of Germany. - - ; Some foreign diplomats here, however believe that only a miracle can save -Russia from the clutches of Prussia rul unless allied intervention is made , soon. While chaos reigns in Russia the 1 Germans are gradually restoring law , ana oroer ana may uuinwiriy favor of the Russian people, these dip- lomats fear. After quieting and winning the Rns- g;aa people, Germany eould eomr them !. ork in Germga munitions factorie tfc t mnv thousands ef Clemen worker, mvf ij, tele34 for military service,