Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 18, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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    me uajuUI UArilAXi JUUKMAU SAUk.51, UKfl. SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1918.
A Complete Change of Program with new
. .
Berkeley, Cal, May 18. Dis-
missal from the University of
California faculty of Dr. Hr-
mana Julius Weber waa an-
nounced today by the board of
regents, 4c
Dr. Weber was (barged with
"an unsatisfactory attitude in
general toward the present war.
Among the specific charges was
that Weber had drunk a toast'
. to the kaiser in his home. '
(Continued from page one)
uror, Eyan 38, West 27, Adams 6, Cu
iek 7, Hoff 19, Hummer 1; justice ot
' supreme court, Kelly 55, Coke 10, Johns
23; senator. Lachjnundi 49, LaFollett
-33, Brown 30, Jones 55; representative,
Martin 68, Riggs 47, Weeks 59, Din
woodio 38, Hughes 6a, Jones 69, Loo
ney 55; county judge, Bushey 49, Ad
ims 41; county commissioner, Robert
son 23, Feller 29, Goulet 34; justice,
Davey 34, Unruh 56; constable, Rob
ertson 13, Southwiek 21, Acheson 13,
DoLong 42.
East Salem U. S. senator, Stanfield
14, MeNary 28; governor, Olcott 33,
Simpson 7, Withycombe 7; treasurer,
Ryan 19, West 24, Hoff 8; justice of
supremo court, Johns 5, Kelly 35, Coke
9; senator, Lachimmd 14, LaFollett
29, Brown 24, Jones 31; representative,
Looney 27, Martin 37, Riggs 36, Weeks
40, Dinwoodie 24, Hughes 38, Jones'
36; county judge, Bushoy 33, 'Adams
19; county commissioner, Goulet 15,
Robertson 20, Fellor 12; justice Dav
ey 35, Unruh 15; constable, Southwiek
5, Acheson 10, DeLong 21, Robertson 8
Bubteville U. S. senator, MoNjary
43, Stanfiold 9; governor, Anderson 1,
Harley 5, Moser 6, Olcott 25, Simpson
1, Withycombe 13; treasurer, Adams 7,
Hummer 3, Ryan 17, West 19; justice
of supremo court, Coke 11, Johns 5,
Kelly 27; senator, Brown 23, Jones
21, Laehraund 23, LaFollett 11; repre
sentative, Dinwoodio 27, Hughes 31,
Jones 34, Looney 27, Vartin 31, Riggs
21, Weeks 23; county judge, Adams
27, Bushey 21; county commissioner,
Feller 36, Goulet 8, Robertson 2.
St. Paul U. 8. Senator, Stanfield
7, MeNary 80; governor, Simpson 16,
Withycombe 8, Harley 36, Moser 4, Ol
cott 24; treasurer, Ryan 6, West 21,
Adams 4, Cusick 30, Hoff 10, Plummer
J; justice of supreme court, Kelly 61,
Coke 7. Johns 8; senator, LaFollett 55,
Brown 17," Jones 14, Lachmund 68;
representative, Riggs 38, WeTjtts 50,
Dinwoodie 51, Hughes 41, Jones 38,
Looney 54, Martin 32; county judgo,
Bushey 73, Adams 10; couroty commis
sioner, Rofoertson 6, Feller 13, Goulet
West Gorvais U. S. senator, Stan
field 9, MjcNary 27; governor, Simp
son 3, Withycombe 9, Harley 6, Moser
1, Olcott 18; treasurer, Ryan 5, West
8, Adams 2, Cusick 20; justice of su
premo court, Kelly 25, Coke 9, Johns
1; senator, LachmuDnd 21, LaFollett
25, Brown 15, Jones 11; representative
Martin 15, Riggs 17, Weeks 26, Din
woodio 25, Hughes 23, Jones 15, Looney
28; county judge, Bushey 32, Adams
6; county commissioner, Robertson 1,
Feller 16, Goulet 17.
East Gorvaiis U. S. senator, Stan
field 16, MeNary 97; governor, Olcott
70, Simpson 5 Withyeoudbe 31, Ander
son 2, Harley 6, Moser 1; treasurer.
Plummer 3, Ryan 24, West 36, Adams
6, Cusick 40, Hoff 5; justice of supreme
court, Johns 11, Kelly 56, Coke 14; sen
ator, Lachmuu, 159. LiFollott ;6;,i
Brown 60, Jones 32; representative,
Looney 81, Martin 54, Riggs 54; Weeks
85, Dinwoodie 79, Hughes 50, Jones 60;
county judge, Bushey 75, Adams 35;
county commissioner, croulet 27, Rob
ertson 14, Feller 61.
Fairfield U. S. Senator, Stanfield
4, MeNary 35; governor, Olcott 21,
Simpson 4, Withycombo 14; treasurer,
Ryan 4, West 27, Adams 2, Cusick 2,
Hoff 3; justice supreme court, Johns
7, Kelly 30, Coke 2; senator, Lachmund
19, LaFollett .17, Brown 14, Jones 22;
representative, Looney 24, Martin 25,
Riggs 23, Weeks 30, Dinwoodie 25,
Hughes 24, Jones 16; county judge,
Bushey 29, Adams 9; county commis
sioner, Goulot 13, Robertson 10, Feller
Victor Point U. S. senator, Stan
field 8, MeNary 46; governor, Simpson
2. Withycombe 10, Harley 1, Moser 5,
Olcott 37; treasurer, Ryan 10, West 31
Adams 2, Cusick 3, Hoff 6, Plummer
3; justice supreme court, Kelly 32,
Coke 11, Johns 8; senator, Lachmund
14, .LaFollett 29, Brown 21, Jones 30;
representative, Martin 41, Riggs 31,
Weeks 33, Dinwoodie 24, Hughes 25,
Jones '35, Looney 26; county , judge,
Bushey 41, Adams 11; county commis
sioner, Robertson 17, Feller 15, Gou
let 15.
1 Scollardi U. S. senator, MeNary 43,
Stanfield 14; governor, Anderswn 2,
Harley 6, Moser 1, Olcott 40, Withy
combo 9; treasurer, Adams 4, Cusick
16, Hoff 8, Ryan 4, West 14; justice
supreme court, Coke 10, Johns 7, Kel
ly 34; senator, Brown 24, Jones' 25,
Lachmund 20, LaFollett 27; represent
ative, Rinwoodie 40, Hughes 31, Jones
29, Looney 30, Martin 28, Biggs 32,
Weeks 23; county judge, Adams 21,
Bushey 32; county commissioner, Fel
ler 19, Goulet 29, Robertson 10.
Mchama U. S- senator, Stanfiold
44, MeNary 21; governor, Olcott 16,
Simpson 3, Wdthycom'be 18, Anderson
4, Harley 20, Moser 6; treasurer, Hum
mer 1, Ryan 24, West 27, Adams 1, Cu
sick 4, Hoff 2; justice supreme court,
Johns 5, Kelly 47, Coke 2; senator,
Lachmund 6, LaFollett 38, Brown 28,
Jones 42; representative, Martin 34,
Riggs 36, Weeks 34, Dinwoodie 23,'
Hughes 47, Jones 40, Looney 43.
Salem No. 15 U. S. senator, MeNary
143, Stianfield 24; governor, Anderson
3, Harley 1, Moser 10, Olcott 64, Simp-
son 25. VVithvcom'be 54; treasurer, Afl
'ams 4, Cusick 12, Hoff 19, Hammer t,
Ryan 77, West 45; justice supreme
court, Coke 17, John 14,' Kelly 117;
senator, Brown 53, Jones 83, Lachmund
100, LaFollett 61; representative. Din
woodie 74, Hughes 101, Jones 111, Loo
ney 95, Martin 106, Riggs 91, Weeks
93; county judge, Adams 56, Bushey
99; county commissioner, Feller 45,
Goulet 69, Robertson 27..
Salem No. 7 U. S. senator, MeNary
39, Stanfield 15; governor, Anderson
3, Harley 1, Moser 4, Olcott 37, Simp
son 7, Withweouibe 6; treasurer, Ad
ams 1, Cusick 2, Hoff 14, Ryan , 22,
West 15; justice supreme court, Coke 9,
Johns 31, Kelly 45; senator, Brown 27,
Jones 27, Lachmund 22, LaFollett 26;
representative, Dinwoodie 26, Hughes
32, Jones 38, Looney 29, Martin 36,
Riggs 26, Weeks 35; county, judge.
Adams 30, Bushey 21; county commis
sioner, Feller. 11, Goulet 21, Robertson
17; constable, Acheson 14, DeLong 10,
Robertson 7, Southwiek 16.
Stayton U. S. selator, MeNary 66,
Stanfield 2, governor, Anderson 3.
Harley 4, Mosor 5, Olcott 15, Simpson
1, Withycombe 42; treasurer, Adams 1,
Cusick 23, Hoff 3, Plunvmer 2, Ryan
19, West 20; justice supreme court,
Coke 3, Jones 11, Kelly 52; senator,
Brown 23, Jorres 23, Lachmund 31, La
Follett 36; representative, Dinwoodie
33, Hughes 45, Jones 40, Looney 32,
Martin 44, Riggs 32, Weeks 46; coun
ty judge, Adams 9, Bushey 59; eoun
ty commissioner. Feller 14, Goulet 20,
Robertson 27.
West Sbaytoni V. S. senator, Me
Nary 29, Stanfield 12; governor, An
deron 1, Harley 6, Moser 1, Olcott 24,
Simpson 2, Withycombe 8; treasurer,
Adams 4, Cusick 3, Hoff 3, Ryan 9,
West 22; justice of supreme court,
Coke 2, Johns 3, Kelly 33; senator,
Brown 20, Jones 20, Lachmund 11, La
Follett 22; representative, Dinwoodie
15, Hughes 29, Jones 32, Looney 20,
Martin 29, Riggs 25, Weeks 26; county
judge, Adams 20, Busliey 20; couuty
commissioner, Feller 14, Goulet 4, Rob
ertson 20.
Horeb U. S. senator, MeNary 18,
Stanfield 1; 'governor, Anderson 1, Ol
cott 15, Simpson 1, Wi'thyeomibe 2;
treasurer, Adams 1, Cusick 3, Hoff 6,
Ryan 6, West 3; justice supreme court
Coke 1, Johns 2, Kelly 12; senator,
Brown 10, Jones 9, Lachmund 4, La
Follett 7; representative, Dinwoodio 4,
Hughes 10, Jones 13, Looney 14, Mar
tin 13, Riggs 9, Weeks 7; county
judgo Adams 12, Bushey 5; county com
missioner Feller 5, Uoulet 5, RcbertBon
Turner V. S. senator, MeNary 146,
Stanfield 18; governor, Anderson 13.
Harley 4, Moser 2, Olcott 80, Simpson
28, Withycombo 40; treasurer, Adams
4, Cusick 22, Hoff 22, Plummer 6, Ry
an 53, Wes, 55; justice Bupromo court,
Coke 14. Johns 20, Kelly 118; senator,
Brown 42, Jones 62, Lachmund 78, La
Follett 108; representative, Dinwoodie
93, Hughes 121, Jones 113, Looney 62,
Martin 104, Riggs 90, Weeks 119; coun
ty judge, Adams 94, Busmey 67; county
commissioner, Feller 23, Goulet 25, Rob
ertson 106.
Jefferson Senator, Stanfield 36,
MeNary 115; governor, Olcott 03, Simp
son 32, Withycombe 50, Anderson ,
Harley 1, Mjoser 2; treasurer, Pluimmer
6, Ryan 52, West 19, Adams 2, Cusick
04, Hoff 8; justice supreme court,
Johns 4, Kelly 130, Coke 15; senator,
Lachmund 55, LaFollett 96, Brown 61,
Jones 54; representative, Looney 90,
Martin 94, Riggs 79, Weeks 72, Din
woodie 89, Hughes 106, Jones 108; coun
ty judge, Bushoy 83, Adams 57; coun
ty commissioner, Ooaiet 26, Robortion
30", Feller ('(.
Champot-g V. S. Senator, MeNary
19, Stanheld 3; governor, Anderson u,
Harley 4, Moser 0, Olcotr 6, Simpson
1, Withycombe 1; treasurer, Adams 5,
Cusick 3, Hoff 1, Plummer 3 Ryan 3,
West 8; supreme judsje, Cuke 5, Johns
3, Kelly 13; senator, Brown 7, Jones
Upward Trend In Price, Down
ward Production Are Main
Reasons for Buying Now
It is good time to step in and buy
that automobile that you are consider
ing right bow. Prices are on the up
ward trend and production trends down
ward, with shipments problematical. The
war has first call on the country. The
antomobile industry itself has given
more than any other to help win th.?
The eut in production of motor ears
is the result of decreased facilities for
automobile output due to the war con
tracts issued by the government, says
Lee L. Gilbert, Llgiu "6" distributor
for Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Washington
and Tillamook counties.
It is significant that evn in 1917
production exceeded that of 1916 by
approximately 20 per cent, and it is still
more significant that right now used
cars of all classes and makes are selling
briskly at prices representing an ad
vance over what the same cars were
selling for a year ago. It is doubtful
if there ever was a time in the history
of the automobile business when there
was as lively a market for used cars as
at the present time, and when we con
sider this statement in the light of the
admitted fact that the supply of auto
mobiles has never equalled the demand,
it is apparent not only that neither the
buying power nor tho buying indication
of tli.'.' public has diminished, but that -it
has actually increased.
1 don't believe the productions will
get back to where it was until after the
war ends, tho market is now oversold,
the freight rates will advance 25 per
cent, and all manufacturers are . com
pelled to put into effect another ad
vance. Tho great middle-cless, includ
ing farmers aud skilled workmen who
mako up the bulk of tho buyers of
medium priced automobiU's are flush
with money. Its natural that they
should be spending part of it for con
venience which they have never before
been ablo to afford and that's exactly
what they are doing.,. Can you blams
them for not wanting to enjoy some of
this life.
I am extremenly optimistic over the
outlook for the automobile business
not only for the period of the war, but
for the immediate present, The prosper
ity of this industry for the present is
limited not by natural economic causes
which are fundamental, but by the de
sirability and necessity for our sacri'
firing selfish ends to the greater cause
in which we arc all "so vitally inter
ested. '
lT " TrTl iiii " J"i Jva
f e
iMf.f. i i a f : iz:--
' s,
To the Customers of the Salem Gas Plant
, - Gas Rate Talk No. 8
The following extract from a letter from the Secretary of the U. S. Tseas
ury to President Wilson, dated February 15, 1918, is of considerable interest
in connection with this matter, and should be read by every one -seriously
"It may be that here and there, because of the prominence . given to less
important interests immediately at hand, State and local authorities do not
always appreciato the close connection between the soundness and efficiency
of the local utilities and the national strength and vigor and do not resort
with sufficient promptness to the call for remedial measures. In such
cases, I am confident that all such State and local authorities will respond
promptly to the national needs when the matter is fairly and properly
brought before them.
"Our public service utilities are closely connected with and are an essential
part of our preparations for and successful prosecution of the war, and the
unfavorable tendencies which the accompanying papers reveal may most ef
fectively be chocked, wherever they may be found to exist, and the needed
relief obtained, only by prompt action on the part of the respective local
authorities. ,
"I earnestly hope that you may feel justified in expressing the conviction
that the vital part which the public utilities companies represent in the life
and war-making energy of the nation ought to receive fair and just recog
nition by State and local authorities."
M4M tl4M
11, Lachmund 11, LaFollett 11; rep
resentative, Dinwoodie 15, Hughes 12
Jones 20, Looney 16, Martin 17, Rigg.
13, Weeks 13; couuty judge, Adams 12,
Bushey 10; county commissioner, Fel
lir 20. Goulet 0. Robertson 1.
Shaw U. S. senator, t?tanfield 8.
MeNary 30; governor, Simpson 2
99. Anderson O. Harlev 4
Miser 2, Olcott 8; treasurer, Ryan 15,
Vst 12, Adams 4,. Cusick 4, Hoff i,
supreme judge, Kelly 24, Coko 3, Johns
s. .nnntnr. TjLFollotte 17. Brown 10,
Tnn is Tji Mi mil ii d 21; Tenrcseiitativc.
Kiggs H, weeKS aa, jjihwouuib x,
Vnnha. 9 .Tnnpo 25. Loonev 25. Mar
tin. 17; county judije, Bushey 20, Ad
ams 18; county commissioner, jnouen
son 12, Feller 13, (loulrt 11.
North Howell U. S. senator, Mc
i9. Stnnfield 12: covornor. An
3 Wnrlnv 5. Moser 1. Olcott 30.
Sin,nnn'4. Withvcombe 13: treasurer,
Adams 4, UlsncK 0, JlOir , riummer
2 Rvnn 12. West 19; suiiircme judge,
Coke 8. Johns 12, Kelly 28; senator,
' n 1 T - IIITI...
Brown 3d, Jones uacnmunu n. u
Follett 19; representative, Hughes 3,
Jones 37, Looney 31, luartin 33, Riggs
29, Weeks 21, Dinwoodie 26; county
judge, Adams 20, Bushey 34; county
commissioner, Feller 11, Goulet 9,
Robertson 23.
Liberty u. S. senator, MeNary 38,
Stanfield 3; governor, Harley 0, Mcscr
3, Olcott 23, Simpson 5, Withycombe
8, Anderson 1; treasurer Cusick 3, Hoff
6, Plummer 1, Ryan 14, West 17, Ad
ams 1; supreme judge, Coke 3, Johns
4'2. Kelly 31; senator, Brown 14, Jones
15, Lachmund 15, LaFollcttc 20; repre
sentative Hughes 24, Jones 30, Looney
32, Martin 25,. Riggs 24, Weeks 22, Din
woodie 15; county judge, Adams 18,
Bushey 20; county commissioner, Fel
ler 9, Goulet 11, Robertson 13; justice
of peace, Davey 20, Unruh 13; con
stable, Southwiek 9, Acheson 2, DeLong
20, Robertson 2.
QL'INAjBY U, S. sionntor, Btanficlcl
o 90- anveriior. Olcott 21,
Simpson 7, Withycombe 11, Anderson
2, Harley 4, Moser iu; ircasurm, xiu
a Hvbii, 7. West 24. Adams 4, Cu
sick 8, Hoff 6; .supreme judgo, Johns
11 Kelly 25, t;ouo iu; senator, ijim-ii-mund
22, LaFollett 29, Brown 12, Jones
31; representative, Looney 28, Martin
28. Riggs 32, Weeks 25, Dinwoodie 22,
Hughes 30, Jones i; ramj j'"i
Busher 22, Adams 29; county commis
sioner) Goulet 13, Robertson 9, Feller
2a; justice of peace, Davey 24, Unruh
27; constable, Southwiek 15, Acheson
6, DeLong 15, Robertson 5.
c.iuio IT H senator. MeNary 51,
Stanfield 3; governor, Moser 19, Olcott
25, Simpson 3, Withycombe 8; treas
urer, Adams 2, cusick ., nun
Phmvmer 1. Rvan 10. West 17; supreme
judge, Coke 3, Johns 19, Kelly 29; sen
ator, Brown 30. Jones 40, J.acuimm.i
28, LaFollett 20; representative, Din-
m TTuuhfia 31. .tones 44. Loo-
ney 28, Martin 38, Riggs 32, Weeks
27; county jndgfl, Adams 22, Bushey
31; country icommissioneT, Feller 20j
Goulet 12, Robertson 18.
Macleav U. 8. senator, MeNary 61,
Stanfield 9; governor, Anderson 1,
Harley , Mosfr t, wiemi.
5, Withycombe 2fi; treasurer, Adams
2, Cusick 9, Hoff 8, Plummer 3, Ryan
21, West 30; supreme judge. Coke 9,
Johns 6, Kellv 49; senator, Brown 19,
Jones 45, Lacbimind 20, LaFollett 50;
representative, Dinwoodie 33, Hughes
.56, Jones 52, Looney 47, Martin 45,
Riggs 39, Weeks 35; county judge, Ad-
Try the Old Reliable Before
' You Buy -
The very best sanitary Refrigeators
in all sizes, both top and side icers,
very moderately priced from
. $15.00 to $35.00 '
Ice Boxes
Ice Boxes, 50 and 100 pound capaci
ties, priced from
$12.00 to $16.00 .
We have thousands of little helps for
the Housekeeper. Come in and look
Porch Shades
Coplmor Porch Shades in all size's
enjoy your porch during the warm
weather at a small cost
You all know the joys of a Hammock,
selling from
$2.50 to $7.00
Keep a Kool Kitchen
Install one of - our Oil Stoves and
keep a kool kitchen and cut the cost
of cooking.
ams 23, Busliey 40; county commission
er, Feller 19, Goulot 37, Robertson 7.
West Mt. Angel U, 8. senator, Me
Nary 60, Stanfield 14; governor, Har
ley 15, Moser 1, Olcott 42, Simpson 3,
Withycombe 12; treasurer, Adams 2,
Cusick 46, Hoff 7, Ryan 8, Wist 10;
supreme judge, Coke 5, Johns 8, Kelly
8; senator, Brown- 19, Joes 14, Lach
niuud 51, LaFollett 53; representative,
Dinwoodio 58, Hughes 63, Jones 19,
Looney 59, Martin 21, Riggs 59, Weeks
02; county judge, Adams 18, Bushey
53; county commissioner, Feller 21,
Goulet 32, Robertson 8-
Kast Mt. Angeb U. 8. senator, Me
Nary 155, Stantield 19; governor, Har
ley 53, Moser 2, Olcott 105, Simpson 4,
Withycombe 6; treasurer, Cusick 14C,
Hoff 13, I'hvmmcr 2, Ryan 2, West 12
Adams 4; supreme judge, Coke 8, Johns
, Kelly lo3; senator, joner. 34, Jaca
mund 141, LaFollett 128, Brown 17;
representative, Hughes 142, Jones 17,
Looney 157, Martin 11, Riggs 155,
Weeks 150, Dinwoodie 141; county
judge, Adams 27, Bushey 133; county
commissioner, Feller 37, Goulot 104,
Robertson 11.
Salem No. 12 U. S. senator, Me
Nary 145, Stanfield 40; governor, Ol
cott 72, Withycombe 58; treasurer, Ry
an 77, West "37; senator. Brown 61,
Jones 83, Lndnnund 103, LaFollett 71;
representative, Dinwoodie 69, Hughes
111, Jones 133, Looney 114, Martin
117, Riggs 91, Weeks 101; county judge
Adams 50, Bushey 124; justice of peace
Davey 71, Unruh H; constable. Ache
son 29, DeLong 80, Hobei-.son 7, South
wiek 52.
Lane County Results
Eugene, Or., May 18. Forty six pre
cincts complete, give following repub
lican vote for Lane county: governor,
Anderson 211. Hailey 87, Moser 153,
Olcott 287, -Simpson 503, Withycombe
UM. Treasurer. Adams 135, Cusick 432,
Hoff 626, l'lummcr 150, Ryan 351,
West 404; Senator for Lane, roster
1160, Jones 970. Seiraitor Lane and
Linn, Bedc 830, Bell 1157. Representa
tive, Bean 1099, Eaton 544, Fullerton
fill, Graham 933, Roberts 704, Wheeler
This dastardly divd is reported in the
co'uimis of the Grants Pass Courier:
' Holland had its second robbery Thurs-
',r,v night when some unknown party
ciiteied tlic smoKenouse oi jeii wimer
who resides near that place, and stole
2f'ii pounds of hams and bacon."
Tacoma, Wash., My 18. Dan
Cupid seems to be deaf and
dumb as woll as blind when it
comes to Mrs. Annio Suterlick
Mrs. Howard, who Is a deaf
mute, married Thomas Howard,
who became her third husband.
Howard didn't explain how the
courtship proceeded. Ho cannot
talk the sign language.
"But she will make a good
wife," ho said. "I will do the
talking for both of us."
aulckly help to strengthen
the digestion, stimulate the
liver, regulate the bowels
and improve the health
by working with nature.
L'" Sale of An, Medlcln. in th. World.
, Sold .rwh.r. la Boiu, Ids., 25c
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest CaBh Prices Paid for
Used Furniture
Phone 941 or 508
Phone 77
Try Our Checking System on Baggage
Claim Checks for Every Parcel
By Fred 8. Ferguson,
United Press Staff Correspondent
With the Americans in Piear-
dy, May 18. The Germans at-
tempted a raid on American
positions near Montdidier last
nig'it. They were repulsed with
, Two boche sausage balloons
wero shot down in the clear
moonlight. Airplanes on both
sid.;s were busy all night.
Calls answered all hours day
and night.
Res. Phone 111; Office Phone 183
252 N. High St.
For Feeding Hogs
Marion Creamery
Call or Telephone 2488
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Full Market Prices Special
. Prices paid for Sacks.
Get "our prices before you sell.
271 N. Com'l St. Phone 734
3fc )fc ijc iff jc Jfi s)c 5( )t sfc s(c 3c
care of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicine end Tea Cw. X
Has medicine which will cure
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m
until 8 p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon, Phone 283 I
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa Street
Phone 398