nr. laLL CAFITAL JOURNAL; SALEM, ORE. SATURDAY. MAY 18, 1918. tHIHHHM MM DISTINCTIVE oicganee and sim plicity M detail were happily coaifciofd in 4ae patriotic iuauhi eon given, by Mr A. N. Bsh at her residence, on North Capitol street Wed nesday, 1 farewell compliment to Mrs. Aon ltogera Fish, who is leaving Sa les the latter part of the month for Hoiks, Idaho. The trio of red, white and blue was effectively maintained in a handsome ceutorpieee of rich, red tulips, white snapdragons and the deep blue corn flowers. As (artistic arrangement of ryatallizedi grapes in the delicate pas tel shades, placed ai either end of the tafcle and aunptomeated by other dain- cf novelty to the complete harmony of table decoration. . The patriotic, motif was most suc cessfully developed in the varied menu, which conformed througuout to the pre avibed etJicta laid down by Hoover, i'hie, little aatia pet ailed boutonierres, unfolding in a gay liloem of red, white and! blue afforded exquisite iuvors for tho gueats. The occasrion was an especially pleas urable one, assembling n tt did, a most congenial irroiip of the honor guest's friends, who enjoying a common bond of versatile interests, shared a welcome "opportunity of renewing such acquaint anceship. Covers were arranged for Mrs. Fish, Mrs. (Jarl Gregg Donev, Mrs. William K. Kirk, Mm- F. A. Elliott, Mrs. R. H Wallace, 0. A. Park Mrs. H. J. Talbott, Mrs. Alice Dodd, Mrs. George H. Aluen and Mis Edith Hazard. Halem, society as falling into line with the trend of social life in other metropolitan eoruutunitiet and taking u early cue from the first May hints f approaching mirotiier, is retreating to the lllaiiee Country club golf links a the ideal field for vacation activi ties in the sphere of Borialdom. Though numerous impromptu parties have been formed throughout the spring Bundavs aunong golf devotees, the marked exo dus 'to the links will formully begin Sunday, My 26, when tho club will Jiohl open house ull dJi y- Aa a fore runner of this "open bouse" hospitality to be extended the friends of the club by the members, an informal dance will be held Thursday night a the club housewhen a steeinl program land a regalia of spring deco- save True Economy The question of Clothes should not be HOW CHEAP but HOW GOOD? With the condition the woolen markets, even staple patterns of suit ings almost entirely off the market, and the Gov ernment taking over the wool supply woolen goods will be almost impossible to get. My large stock of all-wool materials is at your disposal. Order now for future needs. 1 D. II. MOSIIER Tailor to Men and Women. 474 Court Street Salem, Oregon Edison's Favorite Invention 432 State Street r&doa will Inaugurate a series of 'these delightful parties to be given at fre quent intervals throughout the sum mer. The entertainment committee direct ing the arrangements for try? dance est week includes Mrs. A. 0. Locke, Mrs. J. J. Roberts, Mrs. E. L. Baker, Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mrs. T. A. Lives- B. Webb. Mrs. Frank M. Jordan of Seattle will arrive in Salem tomorrow morning . ... .... ior a ween stay as tne guest or Airs- Henry W. Meyers at her residence oa j v.rtJ a,,a; rr. i...Q a frequent halem visitor, and her ar rival in the. city is always heralded with much delight by her Salem friends who invariably entertain at numerous informal affairs in her honor. Accompanying Ms. Cbauncey Bish op and littlo son, Charles Kay, who left yesterday for Palo Alto, Califor nia, was Mrs. Percy Young of Albany, a frequent Salem visitor. Mrs. Young will be the guest of her daughter, Miss Isabel Young, who is attending Stan ford University and will remain south until the elate of college, when Miss Young arnl her mother will return north together. Mrs. Bishop will visit in I'alo Alto for several weeks. Mrs. lialph Glover was a charming hostess tor the Monday Bridge club this ween, " at her home, 1094 Court street, the gathering assuming pleas urable, significance for the members, being in the na.ure of a farewell com- plimeut to Mrs. George Watson, a pop ular elm member, who Ittt Salem to make her homo iu New York city, the j past week. A lovely arrangement of narcissus and whilo lilacs greeted the gucKts in the drawing rooms. Additionally bidden tor the after- uooa were: Mrs. William Amnieurist, Jr., Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mrs. John Brophey and Mrs. Henry C'ornoyer. Tho club will be entertained next week by Mm. Frederick Lamport. A pretty event of this1 afternoon was the gala children's party, it which Mrs. Kalpa White entertained the pu pils of her juvenile dancing class, who recently participated iu the brilliant May Dance recital, staged by Mrs. White at the opera house. The merry assctuiibluge of sixty little people gathered at Cotillion hall for an hour or two of dancing, later going to the Rose room of the Spa, where dainty refreshments were served the throng i f small hello and beaux. Assisting Mrs. White were: Miss Lu eilo DcM'itt, Miss Frances Ward, Miss Mar vie Hunter and Miss Margaret White. ItHW Edison's Diamond Disc Phonograph THE ONLY MACHINE THAT CORRECTLY RE PRODUCES THE HUMAN VOICE. SOLD BY Geo, C. Will THE MUSIC AND SEWING MACHINE DEALER. By CAROL 6. DIBBLE With the social calendar bearing full weight of patriotic entertainments these days, it would seem that only liraculr inspiration on the part of the committee in charge could pro duce any marked diversity or innova tion of program, but tho general an ticipation (entering upon the function ti be given by 'he Chemeketa chapter t!e Daughters of the American ('-' lu'.im the last of the month.points ;owads a:t event of considerable in re -r:t aud regalement. Mrs. E. S. Til- ''itst has offered the spacious ae- 1 !.,.:.... , i. it.... v. ,. i . ' eonuiiodations of the Mute school for the occasion, which will comprise the regular meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution in the after noon, followed by a picnic supper, at which the husbands of the "Daughters'-' and the Sons of the American Revolution and their wives will be the guests cf honor. The evening hours are to be devoted to a jitney dance and musical program, which will be open to the public. 'HuntTa orchestra will play for the dance numbers. A moving picture show is also to be included as one of the novel attractions. The object of the af fair is primarily a patriotic one, in view of which, Judge Walter McCain ant will give aa address on a subject of a patriotic nature. The committee supervising the ar rangements numbers Mrs. J. G. licit- ncl, Mrs. Seymour Jones, Miss Elith Benedict, Mrs. George M. Post, Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. Homer Goulet. Mrs. Frank Spears, Mis. Russell Catlin, Miss. Nell Thielsen, Mrs. U. G. Ship ley. Mrs. W. 8. Mott was the inspiration of la lovely surprise partv Thursday, nucu uis mciuurn w mo i nsiiua tiuu gathered at her residence, tWO North Commercial street, for an afternoon of kfuitting and Red Cross needlework Mrs. Mott who has been ill for a num ber of weeks was the recipient of sev eral baskets of flowers and goodies. Those joining in tho festivities were Mrs. D. J. Fry, Mrs. C. B. Webb, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. F. W. Steusloff, Mrs. Ida Babcock, Mrs. A. T. Brown, Mrs. John Oaig, Mrs. H. (.'. Fplev, Mrs. W. 0. Allen, Mrs. S. S. Fast. The benefit prognam given Tuesday evening for the Katern Sinr Red Cro3g auxiliary by Mrs. Blanche Howard, as sisted by Miws Ruth Bcitrerd and Miss Vcnita-MeKinney, was a very artistic and satisfactory affair. The" decora tions of the stage were lovely and breathed the charm of spring. , Mrs. Howard's selections were varied and rendered with a taste and dignity that delighted her hearers. Miss Bedford's piano solos and her dainty musical set tings to the Riley poems were given with a grace and integrity that would 'add credit to a seasoned professional, Miss Miciunncy'g piano nimubers were interpreted: with much fire and spirit Tho program was as follows: "My Eyes Have Seen His Coining" Col. Cradlebaugh "Three Little Men of the Sea" i . E. Baker Mrs. Howard Piano Romance, op. 45, No. 1 Alfred Grunfeld Miss McKinney Reading on baseball (a) The Game J. W. Foley (b) Dorian 'g Home Walk Arthur Guitertnan (c.) Baseball in de Park Arthur Guiternian Mrs. Howard Readings with musical background (a) That Old Sweetheart of Mine Riley (b) Out to Old Aunt Mary 's....Riley (c) Life's Lessons Kiley Mrs. Howard Miss Bedford at piano Fiano group (a) Elegy Nolle Salem, , - .v f t- ni . s as u (b) U Busignubo Kevin Miss Bedford Dialect readings fa) SeotcA, A' Aboot It Anon (b) Negro, Lit' Brown Baby..Dunbar (c) lush, Finnegan to Flannigan . Gillilan (d) Italian. Great fiama Basa- ball T. A. Daley Airs. Howard Monologue, How Ruby Played ....Bagby Mrs. Howard Piano, The Pompadour Fan.... Cadman Miss Bedford Duologue, Told Over an Ice Anon Mrs. Howard If - Rudyard Kipling Mrs. Howard Dr. and Mrs. George H. Alden were luncheon hosts Wednesday for a party of Portland friends, who were enroute to Eugene for a short risit. The guests included Dr. and Mrs. Joshua Stan field, Mrs. -F. D. Hazeltine and Mrs B. Shipley. Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mott returned to Fort Columbia, Washington, this morning, after week 's stay in Salem as the guests of Dr. Mott 'a parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Mott. Dr. Mott is a member of the medical corps, sta tioned at Fort Columbia. Dr. and Mrs. Will Mott of Stevenson, Washington, were also guests at tho Mott home earlier in the week The incoming officers of the student body association of Willamette Uni- veTsity were the guesta of honor at an enjoyable gathering of college stu dents, sponsored by Mrs. Carl Oregg Doney Monday night, at her resident on State street. Professor and Mrs. 0. m,. Kl.l.l . .k.,..u . I... ,.; r.m t-, f!..: r T. .i.- , .: Uoney at. the serving hour. The new officers thus complimented were: Har old Aichols, president; Miss Leila Johnson, vice president; Miss Helen Rose, secretary; Robert Story, treasur er; Homer Tasker, editor of the Colle gium 0 Mrs. Walter Denton presented heT piano pupils in a series of exception ally enjoyable and artistic recitals last week at her residence on North Twelf.h street. Mildred. Brunk and Charlotte Horning appeared . Friday afternoon. Friday night's program was given by Donald Allison and El bert Lachele, assisted by Ethelwyne Kelly. Jcnnolle , Vandervort and Flor ence Elgin gave a program on Monday night, Ethelwyne, Kelly also assisting them. , Mildred Brunkand Charlotte Horn ing proved themselves interesting and musicianly in a program of MacDow ell, Sibelius, Kevin, Cadman and oth ers, the young ladies, won tne apprecia tion of their guesta and received much encouragement and commendation. A lively) diversity was lent the propram by the entertaining readings of Miss Ktnoiwyne. a.euy, a taientea mrue cn lem reader. Following is the programw Piano duett Engelmann Donald Allison, Elbert Lachele A number of the mot I noted Beauties of; Snttetv have obtained their pur toft pearlyV'JA white appearance thru iJ the constant use of rll Gouraud's A Oriental Cream Stmt 10c. hr Trial Sin FERD. T. HOPKINS & SOU New York Oregon Do ' v . J V f ' : " :K:- - -- M3?8. AMXA ROGERS FISH Whoai departure to Boise, Idaho, this month was made the occasion of vote of appreciation and regret by the members of the Salem Woman's club at their last meeting, in behalf of her club activities. The Troubadour Reinecke Donald Allison Valse Krogmann Sparklets Miles Elbert Lachele Whispering Pines - Petrie Summer Breezes Bischot'f Donald Allison Blue Bells of Scotland Richards Listen to the Mocking Bird....Hoffman The Murmuring River Webb Elbert Lachele . ' Vabe Brillan.e Leybach Donald Allison Piano diiet - DonalU Allison and Elbert Lachele gave a most pleasurable evening to their many friends. These young boys are most premising, and deserve great credit for their splendid efforts. Each number was given a fine (interpreta tion. Donald Allison gave an ear test by request: this young tov possessing the gift of! what is terim .1 by musi cians, absolute pitch. Jclnnello Vat lervort. Florence Elgin were delightful entertainers in an excellent program. These young ladies also deserve credit for their goctf work, rendering each number with splendid! and finished interpreta tion, Jennelle) Vandervort was most pleasing in a vocal selection a "May Mwmjiig." vpiging ifor an encore "Sunshine" by Carrie Jacobs Bona. She in stud vine voice with Mrs. J. 8. Pinncll. Here is the program Mjurehe des Tambours Sidney Smith Florence Elgin Rose of Virginia ... Bischoff Twilight : Friml jenneue vandervort Seng of the Nightingale Filipovsky Florence Elgin The lark's Morning Bong. Koelling The Swallow's Message Seybolu Je-nnelle Vandervort Venetian. Love 6ong Kevin Caprice - Huerter Arabian Night Mildenberg Florence Elgin Recitation Selected Ethelwyne Kelly Russian Romance Smith Jennelle Vandervort Tarantelie, op. 77 Vollet Florence Elgin A May Morning Dcnza Jennelle Vandervort Little Julia Johnson was merrily as sisted in the celebration of her ithird birthday yesterday, when her mother, Mts. Paul Johnson, invited in a num ber of small folk for an afternoon of birthday frolic, at the Johnson home on (South Uixh street. Masses or snow :ball bloom graced the living room, .wMe tunning littlo May baskets i adorned the small refreshment tables !in the dining room. The juvenile guests numbered: Mil dred Shields, Virginia Marvin, Evelyn 'Shields, Adeline Shields, Helen Claire iSchmidt, Roberta Mills, Jla Mills and Ralfe NeiU. The following officers were elected at the meeting of the Aid society of the Englewood United Brethren church j hold Wednesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Ehner Thoroon at Salem 'Heights: Mr Frank H., president; AM. Carrie M. Chase, vice president; Mrs. Cetoia C. Pkscoe, secctary; Mrs. Effie Puestman, treasurer. Tho short busi ness session wherein it developed that the kdiee had inixd the amount for the plevlge of' $10 to oe 1 aid in before ccBfereflie meets, was tciiowea uy a social hour. Mrs, Thompson's baby daughter. Fay Louise, was the recipient of a lovely gift shower, from the friends present. A. pleasing program was given, in cluding a reading by Mrs. I'ascoe; a vocal selection, "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia," by Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Fiwstman, Mr K. Rcwe, and Miss Df Neff, Mrs. Guy Fitth actompanist; recitation, " Breaking it Gently," by Mrs. Elbert Thompson; piano number, Mrs. K. Rowe; duet, "11 Trovatere" by Mrs. Phelps and Mrs. Rowe: oiusie al numbers, " Japanese Wedding March," by Mrs. Fueetman; dialogue, "A Doleful Visit to 4 Sick Friend," by Mrs. Chase, and Mrs. Neff. i A. refreshment hour was enjoyed by the guesta, who numbered: Mrs. C. M. Chase, Mrs. M. Rowe. Mrs. E, Nafti ! grr, Mrs. & P. Hale, Mrs, E. A. Rich mond, Mra. E. Fuestman, Mrs. F. H. Keff, Mrs. G- F- I'fcelps, Mrs. E. Hox He, Mra. S. Custer, Mra, Eagdahl. Miss A. Half, Misa D. Neff, Mrs. M. Kowe. Utt. K. Rowe, Mrs. AicxkIv, Mrs. Kath- i Information bureau ot the Woolen Mill Store We are in the greatest of all Wars. Either we are ; going to lick Germany so thorpughly that she can never disturb the peace of the world. Or she is going to lick us to where we have nothing to say; : and the sooner we all .realize this simple fact, and ; each and every one of us mak-2 it a personal matter, ; and do our share and a little more, the sooner we ; will know the final result . - Are you reading this .space every day? SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE rvn Rowe, Master Glenn Moody, Mrs. Pascoe. Mrs. EUiert Thompson, hos'.ess. On Friday evening a surprise party wag given by the music, pupils of Prof. Harr at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. V. 1. Grant, in honor of their granddaugh ter, Hazel Pierce. The early part of the evening was devoted to musical numbers by the class assisted by Miss Mary Schecttle, a pupil of William Wallace Graham of Portland, who gave a Tioilu solo upon special request. The program consisted of the fol lowing: Scales, finger practice) and technic By -the class Sonatina, Op. o3, No. 5....FV. Kuklau Hazel Pierce Procession of Lanterns E minor..:... Brouuolf Dorothy Zimmerman Exercise .". F. Beyer Donald Young Sonatina, Op. 53, Xo. 1 Fr. Kiihluu Ciladys Anderson Allegretto Xo. 17 .... F. Beyer Robley Linville Moonlight on the Hud-wii Wilson Hazel Pierce Battlo of Gettysburg Tan!! Winifred (,'ontrcras The Robin's Call Frcidman Dorothy Zimmerman Summe Scenes Spencer Donald Young In the Sweet Bye and Bye Webster Hazel Pierce ' Golden Stars Strcubog Clara Hastings My First March Harr Robley Liunville Heather Bells Langc Gladys Anderson Poet and Peasant Sunpe Hazel Pierce Following the program a dftinty lunch was served by Mrs. Grant assist ed by Miss Willetta Welch. Miss Lela Belle McCaddam, who' will graduate this year from the de partment of musie at Willamette uni versity will be presented in senior re cital by Dr. Frank Wilbur ( hace at. the First Methodist church, Monday evening at 8:15 o'clock. Mis Mct'act dam will be assisted by Miss Lyra Miles. Miss Hazel Hill was the motif of a jolly surprise party last night, when a number of friends met at her home, 2173 Broadway for a gala evening ot games and musie. The gathering woa ' in the nature of a farewell attention j to Mis Hill, who, accompanied by her small sisters and brother, will leave for Portland tomorrow, to make their, home with their rith their father, Charles . V. Thompson was chaperone , nci'nwinn. Mrs. G, for the octasion. Those present were: the Misses Vera Kezar, Jennie Thcoipwn, Beatrice Bib son, Florence Pape, Thelma Owen, Ella Beecroft, Geraldino and Marraret Collins, Iis Thompson, Mildred West, Pearl and Opal Hill, and Messrs. Don ald Ringle, Byrd Tucker, Clair Tuck er, Wiilliam Frazier, Austin -Frailer, Perry Pickett, Leonard Porter, Harold Socoloftiky, Aubrey Tiawirk, Earl Bee croft and Dwight Hill. Mrs J. T. Kinney of 1394 North Church street left Thursday evening for Valparaiso, Indiara, having receiv ed word of the serious illness of her father. Mrs. Kinney will be joined at Portland by two sisters and a brother, and also by a sister at Snlt Lake. A rousing meeting of the Salem Rc- bckah lodge, number 1. will be held Monday evening at eight o'clock. A special program will be given and all ineqiilbera of the city are urged to at tend. State Institutions. Services at the institutions Sundav will be held as follows: 2:30 p. m. CUfl umwa Indian school, by G. F. Holt; 3 p. m. Girl's Training School, bv R. X. Avison; 3:15 p. m. Tuberculosis Hospi tal, by A. Wells. ARTILLERY FIRE (Continued from page one) of Toul were shot down probably by hostile anti-aircraft guns." AMERICANS DECORATED. By Fred 8. Ferguson (I'nited Press Staff Correspondent) With the Americans in Picardy, May 17 The bravery of tha Americans in Pi cardy already has been proven by more than thirty croix de guerres conferred to date. Major Rasmussen of Portland, Oregon D. H. MOSHER High Class ladies' Ttilorlng 474 Court Street THIRTY NINE NAMES (Continued from pags one) Nurse Lucy N. Fletcher, Coneord, X. H. ' Sergeant Dan M. Storieg, Menominee, Wis. l'ri utes Ralph A. uonnsou, Houston Texas. John Peete, Holly Grove, Xa. Died of wounds: Privates Charles W. Dubouchet, Paria Franco. Marvin W. Smith, Koshkonong, Mo. Giuseppe Vinci, Foirbaw.'n, Vt. Wounded severely: Privates Edward C. Carter, Chicago, Philip Frost, Bradford, Vt, Homer U. McAnally, Cincinnati, la, Harry L. Miller, Hopkins, Minn. Le mo nt li. Ruffing, Paterson, X. J, Wounded slightly: Privates Roy C. Boone, Alameda, Cnl, James Johnson, Reynolds Station, Ky Kodney C. McCallum, Stockton, Cul. ' James G. Pipes, North Venice, 111. Joe Schroeder, Chicago. Raymond Williams, Edinburg, Ind. Wounded: Private Boyd M. Gillispie, Indiauapoi lis. Missing iu action: Licutuuant Sherman Demore, Chictv go- Sergeant Joseph P. Nolan, Hartford, Conn. , Corporal Joseph Sabatinl, Brooklyn, N. Y. Privates Lester B. Clark, Xcw Haven, Conn. George E. Collvcr, New Haven, Conn, Drueato Demartino, Hartford, Conn. Herbert V. JoJiuson, New Haven, Conn. . . . John T. MeCartip, New. Haven, Conn Albert L. Mason, Friendship, N. Y, Roy R. Mason, Gainosville, Fla. John J. Milan, South Boston, Mas). i Austin M. Ready, Jersey City, X. J. Prisoners (not previously reported missing): First Lioutcnant Abraham J. Gordon Newark, X. J. Private Paul Holder, Hastings, Neb. With The Canadians. Ottawa, Out., May 18. The follow ing Americans are mentioned in to day's Canadian casualty list: Killed in action: 8. C. Hanson, Brain- era Wounded: R. B. Fitzgerald, Seattle Wash. J. F. McGee, Brandy, Neb. who was kil!(,n Mflv n. BWflr(le(1 . posthumnous decoration. The. eital wllk.h wae (orwarded to his fflnii, .... i itatiun says that despit,') a heavy "bombardment ho attempted to save important papers. Major R, B. JPaddoek of the signal corps and twenty two members of hi ! battalion, were decorated because of bravery during a bombardment and gna attack, May 3. Paddock, although wounded, remained in an exposed po' sition under, heavy fire, maintaining communication with other units through out the night. Tho members of Pad dock's command who remained with him and who also received the war crosi w,?re: Sergeant R. C. Phillips, Corporals F. J. Mondou, J. E. Daly, F. P. Ries, B. 1 1 Byrne, C. E. Chase, Privates J. 0. Rob ertson, W. Thompson, A. F. Miller, M. R. Mullen, L. E. T. Judkins, E. W. Harbor, B. H. Welty, B. Nudd, R. H. Reese, E. H. Lansborough, S. L. Carl son, B. Harrop, K. E. Gabert, 0. F, Drabeck, H. M. McKay, E. S. Werdfer ger, Others who received the croix do guerre, were: Color Sergeant T. J. Fink, Sergeant T. J. Phillips and Musician E. W. Estft brook, their citation reading that al though wounde by flying debris they assisted during a violent bombardment in rescuing comrades from tb.o fallen . timbers of a wrecked house. Corporal T. A. Carroll, although wounded, fought off an enemy patrol. Private L. Leythan, w-'th a compan ion, encountered three German patrol- lers. They killed one and wounded an other. Leythan 's companion was killed whereupon he bayonetted the third Ger man, lie attempted to bring his com panion's body back but was foreed to desist becaust of hostile fire. Oscar Griffith, an ambulance driver, remained with a number of wounded un der heavy fire until all wert killed. Devout observation by the editor of the Polk County Post: "As one stands n the banks of the beautiful Willaia (.lie river and medirntjs, he first think b. thnnkful that he lives near it."