Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 18, 1918, RED CROSS SECTION, Page FOUR, Image 14

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    J. OT.Tf
tV. Z": Ai . h'-J A great net of mercy drawn through
on ocean of unspeakable pain''
What does it mean to you to know that your
American Red Cross :
Is supporting 50,000 French children!
Send9 8upplie8 to 3,423 French military hospitals.
Provides 2,000 French hospitals with surgical dressings.
Is operating thirty canteens at the front line.
1$ operating six other canteens at French railway junctions, serving 30,000
French soldiers a day. .
, Operates a movable hospital in four units, accommodating 1,000 men.
Is operating a children's refuge in one part of the war zone ; and in another
a medical center, and traveling dispensary, both capable of accommodating more
than 2,000 children.
Has opened a long chain of warehouses stocked with hospital supplies, food,
soldiers' comforts, tobacco, blankets, etc., all the way from the seaboard to th'z,
Swiss frontier.
Has warehouse capacity for 100,000 tons.
Has 400 motor cars and operates 7 garages, making all repairs.
Had shipped 46 freight car loads of assorted supplies to Italy from France
within two weeks after it began operating in the former country. ' " 1
Had a battery of motor ambulances at the Piave front four days after the
United States declared war on Austria.
Started a thousand different activities in Italy at the time that nation was in
its most critical condition.
Has established 5 hospitals in England and operates a workshop for hospital
supplies employing 2,000 women.
And that 120,000 cases of supplies have been received at the Paris headquar
ters of the American Red Cross from your various chapters scattered throughout the
United States.
What does all this mean to you? And that is
but a fraction of the work your Red Cross has done
and is doing. It means that without this ceaseless,
heroic wTork of the American Red Cross we could
never win this war. , -
i ; -Without your Red Cross quick, vital help to keep
; Italy in the fight for Liberty would not have been
; possible.
Without , your Red Cross thousands of French
soldiers now gallantly fighting for you at the front
: wrould have died of wounds, exposure and lack of food.
T And great and wonderful as has been the work
of the American Red Cross in the past, still greater
: and more wonderful must it be in the future for
: now your boy is in the fight.
Your Red Cross cannot neglect France, England,
Italy, Serbia,- Roumania and little Belgium. It must
give them all constantly increasing help, for the men
of these countries have been fighting our battles.
But now we must all redouble our efforts and
sacrifices for our Red Cross because a million mothers'
sons are going to carry the stars and stripes to the
greatest victory God has ever given to men fighting
for honor and liberty.
With the help of your Red Cross your boy will
B 1)
Marion County $30,000.00
Polk County $10,000.00
I Foir Mercy9 SakePot it Over the To
Wai Fund.
Salem $15,000.00