THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, ORB. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 19!?. THREE The use of WRICLEVS by the fighting men has created much comment across the water. Even before American soldiers and sailors landed the British Canadian and French forces had adopted WRIGLEY'S as their war-time sweetmeat. And now that Uncle Sam's stalwart boys are hitting the line you'll find WRIGLEY'S a very noticeable ally of the Allies. Keep them supplied. A box is easy to send-100 sticks 100 refreshments. MILITARY AFFAIRS (Continued from paga one) CONSPIRACY CHARGE (Continued from paga one) than ha would T,h.'a congress to inter fere with bint and that u far as he is concerned ,the jiu:iary affairs eommit- tit ought to be given whatever author ity it needs to go into war department activities to long as the investigation' due uot reflect a lack, of confidence in the way ; the president and Secretary .baker are conducting the war. men of Biabee are included in, the list of those arrested, which folio s: Grant H. DoweH, general manager Copper Queen Consolidated .Mining eorupany. Basse tt J. Watkins,. former city mar shal and Loyaky League loader. Gerald F. Sherman, mine superin tendent Copper (Jueen company.- H. H. istout, superintendent Fherps- Miles Merrill, miner. Ruhort Rae, auditor Phelps-Dodge. At. J. Cunningham, cashier bank of Bisbee. J. P. Hodgson, consulting engineer i'helps-.Dodfro company. These explanations, however, only in-' DwIl'O Smelter. crcascu iuq ajjiiaiiuu, nuica uius lair 10 continue until the issue is fought out and settled on the senate floor. : The Chamberlain resolution, empow ering the military affairs committee to i investigate, is to be reported tu the sen ate today, amended so as to limit thoi James Allison, city marshal inquiry to aircraft, ordnance and the; Aivin w. nowe, aupuiy snercn. quartermaster and not to interfere with! Dr. N. C. Bledsoe, Caliunet and Ari- the conduct of the war. zona- fining company. Senator Martin, democratic leader, al-1 J- L. Gunner, deputy sheriff, so informed the senate in effect that; lh- c- a- Hant' county health offi- the Hughes appointment was counted I ce'; nn ltv ! ailn,iniiti-ati,, vu vj ,, wuwu . t VJ , V 11 L hill county senate inquiry, Thompson conferred with the presi dent early today. When he arrived in the senate he informed Senator Cham berlain that the resolution authorizing the military .afafirs committee to in vestigate would be reported by Sen ator McKelar. McKellar presented the report and asked 24 hours to write a minority report on behalf of Senator Jones, Now Mexico and himself. This was granted and the resolution went to the senate calendar. It can be brought up tomorrow. The president's attitude as expressed to Thompson today was a surprise. Late yesterday senators who purported to express the administration's view said the president would not oppose a senate aircraft probe, but that he did not want a general inquiry into the conduct of the war. which might embarrass rr re f loct on bun. The Flavor Lasts If it IMlGLEYiJ 'Jssnsw." -TR, ' imlf M ir III III rk-iT laMP ... President Is Positive Washington, May 16. President Wil son today renewed his emphatic protes1 against a senate aiuraft investigation. He told Senatol Thompson, Kansas, that in vtew of the appointment of Charles E. Hughes to assist in the department of justice inquiry, he considered a sen ate probe unnecessary and asked him to do alt he could to defeat it. Missing Woodkrn Man Is Sought In Stream Woodbiirh. Or., May 16. Search is being made for the body of Alexander Boyle in the Pudding river at the Seelcy Bridge, but not much progress has been made on acoucnt of the many snags. Boylo has been missing since Monday and had acted queerly. Tracks made by him were found leading to the river VAST GERMAN FORCES (Continued from page one) anee Thompson, chairman supervisors. George B. Willeox, minor. L. C. Shattuek, president Shattuck mine. M. J. Brophy, manager rhelps-Dodge store. Philip Tovrea, cattleman. - . Henry Snodgrass, former city mar shal. Dr. W. P. Sims, former state senator. Following their airest, the men ap- r . ... . ...... lu-mtiM mfln o nm orTiil " tnp hharv im.l0i 1.1 W1H" uu J - ' " ' - THIN, NERVOUS PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Weak, think people men and women t Weak, tired people regain strength are nearly always nervous wrecks; ana vigor; thinness aiHt Regularity thug conclusively proving that thin- 1Te io plnnipness "d curves; . , , sleep returns to the sleepless; confi nes, weaknosa, oobakty and .eurae- dM1 uJ vh,erfua repWe Witr theniav are almost invariably due to j and gloom; dull eyes become bright nerve starvation. Feed your nerves and pale, sunken cheeks regain the and all these symptom due to nerve !PLink low of health. Bitro-l'hosphate. . .. ... - ithe use of which is inexpensive, also starvation will dutppfer. 'wonderfully promote, thePSsimi'latioS Eminent - specialists state that the ; of food, so much so that many people best nerve food ie an organic phos- report marked gains of weight in a phate known among druggists as jfew weeks. Bitro-PhosptKite, a five-grain tablet of j CAUTION: Although Bitro-Phoe-whifch should be taken with each meal. ! phate is unsurpassed for relieving Being a genuine nerve builder and not ! nervousness, sleeplessness and general a stimulant or habit fofming drug, weakness, it should not, owing to i9N Bitro-Pho&phate can be safely taken remarkablo flesh-growing properties, by the weakest and most delicate snf- be. used by anyoue who does not desire ferer, and the resndts following its use j to put on flesh. It is sold in this city aro ofton simply astonishing. ibv all enod druggists. ent lull. The German stuff has been forced to work out its plans to the minutes details, rehearse the storm trof until they are letter rfeet and and arianged for bail ponding their arraignment at Tun son . Jlav Robert Rae and H. W. Small of Doug las, Ariz., are the only out cf Bisbeo men arrested. Thoy were in Bisbee July 12, tho day Sheriff Wheeler and citizens mado the wholesale deporta tions. line from where they oan bo rushed op during the night tor a surprise at tack in the morning. lestpite the fact it is established iat the German have lost half a mil lion men since March El, it is known positively they still have another half million in reserve depots, witn wnicn nounced today. "At Monte Asolono and Monte Per tiea the fighting was hand to hand." No mining companies are mentioned (Jl mJh m their fresh losses, thus being indicted as private cHizens. Italians Report Success Runve, May IB. "Italian detach ments entered two Austrian positions iu the region of Monte Asolone, killing a part of the garrison," the Italian war office reported today. "The others fled, leaving a few pris- and it is though he has committed sui cide, the actions of his faithful dog. that never before left his side, indicat ing this. Boyle's nephew arrived from Kuluma this' morning, and further ef forts will be made to account for tho man's disappearance. He was a bach elor, wealthy and seemed to fear that his money would be taken from him by the government. rendorimr possible a duplication of their offensive effort. With the present unity of command, coupled with their, defensive prepara tiuns the allies are awaiting the shock with supieme confidence. Eeport From Vienna Vienna, via London, May 16. "Sev eral rcconnoitCTing thrusts were repuls ed between the Brenta and the Piave," the Austro-Hungarian ' war office an- the Brest treaty still in effect and upon what grounds sse continues to senH troops against the soviet republic. T Heavy : Winter Layers JS$T' rMsoT ChicLi from S. C. white WHorn tlrun we have & CkicLifrom bea worltins up for Li ycen. Write today U nnalal rarrl will do) (of OUT Uiecial low DlicS (of the Mil tKne morjlht. There chicb wiB male heavy winter Uyen. S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS BABY CHICKS Wiite todar and (Ft chicle: (or winter layini and eicelleM proGb. WE PAY all EXPRESS CHARGES THE B1HN HATCHERY Un.rti.thrW.rld Cipacitr 225,000 Cnfcke PETALUMA, CAU every ENEMY AIRMEN (Continued from page one) ed the croix do guerre, with, palms, this afternoon. The ceremony took plate on a field near Toul with a" band p'aying and aeroplanes maneuvering overhead. The Americans who received the war cross woro: Captain Norman Hall of Colfax, Io wa, aind Lieutenant Charles W. Chap- Poiltion for holding lis brush ' Lett side of jaw Right side of law Arrows show direction forbraahinn One or a Serlea orVnbrmaft) A rtlcltt How to Brush Teeth MOST Tooth -brushing Is donevery thoughtlessly. It doe not remove food deposits from all the turfmen of the teolT. and tbe mouth. ' From three te mlrr.'U. jre required to accomplish any thing like a thorouith cleaning of the teeth. At least thi much Urae should beapentaftermeals and at night before retiring. ' " ' Most decay of the teeth taken Elace during the night or rest ig hours. Tbe tooth-brush mt not be too ' eoirse and stiff, and It should ant be) drawn airtight across the teeth. Theproper method la to brash fromthegumitowards the cutting edge of the teeth with a alight circular motion. A void the use of coarse or grit ty iooth-powd5r,and all tooth pastes containing soap, and all mouth washes purporting to care or preven t denta 1 trou ble. After each brcihlng.tb mouth should be rinsed out with luke warm water. The tooth-brush should be cleaned and kept dry when not in use. MljrMittti ffDmHal 8iaU 9f Orawea man of Wlatwlco, Iowa, both of whom aro missing; Captain David Peterson and Lieutenants James Meissner of Brooklyn and Eddie EiakemliaclieT of Columbus, Ohio, The Anierivan plane wiiieh fell is now believed to have been ehot down by a Gei'man piano hidden in the clouds. BATTLING IN AIS Pfri tai M f By Fred S. Ferguson With the Americans in Piwrdy, May 15. (Night) Americans holding the Montdidier eetetor viewed a dozen Ting ed circus this niormng as air fights oc curred repeatedly directly over their linos. The day was ideal for aerial obser vation, the sun beaming from a cloud less sky flacked with long lines Of Sausage balloons. The boeho airplanes took - the air first. . As they crossed the lines there was a hoacse Ibarking of anti-aircraft guns. Then the battle planes dashed to ward each other and a thrilling fight was- on, high up brtvycen the lines. From an observation post at the front, I counted I5 French, and Boche planes, flashing like silver as they wheeled in battle rormaxion. woon xney were mixing in, darting and diving like swallows. Their machino guns rat tled and thin trails of smoke from the guns streaked the sky. - Three pianos mounted to a position high above the others, ' tlhon divefl straight into the melee, .their machino gung spurting fire. Two planes apparently were hit and fell like leaves through space. Hut tricking the enemy, they suddenly righted and ckshod against three planes that had been pursuing them. In the mixup it was impossible to distinguish boche from French as all were looping and diving in a confusea whirl. i After 15 minutes of fighting two ma chines separated from the bunch and starteda drath duel on the side lines. One faltered, then a streak of smoke and. f mime marked Hs path toward the ground. A minute later the victor burst into flamros, its smoke mingled with that of the vanquished as it fell. . At one timo more than fifty ma chines were visible over th'e front and the air was filled with the sound of motors and machine guns While 16 battles were on far over head all other fighters, except anti aircraft gun crews, dropped their work j to watch and cheer the aviators. Boche and American machine guns alike were silent. Sniping on both sides ceased and not a single shot was fired by either artillery. Tho war for the mo ment, was transferred entirely to the sky. The Germans attempted a now meth od gassing last night, firing a shell that burst in the air lfke shrapnel. The ordinarv gia shell bursta upon contact. American artillery pounds all the roads and villages behind tho GoTman lines evary night. There has been great activity behind the boche positions during the past 48 houis. Effective American- fire undoubteiilly has caused heavy losses to the enemy. RUSSIANSPROTEST (Continued from page one) question of a peace treaty, has in no way. given any answer to all offers of open peace negotiations. "Instead of this the advance of German-Ukrainian fcrctg againtrt Ku sia continues." Thon folkwed the statement as to mobilization. They demand a clear and precise ans wer a to whether Germany considers r o;j-iiiitiiiti'iiJ.i.faW Lr the drink without a iauiu Be sure iu uiuer a. case for your home today. "Tie Test It b the Taste" Alpha is pure, refreshing the nation's best new beverage Drink it cold, you will say it is great Alpha is a beverage of quality served wherever soft drinks are sold. Alpha Beverage Department CkicelU. Ask Your Dealer T.W.JesiussftCe. UfJeC, DMnbotara - - Portland. Orssgon ' "in mi mi ii linn am mi ismlrT iftaii iniarl"i--"-,"-VlWf----j-''-'-"-'-J--' - - - , " WHEY For Feeding Hogs CAN EE HAD AT THE Marion Creamery Call or Telephone 2488 Used Furniture Wanted Highest Cash Prices Paid for Used Furniture E. L. STIFF ft SON Phone 941 or 508 ; OREGON TAXI & BAGGAGE COMPANY Phone 77 Try Our Checking System on Baggage Claim Checks for Every Parcel Handled, mwininiw iiiiimii,I wi'iii'iii mi i .mi mi im - ' " w e Certainly Ought to Know When th( re is any question of value in automobile tires we certainly ought to have the answer. For we have seen the inside of practically every tire made. We know how much value every manufacturer intends to put into the tires he sells. We loiow which tires give way first. We know their weaknesses, their points of strength, their capacity for service. We know tires as your family doctor knows you because it is our business, as vulcan- izers, to Jceep tires in as gfiTr-TrllMC VI KIAimno to BiofTTf good health as possible, o And the net result of all this information of ours is our determination to sell Good year Tires to our customers. We believe ij will be to your advantage to buy your tires from people who know tires, from the inside out. 126 South Commercial "CUWS AMD AMMUNITION Telephone 363 W.T.RWCO. UNDERTAKERS W. T. RIGDON L; T. EIGDON Calls answered all hours day and night. Res, Thone 111; Office Phone 183 252 N. High St. aSa WANTED, JUNK And All Kinds of 2nd Hand Goods. Full Market Prices Special Prices paid for Sacks. Get our prices beore yon sell. THE TEOPLE'S JUNK ft 2ND HAND STORE 271 N. Com'l St. Phone 734 tit L.M.HUM care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Ct. Has medicine which will cure any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 153 South High St. Salem, Oregon. Phone 283 I WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I WANT YOUR SACKS AND BAGS I buy all kinds of used goods, 2nd hand furni ture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you sell. THE CAPITAL JUNK CO. The Square Deal House 271 Chemefceta Street Phone 398