THE DAILY CAPITAL JOl'RNAl.. SMEM. OR FT rmTT?STUY. MAY 9. 1918. 4 CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. II DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGGOOD P I if H I Ann; rrrrnrvrr Ti nni' tit .i--. . . yutiv mteuckcc iu uto mil iilTt stKiIlt ON bflORT NOTICE it WntKt MiltK AND bfcLLtR MEET WE RECOMMEND OUR ADVERTISERS TOST GO EVERYTHING electrical Bilam Electric Co Masonic Temple, 127 North High . TRANSITS AND DEAYAGE Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front Streets Main"4 Telephone Wain 1200 AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIV ered any ,?lac. city or country. Phone 64 or 2081R. W. W. Fisher. AWNINGS DO YOU WANT new awnings for store or hor.ef Call or write O- Dill man. PSO Highland Ave. 5-18 LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andiesen, C. C. W. B. tiil Bon, K. B. & S. DENTIST DE. F. I UTTEK, DENTIST, ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerco bldg. Phie 600. 11-4 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN Oa Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Over Laild & Push bank, Salem, Oregon LAWN MOWERS THE FIXIT SHOP Let us repair and sharpen your lawn mowers. Court. Phone 1022. tf f i 1 1 1 OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Mo Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col leeo. Offices 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank Bid?. Phone 859. Residence, 1020 Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White Res. Phone 469. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246-meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, clerk. PERSONALS WILL YOU WRITE to lonely young widow worth $35000! WouJ marry. Address Mary, Box 5!v4, Los Angc. s. Cat. 6-7 FOR SALE We must make room for other lines. Big values for little money. We need the money; you need the goods. Here are a few of bur prices: 1917 7 PASS. Studobaker, like new dandy shape, $700. Terms if desired. 1915 Ford, 5 pass, a 'snap, $350. 5 passenger OverUniijjwfpSS? see wis. Terms if aiireari sHTT- department. 156 south ' Commercial St. Phoaie 361. Lee L.4fT Elgin 6 Distributor. THi. r t - SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillscm. secretary. All cuses of cruelty or neg lect of dumb auimnls should be re ported to the secretary for investigation. BOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grope Camp" No. 1360, meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St-, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Norma L. Tcrwilliger, M. A-j C. A. Vibbert, secrotary, Crown Drug Store, 338 State Btreet. SECOND HAND GOODS per cord on place, or $6 per cord V Crowley station. Address John lotm. Rickreal, Ore. f''i Jsjl asn aprr-; inn iiH.ivat fi t bottom, 35 beaverdam, 225 byfcr 4& timtbcT, good pasture, no whAgnd, living water, river front, lpr?fro tically all tillable, 1 wjryj from Waconda, Or. Price $85 per acre. 640 acros, millions of feet of fine snw timber, lays well, affords good grazing, living water, 3 miles of railroad station. $15 per acre. Own er, Kooin m state St. saiem, ur. 5-26 41 Silver Silk 35 cents per yard. Organdies 25 and 30 cents yard. White Crepe, pink Crepe de Chine, Lawns and Soisettes. Ginghams 18 cents per yard. Scales 12lo cents per yard. affeta suiting goes at 25 and 30 cents per yard. Pure Sflk Velvets $1.00 per yard. :.Serges, Cashmeres, Batiste, , Mohair, : Kimona ftsses. Silkalines in solid and flowered, shades. vaJAinitura. curtain scrims., lornr cfnth' art linpn. , T 0 7 7 r a " clothing and oil cloth, towels and toweling, ticking, dress flannels,- outing. flannels, and flannel ettes, ItU' "go at reduced prices. . We have a line of nice feather pillIowrs ranging in price from $1.25 to $3.00. - Men's Felt Hats from $1,00 to $2.50. ' Regular $3.50 finest quality Felt Hats go at $2.50, . Men's, Women's and Children's strawhats, all sizes, kinds and prices. "Ladies' Union Underwear '(Summer weight) . ,, 45c, 50c, 65c, 75c Ladies' Ribbed Vests . . .15c, 25c and 35c Men's Union Suits, sizes ,34, 36 ....... 'i, ... . ... 95c Men's 2-piece Underwear; per. garment,, 50c and 75c Men's Dress.Shirts, Starched Cuffs and Collars $1.50 Men's Dress Shirts, Solt Cuffs and Collars. .." $1.25 Men's Wool Dress;Shirts,; Soft collars and cuffs $1.25 Good Line Men's Work Shirts, bargains. ' ' Infants' Underwear, at a sacrifice. -Boys' andlGjjrJrG&ViirafliV'.V, .60c, 85c and $1.00" Boys' and-Girls' Overalls ...95c. Men's Overalls, heavy weight . ; . . ; ::; .$1.75 Men's Cottonade Pants ..v........ . . ,-...$1,75 Men's Auto Suits .................. $3.00 and $3.50 FOR RENT FOE RENT The storeroom at 141 N. Commercial Btreet, now occupied by Compton's 15c & 25c store, will be for. rent May 1st next. For particu lars inquire at room 22 Breyman , block. . . tf FOR RENT 10 hitcs in fine condi tion for crop; about two miles from city limiits, on a good road, level land. Will rent on shares, or for cash Square Deal Realty Company, U- S bank building, room 202. Phone 470. NOTICE OF' ASSESSMENT For the Cost of Improving Washing ton Street In the City of Salem, from Fir Street to Liberty Street To Mary D. Doane, S. S. Skiff and Cloyd D. Riueh and Uogina L. Ranch: You, and eah of ycu are hereby no tified that the city of Salom has, by ordinance No. 1524, levied an assess ment upon your respective properties hereinafter described, and in the amount hereinafter set forth for such property's proportionate share of the cost of improving Washington street from the eat line of Fir street to the west lino of- Liberty street in the city Of Salem. A description- of each lot or nart thereof or marcel of land, the BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watcles, tools, musical instruments bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, xnit. cases, truuks, cameras, typewriters and furniture Capital Exchange, 337 Court Btreet. Phone 493. 240 ACRES, 200 -cultivated, 40 timber pasture, running waj;er, fair improve ments, 3 miles from Pratum, best Waldo Hill soil, price $23,000. 60 acres, 58 cultivated, 18 pasture, 2 timber, all good soil, spring water, good improvements, 1900 prune trees, 50 Enfflish walnut trees, good team of horses, wagon, harness, 3 Jersey I cows. 100 cure bred hens, 1 ' mile I from Aumsville, a snap, price $8500. j Terms. Bocolofsky, 341 State St.: phone 970. o- iu IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned.- Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot, .Rational and American fence. Sizes 20 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. .. ; Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trado streets Bills payable monthly in advance. Salem, Marion county, Oregon, an ihorizing and directing this summon! to be served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six success- owner thereof, and the amount assess- jive weeks in the Daily Capital Joura OiJ and levied upon it is as follows, to- Wit: , A Lot 3, Mock 8, Fairmount Park ad dition. Marv D. Doane, cost $44.82. , Lot 12, block 8, Fairmount Park ad ditnon, lnry D. Doene, cost $530.88. Lot 9, block . FfUrmonnt Park addi tion, 8. S. Skiff, cost $9.07. Lot 7, blook 9, Fainmount Park ad dition, Cloyd D. Rauch and Regina L. Ranch, cost $530.89. Lot 8, block 9, Fairmount Park ad dition, Cloyd D. Rauch. and Regina L. 11auch, cost $13.62. Said assessments were entered in volume 3, Docket of City Liens, on the 25th day of January, 1918, as a charge aivd lien against the said properties, and are now due and payable to the riitir tfMsnrer. This notice is served upon, yon by publication thereof for ten days in the Dailv Capital Journal, ft newspa per published in the city of Salem, by order of the ootmmon council. Date of first publication hereof, is may 2, 1918. '., J EARL RACE, 5-14 Recorder of the City of Salem. No. 13993 VX THE CIRCUIT COURT Of thee Stat of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, Department No. 2 A. G. McMillan and Lizzio McMil lan, his wife, plaintiffs, vs Sarah A Ice and Theo. Lee, her husband, and 'Adda B. Van Valkcnburg, defendants Summons. To the above named defendants, 8arih A. Lee and Theo. Lee. In the name of the state of Oregon, 110 ACRES, 80 cultivated, 30 timber pasture, 40 acres in crop, gooa Duua ings, on rock road, two miles from town, some stock and Implements, price $1100, will take $3000 Salem residence, some cash and easy terms on balance. 100 acres, 90 cultivated 50 bottom, 5 timber, all fenoed, good road, new 6 room bungalow, barn, close to school, $11,000. 20 acres Yamhill county, exchange" for t room bungalow in Salem. Equity in 40 acre Idaho irrigated farm fo ranch near Salem or Dallas, not over $3000, price $0000. 20 acres close to Salem, 6 cleared, good improvements, rock road, $4000. 58 acres, 4a culti vated, 25 beaverdam, 12 pasture, 1 orchard, good barn, fair house, join ing town, running water, $6200 easy terms. Modern 5 room bungalow, furnace, paved street, $1500. Mod ern 5 room bungalow, furnace, fire place- bath, Dutch kitchen, dose in, $2000. $8500 worth of acreage- and residence property to exchange for ranch any where. Bocolofsky, 341 Tomatoes ; 15c Pineapple . 15c, 25c and 30c Pimientoes 20c; 2 for 35c Oysters 15c, 25c, 30c and 40c Pork and Beans ,.15c, 20c and 30c Onions and Potatoes ...100 pounds for $1.00 Carrots, Turnips and Parsnips, per pound., i.., ,2c Best Head Rice, 2 pounds 25c Rolled Oats, 3 pounds .. . . . .,. . ;25c Hominy, 2 large cans '. ....25c Kraut, quart 10c; or can 15c Corn v. 15c Peas 2 cans 25c WE WANT YOUR PRODUCE, EGGS, POULTRY, ETC. The FARMER 'S STORE of QUALITY 270 North Commercial Street A. W. SCHRUNK - THE MARKET Phone 7?1 I Turner Auxil?arv WillamAttA VflllAV Npwc tv .Re-elects Old Officers H UlUlllVllV T UI1VJ lW TT J I Grain Wheat, soft white $1.851.87 Wheat, red -' $1-85 Wheat, lower grades on sample al. a newspaper of general circulation, published daily at Salem, Marion county, Oregon,' the first publication of said summons being mnde on the 28th day of February, 1918, and the date of the Inst publication thereof will be made, and the same will ei- oire on the lltn day or April, iwio, and the defendants, and each of them, are required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the 15th day of April, 1918. One of the Attorneys for Tlaintiff. 4-11 Oats Barley, ton - Shorts, per ton Hay, cheat, new Hay, victch, new ..... Hay, clover, new Butterfat EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execu trl of the estate of Henry D. St. Helen, deceased. AU persons having claims against snid estate are hereby notified to present tne same, proper ty verified in the manner provided by law. at th office of Donald W. Miles, I attorney for the estate, in tho city of Salem, Marion eounty, Oregon, with in six months from the date of the first rmWieation of this notice. The first publication of this notice ii made this 2Nth rtny of Marcn, hub. - ELIZABETH I. ST. HELEN, Donald W. Miles, hxccutnx. Attorney. 503 Salem Bank of Com Bid?. 4-25 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO LitElrlTOBS To all whom it may concern, yon will nlense take notice that the un flnraiirne.l Belle Shantz. has been duly nrmointcd as tho exenitrix of the last ' - : . . . T . - -. . .... . .-j will, teatamenx ana esiaie oi innie lUV"lrJ!'.lS :ZZ. ZiN. Shantz, deceased.. All person, hay ht.wer the complaint . litca agnin ju . . - e,iMt said e,tate wi! pre firs' mihlication of this summons, ana in the above entitled court ano i ; , iwle shantz at 637 within six weeks from the date or we Salem. Oreson. within farket street six months from the date of the first 90c $55 ..... $38 $38 $22a)23 $22(a)23 $2122 42c butter 45c Butterfat Creamery Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot lb(a10ViC Veal, fancy We Steers Cows - 57V4c Bulls - - Rickey News (Capital Journal Special Service) Rickey, Ore, May 9. Mr. and Mrs. II. . Magce and son Lou, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Adams of Polk (Capital Journal Special Service) i Turner, May 9. At the regular moot ing Tuesday closed the year's work for tho Turner auxiliary, aind tho elec tion of officers resulted in the ro-olec-t'on of Dr. Mary Staples chairmnn, Miss Luii'ilei Ifches secretary and Miss Children of the neighborhood Sunduy af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Homer were in Sa lem Saturday evening.- ifrann Lundy who has been ill for Janeue uray treasurer. some tune is able to bo up again. i The junior Red ('rose danice woe well Dr. and Mrs. .Uorefield were Sunday attended and over forty dollars added visitors-at the II. H. Panic's. I to their treasury. ' The Literary Society has been dis- Work turned in was: 29 pairs sox county were week end guests of Mr .and continued un il next fall. lantl twa quults. One quirt was recoiv- Mi K F Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. A. Pursons and child-from the Pleasttnt View Rnl Cross, li'iss Vcnita and Mr. Wilfred Lewis' ren visited Mr, and Mrs. Tony De.San- th,e "he was frm the CloVerdak r.4 ,.,...l t: ... i;fi., . ii Similar. school, and in each block was the name i,f. r Mr. K A. I...tis. I Mr. aim Mrs. S. Dickman and on;lni ra of icig the work, 1, tt,l f!rn inxilinrv mot with! Paul motored to Portland Saturday I T1' hpworth League holds Mrs. Fitzpatrick last Wedn,osday af jer-j v filing to visit their daughters. noon, aud renort a very profitable and; Mrs. A. W. Benigat of SI. Holeug is Spring lambs Ewes Lambs, yearlings ll12c . 57e lOe 31c 30a 22c Eggs and, Poultry Eirgs. t;ade hugs, cash ... Broilers, live tTrnfl Timinil Turkeys, dressed - gjjji0 Turkeys, live, Jo. 1 - Hensf dressed, pound - 3c. Ducks, live -- 2224e Old roostors 1415e Vegetibles Potatoes, old ""t,,1" Potatoes, new - cmoyable time. Ow?n I r.v&lic, Wilfred Ijcwis and. Eu gene Wheelir a, tended the dance at the armory siuuruay evening. Mrs. Tlios. Wallace Bpont the week end with her sonB Bruco and Warren. Mrs. H. H. Paine entertained the a social at ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones Fiidtay evening. ' ' Miss Kincaidi and Miss Gray werei Salem visitors Fmkiy afternoon. l. ,nn.l. nBannilnllnn - 1a1i1 visiting her puronts Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Harris. to Turner Saturday evening to a. tend the dance. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lentz were callers at the E. A. Lewis home Sunday. Flour, hard what 2.85fci3.10 Flour, soft wheat $26' Country butter 4oc Eszs, dozen r. 4 40e Sugar, 11 lbs. for ... Sales limited to $1 PORTLAND MARKET 1 Onions in sack $l.J Ouions, green w Artichokes - Jf Lettuce, crate 'i0 Cabbage - Vje California touiatoes J-a Itliubard Asparagus - c Piws 'e Qt.Inrr tmrVif UC - -1 b if you fail so to appear ana answer . lbli(lflt(ion ol tW, notice. said complaint, plaintiff will apply to Tle fir((t piation of this notice tha court for a decree for the relief, -n thp (;al,itai journal, of Salem, grayed for in the complaint, and for- j oregon, and appears in the issue there- ever quieting title to tne iu""uf i0f ,jatod the 2Stn (lay or jviarcn. jjiio. described real premises: I BELLE 8HANTZ, . Beginning at a point north 44 de- 7iei.utrix of the Last Will, tcsta reea west 62 2-10 feat from the north i ment ani estato of James N. S1"" east corner of tract of land deeded b; I deceascd. V. McClaine and wife to Sarah A. Lef j ond Theo. Lee, her husband July) EXECrjTRIX'8 NOTICE 24th. 1890: thence north 44 degrees Vnti. hereby ffiven that the un- west 62.2 feet; thence south 46 de 'jersi enp,i ,a4 been appointed exeen Fruit Apples Orangps ' Grape fruit Bananas .Strawberries ..: Lemons, box Retail Prices Creamery butter Portland, Or., May 9. Butter, city creamory 44e Eggs, selected local ex. 3537c Heivs 27(a2Hc Broilers 40e 0P80 20c t'beeso triplots 2526c six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. The first publication of this notice is made this V8ttt day of 'EJTACMTi Donald W. Miles. . Attorney for executrix. 503 Salern r 1. .g Pnmmnwfl bid?. 5 IH1UA VI - -- " firrses west 200 feet: thence south 44 t,x nt th ,(-,, of R. H. Westaeott, degrees east 62.2 feet; thence north ' (jcc.a9od. All persons having claims 6 dearees east 200 feet to place of be Lnainst the said estate are hereby no- Yo'uare notified that on the 23rdiv!f!rmedtinPrth(entmanner proyuleTby , JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY ..o -. n . .i. ,t nnnoM W. Miles. vviui'" my oi j-eoruary, jio, wurt- jaw ai inn unn-o u, - - intmiTii nritrtt 1 no .ngham, judge of the above entitled 'attorney for the estate in the eity of rmv JQUPWAT WANT ADS conn, made an order in the city of;yaU-m, Marion county, Oregon, withn JUUilUUi aiUll tUfU Daily livestock Market Cattle Receipts 37 Tone of market steady,. unchanged Prime stews $l..2.(ttl5.50 Good to choice steers $14fel5 Medium to good steers $12(ayl3 Fair to medium steers 9.50(x 10.50 Common to fair steer $Hro9 Choice cows and heifers $8(al0 Medium to good cows and heifers 1. 50(0.2.23 $13(8,14 $6fe"S i Fair to medium cows anil heifers $1 .!& 7e j Canners Bulls $6.s0fo,II Calves $H.7513 - . . Stackeis and feeders $8(al0 Hgs Receipts 332 Tone of market sternly, unningfd Prime mixed $17.40(ol765 Medium mixed 17fel7.25 RwiRh heavieti $1616.25 Pigs 14.50(t 15.50 Sheep Receipts 70 Tf.ii, i,r market steady, unchanged East of mountain la-mlj $17.50 18.50 Valley laontw 17(S?18 Yearlings $15fS13.50 Wethers $1313.50 Ewes $1212 50 $3 $6-50(0,7 ... 50e Gates News ening. by Shipping Bos Two Billions Asked One Company Will Build One Hundred and Sixty Washington; May 9. To stimulate production, the shipping board has en tered into new contracts for 160 five thousand ton lii with the Submarine Boat emtipniiy of Newark; N. J,, plac ' ing tho entire responsibility for the work up to tho company. Under the new arrangement, tho company will be paid $960,000 each for the t.hips exclusive of a fee of $50,00 for each ship. Tho original estimate of the cost of the- ships was $750,000 each, with an authorized profit of $37,500 a ship. Government supervi&ion of the work will apply s before. The new contract will apply to the Submarine Boat com pany alone, and no change was con templated at Hog Island or other yards. Announcement of the change in con tracts with the Submarino Boat com pany was made to the senate commerce committee today by Charles M. Schwab and Chairman Hurley of the shipping' board. (Capital Journal Special Service) Gates, May 9. Miss Kerns went to Stayton Tuesday to sec a doctor. Mrs. McDonald is teaching school until her return. S. C. Dike has rented his place to Geo- McOordy, who will take posses sion soon. Edd Collins has gone to Livesleys amp to work this summer; he will move his fainiily up when school is out. Bert. Heseman brought his boy home from Alitany. who has been under the doctor care for IS months. The Sery mill will be rumiing soon; they are making some repairs. There are a few cases of liberty measles in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mis. Hoy Mcllonnld motor ed to Lebanon Saturday, returning Sunday. The Red Cross auxiliary met at the Gates Orange) hall Friday afternoon. Mi. Ross is quite sick at her home, near Gate?. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson motor ed to Salem Sunday, returning Tues day. Th infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Davis (tied at their home near Gates, Monday. I. V. Kahe has moved in the Grafe house. Mrs. Frank Cramer was visiting friends in Gaties Sunday, returning to her home at Rcdna Monday. Ed Ollins expects to move his fam ily to Ri'dne tbw week, where he is working in the camp this summer. Anyhow, muses Hie New York Morn ing Telegram, the war has made an end of the complaint that all the pro fessions are over crowded, and justi fied the sometime dubious assurance that "there's always room at the front-" Washington, May 8.--jnerica'() shipr building bill for the fis al year of 1918 19 will be $2,223,835,000, Chaiiinan Hur ley of '.'lie shipping beard today inform ed tho house appropriations committM. In askinir for tho annrpriation Hur ley said all but $835,000 would be UBed directly for the production of ships. Tho estimates are more than double the amount eongrcss appropriated last y,Rr$890,000,000. Tho figures submit ted voday are also ai'Oiit ou,uuu,uuu more than the original stiniutes of the board. The total request was divided as follows: General construction of ships, $1,386 100,000. Purchasing, requisitioning and leas ing of shipbuilding plants, $652,000,000. Concrete ship construction, $35,000,- ooo. Purchasing, requisitioning or leasing r,f land $50,000,000. Operafion of ho ships of the mer chant marine $5,000,000. For shipbuilding plans, $',000.000. ftlilfwnrrla in fnrniirn ennntrifls $55. I i - o- . ' Nffp-aiiiing merchant marine erews $10,- I it'n niA Increasing port facilities $2,000,000. For expenses of the board $835,000t The amount for the gemcral construc tion of ships is about $800,000,000 more than was appropriated last year. The final estimate for" the purchasing, re quisitioning and leasing of shipbuilding plan's was increased from the $165,000,, 000, the original estimate this year, to $652,000,000. ib3 estimates indicate no compara tively great number of concrete ships will be birtlt. Yankee aviators, it seems, a doing wmie h H'h and fancy flyinf. BABY CHIX "We hm the reputation in PettJiim of tundliog thefantUyint ilock. Let tu prwre Qui to you. Buy notHr cheapest, but tha beat- Write foe uiomaiwa.' Petalum, California f JZ Heavy Winter Ltyeri Tzt fWAnfrM a A. C. wrriite le-arum itraia w have r I 4S tha am thrw -Math. L.. nn (M 2i) vmm. Whu today ( pgH-1 cui wJI do) (four -Xl'caI . . u 1 neat cracu wm omk wavy wxucfiajwir f WHtTR I FC.HORNS BABY CHICKS Wrt- totUr ! t J.'.k. f ww l.ri d -Jli p6t.. WE PAY J EXPRESS CHARGES THE BIHN HATCHERY Urit - tkt WM Ci-c, CkUi. PETALUMA. CAU